Aaron Sorkin | 108 pages | 12 Nov 2010 | Samuel French, Inc. | 9780573662867 | English | New York, NY, The Farnsworth Invention - Wikipedia

Philo T. Farnsworth was a talented scientist and inventor from a young age. Inhe The Farnsworth Invention a prototype of the first all-electric , and went The Farnsworth Invention to lead research in nuclear fusion. Despite his continued scientific success, Farnsworth was dogged by lawsuits and died, in debt, in Salt Lake City on March 11, An amateur scientist at a young age, Farnsworth converted his family's home appliances to electric power during his high school years and won a national contest with his original invention of a tamper-proof lock. In his chemistry class in Rigby, Idaho, Farnsworth sketched out an idea for a that would revolutionize The Farnsworth Invention — although neither his teacher nor his fellow students grasped the implications of his concept. Farnsworth continued his studies at Brigham Young University, where he matriculated in He was forced to drop out following the death of his father two years later. His plans and experiments continued nonetheless. Byhe was able to raise the funds to continue his scientific work and move to San Francisco The Farnsworth Invention his new wife, Elma "Pem" Gardner Farnsworth. The following year, he unveiled his all-electronic television prototype—the first of its kind—made possible by a video tube or ". Farnsworth rejected the first offer he received from RCA to purchase the rights to his device. He instead accepted a position at Philco in Philadelphia, moving across the country with his wife and young children. Throughout the late s The Farnsworth Invention early s, Farnsworth fought legal charges that his inventions were in violation of a patent filed prior to his by the inventor Vladimir Zworkyin. RCA, which owned the rights to Zworkyin's patents, supported these claims throughout many trials and appeals, with considerable success. Inthe embattled Farnsworth left Philco to pursue his own avenues of research. Farnsworth's contributions to science after leaving Philco were significant and far-reaching. Some were unrelated to television, including a process he developed to sterilize milk using radio waves. He also continued to push his ideas regarding television transmission. RCA was ultimately able to market and sell the first electronic for a home audience, after paying Farnsworth a fee of a million dollars. After accepting the deal from RCA, Farnsworth sold his company but continued his research on technologies including radar, the telescope, and nuclear fusion. He moved back to Utah in to run a fusion lab at Brigham Young University. Farnsworth Association. The company faltered when funding grew tight. ByFarnsworth was in serious debt and was forced to halt his research. Farnsworth, who had battled depression for decades, turned to alcohol in the final years of his life. Pem Farnsworth spent many years trying to resurrect her husband's legacy, which had largely been erased as a The Farnsworth Invention of the protracted legal The Farnsworth Invention with RCA. We strive for accuracy and fairness. If you see The Farnsworth Invention that doesn't look right, contact us! Subscribe The Farnsworth Invention the Biography newsletter to receive stories about the people who shaped our world and the stories that shaped their lives. Known as "Black Edison," Granville Woods was an African American inventor who made key contributions to the development of The Farnsworth Invention telephone, streetcar and more. Actor and professional wrestler Mr. Booker T. Washington was one of the foremost African American leaders of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, founding the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. Ice-T is known for his raps about street life and violence, and his influence on the gangster rap genre. Orville Wright was an aviation pioneer who is best known for inventing the airplane with his brother, Wilbur. Eliot was a groundbreaking 20th-century poet who is known widely for his work 'The Waste Land. American P. Barnum was an immensely successful promoter who founded the circus he coined "The Greatest Show on Earth" in Lewis Howard Latimer was an inventor and draftsman best known for his contributions to the patenting of the bulb and the telephone. Farnsworth was an American inventor best known as a pioneer of television technology. The Farnsworth Invention - 1st Stage

