
I '·.. __,.__ In fact

.. I ....,

April 115 19t&

Dear Mra Rooa evelt.a

I reprinted your rep~y to M7 question on a tree prea a, anrt enclose a copy. Some time ago I finally got around to my ••tiel• on Junior Achievement. You may recall that about 2 yeara ago I wrote you aay1ng I bad the av1denca that at l eaat one Ameri can llaz1, ecorea of bua1neaa 111n who had financed and II& eked native fascia t, anti-lab or a nd r eactio,.ry or&&n1&ationa, and other of like character were the •1n ba cker• ot J unior Aoh1e vement. I had apace only tor a few or the facta. But I believe t hay apeak for themaelvu. It 1a apparent that the" are • o aena of well-aound1ng organic& tion a , all the way f ru111 "'&Dnatt 1 a Conn1ttea f or Coni titut1on&l Oovemllllnt. to tha Rav Peal•'• •ou1de poata•, and moat notably the Rev Prank H D BuohD&n'• • woral Re-Ar.&8ent (or Buchlll&niem, or the OXford Group Jlov•aat) • wblob have enl1&tad "leadi ng" c1t1&ana Including Prea1dant ~n (liRA) and llusra Uurr&J -.a braan of t&a CIO at:d API. raa~ctlval y. The 111one7 and U. brain& bab1nd th••• organ1Mt1CD& are ant1-general-welrare. I prefer to oall thai faac1at, baoauae they are r eactionary, an4 I llaka Muaaol1n1 1 a word f or 1t tbat -. - Reaction 11 one ayn ~.~ n,. for Psao1•• Ib 1a b eoauaa of tt••• facta and the a& oonv1ot1ona that I wrote you yeara ago about your andora•ant ol JUD1or Aoh1•-'• and that I write you now. £ __ ...... ::r:z· !4 r:;~ """"'-- nfact Ceorp Seldoo, BdUM (No. 288) Vol. xm, No. 2 _ •., April IS, 1946 Vlrtw W'el....,_. .fr rrld

W.Wr _.._, ...... If'' &. .. Veliool ,._ el ,__ " ... r iC!", U - ...... H... T.,. ). H. Y. T...... ~ ...,.,. 0. 0... U l ..._) t ,_ c-. UAO t ,_, ...... 1).00 • .-. (s.,,.-If- > llUI, IIW l OP lUI, IUTIOIS un.no 1111, WOI U lOl lS N IUC UD U JIHU ITS I IILTI p'

DILL hal bMl lncrodue.d ln Concra:J wblcb would rob tbt A..aMrkalt peo- A ple ot tnUUon1 of doUan a 7"', " Th.b NJM biU wOI.I.Id aJao aid the p.teat CadV'ft't:I.Md) med.lt:lne maan Who tool mJWo01 of ~la, who bav. caUHd the dnlh ol ru.ny, aD4 wbo bavt bum..S the h"Jlh of mora. PubJJe hl.,.ln.aa hall't bet:ft haJd by eonareu. O.plta tht tact that Lhla I• • me&Nra whlc:b Y1t1U7 atrt'Ctl lbt ~1\h tnd pockttiMOk of '"'f7 Uvlna Amertnn. net oaa wotd aboUt tht btu &Ad th4 pu.bUc hutl.ftp 1\U apptartd ln lha Mllit)'led Lreoe pre:u oJ tb4 naUon. Reece R«<:ord: Q,.. of the Worlt It 10 hi i)~Md that 1oM au lhOT of the biiJ, Rrp 8 Carroll Reec. Of Ttae~. JO\ the tront ,.. , ot U.. naUQD•, pre. Wt Wftk wbta. bt' wu ftMMd ceUoo.aJ tbatr­ IZI&O ot \1M OOP. .