
English version

Buses with a High Level of Services Choosing and implementing the right system

Ministère de l'Écologie, de l'Énergie, du Développement durable et de la Mer





May 2010

Centre for the Study of Urban Planning, Transport and Public Facilities

Foreword for publications translated into foreign languages

The purpose of translated documents and publications is to pass on to non- French speaking readers the French know-how set out in the original publication, whether this concerns methodologies, tools or best practices. Original publications in French are subject to a checking process, which leads to a Certu commitment regarding their content. English versions do not undergo the same process, and consequently carry no Certu commitment. In the event of differences between the English and the original French text, the French text serves as the reference.


This report is the English version of the original work “Bus à Haut Niveau de Service (BHNS) : du choix du systéme à sa mise en ouvre”, published by Certu in 2009. The translation was made by Linguarama in October 2009.

Special rereaders for the English version : Georgio Ambrosino, for ENEA Roma, Italia Brendan Finn, ETTS, Ireland Brendon Hemily, public transport consultant, Toronto, Canada Arno Kerkhof, UITP Sébastien Renaud, Agence Française de Développement (AFD),

Certu could not be held responsible of any misunderstanding or translation mistakes and is very interested in any comments and suggestions.

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Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system


Certu was commissioned to produce this study by the DGITM (Direction Générale des Infrastructures, des Transports et de la Mer – Directorate-General for Infrastructure, Transport and the Sea) within the French Ministry for Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea (MEEDDM). The text was written by Sébastien Rabuel, who is in charge of public transport projects at Certu, with the support and participation of a working group including: Christian Babilotte, Dominique Bertrand, Thierry Gouin, Marie-Noelle Mille, Sébastien Rabuel and François Rambaud from Certu Réginald Babin and Anne-Marie Frédéric from GART (Groupement des Autorités Responsables de Transport – French Association of Public Transport Authorities) Christian Bourget from the CGEDD (Conseil Général de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable – General Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development) François Brunel from CETE1 Est Emmanuel Gambet from CETE Ouest Sophie Hasiak from CETE –Picardie Bertrand Hervier and Marie Vilette from the DGITM Odile Heddebaut from the Inrets (Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité – French National Institute for Transport and Safety Research), who is the co-author of Appendix 1: "From American BRT to European BHLS" Stèphanie Lopez d‟Azevedo and Anne Meyer from the UTP (Union des Transports Publics et Ferroviaires – French Public Transport Union) Stéphane Patouillard from CETE Méditerranée Michel Pouchard from CETE Sud-Ouest Mathieu Rabaud from CETE Normandie–Centre Jean Robert from CETE

The discussions of the working group were stimulated and inspired by research studies produced by the CETEs, which will be gradually made available at the following website: www.bhns.fr

Seven meetings were organised in different parts of France in order to find out more about urban transport authorities' opinions and expectations with respect to BHLS:

- 19–20 March 2007 in Lyon, with the participation of the following urban areas: Clermont-Ferrand, Annecy and Lyon; - 12–13 June 2007 in Rennes, with the participation of the following urban areas: Saint-Brieuc, Lorient, Brest, and Rennes;

1 The CETE (Centres d‟ètudes techniques de l‟èquipement) are technical local services of the Ministry for Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea (MEEDDM). They are linked to the CERTU which manages national studies carried out by the CETE.

May 2010 3 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

- 10–11 September 2007 in Rouen, with the participation of the following urban areas: Orléans, Le Havre and Rouen (special theme on choosing a tramway/BHLS system); - 19–20 November 2007 in /Douai, with the participation of the following urban areas: Douai and Lille; - 17–19 March 2008 in Toulouse, with the participation of the Toulouse urban area; - 19–20 June 2007 in Lyon, with the participation of the RATP ( city transport operator) and the Annecy urban area; - 19–20 January 2008 in Lille/Maubeuge, with the participation of the Maubeuge urban area. The members of the group would like to thank the representatives of all the urban transport authorities and operators who took part in this exercise, by presenting projects throughout our "Tour de France" and/or by participating in the discussion organised on 3 December 2008 at GART: Anne Bellamy (Communautè d‟Agglomèration d‟Orlèans–Val-de-Loire) Claire Blanchard (RATP) Jean-Marie Blondel (Communauté Urbaine de ) Yann Chauvin (Communautè d‟Agglomèration du Grand Besançon), author of section 3.6: "The need for successive iterations: the example of Besançon" Claudine Chtitah (Syndicat Mixte Val-de-Sambre–Maubeuge) Elsa Delabaere and Jean Rince (Communautè de l‟Agglomèration Rouennaise) Pascal Delisle (Communautè d‟Agglomèration du Pays de Montbèliard) Bernard Delporte (Syndicat Mixte des Transports du Douaisis) Valèrie Denis (Communautè d‟Agglomèration de Brest Mètropole Océane) Cyrille Densa (Communautè d‟Agglomèration de Metz Mètropole) Eric Diserbeau and Noël Phillipe (Communautè d‟Agglomèration de Rennes Métropole) Andrè Douineau (Communautè d‟Agglomèration Cap Lorient) Céline Faurie-Gauthier (SYTRAL – Lyon) Patrick Ferri (SMTC – Clermont-Ferrand) Catherine Ganter and Alexandre Rousseau (Lille Métropole Communauté Urbaine) Damien Garrigue and Eric Chevalier (Communauté Urbaine de Nantes Métropole) Thierry Girard (Communautè de l‟Agglomèration Annècienne) Jean-Luc Louis (Communautè d‟Agglomèration de Nîmes Mètropole) Thierry Marchal (Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy) Jean-Louis Mignard (Communautè de l‟Agglomèration Havraise) Eric Robert (Communautè d‟Agglomération de Saint-Brieuc) Michel Sanchez (Aguram – Metz) Claire Vilard and Benoît Pavageau (Tisséo SMTC – Toulouse) Didier Waelkens (Semitib – Maubeuge)

4 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

The group's work also took inspiration from: - feedback from abroad and exchanges from European COST group TU0603, "Buses with a high level of service", led by the Certu and Nantes Métropole (website: www.bhls.eu); - presentations and exchanges from ENPC's2 continuing education division Ponts Formation (website: http://pfe.enpc.fr/ in the section entitled Déplacements, mobilité, transports. Discussions were also held with Jean-François Guédec and Nicolas Giorgi from Keolis Conseil & Projets and Pierre Tavernier from TransÉtude, who participated in the writing of sections 5.2, "Organisation and technical coordination of projects", and 5.3, "Involving transport operators and drivers in projects".

Finally, we would like to thank everyone who reviewed this study before publication:

The members of the working group, Local authority representatives, Jacques Lesne from the DGITM, Gilbert Nicolle and Cécile Clément from Certu, Laurent Chevereau from CETE Sud-Ouest, Claude Soulas from Inrets, Valéry Cervantes from Irisbus, Richard Darbéra from LATTS for Appendix 5.

2 ENPC: École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, a prestigious French engineering school

May 2010 5 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system


Daniel Bursaux, Director-General for Infrastructure, Transport and the Sea (at DGITM) within the French Ministry for Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea (MEEDDM).

The French State has contributed extensively to the development of urban public transport networks in France outside of the Paris/Ile de France region: first, by helping to finance the construction of the first metro lines in the largest urban areas; and subsequently by encouraging the development of new transport systems that are better adapted to smaller urban areas. Notably, it has supported the renaissance of tramway systems and helped pave the way for a new generation of rolling stock, deployed for the first time in Nantes in January 1985.

Since then, tramway systems have generated considerable interest among provincial urban transport authorities, as well as STIF (the Île-de-France passenger transport authority) in the Paris region, with dozens of tramway lines inaugurated in the intervening years. Today, there are around twenty urban areas in France that are served by one or more tramway lines.

Trams are now recognised as a high-quality transport mode that offers performance that is overwhelmingly appreciated by users and which actively contributes to making public transport more attractive. Indeed, have become much more than a simple means of transport: the creation of a new line is often accompanied by the redefinition of public spaces, new developments, urban renewal operations, and new neighbourhoods, all along the line, thus making it possible to structure the development of the urban area and improve the quality of city life.

Today, the development of urban and peri-urban public transport networks is prominent in the conclusion of the Grenelle de l'Environnement (the French government's environmental round table). This is a priority for the government, which is set to participate in the development of 1,500 kilometres of new dedicated lanes and corridors for public transport by providing up to €2.5 billion of support and assistance for new projects, through calls for projects, by 2020.

The results of the first call for urban public transport projects, launched on 22 October 2008 in response to the conclusions of the Grenelle de l'Environnement, were made public by Jean-Louis Borloo, the Ministre d'État [cabinet minister], and Dominique Bussereau, Secrétaire d'État [junior minister] for Transport, on 30 April 2009. They confirmed not only the importance of trams as a mode of transport, with half of the selected projects involving the creation or extension of tramway lines, but also the benefits for urban public transport authorities of creating BHLS lines (buses with a high level of service). Of the 50 or so projects selected, around 20 involved BHLS lines. Trams are not the only solution to encourage and develop the use of public transport. The cost of investing in tramways remains high, and such systems are relevant only where demand and ridership levels are high. Depending on the needs to be addressed and the characteristics of the urban area concerned, BHLS is one possible strategy, in particular given the quality of service it enables.

6 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

The aim of BHLS is to offer users a transport service with a level of quality comparable to that of tramways, but using road-based vehicles, typically buses, which often operate in preferential conditions (dedicated lanes, priority at traffic lights, etc.).

Four years ago, Certu published its first study on this subject, entitled "Bus à Haut niveau de service : concept et recommandations" ("Buses with a high level of service: concept and recommendations"). Since then, the BHLS concept has been put into practice, with a number of projects that are now operational.

It is important to support the development of this new type of transport service using not only primary data obtained from the very first operational projects, but also examples from other countries. The DGITM has therefore commissioned Certu to produce a publication that will provide urban transport authorities and their operating companies with technical information on various topics (integrating BHLS services, choosing the right system, defining the level of service, etc.) that relate to the development and implementation of their projects.

This is the subject of this study, "Buses with a high level of surface: choosing and implementing the right system", which is the fruit of collaborations of the scientific and technical network of the ministry, together with GART, the UTP and various urban transport authorities, all of whom I would like to thank for their contributions.

The publication of this study comes at a particularly opportune time, between the announcement of the successful submissions from the first call for urban public transport projects and the launch of the second call for projects in 2010.

I hope that it will contribute to the further development of BHLS.

May 2010 7 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Chantal Duchène, director-general of GART (Groupement des Autorités Responsables de Transport – French Association of Public Transport Authorities)

For many years now, GART has been promoting the concept of buses with a high level of service (BHLS), initially by focusing on little-known French systems, such as the one in Évry (near Paris), and schemes in use abroad. Gradually, following various conferences and round-tables on the subject, and in particular sessions held at the Congrès du GART, the concept has become more established and transport authorities have begun to show considerable interest in BHLS: the first projects in France, notably in Rouen (TEOR), Lorient (Triskell) and Nantes (BusWay®), have shown the potential of this type of service and have ultimately proved popular with users. Today, these examples are themselves references for other countries. BHLS has not only transformed the image of bus travel, but has also shown that is possible to develop a high-performance dedicated-lane public transport (TCSP)3 system at a reasonable cost, both in terms of infrastructure investment and day-to­ day operation.

Subsequently, the first working group on this subject brought together the key players in the field of public transport, centred on Certu, GART and the UTP. In 2005, this group produced a report entitled "Bus à haut niveau de service : concept et recommandations" ["Buses with a high level of service: concept and recommendations"], which sought to legitimise the concept, and show how it could be developed as a transport system in its own right, with its own particular scope of application. The aim here was not to compete with other types of TCSP systems, such as trams, but rather to demonstrate that urban transport networks could also be developed using different techniques. Since then, Line 4 in Nantes, implemented according to the "BusWay®" concept developed in parallel by , has shown that a BHLS system can enjoy the same performance levels and the same degree of integration within the city as a tramway. Recently, this concept was also successfully implemented in Maubeuge.

One of the main advantages of BHLS is being able to offer both a system-based approach and a high degree of flexibility in terms of the concept and its operation. Even when BHLS is considered as a fully-fledged form of TCSP, including the homogeneous and coherent treatment of the basic system components (running way, stations, traffic priority at junctions, passenger information, and even the design and integration of rolling stock), just like a tramway, the contracting authority still has considerable room for manoeuvre in terms of adapting the system to the local context: it might choose to create dedicated lanes from end to end, or just for certain sections (e.g. in congested central areas, or alternatively in outlying areas where space is at less of a premium). Different examples can be found in Lorient, Rennes, Lille or Toulouse. Another choice could be to develop several key lines from the outset, in order to favour a balanced, more uniform network that is no longer focused on a single, heavily used – and therefore fragile – key route. This is the philosophy behind the projects currently in progress in Metz and Nîmes.

3 The term “Transport collectif en site propre” (TCSP) – literally Dedicated lane public transport – refers to a mean of public transport system that mainly uses a right-of-way that has been specifically designated to public transport operations. It operates with rolling stock ranging from buses to metros. As it is a French concept adapted to the national history and culture, the acronym TCSP will be used throughout this report.

8 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Just as a tramway cannot purport to be a surface metro, so a BHLS system cannot purport to be a substitute for a tramway system. Tramways continue to be the system of choice for many local authorities because of their image and the opportunity they provide to undertake large-scale urban enhancement projects. Although BHLS may offer a more modest solution to public transport needs, it can also pave the way for "building-to-building" enhancements. Today, the context has changed, and many elected representatives are now more concerned with budgetary issues, specifically system set-up costs and, above all, operating costs. As has been pointed out by many elected representatives within GART, as well as the association's new president, Roland Ries, the era of expensive TCSP systems and budget overruns is over. Elected representatives are now turning their attention to "optimised tramways", as well as to the issues of TCSP operating modes and ownership costs, making the BHLS approach all the more relevant.

This trend was reflected in the results of the call for projects that resulted from the Grenelle de l’Environnement. Naturally, the projects selected included many tramway projects, but a number of major BHLS projects were also selected. More than ever, it appears that a process is now in motion: each BHLS project that is successfully completed will lead to more and more similar projects, especially since they are easier to implement than "heavier" TCSP modes (metros, tramways). All the evidence suggests that the current supply of public transport is approaching saturation, and new solutions must therefore be developed – and it will not be possible to meet the vast array of differing needs with trams alone. The flexibility of the BHLS concept, together with its modular aspect and economic relevance, means that it is set to become an effective and attractive reponse to user needs and expectations. It also offers considerable potential for innovation and development, particularly in terms of energy consumtpion. And what if all bus lines were to one day benefit from the sort of service quality offered by BHLS – who would complain about taking the bus then?

Chantal Duchène Director-General of GART

May 2010 9 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Bruno Gazeau, delegate-general of the UTP (Union des Transports Publics et Ferroviaires – French Public Transport Union)

The success of BHLS (buses with a high level of service) systems implemented in recent years has helped break down the myths and preconceptions associated with the bus. A number of urban areas, large and small, have now integrated this mode in development projects for their urban transport networks, to the point where 23 projects have been accepted following the call for dedicated-lane public transport (TCSP) projects launched by the French president in autumn 2008. In total, this represents 242 kilometres of BHLS lines that, with the government's help, are to be opened within the next five years. As a direct result of the Grenelle de l’Environnement, this call for projects expresses the desire to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions in urban areas through a modal shift from private vehicles to public transport, which would be made possible by increasing the range and attractiveness of public transport provided. The stakes here are high, as the 2008 Observatoire UTP de la Mobilité (UTP mobility observatory) illustrates4: 70% of French respondents said they would be prepared to use public transport if services were more frequent, while 62% cited improved punctuality as a decisive factor. However, in order for this modal shift to actually occur, and for regular passengers to benefit from a qualitative and quantitative increase in the public transport being provided to them, adequate funding needs to be allocated to BHLS systems. This would mean that public transport would not need to make concessions with respect to the way roadspace is divided up in built-up areas. Similarly, priority at traffic lights, though not essential in all situations, remains a decisive factor in ensuring reliability and frequency. This is why, during the Grenelle de l'Environnement consultation process, the UTP proposed that the responsibilities of public transport authorities should be extended to include highways and parking as well, so that TCSP projects would have the best possible chance of meeting their objectives. Furthermore, the current period of uninterrupted growth in ridership (for over three years now) means that systems capable of coping with this rapidly rising demand must be put in place. Hopefully, the "toolbox" formed by this study, and the BHLS success stories it relates, will further contribute to this trend.

Bruno Gazeau Delegate-General of the UTP

4 Observatoire de la Mobilité: telephone survey carried out by BVA from 12 to 18 November 2008 using a sample of 1,001 people aged 18 and over; the sample selected is representative of the population of urban areas of more than 50,000 inhabitants.

10 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system


As transport habits and mentalities gradually change, public transport plays an increasingly vital role in the way our urban areas function. Formerly restricted to a captive ridership, public transport is little by little proving to be a real, viable alternative solution to private vehicles in the context of comprehensive transport policies. From the late 1970s onwards, congestion in city centres led France's largest provincial cities to launch projects for rapid, high-capacity metro systems. In 1982, the law known as LOTI (Loi d’Orientation sur les Transports Intérieurs – framework law on inland transport) marked a turning point by strengthening the role of urban transport authorities and devolving responsibility for transport-related issues to local government. Furthermore, in the mid- to late 1980s, new concerns began to emerge: the environment and quality of life. In 1985, for example, Nantes heralded the return of trams in city centres by appropriating part of the roadspace previously used by motor vehicles. At a time when the infrastructure stakes were becoming increasingly high, the new tramway networks constructed in (in 1987) and Strasbourg (in 1994) once and for all established the concept of "French-style tramways", the performance and efficiency of which have long since been proven (in terms of speed, frequency, reliability, comfort, accessibility, and image). Up until then, only Lille and Saint-Étienne had retained part of their pre­ war tramway systems 5; now, tramways grace the streets of 17 urban areas in France, representing over 400 kilometres of infrastructure in total. Between now and 2013, around 350 additional kilometres of tramway lines are planned, 80 kilometres of which will be in six urban areas currently without tramway systems.

Buses, on the other hand, generally suffer from a negative image associated with congestion, unreliability, a lack of comfort and vehicle designs that have changed little over the years. The difference in service levels compared with modern trams remains considerable, despite the creation of a certain number of bus lanes. And yet tramway systems are not always best placed to meet the transport needs – and financial capacity – of urban areas. Growing awareness of environmental issues and the new economic climate (increased oil prices and reduced spending power) has put public transport in a paradoxical situation: the potential for modal shift has never been higher, but the financial capacity have never been more constrained. The necessary development of surface public transport must therefore also include seeking greater economic efficiency for the systems implemented. In this context, buses can offer a fresh outlook.

In addition to the special case of Évry, a new town in the 1970s, a few urban areas have explored the potential offered by new bus concepts in the late 1990s. The first sections of the Axe EstŔOuest (East–West Cross Route) for buses in Rennes, the shared lanes in Annecy town centre, the Trans-Val-de-Marne (TVM) in the Paris region and the east–west line in Clermont-Ferrand were the precursors of more recent, more comprehensive bus-based TCSP" projects, where innovation plays a key role: - Rouen, in 2001, with optical guidance at stations and alternating dedicated lanes; - Nancy and Caen, in 2002, with guidance by a central rail;

5 In Marseille, the No. 68 remained in service until the decision was made to create a new tram network, the first part of which opened in 2007.

May 2010 11 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

- Nantes, in 2006, with a design and operating conditions that closely mirrored those of the city's trams; - Lyon, in 2007, with a new generation of ; - Lorient, in 2007, with new ideas for infrastructure and layout (e.g. urban integration, junctions); - and, very soon, Nîmes, with vehicles that will resemble trams even more closely in terms of design and comfort levels. On the basis of these experiences, Certu played a significant role by defining the BHLS concept in 2005, in partnership with the GART, the UTP and Inrets6. This work was inspired by the concept of bus (BRT) developed in the United States in the 1990s. However, it has been adapted to the urban context and culture in France (narrow streets, roadspace shared with sustainable transport modes, etc.). Since then, other urban areas have developed their own projects (inauguration of BHLS systems in Maubeuge and Toulouse in 2008, with other projects in development in Douai, Metz, Montbéliard, etc.).

The time is now right to gather feedback on the different ways the BHLS concept has been adapted and the various projects that have been, or are currently being, realised. There is much demand for this information from urban transport authorities – indeed, it is primarily for this reason that this report has been produced. In its pages, you will find details and clarifications concerning the concept, its scope and potential, and its limitations. With its "Tour de France" of BHLS systems in operation, as well as examples from further afield, this study takes a look at the future of public transport.

6 Certu, Bus à Haut Niveau de Service : concept et recommandations ["Buses with a high level of service: concept and recommendations"], Lyon, Certu, 2005, 111 p.

12 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Important note on terminology

The term “Transport collectif en site propre” (TCSP) – literally Dedicated lane public transport – refers to a mean of public transport system that mainly uses a right-of-way that has been specifically designated for public transport operation. It operates with rolling stock ranging from buses to metros. As it is a French concept adapted to the national history and culture, the acronym TCSP will be used throughout this report.

The acronym BHLS refers to the adaptation of the concept of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) to the French context, where the mass transit function is already delivered by metros and tramways and that includes narrow streets, at-grade urbanism, a focus more on reliability than on speed, etc.). For these reasons, the French have thus developed a specific term. See part 1.5 : “From the American BRT to the European BHLS”.

Throughout this report, the following terms are used to refer to specific concepts: - "large urban areas" are unités urbaines ("urban units")7 with more than 300,000 inhabitants; - "medium-sized urban areas" are unités urbaines with 100,000 to 300,000 inhabitants; - "small urban areas" are unités urbaines with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants.

7 "The notion of the unité urbaine ("urban unit") is based on continuity of housing: a unité urbaine is considered to exist when one or more municipalities form a continuous built-up area (with no more than 200 metres between any two buildings) with at least 2,000 inhabitants. For a municipality to be considered part of the unité urbaine, at least half of its population must live in this continuously built-up area." (Definition used by INSEE, the French statistical office) Informally, the term agglomération ("urban area") is sometimes used in French to designate an unité urbaine.

May 2010 13 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system


1. What is a bus with a high level of service (BHLS) ? 15

2. Integrating BHLS services into networks: a multifaceted tool 28

3. When is BHLS an appropriate choice? 46

4. How can a high level of service be achieved with buses? 81

5. Implementing BHLS as a TCSP system 105

6. "Tour de France" of BHLS systems and evaluations 112

7. Towards an extension of the BHLS concept to peri-urban areas? 159

8. Other approaches that aim to improve bus service levels 168

9. Conclusion 177

10. Appendix 179

11. Bibliography and webography 205

12. Abbreviations 209

13. Glossary 216

14. Table of contents 221

14 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

1. What is a bus with a high level of service (BHLS) ?

The 2005 working group8 deliberately did not seek to formalise a national "BHLS" quality label. As local contexts often differ greatly, the objective was to encourage the emergence of suitable configurations for each context, based on the broadly defined BHLS concept. However, time and again, discussions with urban transport authorities have underlined a need for the concept to be articulated more clearly. This is the aim of the first chapter of this report.

1.1 Some precisions regarding bus terminology

What is a bus? This question may seem trivial. And yet confusion and imprecisions abound with the emergence of new systems formerly described as "intermediary" solutions (e.g. the TVR9 by Bombardier or Translohr by Lohr Industrie).

The characteristics of a bus are defined in France by the regulation of 2 July 1982 relating to public passenger transport, modified by the regulation of 18 May 2009 and the Code de la Route10. This road vehicle, which must contain at least 9 seats In France, the length of (including the driver's seat) is limited in length to 13.50 m for standard buses, a bus is limited to 18.75 m for articulated buses, and 24.50 m for bi-articulated buses. 24.5 m by the Code de Furthermore, its width is limited to 2.55 m, excluding side mirrors. These la Route (highway definitions have a direct impact on vehicle capacity. code) Unlike buses, tramways are not limited in terms of length. Although the width of trams in France varies relatively little (between 2.17 m and 2.65 m), tram lengths can exceed 40 m, as in Bordeaux. In certain German cities, trams can be up to 70 m long. Moreover, like Line T2 in the Paris region, two trams can be coupled together in order to increase capacity.

8 Working group coordinated by Certu which developed the BHLS concept presented in the report Bus à Haut Niveau de Service, Concept et recommandations ["Buses with a high level of service: concept and recommendations"], Lyon, Certu, 2005 9 The TVR (Transport sur Voie Réservée), also known as GLT (Guided Light Transit) in English, is the name given by Bombardier to its BHLS vehicle, a rubber tyred vehicle with central guidance rail 10 Articles R. 311-1, R. 312-10 and R. 312-11 of the Code de la Route

May 2010 15 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Table 1: unitary capacity of different types of rolling stock (source: Certu) Capacity of rolling stock in terms of Capacity of the system in terms of number of maximum passengers11 maximum number of passengers System (based on 4 persons/m² as standard) per hour per direction (headways of 3 min) Standard bus (12 m) 80 1,600 (18.5 m) 120 2,400 Tram (23 m long and 130 2,600 2.30 m wide) Bi-articulated bus (24.5 m) 150 3,000 Translohr STE 4 rubber­ tyred tram (32 m long and 170 3,400 2.20 m wide) Tram (33 m long and 210 4,200 2.30 m wide) Tram (43 m long and 280 5,600 2.30 m wide)

Buses can be powered using various energy sources. Currently, three energy categories can be identified: - diesel and similar fuels (e.g. buses in Rouen, including the city's BHLS service, TEOR12); - natural gas (CNG, LNG, biogas) (e.g. buses in Nantes, including the city's BHNS service, BusWay®; most of the Liane 1 bus fleet in Lille13), - electrical energy supplied via trolley poles which make contact with overhead lines: in this case, the vehicles are called trolleybuses (e.g. the Cristalis lines in Lyon). In the case of Caen's BHLS vehicle (the TVR), – the return current passes via the central guide rail.

New systems using thermal energy and electricity are also being developed. Two categories can be identified: - With hybrid rolling stock, the "raw material" is still diesel energy, which is then transformed into electrical energy. This can then be used to drive electric motors (e.g. Douai's future BHLS system, known as Évéole14). - With "dual-mode" rolling stock, which can switch between using electrical energy from overhead lines and using thermal

11 In practice, actual crush vehicle conditions (6 persons/m² or more!) mean that higher capacities can be obtained, but with an unacceptable level of comfort for passengers. 12 TEOR (Transport Est–Ouest Rouennais – Rouen east–west transport) is the name that the intercommunality has given to its BHLS service, which incorporates optical guidance at stations 13 Buses in Lille's Liane 1 fleet emblazoned with the phrase Je roule avec vos déchets ("I run on your rubbish") operate on biogas produced by the local organic waste management centre. 14 Évéole is the commercial name of the future BHLS line

16 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

energy from the combustion of fuel. No rolling stock of this type currently operates in France, except in degraded mode.

Table 2: summary of performance offered by different energy sources for buses (source: ADEME)

Finally, certain buses can be guided. A variety of configurations exists, which can be grouped according to: - the type of guidance: using curb guide wheels (e.g. Essen in , Leeds in the UK); using cameras and visual recognition (e.g. TEOR in Rouen); using a central guide rail (e.g. the TVR in Nancy and Caen); or using magnetic sensors for electronic steering (e.g. the Évéole project in Douai, which will use the Phileas built by APTS15); - the guidance operating mode: ranging from guidance at stations only (e.g. TEOR), to full guidance along the whole route (envisaged for Douai).16 In all the cases presented here, vehicles have the technical ability to switch into unguided mode. Vehicles must therefore comply with the Code de la route (the highway code).

15 APTS: Advanced Public Transport Systems 16 For further details regarding operation in guided mode, please see Appendix 2: BHLS in the Certu classification of urban TCSP systems.

May 2010 17 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Photo 1: the Irisbus Civis in Castellón in

Spain: an optically guided (source: Certu)

1.2 What are the objectives of a "high level of service"?

The term "level of service" covers a host of factors, expressed in terms of objectives regarding frequency, service span, reliability, journey time, comfort, accessibility, image and ease of use.

The word "high" here refers to high performance; this contrast, of course, is somewhat subjective and will depend on local contexts, objectives and customer‟s expectations, but in all cases this means performance levels that are higher than those of conventional buses. Achieving this "high" level of service requires the implementation of a certain number of measures.

The objectives behind the implementation of a TCSP system primarily concern the politics, organisation and management of transport: - limiting the use of private vehicles by encouraging a modal shift to alternative forms of transport; - increasing satisfaction among existing public transport (PT) users.

These objectives are also compatible with the three pillars of sustainable development: - environmental objectives: reducing pollution (air, noise) and energy consumption; Transport with a high level of service helps - social objectives: opening up deprived neighbourhoods, create sustainable improving accessibility (to jobs, services, facilities, etc.), towns and cities improving the living environment and improving journey safety;

18 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

- economic objectives: contributing to the development of the urban area (commercial activity, attractiveness, etc.), ensuring the profitability of transport systems.

The socioeconomic benefits of TCSP systems are evaluated by comparing the different gains with the costs incurred by the system.17

Service level of TCSP Components of TCSP  Frequency, service span  Infrastructure (dedicated lanes, stops)  Reliability, journey time  Rolling stock  Comfort, accessibility  Operation  Image, ease of use

Benefits of TCSP Improved journeys Figure 1: link between the Social benefits components, service level and Urban development and restructuring benefits of a TCSP system Enhanced environment

Lower costs Source: Certu

1.3 What are the characteristics of a high level of service?

In addition to the social role played by public transport, new issues – linked to The modal shift from cars to congestion in cities, atmospheric and noise pollution, the living environment and public transport can only purchasing power – have emerged. These issues call for public bodies to take 18 happen if credible measures to persuade SOV drivers to limit their car use, or even abandon their alternatives, such as TCSP cars completely, in favour of public transport in particular. However, these drivers systems, are developed benefit from a degree of freedom, comfort and even speed that is difficult to compete with. In order to win them over, robust policies restricting car use in city centres and demanding objectives for public transport services are necessary. TCSP is one possible response.

The table below aims to provide a list of factors, for each service component of surface public transport, which can be used to determine together whether a service level is high. These have been defined on the basis of feedback in the field from working-group members and urban transport authorities.

In Chapter 6, "Tour de France of BHLS systems and evaluations", the service level of different BHLS schemes in operation is detailed.

17 For more information on TCSP evaluation methods, please refer to the Note méthodologique pour l’élaboration des bilans LOTI de TCSP ("Methodology for producing LOTI assessments of TCSP systems"), Certu, 2003. 18 SOV: single-occupant vehicle, i.e. a vehicle containing only a driver.

May 2010 19 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

. Headways of 8 19 to 10 minutes maximum at peak times, depending on the size of the urban area20

. Headways of 15 to 20 minutes maximum off peak, depending on the size of the Frequency urban area . No distinction made between term-time and school holiday periods

21 Service span . Service more or less between the hours of 5 a.m. and midnight, with simple timetables

Reliability/Punctuality . BHLS vehicles should be evenly spaced along the route and arrive punctually at stations . Journey times should vary as little as possible

Journey time . Door-to-door journey time must be the same, if not shorter, than the equivalent journey made by car . Uniform speed along the whole route throughout the day

Should offer a similar degree of comfort to trams: . Limited vehicle movement (i.e. a smooth ride) Comfort22 . Comfortable seats and standing facilities; ease of movement within the vehicle . High-quality interior (lighting, ambiance) . Provision of real-time passenger information (waiting time, next station, delays) both on board and at stations . For headways of more than 10 minutes, display of wait times is essential for passengers

This is a legal obligation23. However, BHLS services must be exemplary in this regard: Accessibility . All BHLS lines in a given transport network should benefit from even greater accessibility than conventional bus lines . The accessibility approach adopted should be related to the local "transport chain" (pedestrian routes, boarding/alighting, park and ride, cycling, etc.)

. Users must be able to identify the line on maps and within the town or city, and associate it with a high level of service Image/ease of use . Services should benefit from a modern, "high-performance" image in order to attract users . The creation of BHLS lines should be accompanied to a greater or lesser degree by enhancement to the urban fabric

19 This headway value corresponds to the frequency below which users generally need to check the timetable. 20 Studies show that transport needs tend to be spread across the day. Off-peak frequencies should not, therefore, differ too greatly from peak-time frequencies. 21 In small and medium-sized urban areas where evening activities and nightlife are limited, a service Figure 2: characteristics of up until 11 p.m. or an evening service consisting of one or two buses per hour may suffice, providing a high level of service that alternative solutions exist (taxis, demand-responsive transport, car-sharing, etc.). (source: Certu) 22 The need for air conditioning in vehicles will depend on the local climate; this is therefore an issue for individual urban areas to decide upon. 23 French law no. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005 for equal rights and opportunities, involvement and citizenship of people with disabilities

20 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

A public transport line cannot be considered as offering a "high level of service" unless this high level of service is maintained continuously throughout the day and along the entire line.

In Annecy, the dedicated lanes in the town centre are a perfect example of the measures that could be achieved in the late 1990s. However, the term "buses with a high level of service" cannot be applied to the lines operating in this space: as the breakdown of operating time for Line 4 shows, speeds vary considerably according to the time and place. In the part of the town centre with dedicated lanes (Zone 3), the ratio between free-moving time and the total operating time is high except during the morning rush hour. However, this ratio is lower on the edge of the town centre (Zone 4) where there are no dedicated lanes and no priority at junctions. This ratio is particularly low during the evening rush hour.

TIME ANALYSIS Z one 3 100%

90% 79% 80% 70% 66% 60% 56% 50% 38% 40% 29% 30% 21% 20%

10% 6% 4% 0% 0% % running time % dwell time % stoppage time (congestion) 8 :30 bus 1 1:10 bus 17 :15 bus

TIME ANA LYSIS Zone 4 100%

90% 80% 73% 70% 60% 50% 49% 46% 42% 43% 40%

30% 20% 16% 9% 11% 11% 10% 0% % running time % dwell time % stoppage time (congestion) 8:30 bus 1 1:10 bus 1 7:15 bus

Figure 3: breakdown of operating time for buses on Line 4 in Annecy (source: Communauté de l’Agglomération d’Annecy)

May 2010 21 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

1.4 The BHLS "system approach"

In France, tramways are naturally associated with highly favourable infrastructure and operating conditions. Buses, on the other hand, are only considered as rolling stock. The BHLS concept therefore aims to integrate buses into a TCSP system that also includes a specific approach to infrastructure and mode of operation.

TCSP systems The "system approach" to TCSP is based on 3 components and the way they interact: - infrastructure (dedicated lanes, stops, etc.), - rolling stock, - operating conditions (priority at junctions, passenger information in real time, etc.).

Photo 2: example of the system approach as implemented for TEOR, the BHLS system in Rouen (sources: Communauté de l’Agglomération Rouennaise and Certu)

The choice of components is made according to local constraints and objectives. This may vary for different sections of the same route. This is the case in particular with respect to the design of infrastructure, which can switch between a mixed flow lane and a dedicated lane (e.g. the TEOR in Rouen). Each project therefore has its own "signature" in terms of TCSP system components.

22 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

1.5 From the American BRT to the European BHLS (by Odile Heddebaut, Inrets and Sebastien Rabuel, Certu)24

1.5.1 The American BRT concept

"Bus Rapid Transit" (BRT) has been used since the 1970s as the means to improve bus services in numerous cities in the United States, Canada, and South America. In the United States, BRT first emerged in the form of bus lanes on freeways known as "busways" (Los Angeles in 1973 and 1979, Houston in 1979). However, these were progressively transformed into carpool lanes for high­ occupancy vehicles (HOV), a tool developed by the Americans in response to the oil crises of the 1970s which had negatively impacted bus circulation. Until the end of the 1990s, BRT was defined as "a rapid mode of transportation that can combine the quality of rail transit and the flexibility of buses". As the range and number of successful implementations grew in North and South America, the many new projects launched by the Americans allowed for a more nuanced BRT concept. This introduced a very wide scale of implementation, from the “BRT-Lite” to the “Full-BRT”25. The characterization of the BRT spectrum was made possible by studies defining the various elements that can (or must) be present in any given BRT project. These studies present the different levels of BRT-system components, divided into various classes, such as running ways, stations, vehicles, fare collection, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), service and operating plans, and branding elements. BRT-Lite constitutes the first step in the improvement of a bus line and represents the "lower limit" of the BRT concept. A BRT-Lite line is, as a minimum, faster than a regular bus line. It relies for the most part on greater stop-spacing, the implementation of some right-of-ways at junctions, and an improvement in headways and spans. While passenger information is often rather limited for regular bus lines, BRT-Lite typically provides better information. In addition, a BRT-Lite service is often given its own identity by the use of a brand name, logo and specific colors (for the buses and stations). BRT-Lite is the most common form of BRT in North America (the Vancouver B-line in 1996, Chicago since 1998, the MetroRapid Bus in Los Angeles since 2000, etc.). At the other end of the spectrum, Full-BRT targets the same qualities as the metro: fully grade-separated transitways, pre-board fare collection, frequent and rapid services, modern and clean vehicles, and marketing and identity. Bogotá, Brisbane and Ottawa are the three Full-BRT examples most often cited by the Americans. While Full-BRT does not yet really exist in the United States, the model is greatly admired and provides the „ideal‟ reference point. In addition to operational performance, the system's flexibility and capacity to redevelop a peri-urban area interest the Americans. Some professionals are pushing for the implementation of "quickways", true Full-BRT systems integrated into an environment to be made

24 Based on Finn, B., Heddebaut, O., Rabuel, S., Bus with a high level of service (BHLS): the European BRT concept. AP050 Bus Transit Systems Committee, Transportation Research Board, 2010. 25 Gray, G., Kelley, N., Larwin, T., Bus Rapid Transit: A Handbook for Partners, Mineta Transportation Institute Report 06-02, San Jose State University, 66 p., 2006.

May 2010 23 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system denser and based on a network-system operating plan: local, express and semi­ express lines, as well as combined line-haul/feeder services. This flexibility of use, well suited to America's urban and peri-urban environment, is often cited by advocates of Full-BRT, who criticize Transit (LRT) since it often forces additional transfers for users. Finally, the emergence of the intermediary BRT-Heavy concept represents the recognition of on-street dedicated right-of-way as the best means to cut time and ensure regular service. However, the concept of taking space away from cars to make room for increased public transportation is not yet well established in the American culture. Indeed, this can engender impassioned responses on the part of residents, as was seen with the Honolulu project. And yet, carried along by a few flagship projects (Boston's Silver Line starting in 2002, the Max project in Las Vegas in 2004, and the Los Angeles Orange Line in 2005), dedicated right-of-way is on a roll: 63% of American BRT projects scheduled for completion by 2017 include this as an integral component.

