^wppiemeut l5o. 2 to Cije ^alegtme d&a?ette JlSo. 844 of 1st December, 1938.



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by the Defence (Military Commanders) Regulations, 1938, (Supplement No. 2 to the Palestine Gazette Extraordinary No. 830 of 20th October, 1938), and Emergency Regulations, 1936, regulation 6A, I, BASIL LAING CLAY, of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Military Commander of Urban Sub-Area, hereby order that the area des• cribed in the subjoined schedule be closed to all pedestrian, vehicular, and animal traffic with effect from 11 p.m. on 17th November, 1938, until further notice, in view of the murder and the two attempted murders which have occurred in that area since the 12th November, 1938.


That part of street (Iraq street) in the Haifa Urban Area, from the junction of Nazareth street (Iraq street) and Wadi Salib street eastwards to the junction of Nazareth street (Iraq street) and Neve Sha'anan cross roads.

B. L. CLAY Major, Military Commander > Haifa Urban Sub-Area. — 26־15 —



IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by regulation 19B of the Emergency Regula­ tions, 1936, I, H. E. DE R. WETHERALL, , Military Commander of the Southern District, appropriate on behalf of His Excellency the High Commissioner, without compensation, the foundry situated in the Jaffa—Jerusalem Road, Jaffa, and owned by ABU LUGHUD AND COMPANY, and I hereby order that the said foundry shall be disposed of as follows :—

To be closed and sealed. Given under my hand this 18th day of November, 1938.

H. E. DE K. WETHERALL Brigadier, Military Commander, Southern District.


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by the Defence (Military Commanders) Regulations, 1938, (Supplement No. 2 to the Palestine Gazette Extraordinary No. 830 of 20th October, 1938), and Emergency Regulations, 1936, regulation 19B(I), I, LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM VICTOR PALMER, Military Commander of the Haifa Rural Sub-District, do hereby order that the under-mentioned houses in the village of Khirbet Sa'sa wThose inhabitants, I am satisfied, have aided and abetted in such an offence as is mentioned in regulation 8B, sub-paragraph (6), of the Emergency Regulations, 1936, shall be demolished :—


Given under my hand this 18th day of November, 1938.

W. V. PALMER Lieutenant-Colonel, Military Commander, Haifa Rural Sub-District.


IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by regulation 10 of the Emergency Regula­ tions, 1936, I, D'EYNCOURT GODDARD CHAMBERLAIN, hereby order that curfew shall be imposed within the Acre Municipal Area between the hours of 9 p.m. and 3 a.m. as from the 12th November, 1938. — 1527 —

The order in regard to the Municipal Area of Acre which was issued on the 25th October, 1938, is hereby modified.

D'EYNCOURT G. CHAMBERLAIN Major, 12th November, 1938. Sub-Area Commander.


IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me b}' regulation 10 of the Emergency Regu• lations, 1936, I, LT. COLONEL WILLIAM HAVELOCK CHAPLIN RAMSDEN, M.C., Officer Commanding the 1st. Battn. The Hampshire Regiment, Sub-Area Com• mander of the Nazareth District, hereby declare that the hours of curfew on Nazareth town shall now be amended to read from 6 p.m. until 4 a.m. until further notice.

The above alterations are subject to a further amendment if any incidents occur in the town of Nazareth.

WILLIAM HAVELOCK CHAPLIN RAMSDEN 16th November, 1938. . Sub-Area Commander, Nazareth District.


IN VIRTUE of the order dated the 20th of October, 1938, appointing me Military Commander of the Southern District, and in exercise of the powers vested in me by regulation 10 of the Emergency Regulations, 1936, |made under the Palestine (Defence) Order in Council, 1931, I, H. E. DE R. WETHERALL, Brigadier, Military Commander of the Southern District, hereby order that a day-curfew shall be im• posed on the municipal area of Jaffa from 8.30 a.m. till 10 a.m. on the 19th No• vember, 1938; and I hereby give notice that any person who remains out of doors within the said municipal area of Jaffa during these hours without a permit in writing from me or from some other duly authorised person will render himself liable to prosecution for an offence under the regulations made under the above- mentioned Order in Council.

The existing curfew, from 10 p.m. till 5 a.m. daily, remains in force.

H. E. DE R, WETHERALL Brigadier, 19th November, 1938. Military Commander, Southern District. — 15-28 —


IN VIRTUE of the order dated the 20th of October, 1938, appointing me Military Commander of the Southern District, and in exercise of the powers vested in me by regulation 10 of the Emergency Regulations, 1936, made under the Palestine (Defence) Order in Council, 1931, I, H. E. DE R. WETHERALL, Brigadier, Military Commander of the Southern District, hereby order that, in consequence of two murders in the municipal area this morning, a day-curfew shall be imposed on the municipal area of Jaffa from 11.45 a.m. till 4.30 p.m. on the 20th November, 1938; and I hereby give notice that any person who remains out of doors within the said municipal area of Jaffa during these hours without a permit in writing from me or from some other duly authorised person will render himself liable to prosecution for an offence under the regulations made under the above-mentioned Order in Council. The existing curfew, from 10 p.m. till 5 a.m. daily, remains in force.

H. E. DE R. WETHERALL Brigadier•, 20th November, 1938. Military Commander, Southern District.


I, HAROLD CECIL HARRISON, Companion of the Distinguished Service Order, Brigadier and Military Commander of the Area or Place known as the Samaria District, hereby cancel as from 4 a.m. the order dated the 11th November, 1938, imposing curfew in a part of the municipal area of Nablus.

Given under my hand this 22nd day of November, 1938.

H. C. HARRISON Brigadier, Military Commander, Samaria District.


IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by regulations made under Article IV of the Palestine Orders in Council, 1931 and 1936, I, H. C. HARRISON, Companion of the Distinguished Service Order, Brigadier Commanding the 14th Infantry Brigade, do hereby order all persons within the Municipal Corporation Area of Nablus to remain within doors from 21.00 hours to 04.00 hours on the nights of 22nd, 23rd and 24th November, 1938.

If any person within the said area is or remains out between the hours afore• said without a permit, he shall be guilty of an offence against the said regulations — 1529 — and shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceed• ing one month or to a fine not exceeding £P.5 or to both such penalties.

Given under my hand this 22nd day of November, 1938.

