ommuters Shiver



Vol 18 No. 2 (12 Pages) Jan. 7 1965 HICKSVILL G L., NEW YORK -10¢

; Enf@red as Second Clas Matter at Hicksville, N.Y. Post Office TEEPE UEORSLAAE

- Business He Gai Retain 3rd Place As Leaders Slow The community of Hicksville gained ten listed of businesses to a new peak of 665 as of January | the third this year to retain its position as principal community in Nassau County, according to a physical count of the new edition of the Dun & Brad- street Reference Book, just issued. Valley Stream remained in first place but lost five businesses for to second a total of 711 while Hempstead held on WIDE OPE twin, elevated platforms o the Long Island Rail higher than any surrogn Place but slippe back four businesses to 685. ing structures, are leaving commuters pretty cold thes sub freezing temperatyre mornings. The other communities among nesses from first to, the dropped Upper level waiting rooms are quickly jammed to capacity and many wait and shiver ‘on the-top ten in Nassau as of the second, Bay. Shore gained 124 until the trains arrive. This is a view of the west end of the lon platforms. first of this year are Farming- listed names 1964, stairwa 1 during (Photo Frank D. Mallett) dale 641 (formerly sixth), Free- The Dun & Bradstreet Refer- by Great port 634 @ormerly fourth), ence Book lists manufacturers, 5th) West- wholesalers and retailers who seek or grant commercial credit Windbreak Installations _ but-does not include some of the Chamb See service and professional busi- nesses such as beauty andbarber The hig level, new elevated platforms of the Hicksville Rail Road station are ,_ security dealers and real ~ Chamber wide to continuous blasts of arctic air these @ays, The Hicksville * sucstate brokers. Dun & Bradstreet open a committee to see if wind can be installed R an office at 23 W. John St., of Commerce has appointed breaks. Hicker with Jose Rosky as for commute comfort. The new platforms are higher muters are the installation of than any surrounding buildings moving stairs to carry them to Poulos Outlin Actio to : leaving the are’ without protec- the high level. This project is Pla Preser tion, There are small waiting being financed by special taxing rooms on each platform but the unit of the Town of Oyster Bay number of commuters far exceed embracing Hicksville, portions limited Of Jericho and vicin- in Broad the capacity. . Plainview, Towns Annua Messag Aaron Rochinan is chairman of ity, The financing of this: project the Chamber committee which is has been approved by the town Full lementation of a Town Poulos said, “th commi the Board wilt appoint intheprocessof communicating board, following a public hearing, and fi ee Development Planning Action will cover i Pa bers of the C with the LIRR to see what, if and it is understood the engi- Dept., a comprehensive Town- * esthetic objectives, circu- tions, with the next, few weeks.”&q anything, can be done, The pos- neering workhas been completed, wide recreation program, an in- lation needs and requirements, A complete town wide sibility of immediate action ap- Awaited now is the ‘call for bids, depth study of the need forSenior including traffic, throughfares, ward recreation program will also be pears remote for several rea- of bids and completion of Citizens Housing and a deter- spaces, transportation, developed, the Majority Leader sons; (1) the‘elimination project the work, mined effort to pinpoint and elim= community facilities, intercom= said, He poirired our the has not, as yet, been turned over The moving stairs will work inate potential slum or blighted muniry and regional factors, Town in the past few months to the LIRR by the State Dept of only one way - up. Deca areas from developing in the community and neighborhood re- E has been engaged in a nation- Public Works which contracted passengers will have to hoof it Town of Oyster Bay were given newal, capital improvement pro= wide search to get the best- for the job; (2)the LIRR usually down fo ground level.: + high priority this week by Town and other related matters, grams qualified person available to head. pleads poverty when it comes to A spokesman for ‘the. Town Board Majority Leader Council— The new was Crea department the recreation program. The improvements involving the out- Board told the Herald this week man Edward J. Poulos as high- under the Home Rule Amendment entire Town Board will com= lay of cash; and (3) under an “that design of the project, esti- lights of a broad program to approved by the voters at the, ice interviews in the near agreement made several years mated to cost $150,000, has been the Town, as’a ‘‘pres- last election and the preserve general futtire of those whose applications ago by the County of Nassau the completed and-that the legal dept. tige suburban commimity.” Board’s {authority stems from ior the recreation position are ‘‘upkeep’’ of RR stations within is curr engaged in steps for The program by 36 of the Consolidated degcrib Chapter now on file. the county is the expense of the the sale of a bond issue prior to Councilman Poulos ‘a ‘‘ab- Laws of the State. A “I believe the time £ appro- county, the call for bids. No completion solutely essenttal to the well— “This new department is the priate to institute this program Also eagerly awaited by com- date was being of the Town an its present first of its kind in Nassau aval: as our. Town now has had the and future residenrs’’ was given Poulos: pointed out, experience resulting from the de- the Board at its first meeting to velopment’ of. the Plainview-Old of the new year held Tuesday, Community. Park, 2 PT Counc Wil Hono Millev pilot facility in operation for the past two years. Major Commun- Town Law, Conservation, Finan- The Hicksville Council of ity parks are now under construc= ces, Highway and Drainage Im- and. Planning Action Department P.T.A, Units will hold its Twelfth tin to serve the Syosset, Wood- as high pro= well, be directed to Annual Founders Day Dinner on provements priority cooperate bury, Locust Grove, Bethpage and on the Board’s agenda fully \with the ‘Nassau Feb. 25, at the Milleridge Inn, grams Mass: communities repre- for 1965. The Majority Leader PI Commission andcou Jericho, Honored guest this year sent municipal investment of out that the first order Agency. = will Louis Millevolte, pointe Bi-County Planning m than 6 million dollars, fo business in the immediate the Board affectionately known as ‘‘Coach’’, establishe by These are scheduled for parks Burns Avenue - Mrs, B, Al- future is the establishment of a ofpeSupe 6 of Nassau and Millevolte has devoted 35 years operation in 1965 and it will be fano Dutch Lane- Development and Planning Action Count Se of service to the youth of. Hicks- (WE-1-5983); Suffol the assignment of the new Rec- Mrs. Schwartz which was unani- not be- vile as physical education J. (WE reation Director to initiate a 5-3198 the Board Gepera wa teacher and summier recreation mously authorize by ide - comprehensive pro=- in Aug. 1964. The department Poulos declare “W director, By encouraging chil- for a commission of seven dren to participate in sports, calls “In the the near future,” in non-salaried members with five for the * he instilled them a sense of Majority Leader said, “th Board fair play and sportsmanship, Mil- will request the Town Housing and two by the Supervis “action levolte has given generously of Authority to institute a thorough C The new will have its efforts to his time and effart to promote department group’, to areas going survey pinpoint (WE “witle Avenue + broad powers, including the prep: Sere the the welfare of children and youth 8-6177); of potential deterioration. This G, aration of studies, reports, plans roblems. ofh Toes and in the community. —Mrs, Shapiro (WE 5-6319); Teco will us to establish acourse help Willet Woodland Avenue - Mrs, R, Dagna and programs to maintain, foster mending definite courses of ac- John Maher, Principal of action to. prévent (WE 5-0852); Junior High- Mr. J. and preserve the orderly ‘grow tion, It’ will be assisted Ave School, will be Toastmaster, dard, (WE Senior and development of the Townccn= top-notch planning consultants,” potn ee Chairman of the dinner is Mrs, Kearns 5-9000); High - Mackin (GE 3+ sistent with its the Majority Leader’ said. a Harold Gorlin, and the members Mrs. Comprehensi Cokie on page 12) 7647). A Zoning Plan, ‘‘In its work,’’. is my -hope,’’ Poulos continued, of her committee are; Mrs.

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2 - Page MID ISLAND/PLAINVIEW HERALD - Jan. 7, 1965 *

YROLL SAVINGS BRINGS HOME Dear Lyn re eee ee er THE BACON/ Are We note with interest that two of the tenants of th fire swept