1.5.2 Differing conceptions of urban transportation systems, influenced by urban-planning culture

In most European cities, the needs for high capacity transit are already satisfied by metros, tramways and suburban trains. The metros, characterized by exclusive grade-separated right-of-ways, are rather similar to American HRT and LRT, depending on vehicle size. Tramways, however, are more specific to . In general, tramways are light systems operating mostly via exclusive on-street right­ of-ways and are integrated into the city (at grade junctions, accessible platforms). Capacity is limited by intersection management, with a maximum of 6,000 trips/hour/direction for a tram that is 45 meters (148 feet) long, and a headway of 3 minutes. Tramways differ from LRT, light suburban railways which circulate off­ street and are usually physically separated from their environment (via gates, walls, grade crossings). The tramway is therefore similar to a modern, high-performance streetcar having a strong impact on its city. The organisation and history of transportation in European cities differs further from those of the United States. Unlike American development based on an extremely dense CBD and greatly spread out residential areas, the European model consists of relatively dense cities, often with narrow streets, and which concentrate most activities and residences. The result is a different form of organisation of public transportation. In the United States, public transportation essentially answers the needs of commuters headed downtown, from extremely scattered and often distant origins. In Europe, public transportation systems take advantage of concentrated transport flows and are becoming increasingly popular for reasons other than commuting.

1.5.3 A shared philosophy: do it better and cheaper

Initially, the development of rapid transit systems in Europe naturally concentrated on the most important axes of demand. Metros and tramways already offer mass transit. However, buses generally suffer from a negative image linked to congestion, unreliability, a lack of comfort and largely outdated designs. Despite the implementation of bus lanes, a significant gap in the level of service remains

24 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system between modern tramways and buses. Thoroughfares not served by metros or tramways present a relatively low user-potential (less than 3,000 trips/hour/direction), which does not justify the higher capacity offered by a tramway for a higher cost (€15-30 million per km, or $30-70 million per mile). The emergence of the Bus with a High Level of Service (BHLS) concept in Europe can therefore be explained by answering the following question: how to fill the gap between the regular bus and the tramway in terms of performance, cost and capacity? Just as for the North American BRT, the BHLS approach has the same objective of taking greatest advantage of an economical, bus-based system, by using the "ingredients" of heavier systems whose performance is well known (tramways in Europe, LRT in the United States, and even subways for Full-BRT projects such as that of Bogotá). BHLS has also been largely inspired by American BRT with regard to methodology and design, favoring a transportation system in which the vehicle is merely one of various system components. Just like BRT, BHLS remains generic and can be integrated into any type of infrastructure configuration. In 2005, a French workgroup headed by CERTU, set out to define its own concept of BRT based on early local experiences (the "new town" of Évry in the 1970s, the Trans-Val-de-Marne system in the Ile-de-France region (Paris) starting in 1993, TEOR in Rouen in 2001) and by adapting BRT to the French urban environment and "transportation culture".

1.5.4 French BHLS: a different choice of components compared to the Americans models

The French context necessarily excludes very high-capacity configurations using grade-separated transitways, which are difficult to implement (due to the lack of available space) and, in general, create undesirable urban divides. In the United States, insertions of this type are, in fact, few in number (Pittsburgh since 1977, the bus tunnel under Seattle's CBD) and often dismissed for financial reasons. In France, the on-street exclusive lane constitutes the fundamental component allowing for the greatest gains in speed and reliability, as well as a redistribution of space in favor of alternative transportation modes (walking and cycling, in addition to public transportation). In the case of BHLS, its use can be limited to congested zones, such as city centers (for instance, Rouen's TEOR). In addition, the French concept of BHLS allows for a certain flexibility of the exclusive lane, an important factor for the effective management of a limited but heavily used roadway (taxis, cyclists, deliveries). In comparison, while avenues are more numerous, wider and often less congested in the United States, the use of on-street exclusive lanes remains limited. Bi­ directional insertions in the center of urban thoroughfares are rare. BRT systems generally make do, in the best of cases, with discontinuous and not well-marked bus-only lanes that are sometimes limited to rush hours. Outside the CBDs ­ besides the use of a few, often dated freeway busways - BRT circulation via reserved lanes is often restricted to taking advantage of unique opportunities: the re-use of unused railroads (Miami's South Dade Busway in 1997, the Pittsburgh Busway in 2000, the Los Angeles Orange Line in 2005, the Hartford Busways planned for 2009, and the Max project in Fort Collins) or the use of freeway shoulders. Nevertheless, attitudes are progressively evolving. With the implementation of the EmX Green Line in Eugene in 2007 and the Healthline in Cleveland in 2008, the USA now has two projects using on-street exclusive lanes

May 2010 25 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system integrated into the urban environment (use of grass-planted lanes in Eugene, building-to-building regeneration on Euclide Street in Cleveland). The French BHLS concept more or less corresponds to America's only BRT- Heavy. This form of BRT, common in France is also present in the (Amsterdam in 2001, Eindhoven in 2005), (Leeds in 1998, Cambridge in 2009), (Gothenburg in 2003), and is being developed in (Castellón in 2008) and (projects for Messina and Bologna). While Full-BRT is not present in Europe, as it has not been chosen to fulfil the mass transit function, numerous systems could be classified as BRT-Lite. Among the most well-known are the blue buses of Stockholm (Sweden) since 1999, the Lianes of Dijon (France) since 2004, and the Linea Alta Mobilita in Italy (Prato, Brescia, Pisa). All of these projects rely on a hierarchical organisation of the bus network.

Figure 4: Comparison of the BRT/BHLS concepts based on a few illustrative examples, by S. Rabuel and O. Heddebaut based on American (Wright et al.,; Kantor et al., and European studies; 2009).

The components outlined by the FTA in its Characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit for Decision-Making reveals other differences between the United States and Europe, in addition to their approach to interpreting exclusive right-of-way. Increases in stop-spacing (used by 89% of future American projects planned for 2017 or earlier, according to Kantor et al.), off-board payments (54%), and branding remain largely undeveloped in Europe. Increasing stop-spacing is blocked by the resistance of users - in particular, disabled persons - and by the difficulty of separating the functions of speed and accessibility within transport networks. Concerning off-board payment, raising public awareness of this measure's effectiveness should allow for its development, despite its high cost. Branding is being increasingly integrated into projects (TEOR in Rouen in 2001, Jokeri-line in Helsinki in 2003, etc.). While long commute times encourage Americans to retain a high number of seats in their vehicles, capacity needs and attempts to reduce costs lead to less seats in European vehicles. This results in a higher proportion of standing passengers whose comfort could especially be ensured by special modifications of the bus interior platform, albeit at additional costs.

26 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

1 – What is a BHLS system? Points to remember…

 By adopting an overarching "TCSP system" approach (infrastructure, rolling stock, operating conditions), BHLS provides a service level that is higher than that of conventional bus lines (in terms of frequency, journey time, reliability, comfort and accessibility) and which is similar to that of the best­ performing tramway systems.  The choice of components is made according to local constraints and objectives. The BHLS concept therefore adapts to the local socioeconomic and urban contexts.  BHLS is characterised by rolling stock which complies with the rules of the French highway code (Code de la Route). This means vehicles cannot exceed 24.5 m in length. Therefore, for a minimum headway of 3 minutes, the capacity of a BHLS service is limited to around 3,000 passengers/hour/direction (2,400 pass./hr/dir. for an 18 m articulated bus).  BHLS vehicles can be guided (by physical or non-physical means).  BHLS vehicles can use all sources of energy available and imaginable (thermal, electrical, hybrid, etc.).  Contrary to received thinking, trolleybuses do not automatically imply BHLS. The term "trolleybus" refers to a particular means of propulsion. While trolleybuses with a high level of service are possible, conventional trolleybuses also exist (e.g. in Limoges, Saint-Étienne, Lyon).  The Bombardier TVR (GLT) used in Caen and Nancy is subject to the Code de la Route and, as such, should be considered as a BHLS vehicle.

May 2010 27 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

2. Integrating BHLS services into networks: a multifaceted tool

2.1 BHLS: a tool adapted to different urban contexts

BHLS has broadened the range of TCSP systems available (see Appendix 2: BHLS in the Certu classification of urban TCSP systems). It can be adapted to different urban configurations with an aim to structure the public transport network.

2.1.1 BHLS on an equal footing with trams in certain large urban areas

Nantes After three tramway lines, Nantes has opted for BHLS for its fourth TCSP line. This fourth line, known as the BusWay® , is put on an equal footing with the tramway lines, and as such is subject to the same objectives. For tramway and BusWay® alike, the aim is to ensure and promote a high level of service throughout the network. There is therefore no hierarchy between the two modes.

Figure 5: the BusWay® line (in yellow) is integrated into the TCSP network as "line 4" alongside existing tram lines 1 to 3 (source: Nantes Métropole Ŕ )

28 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Rouen The situation in Rouen is very similar. In parallel with the opening of the city's first tramway line in 1994, the then District de l‟Agglomération Rouennaise (predecessor of the current Communauté de l'Agglomération Rouennaise) initiated studies for the creation of a second TCSP line. The aim was to link the university plateau, the city centre and the northern plateau (40,000 inhabitants within 400 m of the proposed line). An initial, unsuccessful call for tenders highlighted a mismatch between the cost of the systems proposed (Bombardier TVR (GLT), Siemens tramway, Alsthom tramway and Pomagalski cable-driven transport) and actual transport needs. Furthermore, the route did not respond to the needs of the eastern and western plateaux or the Cailly valley (50,000 inhabitants within 400 m of a potential TCSP line). The District therefore finally opted for a BHLS system, adding three branches to the initial project in order to extend the high level of service across a wider area.

Figure 6: the most densely populated parts of the Rouen urban area benefit from a high level of service (tram/BHLS) (source: Communauté de l’Agglomération Rouennaise)

In these cases, where BHLS systems are put on an equal footing with tramways, the aim must be to offer a service level that is equivalent to that offered by tramway systems. To achieve this, the system components must take inspiration from tramways.

May 2010 29 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

2.1.2 BHLS as an intermediate urban network

Urban areas which already have metro and/or tramway systems can use BHLS as an intermediate system, offering service levels between those offered by the metro/tramway system and conventional buses. The aim here is to create a hierarchy within the bus network, and indeed the urban transport network as a whole. The level of service sought for BHLS lines in these cases may therefore be slightly lower than that of "heavy TCSP" systems (metros, tramways); however, in order to make the contrast, service levels must be significantly higher than those of conventional bus lines.

Lyon The approach adopted in Lyon (Cristalis26 lines) is based on this principle, but is not yet complete. Work on BHLS lines C1 and C2 is still in progress. Line C3, on the other hand, cannot currently be considered to be a BHLS line (variable running­ way quality, unreliability due to the lack of dedicated lanes and/or priority at traffic lights in places, parked cars in certain bus lanes).

Figure 7: hierarchical organisation of Lyon's TCSP network, according to the level of service on offer (source: TCL)

26 The Cristalis lines are named after the rolling stock that operates on them.

30 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

2.1.3 BHLS as a feeder system for "heavy TCSP"

Toulouse Toulouse, an urban area of almost 800,000 inhabitants, has chosen to develop a BHLS network that feeds the city's two metro lines.

Figure 8: BHNS routes (in blue) act as feeders for the city's metro lines (in red) (source: Tisséo Ŕ SMTC)

To date, two corridors27 have been created: one in the east of the city and one that follows the D813 road (former N11328), totalling 11 km. Two BHLS lines operate on each of these corridor.

27 In the rest of the document, the terms "corridor" or “trunk” will be used when several lines are able to operate on the same route.

May 2010 31 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Park-and-ride schemes (with 50- and 100-space car parks) have been created at the ends of the bus lines, but they are little used. The number of transfers29 necessary for a journey (at least two for a journey into the city centre) is proving to be a disincentive to users. This example raises a number of questions on how best to encourage public transport use among inhabitants in outlying areas: - How can priority be given to other feeder solutions (cycling, walking)? - What is the real impact of transfers on users' behaviour? - Should priority be given to BHLS lines that feed "heavy" transport modes (metro and tramway lines) as in Toulouse, or is it better to use BHLS lines to serve town and city centres directly with a denser and more "meshed" network (cf. the concept of "optional transfers" implemented in Rennes)? - How best to deal with competition between park-and-ride schemes directly serving the metro and BHLS feeder lines be managed? - What role is there for high-performance road-based systems that complement TER (regional rail) services? There are no standard answers to any of these questions. In the end, it all depends on the combination of time, comfort and price that users are offered.

2.1.4 BHLS systems as structural elements in medium-sized urban areas

In many medium-sized urban areas (i.e. unités urbaines with approximately 100,000 to 300,000 inhabitants), the financial resources and development potential for public transport available in the medium term mean that the creation of a BHLS offers new tramway system often cannot be justified. While their larger counterparts were prospects for medium­ busy building high-performance metros and tramways, medium-sized urban areas sized urban areas had few options open to them to give their transport systems a new lease of life. In large urban areas, the noticeable increase in the number of journeys made by public transport is in part due to the "TCSP effect"30. In medium-sized urban areas, on the other hand, the general trend over the last decade has been one of stagnation, even decline.

28 Responsibility for the former N113 was transferred to the Haute-Garonne Conseil Général in accordance with the latest decentralisation laws. 29 The term "forced transfers" can also be used. 30 Other factors may also explain growth in public transport use: significant population growth, policies restricting car use, development of the rest of the (non-TCSP) transport network, changes in the economic situation of households, etc.

32 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Figure 9: changes in public transport use between 1995 and 2006 by size of urban area (excluding the Paris region) (source: annual Certu-DGMT-GART-UTP urban public transport surveys, 1995Ŕ2006)

journeys per inhabitant inhabitant per journeys

networks with networks with networks with 50,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 299,999 300,000 inhabitants inhabitants inhabitants or more

BHLS therefore offers new prospects – notably, the possibility of creating a "TCSP effect" – for medium-sized urban areas. As of December 2008, Lorient, Maubeuge and Nancy31 are the only medium-sized urban areas in France with BHLS systems32. These towns and cities are considering extensions to their networks (e.g. the third branch of Triskell in Lorient, a second BHLS line in Nancy). However, many medium-sized urban areas have projects that could be fast-tracked thanks to government subsidies: - Nîmes and Douai from 2009/10, - Metz, Montbéliard, Pau, Cannes, Perpignan, Antibes, etc., in the longer term.

Although in the same category, different BHLS schemes may act as structural BHLS projects adapt to the individual elements to a greater or lesser extent and may have different objectives in contexts of urban terms of service levels, depending on the individual context of the urban area areas concerned. The projects for Nîmes and Metz, which incorporate stringent service­ level requirements, take inspiration from the best-performing BHLS systems currently in operation (namely the BusWay® in Nantes and TEOR in Rouen). In Maubeuge, the service levels sought are lower, particularly in terms of frequency (headways of 10 minutes at peak times) and service span (5 a.m.–10 p.m.), as a result of a compromise between the needs of different users (dedicated lanes shared with small numbers of bicycles, taxis and interurban coaches), potential ridership (5,000 passengers per day) and costs (€68 m).

31 As mentioned earlier, Nancy's TVR (GLT) system falls into the BHLS category, as the vehicles can operate in non-guided mode (and are therefore subject to the rules of the Code de la Route) 32 Here, "medium-sized urban area" means unités urbaines with 100,000 to 300,000 inhabitants, as defined by INSEE (the French statistical office)

May 2010 33 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

2.2 From dedicated key routes to trunk sections: different BHLS configurations

The flexibility of BHLS means that different types of configuration can be envisaged. These configurations are characterised by the "degree of dependency" of BHLS lines on dedicated infrastructures and the "degree of openness" of dedicated lanes to conventional bus lines.

2.2.1 The "busway" configuration: an infrastructure designed exclusively for BHLS

The "busway" approach, sometimes called a "closed system", takes its inspiration from Line 4 in Nantes. This configuration is relatively close to that of a typical French tramway: - the dedicated lanes are for the exclusive use of BHLS lines in order to guarantee a higher level of service33; - two or three BHLS lines can operate on certain trunk sections (the number of lines is limited by service frequency34); - transfers with other bus lines are organised around stations.

BHLS line(s)

Conventional bus line(s)

Dedicated-lane infrastructure

Figure 10: diagram showing the operation of a "busway"­ type BHLS system (source: Certu)

33 Very occasionally, these dedicated lanes may be shared with other bus traffic – as is the case with certain sections of tramway – in order to ensure the continuity of a particular bus route. 34 For headways of less than three minutes in each direction, priority at traffic lights cannot be guaranteed at every junction (observed).

34 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

This "busway" configuration can be found in Nantes, Rouen, Caen and Nancy. In Rouen, all three BHLS lines use a trunk section over a distance of 5 km, depending on the line. In Caen, the city's TVR (GLT) services also operate in a 5.6 km trunk section.

Figure 11: "busway"-type configuration in Rouen with a three-line BHLS trunk section (source: Communauté de l’Agglomération Rouennaise)

The implementation of a "busway"-type BHLS system means that other bus lines Conventional bus lines should will have to be reconfigured. The aim of such an exercise should always be to be organised around "busways" noticeably improve journey conditions for as many users as possible. In order to with great care, so as not to justify a TCSP system vis-à-vis the population, there is sometimes a political excessively increase the number temptation to encourage excessive trunk-and-feeder arrangements in order to of transfers encourage transfers at the ends of TCSP lines. While such practices boost ridership on TCSP lines – and increase the total number of trips made across the network – the impact on the total number of journeys made by public transport may be limited because of the increased number of forced transfers35. Where changes are absolutely necessary, the inconvenience to the user should be kept to a strict minimum: - pedestrian routes between lines should be as short as possible, clearly indicated and safe; - timetables should be coordinated so as to keep waiting times to a minimum; - the wait for passengers should be a comfortable one (with shelters, facilities, etc.); - passengers should be provided with information (both on the bus36 and at stations).

35 Please see the glossary for the distinction between a journey and a journey step. 36 In Nantes, BusWay® vehicles are equipped with LCD screens showing waiting times for transfers to other bus lines at the next station, in real time.

May 2010 35 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

In Nantes, the creation of the BusWay® (Line 4) necessitated a reorganisation of exisiting bus lines (shown in black and green on the diagram opposite) that used streets now reserved for Line 4. A new link known as the "tapis roulant" ("conveyor belt")37 was created in order to safeguard transfers between conventional bus lines and Line 2 of the tramway (shown in red on the left­ hand side of the diagram). The "conveyor belt" operates with a headway of 2 min 20 s in the morning rush hour for a trip of approximately 3 to 4 minutes between Pirmil and Gréneraie. Furthermore, the BusWay® helps relieve Commerce station – where all three tramway lines intersect – and represents a first step towards creating a truly "meshed" network in the city centre.

Figure 12: diagram showing the reorganisation of conventional bus ® lines (in black and green) following the launch of the BusWay (in red on the right-hand side) (source: Nantes Métropole)

Busway and BusWay®: using the right terminology

The term "busway" originated in the United States. In the 1970s, it was used to designate lanes on motorways that were reserved for buses (with the first being implemented in Los Angeles in 1973)38. In urban areas, the term "bus lane" is now generally used, on both sides of the Atlantic. When Line 4 was inaugurated in Nantes in 2006, transport operator Transdev registered BusWay® as a trademark.In France, the term "busway" is today mostly restricted to technical circles, although it is occasionally used by some elected representatives for their local projects (e.g. in Metz). With reference to the Nantes project, it designates a form of BHLS that resembles a typical French tramway, with an infrastructure intended for use by BHLS lines only.

37 This term refers to the short distance covered and the high frequency in place thanks to the numerous bus lines that serve it 38 See Appendix 1. "From American BRT to European BHLS"

36 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

2.2.2 The "trunk section with a high level of service" configuration: dedicated lanes shared by different lines

Depending on the context, a trunk-based approach, also known as an "open system" may be preferred. The trunk section is used by conventional bus lines, which then split off to serve the rest of the network. The high level of service is ensured by the way the trunk section is laid out (dedicated lanes, priority at junctions, etc.). Outside the trunk section, where traffic is free-flowing, mixed flow lanes are predominant. However, in order to guarantee a continuous high level of service, localised improvements (stations, bus lanes, priority at junctions, etc.) may be envisaged.

BHLS line(s)

Conventional bus line(s) Figure 13: diagram showing the operation of a BHLS system of

the type "trunk section with a Dedicated-lane infrastructure high level of service" (source: Certu)

Rennes This was the choice made in Rennes for the city's trunk section, known as the "Axe EstŔOuest" ("East–West Corridor"). In 2000, the first 4 km section (2 km in dedicated lanes, 2 km in shared lanes) was opened. This trunk section is used by 7 bus lines.

Figure 14: long-term projection for Rennes' TCSP network (source: Rennes Métropole)

May 2010 37 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

The stated objective of the urban transport authority is to improve the flow of buses without creating a hierarchy within the bus network. The trunk section achieves this by extending a high level of service across the whole network. However, the high frequency (30 to 40 buses per hour in each direction at peak times) means that the sorts of speeds and reliability levels obtained by "busway"-type configurations cannot be guaranteed here, even though certain improvements do mean that buses have priority at junctions. In the long term, the trunk section will be 6.5 km long with a consistently high level of service.

East-West Cross Route

First section (2000)

Figure 15: overview of bus lines running east-west in Rennes Second section (project) (source: CETE Ouest, based on data and cartography from STAR [the city's public transport operator])

Lorient In Lorient, the PDU (Urban Transport Plan), revised in 2001, approved the creation of a TCSP system in order to revitalise the city's public transport network. Originally, the idea was to implement a rubber-tyred tramway or a "busway"-type BHLS system. However, the project rapidly took on a "trunk section" configuration with a high level of service that would be better suited to the shape and size of the urban area (120,000 inhabitants, of which only 60,000 live in the core town of Lorient): - The polycentric nature of both the urban area itself and its transport needs means that no single key route could be identified. "Trunk section" - Transfers created by other lines feeding into a single TCSP route configurations are would have penalized users, given the short distances of most particularly suitable for journeys. smaller, less dense urban areas - The trunk section means that the benefits for users may be better distributed across an urban area that is relatively dispersed. The infrastructure and improvements implemented will be compatible with any future conversion to a guided system on tyres or rails, although such a project is unlikely39.

39 However, there may be some isolated problems regarding curve radii if the system were to be converted to a tramway on rails.

38 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

The first phase of the Triskell trunk section is 5 km long. It incorporates a new bridge over the River Scorff, used by lines arriving from the north-east. Two extensions could extend the trunk section by around 10 km.

Figure 16: route of the Triskell on the Lorient public transport network map (Source: Cap Lorient)

12 bus lines operate on the busiest part of the trunk section, with a theoretical headway as high as one bus every 30 seconds at peak times. Ponctuality, speed and comfortable driving conditions are ensured by: - priority at junctions ("give way" in most cases) and the creation of cut-through perforating roundabouts; - low levels of traffic on roads intersecting with the Triskell route, with few red lights run in general. - Usage of bus lanes and queue jumpers

In both cases (Lorient and Rennes), no separate identity or branding has been given to rolling stock operating on the trunk sections.

2.2.3 The "mixed" configuration:

In order to make the most of the available space and/or optimise the performance The "mixed" approach of a public transport network, certain urban transport authorities opt for a "mixed" makes it easier to configuration, which consists of: optimise performance - one or more clearly identified BHLS routes; and make the best possible use of the - allowing conventional bus lines to use certain sections of the available space BHLS dedicated lanes (in both urban and interurban areas).

May 2010 39 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

BHLS line(s)

Conventional bus line(s)

Dedicated-lane infrastructure

Figure 17: diagram showing the operation of a "mixed" BHLS system (source: Certu)

In this case, the difficulty lies in finding the right balance between performance objectives for the system and making best use of the reserved space. This balance must be established as early as possible in the planning process and must be maintained during the study phase – the flexibility of BHLS means that it is easier to make concessions to performance objectives during the implementation phase.

Performance Opening-up of of system dedicated lanes (e.g. to bikes, taxis)

® Nantes BusWay "Cursor" representing an individual system

Saint-Brieuc The Saint-Brieuc urban area has recently opted for a "mixed" configuration. Saint-Brieuc is a town of 50,000 inhabitants at the centre of an urban area with a population of 90,000. Against a backdrop of discussions on the PDU approved in September 2006, the communauté d’agglomération of Saint-Brieuc (formerly known as Cabri) decided to create a TCSP service. 5 potential routes were identified, including the existing Lines 3 and 5, which represent 45% of network ridership with 10,000 passengers per day. Following further studies, the project is to be based on: - a clearly identified 8 km BHLS line running east–west with headways of 8 minutes at peak times;

40 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

- dedicated lanes that are open to other (conventional) bus lines in order to recoup the infrastructure costs. As in Lorient, feeder transfers will be kept to a minimum, as they would be heavily penalising to users. However, unlike in Lorient, a key structural route will be created.

The "mixed" approach enables networks to create the dynamism of a TCSP system while also improving the performance of conventional bus and/or lines. This is a particularly good choice for medium-sized urban areas that wish to develop a key structural route, but where very high frequencies are not necessary.

2.2.4 Types of BHLS system and the overall organisation of public transport networks: potentially delicate choices

The choices of BHLS system in Nantes and Lorient were relatively straightforward: - In Nantes, the service and identity objectives led to the creation of a "busway"-type system. This choice was all the more obvious given that the reorganisation of conventional bus lines presented few constraints. - In Lorient, the size and configuration of the urban area meant that a trunk section was the obvious solution.

In other urban areas, the definition of BHLS characteristics and the integration of such a system into the existing public transport network are more delicate matters. This is the case notably for Montbéliard and Metz.

Montbéliard The Montbéliard urban area shares certain characteristics with Lorient: - the population of the unité urbaine is approximately 115,000; - the urban area has two key centres (only 30,000 inhabitants live in Montbéliard proper; 15,000 live in Audincourt). The BHLS route drafted in the 2006 feasibility studies sought to link the two main parts of the urban area.

Figure 18: projected BHLS route (source: Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays de Montbéliard)

May 2010 41

TCSP line - Key centres served - 2009 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

This choice of route immediately gave rise to a number of questions: - Should there be one BHLS line with transfers to other bus lines organised around Acropole and Temple stations? - Should there be two or three "busway"-type lines with a trunk section and branches to the north and south (rather like TEOR in Rouen), which would avoid highly inconvenient transfers? - Should existing conventional bus lines be reorganised using a trunk configuration, like the Triskell scheme in Lorient? Metz In Metz, a city of 130,000 inhabitants at the centre of a considerably larger urban area, studies carried out in the 1990s resulted in the definition of a key TCSP route that was included in the PDU approved in 2000. The route is largely dictated by major urban constraints (numerous waterways to be crossed, very narrow streets, extensive pedestrian area). After initially considering a trunk-based BHLS set-up, a two-line BHLS system was finally selected (shown in red and black on the map below) for the project, known as "Mettis".

Figure 19: the Metz BHLS project includes two "busway"-type lines, which form the backbone of the public transport network (source: CA2M Ŕ AGURAM)

Network reorganisation studies carried out in 2007 and 2008, on the basis of Origin/Destination surveys and microsimulations, openly sought to eliminate the inconvenience caused by the four bus lines that run through the city's pedestrianised shopping area. These buses currently go through the city centre at very low speeds and represent a source of pollution and potential danger for pedestrians. As in Dijon, the aim is therefore to separate the performance and accessibility functions of public transport. The reorganised bus lines, which will now only skirt the pedestrian city centre, will benefit from higher operating speeds, bringing a more attractive image among users and savings in terms of operating costs. In order to ensure ample accessibility to the pedestrian zone (essentially a 400 × 800 m rectangle), the route of the city-centre shuttle bus will be redrawn. In particular, this will provide persons with reduced mobility (PRMs) with easy access to shops and services. Furthermore, one conventional bus line will continue to cross the pedestrian zone.

42 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Figure 20: bus stops in Metz city centre PEDESTRIAN (source: CA2M Ŕ AGURAM) ZONE

The various street-related constraints in the city centre mean that options for linking the two BHLS lines with the rest of the network are limited: - conventional lines could feed the BHLS lines at points where many lines converge (e.g. Saulcy to the north and Metz railway station to the south), relatively close to the central business district (less than 1.5 km away); - open up the BHLS dedicated lanes to other bus lines.

Modelling the first scenario highlighted two problems: - passengers would be forced to transfer to another bus, even though very close to their final destination; - there would be far too many transfers overall, which, in the long term, would lead to capacity problems at interchange points and on BHLS lines at peak times.40

In order to counter these difficulties, technical teams suggested opening up the BHLS dedicated lanes to two other lines. Studies are currently in progress with the aim of defining ways in which these lines could be incorporated into the trunk section at peak times so as not to disrupt BHLS flows (one BHLS vehicle every 3 minutes). One of the hypotheses proposed involves voluntarily creating convoys of buses (BHLS + conventional line), together with stations around 40 m in length capable of accommodating two articulated buses.

In conclusion, the type of BHLS system chosen often plays a key role in determining the overall attractiveness of a transport network. Detailed studies must therefore be carried out beforehand in order to take account of objectives in terms of service levels, configurations and other development projects within the urban area. If we were to draw an analogy with high-speed rail, the "busway" approach would be similar to the Shinkansen system in (a single infrastructure dedicated to high speed), whereas the trunk-based approach would be more like the French TGV system (where certain conventional rail lines are used by high-speed rolling stock).

40 For example, the study carried out by AGURAM estimated (on the basis of current public transport usage) that, at the height of the rush hour, around 50 users could be forced to transfer to or from a BHLS line.

May 2010 43 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Buses with a high level of service (BHLS) Type of TCSP

Dedicated route Mixed approach Trunk based Type of BHLS system

Source: Certu

Example: the BusWay® in Example: the BHLS Example: the Triskell in Nantes project in Saint-Brieuc Lorient . A very high level of . Transport needs focused on . Aim: less ambitious but service is sought a small number of lines widespread service levels . High frequencies (peak­ . Desire to create a key . Reorganisation of buses is time headways of 4 min structural route for the difficult: few alternatives, when operation began) network and the urban area major transfer constraints . Simple reorganisation of . Limited frequency on the . Junctions can be managed other bus lines: alternative key bus line (headways of in order to enable very routes, limited transfers 8 min at peak times) high frequencies (cut­ . Strong identity and . Dedicated lanes used to through roundabouts, very important role as a catalyst improve services on other few traffic lights, low for urban development lines and thus recoup costs traffic levels) . Many signal-controlled . A strong identity is not junctions essential . Transport needs are relatively dispersed

Characteristics of urban areas and corresponding service-level objectives

Figure 21: chart summarising the different types of BHLS system (source: Certu)

44 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Integrating BHLS services into networks: points to remember…

 BHLS is a multifaceted tool that can adapt to the city surrounding and respond to the needs of both large urban areas (as a complement to "heavy" TCSP networks, as an intermediate system between "heavy" TCSP and conventional buses, or as part of a trunk-and-feeder system) and medium­ sized urban areas (constituting many cities' first TCSP lines, forming a structure for the rest of the network).  BHLS systems can take different forms: - the "busway" model is preferable where service-level objectives (including frequency) are high and where there are few local constraints (in terms of bus network reorganisation, junction management, etc.); - the "trunk based" model, without any identification of BHLS lines and where dedicated lanes are open to a number of conventional bus lines, should be restricted to urban areas with dispersed transport needs and few traffic constraints (low levels of private-vehicle traffic, junction management, etc.); - the "mixed" approach (identification of a BHLS line, the infrastructure of which is shared with certain conventional bus lines) is particularly suited to situations where service-level objectives (frequency, speed, reliability) are lower than for a single "busway"­ type line, or where an extensive reorganisation of the bus network would prove too difficult.  In all cases, the restructuring of the public transport network as a whole must form an integral part of the BHLS project, and as such must be studied as far upstream as possible – ideally from the feasibility-study stage onwards – as reorganisation constraints can be a decisive factor in the choice of system.

May 2010 45 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

3. When is BHLS an appropriate choice?

The BHLS concept fills a gap between conventional buses and tramways in terms of both performance and image. It is not, therefore, directly comparable with a tramway. Rather, it is a new, separate system with its own specific field of application, which we will discuss in detail in this chapter. Of course, this field of application sometimes overlaps with that of tramway systems, which means that, in certain urban areas, the choice of surface TCSP system is not always immediately obvious.

3.1 Choosing a surface TCSP system: stages and criteria

This is a choice that must be made in a number of stages, according to a range of criteria which are not always mutually compatible. Moreover, it is also a choice that may change during studies. The text box below outlines the criteria that determine this choice at each stage of opportunity and feasibility studies.

Key factors determining the choice of TCSP system

Stage 1: long-term vision for the urban area and TCSP objectives . Definition of long-term urban planning objectives . Analysis of current and future transport needs within the urban area . Long-term network plan (identification of TCSP routes, principles for the reorganisation of buses, etc.) . Identification of potential improvements and urban redevelopment projects . Definition of service-level objectives

Stage 2: capacity and cost of TCSP . Analysis of demand along the TCSP route and the capacity necessary to cope with passenger flows . Estimate of costs and financial resources

Stage 3: technological precautions and local impacts of TCSP . Evaluation of local impacts (economic activity, noise, pollution, etc.) . Analysis of technological and supply sector risks for different systems . Evaluation of potential for interconnections and compatibility of rolling stock

Stage 4: integration and realisation of a TCSP system . Conditions for urban integration . Organisation of construction work

Figure 22: criteria for choosing a TCSP system and schedule for opportunity/feasibility studies (source: Certu) 46 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

The discussions and exchanges which lead to the choice of TCSP system may be iterative, and depend on many technical elements, which may have a significant impact on the future of the public transport network. This phase of consultation and discussion with technical teams and elected representatives takes time and must be undertaken in a transparent manner, without star assumptions or preconceptions.

3.2 Stage 1: long-term vision for the urban area and TCSP objectives

The decision to opt for a BHLS system (or not) will very much depend on the long­ term vision for both the urban area and the public transport network.

3.2.1 Changing urban form

Long-term strategies regarding the location of housing, employment, services and leisure, together with changing expectations and behaviours, can modify the balance of transport needs and transport provision within an urban area. The creation of TCSP networks must therefore anticipate these developments as far as possible.

In areas where there is considerable population growth, TCSP systems can act as a tool for urbanisation. The organisation and densification of urban development around TCSP routes means that, in theory, it is possible to control urban sprawl and encourage the use of public transport. In this case, the capacity of the system must take account of demand, which can change considerably over time. This is the case, for example, with tramway line T3 in Lyon, which runs on a former rail line serving the city's eastern suburbs. It transports almost 20,000 passengers per day with headways of 7½ minutes at peak times. The potential for urban development around this line are considerable, and ridership is likely to increase rapidly.

Even in areas with lower levels of population growth, urban form may undergo major changes. In Montbéliard, for instance, where the population is stable, the demand for housing remains high, if only because the number of households is increasing. Urban redevelopment should serve to make the urban area more attractive. Furthermore, economic changes (switching from manufacturing to the service sector) and the construction of new amenities (such as a TGV station on the new Rhine–Rhône high-speed line) are all elements which modify the way the urban area functions and offer new opportunities.

3.2.2 Developing a long-term vision for public transport networks

The technical characteristics of TCSP systems mean that they are relatively inflexible and not always mutually compatible. Moreover, their integration into urban areas is often subject to many constraints, and typically causes considerable disturbance (long and disruptive construction works). Local authorities must therefore have a clear vision for the future of their public

May 2010 47 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system transport network, so that the choices made today do not adversely affect those of tomorrow.

Finally, lessons can be learnt from other cities with tramway systems with regard to the long-term development of a public transport network.

"Meshed" networks and balancing traffic at key interchanges The iconic TCSP networks in Nantes and Strasbourg have two points in common: a central interchange hub and congested trunk sections. When these systems were built, the prevailing view was that public transport networks should be concentrated around a strong intermodal hub. In Nantes, this hub is Commerce station, where the city's three tramway lines intersect; in Strasbourg, four lines meet at Homme de Fer station. Aside from the operational difficulties that this creates, these configurations also give rise to pedestrian flows that are difficult to manage in what have quickly become confined and unsafe spaces. The result is delays, increased dwelling times, and reduced operating speeds, neither of which benefit passengers. In order to attenuate these problems, the networks in question have tried to respond to transport needs more precisely, while relieving pressure on their respective central hubs41: - by creating new hubs as part of the construction of new lines (as is the case with the Nantes BusWay® , which actively avoids Commerce station – see Figure 23 below); - by creating peripheral lines (as is the case with Line E in Strasbourg).

Figure 23: by choosing the busway project (in green) over the tramway extension project (in blue), Nantes took a step towards creating a "meshed" public transport network while reducing congestion on trunk sections and around the central hub (source: Nantes Métropole)

41 The same problem exists, albeit on a much larger scale, on the transport network in the Paris region.

48 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Reorganising the public transport network while keeping transfers to a minimum The creation of TCSP lines provides new opportunities for trunk-and-feeder arrangements which may improve journey times in return for one or more transfers. However, this sort of arrangement must not be implemented systematically. No matter how many measures and precautions are taken (high-quality spaces, simple platform-to-platform transfers (“cross-overs”), passenger information, minimal waiting times, etc.), passengers still regard transfers as a significant inconvenience, especially those used to travelling by car. In the Lyon urban area, Origin/Destination (O/D) surveys and household travel surveys (HTSs) show that the modal share of public transport is inversely proportional to the number of transfers to or from conventional bus lines42.

Making service choices without jeopardising the future When a city constructs its first TCSP line, elected representatives are sometimes under enormous pressure to serve many different areas. However, it is often difficult to serve railway stations, outlying neighbourhoods, streets in need of redevelopment, public amenities, and key housing and employment areas, all with one high-performance line! Therefore, in order to ensure a high level of service (which means avoiding twists and turns!), choices need to be made with a view to improving transport provision in the long term. Ultimately, the aim is to obtain a high level of service across as wide a space and time period as possible. This requires a long-term approach.

