TCU Senate Plans to Expand Club Sports

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TCU Senate Plans to Expand Club Sports Today: Showers THE TUFTS High 48 Low 37 Tufts’ Student Tomorrow: Newspaper Rain Since 1980 High 48 Low 27 VOLUME LV, NUMBER 30 DAILY TUESDAY , MARCH 4, 2008 Candidates head into pivotal contests TCU Senate plans to expand club sports Students to play larger role in approving club teams and allotting money BY MADELI N E GARBER to approve club sports and President Neil DiBiase. Daily Editorial Board appropriate their funding, is The process by which the meant to broaden the presence university officially recognizes The Athletics Department of club sports on campus. clubs will change, according is working with administra- TCU senators, Athletics to Director of Athletics Bill tors and students in the Tufts Department officials and Gehling. In the past, student Community Union (TCU) Dean of Student Affairs Bruce teams would appeal to him for Senate to raise the universi- Reitman met to review plans approval, and a faculty com- ty’s recognition and funding of for the project at a meeting on mittee on athletics would play club sports on campus. Feb. 13. a role as well. Now the univer- University officials and sen- “We just discussed a way to sity wants to incorporate more ators hope to set up an advi- solidify the presence of club student input and to increase MCT sory board composed of club sports on campus and to fund, the number of club sports Texas and Ohio, two of the most delegate-heavy states in the race for the sport athletes and leaders from recognize and allocate resourc- teams on campus. Democratic nomination, will vote today with Vermont and Rhode Island. the TCU Senate and Judiciary. es to club sports fairly and in a Advisers to Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) recently called Texas and Ohio The board, which would help safe way,” said junior and TCU see CLUB SPORTS, page 2 must-wins in the race against Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.). Habers founds professorship for energy research Robert Haber (E ’79, EG ’80) and tive approach,” Abriola said in an his wife Marcy Haber have donated $2 e-mail. million to the School of Engineering Abriola anticipates that the School to create a professorship that will of Engineering will be able to imple- respond to concerns about energy ment the new professorship within availability and research alternative the next two years. energy resources. “Candidates have been identified The donators hope that the and interviews are underway,” she Robert and Marcy Haber Endowed said. Professorship in Energy Sustainability The candidate who is selected to will bring a professor to Tufts who become a senior faculty member of can facilitate research across the vari- the School of Engineering will most ous departments of the School of likely be an expert in several fields of Engineering. engineering. “We think that Tufts is the perfect “Of course, we understand that place for a professorship of this type development of alternative energy because of the dean’s flexibility and sources takes a collaborative research because of the school’s ability to effort crossing all engineering disci- look at a problem such as the world’s plines including civil, mechanical and dependence on fossil fuels from a electrical engineering,” Abriola said. fresh perspective,” Haber said in a According to Julia Keller, spokes- MEREDITH KLEIN/TUFTS Daily statement from the Beyond Boundaries person for the School of Engineering, A passenger boards the T at the Davis Square station. Tufts should have a closer T campaign. this will be the School of Engineering’s stop by 2014. Dean of the School of Engineering third endowed professorship. Linda Abriola is excited about the Robert Haber worked at Fidelity donation. Investments as an engineer before Current plans say T will come to Tufts “The Robert and Marcy Haber accepting his current position as funds BY AARO N ZUCKER Sophia Gordon Hall’s Multipurpose Room Endowed Professorship in Energy manager of the corporation. He also Contributing Writer on Jan. 31 to discuss possible construction of Sustainability will expand our research serves on the Board of Overseers of stations on College Ave. and Winthrop St. efforts in alternative energy with the the School of Engineering. If all goes according to plan, the “This is probably the best transit oppor- goal of lessening the world’s reliance Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority tunity on the books right now,” Somerville on oil with an environmentally sensi- —by Brian Tang (MBTA) will extend its existing Green Line sub- Mayor Joseph Curtatone told the Daily. way service through Cambridge, Somerville Curtatone has lobbied for the project since and Medford, and