Sutter have © on the first floor or ground level, What will happen to the rest of the structure Log Local a 4s open to speculation at this point cs. night spots report drop off in New Year’s Eve business, a trend which has been going that friends not Chorles Wagner Post: on for a number of years. We found many did ‘‘go No. 421 Hicksville! out’? but rather attended house parties, A new trend was noticed: Groups of couples hire motel rooms for the evening’s festivities, ‘|" clean behind them Among b ARTIE RUTZ leaving the ‘mess ‘and up ..... those fifty iodd applications for liquor stores in Nassau is one, at least, for Hicksville Fire Ladies Mid Island Plaza, we are informed .... Dept. Our annual New Year’s Eve with Sciatica...Numerous report Auxiliary sent a nice thank you note “‘for the fine job of publicity Dance was quite the success that and of minor colds complaints you have done during the past year for:the marching ladies and the it was to both expected be, are now the standard of this time CLARICE and HERB JOHNSEN of Myers auxiliary’? .... CemAve., meer ar eetroeeesece US Bonds socially and financially, as a of the year....We can now look Hicksville, enjoyed Christmas with their daughters in Southern Buy Savings sell out indicated....Of early forward to fhe next social affair California, where they report the weather was rainy and cool .... REGULARLY course Bouse’s food Rudy good at the Post which will be the Hicksville Kiwanis President RICHARD E, MILLER thought of didn’t hurt nor Tony Bell’s music, Auxiliary’s annual Valentine’s his club by sending a ‘Christmas Card from Rome .... Birthday ee ecerecerecs eur ccnooes either,,.Our Tuesday evening Dance in February....Better get greetings were in order during the holiday season for STANFORD extra curricular affairs which INSTALL ticket real early as this is of Hicks- your (Sam) WEISS, the electrical man .... Regular meeting are open to the public is meeting THE BFST always a good dance and usually ville School Board this week on Friday night followed by a special, with good success but we need sold out despite the hazard of the Saturday morning, devoted to work on the budget for the new more and more members tocome weather...Contact the February fiscal year coo. down and hand with the give us a Auxiliary for tickets on this... mail order women’s wear and gifts, Here’s How chores....How about you.,..I know Then comes the month of March A firm, featuring peer 59 Tec near Consolidated members who would like to will locate at St., Hicksville, many in which our annual Awards & Co., shortly is from ‘Manhattan.,...SUS STONE of HEATIN O14 help the Post in some manner and Ceremonial Nite is held and also Vending. The firm moving here is to do a sophomore at Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell, your opportunity in the same month our annual St. Hicksville, some real for is a member of the debating team that just brought home two good your Post,,.. Patty’s Dance is always another S. D, held at Yankton r Just call Hank Brodbeck or Dick wins from their first intercollegiate tournament aT big one and again you must look to hear College, Yankton, South S Hochbrueckner.,.Sorry forward to making your reserva- Dakota... that Joe Ratto hasn’t been able tions at an early date if to shake off that bad throat after desired for COGGIN followed at St. John’s Cemetery Ploneer 7-8700 accommodations are GEORGETTA G weeks and weeks,,.And Mike Pal- under the direction of the Thom- your group....Of course at this Bore HICKSVILLE - Georgette Cog- seeccesccsce ladino is a up also as Dalton Home, time no prices are available..s. F, crippl gins, a former resident here, to move in Mrs, is survived by two Things are starting of 25-29 Adams Ct., Rizz recently + and to our of the 47th Margaret Chiz regards hosting . Vince Bera wai s Meat Market feaford, died Jan, 2, She is sur- y annual Nassau County Convention vived by her father, George Ged- which we expect will be the Free ney Coggins; two aunts, Thelma biggest and best in historyseseThis Delivery Muens and Dorothy Farrell and takes place in June but lots and POULTRY — FROZEN FOODS an uncle, William Coggins. T lots of is necessary... planning Miss at the Home Made Meat — Coggins reposed Sausag Bologna In the meantime our membership Henry J, Stock Funeral Home 102 BROADWAY, HICKSVILLE — WE /-0054 can still use the enrollment of where religious services were ROS BUTLER friends and neighbors who your held Tuesday at p.m. The fu- veterans,.We are HICKSVILLE -- Rose Butler of: are eligible neral took place Wednesda at still in the for member- 51 Tip Top La,, here, died Dec, running with interment at 2:30 p.m, L.L She ship honors on the county basis, 30 at Meadowbrook Hospital. National Cemetery. the Thom- Cards so let’s go! ‘was 67. She reposed at Greeting until FRANK V. PAVLICEK as F, Dalton Funeral Home Saturday when the funeral was at PLAINVIEW -- A. Requiem held at 11:30 with interment For All Occasions EDWARD BARNES service was held at St, Sergius Syosset Chapel Wednesday morn- survived by PLAINVIEW -- Edward and Desk Sets ing at o’clock“for Frank Vin- Fihag Edward. Schaefter & Esterbrook Pens Barnes, 67 years old, died at p cent Pavlicek of 71 Belmont Ave,, COMPLETE LINE OF $MQKING ARTICLES his residence, 153 Main Parkt who died Jan, Interment here, on Jan. 5, He will re- here, 2 ALI STRATTON — — way, MAGAZINES — BOOKS EWSPAPERS CANDY followed at Laurel Grove Ceme- pose at the Thomas F, Dalton TOYS — FILM — the di- HICKSVILLE -- GIFTWRAP Funeral Home until Thursday (to- tery, Passaic, N,J, junder Religious rection of the J. Stock services were held at the Henry day) when a Solemn Requiem Hen Funeral Home, J. Stock Funeral here, Mass will be sung at Our Lady of Home, for HOLDEN’S STATIONERY Mr. Pavlicek is survived by Alice Stratton of 226 E. 36th Mercy R, C, Church at 8:45 a.m. his who died Burtal will follow at L. L National wife, Mary (nee es St., N.Y. Dec. 30, on 79 BROADWAY HICKSVILLE Anna Matarello c The Cemetery. two daughters, Sunday eve: and two Harold and WE 1-1249 Mr. Barnes is survived by his Mary; sons, two John and a wife, Victoria. Howard; brothers, ph; three sisters, Alvie De- Monday at 11 a.m, with inter- Nigris, Frances Ziegler and ment at. Greenwood Cemetery, Mary Belfi and four grandchil- Miss Stratton is survived by dren, two sisters, Gertrude Rutz, and USE CHEV SAL Elizabeth Tenny and a brother, ELIZABETH LEONARD Enos Stratton, ARE MORE AND MORE CHEVY OWNERS HICKSVILLE -- ASolemn Req- CARD OF THANKS uiem Mass will be offered at St,

© We wish TRADING TO FORD Ignatius Loyola R, C, Church Fri- to thank the Rever- end of day at 9 o’clock for Elizabeth Clergy St, Ignatius Loyola Leonard (nee -Mueller) of 145 E. R.C, Church, members of the Second and the Emer- 1964 CHEVELLE MALIBU (963 IMPALA Zoranne Dr., Farmingdale, who Precinct, gency squad, of the Nassau County S Hardtop — V8 — Automatic died Jan, 3, Burial will follow Hardtop, V8—Automatic, Police the Hicksville Fire at St, John’s Cemetery under the Dept., — & Heater R&a — Power our friends and Power Radio Steering direction of the Henry J, Dept., neighbors Stoc for their. kindness A Maroon Beauty For Funeral Home. during our recent $2200 $1995 Mrs, Leonard is survived by bereavement, lat © The of the her son, Farrell of Plainview family and adaughter, Margaret Abrams George F, Betscha CONVERTIBLE 1962 IMPALA HARDTOP COUPE of Farmingdale, She is also sur- 1963 IMPALA CARD OF THANKS vived six and Automatic — R&a by grandchildren Radio & Heater — White Wall Tires 1 great grandchildren.” We wish to thank the Hicks- Power Steering — Sparkling Black Vinyl Upholstery ville Fire Dept., the Ladies Aux- MARGARET Maroon & Clean RIZZO iliary of the Hicksville F.D., Co. #2. The Rev. Edward H, Stam- $1695 $1595 HICKSVILLE -- ASolemn Req- mel of Trinity Lutheran ulem Mass was offered at Holy Church, (961 IMPALA CONV. Family R. C. Church Thursda our relatives, friends and neigh- at bors for their many acts of kind- V8 — Automatic — PS 9:45 a.m, for Margaret Rizzo ness 1963 CORVAIR MONZA COUPE during our recent bereave~ - Radio & Heater of 19 Preston La., here, who died ment. = Automatic — Bucket Seats Dec, 27 at Meadowbrook The of the late Black with Red Interior Hospital at the age of 69, Burial family R&a - Bronze F, Auer $1475 Nice Car For $1345 Henry Proudl Displ Ou Flag

BOB-KEN FORD Not Cnl Cn. | But _ Holiday 308 N. Broad at 16th Street Ever Da Cf The Year “Serving the Entire Mid-Island Area” Gres. N Me Post 421. WE 1-6460 can Legi | 2 E, Nich Ste, Hicksvil 9 P.M. Wed. & Sat. To 6 P.M. Ope Evenings Except A rthur Rutz, Comr an der, =s| ee eR eee


DONK O’MANIA — Don’t forg this “‘woy out’ bit of Basketball scheduled for the INTER Hicksville Junior High Boy’s Gym on Friday night, Jan. 15. It is sponsored by the Parent — Teacher Assoc. and deviati ($T to all) will go te the Scholarship Fund. Come early, gather in WIL B PAI a barrel of belly laughs and grab a mop whe the action is over, say the bareback buffs who will be astrid real life donkeys. Credit for this reminder goes to Bruce Goldstein, right, a 12 old ‘O AL year juni hig art student who lives with his parents at 108 Lantern Rd., Hicksville. His SAVI flair with © the pen a wailing coach and four custodians with their mops . Bes housek flopping , - KOERNER ACC Off Dut C Traces Youth Bowli Senior Wi COMPO The Hicksville Police Boys Patrolman George: Somers of tion, detectives of ‘the 8th Pre- - AND. CREDITE Club Seniors set a record the 8th:Precinct, Nassau County cine arrested Paul M, Valentino, new for the annual Christmas tourna- Police Dept., was credited with 18, of 29 Cornell La., Hicksville, ment “held: the Farmingdale the apprehension of a Hicksville ~He was arrested and charg wit at ! on Dec, - “Lanes 29,by*compil- QUAR youth wh been «a specific act.that had taken place ing’ ‘ total of 275 pins for a plaguing the easter P lew Nov, 24, Aecording to police re- three game series. Deposits Dr eiv by Jan- area with acts of indecent ex- ports, he'admitt to that incident This record of total wood is uary 8, 1965 will receive posure for some time, Actingon and five others, e the old- interest from the’ first of, the information Patrolman Som- Appearing in First District ing est boy on the team is 15 years the manth. \ ers had in Dec. re- , gleaned, many, many 30, Fir ‘z of age. Competition was at its Little Las off-duty hours of following clues Couque o ‘youthful Malentioffender trea ak with many other good P,B,C, and working: on # given descrip- ment?’ tea rolling in this Police Boys Duri Holida Club Tournament. Joe Brintz Hicksville Fire Dept. reported of the -Hicksville Unit average no serious fires during the over 200 per game, with scores » Christmas holiday season, al- ‘of 235-197-182 for 614 SS a series, LO though there were a number of . 5 : Joe was ably assisted by Billy alarms for oil burner fires, calls It’s That Time of Year, DeVoe who rolled games of 166- for oxygen, etc. 202-220 and a fine 588 series, : At a meeting of the Board of At about this time of lecal School Other members of the team and year, our Fire Commissioners en Monday ISLAN their scores are Fred Schwartz Board trustees the endless and night of this week, Harold Man- begin almost some- (161-209) Mark Rothman (170- askie was elected chairman of times task of the budget’’ 180-156) brank Masterson (182- frustrating ‘‘preparing the Board succeeding Vincent Ww 131) and Mike Miller (187-175). which goes to the vote of the community sometime Braun, NATIO early in May. Actually, the budget is usually first developed over a period of months by the school administration and then submitted to the-Board at - this period. In the weeks that follow, the trustees GOLDM BRO over the and seek to BA go proposals minutely par Everythin ‘For Men and Boy and shave without wrecking the entire operation. But when the administrators have done their job MAIN OFFI 19 HICKSVILLE 60 Broodway - and shaved the BROADWA well already having pared requi- Old Hicksville, Lon Istond sitions from various levels and departments - there (near ‘Countr Road) BROADWAY OFFICE 550 SouthPLU remain few areas where the trustees can cut. Broadwa WELL 1—0441 Hicksville The and since salaries MID-ISLAND budget always goes up PLAZA OFFICE - account for about half the total, there is little that Mid—Islond Shopping Plaza North Broadway can be done in the face of adopted salary schedules, Hickaville” © And when the final total is reached the WOR CENTER SHOPS OFFICE gross CLOT 196 0 Road pressure goes out for increased State Financial (Comer of Newbri: Read) Hicksville Assistance to reduce the net amount which must ;

— BETHPAGE OFFICE 365 be raised by local real estate taxation. Broodway - e SPORTI Bethpage - We have observed budge preparations at close GOODS | OLD RY: ROAD.OFFI range for seven or so years we know th dili- SOU51 Country Road Plainview gence and effort applied in this task. Families of HILL OFFICE will be a lot less of their MEET school trustees seeing © COMPLE FOR OldSeeCountry Road‘and fathers in next several weeks SER ‘Hill Road husbands and th Platnview and months. =-- FJN « PLAINVI OFFICE” TEAM LEAGUE SCHOOL South Oyster Bay Road They Plainview Flowers Where Ts ‘Grown Bu Your Th SOUTH HUNTINGTON OFFIC

1850 New York Avenue * GREENHOU Huntington S$totion ¥ GIESE Serving the Community 34 Years COMMACK OFFICE - ~ $'&- Free 6090 Jericho Turnpike 82 LEE AVENUE, HICKSVILLE, N.Y: Stamp Parking in Rea: Comma 2

* : WE DELIVER Ope Every Evening Till 9 PM (except Sat. 6 PA MEMBER F.DAL.C... Telegraph Flowe Phone WE 1-0241 =

fy Page 4 - MID ISLAND/PLAINVIEW HERALD - Jan. 7, 1965

THE GREGORY MUSEUM 207 Cottage Boulevar Hicksville, N. Y.

