in the Three Monotheistic Faiths PASSIA Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs PASSIA, the Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of In- ternational Affairs, is an Arab, non-profit Palestinian institu- tion, with a financially and legally independent status. It is not affiliated with any government, political party or organization. PASSIA seeks to present the Question of Palestine in its national, Arab and international contexts through academic research, dialogue and publication. PASSIA endeavors that research undertaken under its auspices be specialized, scientific and objective and that its symposia and workshops, whether international or intra-Palestinian, be open, self-critical and conducted in a spirit of harmony and cooperation. The papers presented in this publication represent the free expression of their authors and do not necessarily represent the judgment or opinions of PASSIA. This publication is presented as part of PASSIA’s Religious Studies Unit 2019 and kindly supported by the Alquds Fund and Endowment. Copyright ¬ PASSIA First Edition – 2019 PASSIA Publication 2019 Tel: 972-2-6264426 ® Fax: 972-2-6282819 E-mail:
[email protected] | PO Box 19545 ® Jerusalem ontents Introduction ………………………..….………………..… 1 Ishmael and Isaac in Jewish Tradition: Implications for our Time Dr. Yehezkel Landau ..……………….…………………..… 5 Ishmael in the Christian Tradition Father Rafiq Khoury ...…………………………….……..… 45 Prophets Ishmael and Isaac in Islamic Theology Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway ..………………………..……….… 69 Biographical Abstracts ………………………………… 103 Introduction For the past 10 years, the Religious Studies Unit at PASSIA has strived towards maintaining and advancing interfaith dia- logue between the three monotheistic faiths: Judaism, Christi- anity and Islam. This sincere commitment is derived from our belief that contemporary societies continue to recognise the importance of religious dogma and its surrounding culture as a key component of community and the basic spirituality of mankind.