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10-23-2003 Arbiter, October 23 Students of Boise State University

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Hammell OnTrial Broncos expected to .opens for Difranco. ori. stomp on.San Jose State A&E-6 -page 2 Sports- 6 FIRST COPY FREE WWW.ARBiTERONLINE.COM VOLUME 16 ISSUE 19 SHomsCAMPUS Mayoral·candidates squ r Volunteers wanted on for twelfth annual BYAMYOlSEN "lnto the Streets" News Reporter event The Arbiter

Boise State University's Boise City mayoral candidates Volunteer Services Board' faced off in a debate broadcasted is organizing its twelfth across the city and surrounding annual "Into the Streets" region from Boise State's Special program on Saturday, Oct. Events Center, Tuesday night, two 25. Students interested weeks before the election. in participating should The four candidates, Dave Bieter, meet in the Student Union Vaughn Killeen, Mohsen "Max" Building dining room at Mohammadi and Chuck Winder 8 a.m. addressed panel questions in the Held on National Make hour-long debate--no mudslinging a Difference Day, "Into involved. the Streets" is a day of Hosted by Idaho News Channel service, cooperation and 7, The Idaho Statesman and change. Each year, Boise The Arbiter, the debate focused State University students, on questions from journalists, faculty and staff show the citizens and pre-written questions Treasure Valley the positive from audience members. Each effect they can have on the candidate had between 30 to 45 community. Last year over seconds (depending upon the 270 students participated question) to respond and one and assisted 23 non-profit minute for closing statements. local agencies. . The main issues presented in the On the day of the event, debate included transportation, volunteers will meet in the local government keeping in touch SUB dining area, have a with citizens, the controversy light breakfast and pick a surrounding Boise Police Chief service project from a list Don Pierce, Boise State University's of over 20. role in the community, the North Between 9 a.m. and 1 End Historical District, the USA p.m. participants will be PATRIOT Act, accountability in actively involved in their government, economic vitality, chosen volunteer activity. transportation and cultural After approximately four diversity. hours of service volunteers Many of the candidates will carpool back to the agreed that Boise State is an SUB, where VSB will host PHaro BY KRISTA ADAMS/THE ARBm:R underused resource in response a small tailgate party for to a journalist's question. Wmder Boise State was recently center stage as Boise mayoral candidates debated issues important to the capitol city. All four of the Into the Streets volunteers and Bieter proposed forming before the BSU/ San Jose candldatesfer mayor attended. Dave Beiter not pictured. a committee between the city football game. See Debate page 2 For questions please contact Hanne Ferber at 426-4248, or by email at [email protected]. AIDS Memorial Quilt Boo at the Zoo moved to Oct. 26 to avoid conflict with BSUgame on display at BSU I Educational exhibit the general public. I To avoid additional Allies Linked for the traffic congestion and memorializes loved Prevention of HIV/AIDS is also I· competition with the San . hosting a fundraiser that is Jose State-Boise State ones who lost the running concurrently with the I football game on Oct. 25, AIDS Memorial Quilt ~xhibit. Boo at the Zoo has been battle The fundraiser is scheduled for moved to Sunday, Oct. BYJASON KAUFFMAN Oct. 22-24, and is being held in 26. The annual Halloween The Arbiter the Student Union Building at party, which runs from 10 News Editor Boise State. a.m.-5 p.m., is sponsored Taylor Newbold, co-chairman by the Friends of Zoo Boise Upon a cursory glance, of a.l.p.h.a. Idaho, hopes that and the Boise Parks & the impact of AIDS in the with the exhibit and fundraiser Recreation Department. community, represented in the happening concurrently, public Boo at the Zoo and the memorial quilt on display at awareness of the dangers of HIV Bronco football game the Student Union in the Hatch will increase. were both scheduled for Ballroom, may not be readily "Our message is that this Saturday, Oct. 25. However, apparent, but upon further epidemic, though overt, is very the originally scheduled inspection individual names insidious, because we're talking kickoff time of 6:05 p.m. and dates appear. These are the about a disease that can take up . . PH01D BY EMILY DESLER/THE ARBm:R was shifted to 1 p.m., names of loved ones that have to 10 years for any palpable signs Four panels of tltOAids Memorial Quilt are currently being displayed in the Hatch Ballroom of the creating the potential for been lost to' the grim struggle to show, and so no one knows SUB. The display will eontlnue'through Oct. 24. traffic problems for football . caused by HIV; the virus that who has it," Newbold said. "Our fans and zoo visitors. causes AIDS. goal is to increase awareness "Save a T-Cell Project." T-Cells donation to a.l.p.h.a, they're. Also running concurrently Boo at the Zoo is Zoo With recognition comes about the HIV epidemic." are part of the immune system not only helping us prevent with both of these events is the Boise's largest event, emotional pause, as the full Created as a silent testimony and help the body fight against HIV; they're also helping to twenty-fifth' Idaho STD/AIDS attended by an average of message of the four panels to those lost in the terrible disease. save another person's I-Cells," conference being held at Boise 7,000 children annually. draped prominently on the walls battle with AIDS, the Memorial Newbold said that HIV targets Newbold said. State on Oct. 23-24. Last year it raised $20,000 becomes apparent. Quilt also serves as a poignant T-Cells, thereby causing a drop Those making donations of$1 Autumn Haynes, for zoo operations. The four panels arrived on reminder of the dangers of the in their numbers, which results or more, in turn receive a sucker student activities program Admission to Boo at the Oct. 19 and are scheduled to disease. in the eventual onset of AIDS. with the words "I saved a T-Cell" Zoo is free for children age stay through Friday, Oct. 24. The See AIDS page 2 The fundraiser is called the "So when a person makes a on it. See Campus page 2 exhibit is open to students and Chuck Winder campaigns to restore honor to mayor's office . council, citizens both residential Winder hopes to retain current taxes right now, we need the downtown to Boise State to BYMONICA PRICE News reporter and the mayor to and commercial jobs and grow new jobs from dialog to take place," he said the train depot. Hislong-term , , The Arbiter collectively establish properties," WIDder current companies. Winder said Winder has a five, 10 and plan calls for a dedicated financial practices said. his plans include all of Boise, 20-year plan for Boise's transportation system between Chuck Winder, a 30-year for the city. Wmder wants not just the downtown area and transportation woes. Wmder Boise and Canyon County. veteran of the Boise business Winder hopes to make Bois~ a shopping malls. wants to work with employers Wmder has had a long community is campaigning for to make Boise's business-friendly Like other candidates, Wmder to encourage the use of public relationship with BSU. He has the position of mayor of Boise financial activity environment. Job wants to see more dedication transportation in the daily contributed to· scholarships, t . with the slogan, "Bringing transparent from retention sits high to neighborhood reinvestment. grind to and from work. Express taken classes, helped fund t•. honor to the office." '. the. inside out. The on his economic Winder believes the current buses from Nampa, Caldwell the Pavilion and The Morison "No mayor or city council can people participating plan. Historically, amount of neighborhood and Eagle going straight to Center, and served on the BSU reestablish the trust on their would rebuild Winder said, nine reinvestment is insignificant, employers' doorstep without Foundation. own, it's going to take active the trust with the out of 10 jobs have Winder believes the city transfers, are included in his Winder encourages everyone .' ! i participation of the citizens of public,' letting the Chuck Winder been created .by council and the mayor's office short -term plan. to participate' in this .year's Boise," Winder said. community know businesses that are need to place higher priority "We need to make our transit election. He believes' state I j WIDder wants to bring the' the ri&ht procedures are in already here. . . on reinvesting in existing system more convenient for and local gOvernment can bestpri,lct\Cesof,the.public place, WIDder said. Part or Winder's economic neighborhoods. employees by taking,; them providlqnany'internships and .1' and private ...sectors'i to' guide "We need to deal with how plan includes making Boise an Wmder. proposes starting from their neighborhoods to jobs for· B()ise State graduates. Boise'sfinan:.ial decision~. fart to run the city' as efficiently easy place to do business. by a citywide dialogue ••for a place.ofwork with out delays of ~Particlpation •.•••.in ..•loci.d of his plan mcludesbllnging ... as.iposslble, try to slow. the reducing the amountortime neighborhood relnvestment transfers,"Wmdersaid; ...•...•..•.....•...·.•..•gqwrnmlmQs-veryimp0rtalit, -,l--\.+ together the state control1~r,. growth . of. . city .governmimfaridhasslebusmessesmcur' levy,much like tl1efoothillslevy.Winder',an,jmpacton-,yoR~a.Ch J i :

chief financi~.:~!..~~,r~' •.~~·'~.~,.,.;and relld.u.ce•...••• blUJ;ld.eljnllo.n.lwlhlelnl···lwlo.rkinl·l·mgll··.WI·••gj·gthlle•.C.i.ty.i·.·I'Whi.I·llelnlo.olnlelwBanltlsltlo~·il'lUI·lsem~~~olraal·C~lrculjlarl'!l!b~UISI'~SYSRteml'I'·1·frol'lm•• ;I?I·a:IY.I~·Ii~~~.III'Ill·III1I·It, 1. m1