H. C. HARRISON Brigadier, Military Commander, Central Area.


IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by the Defence (Military Commanders) Regulations, 1938, and regulation 10 of the Emergency Regulations, 1936, I, JOHN FULLERTON EVETTS, Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, on whom His Majesty has conferred the , Brigadier and Military Commander of the Areas or Places known as the Galilee and Acre District (less the Area or Place known as the Jordan Valley), and Haifa Sub-District, do hereby order that a permanent curfew be imposed upon all the part of the Haifa Town Planning Area described in the subjoined schedule with the effect from to• day's notice that any person being or remaining within the said area without a permit in writing from me or some other duly authorised persons shall be guilty of an offence against the above-mentioned orders and regulations.


All that area bounded by the river Eishon from its mouth as far as the Bridge carrying the Haifa—Acre railway line; thence in a north-easterly direction along the railway line as far as the south-eastern boundary fence of the Palestine Vulcan Foundries and the south-eastern fence of the Phoenicia Glass Factory as far as the junction of the fence and the Haifa—Acre railway; thence along the railway line in a north-easterly direction as far as the junction of the railway line and the wire fence on the north-eastern boundary of the aerodrome; thence along the wire fence on the north-eastern boundary of the aerodrome in a north-westerly direction to the junction of this fence with the boundary fence on the north-western boundary of the aerodrome; thence in a north-easterly direction in a straight line to the southernmost point of the boundary fence of the Iraq Petroleum Company terminal site; thence along the south-easterly and north-westerly boundaries of the Iraq Petroleum Company terminal site as far as and including the sea shore; thence in a south-westerly direction along the sea shore as far as the mouth of the. river Kishon. J. F. EVETTS Brigadier, Military Commander, Galilee and Acre District 23rd November, 1938. and Haifa Sub-District. —]530 —


IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by the Defence (Military Commanders) Regulations, 1938, and regulation 10 of the Emergency Regulations, 1936, I, JOHN FULLERTON EVETTS, Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, on whom His Majesty has conferred the Military Cross, Brigadier and Military Commander of the Areas or Places known as the Galilee and Acre District (less the Area or Place known as the Jordan Valley) and Haifa Sub-District, do hereby order that every person within the Town Planning Area of Haifa shall remain within doors between the hours of 11 p.m. and 4 a.m., and I hereby give notice that any person being or remaining out of doors between these hours without a permit in writing from me or some other duly authorised persons shall be guilty of an offence against the above-mentioned orders and regulations.

J. F. EVETTS Brigadier, Military Commander, Galilee and Acre District 23rd November, 1938. and Haifa Sub-District.


When Government recently issued an order imposing restrictions on road traffic, the rebels attempted, by threatening any one who applied for the necessary travel permit and identity card, to force Government to rescind that order. Need• less to say, the attempt failed.

The rebels have now withdrawn their threats against the drivers of motor vehicles engaged in transporting citrus. It is not for them to decide what classes of vehicle may or may not be permitted. Such a decision rests with Government alone.

Accordingly, I give notice that, until the rebels withdraw their threats against all forms of traffic, I shall not issue any new travel permits or renew any travel permits which have expired. In other words, the right to apply for permits must be given to all or to none.

As I do not intend at present to issue any permits to the drivers of private cars, taxis or omnibuses, this warning means in practice that no travel permits will be issued or renewed until a sufficient number of applications has been received, from all classes of commercial motor vehicles.

H. E. DE R, WETHERALL Brigadier, 23rd November, 1938. Military Commander, Southern District. — 1531 —



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in hirn by section 230 of the Customs Ordinance, the High Commissioner has made the follow• Cap. 42. ing rules :—-

1. These rules may be cited as the Sugar Importation (Manu• Short title. facture of Composite Goods) Rules, 1938.

2. These rules prescribe the conditions under which sugar for Object of rules. use in the manufacture of composite goods which are intended for exportation may be imported without payment of duty. 3. The sugar shall be weighed at the port of importation by a Procedure on customs officer and an advice of the weights so found shall be sent importation. to the customs officer stationed at the factory where such sugar is to be used in the manufacture of composite goods. 4. On arrival at the factory from the port of importation, the Procedure at sugar shall be re-weighed in the presence of the customs officer factory. stationed at the factory, each bag being painted with the consecu• tive number given to the manifest of the vessel in which the sugar was imported on its arrival in Palestine : import duty shall be paid on any difference between the weight of the sugar as advised by the customs officer at the port of importation, and the weight of such sugar as found on re-weighing at the factor}*.

5. All sugar imported under these rules shall be kept in a spe• Procedure cial store in the factory under customs locks : when such sugar is during manufacture. brought into a factory, no sugar upon which import duty has been paid shall be kept or allowed to remain in any part of such factory, and the whole process of manufacture of composite goods shall be carried on at all times under customs supervision, and such pro• ducts, when manufactured, shall be kept in a special store under customs locks. 6. —(1) When composite goods containing sugar on which im• Procedure on port duty has not been paid are allowed to be delivered from the exportation. factory for exportation, they shall be conveyed under customs supervision from the special store in the factory to the customs house at the port or place of shipment, and the customs officer sta• tioned at the factory shall advise the collector of the port of the quantity and description of the products so delivered. (2) iVny customs officer may, if necessary, take samples of such products delivered for exportation, for the purpose of analysis. 7. The manufacture of composite goods from sugar on which Hours of import duty has not been paid may take place at any time; but any attendance of customs officer attendance by a customs officer, except between the hours of 8 a.m. at factory. and 4 p.m., shall be paid for at the prescribed rates of overtime. — 1532 —

Accommodation, 8. A manufacturer shall provide reasonable accommodation, etc., for customs furniture and conveniences to the satisfaction of the Director for officers at factory. the use of the customs officer or officers stationed at the premises of the manufacturer.

Provision of 9. A manufacturer shall provide and maintain such scales, scales, etc. weights and measures as the Director may require and shall give such assistance in their use as may be required by the customs of• ficer, but nothing herein shall prevent the customs officer from using government scales, weights or measures, if he should so de• sire.

Customs locks. 10. The Director may require any part of the premises used in the manufacture of composite goods for export to be secured by customs locks.

Conditions on 11. A manufacturer may, with the consent of the Director, which sugar and on due notice being given to the customs officer, and on pay• may be used for consumption ment of the import duty then in force, remove from the store sugar in Palestine. previously admitted without payment of import duty, in order that such sugar may be used for consumption in Palestine.