Cracking the conundrum of transport provision in historic city centres In certain urban areas, narrow streets in central areas make high-quality transport provision (in terms of speed and reliability) difficult. Although surface TCSP lines mean improved accessibility for businesses, they can also bring problems of their own (e.g. noise from tramways negotiating curves, coexistence with pedestrians, disruption to traffic caused by convoys of trams or buses). The issue of transport provision in historic city centres must therefore be studied with care, as part of a long-term strategy for the public transport network as a whole. A new trend is to route TCSP lines around the edges of historic centres so as to conserve high service levels on these lines. In order to compensate the reduced service levels in the historic core, pedestrian routes are typically improved and shuttle services set up to meet the needs of PRMs. However, it would seem that this type of configuration is only possible in cities where the historic core is relatively compact (no more than 1 km in diameter) and surrounded by broad avenues. In Besançon, for example, it was decided that the TCSP line should run through the historic core, which is surrounded not by broad avenues, but a meander of the River Doubs!

42 Page 45 of the Certu publication, Évaluation des transports en commun en site propre, recommandations pour l’évaluation socio-économique des projets de TCSP ["Evaluating dedicated-lane public transport systems: recommendations for the socioeconomic evaluation of TCSP projects"], 2002.

May 2010 49 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

An example of long-term vision: the future network of the Dijon urban area

Dijon is a particularly good case study. Studies carried out by Egis Rail have led to the definition of a TCSP network that takes account of all the elements presented above.

Today, Dijon's public transport network is structured around 7 Liane lines:43 high­ frequency radial bus services which transport almost 110,000 passengers per day (80% of trips across the network). These Liane services benefit from some localised bus lanes, but cannot be considered as BHLS lines (largely due to their relatively low operating speeds and reliability levels). Most of the network's bus lines cross the very dense and very constricted historic centre. In particular, almost 1,000 buses travel along Rue de la Liberté every day. This street includes a 200 m single-lane section that is just 9 m wide (building to building). This situation is highly inconvenient for the many pedestrians that use this major shopping street: bus traffic is noisy, polluting, potentially dangerous and makes crossing the road difficult. It is also a less-than-ideal situation for the buses (very low speeds).

Photo 3: a short single-lane section of Rue de la Liberté, Dijon, frequented by almost 1,000 buses per day before the implementation of the tram project (source: CETE Lyon)

The motivation for creating a TCSP network in Dijon is to obtain a noticeable improvement in service levels, particularly in terms of speed, reliability and comfort. The TCSP system must also bring with it urban redevelopment projects (as a catalyst for urbanisation, pedestrianisation of the city centre, etc.).

The local intercommunality, Grand Dijon, has therefore opted for a TCSP network that is built around the existing Liane lines. The urban area's three main transport

43 See the definition of the Liane(s) concept given by Keolis in section 8.2: "Revitalising bus lines"

50 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system corridors will be the basis for two tramway lines. The other corridors will continue to be served by Liane services, which could be converted to BHLS or even tramway lines in the long term. The tramway and the Liane network will bypass the historic core via the boulevards that surround it, with the aim of redistributing space in central Dijon (from buses to pedestrians in the historic centre, and from private vehicles to public transport on the boulevards). As the northern boulevards will be reserved for the tramway, the southern boulevards could be specially adapted to bus traffic (e.g. a BHLS trunk section similar to that implemented for the TEOR in Rouen). The selected routes will enable many interconnections, particularly around three key interchange points (the railway station, Place de la République, and Place Wilson). Trunk-and-feeder strategies will be used for conventional bus lines only. The route of tramway line B takes in the neighbourhood of Les Grésilles (an urban renewal area with ANRU funding) rather than the Porte-Neuve district, which has a TER station (800 passengers per day) and which is likely to be the location for a future TGV station in the longer term. However, the tramway routes selected will be compatible with a future public transport/TGV connection. According to modelling studies carried out44, journey times will either be reduced or maintained, depending on the area, with 50% of users benefiting from journey time reductions of more than 5 minutes. The transfer rate (i.e. the ratio of trips to journeys) is likely to increase from 1.10 to 1.25, but this remains acceptable. The reorganisation strategy for interurban coaches is yet to be defined, particularly with regard to school-bus services.

Figure 24: proposed route layout as part of the project to create two tram lines in Dijon (source: Grand Dijon Ŕ produced by: DRE Bourgogne)

44 Egis Rail, Alfred Peter, Premiêres lignes de TCSP de l’agglomération dijonnaise, dossier de prise en considération ["The Dijon urban area's first TCSP lines: dossier of considerations"], 2008

May 2010 51 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

3.2.3 BHLS and tramways: tools for urban development

The idea that only a tramway system is capable of structuring the city and triggering urban development is still widespread This vision sometimes even leads Tramways and BHLS to the "transport" dimension of tramways being relegated to the sidelines. This can can both form a basis lead to choices that are not always pertinent (choice of transport system and routes, for urban development general organisation of the public transport network, etc.). The first BHLS systems in service show that this system also has considerable potential as a tool for urban development. BHLS can contribute to the way in which an urban area is structured.

Nantes In Nantes, the BusWay® is at the heart of the GPV (Grand Projet de Ville – major urban project) for the Île de Nantes. The BusWay® crosses the island along a north– south route that is parallel to the trunk section of tramway lines 2 and 3. Consequently, the area around the BusWay® is set to become home to a host of new constructions, including collective housing and administrative buildings, which will gradually bring the neighbourhood to life. The Beaulieu shopping centre was extended and completely reorganised (13,000 m² of net floor space) in 2008, while the Tripode neighbourhood encompasses a project launched in 2008 that is set to include a business hub (20,000 m² of offices and 7,000 m² of hotels), housing (10,000 m²) and retail space (8,000 m²).

Photo 4: BusWay® on the Île de Nantes (source: Certu)

The future Line 5 could ultimately cross the island from east to west. Whatever system is selected (tramway or busway), TCSP should be at the heart of the structure of this "new territory".

52 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Figure 25: Île de Nantes, the new heart of the city's TCSP network (source: CETE Ouest; background map from

Google Earth)

Finally, the PLUs (local urban development plans) of the municipalities served have been revised to enable densification around the BusWay® .

Rennes In Rennes, the route of the second phase of the Axe EstŔOuest (East–West Cross Route) is integrated into a changing urban fabric (ZAC [mixed development zone] with a population of 8,000 habitants, creation of a new streetscape). One of the aims of TCSP here is to act as a binder for the urban project as a whole (e.g. integration into the surrounding landscaping, pedestrian access to buses).

Île-de-France (Paris Region) In Île-de-France, one of the aims of the Trans-Val-de-Marne (TVM) was to build urban landmarks in outlying areas where such features are few and far between. In particular, new interchange hubs should help create new urban centres.

Lorient Finally, in Lorient, Triskell plays a structural role in projects across the urban area. For example, the location of the new maternity hospital was modified as a result of Triskell. Originally, it was to be sited on the outskirts of the town, in an area poorly served by public transport; now, it is located within easy reach of the segregated trunk section.

May 2010 53 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

The “corridor contract”: a tool for encouraging urban development around TCSP systems

The “corridor contract” is a tool for structuring urban development around TCSP (tramway or BHLS) projects. This approach, trialled in Grenoble and Toulouse, aims to put the principles laid down in the PDUs and SCOTs (Re­ gional Integrated Development Plans) into practice in the context of a TCSP project: - control and development of land with variable land use; - densification around the TCSP route; - reduction in the number of car parking spaces (on-street parking and in terms of building standards); - infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists (including bicycle parking); - organisation of feeder routes around TCSP routes; - urban redevelopment; - diversification of urban functions; - encouragement of social mix; - HQE® (high environmental quality) constructions; - awareness-raising and communication with residents;

This contract enables each municipality served by TCSP to become involved in the TCSP project and make known local expectations (routes, stops), in ex- change for urban development obligations. The contract also clarifies the breakdown of the financial burden according to the different responsibilities involved (transport system for the urban transport authority, other enhancements shared between the municipalities and intercommunalities). This contract is therefore particularly important when the urban transport authority is a syndicate, as in the case in Grenoble and Toulouse. The corridor contract would appear to be even more relevant for a BHLS project, as the regular discussions involved would be useful opportunities to explain the concept and its advantages from an urban planning viewpoint. The corridor contract enables urban transport authorities to convince local councils of the potential boost that could be provided by BHLS. It is also an educational tool.

For further details, please see the Certu study report entitled Le contrat d'axe : un outil de cohérence entre urbanisme et TCSP ("The corridor contract: a tool to ensure consistency between urban planning and TCSP"), to be published in 2009.

54 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

3.2.4 Defining the high level of service desired

The choice of system may be linked to objectives set by the urban transport authority in terms of service levels for TCSP systems.

Tramways and BHLS have the same potential in terms of speed and reliability. These service-level characteristics are essentially due to the importance given to the segregated aspect (running in dedicated or shared lanes) and operating conditions (priority at junctions). Depending on the configuration of the urban area, surface TCSP lines can achieve operating speeds of 15 to 20 km/h or more. Where there are signal-controlled junctions, the maximum headway possible observed at BHLS and tramways peak times without causing major disruption to other traffic remains 3 minutes. can provide the same performance in terms of speed, reliability, The service span in place is not linked to the system: they are decided by the local frequency and service authority. span The theoretical frequency that can be obtained with a BHLS system is the same as that for tramways. However, this is not the case if frequency is determined by passenger traffic at peak times. For example, in order to transport 3,000 passengers per hour in each direction, there would need to be a 200-spaces tramway every 4 minutes or a 100-spaces BHLS every 2 minutes. In this example, choosing the BHLS option would generate additional operating costs, as well as disruption at light-controlled junctions. These disruptions would in turn have an impact on the speed and reliability of the buses, and therefore on the system's overall capacity.

As far as comfort and accessibility are concerned, "new-generation" tramways have amply demonstrated their benefits. These tramways enjoy a positive image BHLS services can not only because of how they perform, but also because of their ability to help provide levels of "develop the city". On all of these points, BHLS has considerable potential which comfort and must be realised when projects are implemented. Indeed, BHLS systems are accessibility close to changing in order to provide greater comfort and accessibility, by looking towards those offered by tramways for inspiration. BHLS systems also need to be able to create an outlook tramways and image to match their performance.

3.2.5 BHLS and tramways: tools for restructuring urban spaces

The opportunity for redeveloping public spaces such as streets and squares exists as soon as the question of shared public spaces arises. Whether with cobbles, granite or grass, rail-based tramways have already amply demonstrated their ability to BHLS can contribute to smarten up the city. While these developments could, of course, also be envisaged the redevelopment of without a supporting transport element, tramways do appear to act as a catalyst for public spaces this type of . But what about BHLS? As a road-based system, BHLS requires a smooth surface to travel along, whether the bus is guided or not. This means that the design options for the righ-of-way are more limited for BHLS than for rail-based tramways (where, for example, grass can be laid across the whole running way; this would not be possible for BHLS). For the rest (street furniture, vegetation, design of stations, structuring of uses, etc.), BHLS has the same potential as a tramway system.

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The TVR (GLT) systems installed in Nancy and Caen in 2001 and the Translohr system installed in Clermont-Ferrand in 2006 have demonstrated the potential of tyre-based systems in terms of urban redevelopment.


Photo 5: the shopping streets of Rue Saint- Jean and Rue Saint-Georges in Nancy today offer a high-quality environment reserved for BHLS and pedestrians (source: CETE Est)

In 2007, the second phase of TEOR in Rouen brought BHLS into the heart of the city, following an initial phase further west. By choosing a route that passes right through the city centre's shopping streets, the project provided an opportunity to redistribute the available space in favour of public transport and pedestrians, therefore also providing a boost to local shops.

BEFORE AFTER Photos 6 and 7: Avenue Alsace-Lorraine in Rouen before and after the introduction of TEOR (source: Communauté de l’Agglomération Rouennaise)

Similarly, in Lorient, Triskell was an ideal opportunity to smarten up the town. The restructuring of Avenue Anatole France is a perfect example. The space was

56 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

redistributed in favour of buses and sustainable transport modes (with the number of lanes for motor vehicles reduced from four to two). The result has been improvements in terms of safety and the surrounding environment.

Figure 26: artist's impression of the restructuring of Avenue Anatole France in Lorient (source: Cap Lorient and Arka Ouest)

In Douai, the restructuring of spaces has been particularly radical. The project to redevelop the square in front of the station aims to create a new public space. Although there is an underpass for through traffic, it has been possible to optimise the connection between the BHLS and the station, thanks to the large amount of space available.

Figure 27: new layout of the square in front of Douai railway station (source: SMTD)

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Along the rest of the BHLS route, enhancements have been more conventional. The surrounding environment has been improved through simple, economical measures. This reflects a particular political choice.

Photo 8: example road layout on Avenue du Maréchal Leclerc in Douai (source: CETE NordŔPicardie)

As with tramway systems, architects play an increasingly important role in BHLS projects. This is a sign that mentalities are changing: with BHLS, the bus has become a tool for enhancing public spaces. BHLS can go hand in hand with building-to-building enhancements.

58 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

3.3 Stage 2: capacity and cost

Once the long-term vision has been defined, the criteria of capacity and cost sometimes have a strong influence on the choice of system.

3.3.1 Matching capacity with demand

The capacity of BHLS systems depends on the frequency of service and the unitary capacity of the rolling stock. The unitary capacity of the vehicle is calculated on the basis of a comfort standard of 4 persons per square metre and an optimum headway of vehicle every 3 minutes in each direction. The values in the table below are given as a guide only, as rolling-stock capacity can vary from one model to another (vehicle interior lay-out, proportion seating, etc.).

Capacity of rolling stock in terms of Capacity of the system in terms of number of maximum passengers45 number of maximum passengers Rolling stock (based on 4 persons/m² as standard) per hour per direction (based on a frequency of 3 min) Standard bus (12 m) 80 1,600 Articulated bus (18.5 m) 120 2,400 Tram (23 m long and 130 2,600 2.30 m wide) Bi-articulated bus (24.5 m) 150 3,000 Translohr STE 4 rubber­ tyred tram (32 m long and 170 3,400 2.20 m wide) Tram (33 m long and 210 4,200 2.30 m wide) Tram (43 m long and 280 5,600 2.30 m wide)

Table 3: capacities of different types of rolling stock (source: Certu)

Tramways are modular systems. Capacities can vary considerably, depending on constructors and models, ranging from 2,600 to 5,600 passengers per hour in each direction. Tramways can also be coupled together, as is the case with Line T2 in the Paris region. In such cases, capacity can therefore exceed 10,000 passengers per hour in each direction. Currently, apart from the Bombardier TVR (GLT) in Caen and Nancy, only standard or articulated BHLS vehicles operate in France. However, a number of urban areas abroad operate bi-articulated, non-guided buses. Constructors working

45 In practice, actual vehicle filling conditions may mean that these values cannot always be attained (depending on how easy it is to move in the aisle, etc.).

May 2010 59 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system in this field are expected to propose new rolling stock in the next few years. However, the market for bi-articulated buses in France will remain limited. This beeing said, the urban areas of Nantes (looking to increase BusWay® capacity) and Nîmes (project for a second BHLS line) are interested by this type of vehicle.

Photo 9: a bi-articulated bus in Utrecht (source: Certu)

Figure 28: capacities of different types of rolling stock (source: Certu)

In general, the capacity offered by public transport is one of its principal assets, as it helps reduce congestion in urban areas and make them more pleasant places by redistributing the available space. As far as cars are concerned, the capacity of an urban thoroughfare is limited to around 800 vehicles/hour/direction, or

60 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

1,040 passengers/hour/direction using the occupancy rate generally observed for car journeys in urban areas (1.3 persons per car46).

Photo 10 : advertising to promote alternative modes of transport in Dijon (source : Grand Dijon)

Until certain threshold of demands, performance of BHLS and tramway systems are quite similar; however. There is an overlap, however, above 3,000 passengers/hour/direction, only tramways are capable of effectively meeting demand.

Ridership on TCSP lines: what comparisons can be made? Comparing ridership figures for TCSP lines in different urban areas is a delicate matter, and mistakes can easily be made if sufficient care is not taken. The configuration of these lines can differ greatly from one city to another, particularly in terms of line length and the distribution of passengers at different stations (concentration or dispersion). For example, the TVM in the Paris region has a ridership of 65,000 passengers/day spread over a distance of 22 km, whereas Line B of the network boasts 50,000 passengers/day over just 9 km (2007 data). As a minimum, ridership must therefore be expressed in terms of passengers per kilometre of line. In 2005, the vast majority of tramway lines had riderships exceeding 4,000 passengers per kilometre47. With just 2,500 passengers per kilometre of line, Orléans is something of an exception; however, this is largely because a long section of line passes through a non-built-up area between the neighbourhood of Les Sources and the city centre.

46 Source: Enquêtes Ménages Déplacements [Household Travel Surveys] (Certu) 47 Source: Certu, CETE Lyon, Panorama des villes à transports publics guidés (hors Île-de-France): situation 2005 ["Overview of cities (outside the Paris region) with guided public transport systems: the situation in 2005"], Lyon, Certu, 53 p., 2007 (available for download from the Certu website).

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As far as matching capacity to demand is concerned, the difficulty lies in making accurate predictions for the future, even when using the most powerful modelling tools. The lifetime of vehicles is high (around 30 years for a tramway, and 15 to 20 The issue of capacity years for a BHLS vehicle, depending on how it is powered), and changing external must be examined factors are difficult to control: changes in mentality and behaviour (including throughout the system's greater environmental awareness), a changing economic context (notably oil lifetime prices), development of the urban area, etc. Provision must therefore be made for reserves in order to be able to increase system capacity when necessary. However, in reality, it is often the key ridership figures that determine the choice of system. This is the case, for example, in Dijon, where estimates after three years of operation show maximum riderships of 1,600 to 2,000 passengers per hour and in each direction for each line. a total of 3,800 passengers per hour and per direction should therefore be expected on the trunk section between the railway station and Place de la République.

3.3.2 System costs

Costs can vary considerably from one project to another. In particular, the number of bridges and tunnels, the construction of depots and park-and-ride, and the choices made in terms of urban improvements not directly connected to the running way can have a major impact on the final cost. Furthermore, the comparative analysis of the different solutions envisaged must take account of investment costs over an equivalent time period and operating costs, which are often poorly known by transport authorities.

Investment costs (including rolling stock, building-to-building improvements and park-and-ride facilities)

All-inclusive costs for recent tramway systems have been in the order of €22m/km (excluding tax). However, depending on the context, the variations can be enormous. In , for example, the first tramway line (opened in 2007) cost €38m/km. This high cost can be explained in part by geological constraints and the architectural design of the depot. Civil engineering structures such as bridges, tunnels and park-and-ride facilities increase the cost of systems, as do high-quality urban redevelopment projects (e.g. Place Masséna in Nice). Indeed, complementary works (i.e. not directly connected to the running way) can sometimes represent up to 40% of the total cost of a tramway system.

Costs also depend on the areas served. In peripheral areas, where landscaping is less important, the use of rails laid on ballast can reduce costs. In Lyon, for instance, this method was used for many parts of tramway line T3 – which reuses a former railway between Part-Dieu station and in the eastern suburbs – and cost less than €15m/km to build.

With regard to rolling stock, tramways cost around €2m (excluding tax) on minimum in France. The choice of frequency can therefore have a considerable impact on overall costs.

The variation in costs can be just as pronounced for BHLS systems, depending on the type of layout and enhancements selected. For example, the overall cost of the Nantes

62 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

® BusWay was €8.5m2006/km before tax (16% of which was not directly connected to the TCSP system), while the future Évéole scheme in Douai is estimated at €10m2007/km before tax (23% of which is not directly connected to the TCSP system). The cost of buses is linked to the order size, type of propulsion, technological innovations, market conditions, vehicle length, degree of customisation and level of equipments (air conditioning, plasma screens, IT). The "adaptation" of Mercedes-Benz Citaro vehicles for the Nantes BusWay® meant that articulated buses could be obtained for less than €500,000 (exc. tax). The additional cost incurred for electric-powered trolleybuses is generally estimated at 30%, but the articulated Cristalis buses in Lyon cost almost €900,000 (exc. tax) each, while the APTS Phileas to be used in Douai is set to cost more than €1.3m (exc. tax) for a standard-length bus (18 m). This high cost can be explained by the innovative guidance technology used, the inclusion of doors on both sides of the bus48 and its hybrid propulsion system. According to the manufacturer, this last factor means that operational savings can be made, with a theoretical consumption level49 30% lower than a conventional diesel bus that meets Euro 4 emissions standards. The over-costs for hybrids are observed in a range 50%-100%.

System BHLS(1) Tramway(2) Cost of a vehicle (exc. tax)(3) €0.4–1.3m €1.5–3m Overall total cost of system €4–10m/km €15–30m/km (exc. tax)(4) Lifetime of rolling stock 15–30 years(5) 30-40 years (1) The Bombardier TVR (GLT) is no longer manufactured, and therefore is not accounted for here (2) Including the rubber-tyred Translohr tramway in Clermont-Ferrand (3) For BHLS vehicles, the cost is based on rolling stock that is of a higher quality than conventional buses (e.g. the Mercedes Citaro used for the Nantes BusWay®, the APTS Phileas, or the Irisbus Crealis and Cristalis) (4) This depends on the service level and context (civil engineering works, associated structures, depots, archaeological excavations, etc.) (5) The lifetime of a bus that runs on thermal energy is estimated to be 15 years; for a trolleybus, 20 years

Table 4: order of magnitude of investment costs required for TCSP systems in 2008 (source: Certu)

Regardless of the type of TCSP implemented, the cost of the system (infrastructure 50 Enhancements not directly + rolling stock + stations) often represents less than 80% of the total cost . connected to the transport Building-to-building renovations and specific neighbourhood improvements system can prove costly therefore represent a significant cost. In Rouen, the intercommunality (a communauté d’agglomération) funded basic enhancement work, but individual municipalities served by TEOR could finance certain "customisation" measures or additional facilities and features. These "municipal" investments amounted to €4 million out of a total budget of €165 million. By drawing up corridor contracts, the urban transport authorities in Grenoble and Toulouse sought to clarify the funding arrangements for TCSP projects with regard

48 Having doors on both sides of the bus enables greater flexibility for the system (e.g. sta­ tions can use central platforms 4 m wide instead of two side platforms 2.5 m wide each) 49 Consumption data remains theoretical, as the system is not yet operational. 50 See Appendix 3 for a breakdown as per the "19 Certu items" for the example of the Triskell in Lorient

May 2010 63 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system to different authorities' responsibilities. In this context of negotiation, urban transport authorities tend to concentrate on funding the "TCSP system" part of the project.

Operating costs (excluding depreciation) It is becoming more and more difficult to obtain data concerning operating costs. Such data is at the heart of transport groups' strategies and is not only highly complex, but also varies from one urban area to another. Characteristics such as topography, congestion, or the presence of tunnels or viaducts can influence unit costs. Furthermore, in addition to personnel and energy, which represent more than two thirds of costs, maintenance costs need to be identified, especially for tramway systems (fixed installations, rail grinding, etc.).

Costs are also linked to the size of the network and how modern it is. Economies of scale are possible, particularly with tramway systems. For example, Nantes declared tramway operating costs of €4 (exc. tax) per kilometre travelled in 2005, whereas the Rouen tramway cost €6 (exc. tax) per kilometre travelled due to the presence of a tunnel and two stations located underground. In Bordeaux, tramway operating costs for 2013, when a number of extensions are due to open, are estimated at more than €8/km (exc. tax), but this is because parts of the use a ground-level power supply ( APS51 system), which tends to make the system more complex.

For BHLS, feedback is still somewhat limited. We shall exclude the Bombardier TVR (GLT) here, the costs of which are difficult to interpret because of problems encountered when these systems were put into operation. In Nantes, operating costs Switching from for the BusWay® amount to €3.60/km (exc. tax). The cost of operating TEOR in conventional buses to a Rouen, on the other hand, is approximately €4.20/km (exc. tax), while Lyon's BHLS systems means trolleybuses cost around €3.60/km (exc. tax). In all cases, the improved operating savings can be made in speeds obtained through the creation of a BHLS system help reduce operating terms of operating costs costs. For example, per-kilometre energy costs have been reduced by 6% on the Trans-Val-de-Marne following its western extension.

Conventional System BHLS(1) Tramway(2) bus line Average operating costs (exc. tax) per kilometre travelled €3–4/km €3.5–5/km €5–7/km (2007) for a city's first TCSP line (1) The Bombardier TVR (GLT) is no longer manufactured, and therefore is not accounted for here (2) Including the rubber-tyred Translohr tramway in Clermont-Ferrand

Table 5: operating costs of TCSP systems (source: Certu)

51 APS : Alimentation Par le Sol

64 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

System renewal costs Investment costs correspond, for the most part, to the construction of a TCSP system. However, a number of occasional – and sometimes costly – investments will also be necessary throughout the lifetime of a system (major maintenance, mid-life vehicle upgrades, replacement of rails, corrective treatment for ruts in roads, etc.). These are often difficult to predict and estimate. This is especially true given that feedback on the lifetime of TCSP systems is still insufficient, and given the speed with which the technology is developing. Furthermore, each subsystem has its own lifetime, often different from that of others.

For BHLS systems: - the surface of the running way has an expected lifetime of only around 7 years in general, due to rutting problems52; - vehicles have a lifetime of 12–15 years (a little more for trolleybuses)53. For tramway systems, the following points have been observed: - 20 years after becoming operational, those sections of track that suffer the most wear will need to be replaced (e.g. curves and points in Grenoble). - Vehicles require mid-life modernisation, i.e. after 15 to 20 years' service54. Nantes, for example, invested €2m in the renovation of 46 first­ generation trams acquired in the 1980s. The lifetime of these trams could be as high as 40 years rather than 30. - Platforms need to be upgraded to ensure they are compatible with new low-floor vehicles (e.g. Grenoble) which offer improved accessibility without the need for ramps.

The notions of costs and capacity must therefore be considered as part of a long­ term vision that takes into account the lifetime of systems, all operating costs (including upgrades of running ways, etc.) and potential changes to the network (increases in vehicle capacity, transfer of rolling stock between lines, etc.). For a given project, a comprehensive economic approach from the feasibility stage onwards should make it possible to assess the different possible systems and the various "network" and "service level" scenarios associated with these systems. In particular, choices regarding frequency will have an impact on operating costs and the overall balance sheet.

3.3.3 Raising awareness of the economic relevance of BHLS and tramway systems with regard to their capacity

Frequency is defined primarily in terms of a desired service level. However, it also plays a vital role in terms of system capacity. In order to deal with congestion

52 Rutting is especially pronounced on guided systems 53 The tax instruction of 21 January 1985 gives maximum acceptable depreciation times for wear and tear of 15 years for conventional buses and 20 years for trolleybuses 54 The tax instruction of 21 January 1985 gives a depreciation time due to wear and tear of 30 years for trams, trains, railways, etc.

May 2010 65 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system situations on a public transport line, particular efforts are made to improve and optimise frequencies according to demand.

Operating costs for tramway systems per unit capacity can appear lower than those of BHLS systems. This can be explained by the fact that these costs are largely dependent on the number of drivers required, which in turn is directly linked to the number of vehicles necessary, and therefore the headway. While tramways require higher investment costs than BHLS systems, overall costs per passenger place in the long term could well be lower for tramway systems. Appendix 5 includes a number of simple calculations that help us to understand this phenomenon. They underline the fact that choosing a BHLS system to cope with given passenger levels may prove to be unsuitable in the long term, if the following conditions are all met: - demand at peak times in the 15–20 years following the launch of the service is close to the maximum capacity offered by the fleet of articulated BHLS vehicles (2,100–2,400 pass./hr/dir.); - bi-articulated buses are not an option (integration problems, desired rolling stock not available on the market, etc.); - local opinion is that the advantages of a tramway system (image, comfort, integration, etc.) would compensate for lower frequencies (e.g. 6 min for tramways compared with 3 min for BHLS).

On Line 4 in Nantes, demand has been so high that the headway of the BusWay® has had to be increased to one bus every 3½ min at peak times. It would seem that its economic success will very much depend on whether it will be possible to operate bi-articulated buses in the long term. From the viewpoint of urban integration, this change would present no major problems: the route is mostly straight, with no narrow streets to negotiate. Furthermore, the 24 m platforms could easily accommodate longer vehicles. Any switch to bi-articulated buses would therefore depend primarily on the ability of manufacturers to respond to local needs. However, the market for this type of vehicle remains limited.

When different TCSP options are on the horizon, the urban transport authority must carry out precise economic and financial analyses in order to assess the relevance of these options in terms of capacity. The scenario whereby a BHLS The key to making the right choices is system is converted to a tramway must also be examined, as it means that carrying out detailed investments can be more evenly distributed and adapted to changing demand. In studies upstream this case, earmarking space for dedicated lanes and constructing an appropriate running way from the outset will make any conversion work at a later stage considerably easier.

66 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

3.4 Stage 3: technological precautions and local impacts of TCSP

3.4.1 Choice of technological innovation

France has a long history of pioneering innovation in the field of transport (e.g. the TGV, driverless metros or the Airbus A380 to cite only the most recent examples), particularly when it comes to urban transport. And innovation means experimentation zones: Lille with the VAL metro, Lyon with the Maggaly system55, Nancy with the TVR (GLT), Clermont-Ferrand with the Translohr, and Bordeaux with APS (alimentation par le sol – ground-level power supply). As the difficulties experienced with the TVR (GLT) in Nancy illustrate, innovation also has its risks.

In addition to technological problems, urban transport authorities must also be aware of the supply sector risks that could arise from a particular choice of system. For example, "conventional" trams and buses are products that are today sold in large quantities around the world. Indeed, they are the subject of intense competition, with a number of manufacturers vying for contracts across the globe. The same cannot be said for certain other vehicles developed recently. The Bombardier TVR (GLT), for example, has only been adopted in Caen and Nancy. For these two cities, the threat of manufacturing being dicontinued puts any future network development strategies (using the same system, thus enabling economies of scale) in jeopardy. Maintenance costs and spare-parts prices are uncertain and conditions are not guaranteed.

While Nancy is considering using a different system for its second BHLS line, Caen is faced with a dilemma. The urban area would like to acquire new vehicles in order to increase the capacity of – and extend – its existing line (12 additional vehicles would be necessary). In view of this, Bombardier has declared that it would be prepared to start manufacturing the TVR (GLT) again, but only for a minimum order of 20 vehicles. This could mean that Caen chooses the TVR (GLT) for its second BHLS line, currently on the drawing board.56 The Translohr by Lohr Industrie was first exported to Italy, notably because of its ability to integrate seemlessly into historic city centres (e.g. Padua and soon Venice). Lohr is now trying to invest in Asia (China, Japan) and the Paris region! Although the system exports well, it does have the disadvantage of being the exclusive product of a single manufacturer. This is also the case with the APTS Phileas, planned for Douai, which as of mid-2009 had still not been approved for use in France, whereas the infrastructure work was completed in early 2008. However, innovation-related risks also exist for rail-based tramways (APS system in Bordeaux, on-board batteries in Nice, etc.).

It would therefore seem preferable to anticipate problems by integrating the risk associated with technological innovation into the project (schedule, back-up solutions in the event of malfunction, etc.).

55 The first large-profile driverless metro system in France 56 Source: ENVER F., Caen : le TVR n’a peut-être pas dit son dernier mot ["Caen: we've perhaps not heard the last of the TVR"], in Ville & Transports, 28 November 2007

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3.4.2 Systems are not always mutually compatible

Interconnected tram-trains: relatively limited potential The possibility of interconnection with the conventional rail network is often cited The potential for as an argument in favour of tramways. This argument is perfectly valid as long as developing tram-train such interconnections are relevant in the long term from a socioeconomic systems that viewpoint. This is the case in Mulhouse, for example, which expects almost 12,000 interconnect with urban passengers per day on the peri-urban section of its tram-train. The Nantes– transport networks still Châteaubriant tram-train project has less potential, but can nonetheless be needs to be studied considered as a true urban development tool in an area where the population is growing at a phenomenal rate. However, this project does not offer any sort of interconnection with the urban network in Nantes, for technical and financial reasons. Indeed, the issues surrounding the compatibility of tram-train and urban tramway networks are highly complex: the type and gauge of rails, curves, minimum clearance outlines (dynamic envelope + safety margin), etc., must all be taken into consideration. Today, only Mulhouse's urban network is capable of accommodating tram-trains, mainly because it was specifically designed with this in mind. The development prospects of interconnected networks (urban– national rail) must therefore be studied as far upstream of any project as possible. The low population density in suburban areas of large French cities, together with urban sprawl, means that the profitability of interconnected tram-train projects is limited. Ultimately, the potential today depends above all on the performance of tram-train rolling stock (acceleration and braking abilities), enabling a more Tram-trains are also precise, targeted service within an area. The conventional use of tram-train rolling suitable for peri-urban stock for conventional TER (regional rail) services was begun with tramway line rail transport T4 between Aulnay-sous-Bois and Bondy in the Paris region, which uses Siemens Avanto vehicles. In 2007, the conseils régionaux (regional councils) of Pays de la Loire and Rhône-Alpes ordered 31 Citadis Dualis vehicles from Alstom (7 for the Nantes–Châteaubriant route and 24 for the TER network in Lyon's western suburbs). The cost of each vehicle is estimated to be €3m for the confirmed part of the contract and slightly more than €3.5m for the optional parts, which also includes an order for the Paris region. While the vehicles in Mulhouse are 2.65 m wide, Alstom is proposing a version of the Dualis that is 2.40 m wide in order to respond to the constraints of urban integration.

Changing trams Different types of tram are not always compatible either! The historic metric-gauge systems remain confined to Lille and Saint-Étienne, for example. The tramway systems installed since the 1980s have undergone numerous changes, some of which mean that different makes and models of tram are incompatible. First of all, there have been many changes in terms of accessibility, ranging from the high-floor trams of Nantes to the 100% low-floor vehicles in Lyon via the intermediate partial low-floor layout found in Grenoble's trams; platform–vehicle interfaces are therefore different. Above all, however, it is the variety in vehicle width that causes incompatibilities. Vehicle manufacturers, especially Alstom, have developed modular systems that can adapt to a range of urban area configurations. When trams were reintroduced in France the 1980s, the TFS (Tramway Français Standard – Standard French Tram) was launched with a width of 2.30 m; however, since then, other widths have also appeared on the market. For example, the three tramway systems launched in 2000 and 2001 that used the each had different widths (2.32 m in Orléans, 2.40 m in Lyon and 2.65 m in Montpellier). In Orléans, the choice of

68 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system width was due to the narrowness of certain streets along the tramway route. Today, Alstom has revised its catalogue, with a tendency towards greater standardisation and thus less choices for sizes. Now, only widths of 2.40 m or 2.65 m are offered. This means that the second tramway line in Orléans will no doubt be equipped with trams that cannot be used on the first line. This creates additional operating constraints (different maintenance standards, second depot) and limits the options for creating a "meshed" network in the long term. Finally, changes in regulations (particularly with regard to safety) can also lead to incompatibilities between trams.

The international bus market Conventional buses essentially use the same, simple techniques the world over, thus ensuring greater compatibility between lines. However, certain choices of guidance system could lead to the same sort of problems encountered with trams. Nonetheless, the relative simplicity of bus systems means that an international second­ hand market could be envisaged, which is not necessarily the case for tramway systems57 .

System compatibility as part of an overall vision for public transport networks BHLS may be seen as an intermediate step towards a future tramway system58. A tramway, on the other hand, is seen as a much more permanent, long-term choice requiring more extensive construction and modification works. It is therefore important to have a clear long-term vision in order to ensure that successive choices and decisions are compatible.

3.4.3 What are the impacts on the environment and on economic activities?

Impacts on noise and vibrations Disturbances associated with motor noise can vary from one vehicle to another. It depends above all on the type of propulsion (electrical or thermal) and the type of wheels (tyres or iron). For diesel buses, the noise levels recorded at a distance of 7.5 m from the source are generally higher than 80 dBA, regardless of speed. For electric vehicles, on the other hand, noise levels increase with speed: at 10 km/h, the noise level recorded is around 65 dBA for trolleybuses and 70 dBA for tramways. As speeds increase, the difference between the trolleybus and the tramways becomes less pronounced. At 50 km/h, noise levels are close to 80 dBA for both systems. However, it should be mentioned that diesel-powered buses are slightly quieter (by 2–3 dBA) than buses that run on natural gas. Clearly, electrical traction has certain advantages, particularly at low speeds. However, it should be noted that noise levels also vary much depend on the quality of the roadway for rubber-tyred vehicules (type of surface, evenness, etc.), and on the number of gradients and curves along the route. Noise levels will also be higher around stations, particularly when vehicles are full. However, screeching caused by

57 In recent years, however, rapidly changing emissions and accessibility standards mean that the market potential for reselling buses is more limited. 58 Albeit with the inconvenience of modifications or system downtime during infrastructure upgrade works

May 2010 69 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system trams negotiating tight curves remains the biggest source of noise – and of complaints from the local population59. As far as vibrations are concerned, potential disturbances of this nature mainly involve rail-based systems. Following a number of teething problems with the first tramway systems implemented, this problem is today controlled through the use of in-situ soil analyses and by taking account of the protection levels to be realised. The technical solutions implemented are highly effective (e.g. tramways in Montpellier run alongside the Corum opera house and conference centre).

The impacts on CO2 emissions 60 A summary of the latest CO2 emissions data from ADEME is given below :

CO2 emissions (use + production of energy) for urban trips

in gCO2/veh.·km Car 230 Standard bus powered by thermal energy 1,400 Articulated bus powered by thermal 1,800 energy Tram; trolleybus 200

They highlight the advantage of electrical propulsion over thermal propulsion.

The impacts on economic activities (by Marie-Noëlle Mille from Certu)

The creation of a surface TCSP system disrupts and transforms public spaces, and necessarily has an impact on the way these spaces are used and on nearby activities, particularly commercial activities. Owing to the recent nature of the first BHLS lines in France, it has not yet been possible to analyse and disseminate feedback concerning the impact on businesses. However, this information should soon be available for Rouen. In the meantime, we can use data from a number of other urban areas that have had tramways for several decades now. Indeed, Certu has carried out a number of studies on the economic impacts of tramway systems61.

59 Presentations by Joël Lelong from Inrets and Bernard Miège from CETE Lyon during the day-long event jointly organised by Inrets and Certu on 27–28 November 2008: Tramway : un mode de transport durable pour la ville ? ["Tramways: a sustainable transport mode for cities?"] 60 Deloitte, Efficacité énergétique, émissions de CO2 et autres émissions gazeuses spécifiques des modes de transports ["Energy efficiency, CO2 emissions and other specific gaseous emissions from transport modes"], ADEME, 150 p., 2008 61 Certu, Armacande, Déplacements et commerces, Impacts du tramway sur le commerce dans différentes agglomérations françaises ["Transport and trade: the impact of tram systems on commerce in different urban areas in France"], Lyon, Certu, 2005, 48 p.

