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IDENTIFYING MEDIEVAL KOMANA IN THE 12th-13th CENTURIES THROUGH SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL DATA WITH A MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY MUSTAFA NURĠ TATBUL IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SETTLEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY FEBRUARY 2017 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Tülin GENÇÖZ Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. D. Burcu ERCĠYAS Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evangelia PĠġKĠN Prof. Dr. D. Burcu ERCĠYAS Co-Supervisor Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. M. Lütfi SÜZEN (METU, GEO) Prof. Dr. D. Burcu ERCĠYAS (METU, SA) Prof. Dr. Y. Selim ERDAL (Hacettepe U., Anthr.) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ufuk SERĠN (METU,SA) Assist. Prof. Dr. Meryem ACARA (Cumhuriyet U., Art Hist.) PLAGIARISM I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : Mustafa Nuri TATBUL Signature : iii ABSTRACT IDENTIFYING MEDIEVAL KOMANA IN THE 12th-13th CENTURIES THROUGH SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL DATA WITH A MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TATBUL, Mustafa Nuri Ph.D., Department of Settlement Archaeology Supervisor: Prof. Dr. D. Burcu ERCĠYAS Co-Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evangelia PĠġKĠN February 2017, 377 pages Dynamics of Medieval Anatolia such as economy, politics, social life and religion, are mostly studied through written sources, public monuments, religious architecture and in most cases decontextualized material culture. These sources of evidence mostly represent the wealthy class and ruling elites. Both rural and urban sites do have the archaeological potential for understanding production, consumption and discard behaviors within domestic and industrial contexts. This kind of a perspective with a multidisciplinary approach, will surely help transform this potential to knowledge. With this approach the role of archaeological excavations is huge, they provide the conditions to detect behavioral signatures through spatial analysis, understanding of the organization and operation of spaces in intrasite level, thus provide the construction of past dynamics. iv The statistical representation of artifacts and ecofacts from a variety of contexts and distribution patterns of all archaeological finds within spaces are expected to increase our understanding of the use of space, production, consumption and discard behaviors. Formation processes in such a study also has increasing significance. In this thesis, medieval Komana (12th – 13th centuries) is studied through spatial analysis of archaeological data. The results of spatial analysis is used in order to identify operation and organization of the site and to set Komana into archaeological and historical context among numerous contemporary sites in various settings, with a comparative analysis. Keywords: Komana, Medieval Archaeology, Danishmend, 12th–13th century, Spatial Analysis. v ÖZ 12. - 13. YÜZ YILLARDA ORTAÇAĞ KOMANASI‟NIN ARKEOLOJĠK VERĠLERĠN MEKANSAL ANALĠZĠ YÖNTEMĠ KULLANILARAK VE ÇOK DĠSĠPLĠNLĠ BĠR YAKLAġIM ĠLE TANIMLANMASI TATBUL, Mustafa Nuri Doktora, YerleĢim Arkeolojisi Anabilim Dalı DanıĢman: Prof. Dr. D. Burcu ERCĠYAS EĢ DanıĢman: Doç. Dr. Evangelia PĠġKĠN ġubat 2017, 377 sayfa Anadolu Ortaçağı‟nın ekonomi, siyaset, sosyal yaĢam ve inançsal dinamikleri daha çok yazılı kaynaklar, kamusal ve dini mimari kalıntılar, ve arkeolojik kontekstini yitirmiĢ materyal kültür aracılığı ile anlaĢılmaktadır. Bu tür kaynaklar daha çok varsıl ve yöneten elit kesimi temsil etmektedir. Gerek kırsalı gerekse kenti temsil eden arkeolojik alanlar, üretim ve tüketim davranıĢlarının konut ve atölye gibi kontekstlerde anlaĢılması adına son derece büyük bir potansiyele sahiptir. Bu tür bir bakıĢ açısı çok disiplinli bir yaklaĢım ile birlikte hazırda bekleyen bu potansiyelin bilgiye dönüĢmesine kesinlikle yardımcı olacaktır. Bu yaklaĢım ile birlikte arkeolojik kazıların rolü son derece önemlidir ve mekânsal analiz yolu ile davranıĢa dair izlerin belirlemesi ve yerleĢim içi ölçekte vi mekanların organizasyonu ve iĢleyiĢinin belirlenmesine olanak sağlamaktadırlar, böylece geçmiĢ dinamiklerin anlaĢılmasına katkıda bulunurlar. ÇeĢitli kontekstlerden elde edilen kültürel buluntular, hayvansal ve bitkisel kalıntılar ve tüm arkeolojik buluntu gruplarının mekanlar içindeki dağılımlarının istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmesi, mekanların