New Species and Records of Psocoptera (Insecta) from Roraima State, Brazil
NEW SPECIES AND RECORDS OF PSOCOPTERA (INSECTA) FROM RORAIMA STATE, BRAZIL. Edward I.. Mockford (*) SUMMARY Psocoptera. from Ilha de Marcica and Pacaraima, Roraima State, Brazil, representing 103 species are recorded. Sixty-two are new to science. and are described and figured, representing genera Echmepteryx (2), Tapinella (3), Musapsocus, (1), Seopsocus (3),Isth- mopsocis (3), Dolabellopsocus (6), Epipsocus (5), Neurostigma. (1), Nctiopscus (1), Cae- cilius (6) , Enderluinella (1), Xanthocarcilius (1) , Polypsocus (3) , Scytopsocus (1), ar- chipsocus (1), Lachesilla (4), Notolachesilla (1) , Perispsocus (4), Dactylopsocus (1) , Metylophorus (3), Blaste. (4), Lichenomiae (3), Myopsocus (3). GENUS Notarchisps u. gen. is erected for Archipsocus macrurus New and a new species. Genus Monocladellus Eu- derlein in placed in synonymy of, Polypsocus Hagen. South American species assigned to genus Lophopteryglla Enderlein by NEW (1979) are. reassigned to Myopscus and represent a parallel development in the latter genus. INTRODUCTION The Psocoptera of tropical South- and Central America have been the subjects of several major papers in recent years (Badonnel, 1978, 1986, 1987; Badonrel et at.,1984; Eertmoed, 1973, 1986; Garcia" Aldrete, 197-4, 1982; Mockford, 1967, 1975, 1981 ; Mockf ord & Sullivan, 1986; New, 1972, 1972a, 1973, 1976, 1979, 1980; New & Thornton, 1975;Roesler, I94O, 1940a, 1940b; Williner, 1949). Nevertheless, a great amount of alpha taxonomy re mains to be done. A small collection from Ilha de Maraca and Pacaraima, Roraima State, Brazil, is reported upon here, received for study from Dr. J. A. Rafael of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia. The collection, containing 436 adu1ts and approxina- tely 90 nymphs (the latter largely undetermined), includes representatives of 62 un- described species, which constitute 60¾ of the total number of species (103) in the col lection.
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