LOCAL AUTHORITY MAJOR SCHEMES BEST AND FINAL FUNDING BID SEPTEMBER 2011 Scheme Name Bus Rapid Transit Ashton Vale to Temple Meads Local Authority Bristol City Council (Lead) SCHEME COST SUMMARY (£m) Scheme As Previously Revised Scheme Configured (from section 4.4) (from section 1.4) LA contribution £7.483m £13. 613m Third Party Contribution * £1.250m DfT Funding Contribution £44.114m £34.508m Total £51.597m £49. 371m CONTACT DETAILS FOR FURTHER ENQUIRIES Lead Contact: Bob Fowler Posi tion: Service Manager, Major Transport Projects, Bristol City Council (Senior Responsible Owner) Tel: 01179 036 579 E-mail:
[email protected] Alternative Contact: Alun Owen Position: Service Director Major Projects, Bristol City Council Te l: 01179 037 481 E-mail:
[email protected] NOTE: Bids should be received by the Department by Noon on 9 th September 2011. SENIOR RESPONSIBLE OWNER DECLARATION As Senior Responsible Owner for Bus Rapid Transit Ashton Vale to Temple Meads I hereby submit this Best and Final Funding Bid to DfT on behalf of Bristol City Council (as Lead Authority) and confirm that I have the necessary authority to do so. Name: Bob Fowler Signed: Position: Service Manager, Major Transport Projects, Bristol City Council SECTION 151 OFFICER DECLARATION As Section 151 Officer for Bristol City Council I declare that the scheme cost estimates quoted in this bid are accurate to the best of my knowledge and that Bristol City Council (as Lead Authority) has the intention and the means to deliver this scheme on the basis of its proposed funding contribution at section 4.3 (a) above, as well as meeting any ongoing revenue requirements on the understanding that no further increase in DfT funding will be considered beyond the maximum contribution requested at 4.3 (c) (including if third party contributions should no longer be available).