-.But hlt Lltt~1 oublk udoa. as. L=trocfuc:Uoa ot the a..c. aw.. wu DOt -... La tKt.. "*' MW'IPtpeoft tdUMd to publ!sb the Wlllnc r.cord ot Jt.-p ~ It t. ._ Gt UM won\ in Coq;rea. a.... bN d .dMt beta a~t or be hM WIClld *.....,. IM'UW'e fa """" br Ulot IP'Mt Jobbfu bi.U.s q.IJnlt &be pu.Wk ...u..r., cor .a...... ,'* 01 tbe C'01'110fttklr:aa. The Jteecoe NCOnS ~ \b.lt of S..ton lkllhatl4 tad f'Jumt)", !lepe Cue aod MlolDdt. aD 01 S 0t.t.ou. aU -~ wiU. tiM US.OOO ~ t\lllli t'l.ald. moAl7 b1 1:11tmben til tbt HAM Cud Col .KcConrudt). Pr~u Record: OM of the Worrt The ,..... a~~Joa ot lh• Jtor)' or UM tteee. bUl. WboM maiD pw"PPOII s. to cripp.. lh• F41CS..U Tncle c .... m1uion, 11 oce oJ Lbe WOf1'L la J~ hlll01'7. The l'tiUOft tor UU. .uppf'tJASon IJ known to ewrt MWIPI~ to U.. eowau,-: l.hJ1 bill COACt!rftJ lbe vtu J nuw of U S joum aUn. \be moot)' '*""' Jt d•.ll lat11t7 with &dver\ll.1na. In tact, h it almecl to aJd the cof"P((fttUonl wbJeb l.tH tallte advuu.. t.n a to ..u take med.kl.oea, take bu.uty prepar• Uo- tl.lct '*­ tnd othtr c•k• proclucu. "Tht publlealiOft ot tnudultftt advwtblca cottl tbt AIMt'l¢11n DUbUo about 1500,000,000 ana\Atlly,• Thl.t IUterMDt Wb inada b1 Wm I Hwaphl'.,., wa., h• ... """ot \bt 'ed•ll Trade COmm1n 1oo. FTC It Polkeman of .tdo The nc Y sa. CIOlbmatt ot adft2"tW.l:lc. Just .. tbe r~ eoau... -. tJone; c~ "' u.. ~ ot UM f1ldJo. and u.. sac " tM ~ ot W'.U $\net 11*\tlAUo&. Tbt rrc,. bow'eY«t. 11 lbe ODe .,.oq Of tbt U':IQowt whldli t. c&ole \o aU W SI'IOC)le. It looks alter U.. ,,...,.,.. food ch~ •'• It apou. OM toe auW ..~ It taw. tra\td Ol"dWWap.J.Aaa. drp.r-.t _.... ._ 4t'Pl .--. man .....,...... , • •prtn- Neb • u...r.r. o.o. H· s ,-. wtUcb _.. .. l-.. ...a. of apPtOnl to drup twod '*'-• ~ _, tl hM ta a few c...... t &ad~ ed~ ateftd,. v..:...~.._ ...... tbtm Of lb&r&q: UN llillt ot tu:e ~oM~ aDd .uwr l&eml ..,...... _ ...... ,.u.., wtUdll ...... proc:l\ICU Ol tbt ...... qullt7, .,... ., .. rTC ---. .. Aaiii111Mtalr C*lllp.titon, but 1he •tire hi w 5 ,...... pro.- wt.kft u .,. ~ ... ~ lM'- aod llbtl ... rrc. Your lllotWT or Yo~~r U/e Actul ...... , rT'C --.Jil,ainU"' IDd ...... ,...... Are t.... It) ... ~ an u.c..~ cw JW). So tar .. row 11 cr.... ._.. ,._ ..w. ,...... ,.... n -. .,.l« """ -tribuled ..,. a .... _.I Mo~ e• ecu:tJ..