Iota! Isltfhd Information Pabe 223 Police Beat Page SA
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Iota! isltfhd information PaBe 223 Police beat Page _SA Aquaiic preserves- •Pian receives"' cool reception*" 2y Carol Knnlctifdd ~ TJK draft C&ar'ottc Hertjoh ^qujJc Pnscrw* , i lanvrttsmfidepuDLclasiw^jcandnwrivedalesn r"uu __ ReMarc'i CholTafic Of ^ Bill Webfr two,- Cave «fle^ „„ <*>cur\cnt luri^wfi fit aw renter "ft n lycm t inn Uiroe montni to «ta« a docwrvrrt liwf wM ctuled ror 25 years ago; »wi thwr sur ti^jtfauy^iKVu^ji^. Wchb b anuieni «cO(W3^g OKUghls oH oUier-" local <3)yb>aarien4al!iu ifco hiVotiefatawalttnEtbe I <l>ciiiiiaifs arrtval torn &e tnb t( She Ploritla Bureau of Land MjnsgxHiiccL "iwrely ifsawolDWl and • blunfeinou*' were Hotls Ward with anna regularity in lh« few dayxcferthedrah P &an Iiannlnp DlrccUir* Bob Duui* tmld cne of Uie grj,vest oveisl^its tl the draft la the lack bt u ttiofnL^i Inventoiy jlhc plan sv&s sdwdulc^ li/~ "' continued page 30A Captiva grave marker wi!i be repaired, replaced By Barbara Bnmd&gij j Tw XJlstorlcal Preservation Committee agreed A cast -aluminum te-nporary •'grave mai-ter wftn Hcwe that the marker should be^t/cn to a found a year And half ago at Bowmnn's Bt-di by grwjp cf Cjiptlvcns who have refurtlshcd thnold CharlesLeBuff Jr, uIU be repaired and replaced at CCTiu-tcry and filed for iU registration as an historic UM fool of BuelAh Gibson a grqve Li the Cnp-Uvs. site Ccmclcry i /• f^ r Robert, Hcnphlll w^w odd as L*ie unofficial How the marker found its way to the parking bt at Bowman s Beech Is still a mystery !o S^nlbc. -, 1'otlcc Kho bad kep* thr marker lii the evidence continued page 30A room at ,»5lce headqunrtera since LeDuif (ursed It cvti to them En November 1981 nccwitly Officer Jock Prtmin discovered th*» Capon resident* will celebrate tfce BWKI vpeolog and markir tho type suppl'cd by funeral homes to dedteaUnof tno new Captin Post O*fic« thla Saturday mark cemetery urtU a headstone is in- Aprils stalled Primm thought Die markcr'rilght have Tie testlvltiM will begin at 3 pm. Tbc puUlc U seme historical significance and gave Jt to Paul d bTtNllMdU How* a member ot. SanitMl's HistoricoJ Prcser- wstOffice«ufftojo*ntliepartyimtfl5pjTi. \hllonConmltlee - .Tbe on port Office Is Jusi past tbe entraaos to South Houcff rotcarch revealed that Bueluh Gibson SeuPlaaUUonDatttotbsTmbacmCaUery Photo far was Uic wiit of Arthur Citron, a pioneer CspUva DsvldMeardM. resident. <0K was buried with her husband at Jio Cspiiv^Cl Inside Meet Monofiiament The Islander Ruth North this week:' Page 19A Page IB - atKmamsmm ~ \ Weatfier watch Walking the Everybociy'J' * Third annual tour talks about it.: draws hundreds' * Skl« over Sanfte! snd Co&lvz wui be -irtlv cloudy Wednesday through Fridav Uilj of nature lovers wlut a choccc o! ^bowers and "tfcun- It was on? of time "perfect Island days" <iiith nns on Thursd&y ara| Friday, iu>vvs will B, tradewind reaching through the sun's rays to "c in the inld-TOs, hfghVin She^mid-sch set a perfect sax* /or the Third Annual Weekend weather shoald bl inostlv Mr am! McmoriU ftotnny Tour> Uiroijeb Sanlbcl'* coo! wltn a chance of stowcra- Thta it Inutsum! Woodmere Preserve. formation Is supplied by the National Weather Hundreds of ffiJdnat* and visitors nude their Service way ihrou&j. tbc tropical canopy last Friday. For Last week's hlfihs and lows are some it was A wonderful introduction to records kept at tie! wgcSatioo 'characteristic' 4f'ilie; Island; lor ofCominera* others it v/taa a fitting way to say.farewell to The path prst wound Its way past Uy gulao«l».fW^rajMuiea«-'.";whfdi. bean., verdant Monday, March S3 . »£-3 ^ leaves cpnee tsnj by the Calusalndlaija in place of tobacec/ Farther tiovn the trail the txxy-ltiue smell of wax myrtle (Myrlca cortfara) greeted SI -so visitors fctumiedgeable «nough to cntsb Its - leaves sJIghUy - A few sups beyond tbe corky-atctr»m«* d Bi - passion Gotfcr (Fawiaora auberwal naif ytf Co produce itsstunning white flowers, but It entlcsd itlkdblitUdidUtojydr»knok w r Last Frids/i tax mn SMW NUDT ncrtwlnhk* *aa* s HI ifato one. betew. «umiuod«dbywildonlle»pt«nto. Whafs inside Mortgage money Tueaday ntxjht threajbt the •euon to ralxe'raooey fffr hew bard this white-blossoming vine must work U» mortKAge fund. Next ~ to htoein on Sunlbel. Its ."stater,** tfie red passion B»l Bemh»rd, lelt. jtremti . ctodt for Rtw to 12, !JI the lut ; flower,'- fe much better, adupted to the ,Island -S3 Banh'of tbo UUada Praldnt Jim Iteinai tor cliniaUj. Ccmmsntary . -18B pAynfsot aa Ow morljfijs ol tbe Suite! Cotnmutlty Hie ftooo, combined wltli UM' Ml mortsrae : -5A pwmut ot nwoo uu »•> due on Afrt 1. leans Ke Low-Jyjng Japanese..