Notes and References
NOTES AND REFERENCES PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I. Broadcasting (HMSO, 1978) (Cmnd. 7294). 2. Report oj the Committee pn the Future ojBroadcasting (HMSO, 1977) (Cmnd. 6753) para. 4.3. 3. Ibid. para. 13.46. 4. Broadcasting, p. 21. 5. Report oj the Committee on Broadcasting rg60 (HMSO) (Cmnd. 1753) para. 20g. 6. Lord Windlesham, Broadcasting in a Free Society (Basil Blackwell, 1980) pp. 71-2. 7. B. Paulu, British Broadcasting in Transition (Macmillan, 1961). 8. B. Paulu, British Broadcasting: Radio and Teleuision in the United Kingdom (University of Minneapolis Press, 1956). 9. P. Black, The Mirror in the Corner: People'S Tel,ujsion (Hutchinson, 1972). 10. N. Swallow, Factual Teleuision (Focal Press, 1966). II. J. Gable, The Tuppen'lY Punch and Judy Show (Michael Joseph, 1980). CHAPTER I: BEVERIDGE I. H. H. Wilson, Pressure Group (Seeker and Warburg, 1961) p. 23. 2. Report oj the Broadcasting Committee 1949 (HMSO) (Cmd. 8116). 3. Ibid. pp. 201-10. CHAPTER 2: BEYOND BEVERIDGE I. A. Briggs, History oj Broadcasting in the United Kingdom Vol. IV Sound and Vision (Oxford University Press, 1979) P.424· CHAPTER 3: WHITE PAPER: 1952 I. Broadcasting: Memorandum on the Report oj the Broadcasting Committee 1949 (HMSO) (Cmd. 8550) para. 7. 2. Ibid. para. 9. 3. House of Lords, Hansard, (HMSO) 23 and 26 May 1952. 4. House of Commons, Hansard, (HMSO) J I June 1952. 375 NOTES AND REFERENCES CHAPTER 4: INTERLUDE 195~/3 I. A. Seldon, Churchill's Indian Summer (Hodder and Stoughton, 1981). CHAPTER 5: WHITE PAPER: 1953 I. (HMIO) Cmd. 9005. CHAPTER 6: FIELD DAYS IN PARLIAMENT: 1953 I.
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