70 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

The analysis of studies carried out by certain local authorities highlights a number of constants and enables lessons to be learnt; however, generalisations are avoided, as each surface TCSP line and each neighbourhood served is different, even within the same urban area. One of these constants is that any modification to a public space that affects its layout, its use or the way it functions will provoke concern and even fear among the local population, particularly among shopkeepers, who are almost always the first to complain. Once the construction phase – which can undeniably be inconvenient, even traumatic – and the reappropriation and readjustment phases are over, shops' normal business typically resumes, or even improves, especially in central areas. The situation is most difficult for certain shops in "transition" zones and/or in the centres of outlying towns and villages. However, it is very difficult to isolate the effect of the TCSP line from the local, national and sometimes international contexts that affect trade, the economy and lifestyles – especially as most TCSP projects are not just transport schemes, but also form part of a wider plan for the whole urban area, which in many cases involves substantial urban development operations.

The table below gives a summary of the results observed according to different indicators: Indicator Effect observed In the TCSP corridor, the number of business increases, but sometimes at a slower rate than in neighbouring areas. A reduction in the number of shops does not Number of shops necessarily mean a reduction in retail space: some businesses expand to take over neighbouring retail units. TCSP lines are the cause of vacant retail units only in exceptional cases. It is more frequently the national economic climate or local neighbourhood problems that are Vacant units responsible for this phenomenon; moreover, the situation often tends to improve with the arrival of a TCSP line and the enhancements it brings. More businesses are created than closed down. These changes occur in city-centre Termination and creation streets regardless of the presence or absence of a tramway. Grenoble CCI62 observed of businesses that "changes in the retail sector vary greatly, depending on the sections of street concerned". The data collected suffers from a lack of reliability and is not sufficiently representative. Nevertheless, we can note that the effect on customer numbers varies according to location (city centre, "transition" zones, outskirts). Shops in Turnover; business "transition" zones that were already fragile before the arrival of a tramway have activities greater difficulty keeping their business going, especially if they are heavily reliant on passing trade and have not been able to "ride the wave" of new development brought by the TCSP line.

Certu, Déplacements et commerces, Évaluation de l'évolution des impacts du tramway de Lyon sur le commerce ["Transport and trade: evaluating the changing impact of the on commerce"], Lyon, Certu, 2005, 89 p. Certu, ADEUS, Déplacements et commerces, Impacts du tramway sur le commerce dans l'agglomération strasbourgeoise ["Transport and trade: impact of the tramway on commerce in the Strasbourg urban area"], Lyon, Certu, 2004, 136 p. Certu, Déplacements et commerces : Enquête auprès des commerçants de la rue de Marseille et du cours de la liberté à Lyon ["Transport and trade: survey of shopkeepers in Rue de Marseille and Cours de la Liberté in Lyon"], Lyon, Certu, 2001, 52 p. 62 Chambre de commerce et d‟industrie

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The arrival of a TCSP line provides shopkeepers with an opportunity to redefine their business; other considerations must also be taken into account. The most Changes in business commonly observed trend is the development of banks, restaurants and other service­ activities sector activities. The city centre generally attracts more pleasure/leisure purchases, while outlying areas cater to more "useful" purchases. It is not the "tramway effect" so much as the flow of new customers that encourages national and international chains to set up in attractive areas; however, the arrival of chain stores can be at the expense of the originality and diversity of shops in the Chain stores area. This is generally seen by local authorities as a sign of the growing attractiveness of their urban area. It should be noted that when a TCSP project includes the creation of a pedestrian zone, all city-centre retailers benefit from the increased pedestrian traffic this brings. Although not all sectors of a city will benefit equally from the arrival of major chains, these chains are nonetheless signs of increased retail value, and therefore Value of retail units herald increases in rents and the value of business assets; this benefits outgoing businesses, but penalises independent newcomers. Grenoble urban planning agency has found that the tramway helps "redistribute" shoppers, either because of the increased mobility it brings, or because it has Patronage; purchases completely changed the way people access the city: the development of the tramway was combined with a wholesale reorganisation of the city's transport system. In the Lyon urban area, a shopping habits survey carried out by the CCI showed a stabilisation in car use for shopping journeys in recent years: 73% in 1996, compared Transport modes used with 70% in 2006. Walking, although in decline, remains the preferred mode for by shoppers local shopping journeys. Public transport use is low, at 5–10%. However, this proportion is gradually increasing, thanks to TCSP. Finally, an increasing number of shopping journeys are made using two-wheelers.

The enhancement of public spaces and reorganisation of traffic flows that often accompany the development of a tramway have significant repercussions on shops. Building-to-building improvements, observed in most streets used by tramways, bring a new image to the public spaces concerned and a new identity for the urban area as a whole, which in turn leads to an increase in the attractiveness of its shopping districts. On the other hand, new traffic systems can aggravate an already difficult situation for shops that are essentially reliant on passing trade, especially if they have not adapted their business to the new retail climate. Finally, customer parking and deliveries are always two of the most controversial aspects of any TCSP project. Experience has shown that these two factors must be integrated into the project from the very start. Delivery needs, in terms of space and time, must be fully analysed upstream of the project, so that appropriate solutions can be proposed and implemented at the construction stage. Longer-term adaptations should also be made, in order to take account of potential changes in the types of shops present in a given area.

In conclusion, although changes in the retail sector undoubtedly occur following the development of a TCSP system, it is impossible to isolate the "TCSP effect" from other societal, economic and urban changes. TCSP systems often amplify or accelerate pre-existing trends and processes already in motion, but are never the root cause of them. Taking the time to listen, recognise and understand the habits, needs and processes of local actors; adopting a meticulous approach with regard to the use of public spaces (e.g. parking and deliveries); and explaining, supporting and following up projects constitute the keys to success for any TCSP scheme.

72 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

3.5 Stage 4: integration and realisation

3.5.1 The urban integration of TCSP

The narrow streets present in most French cities can make integrating public transport difficult. The long-term vision for an urban area and its public transport network can sometimes lead to choices of systems and routes that are incompatible with the integration options available.

Turning conditions of TCSP systems Tyre-based systems (BHLS or rubber-tyred trams) have the advantage of being able to negotiate turns with greater ease, especially when they are guided and follow a single path. The minimum outer turning radius is less than 12 m for these vehicles (except for TEOR when it is operating in optical guidance mode63), while for tramways on rails it is 25–30 m. Tramway curve radii that are too tight are a source of noise pollution, cause rapid wear and tear on tracks, and restrict travel speeds. However, with the same radius, tramways on rails require less space on curved sections than tyre-based systems, Of course, if high performance is being sought (particularly in terms of comfort and speed), TCSP systems should generally avoid overly tortuous routes in any case.

Integrating TCSP into straight sections of street Tramways (whether on rails or rubber-tyred) can be integrated into straight sections of street more easily, as rolling stock is not excessively wide (2.40 m for standard conventional trams, 2.20 m for the Translohr). Buses, on the other hand, tend to be between 2.50 m and 2.55 m wide, not including wing mirrors (an extra 0.25 m on each side)64. By having doors on both sides of vehicles (this is the case for all trams in France, as well as for the APTS Phileas bus), it is also possible to reduce the space taken up by stations (e.g. using central platform 4 m wide instead of lateral platforms 2.5 m wide each).

What are the benefits of guided systems? The use of guided systems is often motivated in technical terms by integration problems. However, the reality is far more complex. While physical guidance systems, such as the central rail of the TVR (GLT), do indeed help reduce the space required by the vehicle, the same cannot always be said for vehicles that use non-physical guidance systems. Regulations on guided public transport65 impose safety margins which, in straight sections, can cancel out the gains obtained by guidance (this is the case for the APTS Phileas system in Douai, for example) or even increase the amount of space required (e.g. TEOR in Rouen). Although the space required (including the safety margin) on curves is reduced, guidance measures are not always suitable for tight bends (this is the case for the optical guidance system Rouen, for instance).

63 In this case, the minimum radius necessary for the system to operate correctly is 25 m 64 Wing mirrors can cause major problems if there is not sufficient space between buses (wing mirrors can become "entangled"). They also represent a potential danger for users during docking at stations. 65 French decree no. 2003-425 relating to the safety of public transport

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Finally, given the various problems encountered with physical guidance systems (higher costs than expected, operational difficulties) and the limits of non-physical systems when it comes to integration, guidance systems now seem to interest local authorities largely because of the improved accessibility they provide at stations (this is the case with projects in Metz, Nîmes and Nancy) but also because of the innovative aspect on itself, to create enthousiasm and push the modern image of public transport.

Table 6: space consumption for different TCSP systems (source: Certu and CETE Méditerranée)

TCSP and gradients With few exceptions, tramways today are designed to be able to cope with gradients of 6% or 7% at most. With motors on each axle, slopes of 10% could be envisaged; however, this would involve significant modifications to vehicles which could considerably increase rolling-stock costs. Rubber-tyred systems are better equipped to negotiate slopes, with a limit of 13% often set in order to ensure user comfort. Finally, it should be noted that electrically powered systems have greater accelerating capacity on slopes.

3.5.2 Impacts during construction work

Work takes longer for tramway lines Construction work for surface TCSP lines causes major disruption and inconvenience, regardless of the type of system concerned: access for residents and businesses – as well as delivery access – is affected, safe pedestrian routes have to be established, vehicular traffic has to be reorganised, etc. The only major difference is how long this disruption lasts: whereas work on a BHLS line takes 2 years on average, almost 3 years are necessary to build a 10 km tramway line. Naturally, the work involved in building a tramway is more substantial, not least because its lifespan and rigidity ensures a degree of permanence for the neighbourhoods it serves.

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Solutions to minimise disruption Lessons learned from existing tramway systems (from the 1980s onwards) today mean that surface TCSP work can be organised more effectively.

With regard to traffic management, one option involves cutting the roadspace into strips. This was the method used for the tramway in Mulhouse and the BHLS system in Douai, for example. In Douai, the BHLS route was divided into 34 independent sections, each 150 m to 400 m long, taking account of the types of activities present in different areas66. This approach to construction minimises the impact of delays and reduces disruption. The first three sections were used as "testing grounds".

Figure 29 organisation of construction work for the BHLS in Douai (source: SMTD)

In order to facilitate deliveries in shopping streets during work on TEOR in Rouen, the city council and the local CCI set up local delivery areas (known as ELPs or espaces de livraison de proximité in French). Each "ELP" comprised a prefabricated building and parking space for two lorries with specialist equipment available (on loan) to make deliveries to shops.

3.6 The need for successive iterations: the example of the city of Besançon (by Yann Chauvin from Grand Besançon)

Since 1974, Besançon – population 120,000 and the core city of an urban area of 180,000 inhabitants – has been cultivating a voluntary policy of developing alternative transport modes to the car. Besançon was the first urban area in France to implement a Transport Plan, 35 years ago, leading to the pedestrianisation of its city centre through the creation of "traffic cells". Since then, the city has always sought high-performance solutions, despite its relatively small size: in 1974, its transport network was the first in France to be equipped with an automatic vehicle location (AVL) system; in 2001, it implemented a multimodal information hub (a joint project between Grand Besançon, Franche-Comté Regional Council, Doubs Conseil Général, and SNCF); in 2002, it rolled out an intermodal fare scheme in conjunction with the regional and département-based networks; it introduced dynamic real-time information at bus stops (in 2001) and via mobile phones (in

66 The TCSP line is 12 km long in total

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2004); and in 2002 it created interchange hubs at city gateways, to name but a few measures.

In September 2002, Grand Besançon, the local intercommunality created in 2001, launched Ginko, the new intercommunal public transport network, comprising 50 regular bus and coach lines (18 urban and 32 peri-urban) plus a number of demand­ responsive transport services. Between 2002 and 2004, ridership increased by 14% and use of the network (around 90,000 trips per day) is similar to levels achieved in certain larger urban areas.

However, the Ginko has an inherent structural weakness resulting from the fact that the city's urbanisation has been quite gradual: only 6 km of bus lanes, and buses have priority at only 50 junctions. Since 1997, the network's limits in terms of capacity have become apparent: congested lines because of increased car traffic, a slow but sure drop in operating speeds, and finally stagnation and even a slight drop in ridership since 2005. The need to take performance to a new level has therefore become an objective. In 2000, as part of the PDU, a tramway was suggested as a possible solution, but this option was the source of concerns: as the bus network already performed very well, and as the cost of a tramway would be very high, it was felt that the expense could not be justified by the potential gain in performance (and therefore ridership), which could be quite low in proportional terms.

To try to gain a better understanding of the issues at stake and the feasibility of such a project, no less than 29 studies into TCSP schemes were made between 1997 and 2008, covering everything from preliminary steps to operational phases and ranging from the very general to the highly specific. In December 2005, the master plan for a TCSP scheme was finally approved.

Based on a comprehensive opportunity/feasibility study, this plan envisaged the creation of a network comprising two radial lines running in dedicated lanes over a distance of 18 km from east to west (capable of handling 15,000 and 25,000 trips per day respectively), dedicated bus lanes over a further 14 km, and the reopening of a 10 km rail line in the north of the urban area, with the three new stations. This initial project was developed in response to quite a simple observation: what the Ginko network needed above all was dedicated-lane infrastructure; the precise choice of system was secondary. With regard to financing, a deliberately pragmatic approach was taken: how much could the urban area afford to invest simply by raising the VT (transport payment) rate from 1.05% to 1.80%? The expected gain was around €12m per year extra. This meant that the whole project would have to cost no more than €155–175m before tax (2004 estimates). In 2005, the decision was therefore taken to opt for a BHLS system.

However, in 2006 and 2007, the launch of operational and urban integration studies (and expert evaluations of rolling stock) for the east–west line would change these plans to some extent. The problem lay in the historic centre of the urban area, which has many narrow streets while generating 46% of ridership for the whole Ginko network. The historic core therefore became a major focus point within the project in terms of capacity, integration and the environment. The choice of system – and, by extension, the choice of rolling stock – was therefore of the greatest importance, in order to ensure the best combination of route and system. It is here that the limitations of buses, and therefore BHLS systems, become apparent:

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- they are difficult or even impossible to integrate into certain narrow streets (9–12 m wide); - the length of vehicles, and therefore vehicle capacity, would be limited; - thermal energy would be undesirable, but electrical energy sources would be difficult to implement in the historic centre, which is a UNESCO world heritage site (overhead lines would be an eyesore, no non-thermal autonomous systems that offer sufficiently high performance are available, etc.).

Furthermore, with a view to implementing rail-based operation, the two lines running in dedicated lanes 18 km long would be transformed into a single 14 km line with a branch in the direction of the railway station and a 200 m single-track in a pedestrian street. Traffic modelling gave an expected ridership for this line of 45,000 trips per day, which would be enough to justify building a tramway67.

In 2008, a final decision had to be made. Although a tramway was the right choice of system, the financial approach was now different: how much would such a project cost, and how would Grand Besançon be able to finance it? A financial working group was therefore set up. This group, composed of elected representatives and technical experts, concluded that the project was financially viable, but with strict limits given that Besançon is a medium-sized urban area, even though public transport usage levels are as high as in certain larger cities. The tramway project was initially estimated to cost €255m before tax. However, the final budget allowance was fixed at €200m before tax (2008 estimate), give or take €20m (exc. tax), for the construction of the TCSP line. Other funding was found for the rail infrastructure in the north of the urban area (€11m before tax; 2007 estimate).

During this time, routing options for the TCSP line were fine-tuned by the technical departments, and integration issues were analysed in even greater detail. However, there was considerable opposition regarding both the choice of system and the choice of route in the city centre, as well as concerns about the impact on urbanisation and network ridership levels. There were essentially two conflicting visions: BHNS was presented as being "reasonable" (too short-term a vision?) while the tramway was presented as "ambitious" (too ambitious?).

This iterative approach over a period of years culminated in the public presentation of the project with two possible routes, notably in the city centre, and two possible systems. This dual project was submitted for public consultation in autumn 2008.

On 18 December 2008, after presenting the results of the consultation exercise, Grand Besançon validated its reference project in a session of the Conseil Communautaire (intercommunal council). This project now comprised a 14 km "optimised" east–west tramway line, costing €210m before tax (2008 estimate).

In 2009, the emphasis has been on designing this optimised scheme, and mobilising project managers, business and construction firms in order to ensure the success of

67 In 2005, all tramway lines in operation in France had ridership levels of at least 3,000 passengers per kilometre of line, except in Orléans (source: Certu, Panorama des villes à transports publics guidés (hors Île-de-France) : situation 2005 ["Overview of cities (out­ side the Paris region) with guided public transport systems: the situation in 2005"]

May 2010 77 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system this essentially quite innovative project. For Grand Besançon, if the scheme is a success, this innovation will lie in showing that tramways can be necessary in medium-sized urban areas, that this choice is sometimes legitimate (with regard to capacity and urban integration), as studies have shown to be the case, but also that tramway systems must be adapted to the specificities of these urban areas (in terms of size, ground coverage and capacity), as well as their financial means. By the end of 2009, if the invitations to tender are conclusive, Grand Besançon will know whether its gamble will pay off for a final delivery in 2014.

Figure 30: route of the TCSP project approved in late 2008 (source: Grand Besançon)

78 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

3.7 Summary of the scopes of application for surface TCSP systems

Rail-based tramway

+ -

Capacity: > 3,000 pass./hr/dir. Gradient: < 8% Narrow running way: 5.40–6.20 m Curves: Rmin > 25 m Good accessibility Fixed route Fixed route Work required: 3 years Tram-train connections possible Cost: €15–30m/km Wide range of products available Image/enhancements (grass, cobbles, etc.)

1 Rubber-tyred tramway (Translohr)

+ -

Capacity: around 4,000 pass./hr/dir. Work required: 3 years Gradient: < 13% Cost: €15–20m/km Curves: Rmin > 12 m Impossible interconnections Narrow running way: 5.40 m Limited range of products available Good accessibility Platform wear Fixed route Fixed route

Figure 31: summary of the scopes of application of 2 Bus with a High Level of Service different TCSP systems (source: Certu) Patouillard/F.Rambaud et + - D.Bertrand + définition des termes « emprise » et « Gradient: < 13% Capacity < 3,000 pass./hr/dir. monotrace »? Curves: Rmin > 12 m Flexibility Flexibility Lower comfort levels Work required: 2 years Lower visibility

Cost: €4–10m/km Various products available


May 2010 79 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

3 - When is BHLS an appropriate choice? Points to remember…

 Before even discussing a TCSP system, a development plan for the urban area must be established, taking account of the key principles behind any potential changes to the public transport system.  The process that eventually leads to a TCSP system being chosen is necessarily a long and often iterative one. At the heart of this process lies a programme of studies that serves to identify the determining factors for the choice of system for the urban area. The project schedule must incorporate this preliminary phase.  BHLS occupies a position between conventional buses and tramways, in terms of both capacity and cost. It can act as a vector for urban development and enhancements, just like a tramway.  Depending on its characteristics (e.g. guidance, single-path vehicles), BHLS offers a number of solutions in terms of integration, but remains a system that is governed by the Code de la Route (limited to 24.5 m in length and 2.55 m in width, excluding wing mirrors).  The analysis of system costs (investment, operation and regeneration) must be as detailed as possible for each of the scenarios studied, and in particular must take account of expected system lifespans.  The issues of serving historic city centres and reorganising bus networks must be examined very closely, as far upstream as possible.

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4. How can a high level of service be achieved with buses?

4.1 Optimising every element of a BHLS system

4.1.1 Dedicated lanes: the building blocks of BHLS systems

Regulations governing shared thoroughfares make a distinction between three types of configuration: o Mixed flow lanes, open to all categories of vehicle; o shared lanes, reserved for a number of clearly identified vehicle categories; o dedicated lanes (or reserved lanes), for the exclusive use of one particular category of vehicle.

For a BHLS line, operation in dedicated lanes along most (or, ideally, all) of its route is a necessary but insufficient condition for high performance, and thus for achieving the high level of service desired for the system. Indeed, as long as they are respected, dedicated lanes constitute an essential factor in improving operating speed and service reliability, by enabling public transport vehicles to sidestep problems such as traffic congestion. Opening these lanes to other categories of vehicle (e.g. bicycles, taxis, conventional bus lines) is an option that may be envisaged, particularly where the frequency of the BHLS line allows it and where the impact on BHLS safety and service levels (i.e. reliability, speed) is low. This arrangement is known as a shared lane. This contrasts with the very first BHLS approaches adopted, which were concerned with large urban areas or first-ever TCSP lines in medium-sized urban areas 68. The emphasis at this time was on dedicated lanes being for the exclusive use of public transport, in order to meet very high performance objectives similar to those in place for tramways in France.

For both dedicated and shared lanes, a number of road layouts are possible. These configurations have a decisive impact on the way the system operates69 and must be discussed as far upstream as possible in connection with service-level objectives.

68 Certu, Bus à Haut Niveau de Service : concept et recommandations ["Buses with a high level of service: concept and recommendations"], Lyon, Certu, 2005, 111 p. 69 See the Certu publication, Guide d’aménagement de voirie pour les transports collectifs ["Guide to road layouts for public transport"], Lyon, Certu, 2000, 268 p.

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Table 7: three most common layouts for dedicated lanes served in France : advantages and disadvantages (source: Certu)

As with tramways, choices regarding protection levels depend on the urban context and on the risk of dedicated lanes being breached. To be effective, dedicated lanes must above all be respected by other road users!

Photo 11: the installation of axial dedicated lanes in Rennes limits the effects of external disruption and makes the roadspace easier to understand as a whole (source: Certu)

82 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Photo 12: on Line C1 in Lyon, the decision to install unprotected side lanes can be a source of disruption for bus traffic (double-parked cars, delays or disruption due to kerbside parking, etc.) (source:Certu)

4.1.2 How can dedicated lanes be used to best advantage, and what can be done when space is limited?

b) Dedicated lanes can take different forms in different areas

In developing the infrastructure for TEOR 70, Rouen used three different road layouts: - two-way dedicated lanes in the city centre, where congestion and "100% dedicated lanes" urban redevelopment stakes were highest; is not always essential - spatially alternating dedicated lanes in areas where space is limited and where no alternative route is possible; - mixed-flow lanes at the ends of lines, where congestion is absent and public-transport demand is lower.

70 See Appendix 1: definitions of infrastructures for buses

May 2010 83 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Figure 31: the three different infrastructure configurations used for TEOR in Rouen

(photos: Certu Ŕ map: Communauté de l’Agglomération Rouennaise)

In Nantes, the BusWay® runs in two-way axial dedicated lanes for the majority of its route, in order to achieve a particularly challenging political and technical goal: to be as good as the city's tramway! This choice of layout means that high levels of service (in terms of speed, reliability and image) are practically guaranteed. However, because of space restrictions, one section uses spatially alternating dedicated lanes, as in Rouen. The main disadvantage of this arrangement is the number of lateral movements required to change lane, which can lead to lower comfort levels compared with the rest of the line.

84 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Photo 13: spatially alternating dedicated ® lane for the BusWay , Nantes' BHLS system (source: CETE Ouest)

Similar enhancements have been implemented for the Triskell, Lorient's BHLS system, in order to facilitate its integration at junctions. At roundabouts, the dedicated lanes in each direction separate, thus reducing the amount of space required at the junction. In addition, buses have priority over cars at all times, ensuring they are always at the front of the line of traffic in non­ reserved sections. This arrangement is sometimes referred to as "intermittent dedicated lanes".

Figure 32: example of road layouts on a section of the Triskell network in Lorient (source: Cap Lorient)

In the three cases presented above, priority at junctions enables buses to merge back into mixed flow lanes ahead of all other vehicles. This type of priority is

May 2010 85 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system managed using traffic lights in Rouen and Nantes and "give way" markings in Lorient.

These few examples highlight the flexibility of BHLS systems and their ability to adapt to different urban contexts. These choices also mean that investments can be optimised by adapting them to needs more closely.

b) Whatever the type of surface TCSP system chosen, integration issues form part of the route selection criteria

In the centre of Douai, the urban transport authority decided to separate the two directions of the BHLS route via two narrow, parallel streets. This has the advantage of maintaining speed, reliability and comfort, as it means that dedicated lanes can be built. However, there are also some drawbacks: the separation of stations means that the same areas are not served in each direction, and could lead to confusion among users. This solution is therefore recommended only if the two streets concerned are close together and suitable measures are put in place to facilitate connections between the two sections (and comprehension of the system), as is the case in Douai.

Photo 14: separate running in each direction for Douai's BHLS system, Évéole (source: Certu)

4.1.3 Moving towards "tramway-style" stations

As with tramways in France, the creation of a BHLS system can be an opportunity to envisage stations with the following characteristics: - locations and street furniture that ensure high visibility and ease of use; also, stations on opposite sides of the street should ideally be facing one another; - easy and safe access for pedestrians from surrounding areas;

86 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

- comfortable waiting conditions: adequate space, shelters, seats, real-time information; - a platform height that ensures easy vehicle access (for example: 23 cm on the Trans-Val-de-Marne, 27 cm on the BusWay®, 29 cm on the second phase of TEOR as a result of guidance); - alignment with the bus's trajectory.

It should be noted that the choice of street furniture can have a significant impact on the management and cost of stations. For example, Maubeuge opted for advanced designer shelters made in Italy at a cost of €20,000, compared with €5,000 for a standard shelter. In Nantes, the nature of the route (many straight sections) and the use of bevelled kerbstones enables high-performance docking at stations with no need for guidance.

Photo 15: bevelled kerbstones and docking on the BusWay® site in Nantes (source: Nantes Métropole)

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Stations can help identify the high level of service offered by a BHLS system in the same way as vehicles or dedicated lanes.

Photo 16: in Lorient, the architect-designed stations identify the Triskell service (source: CETE Ouest)

4.1.4 Appropriate station spacing to ensure high speeds

Public transport networks must often respond to objectives that are not mutually compatible: - they must serve as many people and areas as possible; and - they must offer high performance levels in order to encourage modal shift.

For a long time, surface bus lines have tried to combine these two roles. Today, however, there is a trend to separate these functions to some extent, in order to obtain better results. For BHLS, it is undoubtedly the "performance" aspect that is more important. Therefore, when deciding on the location of BHLS stations, networks tend to favour greater distances between stations (around 400 m to 500 m on average)71 to ensure higher operating speeds while still serving businesses and housing areas effectively.

71 In 2005, the average station spacing on French tramways was approximately 480 m (source: Certu, CETE Lyon, Panorama des villes à transports publics guidés (hors Île-de- France): situation 2005 ["Overview of cities (outside the Paris region) with guided public transport systems: the situation in 2005"], Lyon, Certu, 53 p., 2007 (available for download from the Certu website).

88 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Commercial speed as a function of dwell time at stations and station spacing (where Vmax = 50 km/h)

Dwell time 15 s 50 45 Dwell time 30 s 40 Dwell time 45 s 35 30 25 20 15

Vcom inkm/h 10 5 0 150 250 350 450 550 650 750 850 950 Interstation en mètres

4.1.5 Operating conditions that encourage bus growth

Congestion in built-up areas is increasing, and public transport is suffering as a consequence. In Besançon, the reduction in average speeds across the network has Speed and reliability forced the city to increase its fleet (172 buses in 2008, compared with 155 in 2001) ensure attractiveness, in order to keep frequencies and service spans at the same level. capacity and operational savings (in BHLS operating conditions must ensure reliability and speed, in order to offer a terms of both energy high-performance service and make operational savings. and personnel costs) For example, on a 10 km line with headways of 10 minutes, increasing the average speed from 12 km/h to 17 km/h will free up 3 buses (and 3 drivers) that can be used to increase frequency elsewhere. It will also reduce the energy consumption and greenhouse-gas emissions of every bus in operation. Following the opening of the western extension of the Trans-Val-de-Marne (TVM), energy consumption was reduced by around 6% as a result of fewer stops at traffic lights and increased speeds.

Reliability ensures that the network runs at optimum capacity and facilitates the smooth running of automatic vehicle location and real-time passenger information (AVL–RTPI) systems.

May 2010 89 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Number of buses required to obtain a given minimum frequency on lines of different lengths

30 Length = 5 km 25 Length = 10km Length = 20 km 20



Numberbuses of 5

0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Commercial speed (km/h)

With dedicated lanes, priority at junctions is an element that ensures a high level of service, particularly in congested areas. Politically, this is sometimes a delicate Like the majority of measure to implement. It can also be a source of conflict between the local tramways, BHLS government departments responsible for public transport and traffic management. systems must have It is therefore important to carefully select priority junctions beforehand, in order to priority at junctions avoid the need for modifications at a later date. This sort of priority is particularly effective, as vehicle detection systems installed ahead of the junction mean that stops at traffic lights, however brief, can be avoided, thus affording greater comfort for users. In Maubeuge, service-level objectives have been adapted to the size of the urban area. As the BHLS line has a headway of one bus every ten minutes in peak time, the line is operated according to a timetable72, without any headway management measures. In order to ensure punctuality, a system for traffic-light priority has been put in place with the aim of meeting reliability targets for the BHLS line. With this system, traffic lights should automatically turn to green for all buses that are on time or behind schedule. Buses are fitted with an on-board transmitter with detector boxes in traffic-light control cabinets.

The choice of design for dedicated lanes plays a decisive role73. In order to achieve a high level of service, these lanes should ideally not be shared with BHLS dedicated lanes cyclists, taxis, conventional bus lines or interurban coaches when BHLS must be kept as free as frequencies are high. Occasionally, a shared arrangement may be envisaged to possible from ensure the continuity of other bus or cycle routes or maintain access to specific obstructions public facilities, provided that vehicle speeds are compatible. However, other solutions should be explored first to meet the needs of particular users such as: opening up new and existing conventional bus lines to these users, creating cycle lanes, paths and contraflows, etc.

72 We can distingish two manners of “time management” in a bus system. For a high frequency (e.g. under 10 minutes), we speak about headway management as the goal is to keep intervals regula (reliability). For a bus with a low frequency, it‟s important not to miss the bus ! Here we speak of timetable management (poncutality). 73 See Appendix 1: definitions of infrastructures for buses

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When BHLS frequencies are lower, shared arrangements may be envisaged in order to optimise the available space, provided that additional traffic does not adversely affect desired service levels. For example, with a BHLS headway of 8– 10 minutes at peak times, it may be possible to envisage sharing lanes with other bus lines and cyclists. However, this configuration must be carefully examined over time: any significant increase in the numbers of bicycles and conventional buses could adversely affect BHLS service levels – and, unfortunately, this is the sort of choice that, politically, cannot be easily undone! These strategies for the sharing (or non-sharing) of lanes and priorities must be clearly identified within the context of an overarching planning approach, such as the PDU (Urban Transport Plan).

Frequencies must be adapted not only to the desired level of attractiveness, but also to the level of demand. In Nantes, for example, a few months after the launch of the BusWay®, headways were reduced from 4 minutes to 3½ minutes at peak times in order to increase system capacity. However, as with tramways, it becomes more difficult to ensure the reliability of buses with headways of less than 3 minutes. This situation is particularly delicate for trunk-based configurations, where entry to and exit from the trunk section must also be managed. In smaller urban areas, where transport needs are generally lower, headways may be higher (10 minutes in Maubeuge and 10 minutes in Douai, for example).

Photo 17: on the trunk section of TEOR in Rouen, the theoretical frequency is roughly one bus every two minutes in each direction (source: CETE Sud-Ouest)

Intelligent technologies (or ITS74) also contribute to performance and comfort levels: . Smart ticketing is not unique to TCSP systems. It has been gradually introduced across many networks. It provides transport operators with more detailed information about journeys made75, encourages intermodality, and conveys a modern image of public transport. . Electronic ticketing on platforms means that boarding times can be reduced, thus ensuring improved speeds and reliability. This arrangement is highly recommended for busy stations.

74 ITS: intelligent transportation systems 75 Provided that users validate their tickets or travelcards and complementary surveys are carried out to correct results (taking account of fare evasion, accidental non-validation, etc.)

May 2010 91 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

. On TCSP systems, passenger information is particularly useful in the event of disruption or delays. While precise waiting-time information is less vital on lines with high frequencies, it can be beneficial for less frequent services. On­ board real-time information (e.g. next station announcement, perhaps journey time and/or indicators showing progress along the line and departure times for other lines on transfer stations), on the other hand, is essential. . Certain networks have been developing CCTV security surveillance, so that drivers can concentrate on driving.

Finally, operating conditions are also always pre-conditionned by traffic conditions around the BHLS line. High traffic levels and significant flows of traffic perpendicular to the BHLS route can cause disruption. A number of measures to help reduce such disruption may be implemented, depending on the urban context, including: - preventing traffic cutting across BHLS lanes, by prohibiting perpendicular traffic from continuing straight on and prohibiting parallel traffic from making left turns [in countries which drive on the right]; this would be compensated by the creation of roundabouts (as is the case on Avenue de l‟Europe in Maubeuge); - limiting through traffic, particularly on mixed-flow lanes, by alternating traffic flows.

Figure 33: example of a traffic system with alternating flows (source: CETE Est)

4.1.6 Fostering a positive image for buses and improving comfort and accessibility

Currently, buses still suffer from a rather unglamorous image; however, rolling stock can play a key role in boosting the attractiveness of BHLS services as being one of the most visible components of the system in the city image.

. Comfort is one area where noticeable improvements have been achieved in recent years: quality of seats, internal layout, lighting, engine noise, braking, suspension, etc.

92 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Photo 18: interior of the Irisbus Crealis with woo and transparancy, which will operate on the first BHLS line in Nîmes from 2011 (source: Nîmes Métropole)

. The increasing importance accorded to accessibility has led to significant advances, such as low-floor buses and spaces for PRMs76 . The 2005 law77 governing this issue in France means that disabilities should be taken into account to an even greater extent in the future, notably with developments in the field of audio and visual information. Depending on the objectives set, the use of docking guidance at stations may prove beneficial; this does, of course, incur an extra cost that varies according to the system selected: optical, magnetic, with rail central, kerb-mounted wheels, etc. For example, the extra cost of the guidance system for the BHLS project in Nîmes is estimated to be €90,000 per vehicle78. Even without guidance systems, there is a number of measures that can be implemented to improve accessibility. Maubeuge has opted for bevelled kerbs, as well as road markings to act as visual aids for drivers. A green line on the running way indicates the path to be taken by the bus, while markings at stations enable the driver to align the front of the vehicle so that the wider doors for PRM access are positioned correctly with the platform.

76 PRM: person with reduced mobility 77 French law no. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005 for equal rights and opportunities, involvement and citizenship of people with disabilities 78 This cost includes project design and management, the on-board and external elements of the system, and testing

May 2010 93 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Photo 19: road markings at BHLS stations in Maubeuge help facilitate docking (source: Certu)

Figure 34: Rouen chose a Siemens optical guidance system designed for and subsequently buses, adding around 5Ŕ10% to the overall cost of the BHLS system (sources: Communauté de l’Agglomération Rouennaise and Siemens)

94 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Figure 35: in Douai, magnetic sensors are inserted in the roadway at 2-metre intervals in order to correct bus trajectories and provide immaterial guidance along the entire route of the BHLS line (source: SMTD)

What are the benefits of guided systems? Today, improved accessibility at stations is the main benefit emphasised in guided BHLS projects. This improved accessibility makes bus use easier for PRMs, thus reducing dwell time at stations (thanks to optimised boarding/alighting conditions), resulting in improved speed and reliability across the line. Depending on the system selected, guidance may make it easier to integrate a BHLS line into restricted spaces (see section 3.5). Guidance also provides greater comfort on curves and increases the visibility of the BHLS system to a certain extent (additional features required for guidance mean that dedicated lanes are more distinctive in some cases). It can support and vehiculate modern image of public transport

. Finally, the rolling stock conveys the image of the BHLS system and the performance it is set to bring. With BHLS, the aim is to combine modern vehicles and facilities with high performance.

Photo 20: the design of the future BHLS vehicle for Nîmes, with a customised front section (source: Irisbus)

Manufacturers have rapidly come to grips with the requirements of BHLS systems. With new vehicles that are modern and comfortable, a new type of customer is being targeted: users that would happily hop aboard a tram, but would avoid conventional buses at all costs!

May 2010 95 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Following the "BHLS-isation" of the Mercedes-Benz Citaro for the Nantes BusWay®, rival manufacturer Irisbus has now unveiled the Crealis. This vehicle has been specially designed for use on BHLS lines. Nîmes, Maubeuge and the RATP in Paris have already placed orders. The RATP plans to have 120 Crealis buses in operation by 2011, notably for the Trans-Val-de-Marne line and its future eastern extension. The vehicles will benefit from translucent "accordion" sections, sliding doors and a "high-end" level of comfort. The RATP estimates that these "super buses" cost around 20–30% more than standard buses.

Of course, the use of more accessible, more comfortable and more modern buses is only effective and justifiable if system performance is of a similarly high standard. Inversely, design image (“service promise”) without improvement in level of performance is counter productive.

4.1.7 Buses of the future

Specific needs in terms of capacity and propulsion

Nîmes (Line 2), Nantes (Line 4) and a number of other local authorities in Europe are interested in the possibility of using bi-articulated buses 24 metres long in order to meet capacity needs. This type of rolling stock is relatively undeveloped in Europe (notable cities that use such vehicles include Zürich, Geneva, Utrecht and Hamburg79) with few manufacturers on the market. There is also increased interest in electric vehicles, and not just from those cities that already have trolleybuses (e.g. Lyon, Limoges). This type of rolling stock is currently envisaged for BHLS projects in Nancy, Lyon (Lines C1 and C2), Nîmes (Line 2), Valenciennes, Montbéliard and others. Hybrid systems also generate considerable interest, but they are not yet used in France; by contrast, the market for hybrid buses in the USA is highly developed.

Indeed, for cities looking for vehicles that combine high capacity with electric or hybrid propulsion, the options available in Europe are quite limited: . Hess has a 24 m vehicle that can run in trolleybus or hybrid mode (used in Zürich). Design studies are in progress to respond to changing needs in terms of image. Furthermore, Hess is working on a device for steerable rear wheels which would reduce overhangs on curves and provide bi-articulated buses with curve integration conditions close to those of articulated buses. . The APTS Phileas is also available in a 24-metre version with hybrid propulsion, but has encountered some difficulties (e.g. in Eindhoven, Douai, Istanbul) and, to date, has only been partially approved in France (operation without guidance).

