X79 bus time schedule & line map

X79 Irvine - View In Website Mode

The X79 bus line (Irvine - Glasgow) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Glasgow: 6:34 AM (2) Irvine: 5:17 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest X79 bus station near you and nd out when is the next X79 bus arriving.

Direction: Glasgow X79 bus Time Schedule 63 stops Glasgow Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:34 AM Carron Place, Irvine Tuesday 6:34 AM Etive Place, Irvine Wednesday 6:34 AM Leven Place, Irvine Thursday 6:34 AM

Maree Place, Irvine Friday 6:34 AM

Morar Place, Irvine Saturday Not Operational Castlepark Circle, Scotland

Rannoch Place, Irvine

Shiel Place, Irvine X79 bus Info Direction: Glasgow Castlepark Community Centre, Irvine Stops: 63 Trip Duration: 104 min Castlepark Crescent, Irvine Line Summary: Carron Place, Irvine, Etive Place, Irvine, Leven Place, Irvine, Maree Place, Irvine, Morar Castlepark Road, Scotland Place, Irvine, Rannoch Place, Irvine, Shiel Place, Irvine, Castlepark Community Centre, Irvine, Castlepark, Irvine Castlepark Crescent, Irvine, Castlepark, Irvine, Sandy Road, Irvine, Fleming Terrace, Irvine, James Crescent, Sandy Road, Irvine Irvine, Academy Gardens, Irvine, East Road, Irvine, Ballot Road, Irvine, Galt Avenue, Irvine, Clark Drive, Fleming Terrace, Irvine Irvine, Roundabout, Stanecastle, Middleton Road, Stanecastle, Fencedyke School, James Crescent, Irvine , Towerlands Farm Road, Bourtreehill, Towerlands Farm Centre, Bourtreehill, Cairnsmore Academy Gardens, Irvine Way, Bourtreehill, Towerlands Gate, Bourtreehill, Blairdennon Way, Bourtreehill, Station Brae, East Road, Irvine , Station Brae, , Main Street, Bank Street, Irvine Dreghorn, Millbank Row, Dreghorn, Main Street, Dreghorn, Springside Terrace, Springside, Station Ballot Road, Irvine Road, Springside, Kirkland Terrace, Springside, Overtoun Road, Springside, Greenside Avenue, Galt Avenue, Irvine Springside, Paddock View, Crosshouse, Fisher Way, Crosshouse, Kilmaurs Road, Crosshouse, Clark Drive, Irvine Playingeld Road, Crosshouse, Woodbank Road, Crosshouse, Annandale Industrial Estate, Bonnyton, Stanecastle Roundabout, Stanecastle Irvine Road, Bonnyton, Munro Avenue, Bonnyton, Peace Avenue, Bonnyton, Street, Middleton Road, Stanecastle , North Hamilton Street, Kilmarnock, Nelson Street, Kilmarnock, Dunlop Street, Fencedyke School, Bourtreehill Kilmarnock, Bus Station, Kilmarnock, Church Street, Millfore Ct, Scotland Kilmarnock, Wellington Place, Kilmarnock, Cuthbert Place, Kilmarnock, Campbeltown Drive, Beansburn, Towerlands Farm Road, Bourtreehill Burns Avenue, Beansburn, Castle Drive, Beansburn, Grougar Drive, Kilmarnock, Dewalden Drive, Towerlands Farm Centre, Bourtreehill Kilmarnock, Southcraig Holdings, Kilmarnock, Blythswood Street, Glasgow, Waterloo Lane, Bourtreehill Busway, Scotland Glasgow, Bath Street, Glasgow, Buchanan Bus Cairnsmore Way, Bourtreehill Station, Glasgow

Towerlands Gate, Bourtreehill

Blairdennon Way, Bourtreehill

Station Brae, Broomlands Bourtreehill Busway, Scotland

Station Brae, Dreghorn

Main Street, Dreghorn

Millbank Row, Dreghorn Main Street, Scotland

Main Street, Dreghorn

Springside Terrace, Springside Springside Terrace, Scotland

Station Road, Springside

Kirkland Terrace, Springside

Overtoun Road, Springside Springhill Terrace, Scotland

Greenside Avenue, Springside Greenside Terrace, Scotland

Paddock View, Crosshouse

Fisher Way, Crosshouse

Kilmaurs Road, Crosshouse

Playingeld Road, Crosshouse

Woodbank Road, Crosshouse

Annandale Industrial Estate, Bonnyton

Irvine Road, Bonnyton

Munro Avenue, Bonnyton

Peace Avenue, Bonnyton Fullarton Street, Kilmarnock

North Hamilton Street, Kilmarnock

Nelson Street, Kilmarnock Nelson Street, Kilmarnock

Dunlop Street, Kilmarnock Dunlop Street, Kilmarnock

Bus Station, Kilmarnock 20-30 Green Street, Kilmarnock

Church Street, Kilmarnock Union Street, Kilmarnock

Wellington Place, Kilmarnock

Cuthbert Place, Kilmarnock Dean Street, Kilmarnock

Campbeltown Drive, Beansburn Deanhill Lane, Kilmarnock

Burns Avenue, Beansburn

Castle Drive, Beansburn Castle Drive, Scotland

Grougar Drive, Kilmarnock

Dewalden Drive, Kilmarnock

Southcraig Holdings, Kilmarnock

Blythswood Street, Glasgow Bothwell Street, Glasgow

Waterloo Lane, Glasgow 30 Bothwell Street, Glasgow

Bath Street, Glasgow

Buchanan Bus Station, Glasgow Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow Direction: Irvine X79 bus Time Schedule 65 stops Irvine Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:17 PM Buchanan Bus Station, Glasgow Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow Tuesday 5:17 PM

