VOL. 29, NO. 3–4 | MARCH-APRIL 2019 Holes in the Bottom of the Sea: History, Revolutions, and Future Opportunities Holes in the Bottom of the Sea: History, Revolutions, and Future Opportunities Suzanne OConnell, Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut 06459, USA,
[email protected] ABSTRACT about plate tectonics, ocean chemistry, (Scripps Institution of Oceanography No other international scientific col- evolution, life in harsh environments, [SIO]) and Harry Hess (Princeton laboration has contributed as much to our and climate change. University), both AMSOC members, knowledge of Earth processes as scientific Scientists from across the world have proposed to drill a deep hole to sample ocean drilling (SOD). These contributions benefited from and contributed to the pro- Earth’s mantle below a zone of seismic include geophysical surveys, core sam- gram. Geophysical site survey data, cores, velocity change, the Mohorovicic ples, borehole well logs, and sub-seafloor and associated information are available to Discontinuity (Moho): “Project Mohole.” observatories. After more than half a the global scientific community to study The National Science Foundation (NSF) century, involving thousands of scientists and sample. More than 1000 international may have been in favor of the project, from around the world, SOD has been scientists, ranging in age from early career because the 1957 International Union of instrumental in developing three geosci- to retired, are proponents on active propos- Geodesy and Geophysics Resolution 11 ence revolutions: (1) plate tectonics, als for upcoming drilling. recommended that the Moho be drilled. (2) paleoceanography, and (3) the deep This article, by no means comprehen- The Soviet Union said they had the equip- marine biosphere.