-.. ud othtr Hall coocCI"''*S. the M"C cau1-ht Cmcral M.o\01'1, OUy...,. aod ront tooUDa 10U whb Aaft Of Wan~ hMdli) lntro­ / a ca.r on l.n.staJI.ment pe)"''Mn&a wilb only ,., eatn. d...cW •n amendment to Appropriatlont tbt!r ada Uta\ 10\1 can buy 8111 ct1ppUn1 Rural '£1tetrtlkttlon Ad• t lttn wu at Thae ada, whlth U\e t.nUre U S prttl prUlt«l. were tala. n. minlaltiUon. It wu dt:fn&ed U to tt. Jea.rt 12.. . Not• that Ctlt lnttodue.d antl-lebor Cenenl tltctrtc w11 orcltred (Stipulation 02.520) to 1\0-p talM adl tor carubs. btU Buth.fttld and Mu ndt 1110 vo\e ndloa. antf .. ttbor on evtry oeeuton. Tht1 .,.. The Tbomaa Ma:na1emtnt.. a buvy N'YTim• adYft"tJJer. wu chatCtd with mJndt\ll of tht N'AM election fW)cf. (AD ta.1M htir and te:IIP mtdldne advtrti.Jtn.&. Camtl.t. Cll.UrfttJd.. Luck1 Strik• IJI F At.'t udusJ ve, Feb J 1. ) 0116 Old Cold bov• all bad U....bl.. wolb lbo rrc. wblch 0<}' DO\ publbb.d. in the COftllMf'c:lal pe-e-. Friday. March zt. 1.. 1 ror a.1-.., Re«Jpt Mo .. Suppr111ed News TRADE C0110ti$SION FEDERAL Ad· &\Oa A80UT10N' o f the Wtr Shfpplnl Wubin m inistration '"WWtbout deta;r hu been The FTC ealtndar tor tht week ot April 1 1Ddud4e a t.radt pil\on eontereaee uraed on Conarea by L.l.ncl.Ny C Warren. oa the pistoo rinl lDch.utry...• U S Comptroller Gen•ral whOM uamln­ Hurlnp on Formal Com-plaint allon ot lhe •1ency•s rtc"orda dlac:IOHd SCI;·bUllon In set !or hearlnas, lht pracUe• with whJch they are tht Juplln l of almost Responde.nt.l In cuet public funds. He- also advoear.e. that lht charred, and lhe time 1nd plac• ot bearlnaa an: Maritime Commluion, whtrt much o ( Yo·D.G~t Robber Corp of NY .• , violation of •• • Clayton Act •.• \he Juaallna oec\.tred. bt eomplettly Oud:De" • Co • •• Chi ••• u,se ot lottery • • • • reoraanhtd t nd placed under l.ht ju.tll• Tbe A.merleaa ToNceo Co of NY. Hearlnp , , , Apr 2 ... 45 Broadway dlc: tlon of the Dept or Commtr«. Thb l<."Y. MluepraentaUon In connK'tlon with abe uJe of Lucky Strike Ciaartta.. •• . Jt.altment. allhou(h in.se:r\ed in the C'ona Pu.a aJd ho ot M Uwau.kH • •• MilrePf't'Hnli!IJOD ot a comMtic ••• R.Hord Marc.h 21. hN been &t tot.ally Pl'f"D .. wu B 0 &tae117 C. ot Durham N C ••• Dlslem.iMtJoa ot t&I.M a4Y'CI11.MmeDta llnoted b7 the commuclal the or!J i.ntl IJt f"ACT story Mt.tdt U : c.'CIIlctminl t bndadlt nmtd.y • •• ..Suppf'UMOM ot which w aa published by U\t Ntw fttpubUc AUI 4 lt20). the New 'thJ.a ad wu bead.ll.ned: "'ShtU Wt Rtlp Who Publilhe• the Commu.ni.sts to Crud~ Chrtaua.a So tar u thlt WMkJ.7 hal bMo tble to tam. a\ Just tt" of the Ameriem Spalnl" Tht tact Is that the main etron praa bu su~ the ti4Wt of the inll"'duc:tlon of tbt a... btU to cripple the &o Cd. UM fuc:istt out or Spain It Miftl FTC one! Ill• l"'bllc h ..tln.p. (Tho '".loo,>holo provtdooltoc 1bo 1-- .,._ ....So b7 liMo llopubUc ol --. - papers NCb u the Oa.I.I.J & C •utt.e ol York. Pa.. wtuc:ta does DOt su~ FTC IMdlne pof

...______,_ ...... 1941. • .. ,...... •, .. "-.,. Ye.&. H. Y,.