West Regent Lane, Glasgow Wednesday 5:17 PM 121 Wellington Street, Glasgow Thursday 5:17 PM West Campbell Street, Glasgow Friday 5:17 PM Waterloo Street, Glasgow Saturday Not Operational Southcraig Avenue, Kilmarnock

Ochiltree Place, Kilmarnock

Fair Isle Place, Southcraig X79 bus Info Esk Place, Scotland Direction: Irvine Stops: 65 Portree Avenue, Kilmarnock Trip Duration: 99 min Vatersay Place, Scotland Line Summary: Buchanan Bus Station, Glasgow, West Regent Lane, Glasgow, West Campbell Street, Darvel Avenue, Southcraig Glasgow, Southcraig Avenue, Kilmarnock, Ochiltree Dunure Place, Scotland Place, Kilmarnock, Fair Isle Place, Southcraig, Portree Avenue, Kilmarnock, Darvel Avenue, Southcraig, Ochiltree Place, Kilmarnock Ochiltree Place, Kilmarnock, Dewalden Drive, Kilmarnock, Assloss Road, Kilmarnock, Castle Drive, Dewalden Drive, Kilmarnock Beansburn, Burns Avenue, Beansburn, Campbeltown Drive, Beansburn, Blair Cottage, Kilmarnock, Dean Assloss Road, Kilmarnock Lane, Kilmarnock, Dean Street, Kilmarnock, Dean Grougar Gardens, Scotland Lane, Kilmarnock, Bus Station, Kilmarnock, Waterside Road, Kilmarnock, Fullarton Street, Castle Drive, Beansburn Kilmarnock, Street, Bonnyton, Munro Castle Drive, Scotland Avenue, Bonnyton, Annanhill Avenue, Bonnyton, Annandale Industrial Estate, Bonnyton, Woodbank Burns Avenue, Beansburn Road, Crosshouse, Annandale Lane, Crosshouse, Carmel Place, Crosshouse, Paddock View, Campbeltown Drive, Beansburn Crosshouse, Greenside Avenue, Springside, Kirkland Terrace, Springside, Station Road, Springside, Blair Cottage, Kilmarnock Corsehill Terrace, Springside, Main Street, Dreghorn, Millbank Row, Dreghorn, Main Street, Dreghorn, Dean Lane, Kilmarnock Station Brae, Dreghorn, Broomlands Busway, Broomlands, Blairdennon Way, Bourtreehill, Towerlands Gate, Bourtreehill, Bencleuch Place, Dean Street, Kilmarnock Bourtreehill, Towerlands Farm Centre, Bourtreehill, Towerlands Farm, Bourtreehill, Fencedyke School, Dean Lane, Kilmarnock Bourtreehill, Stanecastle Cottage, Stanecastle, Stanecastle Roundabout, Stanecastle, Clark Drive, Bus Station, Kilmarnock Irvine, Galt Avenue, Irvine, Ballot Road, Irvine, Bank 20-30 Green Street, Kilmarnock Street, Irvine, Bridgegate, Irvine, Marress Road, Irvine, Academy Gardens, Irvine, James Crescent, Irvine, Waterside Road, Kilmarnock Fleming Terrace, Irvine, Sandy Road, Irvine, St Marnock's Street, Kilmarnock Castlepark Crescent, Irvine, Castlepark Community Centre, Irvine, Carron Place, Irvine, Etive Place, Irvine, Fullarton Street, Kilmarnock Leven Place, Irvine, Maree Place, Irvine, Morar Place, Irvine, Rannoch Place, Irvine, Shiel Place, Irvine Stevenston Street, Bonnyton Munro Avenue, Bonnyton

Annanhill Avenue, Bonnyton

Annandale Industrial Estate, Bonnyton

Woodbank Road, Crosshouse

Annandale Lane, Crosshouse Annandale Lane, Scotland

Carmel Place, Crosshouse

Paddock View, Crosshouse

Greenside Avenue, Springside Greenside Terrace, Scotland

Kirkland Terrace, Springside Springhill Terrace, Scotland

Station Road, Springside Main Road, Scotland

Corsehill Terrace, Springside

Main Street, Dreghorn

Millbank Row, Dreghorn Main Street, Scotland

Main Street, Dreghorn

Station Brae, Dreghorn

Broomlands Busway, Broomlands Bourtreehill Busway, Scotland

Blairdennon Way, Bourtreehill

Towerlands Gate, Bourtreehill

Bencleuch Place, Bourtreehill

Towerlands Farm Centre, Bourtreehill Bourtreehill Busway, Scotland

Towerlands Farm, Bourtreehill

Fencedyke School, Bourtreehill

Stanecastle Cottage, Stanecastle

Stanecastle Roundabout, Stanecastle

Clark Drive, Irvine

Galt Avenue, Irvine Ballot Road, Irvine

Bank Street, Irvine

Bridgegate, Irvine 10 Bank Street, Irvine

Marress Road, Irvine Burns Street, Irvine

Academy Gardens, Irvine

James Crescent, Irvine

Fleming Terrace, Irvine

Sandy Road, Irvine

Castlepark Crescent, Irvine Castlepark Road, Scotland

Castlepark Community Centre, Irvine

Carron Place, Irvine

Etive Place, Irvine

Leven Place, Irvine

Maree Place, Irvine

Morar Place, Irvine Castlepark Circle, Scotland

Rannoch Place, Irvine

Shiel Place, Irvine X79 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved