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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03763-2 - Northwest Europe in the Early Middle Ages, c. AD 600–1150: A Comparative Archaeology Christopher Loveluck Index More information Index Aachen Alan Barbetorte, Count of Brittany, 335 Carolingian palace, 115, 119 Alan the Great of Brittany, 136 rotunda palatine chapel of Charlemagne, Al-Andalus, 115, 123, 183, 204 225 Albon (Dauphiné), donjon, 245 Aalborg, 313 Alchred of Northumbria, 175 Aarhus, 313 Alcuin of York, Abbot of St Martin of Tours, abacus, 258, 321 177, 179 Abd-al-Rahman III, caliph of Al-Andalus, 233 Aldfrith of Northumbria, sceattas of, struck Aberlemno, 262 between AD 685 and 705, 190 accounting, 117 ale, 252 activity zones, 60 Alfred the Great of Wessex, 22, 25, 180, 343 Ada, wife of Wibert, Count of Aquitaine, 215 concepts behind burhs, 343 Adalbero of Laon, 22 pilgrimage to Rome, 344 Adémar of Chabannes, 233 Al-Hakkam, caliph of Al-Andalus, 233 Adinkerke (West Flanders), coin finds, 193 Al-Idrisi, Moroccan-born geographer working administrative towns, 302 in Sicily for Roger II, between c. 1138 Adomnàn of Iona, 20 and 1154, 323 Adriatic Sea, 20 alienable exchange, 19, 206 Adur, River, 354 allod holders, 23, 36, 42 Ælfgar, king's thegn, 267 Alps Ælfric, abbot of Eynsham, 22, 128, 207, 258, foothills, 289 277, 319 mountains, 20 Ælfric's Colloquy, 207 Alsace region, 73 aerial photographs, 76, 83, 130 Altfrid, Life of St Liudger, 179 Æthelfrith of Bernicia and Northumbria, 170 Altofonte (Sicily) Æthelred the Unready, King of England, 353 courtyard palace of Roger II, 247 Æthelstan, King of England, 335, 344 hunting park, 248 Æthelstan, son of Æthelred the Unready, 268 Amazon rainforest, 157 Æthelwald Moll of Northumbria, 175 Amiens Æthelwulf of Wessex, 121, 354 mint, 156 father of Alfred the Great, 344 town, 69, 71 pilgrimage to Rome, 344 anchorages, 153 Africa, north, 201 ancillary buildings, 60 Agde, Council of, in 152 Andenne ware, 253, 347.
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