ADMISSION FREE — Phon for reservation Home: OV. 1-6041 Office: WE. 5-9000 ext. 309


Fourth Graders from the East Street School, Hicks- ville, examine with interest and delight some of the

more than 5,000 butterfly and moth specimens.

Adults register great interest as they view rock and mineral specimens in the newly completed east wing which adds 84 additional cubic feet to the dis- play area.

Children from a fourth grade in the Dutch Lane School, Hicksville, select their two free rocks and mineral specimens.


1. More than 5,000 specimens of butterflies and moths from all over the world. Many of these are extremely rare. 2. More than 3,000 rock and mineral specimens from North America and many foreign countries. This includes

seven black light displays of fluorescent rocks.

Slides on the growth of moths and butterflies, on the identification of rocks and minerals, and on spring and summer wildflowers are shown on request.

Since the museum opened in the Spring of 1968, more than 800 school children have viewed the specimens.

Each visitor should bring a bag in which his two free paper Fifth grade youngsters from th Lee Avenue rock be taken home. specimens may School admire the beautiful colors of the fluorescent

DONATIONS OF SPECIMENS FOR DISPLAY IN THE rock displays. Seven such displays be seen at may 1 MUSEUM ARE APPRECIATED, the museum.

Town of Hempstead - on the second Tax LEGAL NOTICE: Penalty half will Roll will be turned over to H 22x1/7_ = Town of Hempstead Part Town (Building be added after August 10, 1965 the County Treasurer,’ Mineola, NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The annual of the . meeting Plain Zoning, etc.) 000 at the rate of one per centum N.Y. and all payments after th iver 0} Lawn willbe held 2590 per month from July. 1, 1965 date should be made at-the Office Cemetery Corp. Taxes for the Town of at 90 Hempstead, Town Building, Bd. calculated to the end of the month of the County Treasurer, Broadway, Hicksville, N.Y. of Nassau, State of New of on Jan. 26, 196 at County Zoning during which payment is made, Dated: December 31, 1964 Tuesd hereby notice that he 2P.M York, gives Appeals in Inc, DISCOUNTS: Hempstead, N, Y,” has received the Tax Roll and Village of Atlantic tax is L, W, Augustin year’s paid HENRY C, VON ELM | Warrant attached thereto, dated ee Beach «000 on or before February 10 1965, Receiver Taxes‘ Secretary December and that he ‘o H24 X 1/21 31, 1964, Nassau County Police -809 discount will be allowed on th (3T) will be in attendance to receive Nassau County Sewer second half of the tax at the MID ISLAND HERALD & HERALD taxes at the Taxes PLAINVIEW rate of one per centum of the Entire contents copyrighted by Mid Island 1964 TOWN HALL, Special District Taxes second half. No discount allowed Herald, HEMPSTEAD, N.Y, PENALTIES: on payments made after PUBLISHED WEEKLY for the February Mid beginning Monday, January 4, owing scale of penalties 10, 1965. Island Community ot Hicksville, \L. N.Y. 1965 and each weekday there- is for hereby prescribed neglect : from P after 9 A.M, to 4:45 P.M, to pay the Armory & Court Ex- Taxes are “paya by cas NOETH Sundays and (Saturdays, holidays pense, County, Town and High- certified checks or Post Offic Editor and Publisher xcepted) way and Special District taxes money order drawn on Hemp- tate LYNDA scoTTI Armory, Court after they have become due and stead, N.Y. Uncertified checks .039 Associate ‘Expenses payable: will be accepted subject to col- Editor County 2.400 If the first half not is paid lection only. Address to: Town - General on or before February When 10, 1965, sending for tax bills, association icarreapeBOX 9 Purposes 025 penalty will be added at the rate please state the School District TR N. HICK1186 of one percentum per month from location, Section, Block and Lot Town Highway - January 1, 1965 calculated to the numbers in accordance with the OF FICE: 225 Hiak Repairs & Improvement end of the month during which Nassau County Tax Map, Broadway, 590 TELEPHONE: WElls of Highway payment is made, After August 31, 1965, the 1965 1-1400 and WEll 1.0346 -CQEULETTUOnenerUaEUEaLrasretneauorneovoeaotonenmeneetuauaacasnzzaa0eerOma04LLetnt.

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Editer: t HAROLD J. BRENSILB GE 3-1310 Assoc. Editor: MYRON A. KANTER PRODUCED BY THE Contributors: Seima Constant, Marvelle Colby WEST BIRCHWOOD—JERICHG. CIVIC ASSOCIATION Hy Strell, Othalie Pepper Vol. 6 No. 34 Jan. 7, 1965 Jeri G R Elect Officials Cantia Facin

At the Annual’ Christmas Party and elections of the Jericho Maj Spa Probl - Rebublic Club, on Dec. 18, held at the Chase Manhattan Bank on Jericho Turnpike in Syosset, the Proposa that will either see the discontinua- ~~ following officers and directors tion of kindergarten at the Cantiague Schpol or were elected for the year 1965, extended busing of the children to other areas will President, Myron Kanter; Ist be Vice-President,, Robert Ballot: aired at a public meeting of the Jericho Board 2nd “Vice-President, Burton of Education. The meeting to be held on Wednesday, Helko; 3rd Vice-President, Rich- Jan 13th at the High School and Drama ard Post; Treasurer, E: Spéech . i Schwartz; Rec Secretary, Rose room will start at.8:00 P.M. Calandra; Corr. Elsie Secretary, Other topics to be discussed Post; Sgt. at.Arms,Charies Pra NEW OFFICERS ‘and Directors of th Jerich Club for Republican Att besides that of the over-crowded vato; the year 1965, I Fat ; situation at the Cantiague School Board of Directors, Joseph are the disposition of the. Nike A, Fontanetta, C Sam The Medical Examiners office site, the increased costs of the Hecht, Lincoln Karches, Jack of Nassau County Is investigating the High Schoof expansion, the need Moskowitz, Anthony. cause of death of nine year for a bus maintenance and Frank Sixt, Harold Smith, Martin old James Nason of 25 Orange garage a central housing quarters for the Silberg, Robert Meyers, William Dr., Jericho who died Dec. 31. administration staff, Mayhew, and Ralph Brotte’ He was stricken with the fatal Undoubtedly the housing ‘prob= Executive Member; attack in the livingroom of his Ralph lem of the will Diamond. home at 2:40 P.M. The Police Cantiague school draw the greatest interest. Ever - ambulance responded to the call, since Dr, Brown’s: report-was but the boy was pronounced dead presented, it has become quite PLAN SKI WEEKEND at 3:10 P.M, by Dr. Storm of | that some action 125 Leahy St., Jericho. apparent would IN VERMONT have to be taken to correct this situation prior to next semester. Jericho ORT is RUT taking you NIGHT There are several but i proposals away on a winter ski weekend the two receiving’, tiie greatest from Jan, 29-31, The of Reservations are still being price attention are either the one that $46.50 includes accepted for the testimonial din- many things: two would bus all the kin ner Mrs. Ruth Cantlague meals a day, Ist class'accommo- honoring Lang. Mrs. Ben dergarten ‘children to another dations, to Kill- Lang, Lang&# wife, is transportation neighborhood school or the other ington, Vermont bus from being tendered this honor forher by Jer— plan which would take all the chil-. icho, ski ski many contributions to our Jericho instruction, equip- dren presently being bused to the ment, gratuities, ice skating also community. The dinner Cantiague school to the Seaman on will be held at the premises, bowling alley avail- School in Princeton Park. By bus- able, tobaggining andhorse drawn Blue Spruce Inn on Friday evening -MYRON KANTER receiving congratulations from Hon. ing all_thé’ kindergarten young- ride. There will’ be Benjamin Jan, Sth, in Roslyn. All those sleigh many of the District sters it would free four Zipper, Judge Court, after being installed as Presi- who are interested in to five more things to do to help make dent of the attending additional Jericho Republican Club for the year 1965, should classrooms. By ex- weekend’ a won’t Enjoying contact Marvelle Colby» your success so the festivities the tended are, on ‘left, Joseph, Fontanetta, Chairman of at We 8-2893 for further busing-the population of you join us? For reservation details. the Board of Directors, and on the right, Ralph Diamond, Jericho the Cantiague school would ‘be please call WE S-9227. Leader. reduced by 100-125 eaepecui a children, -_: While the Board will not-be- voting at this meeting it will Swi You provide an-opportunity for them jo hear from the members. of Partne Ja 2 ih [community regarding their:

views on these issues, 1 Reservation’s may be made for the Second Annual Cantiague -A AROUN TOWN School Anniversary Square Dance for the of Jan “About the night 23rd, by only. . person mailing your check of $5.75 a who is going easy with the to “The coin shortage may couple Helene Silvers, 51 Sulli- taxpayer’s money these days force van Drive, someone to invent a is the z taxpayer. He has to.” Once again Eddie Harmon will machine that accepts credit —. Lynn Denn, Linden be raising his voice to cards.” urge you “(Calif.) Herald, **to swing your partner’? and organizing afew of the attractions that helped to make last years occasion such a wonderful time for all. BD There will be door prizes, BincHwoop BULLE games and favors, Refreshments