For its Line 2 BHLS project, the Nîmes urban area is set to purchase bi-articulated trolleybuses with additional specifications: guidance at stations (as for ) and no overhead lines in the vicinity of the Roman amphitheatre. Regarding guidance, the fact that Siemens' video-camera device is no longer exclusively linked with Irisbus opens up new perspectives for other manufacturers.

79 In Utrecht and Hamburg, the Van Hool AGG300 is used. This is only available in a diesel version. In Zürich and Geneva, Hess Trolleybuses are used.

96 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Moreover, certain manufacturers, such as Mercedes-Benz, may envisage proposing their own optical guidance system. For operation without overhead lines, the solutions are relatively limited at present. However, it should be noted that the manufacturer Solaris produces a trolleybus capable of operating with its poles "disconnected" over a distance of 3 km, such can be seen in Rome. A 24-metre version of this vehicle could be envisaged.

Longer-term research projects

The prospect of a "bus revival" and the enthusiasm for BHLS systems will hopefully pave the way for plenty of innovations in the years and decades to come. Certain manufacturers are involved in research programmes. Their primary concern is energy. Following the development of fuels such as for Towards "wireless vehicles, the first hybrid technologies are now arriving on the market (e.g. the buses"? APTS Phileas in Douai in 2010). From 2009 onwards, APTS will also be testing fuel cells in two Phileas vehicles in Amsterdam and two others in Düsseldorf. Manufacturers and elected representatives alike are now entertaining the dream of using electric buses without overhead wires or seeing the development of dual­ mode80 vehicles. It is a dream that could perhaps soon become a reality. Two avenues are currently being explored: . the use of on-board batteries, as is the case with the ; . the use of central rails providing a ground-level power supply, as is the case with the Bordeaux tramway, . the use fast charging at stations.

Irisbus presented the Hynovis research project, financed by Predit81, at the 2008 European public transport exhibition. This experimental 12-metre bus, produced in conjunction with the RATP and Inrets, boasts a number of innovations: - a "stop-and-start" engine that can be shut down and restarted in 0.3 seconds during short stops; Increased capacity and - a new kind of engine architecture reduced consumption based on a hydraulic hybrid system; with the Hynovis - a regenerative braking system; concept by Irisbus - a new steel structure that is around a tonne lighter than conventional 12­ metre buses; - an internal aisle that is 1.20 m wide, compared with 90 cm for conventional buses, thus improving wheelchair access and general ease of movement and fluidity within the bus in order to reduce dwell time (meaning gains in terms of speed and reliability); - windows that have been lowered by 20 cm to allow more natural light into the bus and a “sceneric” experience for the customer; - increased capacity as a result of space savings in the engine compartment; - doors that can be easily fitted on the left-hand or right-hand side, thanks to a long platform with no protruding wheel housings.

80 Please see the glossary for the distinction between "dual-mode" and "hybrid" 81 Predit: Programme de Recherche et d'Innovation dans les Transports Terrestres (French National Land Transport Research and Innovation Programme)

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The Hynovis bus is claimed to consume 30% less fuel compared with a modern standard bus. Other research or prospective projects concern the link between the bus and its environment. As part of its long-term planning work, the RATP has launched a "think tank" approach on the subject of BHLS. A number of innovative ideas have come to the fore, including: - The concept of double-sided interactive stations: this is a new way of designing stations in order to create true living spaces that are landmarks within the city. As they face both the city streets and the TCSP line, they must act as a link between the two. - Heads-up display that provides all the necessary information to the driver.

Figure 35: an example of a driver assistance panel (source: RATP)

Finally, at EU level, the EBSF (European Bus System of the Future) project Bus projects of the coordinated by the UITP (International Association of Public Transport) seeks to future: moving towards bring European manufacturers together with the aim of performing better on the EU-approved BHLS international market. The objective here is also to innovate and develop new products? concepts based on buses. This project shall lead to the design of a number of prototypes and concept buses, which will then be tested in different partner cities (Paris and Rouen in France). The research themes for this project include: - optical guidance and steering strategies, - improving door access, - optimising seat layout, - the driver's cab, - on-board information, - priority at traffic lights, - the organisation of maintenance (diagnostics and telemaintenance), - the organisation of depots.

98 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

4.2 Handling the interfaces between system components

To attain a high level of service, particular importance must be given to the interfaces between the three "families" of system components. The bus–running way interface must be dealt with in such a way as to ensure a high level of comfort. By contrast, in Line C3 in Lyon, the running way has not been resurfaced along the whole of its route. Certain sections are still paved with tessellating blocks, which do not provide a smooth, flat running surface. This illustrates perfectly that implementing modern and comfortable trolleybuses is not sufficient alone to ensure a high level of comfort.

A high-quality station–bus interface ensures improved accessibility, in compliance with legal obligations82. It also helps keep bus dwell times to a minimum, which in turn has a major impact on reliability and operating speed. To optimise boarding/alighting flows, the following measures can be taken: - aim to keep the gaps between the platform and the bus to a minimum, e.g. using guidance systems; - encourage off-board fare collection, at least at the busiest stations and remove ticket sales from the bus; - increase the number of doors providing access to the bus; boarding by the front door only is not an appropriate option for BHLS lines. - Widening of the doors

Photo 21: TEOR's guidance systems ensures that horizontal and vertical gaps between the platform and the bus are less than 5 cm for the main doors (source: Certu)

82 French law no. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005 for equal rights and opportunities, involvement and citizenship of people with disabilities

May 2010 99 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Photo 22: a station on the TVM line with ticket vending machines (source: Certu)

100 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

4.3 Summary of the BHLS "system approach"83

4.3.1 "Choose buses but think in terms of tramways"

As we have seen, a number of BHLS system components can take inspiration from "French-style tramways". The BusWay® in Nantes is the most accomplished example of this approach.

Photo 23: a cut-through roundabout used by the BusWay® in Nantes; it is controlled by R17 and R24 signals, just like the city's three tramway lines (source: Certu)

83 See also Appendix 6: "cross-referencing BHLS system components with the level-of­ service characteristics"

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Figure 36: the Mercedes Citaro, adapted to incorporate typical tram-style components (source: Nantes Métropole)

4.3.2 Adapting the "system approach" to local contexts and local-authority objectives

Each component of a BHLS system can be dealt with at a number of different levels, depending on the objectives set, the local context and the resources available. Ideally, each local authority will take inspiration from the concept, and then adapt it to local needs. For example, Lorient opted for: - a 5 km trunk section in dedicated or shared lanes, with mixed­ traffic lanes at the ends of lines; - visible and comfortable stations along the majority of the route, including those not on the trunk section; - conventional but modern buses, with no distinction made between the different lines on the network; - passenger information, but no smart ticketing as yet (for financial reasons);

102 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

- guaranteed priority at junctions, despite the high frequency on the trunk section shared by the 7 Triskell lines (more than 600 buses per day – and one every 30 seconds at peak times); priority is ensured by the redesign of junctions, involving mostly cut­ through roundabouts, with "give way" road markings.

These elements can be grouped together in a table, using a model inspired by American BRT specialists84.

Table 8: example of a component classification and scaling system for the Triskell project in Lorient. The coloured cells indicate descriptions that apply to the components of the system in question (source: Certu)

Photo 24: a bus, dedicated lanes and stations on the Triskell network in Lorient (source: Certu)

84 Gray, Kelley and Larwin, Bus Rapid Transit: A Handbook for Partners, p. 8, 2006

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4 - How can a high level of service be achieved with buses? Points to remember…

 An overarching "system approach" is at the heart of the BHLS process. It is inspired by the approaches used for "heavy" TCSP systems (e.g. metros, tramways).  Depending on service-level and operational objectives, the urban transport authority must adapt this approach by taking appropriate action for each system component (infrastructure, rolling stock, operation) with a view to optimising investments.  Dedicated lanes that are respected by other traffic form the basis of BHLS systems in congested areas; however, dedicated lanes are not necessarily required along the entire route. A range of solutions for the integration and operation of BHLS services can be implemented in order to ensure a consistently high level of service in congested streets, however narrow or broad.  To ensure that dedicated or shared lanes are respected, other users must be taken into consideration and adequately catered for.  Bus priority and traffic control at junctions are fundamental elements for ensuring speed, reliability, comfort and operational savings.  Stations can be dealt with in a number of ways. As the interface between the BHLS system and the surrounding environment, they play an essential role in terms of visibility and accessibility. Additionally, stop spacing should be sufficiently large to ensure high operating speeds.  Comfort and a positive image are the focus of bus manufacturers' latest projects. Other research projects are in progress with regard to propulsion, with a view to reducing fuel consumption and responding to local authorities' needs as closely as possible.  The use of guidance systems is optional. A precise cost–benefit analysis must be carried out beforehand. Its principal application is ensuring improved accessibility at stations. Guidance can also be useful for integrating BHLS lines on curves, especially if the system uses single-path vehicles. 20% of BHLS projects submitted in response to the call for urban public transport projects resulting from the Grenelle de l’Environnement plan to incorporate optical guidance systems.  The way interfaces between components are managed is vitally important. User comfort depends as much on the rolling stock as the infrastructure. In particular, the station–bus interface plays a key role in terms of accessibility and reliability.  The identification of the system through its stations, buses or infrastructure enables users to associate a high level of service with a particular bus line. This is a double-edged sword, however: if you advertise a high level of service, users must be able to expect this high level of service at all times!

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5. Implementing BHLS as a TCSP system

The BHLS concept can take different forms. Technical experts and elected representatives need time to adapt the concept to the local context and ensure that, when implemented, the quality of service obtained will match the service levels sought and advertised85. In order to meet this requirement, the BHLS scheme must be conceived as a true TCSP project, including in terms of the way it is managed and steered. In addition to appropriate organisation, the definition and implementation of a BHLS system requires the approval of all players involved, as well as strong political backing, in the same way that a tramway does.

5.1 Organisation of institutional responsibilities and political backing

In certain cases, the separation of responsibilities (overall transport policy, public transport, urban planning, roads and traffic, parking, police, bus shelters, etc.) is not conducive to a coherent project. In Unlike a tramway, BHLS is France, tramway projects receive sufficient political backing not an obvious choice for urban areas and their key to ensure that these responsibilities are all brought together players around a common aim. Unfortunately, this is not always the case for BHLS projects, which may be the subject of difficult negotiations between various institutions or departments (regarding the management of junctions, dedicated lanes, etc.).

In Lille, for instance, Liane line 1 serves eight municipalities, three of which are on the urban part of its route (namely Ronchin, Lille and Wambrechies). These three municipalities did not share the same vision for the project (which was led by the intercommunality, Lille Métropole), particularly with regard to the planned enhancement work. For example, while there is a 5.5 km section of dedicated lanes in Ronchin, the part of the line in Lille has seen no such improvements, despite the fact that it is this section that suffers from the most congestion. This lack of homogeneity means that a high level of service cannot be guaranteed along the whole line.

85 The distinction between "service level" and "service quality" is discussed on page 20 of the Certu publication, Bus à Haut Niveau de Service, Concept et recommandations ["Buses with a high level of service: concept and recommendations"], Lyon, Certu, 2005.

May 2010 105 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Photo 25: the absence of dedicated lanes for the Liane

service in this part of Lille means that a high level of service cannot be guaranteed across the entire line (source: Odile Heddebaut, Inrets)

In Nantes, on the other hand, the BusWay® project was made easier by the integration of certain responsibilities (transport, roads and urban planning) within the intercommunality (Nantes Métropole) and backing from local politicians, which played a vital role in transforming the previous tramway extension project into a more appropriate BHLS project. With certain projects (e.g. Nîmes, Metz), political backing and the definition of a more ambitious project in terms of performance emerged only after elected representatives had visited systems already in operation.86 Regarding the split between transport-related aspects and aspects related to urban enhancements, a number of different options may be envisaged. Although overall control of the project by the urban transport authority ensures greater coherence and makes implementation easier, it would nonetheless seem important to clearly separate the two components of the project, particularly with regard to funding. This also means that individual municipalities can envisage specific improvements within their boundaries.

5.2 Organisation and technical coordination of projects (by Transétude/Keolis Conseil & Projets)

The technical approach for a tramway project is to a certain extent dictated by standards, products and dimensions with proven track records in terms of adaptability and compatibility. However, there are still choices and innovations to be made in terms of vehicle widths, types of propulsion and guidance, means of capting or storing electrical energy, and human–machine interfaces. The subsystems that make up these projects are available "off-the-shelf", while the various skills and expertise required can be found within specialised organisations.

86 Elected representatives from Nîmes visited Nantes and Rennes in late 2007, while their counterparts from Metz observed the operation of the BusWay® and TEOR in 2008

106 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

The "system approach" to BHLS is by definition complex, as the enhancements, structures, facilities and vehicles that are designed or required all contribute to the coherence, identity and performance of the BHLS system, despite the fact that, in isolation, these components are not always predisposed to work together. Individual techniques are tried and tested; however, the expertise required to implement them all may not be present in one place.

At the start of the project, it is therefore necessary to clearly formalise the ambitions and objectives of the BHLS concept locally and determine what these goals mean in qualitative and quantitative terms, particularly with regard to service. There is no point tackling the technical aspects of the project before performance levels, comfort, overall attractiveness of services, and urban redevelopment have all been taken into account.

The next stage aims to create and assemble the various elements of the project, rather like a jigsaw puzzle. This requires the same type of approach – and therefore the same degree of rigour – as a tramway-type project. An additional dimension also emerges here: BHLS services can be phased in gradually, offering greater operational flexibility. Whereas tramways cannot run until the whole line has been finished from end to end, BHLS corridors and lines can be created and opened in stages, without jeopardising the aims and performance of the scheme as a whole. However, although the solutions to be implemented here are more varied, a number of permanent facilities and structures must be in place if the dedicated lanes are to be clearly identified, and therefore effective. The programmes and specifications drawn up to define these elements must be tackled in an order that enables their interfaces to be managed, together with the targets allocated to their designers. The different teams and experts called upon must be united in pursuit of a common aim, even if their respective backgrounds sometimes mean that they apply knowledge and techniques relating to the management of "rival" transport modes. This apparent difficulty can be an advantage: when correctly managed, diversity and even confrontation in terms of expertise and knowledge can lead to innovative, high-performance solutions. These in turn enable the right balance to be struck between providing the BHLS line with the performance level necessary for public transport use without necessarily creating wide dedicated lanes from end to end, which, although beneficial for buses, cannot always be achieved.

With BHLS projects, the quest for innovative solutions is very real, as feedback on current solutions for developing interfaces or complementary functions is far less widespread than for tramway systems. For example, there is a real need to bring together the most appropriate solutions for managing the capacity, accessibility, design, layout and energy efficiency of vehicles all at once. This highlights the necessity for technological watch in all fields, as well as the option of using market procedures that enable and structure dialogue with manufacturers.

In general terms, the definition of the constituent elements of the BHLS system can be dealt with by the engineering teams present within the relevant urban transport authorities or local authorities, in conjunction with the operator's engineers. The relevant central government departments are also used to contributing to this type of project, thanks in particular to their ability to identify and analyse solutions, and recommend particular improvements and systems which have proved useful in specific contexts in the past. These departments should also be contacted to validate projects where there is a safety case.

May 2010 107 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

In order to unite these teams, ensure that their skills and contributions are mobilised at all times, and legitimise the project as a whole, it is important that groups such as panels and steering committees – and, of course, the institutional structures of the urban area – approve proposed courses of action, research into solutions, decisions, and the people putting these decisions into practice, on an ongoing basis. The "general-purpose" departments of local authorities, such as those involved in accounting, finance, managing invitations to tender and procurement procedures, public relations, managing regulatory procedures (Declarations of Public Utility, consultation, etc.), are obviously also involved. For these groups, bodies, technical teams and experts to function together successfully, an overarching management structure must be put in place at a level recognised by the institution. In addition, elected representatives must be available, particularly those who have responsibilities in the fields of urban planning, transport, trade, economy and finance.

5.3 Involving transport operators and drivers in projects (with the assistance of Transétude/Keolis Conseil)

Obtaining high-performance services is one of the primary objectives of BHLS projects. Passengers expect this, as does the urban transport authority. Developing an overall vision for a network, establishing the hierarchy of its lines, encouraging growth in ridership and ensuring economic performance all require the experience and knowledge – and sometimes commitment – of transport operators. These projects are best managed when sufficient resources and skills are made available in pursuit of the desired results.

By virtue of their responsibilities, transport operators are able to highlight factors for productivity and target issues that need to be dealt with as a matter of priority. Analyses of data from automatic vehicle location and real-time passenger information (AVL–RTPI) systems, occasional surveys (e.g. origin/destination surveys) and other observations quantify the gains to be expected from the implementation of suggested practical solutions: junction access improvements, dedicated lanes, priority at traffic lights, station layout, etc. The expected gains are quantifiable both in terms of operating and investment costs, as well as from an environmental standpoint.

Although carrying out a BHLS project uses the skills and expertise (notably in terms of engineering) present in the urban transport authority's departments, it also requires the support of the operator in all its activities, above and beyond its involvement in the engineering tasks mentioned above. In particular, operators are ideally placed to make suggestions or offer expert opinions on issues relating to operation, regulation, methods and maintenance and the viability of solutions in this regard. This involvement helps foster support for the management of changes in general, which can be potentially disrupting when customary operating practices are modified. These changes may even involve wholesale reorganisation of operations. The advance knowledge – and therefore gradual appropriation – of the content of BHLS projects therefore facilitates the internal drafting of procedures and regulations, and their dissemination through training and accreditation where necessary, particularly in cases where new roles or responsibilities are created.

108 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Case study: a TCSP network operated by a SEM In Nantes, Semitan (Société d’Économie Mixte des Transports en Commun de l’Agglomération Nantaise, a type of public–private partnership) was created in 1977 to operate the urban public transport network, the public service contract for which is regularly put out to tender. Semitan – 65% of which is owned by the intercommunality, Nantes Métropole – is also in charge of developing the network via a mandat de maîtrise d’ouvrage déléguée (mandate for contract oversight), obtained after the tendering process, in compliance with current laws87. This delegation occurs after opportunity and feasibility studies have been carried out. This arrangement has enabled Semitan to develop considerable expertise in the field of TCSP since Nantes' first tramway line was created, and to ensure that the interests of the operator are taken into account in projects, along with effective budget management (e.g. by taking an economical approach to maintenance). This same arrangement was selected for Line 4 (BusWay®). In particular, it enabled considerable responsiveness when a late decision was taken to change the line's northern terminus (to Foch station instead of Commerce) in order to create the beginnings of a "meshed" network in the city centre and avoid congestion around the central hub (Commerce).

5.4 Citizens at the heart of BHLS projects

Upstream of the project At a time when the BHLS concept is still poorly understood by the general public, consultation plays a key role. The consultation processes included as part of the PDU can be a good opportunity to raise awareness of the different technologies available, and BHLS systems in particular. The consultation procedures that are subsequently imposed by law are common to all TCSP projects costing more than €1.9m. The Code de l’Urbanisme (French Urban Planning Code)88 imposes a preliminary consultation. Although the contracting authority is free to organise this consultation in any way it sees fit, it often makes most sense to carry out this exercise at the end of the feasibility studies. It is at this moment that the choice of system and type of BHLS (if this mode is selected) needs to be discussed. Finally, the Code de l'Environnement (French Environmental Code)89 – and occasionally compulsory acquisition needs – requires a public inquiry, during which the pre-project studies are generally presented. Ideally, related projects (reorganisation of the bus network, revision of traffic and parking schemes, etc) should also be adressed here. In addition to these legal requirements, it would also seem important to communicate regularly and define appropriate strategies.

For example, if a BHLS system is selected, choosing an inspiring name that reflects local buy-in of the concept could be advantageous. Initially dubbed the "tram-bus" during feasibility studies, the BusWay® brand rapidly became

87 French law no. 85-704 of 12 July 1985 relating to public project contracting and its relationship to private project management (known as the "Loi MOP") and the Code des Marchés Publics (Public Procurement Code) 88 Articles L. 300-1 to L. 300-6 and R. 300-1 to R. 300-3 of the Code de l’Urbanisme 89 Articles L. 123-1 to L. 123-16 fo the Code de l’Environnement

May 2010 109 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system established in Nantes – so much so that the name has now begun to be used in other towns and cities (e.g. Metz, Toulon, Maubeuge) to designate this particular form of BHLS. Elsewhere, simple "TCSP projects" have become Évéole in Douai, Viavil in Maubeuge, Triskell in Lorient, TVM (Trans-Val-de-Marne) in the Paris region, and TEOR (Transport Est-Ouest Rouennais) in Rouen. All the tools used for communications concerning tramway projects can be used for BHLS (brochures, newsletters, logos, dedicated websites, forums, meetings, field trips to other cities with public delegations, sketches and artists' impressions, participation in choices of name or colours, etc.).

During the construction phase Communication exercises carried out during the construction phase must be independent from the rest of the system. In Douai, for example, "cafés tram90" were set up to encourage dialogue with residents inconvenienced by the construction of the BHLS system. These informal meetings, which also included site personnel, took place throughout the construction phase in 15 partner cafés spread across 4 municipalities. These cafés were identified by posters and stickers bearing the project logo in their windows. "Discovery visits" before the system comes into operation and inauguration events also enable the public to find out about, and take ownership of, the system.

90 The Douai project is described using the term "tramway". In reality, it is a guided BHLS system.

110 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

5 - Implementing a BHLS system: points to remember…

 The BHLS concept requires time and effort if local politicians and citizens are to take ownership of such a system.  The relative flexibility of BHLS becomes a disadvantage at the implementation stage, as the concept is not an obvious solution for cities in the same way that tramways are, and because the image of BHLS does not yet reflect its full potential.  Strong organisation, communication and political backing are therefore essential for the smooth running of the project and the attainment of targets for high levels of service.  The involvement of all parties (transport operators, drivers, citizens, construction firms, etc.) must be sustained throughout in order for the project to mature and become accepted.

May 2010 111 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

6. "Tour de France" of BHLS systems and evaluations

The aim of this chapter is to present a summary of BHLS projects that have been completed or are in progress and, in certain cases, provide details of initial results.

Figure 37: map showing operational and planned BHLS systems in France as of 1 May 2009 (source: Certu)

6.1 BHLS systems in operation

The factsheets below contain data taken from work carried out by the CETEs. Unless otherwise stated, the data provided is for 2007. For more information about the content of the projects presented, please refer to the factsheets created on the following website: www.bhns.fr

112 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Caen – TVR (GLT)


Transport authority: Syndicat Mixte des Transports en Commun de l’Agglomération Caennaise (Viacités) Population of the city (1999 census): 110,000 Population of the urban unit (1999 census): 200,000 Main operator: Keolis Caen

BHLS lines in operation

Type of BHLS: 1 "busway"-type line with branches, operated as 2 lines (Line A and Line B) Length of BHLS lines: 16 km Operating since: 2002

Photo 26: the TVR (GLT) in Caen (source: CETE Normandie ŔCentre)

BHLS components

May 2010 113 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Length of dedicated-lane infrastructures: 16 km Sharing of dedicated lanes: no Vehicles: 24 bi-articulated electric TVR (GLT) buses Guidance: by central rail (except for routing to and from the depot) Number of stops: 34 Average stop spacing: 460 m Priority at junctions: 100% of traffic lights adapted

Level of service

Population served (500 m either side): approx. 78,000 (1999 census) Headway: 5 min on the trunk section at peak times Service span: 5.00 a.m.–12.30 a.m. Average operating speed: 18 km/h Reliability: N/A Accessibility: low-floor vehicles; guidance Comfort: AVL–RTPI system; free-flowing operation with no stops at traffic lights; accessible "tramway-style" stations Identity and image: referred to (incorrectly) as a "tramway"; specific identification for vehicles; coloured road surface on dedicated lanes; BHLS lines shown on network map


Ridership: 48,000 pass./day or 3,000 pass./km of line Investment costs: €228m exc. tax (in 2000), including €14m for enhancement work, AVL and bus-specific electronic ticketing Operating costs: €6.30/km (exc. tax), including provision for major maintenance and fleet renewal (2002 provisional contractual value while awaiting the conclusions of an appraisal report)

Strong points: . Clearly identified dedicated lanes; priority at traffic lights . Accessibility . Strong identity

Points to monitor: . Long-term costs (including maintenance) . Capacity issues . Choice of system for Line 2 and Bombardier's strategy for a system that has only won over two cities worldwide (will production cease?)

114 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Île-de-France – Trans-Val-de-Marne (TVM)


Transport authority: Syndicat des Transports d’Île-de-France (STIF) Population of the city (1999 census): 2.2 million (Paris) Population of the urban unit (1999 census): 11 million Main operator: RATP

BHLS lines in operation

Type of BHLS: 1 "mixed" suburb­ to-suburb line Length of BHLS lines: 22 km Operating since: 1993 (12.5 km), extended 2007 (7 km)

Photo 27: TVM on Avenue de Versailles in Thiais (source: DREIF/Guiho)

BHLS components

May 2010 115 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Length of dedicated-lane infrastructures: 19.5 km Sharing of dedicated lanes: yes, with other bus lines in some sections (no more than 2 at any one time) Vehicles: 33 conventional articulated buses; orders placed for specific BHLS rolling stock (Irisbus Crealis) Guidance: no Number of stops: 29 Average stop spacing: 700 m Priority at junctions: 100% of traffic lights adapted

Level of service

Population served (500 m either side): approx. 25,000 Headway: 3½ min at peak times and 7½ min off peak Service span: 4.30 a.m.–1.30 a.m. Average operating speed: 23 km/h Reliability: N/A Accessibility: 70% low-floor vehicles with platforms 21 cm high Comfort: AVL–RTPI system; free-flowing operation with no stops at traffic lights; accessible "tramway-style" stations Identity and image: specific name, but no specific identification for buses; red road surface for dedicated lanes; included on "rapid transit" map (RER, metro, tramway and BHLS lines)


Ridership: 65,000 pass./day or 3,000 pass./km of line Investment costs: €45m exc. tax for Phase 2 (7 km), not including rolling stock Operating costs: €3.60/km exc. tax

Strong points: . Clearly identified dedicated lanes; priority at traffic lights; speed . Connections with other transport modes (RER B, RER A, future tramway T7 to Villejuif, etc.)

Points to monitor: . Implementation of extensions to the east; new stations; new buses . Use of TVM, and in particular the stations along its route, to create urban centres

116 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Lorient – Triskell


Transport authority: Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays de Lorient (CAP Lorient) Population of the town (1999 census): 60,000 Population of the urban unit (1999 census): 120,000 Operator: Keolis Lorient

BHLS lines in operation

Type of BHLS: "trunk section" configuration used by 7 bus lines. Length of BHLS trunk section: 5 km Operating since: 2007

Photo 28: BHLS trunk section on Avenue Anatole France in Lorient (source: Certu)

BHLS components

May 2010 117 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Length of dedicated-lane infrastructures: 5 km Sharing of dedicated lanes: yes, with cyclists Vehicles: conventional buses 12 m long (no dedicated BHLS line) Guidance: no Number of stops: 15 on the dedicated-lane section Average stop spacing: N/A Priority at junctions: most priorities are of the "give way" type

Level of service

Population served (500 m either side): N/A Headway: 30 seconds on the trunk section at peak times Service span: N/A Average operating speed: N/A Reliability: N/A Accessibility: low-floor vehicles with platforms 20 cm high Comfort: AVL–RTPI system; free-flowing operation with no stops at traffic lights; modified slopes on the running way; accessible "tramway- style" stations Identity and image: specific name for the project, but not for the 7 lines concerned; beige road surface on dedicated lanes


Ridership: N/A Investment costs: €31m exc. tax, including €11m exc. tax for civil engineering structures (no new rolling stock) Operating costs: N/A

Strong points: . Adaptation of the BHLS concept to the local context . Identification of stations and urban redevelopment . Innovative layout tools

Points to monitor: . Operation at junctions . Impact of the project on the whole network . Implementation of extensions

118 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Lyon – Line C1


Transport authority: Syndicat des Transports du Rhône et de l’Agglomération Lyonnaise (SYTRAL) Population of the city (1999 census): 470,000 Population of the urban unit (1999 census): 1.4 million Operator: Keolis

BHLS lines in operation

Type of BHLS: 1 "mixed" line Length of BHLS lines: 4 km (Phase 1 of Line C1) Operating since: 2006

Photo 29: Line C1 in Lyon, in front of the Cité Internationale complex (source: © Philippe Schuller)

BHLS components

May 2010 119 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Length of dedicated-lane infrastructures: 4 km Sharing of dedicated lanes: yes, with cyclists, taxis and other bus lines (no more than 3 at any one time) Vehicles: Cristalis articulated trolleybuses (capacity: 105) Guidance: no Number of stops: 10 Average stop spacing: 450 m Priority at junctions: most traffic lights adapted

Level of service

Population served (500 m either side): N/A Headway: 10 min throughout the day Service span: 5.30 a.m.–12.30 a.m. Average operating speed: N/A Reliability: N/A Accessibility: platforms 21 cm high; motorised entry/exit ramp Comfort: new-generation rolling stock; AVL–RTPI Identity and image: specific identification for Cristalis key routes; specific bus design


Ridership: 4,700 pass./day or 1,200 pass./km of line Investment costs: N/A; total includes €995k exc. tax per trolleybus Operating costs: N/A

Strong points: . Strong visual identity through specific rolling stock . Successful compromise between service level, shared space and costs

Points to monitor: . Disruptions along bus corridors (shared lanes, parked vehicles) . Optical guidance testing on a line that has already been built . Completion of the C1/C2 project and possible changes to Line C3 . User reactions to the Cristalis image being associated with different services (lower service levels on Line C3)

120 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system



Transport authority: Syndicat Mixte du Val de Sambre (SMVS) Population of the town (1999 census): 33,500 Population of the urban unit (1999 census): 101,470 Main operator: STIBUS (Transdev)

BHLS lines in operation

Type of BHLS: 1 "busway"­ type line Length of BHLS lines: 8.4 km Operating since: 2008

Photo 30: BHLS dedicated lanes in Maubeuge (source: CETE NordŔPicardie)

BHLS components

May 2010 121 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Length of dedicated-lane infrastructures: 7.5 km Sharing of dedicated lanes: yes, on certain sections, with other bus lines, interurban coach lines, bicycles and taxis Vehicles: 18 standard buses and 2 articulated buses Guidance: no Number of stops: 14 Average stop spacing: 300 m Priority at junctions: 100% of traffic lights equipped through the traffic control system

Level of service

Population served (500 m either side): N/A Headway: 10 min at peak times Service span: 5.00 a.m.–10.00 p.m. Average operating speed: N/A Reliability: N/A Accessibility: low-floor vehicles equipped with an entry/exit ramp; platforms 21 cm high; interior laid out with large aisles for easy movement within the bus Comfort: AVL–RTPI; dynamic on-board thermometer Identity and image: specific livery for rolling stock with the "BusWay®" logo


Ridership: 5,000 pass./day anticipated Investment costs: €68m exc. tax Operating costs: N/A

Strong points: . Key transport route that has contributed to the redevelopment of the local area . Intermodality (interchange at the railway station) . Accessibility

Points to monitor: . Development of ridership

122 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Nancy – TVR (GLT)


Transport authority: Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy (intercommunality) Population of the city (1999 census): 105,000 Population of the urban unit (1999 census): 330,000 Main operator: Veolia

BHLS lines in operation

Type of BHLS: 1 "busway"-type line Length of BHLS lines: 12 km Operating since: 2001

Photo 31: the TVR (GLT) in Nancy (source: CETE Est)

BHLS components

May 2010 123 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Length of dedicated-lane infrastructures: 8 km Sharing of dedicated lanes: no Vehicles: 18 bi-articulated TVR (GLT) trolleybuses Guidance: by central rail (except for non-dedicated sections) Number of stops: 30 Average stop spacing: 370 m Priority at junctions: 100% of traffic lights adapted

Level of service

Population served (500 m either side): N/A Headway: 4½ min at peak times Service span: N/A Average operating speed: 14.5 km/h Reliability: N/A Accessibility: low-floor vehicles; guidance Comfort: AVL–RTPI; accessible "tramway-style" stations Identity and image: referred to (incorrectly) as a "tramway"; specific identification for vehicles; coloured road surface on dedicated lanes; BHLS lines shown on network map


Ridership: 37,000 pass./day (2005) or 3,100 pass./km of line Investment costs: €150m exc. tax (in 2000) Operating costs: €4.20/km exc. tax (2001 value of the public service contract91 )

Strong points: . Clearly identified dedicated lanes; priority at traffic lights . Accessibility . Strong identity

Points to monitor: . Long-term costs (including maintenance) . Choice of system for Line 2 and Bombardier's strategy for a system that has only won over two cities worldwide (will production cease?)

91 Appraisal report for Nancy Administrative Court (Henri Frey, October 2008)

124 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

® Nantes – BusWay (Line 4)


Transport authority: Communauté Urbaine de Nantes Métropole (intercommunality) Population of the city (1999 census): 280,000 Population of the urban unit (1999 census): 545,000 Operator: Semitan (SEM [public–private partnership] with 65% of shares held by Nantes Métropole + a further 14.99% by Transdev)

BHLS lines in operation

Type of BHLS: 1 "busway"-type line Length of BHLS lines: 7 km Operating since: 2006

Photo 32: the Nantes BusWay® (source: Certu)

BHLS components

May 2010 125 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Length of dedicated-lane infrastructures: 7 km Sharing of dedicated lanes: no Vehicles: 20 articulated Citaro vehicles adapted to run on natural gas (capacity: 120) Guidance: no Number of stops: 15 Average stop spacing: 500 m Priority at junctions: 100% of traffic lights adapted

Level of service

Population served (500 m either side): N/A Headway: 3½ min at peak times and 7 min off peak Service span: 5.00 a.m.–12.30 a.m. (5.00 a.m.–2.30 a.m. at weekends) Average operating speed: 20 km/h at peak times Reliability: 97% on weekdays92 Accessibility: platforms 27 cm high; assisted docking (curve-free stations with polished bevelled kerbstones); bus fitted with mini entry/exit ramps Comfort: in-bus route diagram lit with diodes; transfers to other lines indicated (including waiting times); high-end finishes and lighting; free­ flowing operation with no stops at traffic lights Identity and image: specific name and logo; beige road surface on dedicated lanes; specific exterior trim for buses; designated "Line 4" of the city's TCSP network (alongside the 3 existing tramway lines)


Ridership: 21,000 pass./day or 3,000 pass./km of line; 25% of users (not including induced traffic caused by fare changes, etc.) have switched from private cars to public transport Investment costs: €52m, including €450k per bus Operating costs: N/A

Strong points: . Off-board fare collection (tickets sold on station platforms) . Priority at junctions and use of cut-through roundabouts . Clearly identified service; improved buses and urban spaces

Points to monitor: . Capacity management at peak times (use of bi-articulated vehicles?) . Dispensation to use tramway signals (R17/R18, R24) . Safety at stations in 30 km/h zones

92 "Reliability" is defined as the percentage of users who wait less than H+2 minutes at a station, where H = headway scheduled by the operator.

126 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Rouen – TEOR (Transport Est–Ouest Rouennais – Rouen East–West Transport)


Transport authority: Communauté de l’Agglomération Rouennaise (intercommunality) Population of the city (1999 census): 110,000 Population of the urban unit (1999 census): 410,000 Operator: TCAR ()

BHLS lines in operation

Type of BHLS: 3 "busway"-type lines with a trunk section Length of BHLS lines: 30 km (4 km trunk section) Operating since: 2001, extended in 2007

Figure 38: "busway"-type configuration in Rouen with a trunk section accommodating 3 BHLS lines (source: Communauté de l’Agglomération Rouennaise)

BHLS components

May 2010 127 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Length of dedicated-lane infrastructures: 13 km (approx. 1/3) Sharing of dedicated lanes: no Vehicles: 36 Agora buses and 28 Citelis buses, all articulated (capacity: 110/115) Guidance: optical guidance at stations, developed by Siemens Number of stops: 52 Average stop spacing: 500 m Priority at junctions: 60% of traffic lights adapted

Level of service

Population served (500 m either side): 100,000 Headway: 6 min on each line at peak times and 10 min off peak Service span: 5.00 a.m.–10.15 p.m. Average operating speed: approx. 17.5 km/h Reliability: N/A Accessibility: platforms 27 or 29 cm high with optical guidance at stations (horizontal and vertical gaps of less than 5 cm) Comfort: no specific features; self-service operation Identity and image: specific name and logo; coloured road surface on dedicated lanes; new Citelis buses with integral cameras

Photo 33: TEOR in Rouen Results (source: Certu)

128 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Ridership: 45,000 pass./day across the 3 lines, or 1,500 pass./km of line Investment costs: €165m exc. tax, including €450k per bus Operating costs: €4.60/km exc. tax (2006)

Strong points: . "TCSP system" approach and accessibility . Clearly identified service and urban spaces . Pragmatic approach to dedicated lanes (alternating lanes, mixed-traffic lanes) . Crosses and serves the central business district

Points to monitor: . Operational frequencies of 2 min along the trunk section in order to respond to increasing demand . Feedback on the optical guidance system . Phased introduction of automatic ticket vending machines . Dispensation to use tramway signals (R17/R18)

May 2010 129 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system Toulouse – BSP (Bus en Site Propre – Dedicated-Lane Bus)


Transport authority: Syndicat Mixte des Transports en Commun (Tisséo – SMTC) Population of the city (1999 census): 435,000 Population of the urban unit (1999 census): 760,000 Operator: Tisséo (the régie, or local government-controlled operator, for the urban transport network)

BHLS lines in operation

Type of BHLS: 2 "mixed" routes that feed the city's VAL metro lines (with several bus lines per route) Length of BHLS corridors: 7 km for the eastern ("Secteur Est") route and 4 km for the route along the D813 Operating since: 2005 (2 km), extended 2007–08 (9 km)

Figure 39: BHLS lines (in blue) feed the metro (in red) (source: Tisséo Ŕ SMTC)

BHLS components

130 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Length of dedicated-lane infrastructures: 11 km Sharing of dedicated lanes: yes, with other bus lines and interurban coach lines Vehicles: conventional buses running on natural gas, 12 m and 18 m long Guidance: no Number of stops: 17 Average stop spacing: 600 m (300–400 m in high-density areas) Priority at junctions: all traffic lights along the TCSP infrastructure adapted

Level of service

Population served (400 m either side): 5,000 for the eastern route and 15,400 for the D813 route Headway: 5 min at peak times for the eastern route and 10 min at peak times for the D813 route Service span: 5.45 a.m.–1.15 a.m. for the D813 route; 5.45 a.m.–9.00 p.m. for the eastern route Average operating speed: 25 km/h in dedicated-lane sections Reliability: N/A Accessibility: platforms 18 cm high; buses fitted with entry/exit ramps Comfort: accessible "tramway-style" stations; AVL–RTPI scheduled for 2010 Identity and image: dedicated lanes benefit from a distinctive red road surface and are often located axially, "tramway-style" stations


Ridership: 4,800 pass./day for the eastern route; 8,500 pass./day for the D813 route Investment costs: €51m exc. tax (Jan. 2002 estimate) Operating costs: €4.70/km exc. tax

Strong points: . High visibility of dedicated lanes . Intermodality with the metro . Significant potential for densification around BHLS lines

Points to monitor: . Development of ridership . Operation of park-and-ride schemes

Photo 34: a bus operating in a dedicated lane in the May 2010 Toulouse urban area (source: Certu) 131 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

6.2 Planned BHLS selected as part of the 2009 call for urban public transport projects

A number of BHLS projects have been planned for start up before the end of 2013 as a result of the 2009 call for urban public transport projects outside Paris, that followed the Grenelle de l'Environnement. In all, 19 projects were chosen by the French government from this call for projects.

