3.0 Sanitary Servicing

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3.0 Sanitary Servicing LRT TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT STUDY AREAS SERVICING OVERVIEW Final Draft Report, December 2013 3.0 SANITARY SERVICING 3.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS The City of Ottawa’s Wastewater Collection system collects wastewater throughout the urban built up area within the City of Ottawa. The sanitary trunk system consists of well over 200 km of sewers, typically 525mm diameter and larger. The wastewater flows through a series of local sewers that discharge into a series of collector sanitary trunk sewers all of which flow to the Robert O. Pickard Environmental Centre. This facility is a secondary wastewater treatment plant that treats wastewater prior to discharging into the Ottawa River. This system is designed to collect, convey and treat all dry weather flow in addition to some wet weather flow. The collection of some wet weather flow in the system occurs as some areas within the inner core of the City remain combined or partially separated. This results in some combined sewer overflows (CSO’s) to the Ottawa River under larger wet weather events. In discussion with the City of Ottawa, no rehabilitation on the major sewers is planned within the next three years that would either remove extraneous flows or increase trunk capacity. Figure 3-1 presents an overview of the City’s Rideau River Collector, Rideau River Interceptor, Cyrville Road Collector, and Maxime Relief Trunk wastewater collection system. The highlighted areas shown on this figure depicts the area subcatchments tributary to the collectors as defined by the City’s Hydraulic model for the sanitary sewer system from the 2009 Wastewater Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) update. A more detailed view of the system components located in and around the TOD study areas are shown on Figure 3-2. The major trunk system within the Rideau River Collection system is the Rideau River Collector which is located just east of the Rideau River. The Collector ranges in size from a 600mm diameter to a 2100mm diameter pipe built between 1900 and 2007 over the more than 12km length. The pipe material is concrete, typically the newer installations, and brick the original section of the collector. The 2100mm diameter brick section was built in 1900 and runs from the Ottawa River to about Montreal Road. The remaining sections vary from a 600mm diameter at the most upstream section (at Walkley Road just east of Riverside Drive) to 1950mm diameter just south of Montreal Road. These sections were built between 1954 and 1975. In 2007, a 1950mm relief sewer was built along North River Road from just south of Montreal Road to Wright Road to reduce the HGL in the area, thus reducing basement flooding. On the east side of the Rideau River at Donald Street, the Rideau River Interceptor discharges into the Rideau River Collector through two 1500mm diameter pipes under the Rideau River. These pipes convey flow from the west side of the Rideau River from the 1800mm diameter brick Somerset Trunk and the Rideau River Interceptor. The Somerset Trunk collects flow from the Sandy Hill Community while the Rideau River Interceptor is located along the west side of the Rideau River and runs in a southwest direction to the Clegg Street Trunk. The Rideau River Interceptor is about 3.5km long and ranges in diameter from 1500 to 1050mm diameter just rep_TOD_Servicing_131202_Final_Draft_Report.docx 3.1 368000 370000 372000 374000 376000 ± OTTAWA OUTFALL SEWER 5034000 5034000 R O RIDE T AU C RI E VE L R L O C C O L I R AX ME L M R O E E T C LI P EF T TRUNK E O C R R E T R N O I T R C E COLLECTOR SOMERSET O L MAXIME 5032000 L 5032000 T VENTR O P CO Y R OAD C STREET TRUNK E C C Y R R V E TREMBLAY ROAD COLLECTOR IL T LE ROAD COLLECTO N R I R E V I GREEN CREEK COLLECTOR R STRIAL INDU ROAD U TRU A N R K E D O SOUTH OTTAWA TRUNK I T R C E L L 5030000 5030000 TRUNK O C CLEGG STREET R E V I R U A E ID R 5028000 5028000 5026000 5026000 0 1,000 2,000 5024000 m 5024000 1:55,500 