11 - will consist of a chicken supper Monday: January Temple Bet Torah Sisterhood Meeting, 8:30 P.M, (he man& size) and plenty of i BROWNIE TROOP 692 of Cantiague School, made for- Jericho, gifts 11 - donuts, soda and coffee. For a Monday: January Weight Watchers, Jericho Jewish Center at the Nassau Children’s Shelter. girls County Top row, from left, at 10 A.M, Also on * real ‘tho-down’’ time send your January 18. Mrs. F. Friedlander, Mrs. H, Tennebaum and Mrs, ‘H. : Klein; - check and reservations in today! Tuesday; January 12 Isometricrs. Jericho Jewish Center at middle row: Jill Marla Debbie * Carin, Schaffer, Elyse Friedlander, 9:45 A.M, Also on January 19, Klein, Lynne Lori Gail T and Anita Tuesday; January 12 - Seaman School P.T.A, Meeting; Salerno; bottom row: Karen Helfer, Eli8sa Buchman, Ann Finner- SEAMAN PTA MEETS Tuesday: January 12 - The Marian Guild of St. Paul’the Apostle. man and Elyse Pepper. Parish, Jericho Firehouse,: 8:30 P.M, Miss Helen Coelbo will Miss Grace Stanistreet, speak on life and customs in India, direce e tor of the Children’s Center for Wednesday; January 13 - Jericho School Board Public Hearing. Start Memorial Fun Creative Arts at AdelphiUniver= At Jericho High School in the Speech and Drama room at 8:00 P.M, sity will present a program on Wednesday: Temple Beth Torah Adult Education Lecture, Dr. “Creative Attitudes andConcepts Albert Gordon will speak on intermarriage at the Westbury. The whole community sadly joins the Nason for Parents,’ Miss Stanistreet Hebrew Congregation, 8:30 P.M, family in grieving the loss of their nine year is widely known for her out-. Friday: January 15 - Jericho and :Jericho Woods chapters of Standing work with ORT celebrate ORT Sabbath Jericho youngsters, Jewish Center, < old son, James. Pending legislation will be dis- Friday: January 15 - Testimonial Dinner for Mrs. Ruth Lang at Friends of the Nason 25 family, Orange Drive, cussed and refreshments will be the Blue Spruce Inn in Roslyn Call Marvelle Colby, WE 8-2893 their to served, for reservations, may express sympathy by contributing ity . the St. Paul The Apostle Building Fund. At The Robert Seaman School Monday: January 18 - Jericho School Board at Cahtiauge School. Tuesday: 19 - P.T.A, will hold its next meeting January C,B.E, Review of the Class of 1964 and. some future date a suitable’ memorial will be Elections, Chase Manhattan on Tuesday, Jan, 12th at 8:30 P.M, Bank, “Jericho Turnpike Syosset assigned to the name of James Nason. at 9:00 P.M, :

‘ For further information call Father Potter- Wednesday: January 20 - Jericho High School P.TJA, “Trends FREEZER In Guid All available BAGS, . lors will be for ton at WA 1-0900 or Mr. J. Goldman at OV 1- Hate to hands with at t get your dirty? parents, 8:15 P.M, High School : 7587. Contributions may be sent directly to A lot of jobs can be accomplish- Saturday: Cantiague P.T.A, Square Dance = ; ed with your hands in a freezer Saturday: January 23 - Creative Arts House Father Potterton care of St. Pauls Rectory, open i bag. Shining shoes, cleaning Friday, Saturday, Sunday: January 29, 30, 31 - ORT.Ski Weekend, New York. Jericho, game, baiting your hook. How call Harriet Sternlicht, WE 5-9227. r r many can you name? OVER ou

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Sanat ee

- Page 6 MID ISLAND/PLAINVIEW HERALD - Jan. 7, 1965 SEO IOI OI IOI II IO ROI I tio Allte TORO te and adults are ALL AROUND TOWN Marshall Sterns, Professor of teenagers ete o invited, Centr Federa English at Hunter College, will | z ‘i On Jan. 21st, the Sisterhood the history of Modern Jazz The Hicksville Citizens Com- of Midway Jewish Center, Syos- and its today. Two implications mittee will hold a regular meet- Repor Growt set and the Congregation well-known dancers will illus— ing Monday, Jan. 11 at 8:30 p.m. are sponsoring a joint trate. meeting, at Levittown Hall, An ever-increasing demand by Hicksville residents, shoppers and commuters, for the sarv- ices of Central Federal Sav- ings and Loan Assoc, has re- sulted in a phenominal rate of ‘a= growth in 1964 for this insti- ele

tution, . ‘ding nouncement by Central Federal Pres: y Theodore Ornstein, and YOU, TOO, Hicksville branch Manager and Peter Adele aS Total assets rose 16 ere 46 Fc nearly $80 Million,~ year-< The’ primary reason for this throat WORRY-FREE... unusually ‘hig growth rate is It 1 ‘tan awareness by Bis last ¥ .

: SEAMAN Apprentice Michael and transportation area’sSon sleep F, Fallon, US son.of Mr. and creasing population that Central felt ¢ Mrs. John Fallon of 214 Park Federal’s savings and loan poli- opener Ave., Hicksville, graduated Noy. cies provide for benefits that are 23 from recruit training at the as good. as, and better than, Coast Guard Recruit Training most institutions in the New York Center, Cape May, N.J. metropolitan area’’, Ornstein

- O joted, LEGAL NOTIC A 15.7% increase in savings

; account dollar deposits, which &quo O NEYOR Yield a high 4.80% dividend re- no WITH A warding savers this year COUNTY OF NASSAU Syone In the Matter of with over $ 2 1/2 Million, as ted well as a growth of reserve funds LOW COST Susan Jane Higgins - 8 YRS, to a comfortable oe Mary Ellen Higgins - 10 YR 1 eee pao Persons All to. be NE- ‘‘indicate and justify public’s MEADOW BROOK CHLD and GLECTED loyal it confidence i Co orth Index No. N 103-64 integrity, strength, . posse: lodaed “Ornstein ob- PERSONAL LOAN W an convenien pos serv of SUMMONS os gerenl Overdue bills, IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE Course, is a particularie plus- unexpected AMOUNT MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK to 4 lon vou Mrs, oneiso blofo no Centr loc svillelu expenses gotiyou: down’ ? $4 5 . MarcellaCrawford,40Bay- R F » RECEIVE i montHs 24 montHS 36 NewYor R.R. station and less than two MONTHS side Ave., Oyster Bay, an | the (oarent of said Children), blocks south of Mid- Boost your spirits b y paypaying Sea an The ‘t r $ 500 Island Shopping Plaza’. pe 43.74 — A $ 23.02 petition under Article 3 af of 57 the Family Court Act havingbeen In the mortgage field,if too, them all at one time with a 1000 Willa FORO 87.49 46.04 __ OOK TO fs IK filed in this Court, alleging that Central Federal experienced a . oie $100 tremendous this 2000 174.98 92.08 64.79 the above named children are year tee we eadow Brook Personal Loan - neglected children. of almost 20%. ing‘‘An attractive S000 26:47 138.12 97.18 Precir Gl, feature of ourmorigagesto home inciuoes YOU: ARE HEREBY suM- The cost is a low $4.75 Ba per 4000 349.96 184.16 129.58 MONED to appear before the Owners is the extremely low cost LIFE INSURANCE and Fe Court at 1200 Old Country Road, @roup life and accident insurance 2000 $37.45, 230.20 161.97 to que $100, life insurance One including Westbury, New York, on Jan- Program. plan provides the 7 gt = that the will be com- uary 29, 1965 at 9:00 o’clock in mortgage ceiling the forenoon of Pletely paid off in the event said day in the ‘pas | of MEADOW BROOK above matter, deat the other plan guar- Muoto’ antees ON YOUR FAILURE TO AP- monthly mortgage pay- spent 5 ment in the of PEAR as herein directed, awar- event disability deeply due to accident Cen- rant may be {issued for your or sickness. burns NATIONAL BANK arrest. tral is among the very few mort- Dated: December 14, 1964 insti BY ORDER OF THE COURT KEYED TO SERVE METROPOLITAN NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND ¢seaL) LEONARD T, WAHL explained, H 14x1/14 GJerk of the Court “‘Twenty- eigit years ago Cen- tral Federal born in a small FOO I IOI IOI OOOO IO IOI IO I OIOk was * | Long Beach store with two America’s favorite WINTE TIR features this traction guarante + employees, Today we have three offices, including our imposing - GUARANTED TO GO THRU Hicksville building on Broadway ICE, MUD and SNOW OR WE PAY THE TOW!

liness and personal attention. Firestone Cub Pack 685 will hold it’s annual Barn Dance at Levittown Hall, Hicksville on Jan, Konopasa has been eng stpas brn caller. Door prizes will be in- &Coots cluded. plce san peB= WElls1-2077 calling Ha: & ers! at S-1095. . donation of $1.50 WINTER TIRE . per ticket is customary. .

