Graham Howard S. Marys and All Saints Little Walsingham

Parish Website: walsinghamparishes.org.uk

Dear Friends,

It would not be proper for me to comment on much which happened during 2018 as I didn't arrive until the close of the year. I do however wish to express my immense gratitude for the warmth of welcome which you have provided both to me and Clare since we arrived. The support, prayer and love which we have received since arriving here has been a tremendous blessing. I would also wish to pay tribute to all those who worked so hard and so faithfully during the interregnum to ensure the smooth running of this parish. During these past few months I have enjoyed the privilege of ministering to you as your parish priest and I look forward with anticipation and joy to what the Lord may have in store for us in 2019.

With every blessing,

Fr Harri




1 Opening Prayer 2 Apologies 3 Minutes of previous Annual Vestry – 2018 page 2 4 Election of Churchwardens

ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING AGENDA 1 Apologies 2 Minutes of 2018 APCM page 2 3 Matters Arising 4 Vicar’s Remarks & Statistics page 4 5 Electoral Roll Report (New Roll 2022) page 4 6 Election of Deanery Synod Reps. - (Every 3rd year - 2020) 7 Election of Representatives to the P.C.C. 8 Appointment of Sidespersons 9 Deanery Synod Report page 4 10 P.C.C. Report page 7 11 Churches Annual Reports page 8 12 Other Reports Mothers’ Union page 10 Christian Aid page 10 B.R.F. page 11 S. Mary’s Bookstall page 11 Walsingham C of E VA Primary School page 11 Walsingham Parishes Website page 12 Donations to Charity page 14 Treasurer’s Report 13 Report from and Review: The Safeguarding of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults page 15 14 Presentation of Accounts page 16 15 Appointment of Independent Examiner 16 Any Other Business


1 Election of Officers – Vice-Chair Treasurer Secretary Electoral Roll Officer 2 Any Other Business 3 Date next meeting 1



Minutes of Meeting held in The Parish Hall, Walsingham on Sunday 18th March 2018 at 5pm

There were 27 parishioners present.

1. Opening Prayer – Mr Brian Landale – Vice Chairman, opened the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.

2. Apologies - These were received from: Michael Lovatt, Kathleen Lovatt, Juliet Wyndham, James Woodhouse, Monica Nudds, Paolo Castagnoli, Shelia Smith, Sr Angela ssm, Barbara Marlow, Marc Booty, Gill Getley and Josephine Loveridge.

3. Minutes of Previous Annual Vestry - 2017 – These were accepted and signed.

4. Election of Churchwardens – The current Churchwardens for S. Mary’s, S. Peter’s and S. Giles had all been nominated and seconded.

S. Mary’s - Mr Stephen Parkinson and Mrs Maureen Howard S. Peter’s – Mr Brian Landale and Mr James Woodhouse. S. Giles – Mrs Cara Ross and Mrs Ann Fletcher.

In the absence of any other nominations these were all duly elected to serve for 2018.

Brian Landale thanked all Churchwardens for their service during the year.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 5.03pm.

………………………………………… Chairman

…………………………………. Date



Minutes of the meeting held in The Parish Hall, Walsingham on Sunday 18th March 2018 at 5.03pm.

1 Apologies – These were received from: Michael Lovatt, Kathleen Lovatt, Juliet Wyndham, James Woodhouse, Monica Nudds, Paolo Castagnoli, Shelia Smith, Sr Angela, Barbara Marlow, Marc Booty, Gill Getley and Josephine Loveridge. 2 Minutes – The minutes of the APCM 2017 were agreed to be accepted and were signed and dated.

2 3 Matters Arising – There were no matters arising. 4 Statistics – These are on page 4 of the booklet. 5 Electoral Roll Report – This now stands at 107. There are two forms which missed the deadline. These will be added after this meeting. 6 Elections to Deanery Synod – These were elected last year. 7 Elections to PCC – There are two vacancies at S. Mary’s, three for S. Peter’s and one at S. Giles. Nominations were received from Mrs Marlene Keeling and Miss Rita Miell for S. Mary’s, Mrs Ann Sayer and Mr Marc Booty, to serve for one year for S. Peter’s with one vacancy and Mr Bert Frew for S. Giles. All were elected. 8 Election of Sidespersons – This was again left to the churchwardens. 9 Deanery Synod Report – This report is in the booklet, there were no questions asked. 10 PCC Report – This is in the booklet, there were no questions asked 11 Churchwardens Reports – These are in the booklet. All Terriers for S. Mary’s, S. Peter’s and S. Giles were available for inspection. 12 Reports from Parish Organisations Mothers’ Union – This report is in the booklet. Christian Aid – This report is in the booklet. Bible Reading Fellowship – This report is in the booklet. S. Mary’s Bookstall – This report is in the booklet. The Pilgrim Federation of CofE School – This report is in the booklet. Walsingham Parish Website – This report is in the booklet. Thanks were recorded to Graham Howard for this. Donations to Charity - This report is in the booklet. Treasurer’s Report – This report is in the booklet. The treasurer reminded everyone of the importance of reviewing their giving as many had not done this for some years. He also said of the importance of leaving gifts in Wills to the churches. Thanks were recorded to Stephen Parkinson for this. 13. Review ‘Safeguarding of Children & Young People’ - Mrs Helen Nolan is the named person for this and any concerns should be directed to her. No issues reported. 14. Review Safeguarding ‘Vulnerable Adults’ – Mrs Helen Nolan is the named person for this and any concerns should be directed to her. No issues reported. 15. Presentation of Accounts – Stephen Parkinson presented the accounts for all churches. The accounts were proposed to be accepted by Mr Stephen Parkinson and seconded by Mr Bert Frew. All were happy with this. 16. Appointment of Independent Examiner – Mr Adam Bunkle was appointed as independent examiner again. 17. Any Other Business – Mr Brian Landale thanked everyone who had taken on extra work since July. He also thanked all the retired clergy for their help.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 5.15pm.

3 STATISTICS 2017 S. Giles S. Peter S. Mary Baptisms 0 0 4 Weddings 0 1 2 Funerals 2 4 2 Confirmations 0 0 2

Communicants Sundays 857 1,162 6,660 Weekdays 291 156 1,668

STATISTICS 2018 S. Giles S. Peter S. Mary Baptisms 1 0 2 Weddings 1 1 Funerals 1 1 7 Confirmations 0 0 2

Communicants Sundays 693 1,010 6,523 Weekdays 195 139 1,237

THE ELECTORAL ROLL FOR WALSINGHAM AND HOUGHTON 2018 The criteria for being on the roll are as follows:- I am Baptised and aged 16 years or over and A member of the Church of or of a church in communion with the C of E and resident in the Parish or Not resident in the parish, but a member of the CoE and has habitually attended public Worship within the Parish during the period of 6 months to enrolment or I am a member in good standing of a Church (not in communion with the CoE), which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and also declare myself to be a member of the CoE and I have habitually attended public worship in the Parish during the period of 6 months prior to enrolment. The Roll in 2018 had 107 members and in 2019 there are 108 members. Lynette Sutton Electoral Roll Officer

BURNHAM AND WALSINGHAM DEANERY REPORT 2018 The Synod met 3 times in 2018 in April, July and November, all at the Orangery Shrine at 7.30pm In April there were19 members present including Robin Back our General Synod representative The Rev’d Clive Wylie spoke about using IT and Social Media for mission. He showed images of old technology and went on to say he was now only using his

4 and nothing else to demonstrate how easy it is to access a Website and keep up to date Calendar and Daily Offices with modern technology. He showed how he runs the parish diary just with his phone and access to the internet. He also showed how the Daily Offices are updated automatically and opens on the relevant pages with prayers, reflections and readings. He said that when making home visits for Baptism, Weddings and Funerals he only takes his phone, no pen paper or diary. He answered questions about how all this worked and the inevitability of the march towards new technology Diocesan Report.- Mission and Ministry in Covenant: an Anglican-Methodist report. The C.of E. and Methodist Church are considering proposals that would bring them into a new relationship of full communion after 200 years of formal separation. The report sets out how the MC could come to have bishops in the historic episcopate and how ministers from one church could become eligible to serve in the other. Mike Tapper gave a brief summary of the views of the Bishop of Lynn who was in favour of merger with the Methodists whilst the Bishop of Norwich for theological reasons had reservations. Where would investment in Children, Youth & Families work be most fruitful? While our primary schools offer many opportunities for children to grow in faith, reaching out to young people at secondary level remains a challenge. It is proposed to apply for funds to place student youth ministers in 10 secondary schools across the Diocese to build relationships with this age group and develop Faith. Research shows that 75% of practising Christians come to faith by age 18, but many parishes have difficulty in making contact with11-18years olds, particularly in rural areas where 59% of our young people live. The Diocese places importance on growing young leaders and training them to witness to their peers. Rather than forming new groups, the intention is to enable what is existing to flourish and to support multi-generational communities that value both the traditional and the new General Synod An interesting debate about Down’s Syndrome (DS) babies, young people and adults. For many years it has been standard guidance from the General Medical Council (GMC)where prenatal scans reveal the likelihood or probability of the unborn infant suffering DS, to include termination as an option for the parents. Given the anticipated complications of coping with a DS afflicted child, such advice has been accepted by parents to an astonishing level. It was reported that 98% of cases where DS had been formally diagnosed pre- natally, termination had ensued. In a sense this could be construed as eugenics in practise disguised as family well-being – a quite horrific thought. The motion called for changes to GMC guidance and was passed unanimously Activities across the Deanery were mentioned – Christian Aid Big Brekkie at Creakes and , a Pentecost Iona service at . Open Churches Week, which is now a fortnight, and the Archdeacon’s Charge at Hall July Meeting There were 22 members present including Sarah Dodge from Nelson’s Journey. Sarah said that Nelson’s Journey supports children and young people who have been bereaved of a significant person in their lives. It is a local charity which provides support and help from volunteers and professional child

5 bereavement support workers who are trained and ready to provide vital and practical support. Children with complex bereavement needs may require 1:1 help or group based activities with others of a similar age to help come to terms with their grief. She showed some items such as a Memory Jar, Cuddly Worry Eater, Punch Pillow and a C which all helped explain to children that it is OK to feel anger, sadness and most important to be able to cry. They helped over 900 children in last year, which shows this is a much needed support. Activities across the Deanery were mentioned. Wells Church were “Highly Commended” in the Welcome churches. The new Archdeacon, Ian Bentley will be inducted in September. The Rural Dean is due to meet him on January 16th 2019 and drive him on a tour of the Deanery and perhaps meet groups of people November meeting There were 24 members present including Nell Steele from The Children's Society. Nell said that Edward Rudolf, a Sunday school teacher was affected when two young boys failed to turn up for class and he found them begging in the streets after their father had died and their mother was struggling to feed them. She went on to say that the Society supports children and young people who are in need. She said most of the children are aged 10 – 17 with 7% aged 9 or less and 15% are 19-24. They support children who are refugees in this county. A lot of their work now is campaigning and people are encouraged to write to MP’s to get their support for campaigns. They work with Social Services to help look after children who are in care and to help prevent them from going into care in the first place. She said Food Banks are increasingly being used for schoolchildren who are entitled to free school meals, who then need this facility during holidays when these meals are not available, the importance of this is vital. She said the average income is £24 per person per day and beneath this can mean children are victims of bullying, neglect, abuse and violence. This may result in peer pressure, drug related activities and exposure to police regarding crimes. She talked of runaways and how 100,000 children run away from home every year with 1,500. run-aways in Norfolk. She talked of their Christian ethos but said that not all volunteers are Christian and that they had dropped C of E in their title but that it is evident in their website that they are a Christian charity. The Values of the Society now are Brave, Ambitious, Supportive, and Trusted Nell said they used to be Love, Justice and Forgiveness, which she preferred! Reports – Diocesan Synod – Anne Prentis said the farewell service for Bp Graham would be Evensong in the Cathedral at 4pm on Sunday 25th November 2018. The Synod report talked of supporting good mental health and dementia care. There is more on the website about this. Activities across the Deanery – Alison Harding talked of the Christmas Tree Festival in Fakenham Parish church from 29th November to 6th December. Rev’d Clive Wylie said had been chosen to participate in ‘Living in Love and Faith’. The Creake Lectures had been very well attended. The Fakenham Poppy Memorial was mentioned; this had around 5 thousand knitted poppies from far afield. Briseley said their village had been given a piece of land where trees had been planted to commemorate the 65 men who had died in the war.

6 Safeguarding – Forms have been sent out regarding this recently. The Lay Chairman said we must take it seriously and comply with this or we will have something imposed on us! Finance – The Lay Chairman said the national average for paying the Share was 71% we have paid 68%. Rev’d Edward Bundock said why do the diocese add 15% to the Benefice Share each year when some parishes struggle to pay at all. The Rural Dean said in the Diocese we have 650 churches, 180 clergy and 30 people working at Church House and he went on to say he had invited Richard Butler to speak to us for the next meeting however we have had to change the date to Thursday 4th April 2019. Ann Prentis mentioned our Deanery finances saying we had last asked for contributions 3 1/2 years ago and that the treasurer would be sending out requests early next year, asking for £25 per parish. She said those parishes which do not comply with this may not be sent information about meetings etc. Any Other Business – Rev’d Harri Williams is being licensed as Priest in Charge of Walsingham Benefice on 3rd December. Rev’d Steve Wood has been appointed to the Burnham Benefice. The Archdeacon Ian Bentley is conducting a tour of the Deanery early in January 2019. A timetable for this will be sent to incumbents. Candlemass is on 3rd February 2019 at Fakenham Parish church. It was reiterated that the next meeting is on Thursday 4th April and not Tuesday 2nd April. Treasurers will be invited to this meeting as Richard Butler, the Diocesan Secretary is coming to talk to us.

REPORT OF THE PCC - 2018 The PCC is made up of the following members – Chairman Fr Harri Williams Churchwarden & Vice-Chairman Mr Brian Landale Churchwarden & Treasurer Mr Stephen Parkinson Churchwarden Mrs Maureen Howard “ Mr James Woodhouse “ Mrs Ann Fletcher “ & Deanery Synod Rep Mrs Cara Ross Deanery Synod Rep Mrs Pam Miller “ Sr Angela SSM Elected member S. Mary Mr Michael Lovatt “ “ Mrs Marlene Keeling “ “ Miss Rita Miell “ “ Mr Stuart Grout “ “ Mr Andrew Dickens “ “ Mr Paolo Castagnoli “ S. Peter Mrs Ann Sayer “ Mr Marc Booty Co-opted “ Mr Steve Burgoine Elected member S. Giles Mr Bert Frew “ “ Mrs Dianne Green Secretary Mrs Lynette Sutton