(No. 278) Vol. XU, No. 18 ~·11 Febrauy 4, 1946 Georp Seldee, BdlWr

W..atr ...... -... ~ 1946 Ill elM U-'-1 S.. 411 ~ liJir &N PAtoCT, n ~ P11a. ~ Yetl ), H. Y. T....._. ~ ....,.,, OM o.aw 02 ~• • ,..,, ~ noo • ,...... _ u .oo • ,.,,

No 1 Fact Blq Bueln- (NAM) Starta It• Own Youth Moftment p 1 "BUS!N11SS CUl In tho t\lturo Pf,1 ~or WIPI and Mil tor lower pr1c. \han ever Pro-Neal .llmouq of be.!ore" -Preckleot Tru.m&.a.. IDIIAP to Bacbra JVDior AchleYement p 2 Con- loUowlrur .-.pon ol lact-ftnood b)' NA.\1 membus.. •

UnlU J11t month, JunJot" Achievement CJA) ret\dtd to have Jabot' ~ PoUtaxera vs Lincoln Hnted on Ita boerd. A .-udden eba.nat ln NAM 1tntec bu broualll out tbt SOtJTHER.N polltax anll·labor welcome mtt, but CtO leaders say they have ntvtt been ltwlt.cl to JolD. Onl>' Senators and Reprqenllllv" ue hbor mtmbtr to d1te Ia AJ"L's lnU Rep Robert J Wan who tdmitt.ed ht had a ttempUna to rush throu111 le•l•l•· never attended a JA mMtlnc and dldn't kOow what the orcl _nlzallon wu dolnc. tlon barrina: strlku-tht weapon He Jolned 1t tht periOnaJ f!r\t lt.alion of hit coUtarue on N1U War W bot Board. by whkh Amrrtean labor eman· S clpated ltatll in the courn ot tOO S.yard Colcate. NAM cUrector a.n.d c:balf'ti'Wl ot JA tltft comm.. yean. Tbty h1ve the aid nf North· Sbloldod by allttortna a•ooralltla. JA"o llmd oppoala coni- It lo "ol bUll• em NAM St.naton and RtprtMn· ness. by bwln~ tor buslnta'" and that it Mt.kt to Jive t.Mn-apn '"a dar tatJva.. A contney vtew 1a tX• picture of our KOOom1c: strueture unlxfoued by rac:Uca.1 or colltdlrid ~ prated by Lii'IQ)In: resentaUon&.• ... am &.lad to ste lhat a "'l.tm of labor prevailt ln Ntw tnJ'Iand Expo1e Real Ainu, Metlaoda, Sport~or• u.nde:r which l1bortn ~n a·trtke lJI FA.C'1' bu nideoc.e that the actual pul1)0M of JA lJ to t.eKb tbt oaUoo'• when they wtnt \0, where lb., ue :JOUth to: . not obllleod to work under an c:lr­ cumstancu. •nd are not tltd down 1. Sht,m labOr u.nlona. and o.bli&ed to labOr whether you 2. Act as s\t'lk ...breaken. pay thrm or nott 3. CatTY on the ructJonary actlv'itJu ot \be NAM ap1nlt the 1eucra1 wt:UU. "I like a JYittm whleh lett a ot the Amerlc.an people. man q;ult when he wane. to. 1nd Amona tht met.hodl taUI'hl these younpters ue:' wl.ah It mi&ht prevaJl everywhere. 1. How t.o avoid obt>ylnl Lht nallon'l lawa on labor ret.Uon~. One or the re.atoru why 1 am op. posed to Wve.ry ta Jull here." 2:. '"Cut t.hroac." ways of drfvinl compe:c.ltora out ot buato-. (SPHcb at Ntw Haven, Ma.r 8 The aporuon of, thla movemtnt tncluclt mt:n who han: 1850.) 1. UMd auo.a. IN and apln aaainat Lbtit OWD worken. %. Sltppllod tho black markoL Peqler Thrown 3. Dt.Jayed ptOducUoo of vital war mataiala. Out •~ Supporttd a.nll..stmiUe~ pro-tuclrt «PAlDlJon.t. Nl!WSPAPERS which P