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with terrorist threats. Other candidates didn't directly Debate oppose the act, but assured from page 1 viewers that they wouldn't . allow civil liberties to be taken council and tlle department away or violated. heads of Boise State. Economic vitality was Oct. 8, 2:30 p.m. A student's The candidates expressed another concern. The issue vehicle parked at the comer of significantly different attitudes sprung from a question about Joyce and Potter had its window toward the other issues. raising the minimum wage in broken out. This vandalism Mohamniadi, who has been Boise. Winder, a businessman, occurred on Oct. 7. labeled as a good gUy but responded, "It's a tough time not to be -taken seriously, to talk about wages right now." Oct. 8, 5:10 p.m, A minor hit responded to most questions The other three said that one of PHOTO BY KRISTA ADAMS,!1HE ARBITER and run accident occurred in with .passion. "I am a born their goals would be to spur the the circle parking area in front leader," he said, acting on economy to get better, good- A panel of ioumelists took turns quizzing the mayoral candidates on their positions ranging from the of the Student Union Building. a question that concerned paying jobs in Boise. Patriot Act to management style. common perceptions about his As for the potential legacy Oct. 8, 7 p.m, A hit and run campaign. "I am no underdog." Mohsen "Max" Mohammadl of each of the candidates, the Dave Bleter Occupation: Owner of Cazba restaurant occurred by the Morrison The North End Historical answers ranged across the Occupation: Attorney, Idaho House of Representatives Center. Age: 42 District, which all of the board. Bieter believed that he (D-Dist.9) FamlJy: Divorced, two daughters candidates agreed should be would be remembered as the Age: 43 Education: business administration at Eastern Oct. 9, 5:40 p.m, A purse was kept as it is or be expanded, was Family: Julia, wife' orte who made City Hall "right." Education: University of St.Thomas, BA and a law Oregon State University stolen from the Student Union another question asked by an Killeen joked that he would fix degree from the University ofIdaho Building. audience member. Said WIDder, the traffic signals; Mohammadi "Historical preservation is part expressed that he would be Chuck Winder Occupation: Businessman Oct, 10,2:10 p.m, Four kayaks of our culture." the "common man" candidate; Vaughn Killeen were reported stolen from the Occupation: Ada County Sheriff since 1984 Age: 57 Another hot issue was the and Winder determined that . Family: Dianne, wife and two children Student REC Center. USA PATRIOf Act, which Bieter he would be known for getting Age: 57 FamUy: Celeste, wife and four kids Education: BAin political science and pre-law from vehemently disagreed with. He kids involved in the city. Education: BAin geography from California State the College of Idaho. Oct, 10,3 p.OL A vandalism said "good, hard police work" University, iaw enforcement training in Idaho, was reported at the University is the efficient way to deal California and the pm National Academy owned apartments; the unknown suspect wrote obscenities on an apartment door. Campus AIDS from page 1 from page 1 in the first of a series of international trade Oct. 11, 12:45 p.m, A theft was association for corporate 3 and younger, $2.30 for 4-11, to both the campus and "Point of View" journals. For reported from the Student coordinator, sald awareness of HIV accounting and finance '$4.80 for 12·61 and $2.55 for community, to address issues publication information, visit Union Building. Parts of the is very important. "College students, professionals. Twenty-one seniors. Friends of Zoo Boise in contemporary society and contents of the victim's purse specifically, are at a high risk of financial executives from members are admitted free to explore diverse points of pointofview. were stolen. infection of HIV because they believe around the 'nation were with a pass and photo 10. view. they are not," she said. honored this year as flnancial For more information, Submissions should Oct. ll, 9:30 p.m, A purse was Haynes. hopes that students realize Boise State official call 384·4125 or visit address the theme "Mass leaders. stolen at the Football Stadium that even though they may think they named top executive Pearson has been at Media and Pop Culture," during the game. are invincible to the threat posed by for 2003 . Boise State for eight years zoo. and are due by 5 p.m. Nov. the AIDS virus, they are not. 1. Proposals must include: and currently" oversees Oct. 14,5:50 p.m. A hit and run Anyone and everyone should go and name, phone number, e- Stacy Pearson, Boise State the university's financial occurred in the Chaffee Hall view the panels, Haynes said, if for no Boise State seeks mail address, working title University associate vice operations, including budget Parking Lot. other reason than to realize that AIDS papers, presentations of the paper or project, presidentl controller, has and controller's office and does affect their community. for "Point Of View" brief explanation of the been named 2003 Financial risk management. She also Oct. 15,4:20 p.m, A bicycle was Haynes said the quilts now submitter's "point of view" Executive of the Year by the serves on multiple executive reported stolen from a rack by academic series displayed in the SUB, a small portion and the structure they intend Pacific Northwest Council of committees on campus, the Education Building. of the over 44,000 panels, include Boise State University to utilize and any supplies the Institute of Management is active in the Western tributes to some of Idaho's own sons Student Union and Activities or technical requirements Accountants. Association of College and I Oct. 17,3 p.m, A bicycle was and daughters lost to AIDS. seeks papers, panels, needed for the presentation. The honor was listed in the University Business Officers ,I reported stolen from a rack by "We have a responsibility to artistic representations Submit proposals to. Wall Street Journal and in and serves as faculty for I Towers Dorm. This occurred ourselves, certainly, but we also have and presentations for its Autumn Haynes, Boise State the October 2003 edition of the WACUBO Business sometime around Oct. 10. a responsibility to the people we love," first ever "Point of View" University Student Activities Strategic Finance Magazine Management Institute. Haynes said. "Maybe we can help academic series, slated Office, 1910 University Dr., at www.strategicfInancema Pearson is a graduate The Ada County Sheriff's protect them." for Dec. 1·4 in the Special Boise, 10 83725·1335. Those, of the master of public office would like to remind all Events Center. The goal is selected will be notified by The Institute of administration program at students that bike registrations Infonnation on all tile week's events and to create an academically Nov. 14. Selected submissions Management Accountants Boise State and a Certified are free, fast and effective. a.l.p.h.a. 'sSave a T-Cell Project can be focused program, open will be bound and published (lMA) is the leading Public Accountant. Contact the sheriff's substation found at, or by calling 424- 7799. for more information.

\ I ON HE GREEDY BASTARD TOUR ANOTHER S11JPID EVENING.., Saturrdav December 6th ElillPTiOn TdEO-raE Tickets available at all Ticketweb and Select-a-5eat locations or by calling 466-TIXX,331-TIXS Oronline ; . at

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BYJASON KAUFFMAN of Boise's famous backdrop. .Soars at News Editor Forest and interspersed The Arbiter. meadows become the. rule near the crest of the foothills Imagine a landscape where near Boise's closest ski area, Public the vibrancy of an urban Bogus Basin. In these upper environment melds quite elevations recreation is limited searnlessly into a picturesque to summer and early fall and semi-wild landscape. A months unless one is on ski, Colleges landscape where recreationists snowshoe or any other across- need only put forth a relatively the-snow mode of travel. minor effort to escape the With trails that span over 75 BY MICHAEL DOBBS The Washington Post bounds of their everyday lives. miles, and range from leisurely The Los Angeles Times- Sound farfetched? to highly strenuous, Boise Washington Post News Service - Far from it, as this recreationists have a plethora description could be one of the of options available right in WASHINGTON --Tuition many Chamber of Commerce their backyard. costs at public colleges rose promotional ads that have Tim Breuer, interagency PHOTO BY JASON KAUFFMAN/THE ARBITER more rapidly last year than at helped to attract tourists and trails coordinator for The Ridge any time over the past three new arrivals to Boise. to Rivers Partnership, highly The semi-wild landscape of the vast Boise foothills are home to an abundance of recreational decades, according to a new Within miles of Boise's city recommends that anyone opportunities situated next door to the capital city. report released Tuesday. After limits another world can be looking for a beautiful fall Ridge to Rivers trail system adjusting for inflation, costs found where the sounds of the hike consider making their erosion. He said the Ridge to Springs road above 'Harris were up 13 percent for the year maps can be purchased at city fade away and you can still . way to one of many ridge to Rivers motto is "if there's mud Ranch. This closure extends many local outdoor stores and 47 percent for the past hear the call of the wild. rivers trailheads scattered on your wheels, hooves or from Jan. I to April 15. and bike shops. Further trail decade. Adding considerable throughout the Boise foothills. heels, come back on a dryer Also closed from Dec. I to The annual report by the information can also be attraction and livability to "I find fall to be a very day." Also, several seasonal May 15 is the road above the College Board, which collects found at these shops or at what Boise has to offer is the beautiful time to enjoy the- road and area closures are in 8th S1. extension gate. This the ridge to rivers website at data from more than 4,000 Ridge to Rivers trail system, a foothills and the lighting that affect during portions of winter closure covers motor vehicles institutions. said tuition and WW\ collaborative effort between occurs this time of year," Breuer to protect wintering wildlife only; recreationists can still go fees also rose substantially last various local,' state and federal said. "It's quite excellent." and combat erosion. The Boise around or through the gate. year at private colleges and land management agencies. Breuer said the foothills' River Wildlife Management universities, but at a slower rate The area covered by the can be accessed nearly Area is closed in winter due than in the public sector. Ifroom Ridge to Rivers system is year 'round with only a few to wintering big game. The and board costs are included, predominantly grassland in the exceptions: When the trails are approximate boundaries the average student now pays lower elevations and is graced muddy Breuer recommends include the area south of the $26,854 a year to attend a private with an interconnected trail not traveling because of the Rocky Canyon road, north university, and $10,636 to attend system that links the majority possibility of creating trail of highway 21, and Warms a public university in his own state. "College tuition and fees are getting out of control, and we need to do something about it," said Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif., who POTTER has proposed legislation that Q1JADS ON THE PARK would penalize institutions that Off Juanita between "repeatedly engage in exorbitant Personal Bedroom Suites tuition hikes." with Shared Common Area Boise Ave. & University Ave; Accordingto the College Board, 1&2 Bedrooms from $395 the 13 percent real increase in 989 Sherwood tuition at public colleges last (208) 336-8787 from $295 (208) 861-0185 year was "the highest in at least three decades." It followed an RIVER TERRACE inflation-adjusted increase of STEWART ARMS 8 percent the previous year, "a I growth rate that had not been ,I Corner of Martha & At the corner of 14th & River seen for 20 years." I 1&2 Bedrooms from $395 The College Board survey Boise Ave. 1&2 Bedrooms suggests that the rise of tuition from $435.00 feline friendly costs has been particularly rapid in mid-Atlantic and midwestern (208) 338-4345 : l (208) 343-3546 states, as universities scramble to plug deficits caused by declining state appropriations. The University of Maryland increased its prices by21 percent last year and has proposed an 11 percent increase for next year. Costs- at the University of Virginia are nearly 30 percent higher than they were last fall. David Ward, president of the American Council of Education, which represents higher education institutions, described the findings as "rroublesome," but said they did not tell the. whole story. He noted that student aid levels have also risen toa record $105 billion, and the net price of attending a four-year public college after grants and loans is now around $1,700. In an interview Tuesday. Education Secretary Roderick Paige expressed concern about the rising cost of a college education, which he described as "out of whack" with inflation levels, but said he had stilf not decided whether to endorse the McKeon's Affordability in Higher Education Act. The act could result in the withdrawal of. public funding from any institution that increases its ; : tuition fees more than twice the rate of inflation over five years.

DAJr~'3CEOflf a dance-a-thon fundraiser for TREASURE VALLEY PUBLIC ACCESS TV CABLE CHANNEL 11 Wild dancing, coshimes, raffles, haunted house and family fun. Oct 31i Halloween Eve at the Hatch Ballroom inBSU's Student Union. Admission: $5 advance, $10 at the door, $15 couples, $20 family, OR raise $30 in sponsorships (see for details) and get free admission and a T-shirt. TIckets available by phone at 343-UOO or pick up at theTVIV Station, 6225 Overland

or BSU Student Union Information Desk. TheArbiter -. / ..!~ CABLE ~ ·80lil";iilli"·..·.....~. 8JlE .~~ ~.~ OPPEmmlt4ERC9~AN1Es' ANDrBBNSON Editor·{n-Cbief

34WZG4ut.115 ...... COIII THURSDAY) OCTOBER 23, 2003 PAGE 4 .Danger Baby revisited The Arbiter As a former guest tell me how wrong my columnist fortheArbiter, opinion is and how right OELEBRATING I am embarrassed by theirs is. Brian opened 70 YEARS this whole Danger Baby for Nirvana, what has shenanigan. First. off, Danger Baby done Brian is an accomplished besides use a student 1910 University Drive musician, a witty newspaper to make Boise, In 83725 columnist, a great father, themselves "stars"? Phone: 345-8204 and an amazing friend. Sad to say that Idaho Fax: 426-3198 Second, if those of you is still full of wanna-be who accused him of not rockers. doing his homework had Distributed Mondays and done yours, we would Megan Marchetti Thursdays duri~ the academic not have to waste the Former BSU student school year space debating this. I .1 have seen Danger Baby Editor's note and I for one thought Yes, it's true. As a member Editor-in-Chief they sucked. of Aruiety Propbets, Brian did open for Nirvana in This is only my ANDY BENSONxlos 1991 at age 15 wilen tile opinion. Perhaps the seminal grunge played band members can tile now-defunct club Tile Business Manager waste a few more hours Zoo BEN MARTIN x1l7 on a clever letter to

