Furry By Sean McGann © 2019, RN: PAu 3-960-188
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[email protected] OPEN TO: BLACK. TAILS (V.O.) It rained heavily that morning. EXT. WINDSHIELD OF TAILS’ TRUCK - MORNING Rain falls upon a truck's windshield. TAILS, a teenage boy with dark brown hair, drives the truck. He wears a purple jacket with a dark blue T-shirt underneath. He has an irritated look in his eyes, and breathes quite heavily. TAILS (V.O.) I woke up at 6:35, and had to use the small amount of driver's ed knowledge that somehow got me a driver’s license to rush to school. Dad drove Mom to work, which meant I would be home alone till about 5:30 after school. For reasons I’ll get into later, I was nothing short of ecstatic. CUT TO: BLACK. CAPTION: A BOATS AGAINST THE CURRENT PRODUCTION CAPTION: A SEAN MCGANN FILM CUT TO: EXT. SCHOOL PARKING LOT - MORNING Tails parks his truck. CAPTION: FURRY INT. HIGH SCHOOL - MORNING Tails walks into school, disheveled and carrying a backpack. He walks through the front entrance, around a corner, up some stairs and through two corridors. TAILS (V.O.) My name is Miles Steadman, but (MORE) (CONTINUED) 2. CONTINUED: (2) TAILS (CONT'D) everyone called me Tails, if anyone ever talked to me. To be perfectly honest, I think I gave myself that dumbass nickname because I was a hardcore Sonic the Hedgehog fanboy back in middle school, when it was acceptable. A Dr. Pepper Sonic lover, as Dave the Bastard once put it.