1 Coastal, Inland Dune and Heath Habitats

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1 Coastal, Inland Dune and Heath Habitats 1 1 PROTECTED HABITAT MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR LATVIA Coastal, inland dune and heath habitats Protected Habitat Management Guidelines for Latvia Coastal, Inland Dune and Heath Habitats Editor in chief: Brigita Laime Authors: Brigita Laime (Chapters 1, 5.3, 5.4, 6.2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16), Liene Auniņa (Chapter 17), Sandra Ikauniece (Chapter 15), Juris Jātnieks (Chapters 5.1, 6.4), Ērika Kļaviņa (Chapter 6.3), Jānis Lapinskis (Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, 14), Ieva Mārdega (Chapter 18), Digna Pilāte (Chapter 16), Agnese Priede (Introduction, Chapters 4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.1, 6.2), Jānis Priednieks (Chapter 10), Voldemārs Spuņģis (Chapter 14), Andris Širovs (Chapter 3), Didzis Tjarve (Chapters 2, 7, 14) The scientific reviewers: Laimdota Kalniņa, Vija Znotiņa English translation: SIA “Skrivanek Baltic” Authors of drawings: Daiga Segliņa, Jānis Lapinskis Design layout: Ivs Zenne Authors of maps: Jānis Lapinskis, Pēteris Rozenbaks, Inese Vanaga Photographies: Liene Auniņa, Kaspars Goba, Sandra Ikauniece, Gunārs Janaitis, Ērika Kļaviņa, Žanis Kūdriņš, Brigita Laime, Jānis Lapinskis, Kārlis Lapiņš, Andris Maisiņš, Ieva Mārdega, Ints Mednis, Ansis Opmanis, Pēteris Ozols, Māra Pakalne, Agnese Priede, Ilze Priedniece, Donatas Pupienis, Voldemārs Spuņģis, Vaira Strautniece, Didzis Tjarve, Kristīne Vilciņa, Valts Vilnītis, Edgars Vimba, Daina Vītola. Cover photo: Vita Oša Book quotation example: Laime B. (ed.) 2017. Protected Habitat Management Guidelines for Latvia. Volume 1. Coastal, Inland Dune and Heath Habitats. Nature Conservation Agency, Sigulda Chapter quotation example: Kļaviņa Ē. 2017. Legal Framework. In: Laime B. (ed.) Protected Habitat Management Guidelines for Latvia. Volume 1. Coastal, Inland Dune and Heath Habitats. Nature Conservation Agency, Sigulda, 43-49. Produced by: printing house DARDEDZE HOLOGRĀFIJA The book is available electronically on the Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia website www.daba.gov.lv. ISBN 978-9934-8703-0-9 Protected Habitat Management Guidelines for Latvia Volume 1 Coastal, Inland Dune and Heath Habitats Sigulda 2017 4 LIFE + projekts The guidelines have been developed and published with the financial support of the European Commission’s LIFE + program project “National Conservation and Management Programme for Natura 2000 Sites in Latvia” (LIFE11 NAT/LV/000371 NAT-PROGRAMME). The project is implemented by Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia with the support of Latvian Environmental Protection Fund. Coastal, Inland Dune and Heath Habitats 5 Foreword The bond between humankind and nature is eternal. The beauty and diversity of Latvian nature has been affected by ages of interaction between people and the environment. The future of people and the surrounding environment are inextricably linked, and in the contemporary world the diversity of nature cannot be conserved in isolation from humans by prohibiting any action. A responsible attitude is necessary to make the conservation of semi-natural meadows, sea coast, forests, rivers and lakes possible in the future as well. The rare, the unique and the beautiful can only be preserved by including nature conservation as an indispensable principle in the policies of all sectors of the economy, which includes planning, as well as action. This book is an important resource for anyone, – those who have the authority to make decisions and plan the use of land in Latvia, as well as those who manage their land themselves. The guidelines are a comprehensive source of knowledge and methods that are applicable in nature conservation, providing every one of us with an option of taking sensible and sustainable action while also being caring owners, who benefit themselves, their family and nation by maintaining the balance between humans and nature diversity. The choice of the future lies in our wisdom, respect and awareness of life. General Director of the Nature Conservation Agency Juris Jātnieks 6 Coastal, Inland Dune and Heath Habitats 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS nal administration, experts and other professionals, which helped in both the practical management of This book covers the habitats of sea coast and inland the dunes, and the development of the guidelines. dunes, both dry and wet heaths. Therefore in the Sincere thanks to Liene Zaļkalne, who has always formulation of the guidelines experts in different helped with the interpretation of various coastal areas, nature conservation work organisers, land management issues. Thanks to the municipality owners and managers, area planners, local