Mr A W Robort&lrmaa. uld: 'ODe IUCb ...UOO In nat!oo•a lndlttonal medium l'ltOH reeomptDMCt ror UU' coa­ 10.- 10 one ot our plaoW aod we wou.Jd .haw bMD thaD cloys~ aco lhtwb.., -- Ptelt< IWod a co1mDD lr'ib\IUoD we may have btftl privilq:ed to ma.kt to 70UI' work.' • (Watlnl.,.,._. with vidoul aad taJM pr'l P"be'l oa the e:m,ploytt a..re oow on Jtrlke tor a llvlnl wqt.) Yalt It Towoo ttrlltt luttloo. (Ad­ -.tel bed bMft Wtleb=.:PocJor'l OUin Prop-am SlwUI• Dodge• V•ed stu11 wfth a kftn .,.. tor moo ....,.m... lq for proof of lllelr NIP lhtl A n dlo lntuvitw ("We, the Peoplt" Juot II IH3) wll.b )'OUibtul IDftDI>tn Ptcld .-.!117 Of awln41lq b7 lht Fodor&~ lr11idt &tory on bow bfa businesa mo¥*1 ln on JA and took It ovv from a Dt&trkt Court. w~n . U tKS), This II DOl l.bt &nt limo Curiq baa Jeaulne youlb movtmt.at ls rwu.led in the Wall St Jov.mal (Ju.ae m...... ,. on trial for twlndUnl. d wtry moutbpteee. It san-: At no time, however, bu aD7 publlc:a­ "Orii!Dall7, J A wu dmp\7 • colleelloo of a l.bOUIOOd or mon haDdJllrdy b7 bwln- txotUII- ••• Tile - Ht wu lilt priDdptl ._ttor botor9 WU relallortd •• • JA ...... 10 lmlrue1 Ita mtmbtn. lll:oucb Wall•.....,..S tho 1'udll I.MI\lt of ""-lea, • celobniiD& lbt llf\b N-UU>I.._,. of ·. aettvitla. 1n the war• of American t:r.. eotwprt.: • Oct . Bldln& l.belr lime d~ l.be wu, l.bt NAN leadtl'l wbo aow bold all top MuaoUnJ's Miz:urt ot Rome. 1m. ptolf&m.. By 1850, CUrlq dtdertd llluuo'IDI "anod Cbrll­ pot:ltioru: In J A. have laundled a lic.a.ntiC' $-year e.X"pa.uion llan elvlllullon alld Cb.rlallaA ldoala •• • JA'• cool II 3 m!Uion mtmben in the u atattt. Pratnt membenhlp II 8.000 bon Vln MUIIOllnl." and r trl.o In 12 Stat.. . (Tod.ay natJve fuci.IU te))Mt Lhe same phruet nam.lnc l'raaeo lnlt.nd of Mua­ 'soi!Jll.)" AMONG BACXERS OF JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT PRO-NAZI Plcketinq cmd Vloleuce HO ARE THE M:EN who captured JA tor thelr own unlon·.. bwtln• purposn? Uke YEARS 110 the American Clv!IIJ.,.rtl• W The W•U St Journal says "the Utt ot omcers and dlrectors ot JA reecb Union laued • pamphlet alvin& tvldmeo a Who'• Who of Amertt an Industry." Every former NA.M pr.aldent h.oJcb a key that vtoltnee In strlket wu u.auaJl:y JA J)OJtllonJ_ Prtunt JA preside.nt ll Rob•rt (LIJterl.ae) LWld.. one ot NAJ4'J caUMd by the employer, not by labor. ' BJ1 3' whose connect.loo with new pro-C.ucist Amutea..a. AcUon Comm.itt.. wu Goon~. r1ckttMn 11)1-. 