Chennai District Human Development Report 2017
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CHENNAI DISTRICT HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2017 Corporation of Chennai, Chennai, and State Planning Commission, Tamil Nadu in association with Loyola Institute of Business Administration. Contents Title Page No Preface ii Acknowledgement iv List of Boxes vi List of Figures vii List of Tables viii List of Case studies x CHAPTERS 1 Chennai —A Profile 1 2 Employment, Income and Poverty 17 3 Demography, Health and Nutrition 34 4 Literacy and Education 62 5 Gender 83 6 Social Security 93 7 Infrastructure 107 8 Summary and way forward 132 Annexures 138 ii iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The preparation of the Chennai District Human Development Report (DHDR) has originated primarily from the initiative of the State Planning Commission, Government of Tamil Nadu, with the support received from the UNDP. The State Planning Commission took up the assignment as a constructive exercise towards strategizing the Government programmes to yield the intended results. This Human Development Report has been prepared with the support and encouragement of numerous people. We wish to express thanks to all those who contributed in many ways to the preparation of the report. First of all we would like to express our sincere thanks to Tmt. Santha Sheela Nair, IAS (Retd), Former Vice Chairman, State Planning Commission, Government of Tamil Nadu for constantly reviewing the progress of this exercise and for supplementing with valuable suggestions. We are extremely indebted to Thiru M. Balaji, IAS, the then Member Secretary, State Planning Commission, who initiated this exercise and also our thanks is due to Thiru Anil Meshram, IAS, Member Secretary, State Planning Commission for providing all necessary administrative support and resources to accomplish the task. We also thank our management of LIBA for providing support for this project. We also thank Rev. Fr. Peter Xavier, former Director of LIBA for his support. We thank our Director, Rev. Fr. Christie, for his encouragement and support. We express our thanks to Selvi. S. Namagiri, Senior District Planning Officer, State Planning Commission, whose encouragement, and support from the preliminary level to the concluding level enabled us to complete this task. We thank Tmt. E. Sundaravalli, IAS, District Collector, Chennai. We thank Thiru. VikramKapur, IAS, Commissioner of Corporation of Chennai for his interest and commitment shown on this project. We also thank Tmt. Shilpa Prabhakar Satish, IAS, Deputy Commissioner for Education, Corporation of Chennai, for her support in completion of this report. We would like to place on record our sincere thanks to Dr.T.G.Vinay. IAS, Deputy Commissioner (Revenue and Finance) and Tmt. Lalitha, IAS, former Deputy Commissioner for Education, Corporation of Chennai, for their help and support. Our special thanks to Tmt. D. Ranjini, Educational Officer, Education Department, Corporation of Chennai, for her commitment and help in data collection and coordination. We thank Dr.M.Jagadeesan, City Health Officer, Public Health Department, Corporation of Chennai, and Dr.Sheela Gopinath, District Project Coordinator Officer, District Family