Period within 12. Subject to the terms of the last preceding rule, all sugar which sugar is imported under these rules on which import duty has not been to be used in manufacture. paid shall be used solely in the manufacture of composite goods for export, and the exportation of such manufactured products shall take place within twelve months of the date of importation of such sugar, failing which the import duty then in force shall be paid forthwith on such sugar.

Bond. 13. A manufacturer shall give a general bond, with such sec• urity and in such amount and under such conditions as the Director may require, for the due observance of the obligations under these rules.

Ee vocation. 14. The Sugar Importation (Manufacture of Confectionery) Rules and the Sugar Importation (Manufacture of Fruit Juice Products, Jams and Marmalades) Rules are hereby revoked.

By His Excellency's Command,

W. D. BATTERSHILL 21st November, 1938. Chief Secretary. (C/101/31) — 1533 —



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 5 of the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordinance, 1937, the High Com• No. 24 of 1937. missioner in Council is pleased to order and it is hereby ordered as follows :—

1. This Order may be cited as the Customs Tariff and Exemp• Citation. tion Order (No. 11), 1938. 2. The Schedule to the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordi• Amendment of nance, 1937, shall be amended by the substitution of the expres• Schedule to the Customs Tariff sion "0.534 kilogrammes" for the expression "0.454 kilogrammes" and Exemption appearing in item 175(h) thereof. Ordinance, 1937.

A. N. LAW 24th November, 1938. Clerk to the Executive Council. (0/71/36)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 5 of the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordinance, 1937, the High Com• No. 24 of 1937. missioner in Council is pleased to order and it is hereby ordered as follows :— 1. This Order may be cited as the Customs Tariff and Exemp• Citation. tion Order (No. 12), 1938.

2. The Schedule to the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordi• Amendment of nance, 1937, shall be amended by the substitution of the following Schedule to the Customs Tariff item for item No. 779 thereof :— and Exemption Ordinance, 1937. "779. IRAQ PETROLEUM COMPANY AND •• ANGLO-IRANIAN OIL COMPANY :— (a) Stores, equipment, materials and other things what• soever, whether directly imported or consigned from a bonded installation in Palestine, which may be necessary for the work of the undertaking of the Iraq Petroleum Company Limited, or the undertaking of the Anglo- Iranian Oil Company Limited, and for their transporta• tion purposes, including all equipment for offices, houses, hospitals or other buildings, being the property of the Companies and used for their operations, the word — 1534 —

"undertaking" in this item having the same meaning as it has in the Convention between the High Commis• sioner and the Iraq Petroleum Company dated the 5th of January, 1931, and the Convention between the High Commissioner and the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company dated the 18th of October, 1933; (b) benzine and kerosene consigned to either of the Com• panies from a bonded installation in Palestine : Provided that in either case an undertaking is given by the Company that the materials will be used exclus• ively for the works or undertakings of the Company, or for its transportation purposes."

A. N. LAW 25th November, 1938. Clerk to the Executive Council. (C/209/38)




IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by subsection (1) of section 50 of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, the High Commissioner has been pleased to appoint and the undermentioned councillor is hereby appointed to be Mayor of the Municipal Council of Tiberias as from the 6th November, 1938.


By.His Excellency's Command, W. D. BATTERSHILL 22nd November, 1938. Chief Secretary. (G/30/37)




WHEREAS in exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by section 61 (1) (iii) of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, a commission was — 1535 —

nominated by the Officer Administering the Government to perform the duties of the Council of the Municipal Corporation of Ramallah until further order, notice whereof was published in Gazette No. 672 of the 11th March, 1937;

AND WHEREAS owing to the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the said Commission it is desirable to nominate a member of the Commission to act as Chairman thereof during such absence;

Now, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers vested in him as aforesaid, the High Commissioner is pleased to nominate MUSA EFF. JUBRAN, a member of the said Commission to act as Chairman thereof, with power to exercise the functions and perform the duties of the Chairman of the said Commission until such time as either the Chairman or Vice Chairman is again able to act in that capacity.

By His Excellency's Command,

W. D. BATTERSHILL 25th November, 1938. Chief Secretary. (G/ll/32)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 5 of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, the High Commissioner, No. 1 of 1934. after considering the report made by a Commission of Enquiry in accordance with the provisions of that section, is pleased to order and it is hereby ordered as follows :—

1. This Order may be cited as the Nazareth (Variation of Mu• Citation. nicipal Area) Order, 1938. 2. The area of the Municipal Corporation of Nazareth as set Variation of out under the name of "Nazareth" in the First Schedule to the municipal area of Nazareth. Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, shall be extended, and the paragraphs setting out the area in the said schedule as afore• said shall be deleted and the following substituted therefor :— "East : From Urban Boundary Mark No. 1 (Government traverse point No. 323/N) situate on the Nazareth— Saffuriya Road, opposite the northern corner of the loose stone wall bounding the Forest Reserve, in a south-easterly direction along the north-eastern edge of the road to its junction with the Nazareth—Tiber• ias main road marked by a boundary stone NZ.M.B. Thence north-eastwards along the north-west edge of the main road to Urban Boundary Mark No. 2 situate — 153(> about 10 metres west of kilometre stone No. 143; thence south-eastwards across the road to the corner of the wire fence and continuing along the fence to Urban Boundary Mark No. 3 (Government traverse point No. 162/N); thence along the wire fence north• eastwards to Urban Boundary Mark No. 4 and con• tinuing to the south-east corner of the fence near Government traverse point 164/N; thence in a gen• eral south-easterly direction following the Naza• reth—Reina village boundary, marked by an ill-de• fined loose stone wall and Government traverse points Nos. 165/N—1092/R• (Trigonometric point) —173/N, as far as traverse point No. 269/N situate on a track leading to Ein Mahil; thence south-west• wards along this track to Urban Boundary Mark No. 5 (Government traverse point No. 174/N); thence continuing south-westwards along the track as far as Government traverse point No. 176/N; thence westwards along the track to Government traverse point No. 271/N; thence southwards along a loose stone wall to Urban Boundary Mark No. 6 (Government traverse point No. 177/N). Thence continuing southwards along a loose stone wall and then a hedge to Urban Boundary Mark No. 7 (Gov• ernment traverse point No. 178/N); thence in a straight line, south-westwards to Urban Boundary Mark No. 8 (Government traverse point No. 179/N) situate at a wire fence corner and on a track leading to Ein Mahil; thence north-westwards along the track and wire fence to Government traverse point No. 180/N situate at the junction of this track with the Nazareth—Iksal track, thence south-eastwards following the Iksal !rack to a point where it is in• tersected by a track running from Nazareth east• wards to Ein Mahil (Government traverse point No. 272/N); thence in a general south-westerly direction following this track to Government traverse point No. 184/N; thence leaving the track in a general southerly direction along a loose stone wall and cactus hedge to Government traverse point No. 276/N and continuing to a point on same opposite Government traverse point No. 185/N; thence continuing south- eastwards along a loose stone wall and footpath to Government traverse point No. 277/N; thence west• wards along the top of a bank to the northern corner of a loose stone wall bounding an olive grove marked by Government traverse point No. 278/N and then — 1537 —

