The Mini-School Experiment. Restructuring Your School: a Handbook
I.- DOCUMENT RESUME tio EDj17 282 UD_915 686 -A*OR Morisseau, James J.. ' TITLE The Mini-School Ext3eriment. RePtructuring, YOur School: AllandbooV. ,TNiTITUTION,c New York grban,Coalition, N.Y. PUB DATE Nov 75 ,' NOTE- .170p. AVAILABLE FROM New.- York Urban Coalition, 55 Fifth Aveu New York 10014 ($3.95) ; ,k; .2DRS PRICE. --MFT$0.7.6 HC-$8.24 Plus Pcistaqe_ DESCRIPTORS, -Alternative Schools; *Change Stategieb; Disadvantaged-Youth; Educatimal'Alternativesi EducatiOnal Change; * Educational: Experiments; Educational Innovation; Educational Methods; Experimental SChools; Guidelines; *High School 1c4 Design-; *High School Organization; -High Schools; High School- Students;-Manuals;,Public Schools; Resource Guides; Sdcondary Education; Urban Schools IDENTIFIERS Mini-Schoolst gew York (Manhattan); *Project Haiien ABSTRACT . This book documents the Haaren Project, believed to be the only one involving the conversion of an entire existing high school to a_mini-school format. It outlineS thi,shortcomings_of the existing system that gave rise to the alternative-school movement, traces the history of the early'aiternative schooli citing their successes, shortcomings and failures, and disCusses,the reasoning_ behind the project. The future of this mini-ichool projebt, along with the future of alternative education atd school renewal in general and the potential impact,of the alternative-school movement on established s01101 systeis particularly in the innetcity is addressed last. the concluding chapter is presented for educators and community groups interested in latnching theirown alternative - school programs based on the mini-school approach and the processes-involved. It offers a step -bp -step "road map" covering such areas' as planning organization, management] financing; administration, staffing, day-to-day operation-, involvement of the' business Communityland facilities gaining and acquisition.
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