7 The PCC met four times during 2018: 31st January, 18th March, Section 11 meeting – 2nd July and 11th December. Fr Andrew Mitcham resigned as from March 2018. In December we welcomed Fr Harri Williams. At the Annual Vestry the Churchwardens were all re-elected. At the APCM Marlene Keeling and Rita Miell were re-elected for S. Mary’s. At S. Peter's Ann Sayer was re-elected and Marc Booty elected to fill one vacancy. Subsequent to the meeting Steve Burgoine was co-opted on to the PCC to fill the remaining vacancy. Bert Frew was re-elected to S. Giles. Finance The Benefice Share for 2019 was agreed. It was agreed to look again at the formulae for the division of the Benefice Share. Confirmation was received that a bequest had been left to S. Peter’s church for £5,000. Fabric S. Giles – A faculty was applied for roof repairs. S. Mary’s – Planning Permission for the Disabled car park was refused due to flood concerns. The South Porch repairs were discussed S. Peter’s – A roof alarm was applied for. At the Vicarage a new photocopier was discussed as needed urgently. Fundraising It was mentioned to hopefully continue to support The Norfolk Churches Trust Cycle Ride by manning the churches. Lent & Holy Week – This was well supported this year. Deanery Synod Sister Angela gave us reports on matters discussed here. Mrs Helen Nolan continues as Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults officer. Services for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Assumptiontide and Remembrance Sunday were also discussed and planned. The Archdeacons Visitation to the Benefice took place in January. The PCC ensured that it is complying with the new GDPR laws. We continue to hold our meetings in the Conservatory, The Priory, Walsingham courtesy of the Sisters to whom we are very grateful. We continue to be grateful to all the Retired Clergy for their dedicated help. Lynette Sutton


Thank you to Fr. Parry for taking the Sunday services during the interregnum and to Fr. James Nolan and Fr. Alan Reed for taking the Wednesday services. It was the turn of St. Giles to provide the harvest lunch and the money raised was given to the Fakenham food bank. We were very happy to welcome Fr. Harri Williams as our priest in charge in December in time for the annual Carol Service on 23rd December. Sadly Fr. Alan Reed died at the end of December; Fr. Alan attended every weekday service until his health deteriorated. We will miss him.

Cara Ross & Ann Fletcher, Churchwardens


This year we have taken part in the selection process to find a new Vicar which culminated in the licencing of the Rev Dr Harri Williams at the beginning of December. Both he and his wife are most welcome and we hope that their stay here will be a long and happy one. 8 All those who helped or took on extra tasks during the interregnum deserve our most heartfelt thanks. With their help things carried on nearly as normal but as always we must not forget the small and dedicated army of souls who do so much throughout the year to keep our Church clean, decorated, welcoming etc..

James Woodhouse & Brian Landale, Churchwardens


Rather like 2017, last year fell into two distinct periods.

First, life carried on as it had concluded in the months before, with the liturgical life of S.Mary’s being maintained, as throughout the entire Benefice, by Frs Kevin Smith, Andreas Wenzel, Bryan Parry, Alan Reed, James Nolan, Trevor Jones, Frank Nichols and Martin Joyce all of whom deserve our deepest appreciation for all their selfless care during such a difficult and extended period. The maintenance of the life of the parish throughout this period owes much to so many: to sacristans and servers, to musicians of every stripe, to coffee makers and flower arrangers, to all who clean, and to all who simply prayed. One name must be mentioned: Venetia Davies, Fr Kevin’s Secretary, stood over a hot photocopier week in and week out, to produce the pew sheets others had prepared. Our heartfelt thanks to her for taking on the most thankless of tasks!

A stunning and moving celebration of Holy Week and Easter did much to maintain our corporate life, thanks in no small part to the preaching of Fr Michael Gudgeon, but something of a shadow descended at the end of March with the resignation of the then Vicar. Your Churchwardens met within days with the Bishop of Lynn, along with all their colleagues from across the Benefice, in order that the process of appointing a Parish Priest might be expedited with all despatch, having regard to the length of time the parish had been in difficulties. The care and understanding of Bishop Jonathan, of the Patrons and, of course, of our own Bishop Norman ensure that the process moved on without unnecessary delay, so that, on 19th August, we were able to announce to a packed church the appointment of the Revd Dr Harri Williams as our new Parish Priest.

We then moved into the phase of preparing for Fr Harri’s and Clare’s arrival. Thanks are due to a team of volunteers who set about tidying the Vicarage Garden, to those who cleaned the house, to the generous private donor who arranged for its kitchen to be re-fitted, and to the Officers of the Diocese who ensure that all was prepared for the arrival at the end of November of its new occupants.

9 A splendid Service of Licensing took place on 3rd December, followed by a marvellous Reception in the Refectory of the Shrine. Heartfelt thanks must also be recorded to another private benefactor, who gifted sufficient to defray the entire cost of the Licensing and the Reception.

And so it was that the Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was celebrated in Walsingham with the dignity, care and aplomb which have already come to characterise Fr Harri’s ministry amongst us. Our thanks to him, and to Clare, for all the love and friendship which they have showered on us in such a short time.

Finally, we are sad to report that the close of the year saw the sad death in hospital of Fr Alan Reed, whose love and care for our Parish since his retirement had been so generous.

Maureen Howard & Stephen Parkinson, Churchwardens

WALSINGHAM MOTHERS UNION The purpose of the Mothers Union is to be specially concerned with all that strengthens and preserves Marriage and Family Life and to maintain a World Wide Fellowship for Christians, united in prayer, worship & service.

Although our numbers continue to dwindle, the remaining Members of Walsingham Benefice M.U. meet with enthusiasm to support the aims of this Church of England organisation founded by Mary Sumner.

We continue to meet on the third Tuesday of every month ( except August when we have our outing), beginning with Mass at S. Marys at 11am and following on to Walsingham Parish Hall for light lunch , branch meeting and finally to welcome one of a variety of Guest Speakers .

