Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey NEWS Volume 36, Number 9 September 2011 Son of Thirteen Things Bob Hawes, ACGNJ

I couldn’t resist using this title. I realize that it’s sort of sex- second (and more complicated) of the two “dual boot with ist, but what can I say? I’m a man, and men are pigs. (Can I XP” tests. Some of my subsequent articles touched on hear an Oink or two from some of you guys out there?) In a in various ways, but not . Almost two years second or so, I’m going to be citing precedent; but it’s a later, I looked at Ubuntu 4.10 again, in Dual-Boot Re- fact that there are always precedents for male chauvinism. visited, Part 1 (my article for our February 2007 issue). It’s traditional. So let’s get right down to it. I’m referring to Then, in Dual-Boot Revisited, Part 2 (my March 2007 arti- classic horror movies. Namely, Dracula (1931), Franken- cle) and Dual-Boot Revisited, Part 3 (my May 2007 stein (1931) and King Kong (1933). Kong gets the credit for article), I jumped up to Ubuntu 6.10. (Because our April first sequel: Son of Kong (1933) was released only nine 2007 newsletter was a Trenton Computer Festival issue, I months after the original film; but apparently he never had had to write a small unrelated article for it, thus postponing a daughter. (Or at least not one who got her own movie, Part 3 until May). After that, Ubuntu 4.10 got mentioned anyway). Turning to bat sequels, Dracula’s Daughter again (as part of a recap) in Three Strikes and You’re Out! (1936) was released first, then Son of Dracula (1943). On (my June 2007 article). the other hand, Son of Frankenstein (1939) came out eight years after the original, but fans had to wait a really long In Your File’s Too Big, (my September 2007 article), I time for Frankenstein’s Daughter (1958). I purposely left mentioned making my first semi-permanent installation of out Frankie’s first sequel, Bride of Frankenstein (1935). I Ubuntu (release 7.10). Unfortunately, in Further Adven- just didn’t want to go there. To me, Bride of Thirteen tures in Time Travel (my article for our December 2007 Things sounds quite creepy, and not in that good old horror issue), I noted that one of my hard disks had “just recently movie way, either. Be that as it may, though, I’m not succumbed to the ‘click of death’ (and it took my new actually talking cinema here. I’m talking Ubuntu Linux. ‘semi-permanent’ Ubuntu Linux installation with it)”. A Usually, it would be my opinion that all of the above mov- barely two month lifespan really didn’t even qualify that in- ies should be classified as Fantasy rather than Science stallation for “semi” status, much less “permanent”, did it? I Fiction. (Except maybe for Frankenstein. I could argue that didn’t do much with Linux during 2008, due to my partici- one both ways). This time, though, I’m compromising my pation in the By-Laws revision project (among other principles because I need that analogy for my next segue. things),. However, by May of 2008, I’d added Windows So: Continuing in the Science Fiction vein, let’s do some versions of two Linux programs ( and time traveling. In May of 2005, I wrote my first article for Scribus) to my computer. (I’d already installed the Win- this newsletter (Linux Dual Boot Experiments), and Ubuntu dows version of FireFox, back in December of 2004). In OS 4.10 was one of my first victims. (Oops. I mean “subjects”). Wars: The Penguin Strikes Back (my March 2009 article), I It passed the “standalone installation” test, but it failed the finally got back to Ubuntu; but I didn’t actually install it anywhere. I booted my computer from the Alpha 4 release of the Ubuntu 9.04 live-CD, and I did everything I needed to do from there, instead. Then, in Moving into the Future (my article for our April 2009 issue), I described how I modified my main computer to use removable drive draw- ers, so I could easily switch between Windows XP SP2 and a new hard disk installation of Kubuntu 8.10. (Kubuntu is Founded 1975 Continued on page 3 In This Issue Music— Capture, Organize & Enjoy, Phil Sorrentino . . 4 Testing Memory, Vinny LaBash ...... 5 The Three Most Important Words, Ira Wilsker ...... 6 Photo Stitch, Daves Computer Tips ...... 7 Image Retention on an LCD Monitor, Linda Gonse . . . 8 Drop it in the Box, Jo Grazide ...... 8 SugarSync, Vinny LaBash ...... 10 AreyouSecure?, Constance Brown ...... 11 SIG News ...... 12 Salvage a Wet Mobile Phone, Cajun Clickers ...... 12 Guru Corner ...... 14 Cyber News!, Gary Stanley...... 16 November 2010PC Problems You ACGNJ Can Fix, andCajun NewsPage Clickers 1 ...... 16 Officers, Directors and Leaders Officers Board of Directors President Paul Syers Director Emeritus Sol Libes (609) 520-9024 Vice President Evan Williams (908) 359-8070 Through 2012 Brenda Bell Treasurer Malthi Masurekar (732) 560-1534 Simon Grindlinger Secretary Seery Syers Don McBride Past President Mike Redlich (908) 246-0410 David McRitchie Through 2011 Gregg McCarthy Special Interest Groups Arnold Milstein (908) 753-8036 C Languages Bruce Arnold (908) 735-7898 John Raff (973) 992-9002 Firefox Activity David McRitchie Bob Hawes Genealogy Frank Warren (908) 756-1681 Standing Committees Hardware Mike Reagan APCUG Rep. Frank Warren (908) 756-1681 Investing Jim Cooper Facilities John Raff (973) 992-9002 Java Michael Redlich Financial Evan Williams (908) 359-8070 Layman’s Forum Matthew Skoda (908) 359-8842 Historian Lenny Thomas LUNICS Andreas Meyer Membership open NJ Gamers Gregg McCarthy Newsletter Bob Hawes WebDev Evan Williams (908) 359-8070 Publicity Gregg McCarthy Window Pains John Raff (973) 992-9002 Trenton ComputerFest Mike Redlich (908) 246-0410 Vendor Liaison Arnold Milstein (908) 753-8036 Webmaster John Raff (973) 992-9002


Editor E-Mail Addresses Barbara DeGroot 145 Gun Club Road Here are the e-mail addresses of ACGNJ Officers, Directors and SIG Leaders (and Palmerton PA 18071 the Newsletter Editor). This list is also at Tel: (570) 606-3596 ( [email protected] Bruce Arnold [email protected] Jim Cooper [email protected] Barbara DeGroot [email protected] ACGNJ News is published by the Ama- Advertising: Non-commercial announce- Mark Douches [email protected] teur Computer Group of New Jersey, In- ments from members are free. Commercial David Eisen [email protected] corporated (ACGNJ), PO Box 135, Scotch ads 15 cents per word, $5 minimum. Camera Plains NJ 07076. ACGNJ, a non-profit ed- ready display ads: Full page (7 x 10 inches) Bill Farrell [email protected] ucational corporation, is an independent $150, two-thirds page (4½ x 10) $115, Manuel Goyenechea [email protected] computer user group. Opinions expressed half-page $85, one-third $57, quarter $50, herein are solely those of the individual au- eighth $30. Discount 10% on 3 or more con- Bob Hawes [email protected] thor or editor. This publication is Copy- secutive insertions. Enclose payment. Sol Libes [email protected] right © 2011 by the Amateur Computer Malthi Masurekar [email protected] Group of New Jersey, Inc., all rights re- Publication Exchange: Other computer served. Permission to reprint with ap- user groups are invited to send a subscription Don McBride [email protected] propriate credit is hereby given to to ACGNJ at the address below. We will re- Gregg McCarthy [email protected] spond in kind. non-profit organizations. David McRichie [email protected] Address Changes should be emailed to Andreas Meyer [email protected] Submissions: Articles, reviews, cartoons, [email protected] or sent to ACGNJ at illustrations. Most common formats are ac- Arnold Milstein [email protected] ceptable. Graphics embedded in the docu- the address below. ment must also be included as separate Membership, including subscription: 1 year John Raff [email protected] files. Fax or mail hard copy and/or disk to $25, 2 years $40, 3 years $55. Additional Mike Redlich [email protected] editor; OR e-mail to Editor. Always con- family members: $10 each per year. Student : Matt Skoda [email protected] firm. Date review and include name of 1 year $20. Senior citizen (over 65) 1 year word processor used, your name, address $20, 3 years $45. Send your name, address Keith Sproul [email protected] and phone and name, address and phone of and payment to ACGNJ, PO Box 135, Scotch Paul Syers [email protected] manufacturer, if available. Plains NJ 07076. Lenny Thomas lenny.thomas@acgnj. org Tips for reviewers: Why does anyone Typographic Note: The ACGNJ News is Scott Vincent [email protected] need it? Why did you like it or hate it? Ease produced using Corel Ventura 5. Font fami- (or difficulty) of installation, learning and lies used are Times New Roman (TT) for Frank Warren [email protected] use. Would you pay for it? body text, Arial (TT) for headlines. Evan Williams [email protected] Page 2 ACGNJ News September 2011 Son of Thirteen Things, continued Ubuntu with the KDE desktop environment installed in- too. So I restored it again, and I’ve kept using 10.04 ever stead of the usual GNOME desktop). since. Now, I’ve got four computers that need new Ubuntu Now, at last, we tie into our title. In Thirteen Things? (my installations, so it’s time to start all over. May 2009 article), I recounted how I followed about half For this article, however, I’m only going to install Ubuntu the steps in 13 Things to do immediately after installing 11.04 in one of those machines. (My current main com- Ubuntu (posted on the Linux on Desktop website by Ambuj puter is working just fine on 10.04, so I’m leaving it that Varshney on February 24, 2007) as I created an even newer way for another month or two. Then, when Ubuntu 11.10 hard disk installation of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Long Term comes out, I’ll go right to that version. Ideally, the other Support) for my main computer. (I’m not going to repeat two should both dual boot with XP. Unless I get distracted my reasons for doing so here. If you’re curious, you can re- by something else, I’ll be doing one or both of those instal- fer to Thirteen Things? and find out why; but as you’ll soon lations next month). Anyway, let’s get some details about see, that particular installation didn’t last very long, either). our current victim subject. It’s an Asus motherboard that I was the scheduled speaker for the May 15th, 2009 Win- was given to me by Allan DeGroot (son of our Editor, dow Pains Meeting, and my topic was Installing and Using Barbara). It’s not new, but it is better than anything else Ubuntu 9.04. By that meeting, Ubuntu 9.04 had been out I’ve got. My long term plans call for it to replace the moth- for about two weeks. So I had enough time to create a new erboard in my main computer case. (That board will then, installation, and to enhance it according to the Thirteen in turn, be installed in a smaller case and moved to my Things list. Then, since I had it, I used it; thus dumping my kitchen, where it will become a dedicated Internet TV 8.04 LTS version. In October, when Ubuntu 9.10 came out, watching computer). For now, though, I stuck Allan’s I tried a direct upgrade. It took about an hour; but it board in a spare case, gave it a spare CD reader and a spare worked. In April 2010, when Ubuntu 10.04 came out, I hard disk, booted from the Ubuntu 11.04 CD, and created a tried an upgrade again; and it worked again. In October default installation. (Actually, I did this twice, because I no- 2010, when Ubuntu 10.10 came out, I tried a third upgrade. ticed that it was downloading files, even though I purposely This time, it seemed to work, but then it crashed. I restored hadn’t checked the “update while installing” box. So I did my 10.04 version from its last backup, and tried once more. it over again, with my network cable disconnected). The As before, it seemed to work at first; but then it crashed, first time, it took 26 minutes to install. Then, after it

Continued above right Centinued below left rebooted, Update Manager popped up and listed 206 up- used it. This time, I couldn’t get it to install. I intend to try dates totaling 152 MB. They took 21 minutes. The second for it again later, but if I can’t get it then, I probably won’t time, installation took 15 minutes. After I’d reconnected the miss it. As before, I skipped Step 8: Install Google Desktop, network cable and rebooted, Update Manager listed 223 up- Step 9: Install Google Picasa, Step 10: Install Google dates totaling 208 MB. They took 25 minutes. After the Earth, and Step 11: Install gdesklets. Also as before, I did second time, I made a Clonezilla backup before continuing. Step 12: Install MPlayer with all codecs and DVD playing (I know. I know. I should have done this before I deleted support; and I finished by skipping Step 13: Install my first installation as well; but I forgot. Shame on me). RealPlayer. Finally, I wound up my then current personal list by installing Okular and . I’ve included the link be- The first non-default addition I made was GParted (the low mainly for copyright acknowledgement. However, for Gnome Partition Editor). After installing it, I used it to look further details, you can refer to my Thirteen Things? (in our at my partitions. My was in an Ext4 parti- May 2009 newsletter), or you can follow this link to the ar- tion, with only 3.14 GB used (so far), plus I had a 2.0 GB ticle that started it all: swap partition (much too big, but I’ll leave it alone for now.). Except for adding GParted right away, I repeated (or didn’t repeat) all the steps from my original Thirteen ly-after.html Things? article. Following Step 1: Enable Additional Re- Now, back to me. After making another Clonezilla backup, positories, I opened Synaptic Package Manager and did so. I ventured into new territory. Well, relatively new, anyway. Next, I skipped Step 2: Enable Cool Graphics Effects. After I’ve always had Abiword, because it used to be bundled by that, I did Step 3: Install Audio/Video Codecs, but once default with each release of Ubuntu. Nowadays, it’s not. In again skipped Step 4: Install Adobe Acrobat Reader.(Iuse the past, it came in handy quite a few times as an alternative Okular instead). Even though both programs now come word processor, so I installed it manually now. I must have from different manufacturers, I repeated Step 5: Install installed the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) Macromedia Flash support and Sun Java JRE. Also Step 6: immediately after I installed Okular and K3b above, be- Install Scribus. I love Scribus. It’s one of my “must have” cause by July of 2009, when I wrote Fun With Fonts (my programs, so I would have installed it anyway; but since it article for our August 2009 issue), I’d obviously become was on the list, I installed it then. This time, I ran into a very familiar with it’s use. Be that as it may, I installed it in problem with Step 7: Install Downloader For X. It caught my new Ubuntu 11.04 system now. Wine came next (the my interest in 2009, so I installed it; but I never actually Windows emulator/compatibility layer, not the booze), Continued on page 4 September 2011 ACGNJ News Page 3 Son of Thirteen Things, continued because I need it to run MD5summer.exe under Ubuntu. Of course, the biggest difference between my new Ubuntu MD5summer is one of my most vital “must have” pro- 11.04 system and my tried and true 10.04 system is the re- grams, and I probably couldn’t have made the move to placement of with LibreOffice. (As you’re Linux without it. Fonty Python allows me to add Basker- no doubt aware, this was a really big deal). Unless some- ville Old Face Regular and Wingdings to my font list, so I thing goes very wrong, this article will be the last one that I added it next. AcetoneISO allows me to various disk write with OpenOffice. I’m going to continue doing most of image formats as if they were drives. Adding it filled the my computer stuff on the 10.04 system in my current main last big hole in my Linux system. After that, I hardly ever computer; but I’ll try to do all my writing in LibreOffice needed to run my Windows XP SP2 system again. (Though (running under Ubuntu 11.04 on my new motherboard in its I have to admit that I still occasionally run my Windows 98 temporary case). This way, I’ll have time to adjust to any SE system when I have backwards compatibility issues that quirks or incompatibilities in LibreOffice while I’ve still I need to address). has sometimes come in handy got my existing OO.o setup to fall back on. For now, as an alternative spreadsheet, so I installed it, too. The three though, we’re almost done. As my next to last step, I ran most recent additions to my system are FileZilla, an FTP GParted and looked at my operating system’s Ext4 partition (File Transfer Protocol) client, KompoZer (a web page again. This time, it was using 4.55 GB. So that’s it. I’ll do authoring system), and OggConvert (which converts media one more Clonezilla backup (just in case), and then I’ll shut files to the patent-free /Ogg formats). I everything down. See you next month. : haven’t used them much yet, but I expect to do so frequently in the future. Music— Capture it, Organize it and Enjoy it