activists of Ventspils for their responsiveness in organising and other professionals were involved. We thank all work in the restoration of grey dune habitats. those involved in the development of guidelines, for Thanks to the experts of the Baltic Environmen- sharing knowledge and practical experience. tal Forum for the useful comments and additions The development of the guidelines took place to the guidance development process, personally, during seminars, meetings of working group and Kristīna Veidemane, Anda Ruskule, Kristīne Sēnele discussions in the nature of restoration and man- and Edgars Bojārs. For their invaluable comments agement of coastal, inland dune and heath habi- thanks to Inga Hoņavko and Rita Arāja from the pro- tats. Proposals, critical comments and reflections ject LIFE13 ENV/LV/000839 “Assessment of ecosys- on this from colleagues of habitat restoration were tems and their services for nature biodiversity con- very useful. Informal discussions and communi- servation and management”. cation with both Latvian and foreign colleagues Thanks to all the authors of the photos who al- have helped in guideline development, as well as lowed the use of their works in this publication. Spe- the experience gained by visiting various dune and cial thanks to Andris Maisiņš for the altruistic enga- sands habitat restoration and management sites in gement in the selection of photos and preparation Latvia and other countries. Special thanks for the of information for coastal use. Big thanks to Daina investment in the development of the guidelines to Vītola, Marita Horna, Gunta Timbra, Gita Vanaga, Dace Sāmīte, Solvita Rūsiņa, Egija Biseniece, Andris Andra Ratkeviča, Māra Zirnīte National Oral History Viesturs Urtāns, Ilze Čakare, Jānis Šlūke, Gints Jubelis, Archive and Latvian National Library Digital Library Māris Rezgoriņš. Great thanks for the valuable collections “Lost Latvia” for the possibility of using comments to Inga Belasova, Dagmāra Čakstiņa, historic photos and responsiveness in searching for Andris Čeirāns, Sindra Elksne, Lelde Eņģele, and clarification of those photos. Sincere thanks to Dace Granta, Jānis Greivulis, Mārtiņš Grels, Gunta Marta Ozola for providing useful information on the Lukstiņa, Ilona Mendziņa, Marita Nikmane, Alda history of the use of seaside and protected heritage Nikodemusa, Oļģerts Nikodemus, Valdis Pilāts, Anete areas. Thanks to Iveta Timze and Madara Bitmane Pošiva-Bunkovska, Ilze Rēriha, Ieva Rove, Gintārs for assistance with analysis of the legal framework. Rubenis, Rūta Sniedze-Kretalova, Gints Starts, Baiba Great thanks to the scientific reviewers of this Strazdiņa, Gita Strode, Roberts Šiliņš, Kristaps Vilks. book Laimdota Kalniņa and Vija Znotiņa, who gave For cooperation in dune habitat restoration method an indispensable contribution in improving the con- approval thanks to Gatis Brēdiķis, Andris Zaļkalns, tent and design. Ints Mednis and joint stock company “Latvijas Valsts The guidelines have been developed with the fi- meži”. It was a pleasure to cooperate with the Nature nancial support of the European Commission LIFE Conservation Agency inspectors of Kurzeme regio- programme and the Nature Conservation Agency. 8 Content CONTENTS INTRODUCTION (A. Priede) ........................................................................................................................................................................................14 PART I ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 17 Chapter 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SEA COAST HABITATS, OPEN INLAND DUNES AND HEATHS (B. LAIME) ........................................... 17 1.1 Characteristics of the Sea Coast Habitats ............................................................................................................................................... 17 1.2 Geological Origin of the Baltic Sea Coast in Latvia, Types of Coasts and their Relevance to the Processes of Modern .... Coastal Development ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 17 1.3 Characteristics of Beach, Coastal Dunes and Open Inland Dunes .................................................................................................. 17 1.4 Characteristics of Heaths ............................................................................................................................................................................18 Chapter 2. HISTORY OF THE USE AND PROTECTION OF COASTAL, INLAND DUNES AND HEATH HABITATS IN LATVIA (B. LAIME, D. TJARVE) ....21 2.1 The Use of the Seaside at Different Times..............................................................................................................................................21 2.2 A Brief History of Coastal Protection
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