Welfare Bureau, Corporation of Chennai, for their support in providing health related data for this report. iv The preparation of the DHDR was possible owing to the untiring efforts of the study team which gathered good deal of qualitative and quantitative information. We are thankful to research assistants Mr.Dharani Vendhan, Mr.Gopikrishnan and Mr.Jeevarathnam for their full cooperation and commitment. We thank students of LIBA and Ms. P. Rajalakshmi, Research Assistant, for their work on the case studies. It is our pleasure to acknowledge the help rendered by Superintendent Engineer, TNEB, Chief Educational Officer (SSA), Chief Educational Officer (RMSA), Project Officer( MahalirThittam), District Project Officer- ICDS, the Director- Animal Husbandary and Veterinary services, the Deputy Director- District Employment Office, Department of Economics and Statistics, Chennai Police, Department of Medical Services, various departments of Corporation of Chennai, District Family Welfare Bureau, Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board and others who have also co-ordinated with us in executing the work. Besides, the various heads of department at the district level provided invaluable assistance. Lastly we acknowledge with a deep sense of appreciation, unremitting cooperation and help of all the officers and staff of the State Planning Commission and Corporation of Chennai, without whom the present endeavour would not have achieved fruition. Authors: Dr.N.Chandrasekaran Dr.A.Indira Dr.M.Ramasubramaniam Dr.P.Chandiran v LIST OF BOXES NO Item Page 1.1 HISTORICAL EVENTS AT A GLANCE 4 2.1 MIGRATION 19 2.2 CHILD LABOUR DECLINE IN DISTRICT 25 2.3 SLUMS IN CHENNAI 29 3.1 ROLE OF CHENNAI CORPORATION IN HEALTH CARE 49 3.2 NUTRITION PROGRAMMES OF GOVERNMENT 51 4.1 INITIATIVES FOR IMPROVEMENT IN QUALITY OF EDUCATION 66 READING AND WRITING SKILLS FOR PRIMARY AND UPPER PRIMARY SCHOOL 4.2 CHILDREN 70 4.3 ROLE OF CHENNAI CORPORATION IN EDUCATION 71 5.1 STATUS OF GENDER IN THE DISTRICT 86 5.2 DR. MUTHULAKSHMI REDDY MATERNITY BENEFIT SCHEME 91 6.1 VARIOUS SCHEMES FOR DIFFERENTLY ABLED PERSONS 102 6.2 MARRIAGE ASSISTANCE SCHEMES FOR WOMEN IN CHENNAI 105 7.1 STANDARD OF LIVING IN CHENNAI 108 KATHIPARA JUNCTION ONE OF THE LARGEST CLOVERLEAF GRADE SEPERATOR 7.2 IN ASIA 123 vi LIST OF FIGURES No. Item Page 1.1 CRUDE BIRTH RATE 2013-14 14 1.2 INFANT MORTALITY RATE 2013-14 14 3.1 TRENDS IN CRUDE BIRTH RATE 36 3.2 TRENDS IN CRUDE DEATH RATE 37 3.3 INFANT MORTALITY RATE IN CHENNAI 41 3.4 PERCENTAGE OF INSTITUTIONAL DELIVERIES 2013-14 44 3.5 ACCESS TO DRINKING WATER 52 4.1 LITERACY RATES ZONEWISE 63 4.2 ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGES IN CHENNAI 76 4.3 POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES IN CHENNAI 77 PERCENTAGE OF EVER-MARRIED WOMEN OF AGE 15-49 WHO HAVE 6.1 104 EXPERIENCED SEXUAL OR PHYSICAL VIOLENCE vii LIST OF TABLES No. Item Page 1.1 DISTRICT BASIC DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS 6 SECTORAL DISTRIBUTION OF GROSS DISTRICT DOMESTIC 1.2 PRODUCT 10 1.3 INDUSTRIAL SCENARIO OF CHENNAI 2010-11 11 1.4 MAJOR CLUSTERS IN CHENNAI 12 1.5 PER CAPITA INCOME (Rs.) 12 1.6 GROSS DISTRICT DOMESTIC PRODUCT 13 2.1 TOTAL WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS, 2001 20 2.2 TOTAL WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS, 2011 20 2.3 COMPOSITION OF WORKERS 2001-2011 21 2.4 ORGANIZED SECTOR EMPLOYMENT IN CHENNAI 22 2.5 PERCENTAGE OF WORKER PARTICIPATION RATE (WPR) 24 2.6 SECTOR WISE GDDP @ CONSTANT PRICES (2004-05) 26 2.7 REGISTRATION AND PLACEMENT 28 2.8 PER CAPITA INCOME (IN RS.) - AT CONSTANT PRICES 29 3.1 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE 35 3.2 SEX RATIO IN CHENNAI 38 3.3 CHILD SEX RATIO 39 3.4 UNDER 5 MORTALITY RATE IN CHENNAI 42 3.5 MATERNAL MORTALITY RATE 43 3.6 STILL BIRTH RATE IN CHENNAI 45 3.7 FULL IMMUNIZATION FOR THREE YEARS 46 3.8 IMMUNIZATION AT BIRTH IN SELECTED CITIES 47 PROVISION OF IFA TABLETS AMONG WOMEN AND ADOLESCENT 3.9 GIRLS 52 3.10 PROVISION OF TOILET 53 DISTRIBUTION OF HOUSEHOLDS BY TYPE OF LATRINE FACILITY IN 3.11 CHENNAI IN 2011 53 3.12 HIV POSITIVE CASES 57 3.13 TB AND LEPROSY CASES 58 viii 4.1 GER – PRIMARY ZONEWISE (2011-12& 2013-14) 64 4.2 PRIMARY COMPLETION RATE&DROP OUT RATE ZONE-WISE 65 4.3 GER GENDER-WISE ENROLMENT IN UPPER PRIMARY 67 4.4 UPPER PRIMARY COMPLETION RATE AND DROP OUT RATE 68 4.5 TRANSITION RATE 69 4.6 AVAILABILITY OF SCHOOLS 70 4.7A PUPIL TEACHER RATIO (PRIMARY) 72 4.7B PUPIL TEACHER RATIO (UPPER PRIMARY) 73 4.8 SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL INDICATORS – 2013-14 74 4.9 GOVT. SCHOOL INFRASTRUCTURE- CLASSROOMS 75 4.10 HOSTEL FACILITIES FOR SCHOOLS 2011 76 4.11 NUMBER OF SCHOOLS OTHER THAN CORPORATION SCHOOLS 81 5.1 COMPARATIVE STATUS OF WOMEN 84 5.2 GENDER INDICATORS – ZONE WISE 85 5.3 MMR AND INSTITUTIONAL DELIVERIES 2013-14 85 5.4 ACCESS OVER CREDIT 2011-12 (RS. IN LAKHS) 88 5.5 TRENDS IN POLITICAL PARTICIPATION 89 5.6 MATERNAL HEALTH IN CHENNAI 2007-08 AND 2012-13 90 5.7 ANTE-NATAL COVERAGE IN CHENNAI 91 PERCENTAGE OF POPULATION IN AGE GROUPS AND DEPENDENCY 6.1 RATIO, 2001 93 6.2 AGE STRUCTURE IN CHENNAI METROPOLITAN AREA(%) 96 OLD AGE PENSION SCHEME – NUMBER OF BENEFICARIES (AS 6.3 ON 01.06.2013) 100 6.4 DIFFERENTLY ABLED PERSONS IN CHENNAI 101 6.5 CRIME AGAINST WOMEN IN CHENNAI (NUMBER OF CASES) 103 7.1 DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL ROAD LENGTH (YEAR 2010 -11) 109 7.2 HOUSEHOLD WITH EB CONNECTION 110 7.3 TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM 111 7.4 OPERATION OF COMMERCIAL BANK IN CHENNAI 112 7.5 METROPOLITAN BUS STATISTICS 114 7.6 BRIDGES IN CHENNAI CORPORATION 120 7.7 RAILWAY NETWORK AT CHENNAI 124 7.8 CHENNAI METRO PROJECT ROADMAP 127 7.9 AIRPORT CARGO CAPACITY AND THROUGHPUT IN TONNES 128 ix LIST OF CASE STUDIES No. Item Page 2.1 THE TALE OF TWO ZONES 23 3.1 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT MULTI - SPECIALTY HOSPITAL 48 3.2 ERADICATION OF OPEN DEFECATION 54 3.3 DIABETES IN CHENNAI 60 4.1 THE ANNA CENTENARY LIBRARY 80 6.1 COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEME 97 6.2 AMMA UNNAVAGAM 106 7.1 MADHAVARAM TRUCK TERMINAL: NEED FOR REPOSITIONING 117 7.2 FOOT OVER BRIDGE (FOB) – J.N ROAD, ANNA NAGAR 121 x CHAPTER 1 CHENNAI DISTRICT - A PROFILE CHAPTER 1 CHENNAI – A PROFILE Introduction Tamil Nadu in South India is one of the most rapidly industrialising and urbanising State of India. As per Census 2011, 48.4% of the State’s population lived in urban areas, an increase of over 27% from 2001. The Capital city of Tamil Nadu is Chennai.