Jl U.S. R Readic Raste F (Udsd Ade Si Anctio 5T in U Ons Jtah
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■ I 'r ■ °U E S l E B f jl ■ , A P I - sui'; J ■ , 2 7 1 2 S t-N i ■ nes SWIL o a o r n i n g G o o d n o readices to uIgh tr:ade Sianctioons U.S. r i ast: Today’s forecas g o e s lo ththe heart o f this administratioition’s ef- talks, thc disputelUte over the M otorolii casec said one of the next stc]steps could be the Is and windy. Highs 50 }Loe Angeles 'nines fo rts lo 0open restricted foreign marilaricets to has becom e the: fofo<^ point of the escalatingg reimposition of a lapsed>ed provision in the . ’ > Increasing cloudsinds aj 15 to 30 m iles on tensions betweeneen the worid’s two largestIt U.S. trade code that letslets th e governm ent ■ to 55. Southeast wind WASHINGTON ~ Deciasclaring that “thc U.S. prodjducts.” iministra- economies, slap tariffs on countries!S itil .believes engage hour. Lows near 35. Japanese gbvcrmncnt is goinioing to havc to ... As portsrtraycd by thc Clinton admi Ps9«A3 f govem- The animosityty iis likely to spill over onto0 in unfoirtiade practices.s. ' play fair,” the W hite Housese ssaid Tuesday it tion andd trade experts outside o f g Motorola the broader U.SJ.S.-Japanese dispute over:r Detailing multiple tranirans-Pacific agree- IS prepaid to Impose severaeral hundred m il- m ent, Ihehe case, which involves M( t foreign trade in automoblobiles,^ medical equipment,t, ments made over pa.st)asl decade and then lion dollars worth of sonctiot;tion^ on Japanese Inc., t^pi'pifles the problems that f obstacles enco'un- ’countries3 face when they tiy to enteftefthe lu- insurance service:ices and other iclecommuni-i- broken by Japan before: thcthey could open the products in retaliation for bba — cellular telephone markarkel to Motorola,. - ----------------------------------- ——tcredby-o-U.Srcomnronicat 1 icatibhs-company -crative—— andhighly regulated —-Jopanese-cations Ja issues.— Thus, tho punititnitive steps under considcra-I- Kantor said: “It’s a pcrfccrfcct example o f thc iperty • !^ i n g to sell its cellular tcIqAonctcic scrvicc market. ing only days after Presidentnt (Clinton tion are likely to 1b e only the first in a ^ c sis closed market in Japan.” Water vs. prop( in Tokyo. Cominj truce Newcomb’s fa- ' Morihiro of responses to Japan’s refusal to bringg Japan's failure to liveivc up to the agrcc- Two of Rep. Bru( “We will act wilh dispatclolch'," U.S. Trade and Japapanese Prime Minister M< Toundwater protection they had down ils $60 bill:billion trade surplus wilh the1C mcnts has kept the compampany from becom- vorite issues — grou Representative Mickey KaKanWr said. “... Hosokawiw a ack n o w led g ed that thc :rty rights — collided I : in trade United States. AAd dm inistration officials havc and private property This is an extremely imporportant issue that been una'lablc to break a stalemate ii c ■ s Pleaseise see TRADE/A2 Tuesday. PagaBI Democrat seek!:ks top office run Twin FFaUs’ cher brought a lunch Golden ri Ron Bcitclspacheicial announcement of bucket to his officia[daho governor. his candidacy for Idol Pa9«B1 bond rsrating luditbrium bid Board O K s aut icd to have this." John state’s best1 ' ‘Tm , very pleasedvin Falls School Board Roper told the Twin)id on the John Roper fls It accepted a bid New desijjignationj^ /A uditorium . ____________---------------------------- saves cityy money; on libraryy issue ops Minico Twin Falls stop By Mick Normington iketbal! team defeated Times-Ncws writer Twin Falls basketrsday night in the open- Minico 39-30 TuesdaClass A-1 Region 111 TWIN FALLS - Mood;aody’s Investors Ser- ing round o f the iment.CI: vicc Inc. raised ihc ratiratings oii thc city’s; Basketball Toumamc PafltDI bonds from single.A, to single AI -'the highest municipal ratinglg irin the state. Jordan’s joumrney The higher rating allow<[owed the Cily Coun-; begins his long trek lo - ' cil Monday night to refin■cfinancc some o f its; Michael Jordan mbcj ajor Ic a g u ^ ittc r^ ^ 1989 bonds on the librarDrary and save thou- ward becoming a maj interest, said Gary «*l sands of dollars in intc Evans, city financc dircctcector. Diann Roffe-Stelite ln ro tte r o f t h e U nited The higher bond ratinging lets the cily to re- . S ta te s te a m eklnk lm s d o w n th e w o m e n ’sBSU- i .. finance its outstandingg bibonds at lower in- per-grand