- spurge -<Wed«lla Entertainment ibis week- AnocUOM b*a DenAard a chairman of the SCA -SB *-*•»& CofflD^ttw, wtilcta has he^l gamea eve>7 deUIort tr£Jc*«ita t mode wonderful ground cover near a -IDA , magnificent agave specimen (Agave neglecU)," -SB ' cite GI four agave species along the path. _ arts- -8B 1 In quieter moments, the owners of V/oodmere Movies- -SB Preserve.^ say they can find •' mby-lhroated' Municipal reconls- -6A liuiBruiugMnte pilfering nectar from the nearby: Policefet deep Wocj dowurs 'of the; blue porterwood (Sthtbt}il) Senice directory- Wcodmcre Preserve stands unique as one of SnelllilgUps—: the few remaining gultside parcels .on Sonlbet Tides : -IIA thatspart a variety of native plursts untouched by; -I1A pnwiijg shears or cbaimaw. The sign posted at the entrance to this mar- velous place r«ading, "Window to the Jungle — t/ndislut-bed- forj a" Century,'•"• Is' remarkably accurate- Friday's tour threaded IL*J way through forest: CANTCtAM UP climasrjgrowih, exfenrfing to the'coastal ridge,' ABOUT THIS ONE! wetland communities and beach dunes ' OPEN RESORT FASHIONS Sf lusted at ine very end of West Gulf Drive; the %OFF t WoodmcifC Preserve property was deeded a few years ago to Mary, WegmuUcr, daughter or Opal" ' ALL WOMEN'S SWIMS1IITS and Willis Combs LCXXCFOCOURTA&fi r>olm Kldgo Piece •ntc Combs purchased tbe property in 1BS3 and ATTMFABWAFLEAMAEKET „ 23M Palm «W0. Hood were honored at county, state and national levels MARCH27 -- Snolb.1 lilond.ri33«S7 for. their; dcdisaletl conscrvatlo!l^ efforts ~- a ( tradltioa that Mary has deemed Important to o>i:tlniie. On occasion she' opeas the private, preserve to local non-profit groups such as Boy PrisdJla Murphy, who was tbe only real estate Wegmuller is proud of'the tradltiou tier Scouts and Girl Scouts and allows the Sanibel- brokcroo the Island In 1933, jmd built (heir borne parents be^an,.oDe'she;fs determined to con- CitpUva Conservation, FoundaUon'toruse, tbe, a year later **~ r. " Unue. Effotts are underway, she says, to ensure Once you have property AS a sort ot "Onai exam site" for its In future years, tbelr pmpcrty became a the coBtlntfciacB ot the annual memorial tours so prospective tour guides. The SCCP co^spoosors stopping point for participants In tbe SL Michael the publlc,<MUi: always share: the beauty of tbe the annual preserve tour, and All Angels Episcopal Chuxb tour ol Island Island fn its natural stated ON THE ISLAND visited Tlie Combs purchased the picperty airougb hoinesA , ' *, CAN YOU FIND? The finest selection of t '«i% California, French & Geman Wines 1 Gourmet Food from around ' ? the world „ you will know Candy by Russel Stover - • Pepperidge Farm Bread why our friends One Day fUrri Service Remember Sortoel wl»i our hand- A deli with Smoked Salmon aafted wood pelicans Experty Pates and the Famous.. handcarved from various types and shades of wood they are" then come back again Seafood Sub mounted on bases of natural drift- 85 Different Cold Beers wood. Several sires are available to Health Foods, Gifts, Kites suit an your decorating needs They're Toys, Shells also ideal fa the pelican lovet on your = and'again And much Mon£ J giftBst >• - NATURALLY AT THE r and again' and again variety oC naUve pUnU untouched by Photostby David Meardon, • >' -, Tahitmn Gordons &PatZombuto .Hours: iQOO-SOO "(813)^72-2876 32 Periwinkle Place, Sanibel - -.? '- It Tueod*y,Aprfl5.130 • iA THE WAY WE mmssmm , ... as Y<«nA#> This Week mend Just how a center on Sanibcl can best serve walbe property just North at Clam Bayou at Turner the people and interests of the Islands,.,,: Beach. *-' •*• -• Mere than J4O people—some from as far away as The advisory commlilfe Is responsible for Toronto, Ontario — have applied for the 11 Jobs that Ball*?y'i advertised chuifc roast for 49 cents a .planning the• development "of 'a reglcnal partt >lil be available when the Sanibel Causeway opens pound and lettuce fur IS cecis a bead. - facility on tnecouhty .'property ^nd retommeads on May 26.^ The positions Include administrator, that the county also purchase the 33-acre tracf Indiaiia^ thanks for day on Sanibel bo6XXesperv -; maintenance mechanic, three lift' FOR RENT:-, November: through April.-Ef- adjacent to tl>* Schwalbe property. tenders and five toll collectors. Salaries range from ficiency apartment for two. Private pool. Excellent TDTbs Editor, several of Uw roseatfjspoonbni. At en every hand with £ts Jensay trancing. HownTJlthebuetiiesscB and S3,«» to 36,000 per year, viewof the gulf. All utilities. $31)0 a month. An average of i,BS5;.'cars passed tbiough the The Minder - v times they .would ratsa their'mar- wntf-r, holding land poucr m Causeway toll booth on,the way to Sanibcl and Thanks for a da/ oa your BO verv velous pin* wings in a nature ha]Jet' home*,are tuefced !n-to blind'haf evidence.