6.2.1 Annemasse

The Geneva–Annemasse conurbation, on the border between France and , is a region of almost 800,000 inhabitants and 400,000 jobs undergoing very strong demographic development (+1% per year for the last 20 years). With 76,000 inhabitants (1999 census population), the Annemasse area is the second largest urban centre within the Geneva–Annemasse conurbation; 20,000 additional inhabitants are expected by 2030. The purpose of the BHLS project is to support this development and meet the needs for feeder connections with 2 projected key lines in the Geneva urban area: - the CEVA (Cornavin–Eaux-Vives–Annemasse rail link) project, which will reach Annemasse station in 2015; - the projected extension of one of Geneva's tramway lines to the centre of Annemasse (by 2020). Until the extension of the Geneva tramway is completed, the BHLS will operate in the a Y-shaped configuration over a distance of 7.1 km, including 89% in dedicated lanes at peak times and 64% off peak. The headway will be one bus every 8 minutes per branch of the Y during rush hour (and every 4 minutes on the trunk section) for a service operating from 5.20 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. The Annemasse urban area plans to acquire special buses with an improved design and greater comfort. In total, 7,200 passengers are expected daily by 2020. The whole project has an estimated cost of approximately €25 million before tax.

Figure 40: projected route of the Annemasse BHLS system by 2015 (source: AnnemasseŔLes Voirons Agglomération)

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6.2.2 Antibes–Sophia Antipolis

Located on the south coast of France, the urban area of Sophia Antipolis is having to face up to major economic and environmental issues owing to the presence of the Sophia Antipolis technology park, where 30,000 jobs, 5,000 students, 4,000 researchers and 9,000 inhabitants are spread out over a vast site built with the car in mind. The BHLS project which connects the intermodal hub of Antibes rail station to the technology park should, from 2015, be able to meet a number of objectives: - relieve congestion on the Antibes–Sophia route and encourage a modal shift; - help improve accessibility to the site via public transport (train + bus) from a huge area along the coast; - redesign the technology park around public transport.

Figure 41:planned route of the BHLS scheme linking Antibes and Sophia Antipolis (source: Communauté d'Agglomération de Sophia Antipolis)

With respect to this third objective, several measures are planned in conjunction with the arrival of the BHLS: - Constructing new buildings close to the BHLS route. - “Opening up” existing buildings onto the road network with improved access. - Implementing special transport systems to serve outlying areas. This measure is currently being examined. The urban area is looking at self-service bicycles or systems more suited to the particular context of the Sophia Antipolis site, such as the Cristal

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semi-public individual vehicles which are to be developed by Lohr Industrie.

Figure 42: sketch of the Cristal system (source: Lohr Industrie)

The BHLS line will be 11 km long, including 6.5 km of dedicated lanes, and should transport approximately 11,800 passengers per day in 2015 at an average speed ranging between 21 and 25 km/h and a headway of one bus every 6 minutes at peak times (12 minutes off peak). The estimated cost of the project is €87 million before tax, including €14 million before tax for the multimodal interchange hub.

6.2.3 Cannes

The BHLS project is composed of a 10.9 km line (77% in dedicated lanes) with 26 stations across the three towns covered by SITP, the local public transport au­ thority: Cannes, with approximately 70,000 inhabitants and the most important town for conferences in France after Paris; Le Cannet, with approximately 40,000 inhabitants; and Mandelieu-la-Napoule, with a population of around 20,000. This line connects the main traffic generators and catchment areas of what is a relatively linear urban area. It ties in with a project to organise the road net­ work on a hierarchical basis with the aim of reducing traffic in the town centres. An operating speed of 18.5 km/h is planned, together with a 10-minute headway at peak times and a service from 5.00 a.m. to midnight. Ridership of 14,000 passengers per day is expected in 2015. One of the special features of the project is the use by another line (also at 10­ minute headways) of part of the infrastructure prior to the construction of a BHLS branch to Ranguin during the second phase. The other notable feature is the roll-out of operations in two stages (in 2013 and in 2015) with a break of nearly a year between phases. The cost of the first phase (to be brought into service in 2015) is estimated at €95.1 million before tax, including approximately €10 million before tax for the interchange hubs.

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Figure 43: route of the future Cannes BHLS (source: SITP)

6.2.4 La Rochelle

The BHLS project for the La Rochelle urban area consists of an 8.1 km line including approximately 6 km in dedicated lanes, part of which has already been built (dedicated lanes in the Port des Minimes). The line will operate from 5.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. at a 10-minute headway during rush hour (20 minutes on Sundays) and an average speed of 17 km/h. The project is part of a complete reorganisation of the public transport network which includes the redevelopment of the railway station as an interchange hub. The cost of the project is estimated at approximately €7 million before tax, not including rolling stock. In total, 5,600 passengers are expected daily on this line by 2011.

Figure 44: proposal for reorganising the La Rochelle public transport network showing the new BHLS (line 2 in yellow) (source: La Rochelle urban area community)

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6.2.5 Lille

When drawing up its PDU, approved in June 2000, Lille Métropole identified the need to invest in the bus network, even though the region already has two VAL metro lines and two tramway lines. This study led to a hierarchical organisation of the bus network and the emergence of 60 km of lines planned with a high level of service. In 2004, mid-PDU assessment work highlighted difficulties in appropriating the concept and implementing the lines programmed. At this time there was no shared vision of the form that a metropolitan bus network should take (Heddebaut, 2004). In January 2008, the Liane 1 between Ronchin and Comines, 25 km long and passing through 8 municipalities, was put into service. It makes particular use of bus lanes on Boulevard de la Liberté in Lille, together with some dedicated-lane developments in Ronchin which improve bus traffic. However, this Liane line suffers from discontinuous enhancements, especially in Lille, and from a lack of intelligibility93 . On the other hand, it does have a very good service span (5.30 a.m.–12.30 a.m.) and also benefits from the comfort of next-generation buses, featuring a special livery, high­ quality on-board information, and the use of biogas.

Photo 35: part of Liane 1 running in dedicated lanes in Ronchin (source: Certu)

The long-term vision of the development of public transport is still under discussion (there was a debate on mobility on 16 January 2009, and the PDU is currently being revised). While tramway or even tram-train projects might emerge, certain Liane lines planned in the PDU should soon be built. This is the case for the –Hem Liane, 7 km long (73% of dedicated lanes) running from 5.30 a.m. to 12.30 a.m. with a bus every 8 minutes during rush hour. The development work is estimated to cost approximately €7.5 million before tax, with start-up planned for January 2013.

93 Liane 1 is in fact broken up into 3 different services which are not visible on the public transport network map.

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6.2.6 Lyon

After investing massively in the construction of a metro network in the 1980s and 1990s (4 lines totalling 30 km in service in 2009), the Lyon urban area then decided to improve its surface network (tramway and bus). In all, 11 key routes were identified as candidates for dedicated lanes (bus or tramway) in the 1997 PDU. In parallel with the development of tramway lines (the city's fourth line was inaugurated in spring 2009), the bus services known as Cristalis lines aim to organise the bus network on a hierarchical basis. While Line C3 for the moment comes under the “revitalising bus lines” category (see part 8.2), Lines C1/C2 give an idea of what a BHLS service might be like in a dense urban area which already has subways and tramways. Lines C1 and C2 represent 8.4 km and 12.1 km respectively including a 3.6 km trunk section. Line C1 has already been developed over a 4 km stretch between Part-Dieu and the Cité Internationale, as the reversible lane on a trunk section on Montée des Soldats in Caluire . This operates downhill in the morning and uphill in the evening. The extension of Lines C1/C2 for which provision was made in the current mandate plan mainly involves developments on the plateau towards Caluire for C1 and the “Espoir Banlieues” neighbourhoods in Rillieux-la-Pape for C2. In addition, this line is set to use Cristalis trolleybus which will mean fitting overhead wires in those sectors that do not have any. The total cost of the work is estimated at €54 million before tax (not including rolling stock). The lines will start operating from late 2010 for C1 and early 2011 for C2, with a 7-minute headway during rush hour and 10 minutes off peak, from 5.00 a.m. to midnight.

Figure 45: Lines C1 and C2 (source: Sytral, ©Latitude)

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Photo 36 : Reversible lane on Montée des

Soldats in Caluire (source: Certu)

6.2.7 Metz

The Metz urban area TCSP project is part of the PDU and aims to change the Metz public transport network from one that primarily serves captive riders to one that serves to reduce car traffic and encourage use of public transport. To achieve this, the urban area is banking on creating two BHLS lines over an 18 km stretch includ­ ing a 6 km trunk section. The chosen options will give these lines a level of service close to that of a tramway: - running from 5.00 a.m. to midnight; - 6-minute headway during rush hour (10 minutes off peak); - speed and reliability ensured by means of dedicated lanes (90% of the layout), priority at traffic lights94 and off-board fare collection; - optimised accessibility by building tramway-type stations and as­ sistance provided by optical guidance. Two other sets of lines (16/9 and 5/25) will use the trunk section over approxi­ mately 1.5 km and will therefore be equipped with priority systems at traffic lights. The Metz project, called “Mettis” also reinforces service to the “Espoir Banlieues” neighbourhoods of Saint-Éloy in the north and Borny in the south-east by being an integral part of the urban redevlopment projects. Traffic is estimated at 36,000 passengers per day, with the start-up planned for 2013. The project, costing €140 million before tax, will also take part in the redevelopment of certain public spaces such as Place de la République.

94 Metz opted for absolute priority at signal-controlled junctions except for two strategic junctions linking with the A31 motorway slip roads where slight downgrading is being considered.

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Figure 46: photomontage showing how the Metz BHLS fits in around the railway station (source: AGURAM)

6.2.8 Nancy

Figure 47: the 3 TCSP lines, part of the Nancy urban transport plan (PDU) revised in 2006 (source: Grand Nancy)

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As of its 2000 PDU, Grand Nancy stated its intention to build several TCSP lines. After the difficulties encountered with the Bombardier TVR (GLT) brought into service in 2002, Grand Nancy has now turned to more conventional BHLS systems. The 12 km long Line 2 (60% in dedicated lanes) will be operated with articulated trolleybuses with a possible option for optical guidance in stations. With an estimated average speed of 18 km/h, a 5-minute headway during rush hours (10 minutes at off-peak times), and a service span of 5.30 a.m. to midnight, the level of service provided by line 2 will be very similar to that of the first line. The project was estimated in 2006 at €150 million before tax with a ridership of 25,000 to 30,000 passengers per day by 2015, two years after the start-up.

6.2.9 Nîmes

Like the Metz project, the Nîmes project aims to structure the public transport network and to restructure the city around the BHLS, which appears more appropriate than a tramway from costs/benefits point of view. It was during consultations in 2006, when the population expressed its high expectations of the project, that it took on the dimension that it has today. The BHLS project, with an estimated cost of €74 million before tax, is to be put into service in 2011 on a north-south route. It consists of 6 km of dedicated lanes integrated into a building-to-building redevelopment that aims to enhance the boulevards surrounding the central business district. The stated level of service is in consistent with the intention to provide a service which can compete with the car: - headway of 5 minutes at peak times and 10 minutes off peak - average speed of 20 km/h, with dedicated lanes and priority at traffic signals providing for improved reliability - service span: 6.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. - a comfortable and accessible service, with "tramway-style" stations, optical guidance at stations, off-board fare collection, and special rolling stock

Figure 48: projected insertion of the first BHLS line in Nîmes (source: Nîmes Métropole)

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In total, 10,000 passengers are expected on this first line of the BHLS network, which in 2013 should have two lines. A second 16 km long line running from east to west is being explored. In particular, rolling stock will have to meet specific requirements: a dual-mode power supply, switching to battery mode as the buses pass close to the Arènes; bi-articulated vehicles to meet the need for high capacity; and guidance at stations.

6.2.10 Perpignan

The BHLS project for the Perpignan urban area involves building 8.5 km of dedicated lanes from north to south crossing Arago bridge, part of the ring of boulevards around the city centre and serving Place de Catalogne (where all the lines meet) and the railway station, redefined as a multimodal interchange hub with the arrival of the TGV. The decision taken was to create mixed dedicated lanes (bus + bicycle, 4.5 m wide wherever possible), positioned laterally. The lanes will be divided from motor ve­ hicle traffic either with simple markings or with separators. The approach for the moment is primarily based around the infrastructure. The service development plan will be entrusted to the transport operator, within the framework of the request for tender for the renewal of the public service contract planned for late 2010. The organisation of the routes in the city centre, with a pos­ sible loop, will be examined in particular be examined with care. The cost of the “infrastructure” project is estimated at €33.4 million before tax.

Figure 49: projected dedicated infrastructures for the Perpignan BHLS project (source: Perpignan Méditerranée)

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6.2.11 Rennes

The Rennes urban area is well known for its automatic metro, but it also has a high-quality bus network. In total, 27 km of bus lanes existed in 2007, with an additional 44 km planned for 2017. Within this surface network, an east– west BHLS route is taking shape. Operating as a trunk section, the initial sections opened in 1999, and the entire project should be completed by 2018. Around 45,000 passengers use this route each day including 19,000 on line 16 alone.

Photo 37: section developed as grade-separated righ-of-way on the Rennes eastŔwest corridor (source: Certu)

In addition, within the framework of the improvement of the south-eastern service of the urban area, Rennes Métropole has decided to go ahead with building 3 km of dedicated lanes by 2014 (including one civil engineering structure), with the aim of improving connections between bus lines and Line A of the metro and supporting the development of the Val de Blanc ZAC [mixed development zone]. The dedicated lanes will also benefit users who can continue their bus journey to the city centre95. The project has an estimated cost of €24 million before tax.

6.2.12 Saint-Brieuc

The Saint-Brieuc BHLS project, planned for early 2015, is based on a so-called “mixed” operation involving dedicated lanes shared between a BHLS line and other conventional bus lines. The 8 km long BHLS line (4 km in dedicated lanes) will cross the town from east to west, from 6.30 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. at an average speed of 20 km/h and with an 8-minute headway at rush hours. Priority at traffic lights, passenger information, and the use of innovative rolling stock will complete the “system” approach of the BHLS line. The line will serve the future railway station interchange hub. The cost of the project is estimated at €40 million before tax.

95 This is the principle of “unconstrained interconnections” developed by Keolis.

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6.2.13 Saint-Étienne

The Saint-Étienne BHLS project, called BESTE for “Bus Express Stèphanois”, connects the “Espoir Banlieues” neighbourhood of Montreynaud in the north-east and the neighbourhood of La Métare in the south-east via Châteaucreux railway station and the eastern part of the city centre. This was one of the priorities of the PDU adopted on 17 May 2004, but with a move away from a tramway project to a BHLS project, which seems more in keeping with the needs (there will be an estimated at 23,000 passengers per day on the BHLS line). This 12 km trolleybus line (almost 85% in dedicated lanes) should replace Lines 6 and 9. It will be operated at a 6-minute headway all day long (every 15 minutes before 6 a.m. and after 9 p.m.) at an average speed of nearly 20 km/h. A short section of the line runs on the tramway lanes. The cost of the project, due to open in 2013, is €40 million before tax.

Figure 50: outline of the Saint-Étienne BHLS dedicated lane sites

(source: Saint-Étienne Métropole)

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6.2.14 Saint-Nazaire

Along with Saint-Brieuc, Saint-Nazaire is one of the smallest towns with a BHLS project. This project seems to be well suited to the context of this urban area of 115,000 inhabitants, characterised by low population density, a tradition of port and industrial activity and widespread use of private cars. The BHLS line, made up of 2.5 km of dedicated lanes, crosses Saint-Nazaire from west (from the Océanis business park) to east (the railway station) via the town centre, and then dividing into two branches. Dedicated lanes at junctions and priority at traffic lights are additional features of the dedicated lanes. The cost of the project is estimated at €21.3 million inclusive of tax.

Figure 51: projected route of the future St Nazaire BHLS (source: Carene)

The other characteristics of the project are: - a trunk section used by two other bus lines, - an average speed of approximately 19 km/h, - a headway of one bus every 7.5 minutes at rush hours in the town centre (every 10 minutes at off-peak times), - real-time information, - ticket distribution at stations, - line identified by a special adhesive film marking on the buses.

The BHLS project also supports the overall urban strategy: emerging hubs (Gare and Océanis), reorganised western entrances and new major facilities (including the health centre near the university), redevelopment of the D492 road which acts as a dividing line with the western “Espoir Banlieues” neighbourhoods (10,000 inhabitants).

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6.2.15 Saint-Paul-de-la-Réunion

The public transport network of the west coast region of the Réunion island is al­ most totally oriented towardsserving a transit captive public. While vehicle owner­ ship per household remains relatively low (about 60%), the increase in the number of cars (6% per year over the last 15 years) is a major economic and environmental issue in this very geographically constrained, where congestion is already high. The Saint-Paul-de-la-Réunion BHLS project therefore aims to encourage a modal shift. It comes under the PDU, as does the GERRI approach96 which aims to show- case the island as a French model for sustainable development issues. It involves creating two BHLS lines, one in and around Saint-Paul and the other around Le Port–La Possession, which tie in with the arrival of the tram-train in 2013. The project also includes a major section on the redistribution of public space in favour of sustainable transport modes. The first phase, which will be subsidised by the central government, is to create 4.4 km of dedicated lanes over 13 km of lines. It is expected that 1.1 million pas­ sengers will use these two lines each year. The total cost of the project is €60 million before tax, including €20 million before tax for the first phase.

Photo 38: photomontage of the projected BHLS in Rue Saint-Louis in Saint-Paul-de-la- Réunion (source: ³Territoire de la côte Ouest´ urban area community)

6.2.16 Saint-Pierre-de-la-Réunion

While the existing bus network in Saint-Pierre-de-la-Réunion is such that 90% of the population is less than 200 m away from a bus line, the frequency and journey times hardly encourage the use of public transport. The project for 4 main bus lines is part of a strategic master plan for a bus-based TCSP system, with the aim of achieving an overall improvement of the network. The first, subsidised phase in- volves dealing with the sectors where the buses of these 4 lines encounter the most congestion. These 4 lines account for approximately 70 km, of which 26.65 km are planned for the first section of the development work, at a total cost of €68 million before tax. The 4 lines carried more than 10,000 passengers per day in 2008.

96 GERRI: “Green Energy Revolution: Rèunion Island” (English) or “Grenelle de l'Envi­ ronnement à la Réunion : Réussir l'Innovation” (French)

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6.2.17 Toulouse

As part of the 2001 PDU, the Toulouse urban area public transport authority (Tisséo–SMTC) planned a bus route using dedicated lanes which aims to improve the services of a number of bus lines by connecting them to the two metro lines. The first two routes (D813 and the eastern sector) were brought into service between 2005 and 2008 (see Part 6.1: “BHLS systems in operation”) A third route named the “Saint-Martory Canal route” and located to the south-west of the urban area was proposed and selected during the 2009 call for urban public transport projects.

Figure 52: TCSP network in the 2001 PDU (source: TisséoŔSMTC)

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The project‟s aim was to create 5.4 km of dedicated lanes which would be used as a trunk section by 2 to 5 lines, depending on the sections, at an estimated cost of €33 million before tax. In the dedicated lanes, 5,500 passengers are expected daily when the project starts up in 2013, as against 3,300 passengers per day in 2008. Tisséo is planned to have a 5-minute headway during rush hours on the trunk sec­ tion, an operating speed of 23 km/h, and will run from 6.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. The possibility exists to reshape the land use located along the dedicated-lane corridor, and in particular, to increase available housing. The next modification of the local urban development plan (PLU) should take account of the recom­ mendations.

6.2.18 Tours

The Tours urban area (approximately 297,000 inhabitants) currently only has a bus network. This incorporates a major trunk section in dedicated lanes which crosses the city centre via the main north–south thoroughfare (approximately 1,000 buses per day).

Photo 39: present dedicated bus lane on Avenue de Grammont in Tours (source: Tours urban planning agency)

A tramway line, part of the PDU, is to be put into service by late 2013. To complement the TCSP network and to make it easier for buses to circulate during work on the tramway, which is to begin in early 2010, SITCAT (the urban transport authority) plans to start operating a BHLS line building on the existing dedicated lanes. This 11 km line (including 9 km in dedicated lanes), is to be put into service in two stages, in December 2009 and in September 2010. The cost of the work is estimated at €14 million before tax (not including rolling stock), and is expected to carry 13,000 passengers per day.

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Figure 53: how the BHLS line fits into the TCSP project laid down in the PDU (source: Tours urban planning agency)

6.2.19 Valenciennes

After the tramway line was put into operation in 2006–2007, SITURV (Syndicat Intercommunal des Transports Urbains de Valenciennes, the public transport authority for the Valenciennes urban area) decided to build a second TCSP line in the form of a BHLS known as “Valway”. This 30 km line is to connect the centre of Valenciennes to the urban centre of Condé-sur-l'Escaut (21,000 inhabitants) and to Quiévrain in . It will pass through 12 towns, each with an average population of 8,300. This polycentric urban area, home to 357,000 inhabitants and covering 600 km², is sparsely populated (570 inhabitants/km²). The core town, Valenciennes, accounts for 43,000 inhabitants.

The main features under consideration for Valway are the following: - trolleybus vehicles, possibly with doors opening on the left and right, - use of dedicated lanes, with mainly a single lane, the operating details of which remain to be defined, - possible use of optical guidance in stations,

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- urban redevelopment of the towns through which the route passes, - headway ranging from 10 to 12 minutes at rush hours, - service span: 6.00 a.m. to 9.30 p.m., - high speed on account of priorities at junctions and large distances between stations (850 m). Approximately 14,000 passengers will be carried daily on this line, to be brought into service in 2014 at a cost of approximately €150 million before tax.

Figure 54: example of how the futur Valway could be inserted (source: SITURV)

6.3 Other BHLS projects

In addition to the BHLS schemes selected by the government as part of the 2009 call for urban public transport projects outside Paris, there are other projects in varying stages of development.

6.3.1 Évéole in Douai: a project awaiting approval

In Douai, although work on the running way of the Évéole project has been completed since early 2008, the transport authority is awaiting approval of the

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Phileas system which has several special features: magnetic sensor guidance, doors opening on the right and left, “crab-style” docking. The first 12 km line covers the three most frequently used lines of the public transport network. Among the key features of the project are the creation of a multimodal interchange hub at the railway station, and public information sessions during the construction phase, including “cafès tram”97.

Photo 40: grass coverage of the trackbed between the concrete tread surfaces in the Évéole project in

Douai (source: Certu)

6.3.2 Bayonne, Lorient (extensions) and Montbéliard: projects making good progress

In the context of the call for urban public transport projects, the timing of three BHLS projects was not compatible with government requirements. However, it should be possible to examine them within the framework of the second call for projects, which could be launched by the government by late 2010.

Bayonne–Anglet–Biarritz The Bayonne BHLS project will ultimately connect the three town centres of 27,000 to 45,000 inhabitants by means of three BHLS lines. Of the 40 km of planned lines, approximately 13 km will operate in dedicated lanes.

97 The Évéole project is locally called a tram. In actual fact, it is a guided BHLS.

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Figure 55: planned phasing of developent work for the BHLS of the BayonneŔAngletŔBiarritz urban area (source: Atlantique et Pyrénées urban planning agency)

Lorient – extending the Triskell After the start-up of the first 5 km branch of dedicated lanes on the trunk section of the Triskell project, the Lorient urban area intends to continue investing with two new branches of 6.5 km and 5 km at a cost of €35 million.

Figure 56: projected extension of the Lorient Triskell (source: Cap Lorient)

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Montbéliard After several years of studies, the planned outline of the Montbéliard urban area BHLS project was validated by the Conseil Communautaire on 18 December 2008. The project makes provision for a line of approximately 16 km at a cost of €79 million before tax (not including rolling stock), and is expected to carry 16,000 passengers per day. Although the route has been chosen, the details of the development work are still being examined. The rolling stock has not yet been selected, but a trolleybus solution is one of the ideas being put forward. This pro­ ject is to provide the backbone of a new urban centre.

Figure 57: route of the future Montbéliard BHLS (source: Communauté d'Agglomération du Pays de


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6.3.3 Other areas for consideration in the provinces

Other planning efforts have recently been initiated. The urban areas of Aix-en- Provence, Louviers, Marseille, Pau, Poitiers and Saint-Malo are studying the feasi­ bility of BHLS lines, and other projects, under consideration at one time (Vannes, Limoges, Angoulême, Point-à-Pitre, Fort-de-France, etc.), may resurface. Finally, additional BHLS projects may emerge from more global consideration of TCSP systems in the urban areas of Aubagne, Annecy, Avignon, Amiens, Caen, Clermont-Ferrand, Grenoble, Lyon, and Thionville.

6.3.4 Projects in the Île-de-France (Paris) region

In the Île-de-France region, the Trans-Val-de-Marne has been in service since 1993, and two extension projects are planned for 2010 from the future Pompadour interchange hub (on the RER line D): - an eastern branch towards Sucy-Bonneuil (the RER A), - a western branch towards Vitry-sur-Seine (metro line 7).

Figure 58: projected BHLS extensions around the present Trans-Val-de-Marne (source: RATP)

In addition, among the many projects being considered for surface TCSP, more than 20 have not yet defined the technology to be used: tramway or BHLS.

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6.4 Summary of data on BHLS

Table 9: summary of data on BHLS in service or projected (source: Certu)

6.5 An attempt at an overall evaluation

6.5.1 A reminder of the issues behind the a posteriori socioeconomic evaluation of TCSP projects

In addition to need to responding to a legal requirement (Art. 14 of the LOTI98 for projects of over €83 million), there are several good reasons for performing an a posteriori socioeconomic evaluation: . assessing the results of the operation from the standpoint of the stated objective and giving an account of the use of public funds devoted to the project; . buiding on the positive impacts but also correcting any negative impacts not initially indentified; . provinding feedback to facilitate decision-making on future projects;

98 French framework law on inland transport (known as LOTI), law no. 82-1153 dated 30 December 1982

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. contributing to the national body of knowledge on TCSP and improving evaluation methods.

Whatever the TCSP system (metro, tramway or BHLS), urban transport authorities must plan the evaluation as far upstream as possible.99 For this reason, household travel surveys (HTS) and the standard “” type customer survey 100 are the two benchmark approaches for measuring the impacts of TCSP systems on mobility in the urban area.

Most BHLS projects are recent. Apart from the special case of the new town of Évry101, only the Trans-Val-de-Marne, the two TVR (GLT) of Nancy and Caen and the first phase of TEOR in Rouen were brought into service more than 5 years ago.

BHLS Year inaugurated Évry new town 1970s Trans-Val-de-Marne 1993 (12.5 km) and 2007 (7 km) Nancy TVR (GLT) 2001 Caen TVR (GLT) 2002 Rouen TEOR 2001 (10 km) and 2007 (3 km) Line C1 in Lyon 2006 BusWay® in Nantes 2006 Lorient Triskell 2007 Toulouse 2008 Viavil in Maubeuge 2008

The evaluations studies required by the LOTI legislation have not yet been carried out for the Nancy TVR (GLT) and the Trans-Val-de-Marne, and the evaluation study of the Caen TVR (GLT) is in progress.

For the moment, therefore, we have little information with which to make a thorough analysis of the impacts of deploying a BHLS. Some results of surveys and isolated observatories are, however, available and are presented below.

99 For the method, see Note méthodologique pour l’élaboration des bilans LOTI de TCSP [Methodology for producing LOTI assessments of TCSP systems], downloadable from the Certu website. 100 See Certu, CETE Lyon, DTT, Note méthodologique pour l’élaboration des bilans LOTI de TCSP [Methodology for producing LOTI assessments of TCSP systems], Lyon, Certu, 29 p., 2003 downloadable from the Certu website. 101 The dedicated bus lanes were included in the new town project. Roadways for public transport and for the towns were therefore built simultaneously.

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6.5.2 Impacts on the overall mobility system

Nantes In January 2007, Line 4 in Nantes was carrying 21,000 passengers a day, or an increase of more than 55% compared to previous lines, before the project was im­ plemented. In addition, 29% of users would have made the trip by car if there had been no BusWay®. The degree of modal shift observed on TCSP lines is generally lower than this102. The success of Line 4 is due to the fact that BusWay® provides an efficient solution by opening up a poorly served sector while reorganising public space to the detriment of the car. A total of 93% of users perceived find an im­ provement in their travelling conditions (4% felt they had remained the same). Among the key features, it should be noted that reliability was better than 98% in the first quarter of 2009103.

Rouen In Rouen, the success of TEOR is also a reality. It has received great praise from the population (scoring 16.2/20 for overall satisfaction, 15.7 for the tramway, 15.4 for the bus network). The guidance system in stations operates correctly (less than 1 failure for 10,000 dockings since 2005) and is well accepted by drivers (100% find it useful, 80% are more relaxed). The start-up of TEOR improved speeds with a time saving of about 22% during the morning rush hour (5 to 6 minutes over a 5 km route). While the operating speed has remained relatively stable since 2002 on the conventional bus network (16.9 km/h) since 2002, the average speed of TEOR lines has increased from 16.5 km/h to 17.5 km/h with the start-up of Phase 2 in the city centre.

Toulouse The opening of the BSP in Toulouse made it possible to substantially improve the level of service of bus lines. For example, on Line 62, the average speed of buses in rush hours increased from 13 km/h to 30 km/h (morning) and 25 km/h (evening) between 2007 and 2008. Over the same period, the average speed of trips made by car increased by 3%. These speeds have meant that journey time has been cut by half on buses. This has led to a substantial increase in use of the service (+44% between the last quarter of 2007 and the last quarter of 2008)

Lorient Finally, in Lorient, the inauguration of the first phase of Triskell has led to time savings of around 40% between the main interchange hub (by the railway station) and the centre of Lanester (5.4 minutes instead of 9.6 minutes). In addition, the variations in journey time between peak periods and off-peak periods fell from 5 minutes to just 1 minute.

102 See p. 46 of the Certu document, Evaluation des transports en commun en site propre : recommandations pour l’évaluation socio-économique des projets de TCSP ["Evaluation of TCSP systems: recommendations for the socioeconomic evaluation of TCSP systems"], Lyon, Certu, 2002. 103 Reliability is defined as the percentage of users who have to wait than less H+2 minutes in a station, where H = the headway planned by the operator.

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6.5.3 Impacts on the environment

Although the objectives for reducing greenhouse-gas emission are central to na­ tional and local policies, no data is currently available on this point. 104 On the other hand, the sum of the CO2 gains provided by those local authorities whose projects will be subsidised by central government (in the context of the 2009 call for urban public transport projects outside Paris) is the equivalent of 24,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.

6.5.4 Impacts on urban areas

Like the tramwaysimplemented since the 1980s, BHLS have a role to play in the redevelopment of public spaces and the structuring of urban areas. But the time since implementation has been insufficient to assess the impacts on activities and housing. As far as shops are concerned, everything leads one to think that the effects are similar to those of a tramway (see part 3.4.3: “What are the impacts on the envi­ ronment and on economic activities?”).

104 The data for the Antibes, La Rochelle, Nancy and Saint-Paul-de-la-Réunion BHLS are not available.

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7. Towards an extension of the BHLS concept to peri-urban areas?

7.1 Peri-urban transport issues

The need for mobility, the problems of congestion, and environment quality issues have naturally led our public transport policies to initially invest in dense urban areas. They are the perfect terrain for offering a credible alternative to the car, and provide an alternative that can be implemented incrementally. Urban sprawl today forces us to look more attentively at peri-urban areas where high dependence on the car is proving to be problematic as environmental concerns grow, compounded by a context of economic and financial crisis where oil prices are likely to keep increasing over the long term. Getting a grip on transport policies in these areas appears to be a very complex task: - the low density of these areas is not conducive to the development of high-capacity transport systems; - an alternative supply for public transport still needs to be From the technical and organisational point of defined, by combining TER services, coaches, carpooling, car­ view, the problems of sharing schemes, demand-responsive transport and cycling, with a urban transport appear view to ensuring these services are complementary, relevant and complex sustainable options; - responsibilities are still very much separated by type of transport system (trunk roads and motorways are run by State government, TERs by regional councils, coaches and secondary roads by conseils généraux) and there is no real comprehensive view of transport policies on the scale of city regions, nor even an appropriate decision-making structure; - transport should be central to town and country planning policies (densification around public transport routes, etc.) but the interaction between transport and urban planning is difficult to establish; - finally, as in the urban arena, financial resources in peri-urban areas remain limited with respect to the issues surrounding public transport network development.

7.2 First experiences in France

In this context, it appears that road-based public transport has considerable potential for responding to the various issues of peri-urban transport, particularly in terms of mobility towards major urban areas. In spite of encouraging trends, rail system cannot meet all needs on its own: - Its operating design means that it can serve only a limited number of areas.

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- The organisation of connections with car-based transport raises a number of questions: wouldn‟t it be better to develop land close to a station as housing, rather than build a car park used partly by users who could get to the station on foot or by bicycle? How to manage the increase in traffic and its concomitant harmful effects around certain stations? In peri-ruban areas, the ³high level of service´ - Increasing the capacity of railway systems requires significant extends to road-based investments while the number of expected passengers remains public transport as a often low in comparison to the ridership of major urban complement to railways networks.105

As a result, the idea started to appear in the late 1990s that the interurban road­ based mode could become a more effective system that would complement the rail mode. It do not have to be limited to serving social needs (school transportation to meeting the requirements of the legal “right to transport” called for by the LOTI). The “high level of service” philosophy for buses is thus extended to peri-urban areas.

7.2.1 The Wasselonne–Strasbourg route (D1004/N4/A351) 106

The route connecting Strasbourg to Wasselonne, about 30 km to the west of the city centre, is a highly populated area and the only corridor in the Strasbourg urban area not to benefit from a rail service. The N4107 is the main road through the corridor, carrying a large amount of traffic, ranging from 16,000 to 20,000 vehicles per day depending on the sections. Traffic is regularly congested, particularly at the entrances to the towns through which it passes. The buses of the département-based network are the only form of public transport available in this corridor. The 4 lines running in the corridor make approximately 3,500 trips per day. This relatively high number justifies the use of articulated buses at rush hours, but traffic congestion makes them very hard to use.

With an eye to implementing a TCSP in the future project called TSPO (Transports en Site Propre Ouest Strasbourgeois – West Strasbourg TCSP), the département has deployed several initial components in the form of bus lanes and priority sys­ tems at traffic lights to make it easier to get through narrow town and village cen­ tres.

The first bus corridor was opened in April 2000, at the western entrance to Furden­ heim (in the incoming direction towards Strasbourg) over a length of 1.3 km, by

105 By way of example, in 2007, the TER (the regional rail and coach services operated by SNCF) in the Lyon urban area account for approximately 40,000 journeys per day, while the and tramway system carry over 800,000 passengers per day, and urban buses, 600,000 passengers. 106 Text taken from a presentation made on 28 June 2007 as part of the Certu-AIPCR day on public transport on motorways and dual carriageways, and from information available in June 2009 on the website of the Bas-Rhin Conseil Général during consultations for the TSPO project. 107 The west section of the N4 road was downgraded and renamed D1004. The eastern section, between the future western outer ring road around Strasbourg and the A35 motor­ way is still part of the national road network.

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redeploying one of the three lanes of the road, and assigning the other two to gen­ eral traffic. After a full four-year observation period, it was decided to replicate the approach for both entrances to the town of Furdenheim by creating a light-operated bus priority system allowing the bus, once it has been detected by the GPS system, to ride the “green wave” through the town. Work was completed in Au­ gust/September 2005 and the traffic lights were brought into service on 1 March 2006, for a two-month test and validation period.

By autumn 2000, journey times for the bus to Strasbourg had decreased by 10 minutes in the morning rush hour while passing through Furdenheim. Addi­ tional measures were deployed (an increased level of service, integrated fare struc­ ture for the département, etc.); these have led ridership increases averaging 25% per year over the first two years. The second phase implemented in 2005–2006, saved an additional 5 minutes journey time during the morning rush hour and 7 minutes in the evening. The cost of the development and of adapting the GPS system amounted to €800,000.

Photo 41: reserved lane and traffic signal priority for coaches at the entrance to Furdenheim (source: Conseil Général du Bas-Rhin)

After a phase of in-depth studies, the TSPO project was submitted to public consultation from 11 May to 12 June 2009. This project plans for the whole Wasselonne–Strasbourg route to be developed by adding other dedicated lanes and priority traetment on the interurban section. Concerning the urban section of the route, several solutions are still being examined: dedicated lanes in parallel with the A351 motorway, bus lane(s) on the motorway, making the hard shoulder available for buses at specified times, and use of dedicated lanes of the future tramway line F. In addition, the routes will be revised, running on a “pipeline” basis, based on the model (see part 7.3), with a bus every 3 minutes in rush hours. An initial part of the interurban section costing €21 million has already been budgeted for by the funding bodies (the State government, Bas-Rhin Conseil Général and Alsace Regional Council).