south-westwards along the loose stone wall to Urban Boundary Mark No. 9 (Government traverse point No. 187/N) situate on the north-east edge of the Nazareth—Iksal road. South : From Urban Boundary Mark No. 9, in a north-west• erly direction along the north-east edge of the Naza• reth—Iksal road as far as a point opposite a loose stone wall corner and thence across the road and con• tinuing along the loose stone wall in a north-westerly direction to Government traverse point No. 189/N; thence still continuing north-westwards along the top of a bank marked by Government traverse points Nos. 279/N and 280/N; thence along a cactus hedge to the north-east corner of the Christian cemetery, marked by Government traverse point No. 281/N; thence southwards along the wall to the south-east corner and thence westwards to the south-west corner of the cemeteiy; thence continuing westwards along a loose stone wall and a cactus hedge to Urban Boundary Mark No. 10 (Government traverse point No. 287/N) situate near the incinerators on the east edge of the road leading to the church known as Qasr Al Mutran; thence south—south-eastwards fol• lowing the eastern edge of this road to a point op• posite Government traverse point No. 201/N, where the road forks, one branch leading to the Qasr Al Mutran and the other to Jabal Al Qafsi; thence a- cross the road to Urban Boundary Mark No. 11; thence westwards following an ill-defined loose stone wall marked by Government traverse points Nos. 202/N to 206/N and 290/N to 293/N. Thence in a straight line south—south-westwards to. Government traverse point No. 294/N, and continuing in the same direction to Urban Boundary Mark No. 12 being the centre of a culvert on the Nazareth—Affula main road (Government traverse point No. 208/N); thence along the eastern edge of the main road as far as Urban Boundary Mark No. 13; thence across the road to the south-east corner of the wire, fence bound• ing the Government Forest Reserve near Government traverse point No. 211/N; thence in a general north• west by westerly direction, along the wire fence bounding the Forest Reserve to its south-west corn• er; thence in a general westerly direction along a loose stone wall with a line of eucalyptus trees to Government traverse point No. 216/N and continu• ing along a baulk and loose stone wall to Government — 1538 —

traverse point No. 217/N; thence south-westwards along a footpath as far as its junction with the Bir Lamir track marked by Government traverse point No. 295/N and across the track to Government tra­ verse point No. 218/N; thence still proceeding south­ wards along the top of the cliff forming the boundary of a fig plantation to Government traverse point No. 219/N, situate on the south-east edge of the main Haifa—Nazareth road; thence south-westwards along the south-east edge of the main road to Urban Boundary Mark No. 14 (Government traverse point No. 325/N). West : From Urban Boundary Mark No. 14 north-west­ wards across the Nazareth—Haifa main road to Government traverse point No. 220/N; thence in a general northerly direction following the Yafa—Na­ zareth village boundary defined by Government tra­ verse points Nos. 221/N to 225/N, as far as the tri- junction point of the village boundaries of Yafa— Kfar Hahoresh—Nazareth, near Government traverse point No. 226/N. Thence north—north-eastwards along the wire fence forming the Nazareth—Kfar Hahoresh village boundary to Urban Boundary Mark No. 15 (Government traverse point No. 227/N); thence in a general northerly direction along the fence and the loose stone wall forming the village boundary between Nazareth and Kfar Hahoresh to Urban Boundary Mark No. 16; thence continuing along the village boundary northwards, defined by a wire fence, to Urban Boundary Mark No. 17 situate on the track leading to Umm Qbey and opposite Government traverse point No. 248/N; thence along the south edge of this track, south-eastwards, to Government traverse point No. 249/N; thence south- eastw^ards and then north-westwards along a foot­ path marked bv Government traverse points Nos. ­N to 250/N situate on the Na/298״,N, 297/N/296 zareth—Malul Road. Thence north—north-east­ wards along a cactus hedge to Government traverse point No. 251/N; thence north-westwards along a footpath to Government traverse point No. 252/N; thence north—north-eastwards along a loose stone wall to Government traverse point No. 299/N and then 300/N; thence south-eastwards along a loose stone wall to Government traverse point No. 301/N; thence north-eastwards along a loose stone wall to Government traverse point No. 302/N and continu- — 1539 —

ing along the wall south-eastwards to 253/N; thence north-eastwards following a cactus hedge to 303/N and continuing still north-eastwards in a straight line, across the track leading to Al Manshiya, as far as Government traverse point No. 304/N. Thence along a loose stone wall north-eastwards to Urban Boundary Mark No. 18 situate on the Nazareth— 'Hut Road (Government traverse point No. 305/N). North : From Urban Boundary Mark No. 18 on the Na­ zareth—'Hut Road south-eastwards along the south­ west edge of the road as far as Government traverse point No. 307/N. Thence north-east by eastwards, leading the Nazareth—Hut Road and proceeding along the northern edge of the road leading to Nabi Sa'in and passing Nabi Sa'in and Government triangulation point No. 778z, as far as a point (Government traverse point No. 313/N) where a track leading from Saffuriya intersects it; thence continuing north-east by eastwards along the northern edge of the road leading to the Reservoir, to Urban Boundary Mark No. 19 (Government tra­ verse point No. 315/N); thence north-eastwards along a loose stone wall and cactus bedge to Government traverse point No. 318/N; thence south-east by east

־ and later south—south-eastwards along a cactus hedge to Government traverse point No. 320/N; thence north-eastwards following the loose stone wall forming the boundary of the Government Forest Re­ serve to its northern corner; thence across the Na­ zareth—Saffuriva Road to Urban Boundary Mark No. 1."

