Codebook and Documentation of China Population Census 1982 I

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Codebook and Documentation of China Population Census 1982 I Codebook and Documentation of China Population Census 1982 I ‘. Copyright Q 1989 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois. All rights reserved This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form, without written permission from the publisher. i Preface Chapter 1 Technical Documentation 1.1 Sample Design and Evaluation of the I % Sample 1982 Population Census of China 1.2 Number of Households and Individuals in 1982 Population Census Tapes 1.3 The Third National Population Census Form 1.4 Explanation of Concepts and Terms in the Third National Population Census Form Chapter 2 Codebooks 2.1 Standard Class#kation of Industries (3-digit) 11 2.2 Standard Classification of Occupations (3-digit) 19 2.3 Codes for Ethnic@ 29 2.4 Co&s for Administrative Divisions 31 Chapter 3 Configuration of the Dataset 3.1 Co@guation of the Dataset 96 ii ‘. This volume contains the codebook and documentation for the dataset of the 1982 Third Chinese Pom&.tion Census . The dataset is distributed by the China Statistics Archives (CSA) at the University of Illinois at Chicago in collaboration with the China Statistical Information and Consultancy Service Center (CSICSC). Chapter One deals with “Technical Documentation” which contains the sampling design, number of domestic households and individuals, the census form and explanations of concepts and terms. Chapter Two provides the codes used in the dataset. Chapter Three provides the logical structure of the dataset. 111 1.1 Sampling Design and Evaluation of the 1% Sample 1982 Population Census of China There are two types of household records in the 1% Sample 1982 Population Census of China: the domestic household and the collective household. The sample of domestic household was drawn based on records of one-in-one hundred systemically selected households and individual records by taking every 100th households and all of their family members from the original 1982 Population Census of China after a random start. The sample of collective households was taken from every 100th individual in all collective households. Thus some collective households with less than 100 members were not sampled. To estimate the population parameter the ordering of the population from which the systemic sample was drawn is important. When the population is ordered randomly the the procedure for estimating population parameter is equal to a simple random sample. In the one-in-one hundred systemic sample of the 1982 Population Census of China the population was listed in order of administrative divisions which can be considered a random order. Equations for estimating the population mean and proportion are listed below (equations are taken from Mendenhall, Ott and Scheaffer, Blementarv Survev Samnling, 1971, Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc. : 1. Estimator of the population mean p : n C Yi i =I p = ysy = (1) n Where ysy is the mean of systemic sample which is calculated by the sum of each sample observation divided by sample size n. 2. Estimated variance of ysy: Vysy) = ((N-n)lN) x (s2/n) (2.1) where It elf-YsY)~ i=l 2 S= (2.2) n-l 3. Bound on the error of estimation: The quantity ((N-n)/N) is called the finite population correction @c). When n remains small relative to the population size N, thefpc is close to unity. In this dataset since n=l%N and ((N-n)/N) = .99 thefpc can be ignored. 2 . 4. Estimator of the population proportion p: i Yi id PSP =yv= (4) n 5. Estimated variance of PSY: WPSS) = ((PSY x cr.&(W) x (WON (5) where qsy=l-Psy. 6. Bound on the error of estimation (6) Again we can ignore thefpc, ((N-n)/N), in this dataset since the n is small. 3 1.2 NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS AND INDIVIDUALS IN THE 1982 CHINESE CENSUS TAPES Number of Domestic Households 1 Number of Individuals From From the From Tapes From From the Total Tapes as% of Tapes Total token from the “1982 Population' Households Population* Po@allon conouo of fromthe chino” (Pg. 25. OdiM bv*popll* Total cmolmofkouldw Region Population lhOSlWiCOUmilMd rkpmmenl of 23381 1% 8631493 Populolfon slotioilu, Beping** 2337261 a6262 dUNSlOlc Tianjin” 19140 1914039 1% 75326 7472265 smidlul ewoou, Hebei 123363 12317209 1% 509394 50972642 PoopIds Republic of chinq roes). Shanxi 58985 5891455 1% 239786 23967041 Inner Mongolia 41848 4187564 1% 188753 18903841 Liaoning 84977 8535937 1% 347810 34870762 Jilin 50742 5073551 1% 223230 22277023 