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Figure 59: general layout drawing of the TCSP system and projected organisation of the lines (source: Conseil Général du Bas-Rhin)

7.2.2 The special shared lane (VSP) on the A48 in Grenoble108

The Grenoble urban area is notable for its economic and demographic growth, and this has resulted in substantial increases in traffic over the last few years within the peri-urban area. This growth is leading to saturation of the road infrastructures concentrated in the valleys, especially on the A48 motorway to the north-west of Grenoble. The Isère Conseil Général has consequently committed to a plan centred on the development of public transport. Among the key actions implemented in this context is the roll-out of an express network in conjunction with the development of dedicated lanes on the motorway. The Voiron–Grenoble– express line was brought into service in 2002. The challenge here was to develop a new type of peri-urban public transport offer, which would be attractive enough to create the conditions for a modal shift. The characteristics of the line have been defined to favour high operating speeds (motorway route and stopping policy), and the quality of the service offered to users (including a bus every 10 minutes in rush hours109, service between 6.45 a.m. and 8.00 p.m., comfort features, operating procedures designed to foster reliability, service level maintained during short school holidays). Several innovative projects have been initiated on sections of the motorway that are regularly saturated. With a view to optimising existing infrastructure, the solution suggested on the A48 involves reducing lane widths and creating a dedicated lane on the hard shoulder. Depending on traffic conditions, this “special lane” is open to public transport or is left free for safety and emergency vehicles. In addition to the development of pull-outs, this

108 Text from a contribution by Olivier Anthelme for the Certu website on BHLS (www.bhns.fr) and from a talk by Pierre Hetzel on 24 September 2008 as part of training module 2 on TCSP systems run by Pont Formations Editions (PFE). 109 Frequency of 5 minutes at the height of the rush hour.

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arrangement requires special dynamic signalling, in conjunction with an operating system that includes the automatic detection of incidents throughout the site. Slip roads are managed via access control mechanisms. After the first section of dedicated lane was created in 2004 along the exit slip road taken by coaches heading for Grenoble, an extension of a 4 km section on the expressway was brought implemented in 2007. The overall cost of the project is an estimated €6 million for 4.2 km. The increase in the use of the line has been significant since 2002. By late September 2008, it was carrying approximately 4,000 passengers a day (36 passengers per run on average) compared with 500 in 2002. In all, 46% of users are former car users.

Photo 42: coach in the dedicated lane of the A48 motorway near Grenoble (source: Michel Giraud Ŕ Conseil Général de l’Isêre)

Recently, the conseil général has been studying the feasibility of other high-level­ of-service bus lines, in particular coming from the Grésivaudan valley using the A41. In the longer term, a full BHLS network might be created.

7.2.3 A number of prospects

Other potential projects are under consideration. In Paris, studies are under way for the development of a dedicated lane for taxis and public transport on the A1 motorway. In addition, the Île-de-France Urban Planning and Development Agency (IAURIF) carried out an advisability study on the use of dedicated lanes on motorways for public transport throughout the Île-de- France area. It is in this same area, on the A10 at Briis-sous-Forges, that the first coach station on a motorway in France was created.

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Photo 43: the coach station on the A10 motorway at Briis-sous-Forges (source: Cofiroute)

In Toulon, as part of a project to widen an urban section of the A57 motorway, parallel studies are to explore the public transport options. Elsewhere (in Rennes and Lyon, for example), one observe global thinking that focuses more on service delivery than on infrastructure within the framework of the development of planning documents (e.g. the SCOT [Regional Integrated Development Plan]).

Unlike in urban areas, awareness at the regional level (in particular for the conseils There are a number of généraux) is only recently emerging with respect to the potential use of public prospects... transport as an option to link the peri-urban to large urban areas. In addition, the and questions too... issues are complex and raise many questions:

- How to include the potential of carpooling as a complementary feature of, and not in competition with, public transport: should we be encouraging shared lanes for public transport and/or carpooling (High Occupancy Vehicle or HOV lanes)? Or rather encouraging private cars to connect with public transport stations on motorways? - How to associate the development of the public transport services with infrastructure projects: what is the real potential? - What connections should be made with the urban network? Interchange hubs around the outskirts? Direct connections to limit the inconvenience of having to transfer? - What form of governance? What kind of overall management is required in the peri-urban area in order to ensure that the most relevant technical solutions are chosen (TER, peri-urban BHLS, carpooling, etc.) and to guarantee a coherent vision of policies?

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7.3 Towards the development of the “Madrid multi­ mode model”?

The Madrid region has defined a multimodal development model for urban and peri-urban public transport. This is based on: - development of urban TCSP lines (metro, tramway and BHLS) in dense zones as a complement to the urban bus network; - optimisation of the existing Cercanías suburban rail network op­ erated by RENFE and providing links between the city centre and the outskirts; - development of efficient peri-urban coach lines where suburban rail is not an appropriate option; - efficient management of connections between the various means of transport.

To meet the third objective, the Madrid authorities decided to encourage the increase of public transport on six of the motorway routes into the city centre, by creating dedicated HOV lanes for buses, coaches, taxis, motorbikes and carpooling vehicles 110(the “Bus-Vao” concept in Spanish). The first project was launched in 1995, on a 12 km stretch of the A6 motorway to the west of Madrid. Different public transport lines enter at different interchanges on the two lanes that make up the Bus-Vao. When they arrive in Madrid, carpool­ ers join the general traffic flow, while coaches and buses continue on in a single lane to a highly effective interchange hub, where they connect up with other public transport lines including the metro and the Cercanías suburban rail system. The dedicated HOV lane operates on an reversible basis, with a change of direction around midday.

Dedicated lanes for buses and carpools Dedicated lane for buses only

Figure 60: model of HLS line organisation from the peri-urban sector in Madrid (source: IAURIF)

110 In this context, "carpooling vehicles" means private vehicles carrying two or more people.

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Creating the dedicated lane has made it possible to halve the number of cars on the conventional lanes. In 2005, 60% of trips on the route were made in the dedicated HOV lane: 30% using public transport and 30% using other modes (taxis, carpooling and motorcycles). The same scheme is soon to be reproduced on the other motorways heading into the city centre.

Admittedly, the Madrid context is a special case (a large me­ tropolis with high population growth, and a different culture and urban history). Nevertheless, the model developed, espe­ cially the complementary vision of rail and road modes, might inspire a number of large urban areas in France. In Madrid, this comprehensive approach was partly made possible by the 1985 creation of the Consorcio de Transportes de Madrid (now Con­ sorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid, or CRTM), an ur- ban and peri-urban transport authority which includes the Span­ ish government, the Madrid region, Madrid city council, opera­ tor and user representatives, and associations. In addition, land use management, especially at the regional level, allows a better interaction between transport and town and country planning.

Photo 44: one-way section of the Madrid Bus-Vao, where only public transport is allowed to run (source: CRTM)

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7 - Towards an extension of the BHLS concept to peri-urban areas: points to remember…

 The organisation of peri-urban transport is a major social, economic and environmental issue.  As with urban areas, the development potential of road-based public transport with a high level of service is considerable, primarily when linking peri-urban areas to a large urban area, for which traffic flows justify the development of public transport.  As with urban areas, road-based public transport must find its place as a complement to the rail mode and not in competition to it, and as part of a comprehensive view that may include other modes (especially carpooling and taxis).  There is a need to review institutional structures and the means of funding peri-urban projects in order to meet the needs of areas in a context where responsibilities are dispersed.  Experiments in other countries, especially in Spain and North America, have implemented concepts for organisation and operations for travel between central and peri-urban areas, which may be pertinent in France.

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8. Other approaches that aim to improve bus service levels

BHLS is defined as a “public transport system using dedicated lanes” which makes it possible to attain a level of high and continuous service (speed, frequency, reli­ ability, comfort, accessibility, etc.). It has its own particular field of application. Seeking to obtain a high level of service is not necessarily an end objective. Revi­ talisation operations for buses may be an intermediate stage on the road towards a surface TCSP system (BHLS or tramway), which is the only kind able to provide a continuous level of service and an identity to address issues that may go beyond the mere field of transport (urban redevelopment, support for urban development, etc.).

8.1 Making highly used areas profitable

In Paris, the Mobilien concept aims to improve the circulation of alternative modes to the car. As a high level of service is already provided by a very finely-woven metro network111, the objective is to make effective use of space available on the surface network. The projects are therefore based on the development of corridors generally reserved for buses (several lines on the same section), for taxis and for cyclists. These developments also make it possible to increase the capacity of the streets (in terms of the number of passengers per direction) (see section 3.3.1: “Matching capacity with demand”). As part of an approach to address specific problem locations, some junctions have been redesigned. In certain narrow streets, design is kept relatively “flexible” in order to minimise the impact on street activity, especially with respect to deliveries.

Photo 45: bus corridor on line 38 of the RATP net­ work (source: Certu)

111 The 16 interwoven lines of the Paris metro give access to any point on the network with a maximum of 2 changes. In addition, most of the city proper is within 500 m of a metro line.

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Figure 61: plan of the 20 Mobilien lines (Paris 2001Ŕ2005) included in the city's PDU (source: RATP)

The Mobilien projects also provide the opportunity to undertake certain large-scale urban redevelopment operations.

Evaluation of lines 38 and 91 shows: - considerable increases in speed (20% on line 38 and 10% on line 91) - and especially increased reliability (20% on line 38 and 40% on line 91)

The Mobilien-type concept has been largely developed in the UK and Ireland, where it goes by the name of Quality Bus Corridor (QBC), especially in Manches- ter and Dublin. The deregulation of public transport (as in Manchester) or the dispersal of respon­ sibilities according to road/rail modes (as in Dublin) is not favourable to the emer­ gence of TCSP. The easiest way to enhance public transport has been to make dedicated lanes served by several bus lines.

Photo 46: Quality Bus Corridor in Dublin (source: Certu)

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In terms of the level of service, the Mobilien or QBC-type concept lies in be­ tween conventional bus lines and the BHLS concept.

8.2 Revitalising bus lines

Other urban areas have undertaken bus line revitalisation operations, in a less de­ manding context than that of Paris.

In Grenoble, Line 1 is the most frequently used bus line. In 1998, this 9 km line (including 20% in bus lanes) carried 12,000 passengers a day, at an average speed of 15.5 km/h. At a cost of €10 million, the revitalisation operation consisted of: - making bus corridors (increasing bus lanes from 20% to 80% of the route), - eliminating 4 bus stops out of 58 to increase station spacing , - re-aligning the stops (50% of the stops were of the layby type), and making them more accessible (platforms 21 cm high), - simplifying certain junctions and setting up signal priorities at 71 sets of traffic signals, - making pedestrian routes safer and redistributing space in their fa­ vour.

Photo 47: bus corridor on line 1 in Grenoble (source: Certu)

This led, in 2003, to a significant increase in speeds (from 15.5 km/h to 19 km/h on average) and productivity gains which resulted in additional service (+13%). In 2003, the line was carrying 19,000 passengers per day.

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In the late 1990s, Annecy, a medium-sized urban area of 140,000 inhabitants, be­ gan operations to revitalise the bus network. A “dedicated bus lanes” programme was begun in two phases: - Development work in the town centre (1998–2003) aiming to redistribute public space in favour of public transport and cyclists: a “dedicated zone” for bus and cyclists of approximately 6 km was created, as was a comprehensive bus station next to the rail­ way station.

Photo 48: city centre dedicated lanes in Annecy (source: Communauté de l'Agglomération d'Annecy)

- Dedicated-lane shared with cyclists, from the town centre to­ wards the outskirts in order to extend service-level quality. In early 2008, 2.5 km were built including a viaduct in dedicated lanes serving the new hospital. The other dedicated lanes specified in the PDU are more complicated to implement (congested and narrower routes into the centre).

Photo 49: peripheral dedicated lanes in Seynod, in the suburbs

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Ridership on the Annecy bus network has been increasing on average by 5% per year since 2000; growth has slowed down somewhat since 2007 (with only 2% growth in spite of a more favourable economic situation), which illustrate that revi­ talisation operations have limits. A medium-term TCSP system is therefore being examined. This would breathe new life into the network, provide it with an improved image, and facilitate contin­ ued expansion of dedicated lanes. These are difficult to implement with conven­ tional bus lines, but are essential to provide true continuity of the high level of ser­ vice. In addition, the TCSP system could promote urban restructuring and redevel­ opment.

Revitalising bus lines may be seen as an intermediate stage towards a surface TCSP system (tramway or BHLS) This is the case in Dijon, which in 2001 organised its bus network hierarchically by creating 7 Liane lines. Three radial corridors today used by the Liane lines will be used by the tramway network, which should be brought into service in 2013. In the other corridors, the principle of the Lianes will be kept in order to create a tightly­ knit, structuring network that cuts down on the number of times users have to transfer.

The Liane concept, by the operator Keolis (source: Keoscopie II, survey results 2008)

Lianes are bus lines with a higher level of service – the forerunners of BHLS lines. They have the following characteristics: - simple and constant routes, - good frequency, - extended service hours, - continuous service quality along the entire route, - high visibility, - minimal variation in level of service across time periods, - do not necessarily require any roadway development work.

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The revitalisation of bus lines may provide an intermediate step between con­ ventional buses and public transport using dedicated lanes (tramway, BHLS) as part of a hierarchical organisation of the surface network. This is the basis of the Chronobus concept, developed by the Nantes urban area, which fits in between conventional bus lines and the tramway/BusWay® network.

Figure 62: plan of the current TCSP network and projected Chronobus lines (source: Nantes Métropole)

Nantes was the first urban area in France to reintroduce tramways into its city cen­ tre; it now has to cope with an aging network. Almost €150 million will be invested to modernise the tramway (renovating vehicles, rails, platforms, catenary posts, junction safety, and purchasing new coaches) Nantes has to deal with financial problems – like most cities in France. The man­ dated plan project therefore marks a break in the development of TCSP. This pol­ icy, followed since the 1980s, has allowed the network to grow from 70 million trips in 1990 to 110 million in 2007. The Chronobus programme aims to improve the speed and reliability of the bus lines through special enhancements to the road network, priority at junctions and redesigning the traffic flow plan. In addition, headway will be improved (6 minutes during rush hours and 10 minutes at off-peak times) with a service span and week­ end service similar to TCSP lines. These lines will also be branded (bus colours). In the long term, a real-time information system will be deployed. This programme has a budget of €50 million (not including rolling stock) for the period 2009–2013

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for the first 5 lines, and is similar to the American BRT-Lite lines (see Appendix 1: "From American BRT to European BHLS"). These lines could eventually be trans­ formed into tramways or busways.

Bus line revitalisation BHLS

Bus lane segments (occasionally) Continuous treatment Components Priority at traffic lights + (dedicated lanes, priorities) = Complete "system Comfortable bus stops Dedicated lanes respected approach" Branding (vehicles, Stations stations)

High speeds High frequencies Level of Maximum High Level of service Long service spans + = Reliability Service Improved speeds Image Improved reliability Improved comfort + =

Figure 63: moving from the concept of revitalising a bus line to the BHLS concept (source: S. Rabuel, Certu)

This kind of bus line revitalisation programme can be found in the United States (BRT-Lite concept described in Appendix 1: "From American BRT to European BHLS") and elsewhere in Europe. The Stockholm “blue buses” are one of the oldest and best known examples. The bus network was organised hierarchically around 4 bus lines representing 40 km and 150,000 passengers per day. These lines have benefited from special treatment, in particular with respect to station design, priority at junctions, and enhanced vehicles, distinguishable from the rest of the network by their blue colour branding. The use of these lines increased by 60% between 1992 and 1999.

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Photo 50: an example of special treatment at "blue bus´ stops (source: Carlos Gaivoto)

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8 - Simpler approaches that aim to improve bus service levels: points to remember…

 Several urban areas have implemented bus line revitalisation projects as part of approaches to redistribute use of urban space and make it more effective.  Unlike TCSP networks, there is no a comprehensive approach concerning infrastructure. It is a question of working on specific problem locations.  Many authorities can use these initiatives as a starting point: notably small urban areas, and intermediate networks in medium-sized and large urban areas.  Bus revitalisation projects may represent an intermediate step towards a surface TCSP system (BHLS or tramway), which is the only strategy that can truly provide a continuous level of service and an approach to address broader concern (streets enhancement, support for urban development, etc.).

176 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

9. Conclusion

Using the bus vehicle (including trolleybuses) and the TCSP system approach, to infrastructure and operations as a basis, the BHLS concept provides performance levels that are between the conventional bus and the tramway. It makes use of the ingredients of the latter, offering solutions to help attain a high level of service, including: dedicated lanes when necessary, priority at traffic lights, special treat­ ment at stations, enhanced vehicle comfort and design, etc. It also provides an im­ age linked to this level of performance so that the user can identify the service. By adapting to the various local contexts, it addresses a variety of needs: structuring efficient public transport networks in medium-sized urban areas, and providing a concept for a hierarchical approach to networks in large urban areas that comple­ ments high-capacity public transport modes using dedicated right-of-way (metro, tramway).

The choice of a BHLS is the result of a long and complex process. The successive studies and discussions enable technicians and local counsellors to adopt the con­ cept and to integrate it into the decision-making process. The BHLS is positioned as a new niche in terms of capacity and costs with specific characteristics (vehicle length, guidance in stations, permanent running way at all times, etc.); these enable it to adress any difficulties of insertion. In all cases, it must be considered as part of a comprehensive and long-term view of the development of urban areas and public transport networks (implementing the high level of service in time and space). The BHLS must be implemented like any other TCSP project. In particular, its novelty and complexity require strong political backing and participation by all involved (local counsellors, operators, citizens). In addition, the recent examples of Nantes, Rouen and Lorient show that the BHLS can create an impetus for urban development and redesign of the urban corridors it serves, in the same way as the tramway. Its flexibility also makes it possible to move towards a new approach to urban development: the way of the “reversible city”. The first evaluation of BHLS systems makes it possible to highlight the benefits provide. By redistributing public space and by encouraging a modal shift, it ad­ dresses environmental issues. By creating a link between neighbourhoods and help­ ing relieve traffic congestion within them, it offers a response to economic and social issues. Evaluations, where they exist, however, generally provide little de­ tail. Like the activities begun by the Americans or the Irish, research should be undertaken at the interface between the fields of sociology and economics: - behavioural studies on user perceptions of the transport systems (tram- way/BHLS) and their impact on travel behaviour, - development of the factors, other than time-saving, that affect the level of service (comfort, reliability, information, etc.) in order to calculate the economic benefits and return investments, - surveys on the factors affecting modal shift when setting up a BHLS line, - impacts of the various components of the BHLS system

The development potential inherent to the BHLS concept is therefore considerable, especially given the current contexte favourable to the development of structured public transport as a result of the economic crisis, continued increase in the price of oil, growing awareness of environmental issues, etc.). The 6% increase since 2006

May 2010 177 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system in public transport ridership in the provinces illustrates the high development po­ tential for urban and also peri-urban public transport, where the BHLS concept can be implemented. It encourages decision-makers to anticipate a structural change in travel behaviour through appropriate investments, and to explore costs and funding requirements of public transport. Several courses of action may be outlined: - adapt investments to the needs and to improve socioeconomic re­ turn on investment for the projects (BHLS development, bus line revitalisation projects, and demand-responsive transport); - organise networks on a hierarchical basis, according to objective: modal shift, serving disadvantaged neighbourhoods, local service, etc.; - reduce capital costs, as in the case of the “economic tramway” in­ stigated by Besançon; - strengthen co-operation between local public transport authorities with respect to living and working conditions; - fundamentally rework fare structures to ensure that users make a reasonable contribution by exploring new forms of princing: dif­ ferentiation (by time, according to distance, by quality of service, by income), post-payment systems, etc.; - seek for greater consistency between transport and urban planning policies especially in the per-iurban area; - explore new sources of funding: land value tax, urban tolls, decen­ tralising/decriminalising parking penalties, etc. The call for urban public transport projects outside the Île-de-France region follow­ ing the Grenelle de l'Environnement round table illustrates the government‟s policy support for public transport development. By late April 2009, at the time of the first call for projects, it was decided to provide a total of €800 million to invest in 36 urban areas. A second call for projects could be launched by late 2010 for projects on which work will begin as of 2012.

178 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

10. Appendix

10.1 Appendix 1 - Definitions of infrastructures for buses

A road used by public transport may be characterised by: - the categories of vehicles authorised to use it (this is its “degree of openness”) (A) - its degree of protection (B) - how it is laid out on the roadway ©

A. Classification of lanes according to degree of openness

Mixed flow lanes Lanes open to general traffic. The term “intermittent dedicated lanes” is sometimes used to define a method of operating standard lanes which makes it possible, by means of dynamic signalling, to give priority access to public transport vehicles.

Shared lanes Lanes open only to urban public transport vehicles and certain categories of clearly-identified vehicles (taxis, bicycles, interurban coaches, touring coaches).

Dedicated (or reserved) lanes Lanes open only to urban public transport vehicles.

Alternating dedicated lanes Dedicated lanes taken in one direction or the other depending on the sections (alternating lanes in space), or depending on the time of day (alternating lanes in time also called “reversible lanes”)

Photo 51: Reversible lanes on Montée des Soldats in Caluire (source: Certu)

May 2010 179 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Figure 64: general layout diagram showing the operating principle of a spatially alternating dedicated lane system on line T2 of the Rouen TEOR (source: Rouen urban area community) B. Cl assification of lanes according to degree of protection

Unprotected (dedicated or shared) lane Dedicated or shared lane indicated by official marking or a simple difference in colour or texture. The lane is physically accessible to other vehicles.

Photo 52: unprotected shared lane in Angers (source: Certu)

Protected accessible (dedicated or shared) lane Dedicated or shared lane marked out using a system that can be driven over, or by a change in level.

180 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Photo 53: protected, accessible dedicated lane in Vaulx-en- Velin (source: Certu)

Protected inaccessible (dedicated or shared) lane Dedicated or shared lane marked out using a system that cannot be driven over by motor vehicles (but that pedestrians can cross over).

Photo 54: protected, inaccessible dedicated lane in Nice (source: CETE Méditerranée)

Full dedicated lane Dedicated lane made physically inaccessible, even to pedestrians and two­ wheelers. Full dedicated lanes can be entered only via grade-separated access or a level crossing. A full dedicated lane is generally built on an independent running way, which is enclosed, or even on a viaduct or in a tunnel.

Photo 55: example of a full dedicated bus lane running on a viaduct in São Paulo (source: São Paulo City Council)

May 2010 181 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

C. Classification of lanes according to how they are laid out on the roadway

One-way lateral (dedicated or shared) lane

Photo 56: one-way lateral dedicated lane. Part of the Paris Mobilien programme (source: RATP © Ŕ Jean-François Mauboussin)

One-way median (dedicated or shared) lane

Photo 57: one-way axial dedicated lane in Aix-en-Provence (source: CETE Méditerranée)

182 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Bilateral (dedicated or shared) lanes

Photo 58: projected bilateral lanes along Boulevard de la Liberté in Lille (source: LMCU)

In practice, the term “bus lanes” is often used to indicate bilateral lanes or conven­ tional one-way lanes.

Two-way lateral (dedicated or shared) lanes

Photo 59: two-way lateral lane in Paris. Part of the Paris Mobilien programme (source: RATP)

Two-way mediana right-of-way (dedicated or shared) lane

Photo 60: two-way axial lanes on the line between Lille university hospital and Wattignies (source: © Max Lerouge/LMCU)

May 2010 183 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

10.2 Appendix 2 - BHLS in the Certu classification of urban TCSP systems

Urban TCSP Urban TCSP is understood to mean a public transport system that mainly uses a right-of-way that has been specifically designated for public transport operations, and operating with rolling stock ranging from buses to metros.

The classification of urban TCSP put forward by Certu has been validated in different working groups involving the DGITM, GART, the UTP, Inrets and the STRMTG (Service Technique des Remontées Mécaniques et des Transports Guidés – French Engineering Department for Ropeways and Guided Transport). It categorises systems according to two distinct sets of regulations: - French decree no. 2003-425 relating to the safety of guided public transport for guided modes including tramways and metros; - the Code de la Route and the order dated 2 July 1982 relating to public transport, amended by the decree dated 18 May 2009, for buses. Certain guided systems must comply with both regulations, if guidance is non­ physical (e.g. TEOR in Rouen, Évéole in Douai) or physical but non-permanent (e.g. TVR in Nancy and Caen). In this case, rolling stock, considered as road vehicles, is therefore limited in length to 24.50 m. In contrast, the Clermont-Ferrand Translohr is permanently guided by a central rail. It is therefore subject only to the regulation on guided public transport (TPG in French), along with metros and rail-based tramways.

Table 10: classification of TCSP systems as of 31 June 2008 (source: Certu)

184 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Photo 61: the Clermont-Ferrand Translohr Photo 62: the Nancy TVR (source: Certu) (source: Certu)

Photo 63: the Rouen TEOR (source: Communauté de l'Agglomération Rouennaise)

These official and technical considerations make it possible to define three classes of urban TCSP: the metro, the tramway and the BHLS.

May 2010 185 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Certu Classification of urban TCSP systems

Metro A metro is a permanently guided TCSP system characterised by fully dedicated lanes (no junctions, no access to the running way). It is generally built underground or elevated on viaducts. It is operated using block signals. It may be automatic. A distinction is made between heavy-rail metros and light-rail metros, such as the VAL (Véhicule Automatique Léger – Automatic Light Vehicle) used in Lille, Toulouse and Rennes.

Tramway A tramway is a permanently guided TCSP system characterised by a railway vehicle (iron wheels on iron rails) which runs mainly on the urban road system and is controlled by a driver (it runs on sight). The Lohr “rubber-tyred tramway”, a guided, rubber-tyred system which features permanent guidance by rail is included in this category, and is therefore not subject to the Code de la Route, in particular with regard to vehicle length.

Bus with a high level of service (BHLS) BHLS is a TCSP system characterised by rolling stock running on tyres and respecting the Code de la Route (maximum length: 24.50 m). Through a comprehensive “system approach” (rolling stock, infrastructure and operations), BHLS provides a higher level of service than conventional bus lines (in terms of frequency, speed, reliability, comfort and accessibility) and comes close to the level of performance of French tramways. The term “bus” is used here in its broadest sense. It may be guided (using physical or non-physical guidance systems) or unguided, and can be powered by fossil fuels, electricity, or with a hybrid propulsion system.

This classification highlights a different approach to safety questions depending on the kind of guidance system: Safety and capacity are - permanent and physical for metros and tramways, central to the Certu - partial, non-physical or non-existent for the BHLS. TCSP classification

It also emphasises the concept of capacity which remains an important criterion in the choice of a TCSP system: - The permanent guidance system and fully grade-separated infrastructure provides the metro the highest level of capacity112! - To a lesser degree, the tramway owes its great capacity to its length, which is made possible by permanent physical guidance. On the other hand, its capacity remains limited by operating conditions, especially in terms of managing junctions and speed.

112 Within the meaning of French decree no. 2003-425 relating to the safety of guided public transport

186 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

- The speed and frequency of BHLS systems can theoretically be identical to those of a tramway. But its length and therefore its capacity are limited by the Code de la Route.

Figure 65: map showing cities with TCSP systems in service on 1 January 2009 (source: Certu)

Development of TCSP outside the Paris region 1200




400 BHLS Tramways Metro/ Length of dedicated lanes (km) lanes dedicated of Length 200



Figure 66:May development 2010 of TCSP systems in the provinces (source: Certu) 187 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Note about trolleybus vocabulary It should be noted that, in the Certu classification, the trolleybus does not count as a TCSP system in itself. The term "trolleybus" refers only to the rolling stock which uses electrical energy. This is picked up from overhead lines by poles. BHLS using trolleybuses are therefore refered to as trolleybuses with a high level of service. Currently, only Line C1 in Lyon and the Nancy and Caen TVR systems truly belong to this category. However several projects do exist: an extension to Line C1 and the creation of Line C2 are planned for 2010 in Lyon; Saint-Étienne chose trolleybuses with a high level of service for its third north-east/south-east TCSP route; Nancy also chose this mode for its second TCSP line; Valenciennes is to extend its TCSP network with new high-level-of­ service trolleybus lines in single tracks; Electricity as a power source has not been ruled out for the Montbéliard BHLS project. There are, in addition, several conventional trolleybus lines in France (5 lines in Lyon in addition to Line C3; 2 lines in Saint-Étienne; and 5 lines in Limoges).

188 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

10.3 Appendix 3 - Scale of capital costs – breakdown as per the 19 “Certu” items (based on the example of Triskell projet in lorient)

Table 11: breakdown of capital costs of the Lorient Triskell (source: Cap Lorient)

May 2010 189 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

10.4 Appendix 4 - Simplified approach to determining the economic considerations of BHLS and tramway systems in relation to their capacities

The frequency is initially defined in relation to a desired level of service. However it is of paramount importance for the capacity of the systems. To deal with situa­ tions of congestion on a public transport line, it will first be attempted to improve the frequency and to optimise it to match the demand.

The operating costs of the tramway are often lower than those of BHLS in relation to the capacity. This is explained by the fact that these costs are highly dependant on the number of drivers and mechanis required. This number is directly related to the number of vehicles required and therefore to the headway.

System BHLS* Tramway Average operating costs (be­ fore tax) per km for the first €3.50–5/km €5–7/km line

* This calculation does not include the Bombardier TVR (GLT) which is no longer in production ** including the Clermont-Ferrand “rubber-tyred tramway”

Table 12: operating costs of TCSP systems (source: Certu)

Although the tramway is more expensive in terms of investment than the BHLS, it may well be that over the long term the overall costs per place available may be reversed.

The purpose of this appendix is to make stakeholders aware of the economic issues of the systems by means of simple calculations. This is neither a socioeconomic nor a financial assessment (there is no analysis of benefits, no amoritzation, and inflation and loans are not taken into account). Such detailed evaluations will have to be performed by the local authorities for each scenario during feasibil­ ity studies.

10.4.1 Calculating C: the cost function of a system for a given project

C = Cinf + Crs + Cop in €m/year, where, Cinf = cost of the infrastructure per year (in €m/year) Crs= cost of rolling stock per year (in €m/year) Cop= cost of running the system per year (in €m/year) ------

190 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Cinf = L*Ci/d L = length of the route (in km) Ci = cost of the infrastructure (in €m/km) d = lifespan of the system (in years)

It is difficult to estimate the lifespan of the systems due to a lack of experience, in particular with respect to the infrastructure, but also because strategies may change with time (renewal of rolling stock or modernisation to increase system lifespan).


Crs = N*Cunit/d Cunit = unit cost of a vehicle (tram or bus) (in €m) N = number of units used d = lifespan of the system (in years)

The number of vehicles necessary is determined by the headway at rush hour (Hrh, in minutes). As an approximation, reserve units are not taken into account. Frh is linked to the possible maximum demand at rush hour (Drh in passen­ gers/hour/direction). So:

Hrh = c/(Drh/60) Hhp = headway at rush hour (in min) c = unit capacity of rolling stock (in passengers) Drh = maximum demand at rush hour (in passengers/hour/direction) The coefficient 60 comes from the use of the unit “hour” in the demand rather than the unit “minute”.

In addition: T = 2*L/S L = length of the route (in km) S = average operating speed (in km/min) T = time required to travel the line in both directions (in min)

For this initial approximation, rest time at the termini are not taken into account So: Hrs = T/N Hence N = T/Hrh = 2*L/(S*Hrh) = 2*L*Drh/(60*S*c)

It follows that Crs = N*Cunit/d = Cunit*2*L/(60*d*S*c)*Drh

Crs = 2L*Cunit*Drh/(60*d*S*c) L = length of the route (in km) Cunit = unit cost of a vehicle (tram or bus) (in €m)

May 2010 191 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Drh = maximum demand at rush hour (in passengers/hour/direction) d = lifespan of the system (in years) S = average operating speed (in km/min) c = unit capacity of rolling stock (in passengers)


Cop = Ckm/106 * (KMrh + KMoff) Ckm = operating cost of the system for 1 km travelled (in €/km) KMrh = km travelled in “rush hour” configuration over one year KMoff = km travelled in “off-peak” configuration over one year

Or KMi = km travelled in a given configuration notated “i” KMi = S * Ti Ti = time spent on a given configuration during one year (in minutes cumu­ lated for all buses)

A service span of 5.00 a.m. to 1.00 a.m. the following morning is assumed, with the “rush hour” configurations for the following ranges: 7.00 a.m.–9.00 a.m., 12.00 p.m.–2.00 p.m., and 4.00 p.m.–6.30 p.m. Over a day, this gives: - 6.5 hrs = 390 min in “rush hour” configuration per day - 13 hrs = 780 min in “off-peak” configuration per day It is assumed that this configuration occurs every day of the year, or 365 days.

On this assumption, Toff = 2*Trh, hence: Cop = Ckm/106*(S*Trh + V*Toff) = 3*Ckm/106*S*Trh

The rush hour configuration gives the size of the fleet. As a first approximation, over one year, a vehicle spends 365*390 min = 142.350 min in the “rush hour” situation So Trh = 142350*N It was seen that N = 2*L*Drh/(60*S*c) So Trh = 142350*2L*Drh/(60*S*c) = 284700*L*Drh/(60*S*c) Cop = 3*Ckm/106*VS*284700*L*Drh/(60*S*c) = 14235*Ckm/106*Drh*L/c

Cop = 0.014Ckm*L*Drh/c Ckm = operating cost of the system for 1 km travelled (in €/km) L = length of the route (in km) Drh = maximum demand at rush hour (in passengers/min/direction) c = unit capacity of rolling stock (in passengers)

So the cost function C is given by:

192 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

C = Cinf + Crs + Cop C = L*Ci/d + 2L*Cunit*Drh/(60*d*S*c) + 0.014Ckm*L*Drh/c C = L*Ci/d + Dhp*[L*Cunit/(30*d*S*c) + 0.014Ckm*L/c]

C = L*Ci/d + Drh*L/c*[Cunit/(30*d*S) + 0.014Ckm] C = total cost (in €m/year) L = length of the route (in km) Ci = cost of the infrastructure (in €m/km) d = lifespan of the system (in years) Drh = maximum demand at rush hour (in passengers/hour/direction) Cunit = unit cost of a vehicle (tram or bus) (in €m) S = average operating speed (in km/min) c = unit capacity of rolling stock (in passengers) Ckm = operating cost of the system per km travelled (in €/km)

May 2010 193 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

10.4.2 Application to a case study

Let us consider a TCSP line with the following characteristics. Whatever the sys­ tem used, a very high level of service will be assumed. In particular, the priority of the system will be nearly perfect. For the BHLS, this gives a configuration similar to that of the Nantes BusWay®

TCSP lines Length of the route (L) 10 km Average operating speed (S) 18 km/h = 0.3 km/min

Sensitivity tests will be carried out on variables which may fluctuate significantly according to the project (capital costs, operating costs and system capacity).

The following average hypotheses will be taken:

BHLS Tramway Infrastructure cost (Ci) €7.5m/km (6–9)* €22m/km (14–30)* Estimated lifespan of rolling 15 years** 30 years stock (d) 120 passengers (80– 210 passengers (130– Rolling stock unit capacity (c) 150) 280) Unit cost of rolling stock €0.75m €2m (Cunit) Operating costs (Ckm) €4/km (3.5–4.5) €5/km (4–6) * between brackets are shown the extreme values for the sensitivity tests ** in this example the BHLS is assumed to be fuel-powered

In the absence of detailed knowledge of the lifespan of the systems and regenera­ tion costs (tread, trackside equipment, etc.), calculations are made over a period of 30 years

The formula is as follows: C = Cinf + Crs + Cop C = L*Ci/d + L*Cunit*Drh/(30*d*S*c) + 0.014Ckm*L*Drh/c

From the calculations, it can be seen that the term relating to rolling stock is 10 times lower than that relating to operations. Over the long term, any savings on rolling stock will have a lower impact than those on operating costs. We will therefore not perform a sensitivity test on this variable.

194 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

In the example, it is assumed that the system is designed to the limit of demand at rush hour. Its capacity is determined by the capacity of the rolling stock and the headway.


Cost of systems (average hypotheses)

BHLS Tramway





Costs (€m/year) Costs Source : Certu 5

0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Maximum peak-time demand (pass./hr/dir.)

Analyis: The costs of a BHLS and a tramway are identical for a maximum demand of approximately 1,600 passengers per hour per direction. This capacity is reached with one articulated bus every 4½ minutes or one tram every 7½ minutes (using the hypotheses in our case study). In other words, if the demand on the BHLS becomes too great, making it necessary to decrease the headway to below 4½ minutes, the system is no longer economically worthwhile and may become difficult to run, for reasons of capacity. However, the frequency of 7½ minutes which makes it possible to handle the same demand with a tramway is much less attractive for the user in terms of service. The frequency observed on French tramways is generally lower than 6 minutes at rush hour, which corresponds to a demand of more than 2,100 passengers per hour per direction.

May 2010 195 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

If demand becomes great on an articulated BHLS (the average hypothesis in our case study), it may prove relevant to examine the development of bi-articulated stock. This is the case for example for the Nantes BusWay® and in Nîmes (Line 2).

Cost of systems (scenario: bi-articulated BHLS)

BHLS Tramway Bi-articulated BHLS vehicle




10 Costs (€m/year) Costs SourceSource : Certu : Certu 5

0 Source : Certu 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Maximum peak-time demand (pass./hr/dir.)

Analysis: In our case study, changing from articulated to bi-articulated vehicles means that the BHLS can remain the best choice until it reaches full capacity, i.e. 3.000 passengers per hour per direction. Above this limit, the tramway becomes the only option, but with a frequency of at least 4 minutes for 210-seat units (average hypothesis).

The choice of a bi-articulated BHLS makes it possible to offer a high-capacity ser­ vice with buses. However, it is difficult to implement from the standpoint of urban insertion. This solution will be considered only in cases of large widths and routes mainly in straight lines, which is the case for the Nantes BusWay® . The guided system may make it possible to improve insertion in curves, in particular when the system has single path guidance. It then remains for manufacturers to bring out equipment that meets with the many expectations of local authorities.

196 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

For many medium-sized urban areas, the tramway seems an inaccessible option because of its high purchase cost. Because of the great demand worldwide and competition between manufacturers, capital costs are today stabilised in France at around €22 million/km before tax, not including rolling stock. But the “French tramway” is a “top-of-the-range” tramway which includes major public space reqredevelopment operations. So let us for a moment imagine a “low- cost” tram- way at €14 million/km before tax which would concentrate on its “transport” func- tion (producing the trackbed alone, use of certain ballasted sections etc.)

