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Mission: Papuan Gulf] 1 Bibliography 1. P., O. G. The "Oliver Tomkins". The Papuan Villager. 1940; 12(1): 2-3. Note: [mission: Papuan Gulf]. 2. Pacific Linguistics. Index to Pacific Linguistics, Series A- D, as at the End of 1970. Canberra: Australian National University, Research School of Pacific Studies, Department of Linguistics; 1971. iv, 75 pp. (Pacific Linguistics, Series D; v. 9). Note: [general NG]. 3. Pacsa, S.; Bakonyi, Z.; Sutherland, G. Polio and Coxsackievirus Antibodies of New Guinean Children. Tropical and Geographical Medicine. 1973; 25: 290-292. Note: [general PNG]. 4. Paddenburg, A. van. Subsistence Agriculture in the Chimbu with Particular Reference to North Eastern Sinasina. In: Bruyn, H.; Cheung, P.; Saroa, K. M.; Godyn, D. L.; Godyn, M. E.; Paddenburg, A. van; Beney, J. K. Six Studies in Subsistence Agriculture. Port Moresby: Department of Primary Industry; 1980: 31-44. (Extension Bulletins; v. 11). Note: [agr officer: Sinasina]. 5. Pae, Andrew Panti. Growing Yams in Kumanung. Grassroots Research Bulletin. 1992; 2(2): 17-21. Note: [Kumanung vill Kire]. 6. Pagalau, Sipaka. Warfare at Ialibu. Oral History. 1974; 2(10): 9-12. Note: [interviews: Lawagrepa tribe Kewa]. 7. Paglau, Michael. Conservation of Soil, Water and Forest in the Upper Simbu Valley. In: Morauta, Louise; Pernetta, John; Heaney, William, Editors. Traditional Conservation in Papua New Guinea: Implications for Today. Goie, Anton, Translator. Boroko: Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research; 1982: 115-119. (Monographs; v. 16). Note: [Upper Simbu]. 8. Paia, P. Warfare in the Melpa Area. Oral History. 1976; 4(2): 68-70. Note: [Giga, Moge, Yamuka tribes Melpa]. 9. Paia, R. Wing Bean at Kaluwe in the Pangia Sub-province. Oral History. 1977; 5(9): 71-74. Note: [Kaluwe vill Pangia Wiru]. 10. Paia, Robert M. The Coming of Red Foreigners to the Wiru Area of Pangia Sub-Province in S.H.P. Oral History. 1977; 5(4): 49-55. Note: [Wiru]. 11. Paia, Robert; Strathern, Andrew, Translators. Beneath the Andaiya Tree: Wiru Songs. n.p.: Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies; 1977. 57 pp. + Foldout Map. Note: [Talipiko, Tunda vills Wiru]. 12. Paiban. A War Experience. Journal of the Papua and New Guinea Society. 1971; 5(1): 34. Note: [Maprik area]. 13. Paijmans, K. Ecological Notes on Sago in New Guinea. In: Stanton, W. R.; Flach, M., Editors. Sago: The Equatorial Swamp as a Natural Resource: Proceedings of the Second International Sago Symposium, Held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 15-17, 1979. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers; 1980: 9-12. (World Crops: Production, Utilization, and Description; v. 1). Note: [general PNG]. 2 14. Paijmans, K. The Vegetation of the Purari Catchment. In: Petr, T., Editor. The Purari: Tropical Environment of a High Rainfall River Basin. The Hague: Dr W. Junk Publishers; 1983: 227-252. (Monographiae Biologicae; v. 51). Note: [general PNGH]. 15. Paijmans, K.; Blake, D. H.; Bleeker, P.; McAlpine, J. R. Land Resources of the Morehead-Kiunga Area, Territory of Papua and New Guinea. Melbourne: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization; 1971. 124, [1] pp. + 14 Plates + 2 Folding Maps. (Land Research Series; v. 29). Note: [survey August-October 1967: Kiunga, Morehead subdistricts, Western District]. 16. Paijmans, K.; Löffler, E. High-Altitude Forests and Grasslands of Mt. Albert Edward, New Guinea. Journal of Tropical Geography. 1972; 34: 58-64 + Plates 1-4. Note: [Mt Albert Edward]. 17. Paika, Raphael. Industrial Medical Experience in the Kiunga Medical Base. Papua New Guinea Medical Journal. 1984; 27: 40-41. Note: [Kiunga]. 18. Paillard, Pierre. Seul a travers les territoires non controlés de la Nouvelle-Guinée. Paris: Éditions de la Pensée Moderne; 1962. 222 pp. + Plates. Note: [journalist: Mendi, Ialibu, Tambul, Mala (Wahgi), Menjim, Kumburup, Kaironk, Aiome, Keram R, Angoram, Ambunti, May R, Maimai, Wumerau, Dreikikir, Maprik, Yengoru, Wewak, Kaup, Minj, Chimbu, Goroka]. 19. Pain, C. F. Geology, Landforms and Landuse Distribution. in: Allen, B. J., Editor. Agricultural and Nutritional Studies on the Nembi Plateau, Southern Highlands. Port Moresby and Mendi: University of Papua New Guinea and the Southern Highlands Rural Development Project; 1984: 22-34. (Occasional Papers, N.S.; v. 4). Note: [survey 1978: Nembi Plateau]. 20. Pain, C. F. Introduction to the Purari River Catchment. In: Petr, T., Editor. The Purari: Tropical Environment of a High Rainfall River Basin. The Hague: Dr W. Junk Publishers; 1983: 1- 7. (Monographiae Biologicae; v. 51). Note: [Purari R catchment area]. 21. Pain, C. F. Soil Assessment for Development in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea. Science in New Guinea. 1982; 9: 89- 102. Note: [survey 1979-1980: Enga Province]. 22. Pain, C. F.; Ollier, C. D. Caves and Karst on Misima Island, Papua New Guinea. Helictite. 1978; 16: 40-49. Note: [Misima I]. 23. Pain, C. F.; Scott, G. A. J. Highland-Lowland Interactive Systems in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea. Mountain Research and Development. 1981; 1: 71-78. Note: [Enga Province]. 24. Pain, C. F.; Smith, J. M. B.; Lea, D. A. M. Physical Environment. In: Carrad, Bruce; Lea, David A. M.; Talyaga, Kundapen K., Editors. Enga: Foundations for Development. Armidale, N.S.W.: University of New England, Department of Geography; 1982: 23-40. (Enga Yaaka Lasemana; v. 3). Note: [Enga Province]. 25. Pain, Colin; Swadling, Pamela. Sea Level Changes, Coastal Landforms and Human Occupation near Port Moresby -- A Pilot Study. Science in New Guinea. 1980; 7: 57-68. Note: [Vaihua R]. 26. Paine, Brenda G. Pertussis in the Highlands: A Clinical Review. Papua and New Guinea Medical Journal. 1973; 3 16: 36-41. Note: [1970-1971: Mt Hagen Hospital]. 27. Paine, Pauline. The Mask of Janus: A Re-Analysis of the Concept of Pollution in the New Guinea Highlands. Nexus. 1981; 2(1): 15-28. Note: [from lit: Mae Enga, Hagen, Etoro, Bena Bena, Kafe, Hua, Maring, Siane]. 28. Pais, Gregory. Haiwara -- Mbu Porgi. Grassroots Research Bulletin. 1991; 1(1): 14-21. Note: [Kire (Giri)]. 29. Pakek, N. Wooden Plates of Madang. Oral History. 1976; 4(2): 85-88. Note: [Madang]. 30. Pakini, Pundali. An Old Woman and Her Child. Oral History. 1973; 1(2): 31. Note: [unidentified]. 31. Palili, P. Coiling Pottery in Mambuk Village. Oral History. 1974; 2(8): 17-18. Note: [Mambuk Yangoru Boiken]. 32. Palmer, Bill; Geraghty, Paul, Editors. SICOL: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Oceanic Linguistics: Vol. 2. Historical and Descriptive Studies. Canberra: Australian National University, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Pacific Linguistics; 2000. ix, 408 pp. (Pacific Linguistics; v. 505). 33. Palmer, Bruce; Dean, Beth. South Pacific: Pacific Islands Art and Dance. Suva: Fiji Times & Herald Limited; 1972. 