
May 4, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1045 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

WALTER PETERSON democracy, hard work and fulfillment of the Mr. Gish should be extremely proud to have American dream. been singled out from the thousands of dedi- HON. ED PERLMUTTER Since its founding, the Polish American cated volunteers who participated in this year’s program. I heartily applaud him for his OF Congress has created programs to success- fully integrate people of Polish decent in the initiative in seeking to make his community a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U.S., including the Displaced Persons Pro- better place to live, and for the positive impact Monday, May 4, 2009 gram, which allowed almost 150,000 Polish he has had on the lives of others. He has Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise immigrants to enter the U.S. after World War demonstrated a level of commitment and ac- today to recognize and applaud Walter Peter- II. The has a leg- complishment that is truly extraordinary in to- son who has received the Arvada Wheat acy within our community and day’s world, and deserves our sincere admira- Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. across the nation of offering services of sup- tion and respect. His actions show that young Walter Peterson is a sophomore at Arvada port to veterans, families and individuals. As in can—and do—play important roles West High School and received this award be- years’ past, the Community in our communities and that America’s com- cause his determination and hard work have will join in celebration of ’s rich history munity spirit continue to hold tremendous allowed him to overcome adversities. and culture by joining Cleveland’s Polish com- promise for the future. The dedication demonstrated by Walter Pe- munity in attending events such as the Polonia f terson is exemplary of the type of achieve- Ball, the Grand Parade and the Photographic HONORING THE INDUCTION OF ment that can be attained with hard work and Exhibition. ENCARNACION ‘‘CARNY’’ GUERRA perseverance. It is essential that students at Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join INTO THE 2009 CLASS OF THE LA- all levels strive to make the most of their edu- me in honor and celebration of the leaders REDO BUSINESS HALL OF FAME cation and develop a work ethic that will guide and members of the Polish American Con- them for the rest of their lives. gress, as they celebrate Polish Constitution HON. HENRY CUELLAR Day. Their collective and individual efforts in I extend my deepest congratulations once OF sharing, preserving and promoting their herit- again to Walter Peterson for winning the Ar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for age, history and culture with Greater Cleve- Youth award. I have no doubt he will exhibit land serves to strengthen and illuminate the Monday, May 4, 2009 the same dedication he has shown in his aca- textured and diverse fabric of our community. Mr. CUELLAR. Madam Speaker, I rise today demic career to his future accomplishments. f to celebrate the induction of Encarnacion f ‘‘Carny’’ Guerra into the Laredo Business Hall HONORING THE VOLUNTEER of Fame. Carny Guerra has always been hard IN HONOR OF THE POLISH AMER- SERVICE OF DARRIEN GISH working, ambitious, a knowledgeable busi- ICAN CONGRESS AND POLISH nessman, and it has shown through his work CONSTITUTION DAY HON. WALT MINNICK in Laredo, Texas. Carny Guerra’s business know-how first OF emerged while attending a dance in Laredo, HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Texas. While waiting in line and watching a OF Monday, May 4, 2009 great number of people pay their entrance fee IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. MINNICK. Madam Speaker, I would like he got the idea that he should enter the ball- Monday, May 4, 2009 to congratulate and honor a young student room business. Soon after he purchased a Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise from my district who has achieved national building and with the help of his five daughters today in honor of the Polish American Con- recognition for exemplary volunteer service in Cynthia, Sylvia, Judith, Belinda, and Elaine the gress, Ohio Division, as they join together on his community. Darrien Gish of Nampa has Casa Blanca Ballroom was born. As every new business encounters initial May 3 to celebrate Polish Constitution Day— just been named one of the top honorees in problems Carny had trouble booking bands a day when the Americans of Polish heritage Idaho by the 2009 Prudential Spirit of Commu- and he decided that the best way to solve this reflect on the struggles for freedom and cele- nity Awards program, an annual honor con- would be to use local South Texas bands. As brate the victories, customs and history of ferred on the most impressive student volun- he found new bands he began to record their their beloved Polish homeland and share their teers in each State and the District of Colum- music and promote them to local radio sta- cultural gifts with the entire Greater Cleveland bia. tions. These local bands soon became celeb- Community. Mr. Gish is being recognized for his work rities in the area, thus selling out the Casa The first written European constitution, the with the Canine Companions for Independ- Blanca Ballroom performance after perform- Governmental Statute of Poland, was instated ence. He is devoting fourteen months of his ance. Working with bands and radio stations on May 3, 1791. Poland’s Constitution was the own time to train and care for the puppy on a daily basis Carny saw his next step to be result of nearly five centuries of struggle and Delphia. He also earned his own money to the purchase of a radio station which furthered perseverance by the people of Poland to di- fund Delphia’s health care. Mr. Gish spends the popularity of both his ballroom and the minish the power of the King and to create time every day working with Delphi on basic bands. facets and institutions of government vital to skills so that eventually she can assist people Now some years later Carny Guerra’s busi- the foundation of a constitutional government. with disabilities perform everyday tasks like ness has flourished and become Guerra Com- An important document in the world history of turning on lights and opening doors. munications, which now owns a Tejano, hip- democracy, the Polish Constitution established In light of numerous statistics indicating that hop, and country radio station. In Addition, the separation and balance of powers, free- Americans today are less involved in their Carny is credited with giving many of today’s dom of religion, and social justice by abol- communities, it’s vital that we encourage and popular bands their start. ishing key elements of serfdom. support the kind of selfless contributions this Carny, after many years of hard work, is Formed in 1949, the Polish American Con- young citizen has made. People of all ages now enjoying his retirement and the company gress is a national umbrella organization rep- need to think more about how we, as indi- of his 5 daughters, 17 grandchildren and 1 resenting over ten million Americans of Polish vidual citizens, can work together at the local great grandchild. descent and origin, and serves as a unifying level to ensure the health and vitality of our Madam Speaker, I am proud to have had force for both and Polish towns and neighborhoods. Young volunteers this opportunity to recognize the accomplish- citizens living in America. The Polish American life Mr. Gish are inspiring examples to all of us ments and honor the inductee to the Laredo community in Cleveland is deeply rooted in and are among our brightest hopes for tomor- Business Hall of Fame Encarnacion ‘‘Carny’’ their commitment to the values of family, faith, row. Guerra.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

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