America's Number Winter Tire ls now Buy with READ IT FIRST 29 E. Carl St., Hicksville better [han ever because it’s made with NO MONEY DOWN on IN THE HERALO Firestone SUP-R-LON an exclusive new tire cord thet provides maximum strength and safety, yet gives you » smoother, softer, “thump-tree” ride. March o tarta Buying Refinan Selling lco & Snow sac wie ot )Ssceeeereese MORTGAGES Islan Federal Savi


vi WALTE LIQUO SHOP $00 South at 4th St. : Broadway Hicksville MT eee * ; ee 1—096 ee nt oe aa OnDai Aig pu W 1—0170 « ae FOIIIOI res IOI IOI IOI ORO III IO Roto .

a een en

- Jan, 7, 1965 - MID ISLAND/ HERALD Page 7 -

out, but they meet the Ist place Biréhwoo we take it upon our- “Sad Sacks’* and who knows how selves to help the situation. ‘This the worm can turn, was:done last year in the case of Sy Bruckner’s 15th place ‘‘Pa- our ...water. bills. I received thetics’’ rose up and stunned several.complaints from mem-

‘ Murray Gittelman’s 3rd place bers who felt their bills were #9°s with a crushing 7-0 defeat. much too high, This, it would Cap’t. Sy with a 205 combined with Elliot Spencer, who threw a 212, and Murray’s men wer sunk to 6th place. Herb Bernstein clobbered the oe 3 DOCKSWELL 8 Year Old Saves — for Norm Ney’s +«Pinheads to shut-out Nat Warren’s harmless for It was lucky Arnie and looking down at. him, complaining ae ” Only two weeks to go and the Adele Glucksman and family of that her throat from all the hurt smell of has Joe Jacobs finally hit the jack- fect our school taxes, we go into 46 Fountain Lane that their 8 Trophies suddenly : stirred the quiet longings into pot. He found the groove and action, year-old, Janet, has a sensitive ferocious bomb- entered the magic circle with a Our ability to act and to get throat, a display*of pin ing. 216. This so inspired Cap’t. results is only dependent on our. It was 3:30 A.M, Tuesday of filled with smoke. As Arnie ran ca Sid Sacks and his league - Morry Herrick and his ‘‘Giant’’ strength, Our strength is our last week that Arnie, in a sound to arouse his other'tw children ing ‘Sad Sacks’? white-washed teammates that they upset Mort mémbership,& If- we can show sleep after an evening of bowling, and his Howard, 11, Carol, 6, Julie Gershen’s ‘‘Untouchables”” Levine ‘‘Mules’’ 5-2, the’ town and school officials an felt a tug at his’sleeve: He wife Adele ran to the phone to heart- active and 7-0 and remained on top of the The league expressed its strong membershi opened his eyes and found Janet call the Syosset Fire Dept. pack, felt sympathy to Lou Dershewitz, The smoke seemed to be den- But Al Grusha’s ‘‘Zephyers’’® on the loss of his mother, by send- ser on the lower levels of the condolence Accident are hungrily snapping at their ing a basket to his house as Arnie carefully Shot and With Bill Kellerman home. herded ‘the children out and into throwing his eighth good. one, the family car parked at the curb Injur Pai a 206, and Herb Rudes boom- he noted hopefully that there were President’s Ne his seventh, a 205, the Congres no flames visible anywhere. He A shooting in the Las Vegas “Zephyers’’ annihilated then ran to the basement and shut Night Club, Robbins Lane, Brody’s ‘Splits’? 7-0, In the off the ofl burner. BY HORACE BERNSTEIN Wor Syosset, on Saturday Jan, 2 re- process they set a new record Re t By this time, which was only a sulted in the arrest of three for Hi Team Game, 944, and Within the next few days, you few minutes later, the Syosset Congressman Lester L. Wolff persons and the injury of two, amassed a new Hi Team Series should be receiving from: our Fire Chief, Peter Morley, had announces that th office assigned Peter Ferrentino, 52, of 38 Cres- Scratch of 2581, They are still - financial secretary, your 1965 the 3rd Congressional District cent Dr., Old Bethpage, manager two points behind the .‘‘Sad bill for dues to the Civic Associ- in Washington, D.C. will be Room - of the. club, was charged with Sacks’? and this coming ation, Billing is our only means found the oil burner to be smok- 1629, Longworth Building (New possession of a loaded firearm the ‘‘Zephyers’® really getwe of soliciting members to our ing, without any fire having been House Office). Wolff stated that and. discharge of same. Also break in the schedule when th Civic Association, We donot have started, the office’ is_-open and staffed meet Morry Herrick’s last place the man power, or feel it neces- Doors and windows were opened since his swearing. on January 4. “‘Giants.’? Sary after 9 years to have toring to ,clear the house and an oxygen Those to call The ‘‘Rubes’’ took caref aim door bells, We do this only in the wishing tank was brought to dispel any in Washington-can reach the Con= Rd,, Hicksville, and Denise Chat- and riddled Barbella’s case of new residents to our com- smoke inhalation that the five gressman at- Area Code 202 = man, 17, of 268 Ellen P1., Jericho, ‘<Bullets’’. 7-0. ‘‘Rube’? Cap’t. munity. Please, when you do Glucksmans might have suffered, CApitol 4-3121., A New District The injured were: Alfred Muoio Ruby Skyler crashed his sixth, receive your bill, make out a Mr. Morley commented tit telephone “has been installed: in of 57 Ruland Rd., Selden, and a 225, and Larry Goldenberg check for the $5.00 dues and send .they were very lucky that Jag Port Washington,” where per-. William Hoops of 114 Cambridge came‘ up with a very pretty dou- it to our financial secretary in had awakened, The house manent are being - Dr.,. Hicksville. ble, his sixth and seventh good the self-addressed pro- headquarters _ sealed up the way it was and so envelo established at 156A. Main’ St. According to Second Police ones, a 215 and a 200. Twoother vided for you, filled with smoke, the entire The local number to reach Precinct reports a disturbance «*Rubes’’ pitched in and shared I do not. feel that itis necessary phone family would surely have been the Congressional Office is Port in the proceedings, Les Gold- for me to go into detail, the very sick if not completely as- Washington 7-4343, Twenty-four stein had a fine series and in- reasons for renewing your mem- in their sleep. hour is avail- phyxiated creased his telephone service to quell the trouble, brandished ——$———— average three points bership, The mere fact that able. the It hit and gun, discharged , the Jerry Leight upped his aver- after som: & we have been ceiling and rieocheted. Whizz “Think ‘twice before age two points. Murray Iskoe, able to maj{ntain such a strong you “There' plénty of room at past Hoop it came to rest in find that ‘the only loaded ‘‘Bullet,”” tried membership and retain our speak—and you&# ~the but there’s no Muolo’s chest, The top, plac shot was well wife has the his best with his third, a 213, relationship with the communit your changed -to sit down” — Fred W. spent and did not penetrate but it was no contest. The We always strive to do our subject.” — Harold S. May, Grown, deeply. Hoops’ sustained powder «*Rubes”? have now climbed into best. When there is a general Bergen Coun Florence Herald. (N.J. burns of the neck and - (Ala.) 4th are 11 from the cf ty Citizen. face. place. They: points complaint residents .

Statement of Condition. DECEMBER 31, 1964



Investments: Savings Account $66,903,050.54

First Liens on Real Estate $70,112,223.57 Advances from Federal Home

Loans on Savings Accounts 585,232.12 Loan Bank 2,454,250.00 FHA Modernization Loans 141,471.83 Other Borrowed Money 860,000.00 Real Estate Owned NONE Loans in Process 537,903.61 Other Investments: Mortgagors Advances for Taxes, etc. 1,273,232.52 Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank 641,500.00 Other Liabilities 608,322.08

United States Government Bonds 4,042,450.08 « Deferred Inco 171,522.02 Cash on Hand and in Banks 839,658.44 Office Building and Equipme 1,251,573.33 Specific Reserve 83,566.00 with Federal and Deposit Saving Reserve for Income Tax 142,640.00 Loan Insurance Corp. (344,785.08 General Reserve 5,137,822.69 Other Assets 2 153,415.01


Total Assets $ $ 78,112,309.46 Total Liabilities and Reserve $78,112,309.46


: eo : eo eae a

- Page 8 MID ISLAND/PLAINVIEW HERALD - Jan. 7, 1965 Day in the Life of Marchof Dimes Girl a Atrnoucn BORN with birth defects of open spin ‘ crippling and excess water on brain, Mickey Heinicke, 4, Denver, Colo., the 1965 March of Dimes Girl, is a very bus young lady. She starts the day by combing her doll’s hair then gives affectionate bus to stuffed bulldog. Short indoor canter on hobby horse comes next, Real Estate Purchase and last on daily program of the active little lady is a ride aboard The signing of a contract of backyard swing. Local March of Dimes chapter contributes to sale is an extremely important step in the purchase of a home. treatment. Some American infants are born Mickey’s 250,000 Once. and seller have ‘ buyer yearly with serious birth defects. signed, they are Contributions to the March of bound by the provisions of Dimes research and support the contract. treatment centers seekin cause Their legal and cure of these cripplers. rights in the transaction are set and deter- mined. If the contract is poorly and haphazardly drawn, a har- vest of regret may be reaped at a later date. Sales Contracts are often called by other names, such as earnest money contracts, bind- ers, receipts, etc. All of them are for the same purpose and almost all involve the deposit of money, by the buyer. The fact that such deposits are usu- -ally tobe forfeited, in the event the buyer fails to go- through with the ‘sale, lends more weight to the warning that no contract should be signed with- out complete understanding of its terms. Many home purchasers, how- ever, rush to sign a hastily pre- pared contract with very little knowledge of its contents. The pressure of time, the informal- ity of the occasion, the casual appearance of the contract, and perhaps the fact that a partially printed form is used, may con- tribute in causing the impor-- tance of the act to be over- _ looked. At any rate, many are lulled into a lapse of good busi- ness judgment. Every significant detail of the bargain should be crystal- ized in ‘unmistakable terms in the contract of sale. Land and fixtures being sold should be clearly described. A complete description of the property by lot and block, or by metes and bounds, is a must, the street number being inadequate by itself. Articles and ‘fixtures includ- ed in the sale should be specif- ically listed. Included in the Category are such items as ve- nitian blinds, removable floor coverings, draperies, air condi- tioning. units and others. In purchasing property under construction, complete plans and specifications form an es- sential part of the agreement. Th price to be paid must, of course, be specified, along with method and terms of payment. If a certain sized loan is a pre- requisite to the ‘buyer&# ability to complete’the purchase, this fact should be noted. Sad in- deed is the prospective pur- chaser who loses his earnest called for just before*Christ- money when a contemplated oa loan transaction falls mas. through, The Real his contract requiring payment of Christmas trees were used the entire consideration in cash. The thousands of years before sale contract should also Christ’s birth German Temptation state the quality of th title to be conveyed to the buyer and tribes brought evergreens “Our temptations the type of title evidence to be rsymbols of life and immortal- today are not those of the weak furnished. tty) into their homes to pro- and the impoverished— All too often people try to tect them from evil during Squeeze a sales contract to fit they are the temptations the coming of year ... Today that the_type printed form on come to a strong and Christmas hand, or the busiest of memorated the return the trees are booming omitting leaving to Among. of prosperous people who oral in the United States Last agreements. many vital Santa’s aids the sun, symbolizing the sun&# ... sometimes during seem to forget Provisions. ‘Do not fall into the year over 45 million trees Yuletide season are of- St. that it post life-giving qualities ... was tke simple fun- “pitfall of the printed form.” fices in with Francis Assisi were sold, doubling the vol- towns Christ- of was respon- damentals of hard work, You should learn the legal con- ume the Mis- sible the during past 12 years thrift Sequences of mas names .. . Noel, for popularizing and investment an.earnest .money to its present $100 million contract before souri; Christmas, Florida; Christmas carol as we know which made them economi- .you sign it, rate... The total, incident- rather than to luck Santa Claus, Indiana and it... He was the first to lead cally strong.’’—Herbert V. trusting ally, does not inclade the sales that it will be all right. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania re- large groups of people in song Prochnow, president, First ceive thousands of the Christ Child of small scale growers who National Bank packages praising . of Chicago. dispose of trees 5 each year for Yule town locally .. . Early Chri s shoppers BARBEQUE postmarking and remailing this year made choice picks of FLASH LIGHT “Marriage — a committee to other Clean barbeque grills points... Take a three cell quickly evergreens ... Selected har- flashlight to of two on ways and means. but by starting the fire with a layer vests of the traditional trees camp store a two cell bulb One has her Scandinavia gave us the way, the other of sand. Add coals to: this, When in handle holder. When tradition The are being stored in light the means.” — Yule log ... deep Provides you want to clean the grill, sand fades, restore it by switching to the com- freeze until Charles Pike, Mebane out burning of log compartments the two-cell. (N.C.) spills easily takes grease, Enterprise. burned coals ete. with: it. Ee a a —«-. ee Sern Of ee he el ee oll oe) oD