A number of our members support various activities within our community, including the Winter Lunches which have taken place over a period of years.

New members or visitors most welcome. Susan Poole

CHRISTIAN AID For Christian Aid in 2018 we handed out over 450 red envelopes and 6 collection tubs were placed in various locations in the area. We were very pleased to have just under100 envelopes returned which with the collecting tubs proved very satisfactory. These are returned to Wells for counting who reported back that we had raised £885.65. This an increase on the results for 2017 when we raised £726.14 This money helps all affected by disaster, conflict, crisis and violence in many parts of the world. Please look out for your ‘Red’ envelope this year between 12th to 18th May 2019 and give generously! Thank you to all collectors and donors. Lynette Sutton

10 BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP Bible Reading Fellowship provides the opportunity to study the scriptures on a daily basis. NEW DAYLIGHT covers a varied selection of Old and New Testament biblical themes, offering a short daily bible passage, plus thought-provoking comment and prayer or point of reflection. Also included is BRF magazine with articles and book extracts. New Daylight can also be obtained in other formats: Large print, Braille and on cassette for the visually impaired. GUIDELINES offers in-depth study and comment, covering biblical books and themes. The daily readings are arranged in weekly sections, each including an introduction and points for thought and prayer. If you wish to become part of our Parish group please contact Susan Poole Telephone: 01328 820717

SAINT MARY’S BOOKSTALL Whilst income for 2018 was acceptable costs of the two latest bookmarks and printing of lectures left a low profit. Sales £1,033.75 Cost £792.00 Profit £171.85 Kathleen Lovatt

The Pilgrim Federation of Church of England Schools

Walsingham CE VA School

Writing this in January, I cannot help thinking back to the Christmas festivities. The Christingle service was held in St. Peter’s, at the beginning of December, and was Fr Harri’s first school service with us. It was good to see so many parents and toddlers forming a huge circle around the inside of the church, holding their lit Christingles. As always, thanks must go to the Mothers’ Union for helping to make the Christingles with the children. The Nativity Play, ‘Born in a Barn’, and Carol Service followed a week later at St Mary’s. Everybody was greeted by the children singing carols and songs, around the font. They were dressed in their costumes (mostly animals) and set the happy, festive atmosphere for a superb performance.

During the year, the children worked hard on a variety of topics, including the seasons, information books, dinosaurs, WW1, poetry, different art mediums and diversity. Activities have included cooking, sport skills and dance. With the vegetable garden and greenhouse for outdoor learning, the children grew a variety of vegetables, which they cooked and sampled or sold. The annual Federation Art Exhibition was held at Church in June with contributions from all and many visitors. In September, an exciting, new Boat Play structure was built on the playing field and this has proved to be very popular.

11 The Friends continue to raise funds for the school through various events, for example, the annual Summer and Christmas Fayres and Easter Bingo. The money raised goes towards the Federation visit to the Pantomime and the Founders Day (held in Norwich Cathedral this year), as well as many other visits and extra resources. Visiting places outside school enhances and extends the childrens’ learning and knowledge of the world. There is an annual residential trip to Brancaster for the older children. During the year, the children went to many places including Pensthorpe, Norwich Theatre to see Music for Youth, the Big Pump Organ Project at South Creake and the Shrine to meet, give a reading and sing for the Archbishop of Canterbury. They were also represented at Fr Harri’s licensing.

During the year, there have been a number of visitors to the school including the Norfolk Fire & Rescue Service, a puppet theatre, the Road Safety Team and Cycling Proficiency.

Fr Harri is now a governor and goes into school on a regular basis. A small group, under the direction of Sr Carol, continue to take Open the Book each week.

So, The Pilgrim Federation, which began on 1st April 2013, continues to flourish. Walsingham had their last Ofsted in 2014 so we knew it was due. The school was inspected in May 2018 and, to quote the report, “The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection.” Grateful thanks must go to our executive head, deputy and all the staff for their excellent work, also to all in our community who support the school in any way.

Maureen Howard Vice-Chair of Governors

Walsingham Parishes Website @ http://www.walsinghamparishes.org.uk/

At the suggestion of the PCC, the website went live in June 2015, for use by each of the six parishes within the Benefice. It comprises sections entitled Home, About Us, Vicar's Page, News & Photos, Diary, Our School, Contact Us and Web Links.

The total number of ‘browser hits’ since the website went live is:

2015 152,591 (part year from June) 2016 354,473 2017 462,036 2018 508,433

There has been a perceptible growth in visitors to our website. If it is assumed a website browser views between five or six pages per visit this means up to 5,000 or 7,000 people visit the website each month!

The ‘Contact Us’ page resulted in 21 enquiries in 2018 compared with 40 in 2017. 12 The main activity on the website is usually found in the News and Diary pages. The Special Events page highlights particular items for inclusion in your diary and is an excellent site for communication about Benefice activities.