By His Excellency's Command,

W. D. BATTERSHILL 25th November, 1938. Chief Secretary. (G/126/38)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in the Municipal Council of Haifa by section 99 of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, the Municipal Commission of Haifa have made the following No• 15>f 1934- by-laws :— — 1 540 —

Citation. 1. These by-laws may be cited as the Haifa Municipal Area (Construction of Sewers and Drains) By-laws, 1938.

Interpretation. 2. For the purpose of these by-laws :— "Owner" means the person for the time being receiving the rents or profits of the premises in connection with which the word is used, whether on his own account or as an agent or on behalf of another person or who would so receive the same if the premises were leased. "Premises" include buildings and lands of any tenure, whether open or enclosed, whether built upon or not, whether maintained or not under statutory authority. "Drain" means any drain of and used for the drainage of one building only or premises within the same curtilage and made merely for the purpose of communicating therefrom to a cesspool or other like receptacle for drainage, or to a sewer into which the drainage of two or more buildings or premises occupied by different persons is conveyed. "Sewers" include sewers and drains of every description except drains to which the word "drain" interpreted in the preceding definition applies.

Prohibition. 3. No person shall construct a sewer or drain within the muni• cipal area of Haifa without a permit or an order issued by the Municipal Corporation of Haifa.

Contribution 4. —(1) All owners of premises within the municipal area of towards cost of Haifa shall contribute towards the cost of construction along their construction of public sewers. premises of any public sewer, the construction of which has been decided upon by the Municipal Council of Haifa, into which their premises may drain.

(2) The Municipal Corporation of Haifa may by written notice require the owner of any such premises as aforesaid to deposit with the Municipal Corporation, within a period of one month from the date of such notice, the amount which he is required to contribute and which shall be based on the assessment made by the Municipal Corporation in the manner provided in this by-law.

(3) For the purpose of determining the amount to be contributed by each owner of premises under this by-law, the assessment shall be based on the principle that fifty per centum of the cost of the construction of any such sewer as aforesaid shall be allocated on the basis of the total frontage and fifty per centum thereof on the total curtilage of the premises along which the sewer is to be con• structed. Where any premises are situated on a corner facing two roads, the mean length of frontage along the two roads shall be taken. — 1541 —

(4) If an owner fails to deposit the amount which he is required to contribute in accordance with the notice served upon him under paragraph (2) hereof, the Municipal Council of Haifa may never• theless proceed with the construction of the sewer and such amount shall be recoverable from the owner in the same manner as rates due to the Municipal Corporation of Haifa.

5. Any person contravening the provisions of by-law 3 shall be Penalty, liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds.

HASSAN SHUKRI• Chairman of the Municipal Commission of Haifa. Confirmed.

By His Excellency's Command, W. D. BATTERSHILL 26th November, 1938. Chief Secretary. (G/68/88)


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 99 of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, the Municipal Council No. 1 of 1934. of Tel Aviv, with the approval of the High Commissioner, have made the following by-laws :—

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Tel Aviv Construction of Citation. Roads, Footways and Pavements amendment) By-laws, 1938.

2. In these by-laws the term "principal by-laws" shall mean Interpretation. the Tel Aviv Construction of Roads, Footways and Pavements By• laws, 1935.

3. By-law 14 of the principal by-laws is hereby revoked. Revocation of by-law 14 of the principal by-laws.

I. ROKACH Mayor of Tel Aviv. Confirmed.

Bv His Excellencv's Command, W. D. BATTERSHILL 26th November, 1938. Chief Secretary. (G/154/34) — 3 512 —



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 99 of the Municipal Cor• porations Ordinance, 1934, the Municipal Council of Majdal have made the fol• lowing by-laws :

Citation. 1. These by-laws may be cited as the Majdal (Weights and Measures) By-laws, 1938.

Definitions. 2. For the purpose of these by-laws the words "Municipal Council" shall mean the Municipal Council of Majdal and the words "municipal area" shall mean the municipal area of Majdal.

Weights and 3. All weights and measures of any description in use by shop• measures to be keepers within the municipal area shall be inspected and stamped inspected. by the Municipal Council within the month of January of every year.

Fees. 4. The Municipal Council shall charge a fee of 20 mils on each weight and measure stamped by it and an annual fee of 50 mils on each set of weights or measures inspected by it.

Prohibition. 5. No person shall use any weight or measure which has not been stamped and inspected by the Municipal Council.

Contravention. 6. Any person using any weight or measure which has not been duly stamped and inspected by the Municipal Council shall be deemed to have committed a municipal contravention. Penalties. 7. Any person committing a municipal contravention under these by-laws shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds.

SAYID ABU SHARKH Mayor of Majdal


By His Excellency's Command,

W. D. BATTERSHILL 26th November, 1938. Chief Secretary. (G/32/35) — 1543 —



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 99 of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, the Municipal Council No. 1 of 1934. of Jerusalem have made the following by-laws :—

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Jerusalem (Protection Citation. .1938׳ ,of Plants) By-laws

2. In these by-laws :— Interpretation. "Person" means any man, woman or child. "Guardian" in relation to a child includes any person who has for the time being the charge of or control over the child. "Municipal area" means the municipal area of Jerusalem. "Plant" means any tree, sapling, shrub or any part there­ of, and includes any bud, blossom, flower, grass or leaf of any tree, sapling or shrub, which is planted or growing in any public garden. 3. No person shall pluck, spoil, cut, strip off the bark, uproot, Spoiling plants. or otherwise destroy or damage any plant or tread upon it.

4. No person shall in a public garden enter any enclosed Entering plantation or other enclosure, nor tread upon any lawn, shrubbery enclosure, etc. or flower-bed or patch of grass which is not enclosed, but at which a notice prohibiting such act is exhibited.

5. No games of ball may be played in a public garden. Playing games.

6. No person shall in a public garden catch, shoot or chase Catching birds. birds, or throw any stone or stick or other missile at them.

7. No person shall climb on or over any tree, fence, barrier, Climbing a tree, gate or railing in or enclosing a public garden or a tree-guard etc. situated in any public street, or break, spoil or otherwise destroy such fence, barrier, gate, railing or tree-guard. No person shall throw boxes or paper or commit a nuisance in any public garden. 8. No person shall attach or fasten to or leave any animal in Attaching animal the neighbourhood of a plant or fence of a public garden or tree- to tree, etc. guard situated in any public street. 9. No dog or other animal, unless it is securely fastened by Dogs in public gardens. its collar will be allowed within a public garden.

