Indies in Print: Using Ingram to Get Your Books in Bookstores

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Indies in Print: Using Ingram to Get Your Books in Bookstores Indies in print: Using Ingram to get your books in bookstores 1 The Workshop In this workshop, we will deal primarily with the PRINT aspects of your books, which is an area with options that need to be understood by Indie Writers in order to benefit from having a print version of an eBook. Other issues to be explored today will be Navigating the publishing platform, The importance of your ISBN numbers, pre-orders and the print publishing of backlist titles. The information presented today, will come from: David Wind, Indie Author and Justine Bylo, Author Acquisitions Manager, IngramSpark 2 As an Indie writer/author, or hybrid author, you are the target of endless advertising, ceaseless promotions, and unending targeted attempts to get your dollars as you fight to get your books in front of readers. Unlike traditional publishing, where you as the writer/author, do not have a lot of input into the distribution and marketing of your books, being Independent Writer/Author/Publisher, allows you to have full control over your books. This means that from inception, to publishing and production, to promotions and advertising, you need to know exactly what you are doing, how to do it, and why you will do it in certain ways. The Pros of using IngramSpark for print IngramSpark distribution includes access to between 39,000+ retailers, libraries, schools and universities. IngramSpark, has direct shipping and global delivery. IngramSpark distributes to Canada from the U.S. IngramSpark maintains print facilities in the UK and Australia. The IngramSpark Global Connect program works with their print partners in China, Germany, Italy, India, Poland, Russia, South Korea. The bookstores in these countries purchase directly from the printers,.” Higher quality product. Unlike Amazon and Barnes and Noble, Ingram does not sell directly to the public. They will act like your eBook aggregator and place your PRINT book into most online bookstores. Bookstores order your book directly from Ingram, which means that booksellers look for strong wholesale discounts, returnability, and prefer to NOT buy from their biggest competitor— Amazon. You can make your book available in hardcover, Paperback, and trade-paperback For the Indie author/publisher, the range of discounts with IngramSpark is between 30% to 55% on print versionsusing this, the Indie author can match or beat traditional publishers, where KDP offers only a 40% discount to its Expanded Distribution program. Libraries order from Baker & Taylor: Amazon will not guarantee librarians have access to your books. 3 The Cons of IngramSpark There is a one-time setup fee at IS of $49 for print or print plus ebook. (Today you will receive a special discount code) Uploading a revised manuscript costs $25 at IngramSpark. Ease of use was great at CS but with KDP, I have found that to not be the case. AT CS there was human support, at KDP you must go through the email help section first. Ingram has human help available for you, 7 days a week. While. Ingram used to be more complicated in creating a cover, and you need their cover template for exact specifications, the same is now true for KDP. It costs $85 to get into the advance Ingram catalogue. One way to handle Print Use KDP for print distribution to Amazon only. Use Ingram for print distribution everywhere else. You can use the same ISBN number for both print editions. Order your proof copies at Ingram since they don’t say “Proof” or “Not for Resale” like KDP. Also, KDP limits your proofs to five copies. What’s the difference between IngramSpark and Lightning Source? The best way to look at this is: IngramSpark is IngramSpark combines Lighting Source print-on-demand services with e-book distribution. This gives indie authors a single platform to manage both print and electronic titles. IngramSpark and Lightning Source offer the same trim sizes and binding types, plus they both allow for trade discounts on titles. IngramSpark is designed as a self-service model with reduced pricing for title setup, and as such it may be more user friendly. Royalty statements in either case come from Lightning Source. Other Print Options KDP – Paperback Program Learn more at Benefits of publishing paperbacks with KDP include: Reach readers through Amazon websites in the US, Europe, and Japan. Royalties: 60% of List Price minus Printing Costs Rights: Non-exclusive agreement. Publish your paperback for international sale in just a few days. Physical proofs and author copies are available. Unlike CS, your KDP proof and author copies for the UK and Europe will now be printed and shipped from within Europe. For author’s copies, you pay printing costs plus shipping and tax. Use your own ISBN, or KDP can supply one for you. If you choose this latter option, the Publisher field on your paperback's Amazon detail page will read “Independently published.” This free ISBN can only be used on KDP for distribution to Amazon and its 4 partners. It cannot be used with another publisher or self-publishing service. If you use your own ISBN, KDP will check to see if your imprint matches what is on file at Bowker. You will not be able to publish your book if there is a mismatch. If you are reprinting your book, the title, author name, and trim size/binding type must stay the same. The ISBN cannot be changed after publication. With KDP, there can be NO variance on the title, from the cover to the title page. Resource: Barnes & Noble Press Barnes and Noble Press is a new self-publishing platform that combines their eBook and POD platforms into a single site. This replaces Nook Press and their previous print program. For a complete list of new features, visit and Draft2Digital. Royalty rates on ebooks at Ingram are only 40% compared to 70% at KDP (depending on your book’s price). How to Use IngramSpark Open a free account at IngramSpark. See if a coupon code is available for title setup. This is a one-time fee of $49 for print or print and ebook. Your book will be available for as long as you choose to keep it in their system. Title setup fee is refunded with one single order of 50+ print copies within the first 60 days of setup. Don’t forget to put your imprint as the publisher or company. Decide your trim size (i.e. 8.5 x 5.5) and format (trade paperback). Hardcover options are available with a laminated cover or full dust jacket. For paperback, choose perfect bound for the binding, meaning the spine is glued and not stapled. Choose black and white interior, and pages to be cream or white (white is my choice). Laminated cover with gloss or matte finish (I like gloss). Go to the Help page, find Tools, then find the Cover Template Generator. Fill out the form. Will you upload an InDesign or a pdf file? If the latter, save cover as pdf. You will need the page count, ISBN and price. They’ll email you the cover template. Cover requirements differ from Createspace in regard to the spine. Remember you need a separate ISBN for paperback, hardcover, and digital editions. Global Connect Program: Pricing using Currency Converter and rounding up: 14.99 USD 11.99 GBP (UK) 12.99 EUR 19.99 CAD 19.99 AUD Your book file will need to be a pdf file with embedded fonts. This ensures that no matter what fonts a reader has on their device, they'll be able to see the file as you intend it to be seen. 5 Upload a pdf file for the book and one for the cover. You can use the same ISBN number for your print versions at KDP and Ingram. You need a separate one for the ebook edition. According to their user guide, the Publication Date is when you plan to make the book available for purchase to bookstores, libraries and online retailers. The On Sale Date is the date that you mean to release a title to be printed and delivered. This should be a date set the same as or later than the Publication Date. My advice is to make them both the same. If you want to do pre-orders, set the Publication date and the On Sale date to the same date in the future. This will be the actual release date. Ordering Physical Proof Copies You have to approve the ebook proof before you can order a physical proof. After you approve the pdf file, go back to your Dashboard, click on the Order link by your book title. One book retail price $14.99 costs $4.66 + $1.99 handling = $6.65 + $3.80 shipping + $.40 tax = $10.85. Economy service at $4.66 means it takes up to 5 days to print the book. For $5.13 express service, you can get it shipped within 2 business days. Or use rush service at $6.06 for shipping in 1 day. Basic Shipping Cost is $3.80 takes 7 – 10 business days and is not trackable. Residential Ground $13.36 and takes 1 – 6 business days and is trackable. 5 books would cost $32.81 at the cheapest rate. 28 books per carton. For 5 books with trackable shipping, it costs or about $8.40 per book or $41.97 total.
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