Phil Sorrentino, Sarasota Personal Computer Users Group, Inc. ( cord disks (78s, 45s and 33 1/3 vinyl), and finally tapes Music in the past was captured and made available on ana- (reel-to-reel, 8 track, and cassette). And they were played log sources and played back on analog devices. Those on a phonograph (circa late 1870s), a turntable (spanning analog sources were tubes (in Thomas Edison’s times), re-

Continued above right Centinued below left the 20th century) or a tape machine (spanning the late 20th for. (Well, actually now with digital reproduction you can century). All those devices were engineered to convert the have much more, like 5.1 surround sound, but that is a sub- analog music on the source media to sound that eventually ject for another time.) hit our ears. Enough of the past, now on to the digital music age. One of Analog music was the capture of some sort of wiggle, like the differences between analog and digital sources of music the wiggle of a turntable needle or stylus, or the wiggle of a is the fact that with an analog source, the music quality de- magnetic field on a magnetic tape. The quality of the music teriorates with each play. Each time a record or tape is we experienced improved all along the time that analog played, some of the range of the music is lost. But with dig- music was available, finally culminating in High Fidelity, ital sources (digital files), the quality always remains the Stereophonic Sound. Stereophonic because there are two same. Go ahead and play away. The reason for this is that tracks, one for the right and one for the left, to match the the digital representation for music is just a series of ones hearing mechanisms on our head, one on the right and one and zeros (which is reproduced exactly with every Copy). on the left. High Fidelity is the property of reproducing all As long as that series is reproduced (and the process that in- of the music frequencies that were originally produced by terprets the ones and zeros doesn’t change), then the results, the original source, like a singer’s voice, or a rock and roll the music, will always be the same. So, once we get the mu- band, or a symphony orchestra. sic, we have it at that quality, for good. But how is digital music created? What is the source? And what devices are The frequency response of the human ear is about 20 Hz to used to reproduce it. around 16,000 Hz (although sometimes it is stated as 20 to 20k). These are general ranges and as we age, the lower The recording process starts with (analog) microphones limit tends to rise and the upper limit tends to be lowered. which produce a small analog signal. This signal is ampli- (By the way, if someone is exposed to very high intensity fied and then digitized. From this point on everything is sounds or noises {measured in decibels}, their hearing digital, therefore perfectly reproducible. Digitization pro- range could be affected. In fact, sounds greater than some- duces a file that has been engineered to contain the where around 100 decibels {db} can produce permanent complete audible frequency range. This is the .wav file that damage to ones hearing range.) So, High Fidelity Stereo is on the CD that is purchased. was developed to deliver two channels, each with about a The CD becomes the source for the music. (Today, most 20 to 16,000 Hz frequency range. What more could you ask music is distributed on CDs, although more and more music Continued on page 5 Page 4 ACGNJ News September 2011 Music— Capture it, Organize it and Enjoy it, continued is being downloaded to computers for eventual listening.) range (voice only), files which are 32 kbps and 64 kbps. Typically there are about 15 songs on a CD, but with the The lower the quality, the smaller the size of the MP3 file, capacity of a CD (700 MB) and the average size of a song and similarly, the higher the quality, the larger the file size. (35MB), you might get as many as 20 or 21 songs on a CD. Some people might be able to detect the difference between So, if CDs are the source of the music, a CD player is the a 128 kbps quality and a 320 kbps quality, but if you cannot device that is used to reproduce the music. CD players then the smaller file would be a better choice. (If you’re not come in two basic varieties, stereo cabinet type to be used sure if you can detect the difference, create an MP3 of one with a stereo system maybe in the family room, and of your favorite CDs at two different bit rates and then play portables for use on the go. Some larger stereo cabinet each one and see if you can tell the difference. If you can models can hold as many as 400 CDs and provide a place to tell the difference, use the higher bit rate as your quality store all the CDs (without their cases). Now that’s how the setting.) digital music is produced, distributed, and played, but what about MP3s? So, with that bit of background, we are able to discuss the process of converting songs on a CD to MP3 files. This pro- Well, an MP3 file is the result of processing a WAV file cess is called Ripping a CD. (Don’t blame me, I didn’t with an MP3 conversion program, the product of which is name it.) The process does nothing like its name implies, it much smaller than the original. (WMA is another file type simply converts the WAV file on the CD to an MP3 file on similar to MP3 that has been introduced and used by the computer, at the chosen quality. Microsoft.) MP3 files are typically one tenth the size of the corresponding WAV file. The resultant file size can vary Ripping can be done with many programs like Windows because there are settings used by the MP3 conversion Media Player, Musicmatch Jukebox, Audacity, and program. Winamp. (Windows Media Player (WMP) which comes with all Windows Operating Systems will be used here in The MP3 conversion process is a “Lossy” conversion, that examples.) To Rip a CD, place the CD in the CD/DVD is, some of the quality can be lost in the conversion. The reader/writer tray, start WMP, and click Rip on the top Se- quality is selected by choosing a bit rate for the conversion. lection Bar. It’s that easy. A list of the files on the CD will For music this rate typically goes from 128 kbps (consid- be shown with a checked check box for each. If you don’t ered near CD quality) up to around 320 kbps (for those want one of the songs, uncheck the box. When the conver- audiophiles that have very good hearing and reproduction sion is finished you will have an MP3 file for each of the systems). There are also lower qualities for low frequency checked songs. Typically, the MP3 files will be in a Folder Continued above right t with the name of the CD Album, within a Folder for the music regularly, so you don’t have to go through that Artist within the folder that was setup as the Rip Folder. process again. From this folder, you can move or copy the songs to a li- brary folder. Most people will probably use the Music (or Copyright 2010. This article is from the the Sarasota PC My Music) folder that is part of Windows for this. Monitor, the official monthly publication of the Sarasota Personal Computer Users Group, Inc., P.O. Box 15889, Next month we’ll discuss organizing the Library to take ad- Sarasota, FL 34277-1889. Permission to reprint is granted vantage of the fruits of your (possibly) considerable labor in only to other non-profit computer user groups, provided creating the music files. And don’t forget: backup all that proper credit is given to the author and our publication. :