Advisor DR DAN MORRIS xl07 General Manager xlOl harpton anything but boring BRAD ARENDT Managing Editor meekly shuffled back and let Sharpton are satisfied with pandering to older BY AUBREY SALAZAR a crowd pleaser. voters. Why shouldn't they though, On the subject of President Bush continue with his answer. Again, the JESSICA AbAMS xl06 Columnist the Baby Boomers will be the largest The Arbiter and the Iraq war, Sharpton lamented crowd snickered their approval. retiring segment of Americans in U.S. News Editor the unilateral nature of the President's Sharpton knows how to control the history. Lavishing attention on issues JASON KAUFFMAN xl02 The recently actions that has now distraught many .media, and has no inhibitions about like healthcare, prescription drugs, C N N Americans. Sharpton orated in his usual putting them in their place. It's no doubt Medicare and social security. will surely Sports Editor televised street-preacher tone, "Tony Blair and a defensive strategy against the media, payoff come November of 2004. ANDREA TRUJILLO xlOJ Democratic Bush met together and called it a 'World who seem to bask in an endless barrage Not since President Clinton and his Presiden tial .Summit' ...he thinks two men at a phone of attacks on his checkered political A&E Editor frequent visits to the MfV studios and debates in booth is a 'World Summit." past. There were surprisingly no late night talk shows, have we seen any BRIAN MAYER xl04 PhoeniX. The debate crowd obviously delighted moderated questions about Sharpton's presidential candidate care about the made clear in this observation and responded past or from the other candidates Photo Editor generations dubbed "X" and "Y." Yet, that the with roaring laughter. The only other during the Phoenix debate. x12l Sharpton was the only candidate in the MARY DAWSON Reverend A! presidential candidate to top this The other democratic candidates Phoenix debate to mention the words Sharpton will continue to make waves comedic gesture was Senator John should logically see no reason to mouth Production Manager "young voter" in his answers. Sharpton for dle other candidates and the current Kerry, who on the subject of healthcare off to or about Al Sharpton. He poses MIKE ROCHE xlII asserted, "Our margin of victory is in administration. said, "There are only two ways to lower no threat to any of them in the primary younger voters." As a young voter,k this Most of these debates have an air the cost of prescription drugs. hire Rush with the exception of Senator John Assl Production Manager pleases me. Younger voters may not of choreography that could parallel Umbaugh's housekeeper, or elect me ,Edwards of North Carolina. Sharpton DAVID HABBEN xlll be able to nab a presidential victory if a Broadway show. The questions and President." does have potential in the Southern matched up with the Baby Boomer vote. Promotions Manager answers are usually scripted and none Every presidential candidate should states. Another reason is that Sharpton but the Baby Boomers are clearly split, of the candidates sway far from the know that these debates are partly seems' to have a built-in bullshit TERRI STENKAMP x110 and our vote may become increasingly appropriate presidential hopeful attire- show business, and should not shy detector, couple this with his ability to necessary for a democratic win. Office Manager -French-blue shirt and patterned ted away from entertaining. Sharpton takes verbally whip someone at his whim, A! Sharpton won't win this presidential HILARY ROBERTS silk tie. Sharpton seems to know that if full advantage of this. When Sharpton and squaring off with him becomes race, but everyone should agree that he you want to differentiate yourself, you began to answer a question by the dangerous. If Sharpton is politically makes the debates a lot more interesting Receptionist start with your clothing. which is why moderator. Judy Woodruff of CNN. "owned" by anyone. it's himself. and and the other candidates should think LAUREN TUSSING he was the only one on stage wearing a Woodruff cut him off with a follow-up voting segments that none of the other about following his lead in a few areas. white shirt. Though it's evident no one comment. Sharpton immediately shot candidates care about. One of those Online Editor in this race or the media would like to back with, "Now are you going to take segments is young, minority voters. SHAWN SHAFER take Sharpton seriously, he is definitely that off my time. or what?" Woodruff The other eight democratic candidates AD DESIGN Jason McHenry Audrey Desler Ashcroft's actions suggest selective prosecution AD REPS much archeological digging through law Mica Schuster members and allowed themselves to be limited to environmentalists. Consider BYJONATHAN TURLEY books to find. . Special to the Los Angeles Times arrested. They ultimately pleaded guilty the case of three Dominican nuns. Last Mikel Beckham It is also notable that other Los Angeles Times - Washington Post to a misdemeanor and were released. year, Sister Ardeth Platte, 66, Sister Jackie Brandon Beckham organizations have not faced such News Service The wood was unloaded and' everyone Hudson, 68, and Sister Carol Gilbert, 55, attacks. For example, in this same seemed satisfied. participated in a peaceful demonstration REPORTERS judicial district in Florida, the Cuban It has lain dormant in the darkest Everyone, that is, except Ashcroft. for nuclear disarmament. Dustin Scott American group Democracy Movement recesses of American law for 125 years, Fifteen months after the incident, the As part of the protest, the three nuns Jake Hansen organized a protest in which members but this month Attorney General John Justice Department filed an indictment cut through a chain-link fence around Jason Bright sailed into a government-designated Ashcroft introduced critics of the in Miami against the entire Greenpeace a Minuteman III missile silo. There is Michelle Sells security zone. Although the members administration to his latest weapon in organization under the 1872 law, a law only a light fence because the missile Monica Price were charged, the organization was law enforcement. that appears to have been used only is protected by a no·ton concrete Maurice Sapp not. Similarly, other groups viewed In a Miami federal court, the attorney twice. cap designed to withstand a nuclear Danaka Oliver favorably by the administration -- such general charged the environmental A New York court In 1872 described explosion. The nuns proceeded to paint Aaron Haynes as anti-abortion groups -- have not been group Greenpeace under an obscure the law as both "inartistic and obscure." crosses on the cap and symbolically hit it Amy Olsen 1872 law originally intended to end with hammers. They then knelt, prayed, subject to criminal indictments of their Crystal Thomas An Oregon court In 1890 described the practice of "sailor-mongering," or the purpose of the law as preventing sang religious songs and waited for organizations for such protests. The extraordinary effort made to the luring of sailors with liquor and "the evil" of "sailor-mongers [who] get arrest. The most the government could find and use this obscure law strongly ASST. PHOTO EDITOR prostitutes from their ships. Ashcroft on board vessels ... and by the help of allege in terms of damage was $3,000. suggests a campaign of selective Krista Adams plucked the law from obscurity to intoxicants, and the use of other means, But the Ashcroft Justice Department prosecution -- the greatest scourge of punish Greenpeace for boarding a vessel often savoring of violence, get the crews wanted more than compensation and PHOTOGRAPHERS near port in Miami. ashore and leave the vessel without help a common misdemeanor. It charged the the First Amendment. Greenpeace was engaged in a classic Stanley Brewster Not only Is the law being used to to manage or care for her." nuns with obstructing national defense, protest used by countless organizations, Emily Desler prosecute one of the administration's Of course, there did not appear to which subjected each to a potential 30- from those of the civil rights movement Dan Wolf most vocal critics in an unprecedented be many sailors on the APL Jade being year prison term. When the government to anti-abortion groups. It is a way for attack on die First Amendment, but lured out to join Greenpeace. Dut pushed the court to impose sentences citizens to express their opposition COWMNISTS it appears to be part of a broader proceeding against two protesters on of as much as eight year's, the judge by literally standing in the path of the Aubrey Salazer campaign by Ashcroft to protect the trivial misdemeanor charges wasn't refused. But the judge found. as alleged Dustin Scott nation against free speech, a campaign enough for the Justice Department. So by the government, that the three nuns government, None of these organizations contests Dr. Decateur Reed that has converted environmentalists it decided to treat Greenpeace activists had put military personnel "in harm's the right of the government to punish Maurice Sapp into "sailor-mongers" and nuns into not as protesters but as sailor-mongers. way." Accordingly, he imposed on them Michael W. Reed terrorists. Greenpeace could lose its tax-exempt sentences ranging from 2 1/2 years to 3 them for trespass or even criminal misdemeanors. Indeed, they view such Edvin Subasic The case against Greenpeace started status -- a potential death knell for a 112years. . with a protest in April 2002. The activist large public interest organization. A The administration has pursued punishment as a badge of honor. But Ashcroft is seeking symbols EDITORIAL CARTOONIST group was leading an international conviction could also force Greenpeace a similar zero-tolerance policy in of his own: The image of a major David Habben effort to stop the illegal importing of to regularly report its actions to the other cases. It has been accused of mahogany. It believed that a ship, the government. Such a prospect must using unconstitutional "trap-and- environmentalist organization placed on probation or nuns being sent to jail is The Arbiter is the official APL Jade, was engaging in this illegal secretly delight many people in the arrest" tactics to suppress protests In independent student newspaper trade and decided to conduct one of its administration who see the group Washington, D.C., where hundreds of clearly meant to send a chilling message signature demonstrations to protest the journalists, bystanders and student from the man who once accused his of Boise State University. Its as an ever-present irritant. After all, Bush administratlon's failure to stop the it was Greenpeace that held the first protesters were arrested en masse critics of aiding and abetting terrorists. mission is to provide a forum imports. demonstration at the president's without a warning or an opportunity to Unless deterred by Congress or for the discussion of issues In clearly marked boats, Greenpeace ranch after his inauguration, causing disperse. They were then left hog-tied the courts, Ashcroft will continue his campaign to protect Americans from the effecting the BSUcommunity. followed the ship. Two of its members a stir when activists unfurled a banner in holding areas for as long as 20 hours, ravages of free speech. If he succeeds, it The Arbiter's budget consists of boarded the vessel about eight miles reading "Bush: the. Toxic Texan. Don't with their hands bound to their ankles. outside the Miami port, carrying a The Greenpeace case is particularly will not be sailors but free speech that fees paid by the student body and Mess With the Earth." banner that read "President Bush, Stop Since then, Greenpeace has waged chilling because of the extraordinary will be shanghaied in Miami. advertising sales. The first copy illegal Logging." a continual campaign against Bush's effort to find a law that could be used to Turley is a professor of law at George is free. Additional copies can be Such protests are common, and the environmental record. Ashcroft's jihad pursue the organization. The 1872 law purchased for $1 apiece at The two activists wore Greenpeace jackets, against free speech, however, is not is a legal relic that must have required Washington University. Arbiter offices. identified themselves as Greenpeace

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Dinwiddie named WAC offensive playe'r of the week

Boise State quarterback Ryan Dinwiddie, Nevada rover Nick Hawthrone and Rice punter Jared Scruggs were named the Western Athletic Conference offensive, defensive and special teams players of the week, respectively. Dinwiddie, a senior from Elk Grove, Calif. (Elk Grove HS), completed 27-of-36 passes for 509 yards and four touchdowns with no interceptions in a 45- 3 win at SMU. He also scored one rushing touchdown and played in just two and a half quarters of the game. He set two WAC records with 395 passing yards and 399 yards of total offense in the first half, breaking records set by Brigham Young's Jim McMahon in 1980. Dinwiddie also threw a 98-yard non-scoring pass to Lawrence Bady, the longest pass in school history. Hawthrone, a freshman from Sacramento, Calif. (Grant HS), recorded a game-high 10 tackles (eight solo), forced a fumble, returned an interception 37 Boiso State brings their record setting offense back to the blue turf this Saturday against San Jose State. yards and made a tackle for a three-yard loss in Nevada's 28- 21 win at Tulsa, Scruggs, a freshman from Hutto, Texas (Hutto HS), averaged 52.0 yards on four Bronco ho t an Jose tate punts in the game against Navy. Scruggs hit a career-long 73- put some points on the board. But defense is yard punt and now leads the BYANOUEA TUUJILW Sports Editor what truly separates these two WACteams. .WACwith a 45.8-yard average. The Arbiter Boise State's defensive team steps to the field Remaining Bronco football games Other offensive nominees and stops or even shuts out opponents. included junior quarterback The Boise State football team looks to improve San Jose State's defense struggles to slow down, Timmy Chang, Hawai'i; its WAC record to a perfect 4-0 Saturday, when much less control any offensive attack. sophomore - running back the team returns to Bronco Stadium to host San The Bronco defensive team is an asset, while Oct.25 vs. San Jose State (2-4)(1-2) Ryan Moats, Louisiana Tech; jose State. the Spartan defensive squad is a detriment to junior running back Chance The Broncos are bouncing off a 45-3 road win the team. Oct.30 @ BYU (3-5}{2-3 Min. west) Kretschmer, Nevada; and over SMU last weekend, the same SMU team that It could be a long afternoon for the visiting sophomore running back Uril lost to San Jose State two weekends ago, 31-14. Spartans if Dinwiddie gets his team headed in Parrish, Tulsa. Nov.15 vs. Texas-EI Paso (2-5)(1-1) Which means both the Broncos and the Spartans the right direction early. On the defensive side, have successfully hurdled an upset loss to the Last weekend the Bronco quarterback was 27- nominees included freshman WAC'sworst team. of-36, passed for 509 yards, and four touchdowns. Nov.21 @ Fresno State (3-4)(1-1) safety Cam Hall, Boise State; So what's the distinguishing difference between The Bronco ground troops were quiet in their last senior safety Hyrum Peters, Boise State and San Jose State? game. Senior running back David Mikell didn't Nov.29 vs. Nevada (5-2)(3-0) Hawaii; and senior defensive The Broncos sit tied with Nevada (both 3-0), put up the numbers he's capable of. But look back Corey Brazil, Louisiana comfortably atop the WAC standings, whereas for Mikell to step it up and gain his fair share of Dec.6 @ Hawaii (4-3)(3-1) Tech. the Spartans sit in the undesirable lower region yards, probably finding the end zone a time or Special teams nominations of the conference. two, against a less than stellar Spartan defense. included junior place-kicker Both team's offensive units have managed to Kickoff is set for 1:05 p.m. Tyler Jones, Boise State.

MY Bronco luncheons offer good food, good fun

even before I started BYJESSE DAY going. The luncheons are Sports Reporter great place to meet other The Arbiter a Bronco fans, we have a good time and it's easy The Bronco Athletic to make friends there," Association holds a luncheon every week to give back to Madden said. The BAA doesn't Sports Columnist the boosters by providing The Arbiter access to coaches and athletic make any money off the luncheons, the $8.25 administration in a more I was sitting in the SUB, having a conversation with fee for lunch covers the intimate setting. my good friend Beck, who also happens to be the The BAA, Boise State cost of the food, but the captain of the BSU tennis team. We were shooting the University's group responsible association benefits from breeze when he pointed out something interesting the opportunity to get for athletic fundraising, holds their message out to the about the tennis team. luncheons three times a week He told me that on his team there are nine players boosters. All are welcome for fans ofthe Broncos. and only three of them are American. The rest of them The main luncheon is held at the lunches, but BAA are foreigners. I found that to be very interesting. .in the Student Union Building members get a discount at While still sitting there with Beck, Aaron Haynes every Monday at noon. There the pre-game buffet. who plays basketball for BSU, walked up to the table. is also a luncheon in Canyon The BAA is encouraging I asked him how many foreigners were on the Bronco County later in the week, and people to come to the pre- men's basketball team, and he said four. there is always a buffet held in game buffet this weekend That's four out of 14 players, coming from different the Allen Noble Hall of Fame before the Bronco football countries to ball in Boise, Idaho. I told them that it was Gallery before every Bronco game, Madden said. a coincidence. But then I thought about my own team, "If you want to come to home football game. the Bronco football team. These lunches give fans, our buffet get there early, We're starting to recruit a lot of Canadians. Aaron and boosters and media the unique remember the game starts Beck both pointed out that the golf team was mostly opportunity to hear about the at 1:05 p.m. on Saturday." foreign, and the track team has a lot of foreigners. Bronco's athletic endeavors from This raises some interesting questions. Nothing a more personal approach than against our BSU foreigners-owe love having you here- . PHOTO BY STANLEY BREWSTER/THE ARBrTER a newsletter or press release. -but why is there such a shift to recruiting from other Executive Director Bob Boise State brings their record setting offense back to the blue. turf this countries? Madden Jr. of the BAA says this Saturday against San Jose State. Is the talent in the U.S. tapped or is it just too hard to is a good way for people to get get the top recruits so we don't even compete for them? inside information and meet The BAA luncheon has been When you're a kid playing sports and you want to play other true-blue Bronco fans. a staple of the athletic program college ball, they tell you that you need to keep your "This is a good way to get the at Boise State for over 20 years. options open because only a relative handful recieve coaches out there. This gives our Madden said that he has been scholarships. fans access to the coaches, it's attending the luncheons since .Now I'm guessing it's even harder for an American a great way to involve people," 1980, and one of the benefits kid because now you aren't competing with every Madden said. for him was the chance to make other kid in America, you're competing with every kid Bronco boosters flock to the friends with other Bronco fans in the world. BAA luncheon every week to If foreigners are going to contribute to your team's who attended the luncheons. dine with the coaches and to feel "I can remember going to success than hey, do your thing. I just think it's like a true member ofthe Bronco the luncheons back in 1980, of interesting that there are so many foreigners here. team. I hope what I said before about being scared to .course they were being held compete for recruits isn't the case. I know that here in America we have players that are just as good as ~~Bot?eGfocery'Ouliet ·(2b8)'376~?9·53;. the foreigners. I also happen to know that it's easier to .5544 Fairview'Ave. Boise,tD 83,706. recruit in other countries because there isn't as much competition. What is the real reason? I don't have the answer. 30 VearAnniversary


••••• ~C 426-1747_=-~",,= 1173 UniYerslty iiriYe (In the Alumni (enter GO"lm from the stadium) .,I- ...,.....-J?--- ... ~ b, THURSDAY)OetOBER23) 2003