1965 - MID ISLAND/PLAINVIEW HERALD - Page 9 Jan; | eat, Commin and Goin Hicksville Magi Mil Expan Jim B Cumming elevation of the L. I. Railroad Long Island’s Dynamic Shop- in the heart ‘of this bustling ping-Industrial Center continues community=plus the much need= its growth pattern here inHicks= ed Esculators in plan now and for ville... keynotes are the recent under ‘Dashing Dans’’ discuand senior citizens use... The Twin-Shopping complex of Petit Hail Mid Island Plaza and Sears pro— — vides the shopping needs of all our mid-nassau residentSecccere Bi- Planni Recent tenant additions at the Plaza include A, Wohl Furniture; At a joint meeting of the Nas= Roryann Gallery and Photos; Sty- sau and Suffolk County Board locks, Inc. plus the opening of the f of on 4 at r Supervisors Jan. Singer Co. latter part of this Town Hauppauge, Oyster Bay month...The ‘‘new look’’ is fast Michael N..Petito was Supervisor taking shape with the number of | to have acclaimed reported office buildings on the ‘‘Magic a “‘milestone in the session as ‘Mile’? Marvin and Ralph Novick ‘and governmental cooperation’’ are the pioneers of this “‘Magic ~ predicted that a successful Bi- Mille’® of office facilities located Regional Planning Board * County at 80-81-82 North Broadway, would be a boon to homeowners Hicksville...Their latest 4-story in both Nassau and Suffolk. elevated office structure (with However, Petito his tempered underground parking) is on North for the overall con- enthusiasm B'way- Northern State Park- of Bi-Counry Planning with : cept WayeeeOther office and industrial PARAGO SCHOLARS: Two Hicksville high schoo Sen a warning: lo planning of this units are under construction on “"Ther Long Trail Nassau Executive H. | ctive without the A congratulated by County Eugene Nickérso size can be Road and whichLo we hear will Qld Country Wantagh A-Winding’’ on winning Seventh Annual Paragon Oil:Student Incentive Awards, of the. towns xtotal cooperaf¥pn and Road. be our means Parkway on Cantiague improved'- 45’ Robert B. of Oil looks which Schwartz, vice-president Paragon Co., . and villages WATCH THESE LABELS: to this exercis enjoy later year...On on at left. The students are; Charles John. Lang, (right) 53 Park major controls over zoning.”* in Starfire, Ebbtide, Julie, CRP and of the best ‘Gal Friday& ave, Hicksville, St. Dominic’s High School, an@'He Scarangella, Supervisor Petito called for close AQH they spell success for Cel- the is Mrs, Gertrude 77 [inden Blvd., Hicksville Senior The awards between the and vil- busines High School. (US Mason towns Productions exec= of the Hicksville tic Recording Pace, Sec&# sayings Bonds an of Honor) were presented to the top with the newly-proposed Certificates lages utive Ed Conway of Westbury... Chamber of Commerce-Chamer; students of 112 Nassau and’ Suffolk \schools the’ Board sothat County high by Bi-County Planning sef are sure to recog- Board meets Friday A.M. Teenage Paragon Oil Co., Division of Texaco, Inc., for outstanding scholar- . the Board’s suggestions, plans ‘ of the : nize thenarfie ‘Shangrilas’’ ship and citizenship, at ceremonies attended by some 400 recipients, and recommendations would be ~ of the i of Westbury, one most parents. and educators at the State University in Farmingdale, implemented into an orderly pro- o n Demise of popular Rock & Roll groups ac- (Graphic’ News Photos.) of growth over the next gram cording to the Dee Jays in'N “Unless this is York and Long Island-they record a Country Lane said Petito, ‘Our on Starfire label...Ed and your : exercise here today is merely Hoebel reporter were talking last week By Olga academic.”’ oe at the studios about the‘addition Oh so In reference to the Country Lane, you were Bi-County of another label-namely AOH- of Petito fair, Supervisors, which will record. Traditional ‘Your me with des- cited five areas where a. passing fills pro- -Irish Music and FoldSongs...One Board - . - posed-bi-county Planning of the first to be released will could assist residents of Both 1 gaz upon cement and stone, be a composition in the memory Nassau and Suffolk: The Board O traffic lane and safety zone, (1 of our beloved late President which will ‘could develop a plan John Fitzgerald Kennedy writ- communities better bal- An angel dropped your golden “ give ten by a Long Islander from : ance of homes and industry and band, ’ Westbury...This will be the first ‘Y the contour of the hence a more advantageous tax time a fraternal organization wece base for the needed increases namely, the Ancient Order of “You skirte x in services and school needs dipped, you rose, you will sponsor such a water, . ; of the future; j label, all proceeds to the Ken- Plan transportation Your course ran where tt hadn’t f (2) public nedy Memorial Fund...When re= fami- oughta, s so: that in the near future, leased records will be available Hes in both counties. can stop at Mid Island Plaza record de- in purchasing second and thirdcars Though muddy you would be partments and by mail thru PO spring, which are clogging already over— : Box 571 Hicksville attention the - Petito Along your.’ borders birds would ae crowded highways, pointed writer (Celtic Productions). ‘to his home-town of Oyster Bay HERE &# THERE: La Rosa a: And in the summer you would be as a prime example-of an area fame & Sons, of Italian Food A and need of bus trans= green yellow symphony. badly in public its from moved hdqrs B’klyn ‘ &a portation. to Westbury (Cantiagaue Road) (3) Regarding conservation, Oh, how I wish that I could be we hear a public dining room Supervisor Petito said both coun— Walking your stately is in the planning (proceeds to bene : trees, ; ties must act immediately to pre= r charity)...A’ Kiwanis Club Char- y of serve wilderness areas and head by zephyr’s balmy 7 -ter originated in Chicago some —— _ : bree ‘ well : off water pollution as as ; score years ago-Jan, 2Ist is the troubled heart at the natural beauty of My cor ease, . ‘preserve anniversary date...6Sth Anniver- | IG H : RATE on y areas still rural indesign. Petito y Savings . sary Ball of the 4th Degree, Your course ran it hadn’t ur warned against ‘‘profiteers’’ who where ‘of Columbus 9th : ee Knights N.Y, i would rob communities of natural oughta, 15 District will held at the Gar- Mone deposited by JANUARY through dredging. be You were demolished b the auto, den Hotel on Feb=- City Friday, Our speedy means of locomotion. se Sk Avoid the ‘Recreation earns dividends from 1 (4 12th - Thomas P, he claim- ruary Jones It set your death warrant in JANUAR Gap already apparent, ae is General Chairman...Morning motion. © i ed, in Nassau bur still-avoidable Otherwise from DAY OF DEPOSIT our Merry-Go-Round enjoyed by et in Suffolk, He emphasized the S commuter residents at Hicksville = need for recreation services for Your trees are gone, your birds QUARTERLY RR Station as cars circle the have fled, pEOMPOUN youth due to the heavy increases drop-off point...We note that A became highway you instead, ~ in age groups under 18 predicted ‘BANK BY MA We lighting under the RR viaducts Where tires where blood Pa ee for the future year Long screech, Post of brightens up what was heretofor flows red, Island. - a trouble Where the Stimulate the econ and spote.. every year we mqurn (5) FROM THE MAILBAG: A avoid slum enrouchment, Petito note from 2nd Police Pret. that said the Bi-County Planning the Potice Recruitment Trailer Board will have the ability to will be at the PLAZA on which can Thurs- develop programs calls re Jan. 14th ... many erase community blights in the day, our recent injury-thank The Life Insurance and area of housing. you M Neighbo Bank Herald - Savings Box 95 Hicksville, N.Y. Enclosed find $3 0 + Founded 1866 Resour Over $8 Million /

en i

BROOK i —.--- MAIN OFFICE Nam .... . Broadwa and Boerum St. BAY RIDGE ift z .. Avenue and 75th Street Address ---- BRIGHTON BEA |. . Bright Beach and Coney Island Aves. :

FLATBUSH * ...... Church and Nostrand Avenues

WILLIAMSBURG ‘ - to - Graham Avenue ‘near Broadway For MARLBORO .....-...... - Avenue X and West 2nd Street year subscription ‘ : NASSAU VY NASSAU . So. Oyster Bay & Woodbury Rds., Plainview, L.I., N.Y. q © Mid land Herald “I moved here to QUEENS check up get oe Is SUNNYSIDE £ away from the. poll .... 46-13 Greenpoint Ave., Sunnyside L.1. N.Y. one cq Plainv iew ‘taker Hera Member Federal Deposi Insurance Corporati facetseeireFORMesSEeee_.|

- 1965 Page 10 - MID ISLAND/PLAINVIEW HERALD Jan. 7, WELLs 1-14

for first inser - RATES — Want Ads - $1.00 tien 15 words 10 each additional word. minimum, Repe 5 word, 75¢ — IMPORTANT: If not accompanie by cash or paid by day of publication, 25¢ billing charge is added DEADLIN '- 2 P.M.