Testing Memory Vinny LaBash (labash (at), Sarasota PCUG FL ( sive and invisible. Take it away and we know instantly that From a strictly technical perspective, memory is any form something has gone horribly wrong. of electronic storage. You probably know the computer you use every day has memory. Other everyday devices also use Memory failures can be among the most difficult hardware similar types of electronic memory. Your TV, car radio, problems to diagnose because so many other things can act washing machine, wrist watch, and cell phone are a few ex- like memory malfunctions. If your system was put together amples. Physical memory is both a necessary and useful with a motherboard populated with less than first-class component of modern computers. If your computer’s CPU components like low quality liquid fueled capacitors, they were compelled to access the hard drive for every piece of might swell and burst even under normal usage. Lockups, data it wanted, its speed would be glacial. Memory is so USB ports which refuse to work for no apparent reason, useful that when something happens to affect it we notice it blue screens of death, and error messages pointing to mem- immediately. It’s a little like atmospheric oxygen, unobtru- ory failures are among some of the breakdowns that can Continued on page 6 September 2011 ACGNJ News Page 5 Testing Memory, continued occur. Video pauses and application crashes are additional too good to be true, there are trade-offs. Some of your com- symptoms that can afflict your PC, and their cause may not puter’s memory must be accessed by the utility while the have anything to do with a memory crash. tool is running and that range of memory can’t be tested. Excess heat can cause the CPU to malfunction in ways that Another downside is that the tool requires you to shut down generate error messages flatly stating that memory is the the computer and run the test from a boot disk. Don’t let culprit. The CPU will inexplicably drop pages from mem- that stop you from using Memtest86. Use it according to di- ory after the CPU just asked for those pages. The CPU gets rections and you will resolve problems that would confused and produces an error message accusing the mem- otherwise be beyond the capabilities of ordinary mortals. ory chips of causing a “Fatal Exception”. If that’s not Memory failures can prevent the system from starting com- misleading enough, messages stating that certain memory pletely. Your machine may attempt to help you by issuing a pages were never received can appear on the screen. series of diagnostic beeps on attempted startup. There is no Strange behavior alone is not proof of a memory problem, standard for diagnostic beeps, they vary with each manufac- but don’t be hasty to dismiss the possibility. Memory prob- turer. You must access the manufacturer’s web site to lems do cause lockups and blue screens of death for no translate the series of beeps to meaningful information. It’s apparent reason. How can one differentiate between a mem- essential to read the documentation for motherboard and ory crash and something doing a plausible imitation? BIOS. Some machines don’t beep at all; for others a single Sometimes the BIOS can help. Your BIOS should tell you beep indicates a memory refresh failure. how much memory you have installed. Many memory fail- In many cases a memory module has merely worked its ures show up in the BIOS as a loss of installed memory. A way loose over time and is no longer seated properly in its high-quality motherboard will have a BIOS that will report slot. It takes minutes to reseat the memory. If that doesn’t the amount of memory in each slot. With some careful help, remove one memory module and turn the machine sleuthing you can easily calculate how much memory back on. If the problem persists, replace the module, re- should be in each slot, and use that information to find the move a different module, and repeat until the system starts memory module that’s causing the problem. again. The module most recently removed is the guilty There is a free advanced memory test available based on the party. You may not be able to use this method if your ma- original Memtest86. Download it from chine insists that the modules be installed in pairs. This is probably the best memory testing tool you could Lastly, don’t over-clock your PC without proper ventilation hope to find, free or otherwise, but with all things that seem or a reliable method to keep your vital components cool. : Continued above right Centinued below left The Three Most Important Words in Computing Backup! Backup! Backup! Ira Wilsker We have all heard the common and trite clichés that the cludes several tests that will examine the physical media on only things that are for sure are “death and taxes”. For your Seagate or Maxtor disk drive and any other computer users, regardless of operating system or brand of non-Seagate disk drive.” A 17mb download, this free util- computer, there is a third “truth” and that is that computer ity will run on almost any brand of hard drive, and display hard drives will eventually fail. Hard drives, regardless of its findings so that the user can have real-time information brand and reputation, are electro-mechanical devices with a about the condition of his hard drive. There are many other lot of very fast moving parts, motors, and some type of hard drive monitoring utilities available, both free and com- electronic controller that makes it work. Heat, physical mercial. For free hard drive monitoring software, consider shock (like dropping on the floor), electrical problems any of the top rated hard drive monitoring utilities listed at (power surges), and normal friction and wear can cause hd-health-monitoring-&-diagnostics. I have been happy using a hard drives to deteriorate followed by a likely catastrophic $15 program (sometimes offered as a free promotional failure. download) “Ashampoo HDD Control”, which provides comprehensive hard drive monitoring services, as well as Many more modern hard drives incorporate “SMART” drive cleaning and defragmentation functions. technology (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Tech- nology) which monitors the hard drive for reliability issues, One of the earliest fables (with some truism) about hard and notifies the user if it detects a pending failure. Once drives is a component of Murphy’s laws, which says, “A warned, the user should immediately verify that the drive is properly backed up hard drive will never fail; but the first properly backed up, and then quickly consider replacing the time that you do not have a current backup, it will always drive. Many of hard drive manufacturers provide free fail at the most inopportune time.” This has evolved into SMART monitoring software, or a similar utility. Seagate, the current truism that says, “The three most important for example, offers its free “SeaTools” utility that “ ... in- words in computing are Backup! Backup! and Backup!” Continued on page 7 Page 6 ACGNJ News September 2011 The Three Most Important Words in Computing, continued On my computers, I routinely copy my critical data files to tos, videos, music files, email, and other non-system USB flash drives, burn them to CDs, and use a file copy information. Since all of the files are saved in native for- backup utility with a high capacity USB external hard mat, the backed up files can be read, copied, or opened, drive. Actually, I use multiple backup devices for critical with no special or required. Over the data files, because I like the idea of redundancy, and years, I have been very satisfied with NTI Shadow, and backup media and devices have become incredibly inexpen- continue to use it. sive. During the hurricane evacuations for Rita, Gustav, For those who prefer , there are many excel- and Ike, the very first item I packed was my external hard lent programs available, all with different feature sets and drive with my latest backup, along with some backup CDs offering different types of backup (best-free-backup-program). with additional copies of the most critical data files from has guidance to help the user select my desktop computer. the type of backup program desired. A file backup program There is an abundance of good quality backup software does precisely that, maintains copies of files. A full backup available, and for several years I have been using NTI is a type of backup where the entire hard drive is copied, of- ten by creating an exact digital image of the hard drive. A Shadow (, a $40 product which transpar- ently maintains backups in real-time of all of my critical differential backup, after a full backup is created, only data files on my external USB hard drive. When first in- backs up new or modified files. An incremental backup is stalled, Shadow automatically copies all selected file types somewhat like a differential backup, but only backs up the to the chosen backup device, and then maintains the backup files that were created or modified since the last full or in- set without any necessary user intervention. As soon as I cremental backup. save a file to my hard drive, Shadow instantly copies the Using a free software product, Paragon Backup and Recov- file to my backup device. For sequential files, such as word ery (Advanced) Free edition (home/br-free) I periodically processing or spreadsheet files, Shadow can selectively create an “image backup” which basically creates a bit by save each version, as it is updated or saved, preserving the bit digital image of my entire hard drive as it is at that in- older versions in case they are ever needed. I use Shadow stant, and writes that image to my external USB hard drive. to automatically maintain or “synchronize” data files, pho- The software provides for creation of a bootable Linux re- Continued above right covery CD which contains the drivers and utilities image file, but at least I can be back in service with mini- necessary to restore the hard drive. In the event of a cata- mal loss. Since my data files are continuously backed up strophic hard drive failure, I can purchase a new hard drive, by Shadow (I keep a redundant set of those files as well), install it in my computer, boot the computer with the recov- between the image file and my Shadow files, it is unlikely ery CD, and using the image file on the external drive, that I would lose anything of significance. recreate my hard drive precisely as it was at the time of the There is no need to suffer a hard drive failure with the re- backup, with all programs and data files intact. Once the sultant loss of all programs and data files. With the image file is installed, the computer will boot and run just availability of several excellent free hard drive monitoring as it did before the hard drive failure, but with a new hard and backup utilities, as well as several comparable com- drive. Other than the time, expense of a new hard drive, mercial products, and the declining cost of high capacity and a little aggravation, my computer will be fully func- storage media, lost data should be a crisis of the past, as it tional just as it was prior to the hard drive failure. This is is easily preventable or recoverable. : explicitly the primary reason for having a current image backup. This Paragon Backup and Recovery software can also create and maintain file level backups, perform other Photo Stitch backup functions, and is a comprehensive backup utility. Daves Computer Tips ( For most users, this Paragon software will be most ade- provides free tips, help, and tricks for computer users, quate, as it is capable of performing all desired backup and along with a free newsletter for computer users. restore functions. Other top-rated free drive imaging programs are listed at With this site It’s easy and free to convert any photo, sketch, drawing, or other image into a cross stitch pat- strongly encourage all computer users to frequently create tern. Photo cross stitches make fun projects, an image backup, such that a failed hard drive can be easily impressive gifts, and unique keep-sakes. Make cross replaced and all files and programs restored. Since I use stitches based on children’s drawings, vacation pho- multiple external USB hard drives, I sequentially create an tos, famous works of art, and more. Best of all, this image on one external drive, and then use a different exter- service is completely free! You can make as many nal drive for my next image backup. By doing this I cross stitch patterns as you’d like, and stitch them always have at least one functional image capable of being yourself or send them to friends and family. restored, just in case there is a problem on one of the exter- Submitted by George Holloway nal drives. If that happens, I may not have the most recent September 2011 ACGNJ News Page 7 Image Retention on an LCD Monitor Linda Gonse (editor (at), Orange County PCUG CA ( I just bought a brand new HP ZR22w LCD flat screen mon- 2. “Use a screen saver that either rotates, has moving itor. My understanding always has been that burn-in (also graphic images or is blank. This also prevents an image for called image retention or image persistence) does not occur being displayed in screen for too long.” on LCD screens. But, an HP help file that came with my 3. “Rotate any background images on the desktop. Back- monitor dispelled that notion. ground images are one of the most common causes for image persistence. By switching backgrounds every day or “Image retention occurs when the monitor is left ON while few days, it should reduce the change of persistence.” displaying the same image for an extended period of time, 4. “Turn off the monitor when the system is not in use. This leaving a ‘shadow’ of this image on the screen.” will prevent any problems where the screen saver or power function fails to turn off the screen and result in an image I researched the burn-in problem further and, sitting on the screen for long times.”, said “Image retention can be corrected in The bottom line is not to be too worried about image most cases and is easily prevented.” That statement was a burn-in, but keep it in mind when using your LCD monitor relief! and you can easily prevent it from happening. If somehow it does happen, see for instruc- The article went on to list methods that could be used to tions on how to correct existing image retention on LCD prevent image retention/persistence. monitors. Finally, the HP text helpfully revealed another problem not 1. “Set the screen to turn off after a few minutes of screen known to all LCD monitor users, “the fluorescent lights in- idle time under the Power functions in Windows. Turning side the display have a limited lifetime and will gradually the monitor display off will prevent an image from being degrade.” This is reason enough not to leave a monitor on displayed on the screen for extended periods of time. Of 24/7, even with a screensaver enabled. Use the timed En- course, this could be annoying to some people as the screen ergy/Power setting to automatically turn the monitor off may go off more than they wish.” when your system is idle for a while. :