Hamell nTrial: uiltya har

PHOTO BY MARY DAWSON/THE ARBIlER Hamell On Trail opened for Ani Difranco last Sundy, bringing his rowdy sense of rock 'n roll to the Big Easy

fast square dance, but it couldn't be called BV JESSICA ADAMS he assumed of God, demanding to country music by any measure. True, his Managing Editor know, "What part of 'Thou shalt not kill' don't He urged the audience lyrics may border on folksy-but only in that The Arbiter you understand?" Then he urged the audience they relate autobiographical experiences. to break all the cases along the inside walls of Audiences in search of soft' strumming and Having heard Hamell On Trial for the first the venue, grab the guitars and join him on to break all the cases other pleasing sounds, might bethrown by the time earlier that day, I set out to review the stage-he reminded everyone that he was only crude impression Hamell makes. His musical opening act for Ani Difranco Sunday night, joking, of course. From start to finish of his influences include Iggy and the Stooges, Lou with little knowledge of this one-man rock 'n' set, Hamell embodied pure, raw performance. Reed, and the MC5. roll act. As it turns out, Ed Hamell is a mad Although a one-man show, Hamell filled the along the inside walls For years the garrulous and witty Hamell man. By mad, I mean rowdy and obnoxious- stage with his distinctive sound and blue- tried to carve out a niche for his artistic vision in his words, a "self-righteous prick with a big collar, er, tough-guy presence. of the venue, grab the in a blue-collar upstate NewVork town, playing open mouth." What more.can one accuse Hamell On Trial guitar and fronting an all-original band, before Hamell On Trial told jokes and pounded on of being? Comedian, musician, entertainer, going solo. Much like Difranco, he supplies his guitar with vigor your granny would kill for. personality? Guilty on all four charges. He's enough entertainment all on his own. He belted out songs with an enthusiasm that guitars and join him on also one hell of an acoustic guitar player and Hamell on Trial last month released his proves he cares whether or not the audience lyricist; his hilarious and thought-provoking fourth , "Tough Love," on Righteous is listening to his anti-capitalist message-a songs are informed by political and social Babe Records. Prior to "Tough Love," Hamell message not met with controversy at a stage - only joking, of issues met with passion and sincerity. produced "Ed's Not Dead-Hamell Comes Difranco . Hamell was an instant hit at Some have said Hamell On Trial defies all Alive," featuring live recordings on tour with The Big Easy in Boise, Id, musical categories; I'd argue that his style Difranco, on his own label. He opened up the show with a sharp-tongued is a concoction of many genres. Most of the course , attack on the hypocrisy of war, a song in which time he sounds like he's playing for a very

is finished, I don't know. It this kind of discussion is part of define what love is and what that if two people are truly in Dear BAG., a job than lose an opportunity seems to me that if both parties the process of finding emotional constitutes it. It sounds to me love they could wait until the to be in love. It is much easier acknowledge the process of clarity as well as academic like you are not opposed to educational process is finished. I'm not sure hotu I feel to find a new school or to take waiting then the relationship proficiency. student-faculty dating. You are I agree with the professor about faculty-student dating. different classes than it is to find has already begun. That is to If you have something to say writing to me in sharp contrast that the relationship could I do houieuer know that it is love. I would regret not trying a say that if the professor and about this or any other topic to a letter that I received from a be seen as unprofessional or difficult to know uihen dating relationship muclt more than the student state that they are email me at notoriousbag69@y faculty member on the subject. inappropriate in. the eyes ,of is appropriate in any situation. tile loss of a job or an 'F' in a in love but should wait then the class. ' The faculty member has asked others, but so can things like A person never really knows relationship is actuated at that not .to be quoted so I shall blacks and whites dating or what certain' feelings mean. Notoriously, summarize: Faculty dating older people dating younger point. We are told uihat love is in very Love is Rare It is best (safest) to keep students is inappropriate. It people. It is hard to know when loose and uncertain terms. academics and emotions TheB.A.G. can be viewed as sponsoring one is simply making a morality This' is probably because no DearLIR, separated. If you are an favoritism in the class in the judgment. The bottom line is one really knows what love is. emotional wreck your TIle visions of the BAG. are eyes of other students or it could that each case is going to be It is hard enough just trying to Love is very rare, or is it? It is channeled by Dustin Scott and do be seen as an activity facilitated wholly different from any other academics suffer. not reflect tile opinions of the Arbiter find love, let alone figuring out possible that love is all around I am playing the devil's by the professor's position of case. As for two people waiting the faculty or anyone else. whim it is appropriate. I would you and you just don't know it. advocate with this but I think power. The professor also stated until the educational process much rather fail a class or lose like you said, it is difficult to OJial C",apl[!' ISUEmplovees & filii-lillie Students Educators NO monthly service charge, NO per item fees, FEDERAL CREDIT UNION unlimited check writing, NO minimum balance requirement, PLUS we r'l?[~]; I:Jt\ _~ fI pay dividends on your account. -, We have NO surcharge*' AlMs at all four office FREE* ATMs FREE DRAFT AT ALL OUR OFFICES (CHECKING) locations PLUS one in the BSU SUB. & IN THE BSU SUB! ACCOUNTS Accounts Federally Insured to $100,000 by NCUA, an Agency of the U.S. Government

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~,~~"~~,,, ..... -...... -""~" ,.." . .' , . . ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT PAGE 7 -THURSDAY) OCTOBER 23) 2003 uttingDenmark onthe musical map

October 23 2003 November 02 2003 Theatre Barbey Newcastle, England Bristol, England Northumbria Fleece November 16 2003 University Bristol, England. November 03 2003 Academy October 24 2003 Brighton, England Glasgow, Scotland Concorde 2 November 17 2003 Garage Norwich, England November 04 2003 Waterfront October 25 2003 London, England Dublin, Ireland Mean Fiddler November 18 2003 Whelans Glasgow, Scotland November 05 2003 Barrowlands QMU October 26 2003 Amsterdam, Belfast, Ireland Holland November 19 2003 Limelight Melkweg Manchester, England October 28 2003 November 06 2003 Academy 2 . . Manchester, Brussels, Belgium England VK November 21 2003 University Portsmouth, Upcoming tour date's> November 08 2003 England October 29 2003 Lilie, France Pyramid Centre Faa readily.admits it's semi- BY ROD HARMON child, especially '60s rock and early punk. When Norwich, England Aeronef Knight Ridder Newspapers she met Wagner, she found a kindred spirit in his autobiographical. Waterfront November 22 2003 (KRT) love of cheesy Arriericana and minimalist pop- "That's everyday life for us," November 09 2003 London, England -or, as their bio from Columbia Records puts it, she said with a laugh. October 30 2003 Paris, France Shepherds Bush It also sounds like a lover's Whenever members of the opposite sex form a "a mutual disenchantment .with the state of the Birmingham, Cigale Empire quarrel. Only it's not. Really. band, there's always one obligatory question: Are music," England "We're just two people, and you a couple? "We definitely agreed that the state of music at Academy 2 November 10 2003 It's no different for , 's that time was pretty crappy, and it was time for we're not sleeping together," Nantes, France Faa said. "That's what we say, latest-ewell, OK, oniy--musical sensation. Even music to change," Foo said. "It was getting way October 31 2003 Olympic David Letterman had to ask when they performed pretentious and over-produced," and eventually, people stop . Sheffield, England asking, because it's no fun." on "The Late Show," When they recorded "," the ground Leadmill November 12 2003 "He just came over and asked if Sune and I were rules were simple but firm: No song could be Bordeaux, France married, and we said, 'no,' and he walked away," more than three minutes long or contain more bassist-vocalist said by phone during than three chords. And everything had to be a tour stop in Los Angeles. "That was basically it. recorded in B flat minor. We were like, "C'rnon, ask us something else!' " It was harder than it sounds. It's not hard to see why people are interested in "Doing it in B flat really had to do with setting Foo's love life, and that of her (musical) partner, up guidelines for making cool music, which was guitarist-vocalist . Foo is a . challenging in the creative process," Foo said. "I drop-dead gorgeous Scandinavian blonde; and think people tend to do that a lot when they're Wagner is a skinny yet cool Bohemian in the creative people, to set up some constraints and style of his idol, Jack Kerouac. They sing songs guidelines so they can think beyond what's about sex, whips, leather and motorcycles against . traditional," a backdrop of dirty guitars and rudimentary , For "," The Raveonettes took rhythm patterns.' a different approach. They changed the key to B Foo seems sincerely perplexed by the amount of flat major. attention Americans pay to the sexual overtones There's actually more to it than that. Whereas in The Raveonettes' music. In their native country, "WhIp It On" sounded like motorcycles in an where you can buy pornography in grocery stores enclosed garage, "Chain Gang of Love" is more and women sunbathe topless, it's no big deal. melodic and - dare we say it - bubblegum. That _ "I wouldn't say Denmark is overtly sexual, but was entirely intentional, Foo said, evidenced we are very liberated about it," she said. "We've by the contributions of co-producer Richard had our manager (who's British) in Denmark, and Gotterher, who co-wrote the girl-group classic he's pretty shocked there are girls lying topless in "My Boyfriend's Back" for the Angels and the park during the summer. But we don't notice produced records by Blondie and the Go-Go's. it, because it's just a natural thing," "He has a kind of pop sensibility, and that's Critics have lumped The Raveonettes into the definitely what we wanted to bring out more on "garage band" genre, which is somewhat annoying this new album," Foo said. "It's much more poppy, to them. The tag was attached after their 2002 and there's much more space in the music," EP, "Whip It On," garnered international praise The Raveonettes' success as both critical and for feedback-drenched songs like "Attack of the commercial darlings has finally put Denmark on Ghost Riders," the musical map. For decades, Hamlet's kingdom But their brand-new album, "Chain Gang of languished in the shadow of its neighbor to the Love," resembles David Crosby-era Byrds or early northeast, Sweden, which has produced ABBA, Velvet Underground more than the White Stripes. Ace of Base and the Hives. Jangly guitars, tight harmonies and an echo- It's a rivalry that's not exactly friendly. heavy percussion that sounds like it was sampled "There's an ongoing war between the two from all old Ronettes recording permeate the countries," Faa said, and you know by the tone of disc, conjuring images of mid- '60s biker movies her voice that she's not kidding. "We've always felt and go-go dancers gyrating in cages on Bourbon a total lack of self-confidence in Denmark when Street. it comes to music. I don't know why...hopefully, "I think people know who we are much more that's changing," than they know how we sound," Foo said. "We've If there's one thing The Raveonettes haven't been getting really good press, you know, so been accused of, it's lacking confidence. But people think we sound like the White Stripes or they're also not afraid to poke fun at themselves. other garage bands. I think it will just take a lit,tle For the video to "That Great Love Sound," Foo while to establish ourselves before people realize and Wagner try to kill each other in a variety of we don't fit in anywhere," ways that include smothering, poisoning, being The daughter of a rock guitarist, Foo was thrown from a moving car and falling down a exposed to a wide variety of musical styles as a flight of stairs. -

