TOOUTRERLATNREAA_ ommuters Shiver PLAINV a On Hi Platforms HICKSVILLE a OLD. ‘ISLAND TREES @BETHPAGE BETHPAGE Vol 18 No. 2 (12 Pages) Jan. 7 1965 HICKSVILL G L., NEW YORK -10¢ ; Enf@red as Second Clas Matter at Hicksville, N.Y. Post Office TEEPE UEORSLAAE - Business He Gai Retain 3rd Place As Leaders Slow The community of Hicksville gained ten listed of businesses to a new peak of 665 as of January | the third this year to retain its position as principal community in Nassau County, according to a physical count of the new edition of the Dun & Brad- street Reference Book, just issued. Valley Stream remained in first place but lost five businesses for to second a total of 711 while Hempstead held on WIDE OPE twin, elevated platforms o the Long Island Rail higher than any surrogn Place but slippe back four businesses to 685. ing structures, are leaving commuters pretty cold thes sub freezing temperatyre mornings. The other communities among nesses from first to, the dropped Upper level waiting rooms are quickly jammed to capacity and many wait and shiver ‘on the-top ten in Nassau as of the second, Bay. Shore gained 124 until the trains arrive. This is a view of the west end of the lon platforms. first of this year are Farming- listed names 1964, stairwa 1 during (Photo Frank D. Mallett) dale 641 (formerly sixth), Free- The Dun & Bradstreet Refer- by Great port 634 @ormerly fourth), ence Book lists manufacturers, 5th) West- wholesalers and retailers who seek or grant commercial credit Windbreak Installations _ but-does not include some of the Chamb See service and professional busi- nesses such as beauty andbarber The hig level, new elevated platforms of the Hicksville Rail Road station are ,_ security dealers and real ~ Chamber wide to continuous blasts of arctic air these @ays, The Hicksville * sucstate brokers. Dun & Bradstreet open a committee to see if wind can be installed R an office at 23 W. John St., of Commerce has appointed breaks. Hicker with Jose Rosky as for commute comfort. The new platforms are higher muters are the installation of than any surrounding buildings moving stairs to carry them to Poulos Outlin Actio to : leaving the are’ without protec- the high level. This project is Pla Preser tion, There are small waiting being financed by special taxing rooms on each platform but the unit of the Town of Oyster Bay number of commuters far exceed embracing Hicksville, portions limited Of Jericho and vicin- in Broad the capacity. Plainview, Towns Annua Messag Aaron Rochinan is chairman of ity, The financing of this: project the Chamber committee which is has been approved by the town Full lementation of a Town Poulos said, “th commi the Board wilt appoint intheprocessof communicating board, following a public hearing, and fi ee Development Planning Action will cover i Pa bers of the C with the LIRR to see what, if and it is understood the engi- Dept., a comprehensive Town- * esthetic objectives, circu- tions, with the next, few weeks.”&q anything, can be done, The pos- neering workhas been completed, wide recreation program, an in- lation needs and requirements, A complete town wide sibility of immediate action ap- Awaited now is the ‘call for bids, depth study of the need forSenior including traffic, throughfares, ward recreation program will also be pears remote for several rea- of bids and completion of Citizens Housing and a deter- spaces, transportation, developed, the Majority Leader sons; (1) the‘elimination project the work, mined effort to pinpoint and elim= community facilities, intercom= said, He poirired our the has not, as yet, been turned over The moving stairs will work inate potential slum or blighted muniry and regional factors, Town in the past few months to the LIRR by the State Dept of only one way - up. Deca areas from developing in the community and neighborhood re- E has been engaged in a nation- Public Works which contracted passengers will have to hoof it Town of Oyster Bay were given newal, capital improvement pro= wide search to get the best- for the job; (2)the LIRR usually down fo ground level.: + high priority this week by Town and other related matters, grams qualified person available to head. pleads poverty when it comes to A spokesman for ‘the. Town Board Majority Leader Council— The new was Crea department the recreation program. The improvements involving the out- Board told the Herald this week man Edward J. Poulos as high- under the Home Rule Amendment entire Town Board will com= lay of cash; and (3) under an “that design of the project, esti- lights of a broad program to approved by the voters at the, ice interviews in the near agreement made several years mated to cost $150,000, has been the Town, as’a ‘‘pres- last