10. No flock of sheep or goats may be driven through or within Driving of sheep the municipal area unless accompanied by at least two attendants or goats within municipal area. (one of whom shall walk in front of the flock) who will be respon­ sible for preventing damage to plants. — 1544 —

Penalty. 11. Any person who contravenes and the guardian of a child who permits or suffers a child to contravene any of the provisions of these by-laws, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds.


Mayor of Jerusalem.


By His Excellency's Command, W. D. BATTERSHILL 26th November, 1938. Chief Secretary. (G/136/38)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in the Municipal Council of Haifa by section 99 of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, No. 1 of 1934. 1934, the Municipal Commission of Haifa have made the following bv-laws :—

Short title. 1. These by-laws may be cited as the Haifa Municipal (Amendment) By-laws, 1938.

Interpretation. 2. In these by-laws, the term "principal by-laws" shall mean the Haifa Municipal By-laws, 1935.

Amendment of 3. By-law 11 of the principal by-laws shall be amended — by-law 11 of the principal by• (a) by the deletion of paragraph (1) (a) thereof and the sub• laws. stitution of the following paragraph therefor :—

Mils "(a) for each sheep or goat weighing not more than 10 kilograms net after slaughter 30"

(b) by the deletion of the fee of 75 mils appearing in para• graph (1) (6) thereof and the substitution of a fee of 70 mils therefor;

(c) by the addition of the words "weighing not more than fifty kilograms before being slaughtered" after the word

"calf" appearing at the end of paragraph (1) (c)l thereof; — 1545 —

(d) by the deletion of the fee of 300 mils appearing in para­ graph (1) (d) thereof and the substitution of a fee of 250 mils therefor; (e) by the deletion of the fee of 500 mils appearing in para­ graph (1) (e) thereof and the substitution of a fee of 550 mils therefor;

(/) by the deletion of the fee of 250 mils appearing in para­ graph (1) (h) thereof and the substitution of a fee of 300 mils therefor. ,pub- Revocation ,1937׳ ,The Haifa Municipal (Amendment) By-laws .4 lished in the Gazette No. 742 of the 9th December, 1937. are hereby revoked.

HASSAN SHIJKRI Chairman of Haifa Municipal Commission.


By His Excellency's Command, W. D. BATTERSHILL 28th November, 1938. Chief Secretary. (G/164/37)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by subsection (1) of section 20 of the Press Ordinance, the High Commissioner in Council is pleased to order and it is hereby ordered as follows :—

1. This order may be cited as the Exclusion of Foreign Newspapers (No. 43) Order in Council, 1938. 2. All copies of the newspaper entitled 'Al Massa' published in Beirut on or after the 29th day of November, 1938, for a period of three months shall be ex­ cluded from Palestine.

A. N. LAW 28th November, 1938. Clerk to the Executive Council. (K/92/38) — 15-16 —



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit No. J. 121 has been granted on the 19th day of November, 1938, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to DR. ROBERT LACHMAN, residing at Jerusalem, to publish four times a year at the "Azriel" Printing Press, situated at Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem, a newspaper in the English and French languages, entitled• "Journal of Com• parative Musicology", treating of oriental and primitive music and under the editorship of DR. ROBERT LACHMAN of Jerusalem.

Dated this 24th dav of November, 1938. J. F. CORNES for Chief Secretary. (K/129/38)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit No. J.122 has been granted on the 23rd day of November, 1938, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to RABBI CONRAD POLLAK, residing at Jerusalem, to publish once a week at the "Diskin" Orphanage Printing Press, situated at Jerusalem, a news• paper in the Hebrew and Yiddish languages entitled "Hahaim" treating of educa• tional, political, economic and literary subjects and under the editorship of RABBI ISRAEL CONRAD POLLAK of Jerusalem.

Dated this 28th day of November, 1938. J. F. CORNES for Chief Secretary. (K/132/38)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit No. S/142 has been granted on the 21st day of November, 1938, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. EZRIEL CARLEBACH, residing at 7, Hamagid Street, Tel Aviv, to publish twice daily at the "Dayag" Printing Press, situated at 21, Mikveh Israel Street, Tel Aviv, a newspaper in the , entitled "Maariw" treating of home and foreign news and under the editorship of MR. EZRIEL CARLEBACH.

Dated this 25th day of November, 1938. J. F. CORNES for Chief Secretary. (K/130/38) — 1547 —



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit No. 47 has been granted on the 13th day of October, 1938, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Haifa and Samaria District, to MR. HANOCH RAFAELY, residing at Hadera, to keep a printing press situated at Nathanya, and known as the "Rafaely" Printing Press.

Dated this 26th day of November, 1938.

J. F. CORNES for Chief Secretary. (K/31/33)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 19 (1) of the Urban Property Tax Ordinance the High Commissioner has established two Revision Committees in the Urban Area of Ramallah and has appointed the following persons as members thereof : First Committee. YA'CUB EFF. EL KUTOB—Chairman. SUBHI EFF. MUHTADI — Official Member. MUSA EFF. JUBRAN — Non-Official Member. YUSEF EFF. ANKER — Non-Official Member.

Second Committee. YA'CUB EFF. EL KUTOB — Chairman. SUBHI EFF. MUHTADI — Official Member. As'AD EFF. SAID — Non-Official Member. EID EFF. EL MUSA — Non-Official Member.

My His Excellency's Command, W. D. BATTERSHILL 26th November, ]938. Chief Secretary. (F/5/38) — 1548



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with section 16(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the town planning scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme No. 17 — Ring Road (Part II) Town Planning Scheme, has been provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission and deposited together with the relative plans at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, where they may be inspected by any person inter• ested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. daily.

Any person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro• perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto with the Local Build• ing and Town Planning Commission at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, within two months from the date of the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.