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Occasional • Sl1latresllll uperilDCl Call 846-8428 and loveseat for sale! . student, Career Brand new, still in plastic. traspor., It. Housekeeping flexibll "bldull Opportunities, or • In18llShips 1988 BMW 7351 Retail $2450, sacrifice & some cooking. Duties Internships? & ScIlallllbipspossible Auto, C/O, sunroof. S899. Call 888-1464 exchanged for room! Be A Bartender • 110 IlllurieBtl IIUSSIIY 2001 KLX300RKawasald Way below bluebook @ board. Days: 890-7778 Hands on training in Motorcycle. Like new, Queen pillow top or eves: 338-1608 ·.~·ob-~ferral $1900/0bo. Call Brandon Boise. Must be IS or 3:41-2820 w/extras. S2950 Call Kirk mattress set. Brand new, @407-2139 older. Earn SI5-S30/hr. ~~efVlce tan M-m9-4 or Annie at 322-5731 or still in plastic. Must sell 2/bd l/ba Historic 1.2 week program, job TrainingProvided 409-5731 S159. Can deliver. House. 1802 Euclid Ave. 2001 Toyota Corolla placement assistance, tanditioQsIPP~ 866-7476 Garage, fed. Yard. Close eli, 1< 11...."'·,\1"1,, 5 spd, Ac, CD, Great flexible hrs. Get certified I . A1llges 18+ 1994 NISSAN SE V6 condition, Tan, 45k miles. to Manitou park & BSU. al httl"ll Call I-SOO-333-TIPS Truck. Clean, awesome ·S-Plece Cberry Bedroom S760/rno.342-1928 ca rt")t'l"; hoi~('~t ~ltt~.cdu S8500.841-0769 (8477) , Truck, new tires, II Ok set. Brand-new in box. Child Care near BSU miles. S6500 abo. Call 1986 Jeep Cherokee 4x4 Retail S1450, sacrifice MIF Roommate wanted Any age accepted, MWF, NEED MONEY Mike@ 336-1254 or winter ready, fair body, S395. Call 888-1464 to live with F in 2BR Fraternides - Sororities, Home Health Care Agcy one on one attention. .FOR COllEGE? . 447-9773. runs good, many extras. House. 6 Blks to BSU. Clubs - Student Groups Seeking Companions, CPR aid certified. Call ldllSparlllrsd.(.... IIII- SIOOO/obo850-1141 Daybed Nc, wid, parking, S300 + pa39drtsl)'lllll NNs & CNA's. Sara@342-0196 Earn $1000-S20oo this 1983 Mercedes Benz 240D including Mattress. Y:. Util. 333-970 I College Btants Include: Competitive wages & .S'l16.OOplI ..... semester With proven ASBS\/ provides Great Fuel Mileage. 1969 Mercedes 220D SIOO/obo 703-0155 flexible Schedules. Apply FREI:;~TTORNEY Looks sharp! SI600/0BO Rent to own ·lbllladltilold$2OOjmo Restored, great condition, ·lo,tUlSUlnltalsr.pi! campus fundraiser, 3hr @ 877 N. Liberty Ste. CONSULTATIONS 429-6696 or 863-9460 Cherry sleigh bed 3BDRM 2 Bath, 1150 426-1440,; __ needs motor. S500/0bo --- Plus: --- fundraising event. 205 Boise, lD 83704 or 338-7891 Solid wood. New-in-box. sq. ft., S800 794-0828 Glf pcil$mOOllIrblll'lllweollnl call (208) 376-7156 2000 Volkswagon Passat Value S850, sacrifice Located in SE Boise per_~l>h, Our free programs with a local WllIkm,l6ldGtad 80k miles, SII,OOO/obo. makes fundraislng private lawyer for 1995 Toyota Pickup 4x4 S295. Call 888-1464 Addltlanal S1gnllll Bonns most legal problems Call 208-358-0200 Swamper Tires, Sliding ._ S3llGt • $lOOD easy with no risks Mattress Set you may have, including rear window, with extras, am. 86S3S16or373-72IB Fundraising dates arc divorce/family law 1970 Buick Skylark great cond .. S8500/0bo Full Size Brand New in Do YOU have the desire landlord problems 49k original miles. Runs Call Jamie @ 587-2901 package. Sacrifice S99. filling up quickly, so to~p to$251hr child custody and Grcal. Few dents, all Call 866-7476 ~ Auditioning Go-Go get with the program! It selling the hippest product original. S2500/obo @ Boise Towne Square? child support 1997 Saturn SL2 . FREE UTlLlTlESI Dancers, please apply in works. Contact Campus Call 466-5 I06 collection and dept 5spd. PW, PDL keyless King size FREE CABLE TVI person., Tues-Fri, After Must be -confident, Fundraiser at (888) 923- -aggressive, . problema entry. S4200/0bo. Call pillow top mattress set •goOd at engaging 1993 Pontiac Grand Am 2prn. @ China Blue. 100 Mike at 321-7584 . Brand new in bag. Must 3238, or visit customers. personal1I\JUry and S. 6th St. Boise V6, CD, Pwr, Locks, sell S225. Can deliver. Flexible hours available msursnoe Alloy wheels, NC, November through January. workmen's compensation 1984 Bronco II 866-7476 Commission with a S3,OOO/obo. guaranteed hourly. clalma Call 739-1604 Eddie Bauer 4x4. Rebuilt Bartenders Trainees Call Brian@ 871-1314 DUI/crlIIiinal engine, trans, new clutch. 2 Cerwln Vega Needed. S250/day V30D Club Speakers. White 84 4-door Jetta S2000. Call Mike at Room for rent. Next to Potential. Local Each 200W, 2-way wi 5 spd. Fuelinject. Great 321-7584 BSU! Spacious Room, Positions. 1-800-293- 15 inch woofers, 8ohms. We need enthusiastic Movie Costume Carnival! for around town. SI,OOO Cablel Internet. S300/mo. Excel. condo S350 for the 3985 ext 223 Individuals with Del. 29th, 6-9pm. All kids Call after 5pm @ 20k below market value Call Andrew @ 284-5211 excellent verbal skills Needed. No Exp. req., all are welcome 12 & under 376-3785 pair. 396-3918 3 bdrm 2 1/2 bath. 1275 or Tim @ 867-3784 to work 20-40 looks and ages. Earn up in the Bishop Barnwell sq ft. Only 4 yrs old. Gymnastics instructors hours per week. Rm.lnSUB. 1993 Chevy Astro 794-0828. 416" Phasse 2 rims Clean Responsible needed for Bronco to S100-500 a day. Put on by NSCS DESIGN YOUR OWN Runs great. No rust, 166k wi 2 profile tires. S300 outdoors person to share Gymnastics Express. 1-888-~20-0167 ext. 435 208-342-7393 SCHEDULE loin Alpha Xi Delta for miles, AC, PS, AMlFM, Newer Mobile home a 3bdrmll.5 bench home. Some experience 3Bdrml2Bth, min views, Ask for Corey EVENING end WEEKENO "Into the Streets". Meet $1700. I will come to No Dogs. S300 + 1/3 preferred. Call 426-3867 HOURS AVAILABLE in front of INFO desk Boise to show car. fenced yard, deck, Thomas Hammer Coffee Brand New Snowboard Uti I. 426-0332 • Peld Irelnlng Del. 25 @ 8:30arn or call 2/Carport. Financing • Casual Environment is hiring PT baristas . Katrina @ 602-3606 available. Gary 841-2143 Bindings & Boots. Must Write your own check. • flexible Schedule 98 Honda Civic EX Share 3bdrm/2ba in W Sell!! Sacrifice S200. Call Sales positions open. Emriil Resume to Tinted windows, CD Boise, wid, ale, fenced $8.00/hour Artists and animaters Search homes for sale for details. 866-3020 Local company, great [email protected] player, power lock! yard, partially fum. S3751 Please call for wanted for unpaid pas. @ windows. S6499. Joe mo. Includes Util. 484- atmosphere. Frr, prr, will more Information or drop resume off @ any for the develop. of a NFP or call for a free list Attn Music 100 students 794-3754. 2159 No Smkg train. Phone 376-1024 Hammer Location cartoon prog. Email: 371-252.4. Josh Knight. LISTEN 4th edition 6 CD 658-4888 [email protected] Prudential RE set. S20. 794-0828