Continued above right Continued below left Drop it in the Box Dropbox, what it is, how it works Jo Grazide, Brookdale Computer Users Group ( What is Dropbox? negative comments, leading me to investigate. Having a way to store photography files without worrying about loss Suppose you were able to save work without using a flash or corruption seemed an ideal solution to the problem of drive, a disk (CD or DVD-R or RW), or an external drive, travel pictures. I got to test this, when I maxed out the or even email, and move files between your laptop and Dropbox folder at around 2 GB during a vacation in desktop? For many years, I, like so many of us, had devel- Boston. There are two ways to increase your storage capac- oped methods and procedures to upload, download, and ity – you can purchase the program on a monthly or yearly save documents, music and pictures to a storage device, basis, or you can have friends join the service and be only to have to rely on memory to locate it afterwards. An- rewarded a few more MB’s up to a whopping 8 GB. other irritating problem for me, especially when I was working, was to identify the “latest” version, so that an Get the App older file would not overwrite my work during a “Save As.” To acquire Dropbox, you need to go to the website at Enter Dropbox, a useful application that eliminates lots of The download is quick and easy. Just run work and uncertainty. it, and follow the instructions. There are six initial steps: Dropbox is a free download that offers protection and con- 1. Take the tour venience and is easy to use. There is basically no learning 2. Install Dropbox involved. You should, however, be familiar with Drag & Drop and Move vs. Copy. Why not give Dropbox a try and 3. Put files in your Dropbox folder see whether this is for you. 4. Install Dropbox on other computers I first heard of Dropbox during a meeting of my camera 5. Share a folder with friends or colleagues club. Some members seemed happy with it; there were no 6. Invite friends to join Continued on page 9

Page 8 ACGNJ News September 2011 Drop it in the Box, continued

It is necessary to install the program on all computers that It can be compared to using GoogleDocs or Windows Live you will be using. The setup is done on the website, and the Mesh. Collaboration, by the way, is possible. I haven’t instructions are easy. delved into this, because I simply need a way to move data In my case, this is my laptop and my desktop. As I move between computers. If you want to learn more, you need to around with the laptop, to meetings or anywhere I use it, visit the Dropbox website and study this feature. I’m able to save files as they are created, directly into the The Dropbox website has five tab: Dropbox folder, which sits in the system tray area. By clicking on its icon, Dropbox will provide easy and helpful 1. “Get Started” walks you through several chores before commands. you can earn some extra space. This is simple and easy to understand. In addition, I know that once I reach home, altered files will 2. “Files” is the online list of your current Dropbox be available and updated on my desktop machine. They can inhabitants, their sizes and the dates they were modified. be dragged into their proper locations on the storage drives. You can sort each column by clicking on its heading. This has been extremely useful. Instead of dealing with two There are buttons here that let you do even more. A basic documents, a newer version and an older version, there is knowledge of file management is all you need to only one synchronized version. comprehend this part of the application. Another nice aspect is that I don’t have to worry about mis- 3. “Events” is a listing of various edits, deletions, and placing storage disks or flash drives, which does happen. I other information about your files. also would think that it lessens stress, as there is nothing to 4. “Sharing” allows you to create a new folder to share, lose! or share an existing folder. By following the prompts, On the Website you can identify who you want to share the folder with. In my case, I began typing my husband’s email address, There is plenty of information on the Dropbox website. and it was prefilled for me. This would make it easier for There are videos and explanations of the synching process. multiple shares in a business or committee setting. Basically, anything that is put into the local folder is also Perhaps our next Board meeting minutes will appear in a recorded on the Internet. You can also access your files and Dropbox folder! I also found that once the shared folder upload them directly onto the Dropbox server. appeared in my local Dropbox folder, I could rename it

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and manage it locally. A refresh caused the change to System Requirements appear on the website immediately. I like this type of Hardware: At least 512MB of RAM; free space on your efficiency. There is no lag time, and information can be computer equal to your Dropbox storage quota. relayed quickly between computers. Software: Windows: Windows 2003, Windows XP, Win- 5. Finally, “Help” is all the rest. It seems that the dows Vista, and Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit). Dropbox website is complete; you can spend much time Mac OS X: Tiger (10.4) or later. learning about it. I would suggest that you jump in and try out the program; you can learn by doing as well. Linux: Ubuntu 7.10+ and Fedora Core 9+. Also iPhone iOS 3.1, Android 1.5 and Blackberry 4.5. There are a couple of things I would warn you about as a Pricing: Up to 2 gigabytes of free storage space; DropBox new user. If you simply drag and drop the file back and 50, up to 50GB storage for $9.99/month or $99/year; forth, it copies the file. You may want to right-drag and Dropbox 100, up to 100GB storage for 19.95/month or choose move to ensure you have the latest version of your $199/year. work or photograph. Also, having a comfort level with stor- age online to some extent, and not adding things like your For more information: Social Security number or banking information, goes with- : out saying. Aside from that, there are no problems I can see with using this reliably.

One Last Thing

I do have one favor to ask you if you do join Dropbox; please use the link! It will enable both of us to get some ex- tra space, a great reward and well deserved! The link to join on my behalf is I promise I will not waste that space!!!!!!

September 2011 ACGNJ News Page 9 SugarSync – Sweet Synchronization Solution Vinny LaBash (labash (at), Sarasota PCUG FL ( SugarSync sets up your system to start backing up your There was once a time when having a rotary telephone put data as soon as you initiate the program. Don’t worry, it you in the front lines of innovation. That was long ago and won’t do anything without your permission, and there is no modern communications technology is as far advanced need to be concerned about your information getting out of from that day as communicating by smoke signal. If you control. The interface is clunky compared to the more intu- have any combination of desktop computer, laptop, smart itive IE browser window which is one of few downsides to phone, tablet, and whatever, you need some way to coordi- SugarSync. The developers are probably still concerned nate information so that every device you own has the same about legacy issues, a fear that will probably disappear over up-to-date information. time, but may cost them customers before it’s eliminated. One way to make sure all your files are equally up-to-date Support for mobile devices is nothing less than outstanding. is using a popular cloud based utility known as Dropbox. It supports more mobile devices than any other product. If However, there is another lesser known tool that gives you you’re using Windows 7 or Symbian, SugarSync is there more for less. We’re talking about SugarSync which is con- for you. These platforms may be relatively unimportant in stantly evolving into a service similar to Dropbox, but with the grand scheme of things today, but if you happen to use better mobile support, advanced file control, and superior one of them SugarSync should be of interest. price performance. SugarSync has a unique design feature for your Pictures folder. Of course synchronizing and viewing pictures from When you open your account at, you sup- mobile devices is supported, but the process is treated as ply a user name and password and then install the much more than a casual concession to photo buffs. It does application. As long as you’re connected to the Internet, the more than backup your pictures. It creates online galleries files you drag into your local Sugarsync folder magically to share with colleagues and friends. You don’t have to appear on all PCs, laptops, phones, and iPads that also have back up your photographs to one location and upload them. Sugarsync installed and are attached to the same Sugarsync If you take a picture with your mobile device it’s automati- account. The files also appear online when you sign into the cally sent to SugarSync and downloaded to your computer. Sugarsync site and specify the same user name and The gallery layout is superb for a web-based product, and password. the photo viewers are excellent.