W. R. McGEAGH Chairman, Jerusalem District Building and 16th November, 1938. Totvn Planning Commission. (Z/154/38)



WHEREAS a scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme No. 511 — By-pass Road between Jericho and Bethlehem Roads, was provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Building and Town Plan• ning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 803 dated the 4th August, 1938;

AND WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme and the Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission has applied to the High Commissioner for authority to put the scheme into force;

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed have been produced to the High Commissioner and signed by him;

Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 18 (2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the High Commissioner has approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given 1549 — that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

E. C. H. GREIG 25th November, 1938. for Chief Secretary. (Z/102/88)



WHEREAS a scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme No. 528 — of Abdul Rahman Ali Ray an and partners, Sheikh Jarrah, was provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Building and Town Plan• ning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 803 dated the 4th August, 1938;

AND WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme and the Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission has applied to the High Commissioner for authority to put the scheme into force;

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed have been produced to the High Commissioner and signed by him;

Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 18 (2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the High Commissioner has approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

E. C. H. GEEIG 26th November, 1938. for Chief Secretary. (Z/105/88)




WHEREAS a scheme within the Town Planning Area of Haifa, known as Scheme No. 243A — Christian Cemeteries Amendment, was provisionally approved by the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice — IOOO —

of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Haifa, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 792 dated the 30th June. 1938;

AND WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme and the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission has applied to the High Commissioner for authority to put the scheme in force;

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed have been produced to the High Commissioner and signed by him;

Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 18 (2) of the Town Planning Ordinance; 1936, that the High Commissioner has approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Haifa. R, C. H. GREIG 25th November, 1938. for Chief Secretary. (Z/89/38)




WHEREAS a scheme within the Town Planning Area of Haifa, known as Scheme No. 311A — Upper Wady Rushmia Bridge Amendment, was provisionally approved by the Northern District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Haifa, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 726 dated the 7th October, 1937;

AND WHEREAS the objections lodged against the scheme have been considered and the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission has applied to the High Commissioner for authority to put the scheme in force;

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed have been produced to the High Commissioner and signed by him; Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 18 (2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the High Commissioner has approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices; Haifa. R. C. H. GREIG 25th November, 1938. . for Chief Secretary. (Z/197/37) — 1551 —




WHEREAS a scheme within the Town Planning Area of Haifa, known as Scheme No. 329 — Shabatay Levy Street, was provisionally approved by the Haifa and Sa• maria District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Haifa, was published in the Palestine Ga• zette No. 770 dated the 24th March, 1938;

AND WHEREAS the objections lodged against the scheme have been considered and the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission has applied to the High Commissioner for authority to put the scheme in force;

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed have been produced to the High Commissioner and signed by him; Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 18 (2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the High Commissioner has approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Haifa.

R. C. H. GREIG 25th November, 1938. for Chief Secretary. (Z/44/38)




WHEREAS a scheme within the Town Planning Area of Haifa, known as Scheme No. 336—Haifa—-Acre Cross Section, was provisionally approved by the Northern District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Haifa, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 726 dated the 7th October, 1937; AND WHEREAS the objections lodged against the scheme have been considered and the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission has applied to the High Commissioner for authority to put the scheme in force; — 1552 —

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed have been produced to the High Commissioner and signed by him; Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 18 (2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Pligh Commissioner has approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Haifa. R. C. H. GREIG .for Chief Secretary ׳ .25th November, 1938 (Z/198/37)




WHEREAS a scheme within the Town Planning Area of Haifa, known as Scheme No. 530 — Herz-Shikmony Land, , was provisionally approved by the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Haifa, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 779 dated the 5th May, 1938;

AND WHEREAS the objections lodged against the scheme have been considered and the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission has applied to the High Commissioner for authority to put the scheme in force;

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed have been produced to the High Commissioner and signed by him; Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 18 (2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the High Commissioner has approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Haifa. R. C. H. GREIG 25th November, 1938. for Chief Secretary. (Z/58/38)




WHEREAS a scheme within the Town Planning Area of Haifa, known as Scheme No. 543 — Ezra-Pooah Scheme, was provisionally approved by the Haifa and Sa- 1553

maria District Building and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Haifa, was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 792 dated the 30th June, 1938; AND WHEREAS the objections lodged against the scheme have been considered and the Haifa and Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission has applied to the High Commissioner for authority to put the scheme in force;

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed have been produced to the High Commissioner and signed by him; Now, THEREFORE, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 18 (2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the High Commissioner has approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme will come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Haifa.

R, C. H. GREIG 25th November, 1938. for Chief Secretary. (Z/90/38)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the schedules of rights to land in the town and settlement area scheduled hereunder, and for the registration block mentioned, have been posted at the offices of the Area Settlement Officer concerned and at the Dis• trict Offices of the Sub-District in which the town is situated, in accordance with section 33(2) of the Ordinance.

Settlement Settlement Officer of No. of Town Sub-District Area the Area Registration (Office at) Block

Tiberias Tiberias Tiberias Jerusalem 15044.

J. N. STUBBS Acting Commissioner for Lands 23rd November, 1938. and Surveys. — 1554 —



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 7 of the No. 33 of 1938. Law Council Ordinance, 1938, the High Commissioner has made the following rules :-—

Citation. 1. These rules may be cited as the Law Council (Amendment) Rules, 1938, and shall be read as one with the Law Council Rules, 1938, hereinafter referred to as the principal rules.

Amendment of 2. Rule 10 of the principal rules shall be amended by the in• rule 10 of the sertion of the word "not" between the words "principal to" and principal rules. the words "more than" appearing in the proviso to sub-rule (3) thereof. Amendment of 3. The item "Language Examination" appearing in the Eighth Eighth Schedule Schedule to the principal rules shall be amended by the addition to the principal rules. of the expression "examination — £P.2.000" at the end thereof.

By His Excellency's Command, W. D. BATTERSHILL 29th November, 1938. Chief Secretary. (J/83/38)



For the purpose of this Order : "Rateable unit" means a building which is used as a dwelling place includ• ing a barrack or such portions of a building as the Local Community may from time to time insert in the assessment lists as rateable units. "Person" means a man, woman, collective farm, or settlement (kevuzah or ). "Occupier of a rateable unit" means the person in actual occupation of the whole of a rateable unit without regard to the title under which he occupies, or if a rateable unit is sub-divided and let to lodgers or various tenants the per• son receiving the rent payable by the lodgers or tenants whether on his own account or as an agent for any person entitled thereto or interested therein and whether such person is in actual occupation of any part of the rateable unit or not.