Crossword ACROSS 10 11 12 13 DILBERT- 1 Frodo's band? 5 Instrument for a 14 Marx 9 List entries 17 14 Localily 15 Cleveland's lake 20 16 Pitcher Ryan 17 Nabisco cracker L.MO"$ TOOA.Y'S GUEST CARTOON15T1'" I I Fro. ODDI.Y I'M GOING ro GO 18 Chip In a chip fHIS YOUR 1 DRPJ.NN fO • ro fHE MAL.!. ftl.JV 19 March King wAfCH "DAYS VOU~ ._~ fRY ON 8l.ACK WOW' 20 Basically ISN.,. HOR05COP€ 5HO€S! YOU12 ~!FE MY . SAVS YOU U. i OF OUR ~lvES." ODD!.V 23 Machine part DRPJ.NN , FINAU.. V HAS CUBICU: HAvE A "MIND- \ A PURP05€ 24 Military \. AI..fE12ING" DAV i ) \ installation ) ~ 25 Removes fasteners· 27 Antigone's uncle 30 Chopped Into small pieces 32 Actor Chaney 55 33 Giving guns 36 Carson 62 predecessor 39 Aleutian island 66 41 Pound piece 69 42 Italian volcano 43 Hone © 2003 Tribune MId .. 5enIices, Inc. 10123/03 44 Constant All r1ghlSl'0s.rved. 46 & so on 47 Talked wildly 49 Singer Gorme 8 Banana wrap Solutions 51 Camelot king 9 Harmonized 53 _Hari 10 Excessively aSS31.L·MsIS3sa" 55 Mauna 11 Clarified N 0 8 3 0 0 0 d 3 3 N 3 ~ 56 Sight 12 Stoneworker 3NV)/ OOl:lV SSIWV 62 Out of kilter 13 Obstacles l:l30N I :I3~NVl:lllvOl 64 Chevron rival 21 Granny 65 Welles role 22 Made a forward _vl1-nl:l n H.ll:l V 66 Ms. Zellweger thrust 310A3 O~..!.IVl:l1IIIIiI 67 Somewhat, in 26le Pew of O.l311'r11iOV3.lS .l3HM music cartoons V N .1 3 3 0 N non .1 .1 V 68 Black, poetically 27 Hammer part I:l V V d El N .1 W l:l V III N 0 1 cancer (June 22-July22) Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) By linda C. Black 69 1956 Charlton 28 Type of IRA II11II0 3 0 N I WIIIIlIIllIN0 3 l:l 0 Tribune Media Services Today is a 7 - You're entering a ro- today is a 6 - You've been involved Heston role 29 Amuses 30 Sought ores S N I d Nnl!llll3 S V S_ mantic time of year. Schedule your with the public more than usual for 70 Smack big date for now, and make it last the past few weeks. Now, you'll have 71 Exxon, once 31 Early Peruvian 00 O. A I .LN 3 S S3 Today's Birthday (Oct. 23) 34 Speakers' .,nas I'3.LN'IZ.LIH· more time to be alone for medita- Spiritual backing from loved ones is throughout the weekend. DOWN platforms N V 1 0 N 3 I l:l 3 V 3 ~ V very important this year. It gives you tion and planning. 1 Not common 35 Remote button S W 3 .1 I d l:l V H ~ N I l:l the imagination to solve whatever Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) 2 Part of an eye 37 Con Today is a 7 - The-questions con- Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 3 Jersey cagers 38 Speed event problems you encounter. Be thank- 40 Salt Lake state 52 JUliet's beau 58 Get bigger tinue to accumulate. Don't worry Today is a 6 - Follow the orders you 4 Backyard ful. To get the advantage, check the belvedere 45 Himalayan 53 Central city of 59 Pats gently day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 about the answers. They've been receive as close to the letter as you 5 Warms up myth Islam 60 Seth's son the most challenging. there all along, within a solid love. can. Being obedient to a gentle per- 6 Golfer with an 48 ·General 54 Currently in 61 "The Biggest son serves you well. army Hospital" extras progress Little City in the 57 Kindergarten World" - Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) 7 Hayworth or 50 New Englander Aries (March 21-AprllI9) . Moreno 51 Warning signal breaks 63 Observe Today is a 7 - Your partner may be Today is a 6 - You've been kept busy Aquarius (Jan.20-Feb.18) able to get through in spots where for several weeks, working and gath- Today is a 7 - By now you should you're turned back. Don't woTry • ering cash. You'll keep that up for a have learned enough to advance about how the message gets across. little while, but you're developing to the next level. You'll undergo a Just make sure that it does. . other interests. series of tests in the next few weeks that will help you find out whether BREW HA HA by AItdy Moore . Taurus (Aprll20-May 20) libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) you've made it. ...---Todayis a 6 - Are you being tested Today is a 7 - You may not be quite ~~w. ~""I-m to see how much you can bear'? If so, as aggressive in public over the next PIsces (Feb. 19-March 20) C.2.\NkL'f f.I~~ -it's not a bad way for others to find . few weeks. In private, however, Today is a 5 - You can increase your :sa:. ~, 1)~·f.L " out. Don't worry: You're nowhere you're still right on target Take care _ fonunes, but it won't happen by ofyourbestinteresf8",} ,,c. chll.Qce"Miikipg money is aS~~fh ..' nel1I:yourlimi~·;· < -, .' :~~~:-:~'~tt;·:'-. r .::. !-· ..~..:_~~,,:,_~-,,··~-'·;t:'i· . ',,:,-, of;tsci(jn~e l;I,!lltis an art. S~Y;,~>~:~ ~.-',' " ; Gerrilid (May 21 :jWte 21) . S~rplo (oct. 23-Noi2'l) 'Today is an B - You and your sweet - . Today is a 7 •You may have noticed a lot more activity inyoursubcon- (el 2003, TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC. h~a.rt h~'e.come up'witl};ill SO~ of_ Disuibuted by Knight iUdder/Trlbihia scious mind •.this Iia secret Weapon great plans for the future. Get them lnfonnatlon Services. down in writing now, while you still you use to confound your hlive the time. . . adVersaries. . ------.:... -