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ORIGINAL ARTICLE Rec. Nat. Prod. 10:6 (2016) 659-700 Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Fourty Five Salvia Species by Thermal Desorption-GC-MS Technique Seda Damla Hatipoglu1,2, Nihal Zorlu1, Tuncay Dirmenci3, Ahmet C. Goren1, Turan Ozturk2 and Gulacti Topcu4 1TÜBİTAK UME, Chemistry Group Laboratories, 41470, Kocaeli, Türkiye 2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Letters, Istanbul Technical University, 34469, Istanbul, Türkiye 3Department of Biology Education, Necatibey Education Faculty, Balıkesir University, 10145, Balıkesir, Türkiye 4Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Bezmialem Vakıf University, Istanbul, Türkiye (Received February 9, 2016; Revised May 4, 2016; Accepted May 10, 2016) Abstract: Volatile organic compounds (VOC) from dried aerial parts (flowers, leafs, leafy branches and stems) of fourty five Salvia species, harvested from different regions of Turkey, were determined using thermal desorption technique coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (TD-GC-MS). Total percentages of the detected volatile organic compounds of the Salvia species ranged from 70.30 to 99.65%. Total yield of VOC was found to be highly variable among Salvia species, and the percentage of each component also exhibited high variation. While sesquiterpene hydrocarbons represented 0.90-45.02% of the volatile organic compounds, the others were found to be monoterpene hydrocarbons 0.00-32.25%, monoterpenoids 0.94-53.60%, sesquiterpenoids 0.00-31.45% and hydrocarbons and derivatives 2.99-46.87%. The rest of the composition consisted of diterpene alcohols, fatty acids, phenolics and triterpenes. In total, 108 volatile compounds were identified from studied 45 Anatolian Salvia species. Keywords: Volatile organic compounds; Salvia; chemical composition; thermal desorption; GC-MS; cluster analysis.
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