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Music lovers will appreciate their MP3 files following them • Share folders with family members. Any great like puppy dogs. The computer does not have to be turned vacation pictures, new additions to the family, on because music files are being streamed from SugarSync. celebrations, and other memorable events are instantly Audiophiles can listen to music no matter where they are. available. SugarSync continuously backs up your files in real time, • Listen to music anywhere. not just once or twice a day. So if you edit a document in • Synchronize documents such invoices across the morning, and accidentally delete it in the afternoon you multiple devices. Accountants will love it. can restore it quickly with no hassles. The program stores • SugarSync can act as an insurance policy against the five latest versions of any backed up file so it’s not a losing important information. Backups are no longer a quandary if you need an earlier version. The downside to hassle or a nuisance. : this is that five versions of multiple files can take up a lot of storage. The upside is that only the most recent version of a file is counted toward your storage quota. If you are having trouble thinking of some uses for SugarSync here are some suggestions: • Inadvertently overwriting a file is no longer a potential disaster a SugarSync keeps a copy of the older file making restoration easy and painless. • Many people treasure their old photographs. Keeping pictures safely backed up in digital format means storing them as long as necessary with no deterioration in quality. • Roboform users can synchronize passwords safely and securely. • You can retrieve files no matter where you are or what device you happen to be using. Page 10 ACGNJ News September 2011 Are you Secure? Constance Brown (president (at), Canton/Alliance/Massillon User Group ( Security is one of the most common concerns with today’s tected with a firewall. One is included with Windows. A computer based communications and transactions. How can router provides an additional level of protection. It plugs I secure my personal computer? Should I do banking online into the modem and your computer plugs into it. When or is it safer to write checks and mail them? Is it safe to some would-be hacker tries to get to your computer, it finds purchase products online? How much can people learn the address of the router instead. Most routers come with about me through online access? These questions are some programs to protect you. It is often necessary to update the of the most common I hear expressed by my students. Let’s router software to keep the protections as up-to-date as look at some of these concerns. possible. First of all, we need to secure our personal computers. Most If you are using a wireless router in order to send signal to of us have high speed access in today’s world. If you leave other wireless devices, you will want to secure your wire- your computer turned on and internet access turned on 24 less network with strong encryption and a strong password. hours a day, 7 days a week, you are more vulnerable than When you choose passwords for your network or for your someone who has dial-up access and has to get offline in bank accounts and online stores, be sure to choose a strong order to place phone calls. Dial-up is so slow that hackers password with meaning to you but not to others. A word don’t usually want to fool with it and users with that type of that is not in the dictionary is best. service are usually online only short periods of time. Those You will want to mix upper and lower case letters, include with high speed connections through DSL or cable can shut numbers, and a special letter if the site allows it. Let’s look off their modems or turn off their computers. I have high at a couple of passwords. Here are examples of two com- speed access and VOIP phone service. So shutting off my monly chosen passwords that are dreadfully insecure: modem is not an option for me. 123456; abcdefg. Here is an example of a strong password: That is one reason I turn off my computer if I am not going E4g$jwQy. Normally passwords should be 8 characters or to use it for several hours. I also prefer to place my docu- more. ments on an external drive that I disconnect if I choose to Is online banking secure? Many people pay their bills and leave the computer running while I go to town. monitor accounts regularly online. Banks require the use of Your personal computer needs to be protected with a browser with specific standards of security. For example, anti-virus and anti-spyware programs. It should also be pro- if you are still using Internet Explorer 6, your bank most Continued above right likely will not allow you to set up online banking. If any- self, and then login and check on things. Be sure to forward one uses your computer other than yourself or your spouse, the email to the fraud division of the company it claims to you will most likely NOT want to allow the site to remem- represent. That is the best way to track down these identity ber your login information. Over the past two years, banks thieves. have added levels of security including a picture id of your selection from choices they provide in addition to the login How much can people learn about you online? More than name and password. The only time I would not be comfort- you think! Public information has always been available. able doing banking or providing credit card information for You used to look up addresses in telephone books. And you other types of transactions would be in places providing could go to the auditor’s office to look up information free public Wi-Fi. about someone’s property. You could look up addresses on maps. Now all that information is readily available through Is it safe to make purchases online? Buyer be informed! All the online white pages and the auditor’s web sites. Of major retail companies have online stores. These have secu- course there are many map services. A GPS can guide you rities in place. After all, these corporations have much to precisely to the locations you program into the system. Try lose if their names were soiled by identity theft. “Googling” your name and the city in which you live. You There are quality “Mom and Pop” stores online. And there will find references to your comments in the local paper, in- are thieves, just as in the real world. If you have questions, formation about you that is included in online publications check with someone more experienced than you before and anything else that is public. : placing your credit card or bank card information with a company online. There are multiple, wonderful companies. There are some frauds. Beware of emails that pretend to be from the FBI, PayPal, and Amazon, Chase bank or other well-known financial in- stitutions claiming that there may have been fraudulent activity on your account and telling you to click on a link provided in the email to verify your account information. DO NOT DO THIS! If you have questions regarding your account, open a separate browser, type in the address your- September 2011 ACGNJ News Page 11 Salvage a Wet Mobile Phone 36th Anniversary Newsletter CD Now On Sale Tips & Tricks from the Cajun Clickers ( Beta .11 If you drop your mobile phone in water or get it wet in a Release heavy rain; don’t panic; it’s possible to save it. Consider these easy, simple steps: $8.00, includes postage 1. Act rapidly: First, quickly remove all covers and as many detachable parts as possible, such as the back cover, $7.00 if you battery, SIM card, memory card etc. Next, take a piece of pick it up at a cloth or tissue paper and absorb as much excess water as meeting possible. Make sure to dry it completely, before water soaks into difficult to reach places. If your phone was under water for just a short time, this quick drying procedure Get yours alone might save it. today!