NEW YORK A play based on the life of a television or any other inventor is in itself unusual, and for such play to open on Broadway is indeed a rarity. Well, Sorkin has succeeded in doing this, as witnessed by the packed house performance I attended recently. However his methodology for achieving this success does warrant a closer look. While it is admirable that the playwright has rescued the names of , David Sarnoff and Vladimir Zworykin from the legion of the obscure—names that are virtually unknown to many of the present generation—it is lamentable that The Farnsworth Invention has taken so many, many liberties The Farnsworth Invention the facts surrounding their lives. Farnsworth and Vladimir Zworykin. Farnsworth, while a poor but brilliant Utah farm boy, also visualized the creation of an electronic television system. Both inventors spent their most productive years producing workable television systems. While there were commonalities in some areas, their approach to creating an imaging device differed greatly. It operated by the action of light representing the scene being televised striking a thin photo-emissive element that instantaneously created an electronic representation of that image on the reverse side. Early television studio base lighting for an was around 1, foot-candles. The image dissector required even more. Nevertheless, Farnsworth did succeed in producing electronic television images as early as While Sorkin does capture the nucleus of the conflict between Sarnoff and Farnsworth, many of the facts are severely twisted. At this point in the play, Sarnoff appears on the scene to comfort Farnsworth and to offer him a job. Nothing could be The Farnsworth Invention from the truth. The play is replete with many other inaccuracies and misrepresentations, including:. It is supposed to be heavily scientific, but in reality is The Farnsworth Invention steel beer barrel that is wrapped by some strapping with large holes bored into it, and is adorned with an obligatory meter and The Farnsworth Invention. TVT The Farnsworth Invention Created with Sketch. TV Technology. The latest product and technology information. Future US's leading brands bring the most important, up-to-date The Farnsworth Invention right to your inbox. Receive news and offers from our other brands? Yes No. Receive mail from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors? Thank you for signing up to TV Technology. You will receive a verification email shortly. There was a problem. Please refresh the page and try again. Most Read Most Shared. The Farnsworth Invention

Farnsworth was a technical prodigy from an early The Farnsworth Invention. An avid reader of science magazines as a teenager, he became interested in the problem of television and was convinced that mechanical systems that used, for example, a spinning disc would be too slow to scan and assemble images many times a second. Only an electronic system could scan and assemble an image fast enough, and by he had worked out the basic outlines of electronic television. Inwhile still in high schoolFarnsworth The Farnsworth Invention entered Brigham Young University in ProvoUtahas a special student. Farnsworth had to postpone his dream of developing television. In he went to work for charity fund-raisers George Everson and Leslie Gorrell. He convinced them to go into a partnership to produce his television system. Farnsworth moved to Los Angeles with his new wife, Pem Gardner, and began work. Farnsworth made his first successful electronic television transmission on September 7,and filed a patent for his system that same year. Farnsworth continued to perfect his system and gave the first demonstration to the press in September He rejected the offer. Instead, Farnsworth joined forces with the radio manufacturer Philadelphia Storage Battery Company Philco inbut their association only lasted until Production of radios began in Zworykin had developed a successful camera tube, the iconoscope, but many other necessary parts of a television system were patented by Farnsworth. Finally, inRCA agreed to pay Farnsworth royalties for his patents. The years of struggle and exhausting work had taken The Farnsworth Invention toll on Farnsworth, and in he moved to Maine to recover after a nervous breakdown. In he returned The Farnsworth Invention Fort Wayne, and that same year Farnsworth Television produced its first television set. However, the company was in deep financial trouble. Farnsworth was retained as vice president of research. Farnsworth became interested in nuclear fusion and invented a device called The Farnsworth Invention fusor that he hoped would serve as the basis for a practical fusion reactor. He moved to Brigham Young University, where he continued his fusion research with a new company, Philo T. Farnsworth Associates, but the company went bankrupt The Farnsworth Invention Print Cite. Twitter. Give Feedback External Websites. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article requires login. External Websites. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Erik Gregersen Erik Gregersen is a senior editor, specializing in the physical sciences and technology. See Article History. Get exclusive access to content from our First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today. Learn More in these related Britannica articles:. The Farnsworth Invention equipment operated much more rapidly and gave a more satisfactory image. By the outbreak of World War II, television services were being introduced in several countries, although the war…. Three years earlier The Farnsworth Invention had done the first successful demonstration of an entirely electronic television system. Television TVthe electronic delivery of moving images and sound from a source to a receiver. By extending the senses of vision and hearing beyond the limits of physical distance, television has had a considerable influence on society. Conceived in The Farnsworth Invention early 20th century as a possible medium for…. History at your fingertips. Sign up here to see what happened On This Dayevery day in your inbox! Email address. By signing up, The Farnsworth Invention agree to our Privacy Notice. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox.