" Grape Root Borer: a Review of the Life Cycle and Strategies For

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F EATURE Grape Root Borer: A Review of the Life Cycle and Strategies for Integrated Control William C. Olien1 Department of Horticulture, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0375 Barbara J. Smith U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Small Fruit Research Station, Box 287, Poplarville, MS 39470 C. Patrick Hegwood, Jr. Mississippi State University, Truck Crops Branch Experiment Station, Box 231, Crystal Springs, MS 39059 Grape root borer (Vitacea polistiformis agement and should not be delayed until the the last instar larvae spin a cocoon »3 to 4 cm Harris) (GRB) is native to the eastern United presence of GRB is detected. long near the soil surface. pupae are distrib- States, roughly south of a line from Vermont uted evenly around the trunk, decreasing ex- to Minnesota, and has long been an important LIFE CYCLE AND VINE INJURY ponentially with increasing radius from the pest of grapes (All et al., 1987; Clark and Enns, trunk (Dutcher and All, 1978b). About 50%. 1964; Dutcher and All, 1976; McGiffen and Brooks (1907), Clark and Enns ( 1964), and are found within 12 cm and 90% within 35 cm Neunzig, 1985; Pellet, 1975). The species Sarai (1972) described essential aspects of the of the trunk, but some pupae are found as far as name is indicative of this clear-winged moth’s GRB life cycle, including mortality estimates 1 m from the trunk. Pupation occurs over 30 to resemblance to Polistes spp. wasps in colora- at each stage, response to environmental con- 45 days from early June to mid July. At the end tion, body shape, and flight habit (Brooks, ditions, and suspected pathogens and preda- of this period, pupae emerge half way out of 1907). However, the moth does not have the tors of GRB. the cocoon, with their anterior end extending wasp’s distinctive narrow abdomen. GRB’s The GRB reproductive process begins as above the soil. The pupal skin then splits and host range is restricted to Vitis spp. Vineyard female moths emit a pheromone complex to the adults emerge. The combined cocoon and infestations commonly originate from GRB attract males (Schwarz et al., 1983; Snow et pupal cast near the trunk is evidence of GRB populations in wild grapes that grow abun- al., 1987). After mating, the female oviposits infestation in a vineyard. dantly in the GRB distribution (All et al., from 200 to 500 eggs over an average of 8 Adult moths emerge from the soil between 1987) region. Some states have reported se- days, depositing them singly on soil, weeds, early summer and early fall. This period is vere reductions in grape yields, and some and grape foliage (Dutcher and All, 1978a). shorter in dry, warm years and longer in wet, vineyards have been completely replanted Dutcher and All (1978b) estimated that »50% cool years (Clark and Enns, 1964). Emergence (Dutcher and All, 1976; McGiffen and of the eggs are laid in the first day. The female takes longer in wet, cool years because adults Neunzig, 1985; Pellet, 1975). Other areas have is initially sluggish in flight due to the weight tend to emerge during drier periods. Emer- ceased grape production because of this vest of the egg mass; therefore, she deposits most gence duration also increases from the north- (Pollet,1975). Early reports stated that musca- of the eggs near the vine trunk. As egg depo- ern to the southern end of GRB distribution, dine grapes (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) were sition continues, she can fly more efficiently ranging from 2 months in New Jersey, Mary- immune to GRB, but these were later found to and distribute the remaining eggs at consider- land, and Pennsylvania to 6 months in Florida be erroneous (Wylie and Johnson, 1978). able distances from where she emerged and (Snow et al., 1991). The period of adult emer- GRB has been a difficult pest to detect and mated (Clark and Enns, 1964). gence is distributed around a single peak in control because it spends most of its life cycle Eggs hatch in »20 days, and first-instar northern GRB regions, but two peaks gener- underground, feeding on grape roots and the larvae immediately burrow into the soil in ally occurred toward the southern end of the trunk crown (All and Dutcher, 1977; Clark and search of grape roots. Newly hatched larvae GRB range. Enns, 1964). Vineyards are usually infested must find grape roots to survive, but they show Dutcher and All (1978d) developed a over several seasons (Dutcher and All, 1976). no preference for any vine age or root size. model, based on degree days (10C base tem- Symptoms of vine decline may not be evident GRB larvae may pass through six instars perature) and sugar accumulation in ‘Con- for several seasons after initial infestation (McGiffen and Neunzig, 1985) and remain in cord’ grape berries, to predict time of