103 pp. Note: [Malol, Ambunti, Banz, Dimiri, Aibom, Mekeo, Asaro, Hagen, Aitape, Maui vill Torricelli Mts, Rigo, Seleo, Nuku, Telefomin]. 34. Pamba, Kevin. Good Old Taim Blong Masta in Madang. In: Inder, Stuart, Editor. Tales of New Guinea. Roseville, N.S.W.: Retired Officers' Association of Papua New Guinea Inc.; 2001: 13- 15. Note: [visit 2001: Bilbil]. 35. Pannekoek, A. J. Ontdekkingen in het centrale gebergte van Australisch Nieuw-Guinea. Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. 1939; 56: 371-377. Note: [from lit: PNG]. 36. Panoff, Michel. Calendars. In: Ryan, Peter, General Editor. Encyclopaedia of Papua and New Guinea. Carlton, Vic.: Melbourne University Press in association with the University of Papua New Guinea; 1972: 130. Note: [general PNG]. 37. Pans, A. E. M. J. De Arfakkers: Een volk in beweging. Reprinted in: Miedema, H.; Stokhof, W. A. L., Compilers and Editors. Bird's Head Studies from the 1950s-1960s. Leiden- Jakarta: DSALCUL/IRIS [Department of Languages and Cultures of South-East Asia and Oceania/Irian Jaya Studies Project]; 1999: 142-225. (Irian Jaya Source Materials; Series B; v. 17; 8). Note: [admin 1960: Arfak]. 38. Panti, Andrew Pae. Initiation or Monigafoi. Grassroots Research Bulletin. 1991; 1(1): 3-8. Note: [Kire (Giri)]. 39. Papa, Clement. Holy Spirit Movement among the Melpa. Catalyst. 1995; 25: 45-59. Note: [mission: Kuruk Melpa]. 40. Papa, Clement. Provincial Elections, 1994: Towards a Pastoral Understanding of Tribal Politics in Melpa. Catalyst. 1998; 28: 52-66. Note: [mission: Anglimp Melpa]. 4 41. Papa, Clement. The Sacrament of Reconciliation in Melpa. Catalyst. 1996; 26: 46-54. Note: [mission: Melpa]. 42. Papenhagen, Ronald; Papenhagen, Doris Jane. A Sociolinguistic Survey of Namie. In: Loving, Richard, Editor. Sociolinguistic Surveys of Sepik Languages. Ukarumpa: Summer Institute of Linguistics; 1981: 163-176. (Workpapers in Papua New Guinea Languages; v. 29). Note: [SIL survey 1980: Namie]. 43. Papua. Description of the Mapena, Magena, and Maiwa Tribes, N.E.D. In: Commonwealth of Australia, Parliament. Papua: Annual Report for the Year 1921-22. Melbourne: Government Printer; 1923: Appendix IV, pp. 154-155. Note: [admin: Mapena (Gwoira), Magena, Maiwa]. 44. Papua. Description of the Agaiambo People, between the Musa and the Bariji Rivers. In: Commonwealth of Australia, Parliament. Papua: Annual Report for the Year 1921-22. Melbourne: Government Printer; 1923: Appendix VI, p. 156. Note: [admin: Agaiambo]. 45. Papua. Index to Vocabularies Published from 1889 to 1917. In: Commonwealth of Australia. Papua: Annual Report for the Year 1918-19. Melbourne: Government Printer; 1920: 100-106. Note: [numerous Papua]. 46. Papua. List of Kukukuku Words Obtained by Patrol Officer Chisholm. In: Commonwealth of Australia, Parliament. Papua: Annual Report for the Year 1913-14. Melbourne: Government Printer; 1914: Appendix III (h), p. 195. Note: [Hamtai]. 47. Papua. Papua: Annual Report for the Year 1915-16. Melbourne: Government Printer; 1917. 38 pp. + 4 pp. Photographs. Note: [Papua]. 48. Papua. Short Comparative Vocabulary of the Karukaru Language (Mt. Scratchley), as Compiled at Beda in 1914 and at Neneba in 1896, vide Annual Report, p. 15, Showing Its Relationship to Biagi Language. In: Commonwealth of Australia. Papua: Annual Report for the Year 1914-15. Melbourne: Government Printer; 1916: Appendix V(b), p. 189. Note: [Biagi, Beda, Neneba].
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