Leadership Styles and Behavior in Mr.

Contents Introduction to Leadership ...... 3

Star Trek: Seven Episode – Background ...... 3

Transformational Leadership Theory ...... 4

Mr. Spock as Transformational Leader ...... 4

Situational Leadership Theory ...... 4

Mr. Spock as Situational Leader ...... 5

Mr. Spock as Contingent Leader ...... 5

The Great Man Theory...... 6

Mr. Spock as the Great Man...... 6

The Skills Theory of Leadership ...... 6

Mr. Spock and His Skills Theory ...... 6

Works Cited ...... 8

Introduction to Leadership As there is a variety of explanations as what leadership is, the leadership context can be treated as a fluid one (Kort, 2008). A process of interactive influence occurring in a given scenario when few people acknowledge someone as their leader for achieving common objectives can be defined as leadership. It is not just a personal quality (Silva, 2016). Bass explains the leadership process to be an interactive persuasion between the followers and the leader (Bass, 1990). The leadership process varies with the changing context.

There has been a lack of agreement among scholars as to who should be regarded as a scholar under the traditional pattern at the beginning of studies based on modern leadership, which is a problem that is still constant in the present scenario. Like a dictatorial ruler like Hitler cannot be considered to be directed by the theories of transformational, servant or ethical leadership as the base of such theories are altruism, servitude and ethics which is highly missing in such a leader (Batmanghlich, 2015).

Star Trek: Galileo Seven Episode – Background In Episode of Star Trek, it is seen that Captain James T. Kirk sends a science team which includes Mr. Spock who is a Science Officer, Dr. McCoy, Scott and others to investigate the quasar like formation. The Galileo, which is the in which the team travels, is forced to make an emergency landing on a lone planet named Taurus II which is type M populated by barbarous giants. After assessing the damage caused to Galileo, Scott concludes that five hundred pounds requires to be left over to reach the escape velocity which roughly equalizes to three grown adults’ weight as most of the equipments on board are indispensable. Here, arises the need of Mr. Spock to act as a leader and take a decision. Being a half man and a half Vulcan, he was calculative enough to predict the future happenings (Handlen, 2009). The combination of human mind and Vulcan emotions provides him with an opportunity to think in creative ways faster (Mattu, 2013). The difficult decision to be taken by Mr. Spock of whom to leave behind for others’ survival unnerves Lieutenant Boma, a crew member (Memory Alpha, 2011). He takes many decisions according to the situations and for the well being of his crew members and finally goes back to their station after overcoming all the obstacles that comes their way losing a few crew members. Click Here to Buy Now. Instant Delivery in Your Mailbox.

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