BABY SERVICES O FER -SERVICE OFFERED TRUTH HREM, SITTE fects the real property described Don’t Waste as follows: “‘ALL that certain piece or: MID-ISLAND the build- A. Bouse Experience parcel of land, with Redolp STOP! ings and improveme thereon @ fhe sERALD will proudly BABY SITTER Caterer has os publish twice, without charges Situation wanted advertise- SERVICE Don’t Paint residents of its Several Halls ments from sau, State of New York, known of 65 circulatiom area yearsor RGINIA G VITTAL as lot 12, in Block 490 as For Rent Limit 20 MAT COMPETENT 7 more, if retired. MQTHERS shown on a certain map en- 24 He Service WEIls 1-2677 words, Write Herald PO titled, ‘Map of Farm Ranch From 50 to 250 ! Until You Call Bo 95 Hicksville. Homes, situated at Bethpage, Call LEGAL NOTICE N.Y, County of Nassau, N.Y., CORRIGA surveyed January 1950 by Bald- WElls 1-2086 WANTED TO BUY win & Cornelius Co. Inc., Civil Painting & Decorating Co. COUNTY COURT OF THE Engineers and Surveyors, OF NEWYORK: New York’’ and filed PAINTING, WALL PAPERING, »UYING US COINS and stamps. STATE Freeport, Nassau Clerk’s Spackling Caulkin Interior an INTERIOR & EXTERIORS Write Box 153, Sea Cliff, N.Y. COUNTY OF NASSAU in the County pe ee we eee eee 2 3ey Office 1950 under Exterior, Best Ni on April 12, RESIDENTIAL file which said ac- Am. Moeliis, ¥ MUSICAL INST THE EQUITABLE LIFE AS- #4912 let, INDUSTRIAL SURANCE SOCIETY OF THE cording to said map is bounded CUITAR accordian clarinet UNITED STATES, and described as follows; QUICK & Private Jessons in your home. Plaintiff, PF BEGINNING at a point on the EFFICIENT WORK H. Roseman, 1-8034, -against- EMANUEL ANESTE EMAN- northerly side of Path former con- feet Piano instruction, UEL, also known as E, MICH- distant 57,01 westerly FOR FREE ESTIMATE Fifteenth St. WE. cert pianist. 5 AEL and PA- . from the extreme westerly end CALL EMANUEL, 8-1037. TRICIA EMANUEL, his wife; of the arc connecting the north- Path Facksville W W. CORRIGAN IRVING FINE, et al,; erly side of Bridle with Piano lessons by professional, Defendants the westerly side of Farm .

eee ---=- RUGS, Chi 20 years teaching experience. - ee ee ee X Ranch Road East; thence west- classical, improvisa- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION erly and along the northerly _ster py W 5-4103 Popular, Cicamne CG tion. David Diamond, AMENDED side of Bridle Path 60 feet; 192 7th STREET HICKSVILLE Telephone SUMMONS — 796-8061 (Levittown). TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE- thence northerly and at right side of Open Mon. thr. Sat /Till 10 PM FENDANTS: angies to the northerly instruction, Call YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMON- Bridle Path ‘100 feet; thence REMY AUTO PARTS MIMEOGRAPH Private flute ED to answer the in and with Nume Brand 1-6241 after 5:30. complaint easterly parallel the SERVIC W the above entitled action, and to northerly side of Bridle Path Service Mochine op PIANO TUNING serve a copy of your Answer, 60 feet; thence southerly and Rd. Hicksville. NY Sold and 153 Woodbury Typewriters Rented if the is not served at to the and or, complaint again right angles WE 5- “Piano tuning repairs. with this to serve a northerly side of Bridle Path KNICKERBOCKE Thorough work, Fast service. summons, notice of appearance the 100 feet to the northerly side Reasonable, Telephone 796-8061 upon TYPEWRITE CO plaintiff’s attorneys, within twen- of Bridle Path at the point or Formerly (Levittown). Lawn Mower Service (20) after -the service of George bere 23U Broadway, Corner First Si ty days place BEGINNING, Hicksville of this summons, exclusive of the THE EQUITABLE LIFE AS- FINANCING day of service, In case of your WE 5-5000 SURANCE) SOCIETY OF THE WE failure to appear or answer, judg- ARE MONEY sORTOAGE il ment will UNITED STATES, be taken | Plaintiff, 5 against you Rates as low as 5 $/2% IRVING if NEAR by default for the relief demand- against FIN living, as 3 if Ternis av long years. ed in the complaint, or he be dead, his distribute PAINTING ISLANT. RAL SAVINGS. ad- Dated: December 3rd, heirs, devise executors, ~ 1964, Your Phone 2.2300. Svosset lienors Plainvicw BUCKLEY AND BUCKLEY ministrators, creditors, * Interior — Exterior 1-4860. Attorneys for Plaintiff and grantees and assignees, and Reosonable Rotes their husbands or 1A.HON.E Office & P.O, Address widowers, WE 5-1122 \ IN,PROVE-, wives or widows, heirs, distribu- NNT “LOAN From $3,500 to No. 23 South Main Street tees, devisees, legal representa- Ed Hammo $16,000. Repayment up to 2 Freeport, Nassau County, New York _ tives, creditors, lienors, gran- v 3. ISLAN FEDERAL SAV- HICKSVILLE TO tees, assignees and successors WE 1- 7090 Int S. lloinview ‘VE 8-2300. THE DEFENDANT, IRVING in interest, and their husbands Svasset WA 1-400, FINE; The foregoing Amended Sum- or widowers, wives or widows, CESSPOOL if andee be all0 oF otheroe 00 on heirson oe ap atoe mons is served upon you within any, SALE devisees, __ the State of New York, pursuant law, distributees, lega- SERVICE Wallac F Graha 4 door Olds 1958 ‘‘88&q sedan, to Amended Order of HON, MICH- tees, legal. representatives, as- Painting hydramatic, RSH, power steer= AEL creditors, lienors, grantees, | M, County Judge, D’AURIA, and Interior Exterior ing, power brakes, white wall signees successors in inter- Most Modern & Most Efficient Nassau County, dated December Estimate Excellent. $395. WE 5- est of IRVING FINE, if dead, and Most Cdorless Method Free 3rd, 1964, and filed with the generally all or Reasonable Rates Amended Complaint in the Office persons having claiming by or of the Clerk of the County of Nas- ‘from, under, _5-13 *S7 Rambler Six, manual trans—- IRVING a W at New through FINE, dead, HENRY' WE 5-0361. sau Mineola, York, mission $100, and the husband, wif or in- The object of this action is RADIO & TY SHOP cumbrancers of any of or CERAMIC TILE for the foreclosure of a certain them, descendants of any of them by 23 BROADWAY JACK LA DATO, contractor PERSONAL mortgage made by EMANUEL (corner Barclay Street) ANESTE EMANUEL a/k/a E, purchase, (inheritance, assign- NEW AND OLD WORK lien or otherwise, HICKSVILLE Do YOU have a drinking prob- MICHAEL EMANUEL to the ment, any right, in kitchens, bath- trouble. title, interest or Men in or onthe WELLS 1-0627 Specialist lem? Is alcohol causing plaintiff herein and who is now rooms, walls and floors. Free with premises described in the amend- -Specializing In- at home, on the job, your the lawful owner and holder there- estimote. Coll after 3 P.M to stop ed complaint all of whom REPAIRS ONLY creditors? Do you want of, bearing date the 17th day of herein, WE 1-157 but feel can’t live or whose names and places of TV-AUTO RADIO drinking, you August, 1961, to secure the pay- it? We did too, If you residence are unknown to the HOME RADIO without ment of the sum of $15,000,00, call Hicks- defendants, PHONOGRA PHS want to help yourself andinterest, and duly recorded plaintiff, Jim ALL WORK GUARANTEED TUTORING ville A.A, Dick OV 1-1733, in the Office of the Clerk of the Dated: - December «(Serving This Community 6051. County of on the 18th 18th, 1964. EXPERIENCED mathematics tu- Nassau, for the Past 22 years’’ day of in BUCKLEY AND BUCKLEY High School algebra, August, 1961, tor, - 6957 of Mortgages a Pageore2 Attorneys for Plaintiff geometry, trig, etc. Call OV 1l- HELP WANTED FEMALE All of which said mortgage B H21 X 2/1 (6T) SE ANN 8432, Women - Sell Dutchmaid -PUBLIC NOTICE for your FURNISHED wearing apparel. Three evenings ROCV PLEASE: TAKE NOTICE i application has been mad to the or more come- ond alteration ~ weekly, $45, Dressmeking Two single furnished Town Clerk of the Town of Oyster Bay by the following persons for rooms mission. Car necessary, Call to permission to operate tow car or tow cars the public highways problems clos Grumman’s, Call WE1- SU 5-0526 and CA 1-7740, upon ™ of the Town of Oyster Bay: GE 3-3409 LOCATION OF OF HELP WANTED NAME ADDRESS NO, AL TOW C. ELECTRICIAN Mail JoeScanze Auto 3988 Wicks Ave., 59 Brooklyn Ave., a Part-time bookkeeper. SUPREME SERVICE Body Works Inc. ELECTRICAL INSTALLA- order firm moving to Hicksville Seaford,N.Y. Massapequa, N.Y. Washer, dryer, range, Oyster Bay 67 West Main 67 West MainSt., TIONS - Dryers, dishwashers, requires part-time, experienced Garage Inc, Oyster dishwasher venting, lighting, wiring, repairs, bookkeeper, 20 to 24 hours per Bay, N.Y. Oyster Bay, N.Y. Written arguments forth Town Clerk should ISERVICE and INSTALLATION Licensed & LILCO registered, week. Write Box 16, Mid Island setting reasons why.the or .should not find that John Jakobi, WE Herald, 225 So. B’Way, Hicks= public convenience and necessity requires Free estimate on installation 8-398 ville. the licensing of said vehicleor vehicles asa tow car may be filed with 8-2620 WE the Town Clerk of the Town of Oyster Bay at his office at the Town CROWN ELECTRIC BABY SITTER Hall, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on or befo the 18th W 5-3287 CLARA KELLER day o January, 1965, THAIR BOT TOMSte-webbed in BABYSITTER, Licensed Electrician W 5-1656, - home $5; sofa, $10. For . .WILLIAM B, O'KE your 100 AMP SERVICE Dryers call IV 6-3535 Town Clerk Home Service Dated: Attics-Basements - Oyster Bay, New York PY 8-383 READ IT FIRST December 31, 1964. IN THE HERALD 4 H23x1/ 2 ofT|