Heilongjiang 71328 7145239 1% 320422 32172244 Shanghai” 31157 3127065 1% 112305 11248412 Jiangsu 150780 15066423 1% 588500 58870750 mejiang 95611 9558560 1% 379090 37843555 Anhui 104718 10470792 1% 484488 48540143 Fujian 51453 5142142 1% 248635 24922594 Jiangxi 64931 6493092 1% 321655 32051687 Shandong 173469 17335083 1% 721029 72111815 Henan 154155 15304584 1% 728930 72348249 Hubei 100980 10089556 1% 456646 45666859 Hunan 122902 12279122 1% 518174 51737838 Guangdong 118884 11882131 1% 571072 57024946 Guangxi 68994 6897157 1% 354491 35428277 Sichuan 227542 22746217 1% 965734 96623153 Guizhou 56597 5659311 1% 278458 27893390 Yunnan 60973 6095741 1% 314964 31527215 Tibet 3167 316753 1% 16180 1602612 Shaanxi 61078 6103778 1% 272829 27344629 Gansu 37310 3730948 1% t89013 18908711 Qinghai 7184 718473 1% 37066 3707528 Ningxia 7356 736854 1% 37751 3749288 Xiniang 29076 2926972 1% t25752 12672263 4 Our hvulatkm of tk ltid Natiornl PcpularionCcnsur Form IV. Number of bb?br intk hou&,dd 1981 includcr utegoricr of tiormticm from tk original Chines fcmn. Numb of mde ud femde bii (only tk totd ntmbzr of biiths ia on ths up). which arc rvrilablo on this computer tq. It should k n&d tkt V. Numkr of de&s in tk hovschdd 1981 the crigbul Ckiise fomx callccted tk fdlowiry daw Numkr of mdo and famelo dmh (only rho tout numbx of dzatk is avlilablc on tk ups). 1.3 THE THIRD NATIONAL POPULATION CENSUS FORM VI. Nttmbot of re8i~rwcd~,,t” nbmnt MU ~llo year. (Reference Time: 0O:OO a.m. July 1, 1982) 1. Househdd Type II. !&rid No. of III. No. of pcmxu IV. No. of birtk in tk kuschdd V. No. of &&a In h bcmmhdd VI. No. of mgiammd prrrnr duent AthdltNW IIEUWkS: tbo houahdd. in the hourckld in 1981. T&d in 1981. Total ow mo you. Tad R&Imdpsnon~1bovaatop 2. cdlccdvo HH. TOUI (2 digits) (2d&i*) 0 ww --=- -rX- (i digit) (3 digits) (3 digits) --=- --=- Each Per~~on Persons a&ted 6 I.NunC II. Rdat&~hip to 111. sex IV. Ae v. BtImidty VI. b&O’.ti~ VII. adtt~cbmll VIII. hldltw rx. ckatpltial X.SlRntrdnmr xl. hitd mhu XIl. Nos. d VIII. Blm tk b&of ShhW Led ~orlrinlpcnon d~itdmmet’a bma fdlowitq H 1981 houschdd mdtumlivbq (hdiVidltd l.Hmdof I.mals Dam of bii sea l&riding awl 1. ColJe~ gradtub Sm Co&book See codsbook 1. smdmt 1.riwermurkd f!hihhtbmdiw l.Qkt&ild tD - 3 c&k) houabdd 2famds Yur_ rt&!Sd hno. 2undcrgSduatm (3 WW (3 digits) 2Hauskacpi 2Mmbd No diciw 2socmd 2. spcuso (I digit) MmL 2 Rssidii km 3. s.anla mid& 3. Aww 3. wi6Dwcd 3. lltird 3.Child Day- over 1 yen. but sdtwl rhool 4. Mvd ChIldreD livhl8 ” 4. Fourth 4.Camkhild ~YSlua of Igo m~bkmd dawkre. 4. Juttlot mlddls e.mdhmt (1 d&i0 - 5.Qifthamnm 5. Pusn, (3digitS) - 3.-i ktclotr scld 4. Awl* itw. digit,) (1 digit) 6. chmdpm thmlysu. but 5. Rkwy rdtcd 8ovsmmctttjob 7. Other rdativa lbamtbati 6. UIi(cnlc 01 usigxanl 8. Non-rddiw qtlmtim phcs ami-Ulimtam 5. urkn (1 digit) lbwsl)wr. (I digit) uncmplw 4. Livhq hue. witb 6.Rmkda ~&T~tiPltmsettJed =h-d 5. Resided krc; 7.oth ktbakmdwithn, (1 diit) k+tr*t&n. (I digit) (Individual l.Hwdof 14&O l.R#sidhg and 1. Ctdleg: gmdtum see co&hook SW cc&bodK 1. StlatI l.Nowrttmriod Childtenkmdivo l.Qkt&ild ID -- 3 digits) hourhdd Zfemde mgkemd km. 2.Utl&tg&MC (3 di8ib) (3 w4 2Hwi 2.ldmkd wp atiw 2Sermd 2. Spata (1 digit) 2 Reddin km 3. s&a tnldde 3. Avaitiq 3. WI&wed 3. lkird 3. Child overlwu.kt Bdlcal school 4. Diva.xd childrw living .t 4. Qawh 4.Gmndchild -Yam of 8gs mg&ed&wkm. 4. Juniamiddlc adlm¶nt (1 dW0 S.Pifth~lttOlB 5. PSrenl (3 dirits)- 3. Raridbu km lcrr rbad 4 Aww (I digit) 6.Gnndpsxont tkn1 ye.;. but s.RiiBdwd pvsmnrmloa 7.otkGd~tivc sbroot ban 6. Illiuxue m dgnarn 8. Nomtdmiw regismtkm placz romi-iUkmm s. urban (I digit) lbms 1 )au. (I d@t) =nplovta 4. Livhlg kre witb 6. iwmd or rCgiSWiO”wwotdcd -k-l 5. Redded bm; 7. otkl butb*bmdwithno (1 digit) ‘7’.i l4SWltiC.l. (1 wt) (tndlvidud l.Headof I mde Date of bbth SW 1&Sidi”g d I. College gmdlur: Sk Co&book Sea Co&book 1. slulklt l.Nsvmtturried Chilh ban dive 1. Fist child ID _- 3 digits) hcwzhdd aremnle Ye=- CCdCkCk mgiswed kre. 2.Undqrafuam (3 digits) (3 digits) 2 Hourcka~iq 2.Muriod (two di8ib) zsecald 2. spalm (1 digit) Monk-.- (2 digits) 2 Rosidiq km 3. s&m middle 3. Au&* 3.widowed 3.Third ‘. 3. Child Day- WC, 1 yew, but sdlad rhod 4. Divmccd chiidmn livbI8 .t 4. Qamh 4.Qrandchild -YCuS Of 180 rcgistzed elsewkre. 4. Julia middle cmdlmt (1 dii P”p S.QlfthOrmnS s.Pamlt (3 digits) 3. Residbtg kn less school 4. Await (two digits) (1 digitl 6. Ontxlparent thm1yeu, but 5. Ribnuy rdlod 8wemtmd job 7. Other relative ddmt bcm 6. Illitente n aaaigvmcd 8. Non-relatiw. ,‘+StdC,”PbCE semi-iUimt0 5.
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