slalonlom course, right, at KvitfItqell, terest rates becausc thcic cicity is seen as less hat’s criticol with in- Ospitality Non(vay, cn her\e r w a y t o a 1 :2 2 .1 5 tim e • of a credit risk. And that’ Hagerman liOsj it-the gold medal In that R l r / ^ 9 terest rates now going backbac up. w h ic h w o n hel-tl By law. cities can onlynly refinance munici- }h? Head to the JU vcr- Vinter-Olymplcs. Her-tearrim * ------ Crazy about fish? e v e n t o f t h e W in pat bonds once and catcan only rcfinnnce; Bank. Pas* Cl . m a te s ; a b o v e», h(h o is te d h e r t o t h e ir s h o tul- -IBH bonds that arc "callable”le” o r coming due. In ^'^rtrlum ph*. which g:g a v e - . .. rcccni years. Twin Fallsalls has token advan- )rieans ■ )Hf M cond gold medal pfo f t h e . lage of low interest rates;ites and refinanced al- : TWnkSewbr le seM nd In^ alpine akllngig ' . < V . most all of its bonds. So only $900,000 of 'Mardi g a m e s a n d t h e a Create a festive Ml For additional coverage o f , t ' thc Sl.65 million in libraibrary bonds were rc- cohfipetltlon. Foi financed Tuesday, Evansans said. ee pages D-1 and D-3. the Games, see i Those bonds had carricirricd varying interest — rates between 6 pcrccnt:nt aand 9 pcrcent. But _ with thc refinancing,J, tlth o se ou tstan d in g bonds now carry an inl(inlcrcsl rate of 4.15 Mi^m brief pcrccnt. KeepmoratMi Blast att power plant |1Strictaboi) r t i o n l a w “It’s prctiy incrcdibhiiblc thinking about ■ficials w ere pro b ab ly paying 4.15 percentIt tlthrough thc year Twin Falls officiratftrium fanyon-rim _________right tft put n -------2004,’lEvans-said- t (hey should end it as The refinancing wilwill save the city ' development, but di “ g o e s i n f c today’s e d itO M ^ ^ s . injures^;r3n¥ork<ers — 518,000 in interest chai:hargcs immedialely soon as possible, tod and about $111,000 throtilirough the year 2004, Knight-Riddcr NewB Serviccice M i^ Nonmngton U tah H ealth SciencesS. Ccntcr in hc said. Salt Lake City. •First Security Bank o f IIdaho is serving as Times-News writer PHILADELPHIA — Afieifier court battles spanning A hospilal sp<ipokesman there said : J both thc underwriter and financial advisor cd at noon and were • dicodes,dt Pennsylvania’s sOicstrict new abortion law fi- TW IN F A L L S -T h re e c.construc- the men arrived on thc bonds. And First•irst Security had cl al condilion Tuesday nqllyn^: w ent into cfTect Tuesda;uiay. tion workers are in criticalicai condi- listed in critical ready pre-sale agreement;ients lo sell the bonds tearing rooms sccond- and third-de- Iti was m et by confusion, ih clinics and courts and a Duel in the hes tion in a Salt Lake Cityly 1hospital evening with sc< as soon as the City CouCouncil approved the tie fight over a balanced er most o f their bod- lasl-minulelas legol fight. following an explosionn TTuesday gree bums over refinancing, Evans said.id. Both sides in the 1 I for at least a day at many onal amendment resort morning at the Twin Fallsalls Power ies. ' Abortions were delayed foi Jim Wriglcy of Firstit ScSecurity’s securities budget constitution! ; hospital nor Idaho ofof the-statc’s 130-somc abortK)rtion providers so wom- arios and friendly wit- Plant. , Neither the I: ofTlcc in Boise told thcIhc City Council that to extreme scenaric release the names of en 24-hour waiting rule, icarings. Thc three men werec v.working Power would re en could com ply w ith the 24- thc Al rating is thc highhighiwt o f any cily in nesses in Senate hcai sday evening until ibortions, the law hit hard- P .IK A 3 next to a propane gas heaterhca that the men Tuesc For iccn-agcrs seeking abo the state. Thc only olherIher Idaho citics with lood of Soulhcasicm Penn- exploded and sent oill a finfire ball ot their families wcwere notified. cr:cr: A t the Planned Parenthood such a high bond ratingng aare Idaho Falls and I said they arc work- sysylvania clinic in Philadelplelphia, a handful of teens thc landmark w aterfall’s' hyihydroelec- But Stewart s Pocatello, w hich also havhave thc A l ratings, 1 early C co n tr« tin g compa- w( x au se they could n o rco m -_ Kelso retires ei trie p lan t on tb rS n a k e Ri^Rivef, said crs for the TTC w ere sent away in tears twcai • ........ This is also thc highesthcst rating Twin Falls Kelso II agrees to retire - r - p), mciit that’they f a it get pcr- Ciirt Sicivart, Idaho Power.!'er.Co.