Parishioners are encouraged, on a weekly basis in the Pew Sheet, to submit items for inclusion on our website and fully utilise its potential but sadly little has been forthcoming. After almost four years of operation it would be wise to consider the future of the website, how it is to be used and whether a ‘makeover’ is required. Graham Howard Webmaster


S. Giles S. Peter S. Mary – Joint Projects

Lent Project: Bishop of Norwich’s Appeal for Church in Papua New Guinea

Lent Talents 98.55 Lent Lunches 461.15 Donations 67.10 £626.80

S. Giles Mid-Norfolk Food Bank (Harvest Lunch) 569.50 Children’s Society 49.64 Norfolk Churches Trust 10.00 £629.14 S. Mary Friends of Norwich Cathedral 20.00 Norfolk Churches Trust 30.00 Forward in Faith 60.00 £110.00

S. Peter Anglia Trust 300.00 Norfolk Churches Trust 20.00 £320.00

Grand Total £1,685.94


S Mary-General Fund Candle Sales (Garry Getley) 164.00 South Porch Stall 1,576.00 Open Garden (David Simmons) 700.00 £2,440.00

S Mary-Fabric Fund ‘Book of Fire’ sales 310.00 £310.00

S. Giles-Designated Fund Easy Fundraising 21.33 £21.33

S. Peter-General Fund Concert 310.00 £310.00

Grand Total £3,081.33


The Diocesan Guidelines for Safeguarding are in place to protect Children and Young People entrusted to us for their welfare, wellbeing and safety, and the guidelines continue to be in place for Vulnerable Adults also.

Therefore, I am pleased to report that their have been no issues with regard to Children, Young people and Vulnerable Adults within the Walsingham Benefice since my last report.

I will continue to support the Benefice in my role as Safeguarding Officer, to ensure that these Parishes continue to be a safe and welcoming environment.

Helen Nolan



The year 2018, with its continuing difficulties, proved a challenging year. Only S.Peter’s returned a surplus – a very small one! - on its General Fund, whilst both S.Mary’s and St Giles’ recorded disappointing deficits. This was of course to some extent a reflection of those difficulties, but there is no escaping the simple fact that each of our Churches is, to a greater or lesser extent, living beyond its means.

Each Church is fortunate to have healthy balances available to cover certain expenses in various Designated, Restricted or Trust Funds. But such monies must not be used to pay – for example – the electricity bill! Such was most emphatically not the intention of the donor! Those regular bills – heat, light, bread, wine etc. – must be covered by the regular giving of the people of God in each place.

Thanks are due, then, to all who have kept their financial situations under constant review and who have thus increased their weekly or monthly giving in the light of increased income. Hopefully, others may be able to follow that particular example during the coming year.

Christine Grundy and Brian Landale join me in thanking each of you for your giving over the past year and in looking forward to your continued, prayerful support in the year ahead.

Stephen Parkinson



The Treasurer also maintains the financial records of a Discretionary Fund set up under the terms of a bequest from the late Dorly Moos for the benefit of S.Mary's, which is under the control of the Incumbent. Its balance at the year-end stood at £48,658.57 (2016: £46,779.30). These records have as usual been examined by the Independent Examiner, who confirms that they are in order.

15 St Mary Income and Expenditure for year ending 31 December 2018

General Fabric Organ Bell Total Total Fund Fund Fund Fund 2018 2017 Voluntary Income

Donations received 151.34 346.83 0.00 25.00 523.17 1,717.90 Weekly Envelopes - GA 5,918.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,918.12 7,276.00 Weekly Envelopes - non GA 1,518.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,518.00 5,134.41 Gift Aid 30,217.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,217.54 23,587.49 Sunday Cash 6,122.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,122.11 6,049.92 Other Collections 16.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.71 33.02 CAF & GAYE 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 GA Tax Refund 14,873.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,873.52 16,928.46 Friends' Income 539.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 539.00 512.00 ------59,381.34 346.83 0.00 25.00 59,753.17 61,239.20

Activities for Generating Funds

Fundraising income 2,440.00 310.00 0.00 0.00 2,750.00 3,190.81 Bookstall Income 1,033.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,033.75 1,110.45 Candle Income 588.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 588.09 715.67 Parochial Fees 3,357.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,357.00 4,069.00 Charity Income - Overseas 626.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 626.80 514.22 Charity Income - Home 253.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 253.50 180.00 Charity Income - Secular 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,121.21 ------8,299.14 310.00 0.00 0.00 8,609.14 10,901.36

Investment Income

Dividends received 0.00 2,477.19 0.00 0.00 2,477.19 2,424.79 Change in value of Investments 0.00 (1,120.78) 0.00 0.00 (1,120.78) 6,186.84 Interest received 8.60 9.06 158.63 4.37 180.66 93.72 ------8.60 1,365.47 158.63 4.37 1,537.07 8,705.35

Charitable Activities Income

Pay from Benefice - Share 18,176.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,176.00 17,393.99 Pay from Benefice - Printing 500.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.72 0.00 Pay from Benefice - Expenses 306.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 306.25 298.11 Pay from Benefice - Misc. 588.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 588.08 577.16 ------19,571.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,571.05 18,269.26

Fundraising Trading Costs

Bookstall Costs 792.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 792.00 438.18 Candle Costs 655.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 655.00 777.00 Journal Costs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 Parochial Fees 812.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 812.00 1,196.00 Pay to Benefice - GA Tax 4,413.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,413.13 4,821.34 ------(6,672.13) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (6,672.13) (7,244.52)