election and the preserve general futtire of those whose applications ago by the County of Nassau the completed and-that the legal dept. tige suburban commimity.” Board’s {authority stems from ior the recreation position are ‘‘upkeep’’ of RR stations within is curr engaged in steps for The program by 36 of the Consolidated degcrib Chapter now on file. the county is the expense of the the sale of a bond issue prior to Councilman Poulos ‘a ‘‘ab- Laws of the State. A “I believe the time £ appro- county, the call for bids. No completion solutely essenttal to the well— “This new department is the priate to institute this program Also eagerly awaited by com- date was being of the Town an its present first of its kind in Nassau aval: as our. Town now has had the and future residenrs’’ was given Poulos: pointed out, experience resulting from the de- the Board at its first meeting to velopment’ of. the Plainview-Old of the new year held Tuesday, Community. Park, 2 PT Counc Wil Hono Millev pilot facility in operation for the past two years. Major Commun- Town Law, Conservation, Finan- The Hicksville Council of ity parks are now under construc= ces, Highway and Drainage Im- and. Planning Action Department P.T.A, Units will hold its Twelfth tin to serve the Syosset, Wood- as high pro= well, be directed to Annual Founders Day Dinner on provements priority cooperate bury, Locust Grove, Bethpage and on the Board’s agenda fully \with the ‘Nassau Feb. 25, at the Milleridge Inn, grams Mass: communities repre- for 1965. The Majority Leader PI Commission andcou Jericho, Honored guest this year sent municipal investment of out that the first order Agency. = will Louis Millevolte, pointe Bi-County Planning m than 6 million dollars, fo business in the immediate the Board affectionately known as ‘‘Coach’’, establishe by These are scheduled for parks Burns Avenue - Mrs, B, Al- future is the establishment of a ofpeSupe 6 of Nassau and Millevolte has devoted 35 years operation in 1965 and it will be fano Dutch Lane- Development and Planning Action Count Se of service to the youth of. Hicks- (WE-1-5983); Suffol the assignment of the new Rec- Mrs. Schwartz which was unani- not be- vile as physical education J. (WE reation Director to initiate a 5-3198 the Board Gepera wa teacher and summier recreation mously authorize by ide - comprehensive pro=- in Aug. 1964. The department Poulos declare “W director, By encouraging chil- for a commission of seven dren to participate in sports, calls “In the the near future,” in non-salaried members with five for the * he instilled them a sense of Majority Leader said, “th Board fair play and sportsmanship, Mil- will request the Town Housing and two by the Supervis “action levolte has given generously of Authority to institute a thorough C The new will have its efforts to his time and effart to promote department group’, to areas going survey pinpoint (WE “witle Avenue + broad powers, including the prep: Sere the the welfare of children and youth 8-6177); of potential deterioration. This G, aration of studies, reports, plans roblems. ofh Toes and in the community. —Mrs, Shapiro (WE 5-6319); Teco will us to establish acourse help Willet Woodland Avenue - Mrs, R, Dagna and programs to maintain, foster mending definite courses of ac- John Maher, Principal of action to. prévent (WE 5-0852); Junior High- Mr. J. and preserve the orderly ‘grow tion, It’ will be assisted Ave School, will be Toastmaster, dard, (WE Senior and development of the Townccn= top-notch planning consultants,” potn ee Chairman of the dinner is Mrs, Kearns 5-9000); High - Mackin (GE 3+ sistent with its the Majority Leader’ said. a Harold Gorlin, and the members Mrs. Comprehensi Cokie on page 12) 7647). A Zoning Plan, ‘‘In its work,’’. is my -hope,’’ Poulos continued, of her committee are; Mrs. \ - 2 - Page MID ISLAND/PLAINVIEW HERALD - Jan. 7, 1965 * YROLL SAVINGS BRINGS HOME Dear Lyn re eee ee er THE BACON/ Are We note with interest that two of the tenants of th fire swept Sutter have © on the first floor or ground level, What will happen to the rest of the structure Log Local a 4s open to speculation at this point cs. night spots report drop off in New Year’s Eve business, a trend which has been going that friends not Chorles Wagner Post: on for a number of years. We found many did ‘‘go No. 421 Hicksville! out’? but rather attended house parties, A new trend was noticed: Groups of couples hire motel rooms for the evening’s festivities, ‘|" clean behind them Among b ARTIE RUTZ leaving the ‘mess ‘and up ..... those fifty iodd applications for liquor stores in Nassau is one, at least, for Hicksville Fire Ladies Mid Island Plaza, we are informed ...
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