Cost of systems (scenario: "low-cost" tramway)

BHLS Tramway Low-cost tramway




10 Costs (€m/year) Costs

5 Source : Certu Source : Certu 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Maximum peak-time demand (pass./hr/dir.)

Analysis: With a noticeable decrease in capital cost, at constant capacity, the tramway would become an economically better choice than the BHLS for handling the same demand. In this case, would its better image and greater comfort compensate for a lower frequency?

May 2010 197 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Operating costs weigh heavily in the long term. But urban transport authorities are not very familiar with these, and they seem to vary appreciably from one urban area to another.

Cost of systems (scenario: reduced tramway operating costs)

BHLS Tramway Tramway with low Coper




Costs (€m/year) Costs 10 Source : Certu 5

0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Maximum peak-time demand (pass./hr/dir.)

Analyse : The hypothesis of very low operating costs for the tramway makes it possible to lower the maximum demand above which it becomes the best choice: 1,100 passengers per hour per direction. At this level of demand, an articulated bus is required every 6 minutes or one tram every 10 minutes to cope with the volume. The fall in tramway operating costs does not solve the problem of the level of service. Will users be satisfied with a frequency of once every 10 minutes at rush hour on a tramway?

198 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Cost of systems (scenario: reduced BHLS operating costs)

BHLS Tramway BHLS with low Coper




Costs (€m/year) (€m/year) Costs 10 Source : Certu


0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Maximum peak-time demand (pass./hr/dir.)

Analysis: On the assumption of very low running costs for the BHLS, it remains an economically good choice up to its full capacity (2,400 passengers/hour/direction for articulated vehicles).

May 2010 199 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Initial results- Excel spreadsheets

Calculating coefficients a and b of the equation of type C (Drh) =a* (Drh) + b ac­ cording to scenario and mode Figures in red indicate the sensitivity test

Calculating the coordinates of the curves according to the various scenarios

200 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Initial results – curves and sensitivity tests

The qualifiers “inf” (below) and “sup” (higher) indicate scenarios with extreme values for the sensitivity tests referred to in the table above.

BHLS Tram Infrastructure cost (Ci) €7.5m/km (6–9)* €22m/km (14–30)* Estimated lifespan (d) 15 years 30 years 120 passengers (80– 210 passengers (130– Rolling stock unit capacity (c) 150) 280) Unit cost of rolling stock (Cu­ €0.75m €2m nit) Operating costs (Ckm) €4/km (3.50–4.50) €5/km (4–6) * the extreme values for the sensitivity tests are shown between brackets

Source : Certu

May 2010 201 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Source : Certu

Cost of systems (sensitivity test for operating costs)

BHLS inf BHLS sup Tram inf Tram sup

40 35 30

25 20 15 Costs (€m/year) Costs 10 Source : Certu 5 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Maximum peak-time demand (pass./hr/dir.)

202 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Cost of systems (sensitivity test for rolling stock capacity

BHNS inf BHNS sup Tram inf Tram sup

50 45 40 35

30 25 20 15

Costs (€m/year) Costs 10 5 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Maximum peak-time demand (pass./hr/dir.)

May 2010 203 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

10.5 Appendix 5 - cross-referencing BHLS system components with the level–of-service characteristics

Table 13: cross-referencing BHLS system components with the level of service characteristics (source: Certu)

204 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

11. Bibliography and webography

Works, analysis reports and articles

Finn, B., Heddebaut, O., Rabuel, S., Bus with a high level of service (BHLS): the European BRT concept. AP050 Bus Transit Systems Committee, Transportation Research Board, 2010.

Certu, Le contrat d'axe: un outil de cohérence entre urbanisme et TCSP ["The cor­ ridor contract: a tool for consistency between urban planning and TCSP"], Lyon, Certu, analysis report to be published in 2009.

Certu, Carte des villes à TCSP au 1er janvier 2009 ["Map of cities with TCSP sys­ tems as of 1 January 2009"], Lyon, Certu, 2009 (can be downloaded from the Certu website).

Diaz, R. (editor), Characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit for Decision-Making, Fed­ eral Transit Administration, Washington, DC, USA, 410 p., 2009.

Gouin, T. (editor), Rabuel, S., Varnaison-Revolle, P., Planification urbaine et tramway en France ["Urban planning and tramways in France"], Mobilité et Transports: Le Point sur ["mobility and transport : Focus on"], No. 9, Certu, France, 2009.

Certu, CETE Nord–Picardie, Transports collectifs urbains, évolutions sur la dé­ cennie 1995Ŕ2006 ["How urban public transport has changed over the decade 1995–2006"], Lyon, Certu, 70 p., 2008.

CETE Est, Desserte périurbaine des grandes agglomérations : monographie sur Strasbourg ["Peri-urban services in large urban areas: research study on Stras- bourg"], 2008 (can be downloaded from the Certu website).

Deloitte, Efficacité énergétique, émissions de CO2 et autres émissions gazeuses spécifiques des modes de transports ["Energy efficiency, CO2 and other gaseous emissions specific to transport modes"], ADEME, 150 p., 2008.

Faivre d‟Arcier, B., Prospective pour un financement durable des transports pu­ blics urbains ["Prospects for sustainable funding of urban public transport"], LET, CNRS, MEEDDAT, Predit, September 2008.

Kantor, D. (editor), Moscoe, G. Silver, F., Bus Rapid Transit, Vehicle Demand and System Analysis Update, Federal Transit Administration, Washington, DC, USA, 38 p., 2008.

Keolis, Keoscopie II : retour des enquêtes 2008 ["Keoscopie II: feedback from 2008 surveys"].

May 2010 205 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

ACUF, AMGVF, GART, Financement des transports publics urbains, quel bilan à fin 2007 ? quelles perspectives? ["Funding urban public transport: how do things stand in late 2007? What are the prospects?"], Paris, GART, 23 p., 2007.

Certu, CETE Lyon, Panorama des villes à transports publics guidés hors Île-de- France : situation 2005 ["Overview of cities outside the Paris region with guided public transport systems: the situation in 2005"], Lyon, Certu, 53 p., 2007 (can be downloaded from the Certu website).

Enver, F., Caen: le TVR n’a peut-être pas dit son dernier mot ["Caen: we‟ve per­ haps not heard the last of the TVR (GLT)"], In Ville & Transports, 28 November 2007.

Heddebaut, O., Les difficultés de mises en œuvre des sites propres pour les modes de transport collectifs guidés ou non: le cas des lignes de bus à haut niveau de service ["Difficulties in implementing dedicated lanes for guided or unguided pu­ blic transport modes: bus lines with a high level of service"], in Recherche Trans­ port Sécurité, no. 94, pp. 27–45, 2007.

RATP, Le programme Mobilien à Paris : contribution de la RATP à un bilan d’étape ["The Mobilien programme in Paris: RATP‟s contribution to a progress report"] September 2007.

Gray, G., Kelley, N., Larwin, T., Bus Rapid Transit: A Handbook for Partners, Mineta Transportation Institute Report 06-02, San Jose State University, 66 p., 2006.

Babilotte, C., Rambaud, F. (editors), Bus à haut niveau de service : concept et re­ commandations ["Buses with a high level of service: concept and recommenda­ tions"], collective work by Certu, GART, Inrets and the UTP, Certu, Lyon, France, 111 p., 2005.

Certu, Armacande, Déplacements et commerces : impacts du tramway sur le com­ merce dans différents agglomérations françaises ["Transport and trade: impact of tramway systems on commerce in different urban areas in France"], Lyon, Certu, 48 p., 2005 (can be downloaded from the Certu website).

Certu, Déplacements et commerces : évaluation de l'évolution des impacts du tramway de Lyon sur le commerce ["Transport and trade: evaluation the changing impact of the Lyon tramway on commerce"], Lyon, Certu, 89 p., 2005 (can be downloaded from the Certu website).

Certu, ADEUS, Déplacements et commerces : impacts du tramway sur le com­ merce dans l'agglomération strasbourgeoise ["Transport and trade: impact of the tramway on commerce in the Strasbourg urban area"], Lyon, Certu, 136 p., 2004 (can be downloaded from the Certu website).

206 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Certu, Les modes de transports collectifs urbains: éléments de choix par une ap­ proche globale des systèmes ["Urban public transport systems: a guide to choosing systems by adopting a comprehensive approach"], Lyon, Certu, 196 p., 2004.

Heddebaut, O., L’appropriation du PDU par les communes de LMCU ["Appropria­ tion of the Urban Transport Plan by municipalities in the Lille urban area"], report of the Inrets–LMCU convention, 90 p., 2004

Certu, CETE Lyon, DTT, Note méthodologique pour l’élaboration des bilans LOTI de TCSP ["Methodology for producing ex-post evaluation of TCSP systems"], Lyon, Certu, 29 p., 2003 (can be downloaded from the Certu website).

Certu, Évaluation des transports en commun en site propre : recommandations pour l’évaluation socio-économique des projets de TCSP ["Evaluating TCSP sys­ tems: recommendations for the socioeconomic evaluation of TCSP systems"], Lyon, Certu, 144 p., 2002.

Certu, Déplacements et commerces : enquête auprès des commerçants de la rue de Marseille et du cours de la Liberté à Lyon ["Transport and trade: survey of shop­ keepers in Rue de Marseille and Cours de la Liberté in Lyon"], Lyon, Certu, 52 p., 2001 (can be downloaded from the Certu website).

Certu, Guide d’aménagement de voirie pour les transports collectifs ["Guide to adapting roadways for public transport"], Lyon, Certu, 268 p., 2000.

Soulas, C., Bimodalité énergie appliquée aux transports collectifs urbains: capta­ tion/énergie embarquée ["Energy bimodality applied to urban public transport: power collection/on-board energy"], in Revue Générale de l’Électricité, 2000.

Certu, Évaluation des transports en commun en site propre : indicateurs transport pour l’analyse et le suivi des opérations ["Evaluation of TCSP systems: transport indicators for analysing and monitoring operations"], Lyon, Certu, 148 p., 1997.

Official texts

Code de la Route (Highway Code): Art. R. 311-1, R. 312-10 and R. 312-11

Code de l'Urbanisme (Urban Planning Code): Art. L. 300-1 to L. 300-6 and R. 300-1 to R. 300-3

Code de l'Environnement (Environment Code): Art. L. 123-1 to L. 123-16

French law no. 2005-102 dated 11 February 2005 for equal rights and opportunity, participation and citizenship of handicapped people

May 2010 207 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

French law no. 85-704 dated 12 July 1985 pertaining to public contracting and its relationship to private contracting (MOP)

French framework law on inland transport (known as LOTI), law no. 82-1153 dated 30 December 1982

French decree no. 2003-425 relating to the safety of guided public transport

French ruling dated 2 July 1982 relating to public transport

French ruling dated 24 November 1967 relating to road and motorway signals, consolidated version taking into account modifications made by the ruling of 10 April 2009


The Certu website: www.certu.fr

The Certu website devoted to BHLS: www.bhns.fr

The website of the group of European BHLS experts (COST group TU0306): www.bhls.eu

The website of the National Bus Rapid Transit Institute in the USA: www.nbrti.org

208 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

12. Abbreviations

ACUF: Association des Communautés Urbaines de France – Association of Communautés Urbaines in France

ADEME: Agence de l'Environnement de la Maîtrise d'Énergie – French Environment and Energy Management Agency

ADUP: Appareil distributeur à usage du public – Ticket Vending Machine (TVM)

AGURAM: Agence d’Urbanisme d’Agglomérations de Moselle – Planning agency for urban areas in the Moselle département

AMGVF: Association des Maires de Grandes Villes de France) – Association of French City Mayors

ANRU: Agence Nationale pour la Rénovation Urbaine Ŕ French National Agency for Urban Renewal

AOTU: autorité organisatrice des transports urbains Ŕ urban transport authority

APS: alimentation par le sol – ground-level power supply

APTS: Advanced Public Transport Systems (manufacturer of the Phileas)

AVL : Automatic Vehicule Location

BHLS: Buses with a High Level of Service

BRT: Bus Rapid Transit

C2A: Communauté d’Agglomération d’Annecy, the intercommunality for the Annecy urban area

CA2M: Communauté Agglomération de Metz Métropole, the intercommunality for the Metz urban area

Cabri: Communauté d’Agglomération de Saint-Brieuc, the former name of the intercommunality for the Saint-Brieuc urban area

Cap Lorient: Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays de Lorient, the intercommunality for the Lorient urban area

CARENE: Communauté d'Agglomération de la Région Nazairienne et de l'Estuaire, the intercommunality for the Saint-Nazaire urban area

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CBD : Central Business District

CCI: Chambre de Commerce et de l’Industrie – Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Certu: Centre d’Études sur les Réseaux, les Transports, l’Urbanisme et les Constructions Publiques – Centre for the Study of Urban Planning, Transportation and Public Facilities

CETE: Centre d’Études Techniques de l’Équipement Ŕ Infrastructural Technical Research Centre

CG: Conseil Général (council responsible for a département in France)

CGEDD: Conseil Général de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable Ŕ General Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development

CNG : Compressed Natural Gas (see also GNV)

CRTM: Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid Ŕ Madrid Regional Transport Consortium

CUS: Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg, the intercommunality for the Strasbourg urban area

DGITM: Direction Générale des Infrastructures, des Transports et de la Mer [du MEEDDM] Ŕ Directorate-General for Infrastructure, Transport and the Sea [within the MEEDDM]

DREIF: Direction Régionale de l’Équipement d’Île-de-France Ŕ Île-de-France Regional Infrastructure Directorate

ELP: Espace de Livraison de Proximité Ŕ local delivery area (in Rouen)

EMD: Enquête Ménages Déplacements – Household Travel Survey (HTS)

ENPC: École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées Ŕ a prestigious French engineering school

FTA: Federal Transit Administration (USA)

GART: Groupement des Autorités Responsables des Transport Ŕ French Association of Public Transport Authorities

GES: gaz à effet de serre Ŕ greenhouse gases

210 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

GLO: gabarit limite des obstacles Ŕ dynamic envelope + safety margin

GNV: gaz naturel pour véhicules Ŕ natural gas for vehicles (see also CNG)

GPV: Grand Projet de Ville – lit. "major city project" ; a large-scale urban regeneration project

HC: heures creuses – off-peak times

HP: heures de pointe – peak times (rush hour)

HOV: high-occupancy vehicle

HQE®: Haute Qualité Environnementale Ŕ High Environmental Quality

HT: hors taxe – before tax

HTS : Household Travel Survey

IdF: Île-de-France region (the region around Paris)

Inrets: Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité Ŕ French National Institute for Transport and Safety Research

Insee: Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques Ŕ French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies

IAURIF: Institut d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme de la Région d’Île-de-France Ŕ Île-de-France Urban Planning and Development Agency

ITS: Intelligent Transport Systems

LAC: ligne aérienne de contact Ŕ

LATTS: Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires et Sociétés Ŕ Research Group on Technology, Territories and Societies

LIANE: ligne à niveau élevé de service – line with a higher level of service

LMCU: Lille Métropole Communauté Urbaine, the intercommunality for the Lille urban area

LNG : Liquefied Natural Gas

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LOTI: Loi d’orientation des transports intérieurs Ŕ French framework law on inland transport

MEEDDM: Ministêre de l’Écologie, de l’Énergie, du Développement Durable et de la Mer Ŕ French Ministry for Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea

O/D: Origin/Destination (survey)

P+R: parc-relais Ŕ park and ride (P+R)

PDU: Plan de Déplacements Urbains – Urban Transport Plan

PKO: place-kilomètre offerte – passenger-place-kilometre offered

PLU: Plan Local d’Urbanisme Ŕ Local Urban Development Plan

PRM: Person with Reduced Mobility

Predit: Programme de Recherche et d’Innovation dans les Transports Terrestres Ŕ French National Land Transport Research and Innovation Programme

PTU: périmètre de transports urbains – urban transport perimeter

RATP: Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens, the transport operator for the city of Paris

RER: Réseau Express Régional – lit. "Regional Express Network", the rapid cross­ city rail network in the Paris region

RFN: réseau ferré national Ŕ French national rail network

RTPI: Real Time Passenger Information

SAE: systême d’aide à l’exploitation Ŕ automatic vehicle location (AVL) system

SAEIV: systême d’aide à l’exploitation et à l’information des voyageurs Ŕ automatic vehicle location and real-time passenger information (AVL–RTPI) system

SCOT: Schéma de Cohérence Territoriale – Regional Integrated Development Plan

Semitag: Société d’Économie Mixte des Transports de l’Agglomération Grenobloise, the transport operator for the Grenoble urban area

212 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Semitan: Société d’Économie Mixte des Transports en Commun de l’Agglomération Nantaise, the transport operator for the Nantes urban area

Semitib: Société d’Économie Mixte des Transports Intercommunaux du Val de Sambre, the transport operator for the Maubeuge–Val de Sambre urban area

SHON: surface hors-œuvre nette Ŕ net floor area

SITCAT: Syndicat Intercommunal des Transports en Commun de l'Agglomération Tourangelle, the public transport authority for the Tours urban area

SITP: Syndicat Intercommunal des Transports Publics, the public transport authority for the Cannes urban area

SITURV: Syndicat Intercommunal des Transports Urbains de Valenciennes, the public transport authority for the Valenciennes urban area

SMTC: syndicat mixte des transports en commun, a type of intercommunal public transport authority

SMTD: Syndicat Mixte des Transports du Douaisis, the public transport authority for the Douai urban area

SNCF: Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Ŕ French National Railway Company

SOV: Single-Occupancy Vehicle

STIF: Syndicat des Transports d'Île-de-France, the public transport authority for the Île-de-France (Paris) region

STRMTG: Service Technique des Remontées Mécaniques et des Transports Guidés Ŕ French Engineering Department for Ropeways and Guided Transport

SYTRAL: Syndicat des Transports du Rhône et de l’Agglomération Lyonnaise, the public transport authority for the Lyon urban area TAD: transport à la demande Ŕ demand-responsive transport (DRT)

TCSP: transports collectifs en site propre – dedicated-lane public transport (TCSP)

TC: transports collectifs Ŕ Public Transport (PT)

TCL: Transports en Commun Lyonnais, lit. "Lyon Public Transport", the trading name of the transport operator for the Lyon urban area

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TCU: transports collectifs urbains Ŕ Urban Public Transport (UPT)

TEOR: Transport EstŔOuest Rouennais Ŕ Rouen East–West Transport

TER: Transport Express Régional, lit. "Regional Express Transport", the regional rail and coach services operated by SNCF

TESLA: Transport Électrique Sans Ligne Aérienne, Sans Limitation d’Autonomie, lit. "electric transport without overhead lines, with no limit on autonomy", a patented form of transport technology

TFS: Tramway Français Standard Ŕ Standard French Tram (by Alstom)

TGV: Train à Grande Vitesse, the high-speed train operated by SNCF

TCSP: Transport en Commun en Site Propre

TPG: transport public guidé Ŕ guided public transport

TSPO: Transport en Site Propre Ouest strasbourgeois - West Strasbourg Dedicated Lane Transport

TVM: Trans-Val-de-Marne, a BHLS service operating in the south-east of the Paris region

TVM : Ticket Vending Machine

TVR: Transport sur Voie Réservée, lit. "Transport on Reserved Lanes", also known as Guided Light Transit or GLT in English (by Bombardier)

UITP: Union International des Transports Publics – International Association of Public Transport

UK :

UTP: Union des Transports Publics et Ferroviaires Ŕ French Public Transport Association

VAL: Véhicule Automatique Léger, lit. "Automatic Light Vehicle", a type of light- rail metro system

VP: voiture particulière – private car

VSP: voie spécialisée partagée Ŕ special shared lane

VT: Versement Transport Ŕ Transport Payment

214 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

ZAC: Zone d’Aménagement Concerté, a type of mixed-use development zone

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13. Glossary

Buses with a high level of service (BHLS) BHLS is a TCSP system characterised by rolling stock running on tyres and respecting the Code de la Route (maximum: 24.50 m long). Through a comprehensive “system approach” (rolling stock, infrastructure and operations), BHLS provides a higher level of service than conventional bus lines (in terms of frequency, speed, reliability, comfort and accessibility) and comes close to the level of performance of French trams. The term “buses” is used here in its broadest sense. They may be guided (using physical or non-physical guidance systems) or unguided, and can be powered by fossil fuels, electricity, or with a hybrid propulsion system.

Busway The busway is based on the models used in Nantes or Rouen. It is a BHLS which features:

- a level of very high service and “system” components close to those used in tramways - high dependency between line and infrastructure, with a running way used for BHLS lines only

Dynamic envelope Space occupied by the running vehicle. It takes into account the dynamic effects related to the movements of rolling stock on the track and the effects of wear on certain components. It is therefore specific to each piece of rolling stock.

Forced transfer The fact of a user having to change, rather than choosing to do so.

Gauge without obstacle Given uncertainties arising from elements “outside” the system (laying tracks, etc.), a safety space is added to the dynamic envelope. The size of this space depends on the network on which the rolling stock is running and, for “conventional” tramway systems, on how the track is laid and how accurately.

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Sometimes known as the "minimum clearance outline". Gauge without obstacle = dynamic envelope + safety margin

Ground coverage Width of the running way necessary for a vehicle to run on which defines the overall area in which vehicles will be driven. In certain cases the edges and the overhead power line posts are included in this.

Hybrid bus The term “hybrid bus” is generally used to refer to the simultaneous association of two energy sources: fuel and electricity. These work in basically 3 ways, from the lowest to the highest level of hybridisation:

Micro hybrid: equivalent to the “stop & start” system which cuts off the engine when the vehicle stops, Series hybrid: an electric bus equipped with a generator. The combustion engine only powers an electric generator, and so can run at optimal effi­ ciency. Parallel hybrid: the movements of the combustion engine and electric motor are added together mechanically (for example using an epicyclic gear). In these cases energy is generally recuperated during braking. The two motors operate separately so that at low speeds only the electrical mo­ tor operates. The combustion engine starts only when the battery level is low or when the vehicle reaches a given speed.

Interchange hub A place where at least two transport modes meet indicated by certain facilities (pedestrian paths, platforms, etc.) and services (information, shops, etc.) with a view to optimising connections. The interchange hub has a three-way function comprising transport, services and urban planning.

Intermodality A principle of transport organisation and interaction, aiming to coordinate several transport systems by special management and development of the interfaces between the various networks.

Journey Action whereby a person goes from one place (origin) to another (destination) in order to carry out an activity, by using one or more means of transport on a public thoroughfare. A journey may be made up of several trips (several modes of transport)

Metro A metro is a permanently guided TCSP system characterised by a fully grade­ separated infrastructure (no junctions, no access to the running way). It is generally built underground or elevated on viaducts. It is operated using block signals. It may be automatic. A distinction is made between heavy-rail metros and light-rail metros, such as the VAL (Véhicule Automatique Léger – Automatic Light Vehicle) used in Lille, Toulouse and Rennes.

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Operating speed Average speed between two termini

Park and ride Car park for cars and/or bicycles near a public transport station (primarily urban TCSP and TER). This parking area is generally reserved for public transport users but may be shared to contribute to the running of the environment (for example it may be used in the evening for a cultural or sports event). The park-and-ride is designed so as to optimise connections with public transport (comfortable to use and easy to understand). It is indicated by a “P+R” sign. It may include K+R (kiss­ and-ride) functions.

Public transport system The word “system” is used to describe the three components of public transport (infrastructure, rolling stock and operating conditions) and how they interact.

R17, R24 and R25 Extract from article 7 of the ruling dated 24 November 1967 relating to road and motorway signals, consolidated version taking into account modifications made by the ruling of 10 April 2009

Signals for regular public transport vehicle services (R 17)

These are composed of three white lights on a black background and have different shaped signs. They are aimed exclusively at regular public transport service vehi­ cles.

Stop signals (R 24, R 25) A red light (R24) or a set of two flashing red lights means that all vehicles and pedestrians must stop. It is used in front of a level crossing, a crossing over a route reserved for regular public transport service vehicles, a swing bridge, before a dan­ ger zone such as an avalanche corridor, to allow emergency vehicles through, or in front of a tunnel mouth. The stop signal for pedestrians (R25) is composed of two rectangular red lights, one above the other: that top one shows the silhouette of a pedestrian; the bottom one, the word: “STOP”. When activated, the top light comes on, while the bottom one flashes. At rest, the signal is fully off. It is used in front of a crossing reserved exclusively for regular public transport vehicles.

218 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Reliability/Punctuality (by Sophie Hasiak) Reliability is a quality indicator relating to how well frequencies are respected and so to the regular spacing of the vehicles in time. It is often defined as the percentage of users who have to wait than less I+2 minutes in a station, where I = interval planned by the operator. This indicator makes sense especially when high frequency services are provided. Punctuality measures how theoretical timetables are respected. It‟s a quality indicator usefull for low-frequency services.

Service span Period of time during which the commercial service of the public transport system operates

Single-path vehicle A vehicle in which all the wheels on the same side run on the same zone of the running way (± 5 to 10 cm).

TCSP (Transport Collectif en Site Propre) An urban TCSP system is a public transport system mainly using land area assigned to it and running with rolling stock ranging from buses to metros.

Tram A term used to denote rolling stock that follows a fixed path defined by one or more rails and which is used to transport passengers or, occasionally, goods. A tram vehicle may be made up of several coaches (for passengers) or wagons (for goods).

Tramway On-road public transport vehicle that always follows a given trajectory, running on one or more physical rails.

Tram-train Tram-type rail vehicle able to run on the road network, sharing with urban or fast trams, and to run alongside with heavy railway convoys, at speeds of about 100 km/h, provided some operating restrictions are applied.

Transfer Rate Mean number of trips per journey. It is calculated on the scale of a network.

Transport mode Means used to carry passengers or goods. There are several categories of transport modes for people: - car (driver or passenger) - taxi - public transport (river shuttle, conventional urban bus, BHLS, tramway, metro, interurban coach, train, plane) - two-wheelers (motorised or not) - walking - other modes (wheel chair, scooter, roller-skate, skate-board, etc.)

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The term “mode” is used to refer to public transport but the term “system” is used to describe the various categories of public transport. BHLS, tramway and metro make up the “urban TCSP system” category.

Trip The individual parts of a journey

Unité urbaine (urban unit) (INSEE definition) A town or group of towns which includes a built-up area of at least 2,000 inhabitants where no dwelling is separated from the nearest other dwelling by more than 200 metres. In addition, each town must have more half of its population in this built-up area.

This is also known as an agglomeration. However, this term is ambiguous insofar as it refers more and more to institutional entities (communautés d'agglomération, communautés urbaines, etc.), which seldom correspond to the unité urbaine.

220 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

14. Table of contents

1. What is a bus with a high level of service (BHLS) ? 15

1.1 Some precisions regarding bus terminology 15 1.2 What are the objectives of a "high level of service"? 18 1.3 What are the characteristics of a high level of service? 19 1.4 The BHLS "system approach" 22 1.5 From the American BRT to the European BHLS (by Odile Heddebaut, Inrets and Sebastien Rabuel, Certu) 23 1.5.1 The American BRT concept 23 1.5.2 Differing conceptions of urban transportation systems, influenced by urban-planning culture 24 1.5.3 A shared philosophy: do it better and cheaper 24 1.5.4 French BHLS: a different choice of components compared to the Americans models 25

2. Integrating BHLS services into networks: a multifaceted tool 28

2.1 BHLS: a tool adapted to different urban contexts 28 2.1.1 BHLS on an equal footing with trams in certain large urban areas 28 2.1.2 BHLS as an intermediate urban network 30 2.1.3 BHLS as a feeder system for "heavy TCSP" 31 2.1.4 BHLS systems as structural elements in medium­ sized urban areas 32 2.2 From dedicated key routes to trunk sections: different BHLS configurations 34 2.2.1 The "busway" configuration: an infrastructure designed exclusively for BHLS 34 2.2.2 The "trunk section with a high level of service" configuration: dedicated lanes shared by different lines 37 2.2.3 The "mixed" configuration: 39 2.2.4 Types of BHLS system and the overall organisation of public transport networks: potentially delicate choices 41

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3. When is BHLS an appropriate choice? 46

3.1 Choosing a surface TCSP system: stages and criteria 46 3.2 Stage 1: long-term vision for the urban area and TCSP objectives 47 3.2.1 Changing urban form 47 3.2.2 Developing a long-term vision for public transport networks 47 3.2.3 BHLS and tramways: tools for urban development 52 3.2.4 Defining the high level of service desired 55 3.2.5 BHLS and tramways: tools for restructuring urban spaces 55 3.3 Stage 2: capacity and cost 59 3.3.1 Matching capacity with demand 59 3.3.2 System costs 62 3.3.3 Raising awareness of the economic relevance of BHLS and tramway systems with regard to their capacity 65 3.4 Stage 3: technological precautions and local impacts of TCSP 67 3.4.1 Choice of technological innovation 67 3.4.2 Systems are not always mutually compatible 68 3.4.3 What are the impacts on the environment and on economic activities? 69 3.5 Stage 4: integration and realisation 73 3.5.1 The urban integration of TCSP 73 3.5.2 Impacts during construction work 74 3.6 The need for successive iterations: the example of the city of Besançon (by Yann Chauvin from Grand Besançon) 75

3.7 Summary of the scopes of application for surface TCSP systems 79

4. How can a high level of service be achieved with buses? 81

4.1 Optimising every element of a BHLS system 81 4.1.1 Dedicated lanes: the building blocks of BHLS systems 81 4.1.2 How can dedicated lanes be used to best advantage, and what can be done when space is limited? 83 4.1.3 Moving towards "tramway-style" stations 86 4.1.4 Appropriate station spacing to ensure high speeds 88 4.1.5 Operating conditions that encourage bus growth 89 4.1.6 Fostering a positive image for buses and improving comfort and accessibility 92 4.1.7 Buses of the future 96

222 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

4.2 Handling the interfaces between system components 99 4.3 Summary of the BHLS "system approach" 101 4.3.1 "Choose buses but think in terms of tramways" 101 4.3.2 Adapting the "system approach" to local contexts and local-authority objectives 102

5. Implementing BHLS as a TCSP system 105

5.1 Organisation of institutional responsibilities and political backing 105 5.2 Organisation and technical coordination of projects (by Transétude/Keolis Conseil & Projets) 106 5.3 Involving transport operators and drivers in projects (with the assistance of Transétude/Keolis Conseil) 108 5.4 Citizens at the heart of BHLS projects 109

6. "Tour de France" of BHLS systems and evaluations 112

6.1 BHLS systems in operation 112 6.2 Planned BHLS selected as part of the 2009 call for urban public transport projects 132 6.2.1 Annemasse 132 6.2.2 Antibes–Sophia Antipolis 133 6.2.3 Cannes 134 6.2.4 La Rochelle 135 6.2.5 Lille 136 6.2.6 Lyon 137 6.2.7 Metz 138 6.2.8 Nancy 139 6.2.9 Nîmes 140 6.2.10 Perpignan 141 6.2.11 Rennes 142 6.2.12 Saint-Brieuc 142 6.2.13 Saint-Étienne 143 6.2.14 Saint-Nazaire 144 6.2.15 Saint-Paul-de-la-Réunion 145 6.2.16 Saint-Pierre-de-la-Réunion 145 6.2.17 Toulouse 146 6.2.18 Tours 147 6.2.19 Valenciennes 148 6.3 Other BHLS projects 149 6.3.1 Évéole in Douai: a proj ect awaiting approval 149

May 2010 223 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

6.3.2 Bayonne, Lorient (extensions) and Montbéliard: projects making good progress 150 6.3.3 Other areas for consideration in the provinces 153 6.3.4 Projects in the Île-de-France (Paris) region 153 6.4 Summary of data on BHLS 154 6.5 An attempt at an overall evaluation 154 6.5.1 A reminder of the issues behind the a posteriori socioeconomic evaluation of TCSP projects 154 6.5.2 Impacts on the overall mobility system 156 6.5.3 Impacts on the environment 157 6.5.4 Impacts on urban areas 157

7. Towards an extension of the BHLS concept to peri-urban areas? 159

7.1 Peri-urban transport issues 159 7.2 First experiences in France 159 7.2.1 The Wasselonne–Strasbourg route (D1004/N4/A351) 160 7.2.2 The special shared lane (VSP) on the A48 in Grenoble 162 7.2.3 A number of prospects 163 7.3 Towards the development of the “Madrid multimode model”? 165

8. Other approaches that aim to improve bus service levels 168

8.1 Making highly used areas profitable 168 8.2 Revitalising bus lines 170

9. Conclusion 177

10. Appendix 179

10.1 Appendix 1 - Definitions of infrastructures for buses 179 10.2 Appendix 2 - BHLS in the Certu classification of urban TCSP systems 184 10.3 Appendix 3 - Scale of capital costs – breakdown as per the 19 “Certu” items (based on the example of Triskell projet in lorient) 189 10.4 Appendix 4 - Simplified approach to determining the economic considerations of BHLS and tramway systems in relation to their capacities 190 10.4.1 Calculating C: the cost function of a system for a given project 190 10.4.2 Application to a case study 194

224 May 2010 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

10.5 Appendix 5 - cross-referencing BHLS system components with the level–of-service characteristics 204

11. Bibliography and webography 205

12. Abbreviations 209

13. Glossary 216

14. Table of contents 221

May 2010 225 Buses with a High Level of Service: choosing and implementing the right system

Four years after defining the concept of Buses with a High Level of Service (BHLS), this work gives an update on this new dedicated-lane public transport system (TCSP). It details the profile of BHLS and explains in what cases it can be a good option as part of overall thinking on surface TCSP systems. It also provides feedback on the achievements of the last few years (Trans-Val-de-Marne in the Paris region, the Nantes BusWay® , TEOR in Rouen, the Triskell in Lorient) as well as a number of projects in progress, including those chosen by the government within the framework of the call for urban public transport projects launched as a follow-up to the Grenelle environmental round table.

This work is primarily aimed at those in charge of transport and mobility in local and national government agencies (urban transport authorities, regional councils, urban planning agencies, central and decentralised government departments, etc.), local TCSP project managers, design departments and transport operators. The book contains guidelines for running urban public transport planning and operating policies, as well as practical information for implementing BHLS systems.

Some of its ideas can be integrated into more global urban planning measures (such as the PDU [Urban Transport Plan] and the SCOT [Regional Integrated Development Plan] in France). It also encourage local government officials and the scientific and engineering community to give thought to the future of urban and peri-urban public transport.

Studies on the same topic

Panorama des villes à transports publics guidés hors Île-de-France : situation 2005 ["Overview of cities outside the Paris region with guided public transport systems: the situation in 2005"], December 2007 (can be downloaded free of charge from the Certu website) Bus à Haut Niveau de Service : concept et recommandations ["Buses with a High Level of Service: concept and recommendations"], September 2005 Les modes de transports collectifs urbains : éléments de choix par une approche globale des systèmes ["Urban public transport systems: a guide to choosing systems by adopting a comprehensive approach"], May 2004 Évaluation des transports en commun en site propre : recommandations pour l’évaluation socio-économique des projets de TCSP ["Evaluating TCSP systems: recommendations for the socioeconomic evaluation of TCSP projects"], 2002

226 May 2010 © Certu – 2010 French Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea, in charge of green technologies and climate change negotiations (MEEDDM) Centre for Studies on Urban Planning, Transportation and Public facilities

Certu is a technical agency of the French Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea, in charge of green technologies and climate change negotiations (MEEDDM) and was created in February in 1994. The main objective of Certu is to build up and share the knowledge available on a broad variety of urban issues (mobility and transport, road safety, public spaces, sustainable development. As a partner of towns and cities, Certu shares its experience of methodological studies and its ability to create links between the world of research and practitioners.

No part of this document may be reproduced without authorisation from Certu (pursuant to the French Copyright Act of 11 March 1957). Such reproduction, by any means whatsoever, shall be regarded as an act of counterfeit subject to the penalties provided for under Articles 425 and following of France’s Criminal Code.

Original french version : November 2009 ISBN : 978-2-11-098894-2 The original version was translated by Linguarama Coordination : Certu Publications Department Cover design : Certu Publications Department (Adrien Gutierrez) nd Copyright : 2 quarter 2010 ISBN : 978-2-11-098224-7

Download available at : www.certu.fr/catalogue

Certu 9, rue Juliette Récamier 69456 Lyon Cedex 06 - France Phone: +33 (0)4 72 74 59 59 Fax: +33 (0)4 72 74 57 80

Website: http://www.certu.fr Certu

Foreword for publications translated into foreign languages

he purpose of translated documents and publications is to pass on to non-French speaking readers centre d’Études sur les réseaux, the French know-how set out in the original publication, whether this concerns methodologies, tools T les transports, or best practices. l’urbanisme, Original publications in French are subject to a checking process, which leads to a Certu commitment et les constructions regarding their content. English versions do not undergo the same process, and consequently carry no publiques Certu commitment. In the event of differences between the English and the original French text, the French text serves as the reference.

Buses with a High Level of Services Choosing and implementing the right system

his document comes four years after the Bus with a High Level of Service (BHLS) concept was first T defined, and its purpose is to assess this new dedicated-corridor public transport (DCPT) system. It details the scope and applicability of the BHLS as part of a general reflection on surface TCSP's. It also contains feedback from recent schemes of this type (Trans-Val-de-Marne, BusWay® in Nantes, Téor in Rouen, Triskell in Lorient) and from the numerous projects that are currently under development, two of which have been chosen by the French government as part of the urban public transport call for projects following the Grenelle de l'environnement (the French government's environment round-table). This document is aimed primarily at "transport and travel" managers in various local and national authori­ ties (urban transport authorities, general councils, urban planning agencies, central and decentralised government departments, etc.), DCPT project managers in local authorities and engineering departments, and transport operators. It contains details on how to manage urban transport planning and operational policies, as well as practical information on how to implement BHLS systems. The document also contains elements that may form part of more general urban planning projects (urban transport plans (PDU) and territorial cohesion plans (SCOT) in particular). It also invites councillors and the scientific community to consider the future of urban and peri-urban public transport.


Tramways and Buses with a High Level of Service (BHLS) in France : scope of application in urban areas Mobility and transport, Focus on, factsheet n°12 2009

Urban planning and LRT systems in France Mobility and transport, Focus on, factsheet n°9 2009

How can sustainable mobility strategies be developed for cities in the developing countries Summary, Mobility and transportation, factsheet n°1 2007

Bus With a High Level of Service (BHLS) : concept and recommendations

2005 www.certu.fr ISBN : 978-2-11-098224-7