Jan 7, 1965 - MID ISLAND/PLAINVIEW. HERA - Pag 11

| MOVIE TIME TABLE Ope \RWHER 1 HICKSVILLE ISLA 1/6- Young William M. Jr. Wed,-Fri, Gous Wed, thru Tues, 1/6-12 God- va 7:00, 9:18, Post 3211 zilla the No vs Thing 3:35, 6:40, sat-sun, 1/9-1 Youngblood Eddie 9:50, by Klebing Hawke 2:00, 4:80, 7:00, 9:25. to the Is it true blondes have more Voyage Endofthe Universe yon,-Tues. 1/11-12 Youn| fun? I couldn tell yous- e 2:15 5:20, 8:30, Haw 7:00, 9:18. MEADOWBROOK Honbrunettredhea or GLASS SCRAPER fun For finish even have hair to have more Wed, thru Tues, 1/6-12 The fin bo at a VFWdance. Revelersproved pjisorderly Orderly 3:40, 6:50, V#' or a gunsmck”a piec this at our New Year’sEvedance broken glass gives you: a 10:00, ww th last week, The merry-making Love With the Proper Stranger ‘lean Sharp cdge for light scrap continued into the wee 8 Of A 2:00, 5:10, 8:20. ing. that-knows no morning 2 [hanks tothe members rove the veteran, We can look forward friends who came to frolic andto YOU ARE DRI WING °°. toSenator Yarborough from Lou Palladino, Frank Blesi and ee a ieee agressive stand their committee who-.did a good BLIND! on the Col War G,L training job in seeing that they did, bill (S-5), The VFW. will be Our annual visit to the patients keeping an interested eye on any ne vat Northport Hospital takes place Bea legislation that would favor a pn Wednesday evening, January, Bald- standing veterans committee in 20th. Post members, ladies of the a the Senate, It should prove an auxiliary or any other ladies, and interesting year for the veteran yors, we-do emphasize ladies because ifiled 414 his family legislatively. these boys are looking forward to ork Our next meeting is January dance withyou, interestedin join- under 4 | "Sey< ou then, ing us ‘should nace Mike Znack at WE 1-3689.c aus OUR MEN IN SERVI _ Neo . set ue & ye for Marine Lance Corporal Mar=- i tin Leonard foc winn of ‘th VFW spon; a Mi an are lear ty a eerie and Mrs. Leon Winkel of ; Pat ver A Be Walle isbein sou Fourth St., Hicksville, Is w hie terly servi an eunetd z our Ladies Auxillary is victim: of driving mistakes. y end ah t tat Ne Vie Na -vaur COUNTY H, Nickerson some in- . Eugene gets expert ue : EXECUTIVE a little ‘ orth- struction in -the sport of -bocci at the recently completed bocci their own, It is the te court at the Park in ee Bi Cantlague to-right National i F R A NIK MALLET ar coy cpevi L Sons of John Repetti, masonary contractor; Angelo Zuccala ae new cont America‘0 helpencourageAarts ;

vest- / Lodge 1016 Glen Cove; Nickerson ‘an Matthew Corinaldesi of Sons youth of America and to stimulate herly r of Italy’ Lodge, 1389, Port Washington, their ideals in the truest meaning Photog raphe feet; of and good citizen- patriotism i right : : ship. Any student between the 183 Plainview Road Phone WEIls 1-1460 Hicksville; a | Se Discussio Thi Satu ages of 16 und 19 years old who a ONE & : tends a private, m the “Danger on the Right” will be —_rheroric to missingbricks high school or collegeparociseligible,pie - Fath suppl the topic of the next Adult Dis=- of fact, it is just can be obtained by Lonetenn and n anoth Applicatio CunyRas cussion Series of the Mid-Is- but an book the local VFW >the land YM’&am YWHA, to be pre= for every American citizen who Auxiliary. ‘Applications muLadi Pat ‘sented on Saturday evening, Jan. ‘wants to know the “who, whar,: filled -out and the Sth at 8:45 p.m. at the Y. The and much&q the radical conurn 4 ma ho ‘of auxili slo oo ein — ; 7 e wenee © ca. wom The Discussio Serie is open abo ies subject, ‘In Educa- ‘WED. - JAN.6— ; The aker is Edward M. as Future of AS- to the without charge tion Rests the & public Ameri ai Frankel, a a- forum “exchange B' storn & a AChaad o fo yetr * th man of - for the ree “pewedi: Deni Mar ‘ inion ; presenta= 7 © eae for Nassau-Suf= will WE 1.0749 fon famation League ea of ideas. and More I Discussion . ites, folk, In developing his topic refreshments will followthepre- ‘nished inparticulthis column e siy Stay: wate croquet wie ad he will use as a basis the sentation, Bert Braufman is ‘separate release to this news- ; re- CONT, DALEY cent on ae of Series. at date, a mei Chairman the pape L DENNIS STEPHANS the : om re ane e-and vec—<—_ ‘ Bnei convene this week eyes will be . Ne said ALL AROUND TOW iba York Times on Washington again with concern “VOYAGE TO THE END ant about this book that “This is __9VeF_future legislation to benefit |) d Mrs. Thomas D.Mc- OF THE UNIVERSE’: the most detailed, accurate and ——_—_—_—_—_—_—_— gran- Canh sre eg Hicksville, an yr de~ ‘ SSOrs factually complete popular a nounce the engagement of. their ED.-TUES. J .6—12 bands scription of the radical right tha: MEADOWSROO to R. daughter Kathleen James 3 Bows, has yet eppesred = ie erawes JERRY LEWIS, of Mr. and Mrs. EAST MEADOW a leaders, doctrines andespecially Clark, son rs ace: S of Borde os The lega- Fe ORDE ha Ro * DISORDERLY it does not rely on hard-breatreelthing ‘ Hicks . tee CONT DAIL magus iil inte - COLO) i NATALIE WOOD i, and ~ : STEVE McQUEEN ; Or STORE LOVE WITH THE | 69 Broadway _PROPER STRANGER... de . . SOLE AG ae a ee r L914 Hicksville,N.Y. by B 69 Opposite LI. Notional Bonk WED.-TUES. CLUs sign — @ JAN.6— ; ane WEIIs 10414 on the WINE WHISKEY nend- whom.

es of & the AM-I100 FM-98.3

KLEY uintift a ma ENTERTAINME iT BE G Th a ta

; Your . , the a 7 5 ee Wawi &# Day Weekl ’ tr tee ane nd Wonderful Food &l Free Parking _ from friendl greetin ou LUNCHEON DINNER & SUPPER DAILY and busi- . OF religious civic SERVI SAR ness leaders. Just fet us mega FRANK’S5 ALI ALIBI MANOR | : by to Parties Caterin Weddings and : RESTAURAN 10e6 Ota a, ou‘es Country

with . < Catering to Weddi an Parties - fown P y : AINVIE | belle 18th 50 Old Road. ee Country ‘

eg _ WEGIBM TC 1 EFE : = : KLENE W 5-4084 : SHE NA z lerk “Ge jogs ‘ :

: WElil 1-6872. “Merson Villads Shapping Conver Telephone . €.

Ki -/ & 7 es : 3

arrangements were made by tte T. va and Sanit Sup ee Louis A. Kappstatter. pdevevcescereaveccves The Town of Oyster Bay Sani- tende 4 tation Dept and Highway Dept will discarded Christ- away trees and properly and trash this pick up the mas season trees READ IT FIRST of them. 5 week through Saturday. dispose and private refuse in the areas Villages Home owners have made I THE HERALD town carting companies served by the departments the to other plans to eliminate tree- were requested particularly The town burning danger. | place discarded trees at thecurb

The Hicksville Police Boys Divi- Club opened it’s Junior sion (ages 10-12) League ac- Wood- tion, Dec, 15th, at the Drift- land Ave School, with the decision ers taking a one point Kowalchek (26-25) from the fighting ladavaia

Chargers. J. Ceraso \ basket was scored r ] The winning TOTAL : q : the Drifters when Art Holzman ¥ by e basket i under the . fed Glen Foglia GH CE . a and for an easy layup. Foglia D Hilton ESTATE Phone: were high INSURANCE AND REAL Richie Kowalchek I. Peck 167 Broadway WE 1-0 G00 SINCE 1889 for + scorers J Hilton : , tT ae : Hicksville each connectingee for points. e Chuck Chertiza of the Chargers Met = the with was high scorer in game 14 points, followed by team mate Don Hilton with 7 points, will run every Mon- LOWEST The league

evening at - day and Wednesday . 7:00 P.M., and there are stil: openings for adults interested 9 Rate in coaching a team. For additional information contact Patrolman MORTGAGE LOANS *

cairn alae vs

me Action Plan As = H As Low


i from page 1) ; (Continued : 5 senior j A study of the need for : also be citizen housing will undertaken, Poulos peinted out , : value...when : loans to 50% of appraised | on up in his annual message. or a home. ~ and industrial 3 borrowan your existing mortgage, buy The commercial ee you 4 5 Loans are available growth of the Town during 1964 Our own Convenient Mortgage ; lowest in this area. at a fe we believe to be the continued high leve wit s at a rate approximately $16 million in- vested by private enterprise in . LOANS UP TO 90% . and commercial ac- industrial value on one- and two-family homes million of appraised tivities. This is $4 and more than the previous year EASY TERMS. that the is a firm indicator Periods to 30 Convenient monthly payments. to attract iIn- up years. Board&# program : industrial is dustry to its parks : pitti CHARGES 2 4 NO HIDDEN the : being received favorably by - investment and business com- &l : APPRAISALS also means the con- 24-HOUR It . munity. i z 5 . 5 of new service tinuing creation job op- d Fast action, experience our for rownspeople. F portunities : : Poulos said he would spell out LIBERAL PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES the near 3 in : in greater detail ; VA loans available Z FHA and also future other sections of the Town Re his = Board program listed in noted that annual message. He .

S * 1,79 . in 1964 the Board passe La TH 98 cent by unani- u resolutions, per . : Leader mous vote. The Majority expressed the hope that this high F would con- level of cooperation : in the best in 65. ‘‘It is ™ tinue 2 = S interests of all of our residents.”’ = toss SAVINGS BANK

= Member Federal Deposit ins C ration

OY : ~ LOW-COST HOME a OSA : Borrow For home. improvements on your property. up to —convenient : to $3,500—toke up to 5 years repay wae : seasal . monthl payments.


loan or You can apply for and close your mortgage home improvement loan at our convenient Nassau County Office ot Levittown Shopping C eperction with brokers.

i - =

: MIRACLE : : Latest Dividend % rd on E Savings . ee 4 ayeer 4 ON ALL DEPOSITS

Money deposited by JANUARY 15

earns dividends from JANUARY