General Fabric Organ Bell Total Total Fund Fund Fund Fund 2018 2017 Charitable Activities Costs

Charity Grant - Overseas 626.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 626.80 514.22 Charity Grant - Home 110.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 110.00 110.00 Charity Grant - Secular 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,111.21 Salaries and wages 3,900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,900.00 3,100.00 Clergy Expenses 1,372.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,372.50 1,369.05 Parish Share 58,290.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 58,290.00 57,235.00 Travel Expenses 0.00 0.00 70.00 0.00 70.00 0.00 Sundry Expenses 3,161.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,161.22 570.94 Parish Admininistration 156.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 156.00 156.00 Heat & Light 2,187.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,187.08 2,196.31 Insurance 5,005.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,005.81 4,934.44 Church Cleaning 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 155.83 Church Maintenance 1,293.74 0.00 178.00 0.00 1,471.74 10,801.57 Churchyard Maintenance 2,097.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,097.60 9,260.09 Upkeep of Services 1,616.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,616.95 1,494.01 Printing/Stationery 2,681.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,681.52 861.12 Postage 175.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 175.53 99.41 Telephone 282.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 282.59 Website 226.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 226.00 175.00 Publicity Costs 455.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 455.00 348.00 Equipment purchases 0.00 0.00 135.94 0.00 135.94 190.00 Equipment repairs 140.16 0.00 330.00 0.00 470.16 1,037.62 ------(83,778.50) 0.00 (713.94) 0.00 (84,492.44) (95,719.82)

Other Resources Costs

Depreciation office equip. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Disposal office equip. 1,056.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,056.88 397.04 ------(1,056.88) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,056.88) (397.04)

TOTAL SURPLUS/DEFICIT (4,247.38) 2,022.30 (555.31) 29.37 (2,751.02) (4,246.21)

17 St Mary Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2018

General Fabric Organ Bell Total Total Fund Fund Fund Fund 2018 2017 Fixed Assets

Office equipment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,645.04 Depreciation office equip. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,588.16) Investments 0.00 73,602.60 0.00 0.00 73,602.60 74,723.38 ------0.00 73,602.60 0.00 0.00 73,602.60 75,780.26

Current Assets

General Fund Current Account 3,876.65 (15,699.24) (330.94) 84.00 (12,069.53) (9,284.92) Fabric Fund Current Account 0.00 9,111.42 0.00 0.00 9,111.42 6,625.17 Organ Fund Current Account 0.00 0.00 3,453.97 0.00 3,453.97 3,743.34 Bell Fund Current Account 0.00 0.00 0.00 566.32 566.32 551.95 General Fund Deposit Account 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Fabric Fund Deposit Account 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Organ Fund Deposit Account 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 Bell Fund Deposit Account 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 ------4,876.65 (5,587.82) 43,123.03 1,750.32 44,162.18 44,735.54

------4,876.65 68,014.78 43,123.03 1,750.32 117,764.78 120,515.80


Surplus/deficit year to date (4,247.38) 2,022.30 (555.31) 29.37 (2,751.02) (4,246.21) General Fund Retained Surplus 9,124.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,124.03 10,209.21 Fabric Fund Retained Surplus 0.00 65,992.48 0.00 0.00 65,992.48 68,316.48 Organ Fund Retained Surplus 0.00 0.00 43,678.34 0.00 43,678.34 44,671.05 Bell Fund Retained Surplus 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,720.95 1,720.95 1,565.27 ------(4,876.65) (68,014.78) (43,123.03) (1,750.32) (117,764.78) (120,515.80)

18 St Giles, Houghton in the Dale - Income and Expenditure for year ending 31 December 2018

General Designated Fabric Total Total Fund Fund Fund 2018 2017 Voluntary Income

Donations received 73.00 100.00 91.00 264.00 270.19 Weekly Envelopes - GA 7,408.10 0.00 0.00 7,408.10 8,128.00 Weekly Envelopes - non GA 426.00 0.00 0.00 426.00 196.00 Sunday Cash 619.48 0.00 0.00 619.48 1,332.28 Other Collections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 506.97 GA Tax Refund 0.00 2,062.50 0.00 2,062.50 2,182.38 Grants received 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,670.00 Bequests and legacies 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150,102.45 ------8,526.58 2,162.50 91.00 10,780.08 164,388.27 Activities for Generating Funds

Fundraising income 0.00 21.33 0.00 21.33 89.01 Parochial Fees 230.00 0.00 0.00 230.00 377.50 Charity Income - Secular 695.14 0.00 0.00 695.14 ------925.14 21.33 0.00 946.47 466.51 Investment Income

Interest received 0.00 680.38 65.88 746.26 113.25 ------0.00 680.38 65.88 746.26 113.25 ------9,451.72 2,864.21 156.88 12,472.81 164,968.03 Fundraising Trading Costs

Parochial Fees 53.00 0.00 0.00 53.00 270.00 Pay to Benefice - Exps. 383.25 0.00 0.00 383.25 234.56 ------(436.25) 0.00 0.00 (436.25) (504.56)