1'\Ulmao were revealed lu t wee.k ( lJc FACT Ian 28) . hlffil by corJ>Onilona: and l.bt polleo, Bralnt bt hlnd J A II Chulq R Hook, put - of NAN aDd pnotdeol of national ruatd and private m.WUu are American Rollin& Mills Co. Hook II now JA botrd ehalnuo. Hla mllb9d of dot!· alwa:ys workina tor the tmployen. On the Nail Labor llelallont Bd wh.lch ordtrtd him JUJ 21 lht ACLU luutd a blall ...,tq lq wll.b labor waa expoted by the unJona about vtolenee 1n p idtet1n&. 10.,.... aC'Ia of ltrn>rlml aplnsl hit worn... (Jil> 20 IH2l. NLilB cbar&ed hit Not a word about vlollftee by em.plo,..,._ f!O mpany had q,itd on. unJon meeUnp. stolftl UAion f't(Ord.t. Jh.edowtd. uokm The COI'TUpl Ofttl•labor U $ p,_ ~ oraanlztn. ftnd or demoted ~ro-unlon emplo7et. IPOGIOnd comJ)I.DY w:Uoas. up the AC.U at.atlmtnt.. 1D pl"e"riou.a paid port of $15.000 for ~»!!-labor pubUdty durin& "IJIIIt Slaol" llrib Ia IWI. )"Nn this AMI .,.._. bacl JU:PPI ,.., Hook II a1ao htaVl' eootrlbutor 10 Samuel B l'ellaDiiU'a PTO-faadtt c-mlttet Ar.t.U ,.._... ""'trod l.bt ACLU. tor ConatJtuttonal ~ called nadoa'a ..No . 1 Pudat OI'I&Db:atioo" oo Soar ot P . S. Cblc.. o Clorfl IJbortl• UDioa. Concr... (Con R4cord Mar 13 IIU). which J"DlJl trom lht ACLU. ~ a membenhlp of 5.000 In - )'Mr.-\1 P ro-Nasa Adrt~u" Tee~Aren ft&hll for labor'a rl&hta. .._.... In DO KnOUin quixoUc balm>Uitloa. ACLU mombor- Acllve 1 YLitr of JA and tne:mber ot ft.t naU 'cloud lJ Huao Htm:mtrich, leal &hlp II about 8000. . mrr Bt rkahl.n: K.n!tUna Milll, a known P'I'O-NUl whOM COIIIII)IIl)' bu UDNV01'7' record ln duHn• with itl workers. ThiJ compa.n:y IJM"t M2..880 tor ••rtrUr;.,..bfuk... SuppreuiDq the Newa In& purpoau" (Sou.~e : LaFollette Conr Comm r.pon-lnchutria.l Elp!on.a,. PC WHEN the Ra.aktn un-Amvtc.e com­ SO.) NLRO brou&hl t ull to compel payment of ».000.000 Ia baok wee.. 10 miuee makH 1 at.alemtnt. no ID.Itt.er how worker~ ftred Cor union activity, but subpoena could.n't be Mrvtd to He:rnmutcb bl.J' • lie It b. the tntltt Amerlean Pf'HI publishes It, Examplt: Rankin att'y until ht returned ttom a vl&tt to Oennany. A report b7 the LMcue of Womea Shoppers taya: ErnJt Adamaon m1d1 tht tfont pap b)' at.ettnc thl' the 01 demoDJtntJon:a for ••Hu10 Ht mme.rieh. the atnl nuc:r. and the two ownen. P'tr"Cl1naad 'nlwn homeeomin.a 1Jvou1hout lbt world were and Renry Ja..n.ucn, are OPtft partisant ot the HIUer rqtme. In lth, JaD&MD a m p10l. "Mr Ad&miOD 1110ke wttbout '-Uced wtth HJUer about the lpro&reu' that Oerm1.01 bad bMD maJd.Dc. On bJ1: IUibority" ttatod lht commiHoo cholr­ rotum, he stated to the p-. that 'Hlllor II dotq a -omu work 1o ~ IIW> a.ner War Dtpt bed callad •• the C'OWUJ'Y lhro\llh a. d.Uftcult ecooomJe period..' He went OD to aplalD that 'ill mont a falaohood. Cennany wbon radlul.o try 10 11art trouble of that aert lht Con- &!lor u.