2. Use a hair-dryer: Then, use a hair-dryer to thoroughly Back Issues Still Needed dry the phone and components; but don’t hold it too close to the phone, as that may harm the electrical mechanisms. Our collection remains incomplete. Below is a list of Pay extra attention to the battery area. The battery housing missing newsletters. Anyone who lends us one of usually consists of tiny holes to let air (and consequently, these (or supplies a good clear copy) will receive the water) into the phone. next CD as our thanks. 1975: #2 and #3 (dates uncertain) If steps 1 and 2 fail, then continue to step 3. 1976: January 3. Drying for long duration: Place the disassembled phone and parts in a dry, warm place and allow the water to evap- 1984: August orate gradually. Also see: : 1985: June, July, August, September. : SIG News C/C++ Programming Mobile Devices Bruce Arnold ([email protected]) Brenda Bell ([email protected]) This is a forum for discussion of programming in general, The Mobile Devices SIG meets the second Wednesday beginning and intermediate level C, C++, C-Win program- of alternate months, 7:30PM at SPRS in Scotch Plains, ming, hardware, algorithms, and operating systems. We NJ. demonstrate real programming in a non-intimidating way, presenting complete code for working programs in 3-5 The Mobile Devices SIG focuses largely on curent-gener- sheets of paper. ation cellphones and smartphones (such as Blackberry, June: File Input Demo with Exceptions: Visual Studio Android, iPhone) which bridge the gap between basic cell C++ has many ways of reading and writing information phones and traditional computers, and how they can help from/to a disk file. A search in Wikipedia reveals ±50 dif- you manage and organize your life. ferent functions in several major categories. The topic can be daunting. Sometimes the task is simply to read a text file Our membership ranges from those who have recently ac- consisting of relatively short lines of human readable text. quired their first, basic cellphone to those who develop This can be accomplished using some simple, high level applications for today’s modern smartphones, iPods, and C++ Classes. Only a few lines of code are actually required. ultraportable computers. The main library function that we will use is named “ReadLine()”. We will use a simple ListBox to display the While we expect to spend much of our time investigating file. One issue that the novice often misses is handling of the built-in features and specialized applications available errors. For example, what if the filename is wrong or if to modern smartphones, if you bring your basic (or multi- there is a disk error? A simple program was used as a start- media) cell phone, iPod, or other mobile device with ing point for a discussion. The program creates a Windows questions on how to use it, where to find applications, or Dialog box, then allows a text file to be viewed on a Win- what features they have, we are always happy to help! dows screen. The program is called “File Demo”. Meet and greet and plan where this event goes. Bring all For details and sample code, visit our Website. Our next your ideas, PDAs, fancy phones, etc. Our next meeting meeting September 20. : October 12. : Page 12 ACGNJ News September 2011 SIG News, continued Layman’s Forum Web Dev Matt Skoda ([email protected]) Evan Willliams ([email protected]) We meet on the second Monday of the month (no meetings Meeting on alternate months, this SIG is an open forum in July and August) to discuss issues of interest to for all Website Development techniques and technolo- noviceusers or those who are planning to get started in gies, to encourage study and development of web sites of computing. Watch our Web page for updates and all kinds. All languages will be considered and examined. The current project is a CMS for the club. Anyone inter- ested in starting a new project, come to the meeting and FireFox Activity announce / explain. Provide as much detail as possible. [email protected] WebDev should be an all-encompasing development and examination forum for all issues, applications, OS, lan- This SIG is an open forum for all FireFox and Mozilla guages and systems one can use to build Websites. We techniques and technologies, to encourage study and de- currently have two Web dev languages .NET and Java as velopment of web sites of all kinds. All browsers will be SIGs but other langages and OS need to be investigated, considered and examined. All are encouraged to “think examined and tested; Windows, Linux, UNIX, DEC, out of the box” about new web site esign. All members Vax, HP etc. Intel-PC, Motorola - MAC etc. Our next and guests are invited to check out the design concepts meeting September 14. : and voice their opinion. Next meeting, September 19.: Java NJ Gamers Mike Redlich ([email protected]) Gregg McCarthy ([email protected]) July 12: This month’s meeting was an annual review and planning meeting. We reviewed some of the more interest- ing topics from this past September through June and The next Friday Night Frag will be September 9, 6 p.m. brainstormed topics for the 2011–2012 “season.” to Saturday 12 noon — 18 hours for 5 bucks! Our next meeting September 13, topic to be announced. : BYOC - Bring your own computer BYOF - Bring your own food. Hardware Activity Mike Reagan ([email protected]) and if you don't like sitting on metal chairs... BYO chair!: This group is dedicated to repairing, refurbishing and/or LUNICS (Linux/Unix) recycling older computers. Ten people attended the first Andreas Meyer ([email protected]) meeting of the ACGNJ Hardware Activity; so there is still http// a market for this type of event. One guy came all the way LUNICS is a group for those who share an interest in Unix from the Bronx! Although we looked at some of the older and similar operating systems. While we do quite a bit with equipment stored in the back room, most of our time was Linux, we’ve also been known to discuss Solaris and BSD spent in talking about past experiences and planning for as well. We meet on the first Monday of the month at the the future. Hopefully, we can establish a viable long-term Scotch Plains Rescue Squad. See the web page for schedule of projects, and keep the interest of those who directions and more information. attended this inaugural meeting. If you have a hardware Our next meeting October 3. : problem, bring it in and we can all help fix or demolish it. Window Pains (no guarantees either way) Next meeting September 22 : John Raff ([email protected]) Investment Software Jim Cooper ([email protected]) Intended to provide members with Windows oriented dis- The Investment SIG continues with presentations on how to cussions, Microsoft and Linux style. Directed to more use analysis programs TC2000 and TCNet. Large charts are technological level of attendee, but newbies are welcomed. presented on our pull down screen and illustrate the application of computer scans and formulas to find stocks September 16: Brenda Bell will present on Medical De- for profitable investments. Technical analysis determines vices (blood pressure, insulin pumps, etc.) : buy points, sell points and projected moves. Technical anal- Main Meeting ysis can also be used on fundamentals such as earnings, sales growth, etc. We're no longer focusing on just Telechart -- if you are using (or interested in) Tradestation, Mike Redlich ([email protected]) eSignal, VectorVest -- or just in learning how to select and September 2: No meeting. Enjoy your holiday. Next use charting and technical analysis, come join us !! meeting October 7. : Our next meetings: September 8. : September 2011 ACGNJ News Page 13 Guru Corner Discount Computer Magazine Price List If you need help with any of the technologies listed below, As described by the DealsGuy you can call on the person listed. Please be considerate and 1yr 2yr 3yr call before 10 PM. Computer Games $10.95 20.95 29.95 Software Computer Gaming World 14.95 28.95 41.95 Computer Shopper1 16.97 32.95 47.95 HTML Mike Redlich 908-246-0410 Dr. Dobbs Journal 15.95 30.95 Jo-Anne Head 908-769-7385 Mac Addict 10.97 Mac Home Journal 15.97 29.97 ColdFusion Jo-Anne Head 908-769-7385 Mac World 12.95 CSS Frank Warren 908-756-1681 Maximum PC 9.95 18.95 27.95 Jo-Anne Head 908-769-7385 Microsoft System Journal 21.95 39.95 PC Gamer 12.95 Java Mike Redlich 908-246-0410 PC Magazine (22/44/66 Issues) 25.97 48.95 68.95 C++ Bruce Arnold 908-735-7898 PC World 16.95 Mike Redlich 908-246-0410 Wired 6.00 12.00 17.00 These prices are for new subscriptions and renewals. All ASP Mike Redlich 908-246-0410 orders must be accompanied by a check, cash or Money Order. Make payable to Herb Goodman, and mail to: Perl John Raff 973-560-9070 Herb Goodman, 8295 Sunlake Drive, Boca Raton, Frank Warren 908-756-1681 FL 33496 XML Mike Redlich 908-246-0410 Telephone: 561-488-4465, e-mail: hgoodman@prod- Genealogy Frank Warren 908-756-1681 Please allow 10 to 12 weeks for your magazines to start. Home Automation Frank Warren 908-756-1681 For renewals you must supply an address label from your present subscription to insure the correct start of your re- Operating Systems newal. As an extra service I will mail a renewal notice about 4 months prior to their expiration date. I carry more Windows 3.1 Ted Martin 732-636-1942 than 300 titles at excellent prices — email for prices. :