kullanımı, üretim ve tüketim davranıĢlarının daha iyi anlaĢılmasına olanak sağlamaktadır. Arkeolojik tabakaların oluĢum süreçlerinin iyi belirlenmesi de bu tür çalıĢmalarda geçmiĢ dinamiklerin anlaĢılması açısından son derece önemlidir. Bu tez çalıĢmasında, 12. ve 13. yüz yıllarda Komana ortaçağı, arkeolojik verinin mekânsal analizi yöntemi ile aydınlatılmaya çalıĢılmaktadır. Elde edilen mekânsal analiz sonuçları yerleĢimin organizasyonu ve iĢleyiĢinin ortaya çıkarılması, ve karĢılaĢtırmalı analitik bir yöntem ile Komana‟nın çağdaĢı olan değiĢik karakterde bir çok yerleĢim içinde, Komana‟yı arkeolojik ve tarihsel bir konuma yerleĢtirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Komana, Ortaçağ Arkeolojisi, DaniĢmendler, 12.-13. yüz yıllar, Mekânsal Analiz. vii DEDICATION To my Grandfather (Muhsin Tatbul) viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This PhD dissertation was conducted with the contribution and endless support of many people and institutions. Without their support my research would not be possible: Firstly, I would like to thank Environmental Archaeology Research Unit at METU and British Institute at Ankara (BIAA) for providing me the research facilities of Zooarchaeological and Archaeobotanical reference collections, laboratory and research environment for the identification of the assemblages. I would like to thank Department of Settlement Archaeology members Prof. Dr. Numan Tuna, Prof. Dr. Burcu Erciyas and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evangelia Ioannidou-PiĢkin for their contributions to my PhD education and for their warm collaboration while working as a member of the Department. Many colleagues and students participated in the project, who spent enormous efforts. I would like to thank all Komana Archaeological Research Project (KARP) members who took part in the collection of the excavation data. Especially, Özgen Sütcü, Fatih TaĢkın and Soner Akın, for their superhuman efforts for flotation of the soil samples and sorting most of the heavy residue. We gathered every six months in the final period of my study. I would like to thank my Thesis Monitoring Committee members Prof. Dr. M. Lütfi Süzen and Prof. Dr. Yılmaz S. Erdal for their contribution in the maturation of my research and spending their valuable time for me. I spent almost the quarter of my whole summer seasons in Tokat. I would like to thank people of Bula and Gümenek villages, who participated in the excavations, helped us in all works and made us feel like at home. I would like to thank my friends CoĢku Kocabıyık, Mehmet Bilgi Er and Melek Er for their warm friendship, discussions on my research and for their support in some technical matters. ix I would like to thank ġanslı, Cesur and Pamuk for their unpaid love and support in stressful times during the excavation seasons. I would like to thank my family members, my sister Nesime Tatbul, my mother ġaziye Tatbul and my father Emin Tatbul for their endless support not only for my education but also for my whole life. Special thanks to Erciyas family, Gönül Erciyas (Mother of our Excavation House), Burcu Erciyas, Murat Erciyas (MacGyver of the Excavation), Yaz Erciyas and Kar Erciyas (Joys of the Excavation), for their endless support not only during the excavation seasons but also whenever I need. And finally, endless thanks to my supervisors, Prof.Dr. Burcu Erciyas and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evangelia Ioannidou-PiĢkin (Vicky) for encouraging, supervising and contributing to design and conduct my PhD research and their immeasurable support as a Professor, Boss, Friend and as a Family, whenever I need. Thank you all! x TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM ................................................................................................................. iii ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... iv ÖZ .................................................................................................................................... vi DEDICATION .............................................................................................................. viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................ ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................ xi LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... xiv LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................ xix CHAPTER 1.INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................