­ But wheon an anU-taedlt oraa.laatloll rtaht away and the,- are soon Ulteo are of.' (Pict\IJ"ee bt CODCIID.tnUoD eamp, at whleb II ""torod bT 1bt llaDii:lo-Adam­ uebmwald &bow bow.) - OUUII malt• 0 110-t of cltlllal. S.lltn. Dadulu alld B l.bo P H07m. tulhor of "Nuls ID USA." .._,. lhtt Prfta JCUbo. d_...s la ~Ita. far ooldlon' ..... poll - Nul embeulor, UMd Hommer!eb's c:omi>Oily aa t ...WilDe ,_ far a.-­ .._1. -ploJmet-­ Buod alld. Ia !Umlahod him w!l.b atrib-lloaUn. mlttee. -·fairIDd ~ aau S !Hem ~- rtturn. dlaerlmlaatloD acaiD1t N- -. - IJibor ICtlv!Ues and rodballlnc u H!Uor taetlca. When Adamaoo threatened to What Joe Peu~ Olen Youth Wu NI'CL boob .. to detenntne whtthtr Anotho< JA fiiOn&Or IJ James H Rand Jr, pra of Rtmln(ton R&aUote, ruth!... vloiJIUON" of th4t w._r Ah Pew, oU, &blpbulld.lna, IDd Pelm· Education, Or BuehmaD and h.1J U • .sociates were introduced to t.be Board ll}'lvan!a Ropubllcan poUtlallorcL Evid..,.. tlMtt Pow IJ expert In th- tbiDp 1J ot Education Jan 18. Du.rlDa Jan ll'OU.PI found iD WPB ordor clt!DC Sun OU Co, oWDod b7 Pew, lor booUeuinc 142,7:10 ot 24 hi&hJ.chool Buduni.Ditu have tt.en pis of ruollDo to SUDoco fllllDI ttaUooa iD Wuhlncton, -o. C: (Get 27 1842) proP.•Candiz.lnc scllooiJI. re1uNJ of Plpyard "'l'ha.ok heaven for HlUer,. ln 1038 but &t Cbutor Pa (Sept IH2) IDd eonlrlbutlooa lo m&n7 labor-baUnc, pro-luc:IJI 1n 1830 in hearln.p: ot the 28 Brltbh or(anizaUODI {lH F'ACT J.n 28). NLRB heard ~ bout that u early u 180"7, Buthmanlte leaden l.a NYC they were when he wu pres ot People•s Gu Co in Pittaburtb he h1red. miD to ~on denounced as tasclsta: a.Dd d.ta.tt dod&en and forced into the U S (or Brlllah) 'Todloalllm" amona bla •mplo7- and tb4tt 30 ,.• .,.. IJiter, iD 1837, be 11111 bind Army, BiJ mone7- .Ford, Flratone• "roona" to attack ltrildD.& worlttn 1n h1J ahlpyard.. .&utman ot LA Chamber ot Comme:rt'e';"' Howard Coonle7 (NAM put pretldonl) and Brlti.J.b merchants of death a.oa1 NAM DIRECTOR INCITES US SOLDIERS TO WARm members of HJUer'.s Analo---German Fel­ HE DZC I IH5 ISSUE of the Satutday Review of Utuature pullliJhod a lowt.b..lp.-.support Buchmanllm. It wu statement by a U S Army omdal war conapondent which said ill part: ex~ by The Wltn- Epllcop&IJ&n T pub~caUon. u ''a trap tor labor,,. ..How the Germana today--aDd to" were membert of the Nazi ~--muat be lau.ahin& at our proareatve friction wit.b RuuiaJ Pr- Fake Nailed ,;Durtnc the war the told.lers aot alone wonderfW.17 with the R.eda, beina: DAILY take ot newrpapen, ca.n.oontJta. perioclleaUy I'OUIUl'ed by General lice tb&t mili"'ry barmon7 ex!Jitecl - ed.itorial writers, colum.nilts, other anti­ u. . .. Io. the joint oeeupauon z.onalvua hu had no trouble lmowtna and Wdn& labor propa.canda Jpre.aders coneerns ,the Gl, and vice-vena. In wartime we coordlnated pl.a.DI and jolnU,. executed ..the pubUC''; they are det.eocUnt the operatlom whkb produced victory in Europe. 