adult (Dutcher and All, 1976; Pellet, 1975), or the the soil, feeding on grape roots, for 1 to 3 years emergence in Georgia. However, Snow et al. vine may be killed by a single GRB if the trunk (average of 22 months) (Clark and Enns, 1964; (1991) found that adult GRB moths emerged is girdled at the base (Dutcher and All, 1979). Sarai, 1972). The larvae begin feeding on the later in the year as one moved south from Dutcher and All (1979) estimated that a single inner bark and consume all tissues within the Pennsylvania to Florida. Webb et al. (1992) GRB larvae consuming 21 % of the outer cir- outer bark as they grow. Such injury may concluded that Dutcher and All’s model was cumference of the trunk base would decrease entirely girdle and kill the root or trunk base. correlative for conditions in Georgia, but it did shoot growth and fruit yield by 90%. At least In large roots, larvae may bore tunnels that not predict time of emergence in other regions. 42 larval feeding sites over the root system can extend as far as 1 m (Dutcher and All, 1976) Webb et rd. (1992) suggested that GRB emer- also kill the vine without crown girdling. An and increase in diameter as larvae grow and gence was more likely related to soil tempera- economic threshold for GRB control was esti- progress toward the trunk. If larval feeding ture, moisture, and O2 level and to active mated to be 73 larvae/ha. Thus, control prac- kills a large root, other larvae feeding on roots periods of grape root growth, rather than grow- tices should be part of normal vineyard man- distal to the site of injury will likely die of ing degree days or berry sugar level. A mecha- starvation (Clark and Enns, 1964). However, nistic model of environmental effects on adult Received for publication 11 Dec. 1992. Accepted larvae are capable of migrating short distances GRB emergence might be developed based on for publication 14 June 1993. Technical Contrib- through the soil in search of new grape roots these factors. ution no. 3369 of the South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Clemson Univ. The cost of (Sarai, 1972). Initially, larvae are distributed publishing this paper was defrayed in part by the uniformly over the root system, but migration DETECTING GRB INFESTATION paymentof page charges. Under postal regulations, of the larvae within and between roots tends to this paper therefore must be hereby marked adver- concentrate the later instar larvae near the The four primary methods of detecting tisement solely to indicate this fact. trunk base (Clark and Enns, 1964; Dutcher and GRB infestations in vineyards (All et al.,1987; lTo whom reprint requests should be addressed. All, 1978b; Sarai, 1972). To begin pupation, Dutcher and All, 1979; Schwarz et al., 1983; 1154 HORTSCIENCE , VOL. 28(12), DECEMBER 1993 Snow et al., 1987) are 1) looking for symptoms Environmental factors hide eggs and larvae from predators (All et al.. of vine decline; 2) counting pupal cases within 1987). Weed cover also protects eggs from 60 cm of the trunk of vines that appear to be in Soil temperature and water status have contact with insecticidal sprays. Maintaining decline; 3) excavating a portion of the root been associated with survival rate of eggs and a weed-free environment in the vineyard row, system and counting larvae, feeding sites, and young larvae and with timing and duration of whether by herbicide use or mechanical means, percentage of trunk girdling; and 4) using adult emergence. Extremely high or low soil increases mortality of GRB larvae and emerg- pheromone traps to count adult males present water content increases egg and young larvae ing adults. Survival is further reduced if the in vineyards. Detection can be difficult even mortality. Dry soil combined with high soil soil under the vine is packed and dry (Sarai, with severe infestations, because, in vineyards temperature caused high mortality of eggs and 1972; Townsend, 1990). heavily damaged by GRB for several years, young larvae (Sarai, 1972; Townsend, 1990). Using a mechanical grape hoe to mound GRB populations usually decline as their food Townsend (1990) reported maximum vine- soil (20 to 25 cm deep, »60 cm wide) along the source decreases (Wylie and Johnson, 1978). yard soil temperatures >50 to 60C at a 1.0-cm grape row increased soil depth and controlled Vine symptoms of GRB damage include re- depth in a dry year. Time of seasonal pupation emerging pupae 100% (Sarai, 1969). Mound- duced shoot growth, smaller leaves, fewer and adult emergence also is delayed by high ing must be done only after most of the larvae bunches, and smaller berries. Vines usually temperature (Webb et al., 1992). The adult have spun cocoons, otherwise larvae will con- begin to show symptoms when 5 to 10 years emergence period ceased shortly before au- tinue to migrate to the soil surface.
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