will build a stop on Tufts’ taking office in 2003, working with the campus by 2014. Somerville Office of Strategic Planning and While the location of the new stop has Community Development and the city’s Soulive to rock Dewick this Thursday not been finalized, city and transportation Board of Aldermen to adhere to the 2014 Guitarist Eric officials have worked to hear input from the deadline. Krasno and the Somerville and Tufts communities. rest of the Soulive City officials met with local residents in see GREEN LINE, page 2 trio will bring their funk- and jazz-in- fused sound to Tufts on Thursday for this Four new trustees attend first Board meeting year’s Jumbo Jam. BY ALEX BLOOM over 10 million square feet and valued at The concert, Daily Editorial Board more than $1 billion. The firm is one of sponsored this year New England’s leading developers. by Concert Board The Board of Trustees welcomed four Doherty is excited to join the Board of and WMFO, will also new members at its meeting on Feb. 8. Trustees. “It’s an honor to be asked to be feature the Press Daniel Doherty (H ’03), Debra Knez (LA a trustee, so I take it as such,” he said. “I Project, an alterna- ’82), Kathleen McCartney (J ’77) and Rev. hold the university very dear, and being tive hip-hop band, Gloria White-Hammond (M ’76) attend- a trustee is a huge responsibility but it as its opener. ed their first official meeting after being also provides the opportunity to make Only three tick- elected to the Board in November. a meaningful impact on a great institu- ets remain for the “It was heartwarming to hear how hon- tion.” show; they are on ored they were to join the Board, and how After enrolling in 1982, Doherty was sale at the informa- eager they were to give back and contrib- forced to leave Tufts after one year because tion booth in the ute,” said Linda Dixon, secretary of the of financial setbacks. But he received an campus center. trustees. “They were just so grateful for honorary degree from President Lawrence Doors will open at the opportunity to serve on this Board, Bacow in 2003. 9:45 p.m. and the and they love Tufts so much.” Doherty serves on the Board of show will start at Doherty is the founder of Eastern Overseers for Athletics and has worked on 10 p.m. See Arts, Development LLC, which invests in com- the alumni board of Delta Upsilon frater- SOULIVE.COM page 6. mercial real estate. He has been an active principal in over 100 projects totaling see TRUSTEES, page 2 Inside this issue Today’s Sections The men’s swimming Op-Ed 9 College students have and diving team earned a News 1 played a larger part in this second-place finish at the Features 3 Comics 10 election cycle through NESCAC Championship Arts | Living 5Classifieds 13 online donations. meet this past weekend. Editorial | Letters 8 Sports Back see FEATURES, page 3 see SPORTS, back page 2 THE TUF T S DAILY NEWS Tuesday, March 4, 2008 TCU Committee Chair Luke resigns Somerville hopes new Green Line stop Junior Emerson Luke stepped down “I [also] still plan on helping out with from the Tufts Community Union (TCU) Culture Fest, just not in the capacity I was will bring boons to economy, education Senate on Saturday, citing personal rea- planning on doing,” Luke said, referring GREEN LINE and education opportunities in the area. sons in an e-mail to the Senate body. to the week-long series of programs and continued from page 1 “We’re excited by this because Somerville Luke told the Daily that his academic events hosted by the Intercultural Center. There are currently four different sets of is an environmental justice community and and other extracurricular interests con- “I still plan to help out as much as I train tracks that carry eight rail lines through this transit improvement will bring a lot of flicted with his Senate duties. can.” Somerville’s neighborhoods. But the only T improvements to our region,” Curtatone “Lately, especially this semester, I had Senators Chas Morrison and Sam station in Somerville is the Red Line’s Davis said. been feeling pretty overwhelmed,” Luke Wallis, both freshmen, will take the reigns Square stop. Curtatone announced the project on May said. “I didn’t see that I was able to effec- on Luke’s ongoing judicial review board State authorities have been discussing a 18, 2005, at a press conference in Union tively invest as much as I could have in project, Luke said. Green Line extension to Somerville since the Square. Senate [or] in being a student.” In a Feb. 10 resolution co-submitted by 1960s, but details have only recently been “Most of us are Red Sox fans, so we’re used At the Senate meeting on Sunday, Luke, the Senate proposed the creation finalized. The Green Line station was origi- to waiting,” he said at the conference.
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