V:\01225\active\other_pc\163401180\GIS\MXD\Report_figures_17102013\163401180_Fig3-1_Rideau_River_Collector_Catchment.mxdRevised: 2013-10-17By: ncruikshank 368000 370000 372000 374000 376000 October 2013 Project No.: 163401180 Legend Client/Project Important Trunks and Collectors Less TOD Study Area City of Ottawa Transit Oriented Other Collectors St. Laurent TOD Study Area Development Sanitary and Train TOD Study Area Combined Pipes Servicing Overview Study - Figure No. Blair TOD Study Area Transportation Analysis 3-1 Cyrville TOD Study Area Boundary Title Hurdman TOD Study Area TOD Study Area Notes 1. Coordinate System: NAD 1983 MTM 9 Catchments and Collectors 2. Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved. of Interest e 370000 nu ve M d A a oo rie w r A h v c e 372000 e nu e e B 374000 St Patrick Street ad Ro eal ntr Mo Rideau B S l tr a e i e r C t h R a o r a l o d t t ± e S S t L t r a e Mcarthur Avenue u A e r vi t e a n ti M t o ad A B n o P R X o a ie IM u ilv K rk g E l t e w O in s a R a v y g E E ue a E n r L ve d IE d r A F w rie ld re t a au Dona St e T r L R d U A Av v R V N 5032000 N a e a K i i n n c n u a g i h e e e t o r i o l R P a n s o R a C a r P S I u t d D k re m a e E w r t m SOMERSET STREET TRUNK a k A y i w Q n ue U g a en s y E R COV A li ENTR v z e Y e a u I ROA Regional Road 174 b n V D C n e O d e v LLE u A a th E C n TO e n R MAXIME COLLECTOR D a o r M R C ive Coventry R yrv w ille a I R y N o ad T E 5032000 R K e C iv E LAY ROAD COLLECTOR N r E TR MB D U y P ad E T o B R l O g l TR i e y n R a n e l u A S o n l ve t o A mb r e W e C T r e Lees t A 7 T 41 y T hwa enue e O Hig v v A i RD COLLECTOR ne r CYRVILLE or H th D t aw T ee H e tr d S i U lla s e r b O sa e I v IN i D S M UST R RIA a Industrial Aven L R i e ue n v O ri AD B S D T elfa t R s r a U t e t R s N o e i K ad t V a lt A 5030000 Innes Road GREEN CREEK COLLECTOR RIDEAU RIVER COLLECTOR CLEGG STREET TRUNK V:\01225\active\other_pc\163401180\GIS\MXD\Figure_Updates_18012013\163401180_Fig3-2_Sanitary_Pipes.mxd Revised: 2013-10-17 By: ncruikshank 370000 5030000 Ru sse ll R oad 372000 0 Legend 250 500 m Sanitary 374000 1:30,000 Blair TOD Study Area Combined Notes Cyrville TOD Study Area Servicing Overview Study - October 2013 Proposed Transportation Analysis 1. Coordinate System: NAD 1983 MTM 9 Project No.: 163401180 Hurdman TOD Study Area 2. Client/Project Interceptor Boundary Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved. City of Ottawa Sewer Lees TOD Study Area Transit Oriented St. Laurent TOD Study Area Development Train TOD Study Area Figure No. 3-2 Title Sanitary Sewer System in TOD Areas LRT TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT STUDY AREAS SERVICING OVERVIEW Final Draft Report, December 2013 SANITARY SERVICING west of the Rideau Canal. The Interceptor Outfall Sewer (IOS) was built in 1964 which coincided with the construction of the wastewater treatment plant just east of Shefford Road. The IOS intercepted dry weather flow and some wet weather flow to convey it for treatment. The diversion point is located at Keefer Street and Stanley Avenue. At this location an overflow to the Ottawa River remains to allow for overflow in extreme events that exceed the system’s capacity to convey it for treatment. The section of sewer from this diversion to the river is called the John Street Overflow. The TOD areas specific to the Rideau River Collector are: All of the Train TOD St. Laurent TOD west of St. Laurent Boulevard All of the Hurdman TOD All of the Lees TOD In the Train and St. Laurent TODs wastewater flows are directed to the Rideau River Collector via the Coventry Road (975mm diameter) discharging at Wright Street, Tremblay Road (600mm diameter) discharging just north of the Queensway, and Industrial Avenue (600mm diameter) discharging west of Industrial Avenue. The Hurdman TOD connects directly to the Rideau River Collector (Figure 3-2). The Lees TOD drains primarily to the Rideau River Interceptor Sewer which discharges into the Rideau River Collector at Donald Street.
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