Charitable Activities Costs

Charity Grant - Home 10.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 Charity Grant - Secular 619.14 0.00 0.00 619.14 Parish Share 8,148.00 0.00 0.00 8,148.00 0.00 Sundry Expenses 275.09 0.00 0.00 275.09 0.00 Heat & Light 438.68 0.00 0.00 438.68 0.00 Insurance 1,002.40 0.00 0.00 1,002.40 0.00 Church Maintenance 7,136.44 0.00 0.00 7,136.44 0.00 Churchyard Maintenance 490.00 0.00 0.00 490.00 Upkeep of Services 100.24 0.00 0.00 100.24 0.00 ------(18,219.99) 0.00 0.00 (18,219.99) (9,093.61) ------(18,656.24) 0.00 0.00 (18,656.24) (9,598.17) ------TOTAL SURPLUS/DEFICIT (9,204.52) 2,864.21 156.88 (6,183.43) 155,369.86

19 St Giles, Houghton in the Dale - Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2018

General Designated Fabric Total Total Fund Fund Fund 2018 2017

Current Assets

Current Account (10,142.81) 12,223.32 10,360.29 12,440.80 24,370.49 Deposit Account 1 25,405.89 100,763.88 0.00 126,169.77 175,489.39 Deposit Account 2 5,000.00 50,000.00 65.88 55,065.88 0.00 ------20,263.08 162,987.20 10,426.17 193,676.45 199,859.88


Surplus/deficit year to date (9,204.52) 2,864.21 156.88 (6,183.43) 155,369.86 General Fund Retained Surplus 22,434.71 0.00 0.00 22,434.71 21,754.13 Designated Fund Retained Surplus 5,570.99 160,122.99 0.00 165,693.98 12,684.70 Fabric Fund Retained Surplus 1,461.90 0.00 10,269.29 11,731.19 10,051.19 ------(20,263.08) (162,987.20) (10,426.17) (193,676.45) (199,859.88)

20 St Peter, Great Walsingham - Income and Expenditure for year ending 31 December 2018

General Restricted Total Total Fund Fund 2018 2017 Voluntary Income

Donations received 325.00 0.00 325.00 591.00 Weekly Envelopes - GA 3,921.65 0.00 3,921.65 3,196.50 Weekly Envelopes - non GA 570.00 0.00 570.00 909.00 Gift Aid 5,802.00 0.00 5,802.00 6,263.00 Sunday Cash 1,464.91 0.00 1,464.91 841.01 Other Collections 382.00 0.00 382.00 GA Tax Refund 2,350.63 0.00 2,350.63 2,638.96 Grants received 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Bequests and legacies 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 29,534.83 ------14,816.19 5,000.00 19,816.19 44,074.30

Activities for Generating Funds

Fundraising income 310.00 0.00 310.00 939.50 Parochial Fees 1,411.00 0.00 1,411.00 2,462.00 Charity Income - Relief 0.00 0.00 0.00 673.00 Charity Income - Home 0.00 0.00 0.00 75.00 Charity Income - Secular 131.81 0.00 131.81 (200.00) ------1,852.81 0.00 1,852.81 3,949.50

Investment Income

Interest received 0.00 82.70 82.70 65.07 ------0.00 82.70 82.70 65.07 ------16,669.00 5,082.70 21,751.70 48,088.87

Fundraising Trading Costs

Journal Costs 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 Parochial Fees 435.00 0.00 435.00 606.00 Pay to Benefice - Exps. 821.60 0.00 821.60 494.84 ------(1,256.60) 0.00 (1,256.60) (1,150.84)

21 General Restricted Total Total Fund Fund 2018 2017 Charitable Activities Costs

Charity Grant - Relief 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.00 Charity Grant - Home 70.00 0.00 70.00 20.00 Charity Grant - Secular 300.00 0.00 300.00 115.00 Salaries and wages 780.00 0.00 780.00 780.00 Parish Share 10,028.00 0.00 10,028.00 10,347.99 Sundry Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 120.00 Heat & Light 943.04 0.00 943.04 698.68 Insurance 2,526.12 0.00 2,526.12 2,440.36 Church Maintenance 264.84 0.00 264.84 159.84 Upkeep of Services 149.71 0.00 149.71 109.28 Printing/Stationery 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Website 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------(15,061.71) 0.00 (15,061.71) (14,813.15) ------(16,318.31) 0.00 (16,318.31) (15,963.99) ------TOTAL SURPLUS/DEFICIT 350.69 5,082.70 5,433.39 32,124.88

St Peter, Great Walsingham - Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2018

General Restricted Total Total Fund Fund 2018 2017

Current Assets

Current Account 3,518.38 78,886.28 82,404.66 76,971.27 Deposit Account 0.00 20,852.56 20,852.56 20,852.56 ------3,518.38 99,738.84 103,257.22 97,823.83


Surplus/deficit year to date 350.69 5,082.70 5,433.39 32,124.88 General Fund Retained Surplus 3,167.69 0.00 3,167.69 853.71 Restricted Fund Retained Surplus 0.00 94,656.14 94,656.14 64,845.24 ------(3,518.38) (99,738.84) (103,257.22) (97,823.83)


Incumbent The Revd Dr Harri Williams SSC The Vicarage Church Street Little Walsingham NR22 6BL

Independent Examiner Adam Bunkle BSc (Hons) ACA Folly House 9 Church Street North Creake NR21 9JN

Bank Barclays Fakenham Branch Norfolk