'lben why for the u.lvatfon ot the public du.rtnc the battle betweet~ cor­ world can't we u.e a UtUe of the ~~.me koow.. bow tor peace? poration.~ and workers. Thlt lJ a take 06Two month.t I have been beclc in tht States a.tter 30 months tn Euro-pe and because the "public," "consumers,'' and 1 am appalled and uhamed at the conduct of the American preu and rad.lo ••the people" are lari ely one aod the same, tbe workers. commentators toward Ru.ula. But worse still, I am dumbfounded at the tar too Independent Citiun.s Comm.Ut.ee of pneral attitude ot the man in the street who hu about come to beUeve-u the the A..rU, Science. & Proteuton.1 had to NUU alwaya told ·UI Gll in Germany-that the 1\uui&DJ were our real e:oeml•. 5pend larae money to tell the pubUc so in ad.l (Jan 23). ''Or•niud labor ltaelt · lVA.M:Ji Urged War Ill During War II .is the l&rlett aint1e chunk o1 the publle." stated ad: ''Labor takq ln near:ly lS.,- ••t rec-all very well how one of the hlCbert ran.k1Dt: otft.ciah ot NA.K-montba 000,000 workers and the.lr ta:mll.t~ before the Null had been clefeated. mind you---Jtood bdore the P'l&t war ~0, 000 ,000 or more people.'' Actually at memorial in Verdun whle.h c:onta.ln.l the alia-encased bleaebed bones of 40,1Ji00 work: 52,000,000. Waae earnen: 30,- who fell in tbe 4nt war, and atd, 'We must prepare now for war aaaiDit the 000,000. But unJon men and fa.mlliea Russlana.' co01tltute ... ifoup luaer than the fum ••t wu Jtrudt to hear such a st.t.tement at the Ume, but now alter beinl back · aroup, the buaineu ll"'U"P, the prote.­ ln Ame.rlca I re&llze lt 11 not oAl,y tbe merdlant.l of death Who barbor and prom.. stonal uou~larcer, in fact. than &111 other tlnclt croup in the whole country W&•te auch tubUe btta of propa1anda: sadly et~ouah It La a Wee volume of the . . . The welfare of the rest ot the American people. · ®unt:ry 1.1 tied up with J.abor't wtl.ta..te." '"'bo pr-. IJ emphulz!Dc storl• out of proportion to their ..al IICD!llcaDco Commltlee urrea: Write the Preoldent which tend to promote bictiOll. . . . a.nd your Con.areuma.n l,ou tupport the "1 ca.onot torpt Jl\7 bud.cUes, more than 200,000 .trona. who Ue tod.a7 be­ 1lriken: write GM, G lTSSteol Wh7 neath ttCIIMI and Stan of David ac:roa France, Holland, ~wn. Ger:many, you su.pport the strilters; cootribuWI IWT and En1lan