Page 14 ACGNJ News September 2011 Other Local Computer Groups Princeton Macintosh User Group: 7:15 pm 2nd Linux Users Group in Princeton: 7 pm, 2nd New York PC: 3rd Thurs, 7 pm, PS 41, 116 W Tuesday, Jadwin Hall, A-10, Washington Rd, Wednesday, Lawrence Branch Mercer Library, 11th St. For info call hotline, (212) 533-NYPC, Princeton, (609) 252-1163, Rt#1 & Darrah Lane, Lawrence NJ Computer Education Society of Philadelphia: Brookdale Computer Users Group: 7 pm,3rd NJ Macintosh User Group: 8 pm, 3rd Tuesday, Meetings & Workshops at Jem Electronics, 6622 Friday, Brookdale Community College, Bldg MAS Allwood Branch Library, Lyall Rd, Clifton NJ. Castor Ave, Philadelphia PA. Rm 100, Lincroft NJ. (732)-739-9633. (201) 893-5274 PC User Group of So. Jersey: 2nd Mon., 7 pm, Hunterdon Computer Club: 8:30 am, 3rd Sat, NY Amateur Computer Group: 2nd Thurs, 7 Trinity Presb. Church, 499 Rt 70 E, Cherry Hill, Hunterdon Medical Center, Rt 31, Flemington NJ. pm, Rm 806 Silver Bldg, NYU, 32 Waverly Pl, NJ. L. Horn, (856) 983-5360, (908) NYC. 995-4042. Morris Micro Computer Club: 7 pm 2nd Thurs., Central Jersey Computer Club: 8 pm, 4th Fri- NJ PC User Group: 2nd Thurs, Monroe Rm at Morris County Library, Hanover Ave, Morristown day, Rm 74, Armstrong Hall, College of NJ. Rich Wyckoff Public Library, 7 pm. Maureen Shannon, NJ, (973) 267-0871. Williams, (609) 466-0909. (201) 853-7432, Philadelphia Area Computer Society: 3rd Sat, 12 NJ Computer Club: 6:15 pm, 2nd Wednesday ex- Princeton PC Users Group: 2nd Monday, noon Main Meeting, groups 8 am-3 pm. Upper cept Jul & Aug, North Branch Reformed Church, Lawrenceville Library, Alt Rt 1 & Darrah Lane, Moreland Middle School, Hatboro PA. (215) 203 Rt 28, Bridgewater NJ. Lawrenceville, Paul Kurivchack (908) 218-0778, 764-6338.

Classified Radio and TV Programs Computer Radio Show, WBAI FREE TO MEMBERS. Use our clas- 99.5 FM, NY, Wed. 8-9 p.m. sified ads to sell off your surplus computer stuff. Send copy to Classified, ACGNJ Software Review, The NEWS, P.O. Box 135, Scotch Plains NJ Learning Channel, Saturday 07076 or e-mail to the editor, 10-10:30 p.m. [email protected]. Classified ads are free to members, one per issue. Non-members pay $10. Send check payable to ACGNJ On Computers, WCTC 1450 Inc. with copy. Reasonable length, please. AM, New Brunswick, Sunday 1-4 p.m. To ask questions call (800) 677-0874.

PC Talk, Sunday from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., 1210 AM Philadelphia. 1800-876-WPEN, Webcast at Directions to Meetings at Scotch Plains Rescue Squad, 1916 Bartle Ave., Scotch Plains NJ From New York City or Northern New Jersey From US 22 Westbound Take Route 1&9 or the Garden State Parkway to US 22 West- bound. Exit at Park Avenue, Scotch Plains after McDonalds on the right, diagonally opposite Scotchwood Diner on the left, immediately From Southern New Jersey before the overpass. After exiting, turn left at the light and use Take Parkway north to Exit 135 (Clark). Stay on left of ramp, fol- overpass to cross US 22. Bear right at bottom of ramp to continue low circle under Parkway. Bear right to Central Avenue; follow to south on Park Avenue. Turn left at the second light (a staggered Westfield and under RR overpass. Left at light to North Avenue; intersection). Scotch Plains Rescue Squad (2-story brick) is on the follow to light in Fanwood. Right on Martine (which becomes right. Do not park in the row next to the building — you’ll be Park Ave). Right on Bartle Ave in middle of shopping dis- towed. We meet on the second floor, entering by the door at the trict.Scotch Plains Rescue Squad (2-story brick) is located on the right front of the building. right. Do not park in the row next to the building — you’ll be towed. From Western New Jersey From I-78 (either direction) Take US 22 Eastbound to the Park Avenue exit. The exit is about Take exit 41 (Scotch Plains); follow signs to US 22. Turn right at a mile past Terrill Road and immediately past the overpass. Exit light at bottom of hill and use overpass to cross Rt. 22. Follow US onto Park Avenue South and follow the directions above to the 22 Westbound directions. Rescue Squad building. : September 2011 ACGNJ News Page 15 Cyber News! Gary Stanley ( (cyber_news.htm) If you are a frequent flyer and have a smart phone, then you for all this enjoyment. As an alternative to Netflix, there’s will probably want this new app. “My TSA” Hulu. I mentioned this a couple months ago and this is a ( provides a tool to find out if an item is place where you can watch movies and TV episodes for allowed in your carry-on or checked baggage, information free. The selection isn’t as large as Netflix but free is free! on ID requirements and liquids rules, tips for packing and Check it out. dressing to speed through security, and real-time operating Want to have some fun listening to police, fire, sheriff, air status for U.S. airports from the Federal Aviation traffic control and more? You can do just that by going to Administration (FAA) this web site, webcrawler300/web/live+police+scanners? Be care- For a long time I have advocated using the free version of ful though, you might spend more time than you want AVG as your anti-virus program. All things, in time, doing this. A great pastime if you’re retired! : change and so it is with AVG. In my opinion it changed for the worse with its latest version AVG 2011. If you’re using version 9 you have probably been getting an occasional message asking you to upgrade to 2011. I did that, but just PC Problems You Can Fix like Norton and McAfee, AVG is getting too big for its Tips from the Cajun Clickers ( britches and I noticed my computer acting strangely. I found other people saying the same thing so I did some re- Ever notice how your PC has multiple personalities? In search for an alternative and found Avast. AVG installation the course of a week, your computer may act friendly, is 152 megabytes and Avast is 52 megabytes so that indi- moody, and sometimes downright mean. However, cates a smaller footprint and less drag on your computer. I don’t take a hammer to your PC just yet. The following downloaded the free version, and it runs like a champ. Con- is a list of common symptoms and treatments to help sequently I now endorse Avast in my “Secrets to Safe even the most troublesome PCs. You don’t even have to Computing” seminars, and you can find detailed instruc- be a psychologist (at least not yet) to deal with your tions here: PC’s neuroses. Windows 7 and Windows Vista usually Love movies? If you love movies then maybe Netflix manage this automatically, but overall you’ll find that ( is a deal for you. For only $7.99 a month you these tips work for all versions of Windows, from Win- can watch unlimited movies and TV episodes on your com- dows 95 to Windows 7: : puter and if you have a router and a streaming video device you can watch them on your living room big screen TV! Of course you will need a high speed connection to the Internet ACGNJ MEETINGS

For the very latest news on ACGNJ meetings visit the ACGNJ Web Page ( Friday, September 2 Wednesday, September 14 8 P.M. - Main Meeting, Cancelled because of Labor Day 7:30 P.M. -WebDev, ([email protected]) ([email protected]). Friday, September 16 Monday, September 5 8 P.M. - Window Pains, John Raff ([email protected]). 8 P.M. - Lunics, Cancelled becaus of Labor Day, Andreas Meyer Monday, September 19 ([email protected]) 7 P.M. - Firefox Activity, David McRitchie ([email protected]) Thursday, September 8 Tuesday, September 20 8 P.M. - Investing, Jim Cooper ([email protected]). 7:30 P.M. - C/C++ Users, Bruce Arnold ([email protected]), Friday, September 9 908-735-7898 6 P.M. to 5 A.M.- NJ Gamers. Gregg McCarthy Thursday, September 22 ([email protected]), 732-721-6507. Break 8 to 10 P.M. 8 P.M. - Hardware, Mike Reagan ([email protected]) Monday, September 12 8 P.M. - Layman’s Forum, Matt Skoda ([email protected]), Tuesday, September 27 908-359-8842. 7 P.M. - Board of Directors meeting. Tuesday, September 13 Wednesday, October 12 7:30 P.M. - Java, Mike Redlich ([email protected]) 7:30 P.M. - Mobile Devices, Brenda Bell ([email protected]) 908-246-0410. :

All meetings, unless otherwise noted, are at Scotch Plains Rescue Squad, 1916 Bartle Ave., Scotch Plains, N.J. Directions and map inside back cover. Page 16 ACGNJ News September 2011