2.—A. Each Local Community shall levy upon its members and each collective farm or settlement functioning as a Local Community shall levy upon itself a rate of 2% of the actual rental value to cover the expenses of the Vaad Leumi in accord- — 1555 — ance with paragraph 13 (3) (e) (ii) of the Jewish Community Rules, and in accord• ance with the budget passed by the Elected Assembly at its session of the 2nd May, 1938, and approved by His Excellency the High Commissioner. B. Each Local Community shall include in its budget the sum allocated to it under sub-paragraph A above and shall pay this sum in instalments in accordance with the notice which shall be addressed to it by the Vaad Leumi. 3.—A. Each Local Community shall be authorised to levy a rate or rates upon its members for the purposes enumerated in paragraph 13 (3)i of the Jewish Com• munity Rules, as follows :— (a) Education (b) Relief of the poor (c) Care of the sick (d) Provision for orphans (e) Contributions to the expenses of (i) the Local Rabbinical Offices and Rabbis, and (ii) the Local Community and its Committee, in accordance with their respective budgets, provided that the rate levied shall not exceed 8% of the annual rental value. B. The rate shall be levied for the period of one year, namely, from October, 1937, to September, 1938, inclusive. c. The rate-payers shall be the occupiers of rateable units, provided that if two or more persons in partnership are co-occupiers of a rateable unit they shall be jointly and severally liable for payment of the rates, and provided further that if the whole of any rateable unit is unoccupied, the rate shall not be payable.

D. The rate shall be assessed and made on the rental value of the rateable unit, and the rateable value shall be the rent paid in fact or at which the premises might be expected to be let for one year.

E. For the purpose of assessment the Local Community may divide the area of the Community into zones and classify the rooms in each zone. If the Com• mittee of the Local Community assess the value of the units by this method, they shall publish a notice setting forth the zones and the classification of rooms and the rental value of each class of rooms in each zone.

F. The Committee of the Local Community shall appoint a Special Assessment Committee for the purpose of assessing the rateable units in accordance with sub• paragraph E above.

G. The Committee of the Local Community shall notify the occupier of a rateable unit at his dwelling place or customary place of business what the amount of the assessment is and what sum is to be paid by him.

H. Each occupier of a rateable unit shall be entitled to appeal, within one month from the date of the receipt of the notice of assessment, to the Appeal Com• mittee to be appointed by the Committee of the Local Community concerning the — 1556 —

assessment of the unit he occupies, provided that such appeal is made in writing and sets forth the reason for the appeal. However, the occupier of a rateable unit shall not be entitled to appeal concerning the division of zones or the classification of rooms. i. The Appeal Committee shall consider each appeal separately and shall decide according to the majority opinion. In case the opinions shall be equally divided, the Chairman of the Committee shall cast a second and deciding vote. J. Payment of the rates, whether or not demanded, shall be made in instal• ments in accordance with the decision of the Committee of the Local Community at the office of the Local Community or through the collector of rates, or in any other way decided upon by the Committee of the Local Community. 4. Committees of Local Communities shall be authorised to impose the follow• ing fees : — A. RITUAL KILLING OF ANIMALS. (i) The fee for the ritual killing of cattle or small cattle shall be fixed in accordance with weight or per head, as follows :— (a) The fee in accordance with weight shall not exceed 50 mils for each local rottle of the front section. (b) The fee per head shall not exceed £P.l for each head of local cattle and -OP.2 for each head of foreign cattle; the fee for each head of small cattle shall not exceed 200 mils. (ii); The fee for the ritual killing of fowl shall not exceed 10 mils per head. (iii) The fees for ritual killing shall be paid by the butchers to the Com• mittee of the Local Community in accordance with the regulations which shall be laid clown by the Committee of each Local Community or by the Board for Ritual Killing attached to each Local Community. B. ISSUE OF LICENCES FOR THE BAKING OR SELLING OF UNLEAVENED BREAD. (i) The licence fee to bake unleavened bread shall not exceed 20 mils per local rottle of unleavened bread. (ii) The fee shall be paid by the bakers or sellers of unleavened bread to the Committee of the Local Community in accordance with the regu• lations laid down by that Committee. c. GRANT OR AUTHENTICATION OF CERTIFICATES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW. (i) The fee for granting or authentication of certificates by the Committee of the Local Community shall not exceed £P.l. (ii) The fee shall be paid by the holder of the certificate to the treasury of the Committee of the Local Community. E. ELMALEH M. OSTROVSKY Vaad Leumi. Approved. HAROLD MACMICHAEL 29th November, 1938. High Commissioner. (H/16/38) - — 1557 —



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 19 of the Animal Diseases Ordinance, the High Commissioner has made Cap. 3. the following rules :— 1. These rules may be cited as the Animal Quarantine (Im• Citation. portation of Slaughter Cattle from Infected Countries) Emergency Rules, 1938, and shall be read as one with the Animal Quarantine Rules, hereinafter referred to as the principal rules. 2. —(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Importation of the principal rules and the schedule thereto, cattle for slaughter cattle from certain countries. in quarantine may be imported from the countries set out in the schedule to these rules subject to the following conditions :— (a) No such cattle shall be imported into Palestine unless and until the owner obtains a permit from the Chief Veterinary Officer, who may refuse to grant such permit, or, when granted, may suspend or revoke any permit so granted. (b) Such cattle shall be slaughtered in the Municipal Slaughter House at Haifa within seven days from the day of landing at the Port of Haifa. If the owner fails to slaughter the cattle within this period, the ,Chief Veterinary Officer may dispose of such cattle by sale or slaughter and shall remit the proceeds of the sale or slaughter to the owner, after deduction of any expenses incurred. If the owner fails to slaughter such cattle within the said period, a fee of five hundred mils per head per diem may be charged, as the Chief Veterinary Officer directs. (c) Such cattle shall be marked by the owner on the date of landing as directed by, and to the satisfaction of, the In• specting Officer. (d) No shipment of such cattle shall be allowed entry into Palestine if unaccompanied by the following certificates :— (i) A certificate signed by a duly authorised Government Veterinary Officer of the district in the country of origin to the effect:—

(I) that no case of foot-and-mouth disease has oc• curred on, or within a radius of 30 kilometres of, the locality in which the cattle have been kept for the forty five days immediately preceding their movement to the quarantine enclosures in the country of origin, and that such cattle, together — 1558 —

with all other stock on the premises, have been ex• amined by him within twenty four hours imme• diately preceding their movement to such quarantine enclosures and found free from any contagious or infectious disease, and (II) that the cattle have been consigned to the qua• rantine enclosures in the country of origin by rail and/or motor transport in a vehicle or vehicles which have been cleansed and disinfected under his super• vision, and the fodder and/or litter used for the cattle during their transport to such quarantine en• closures has/have been obtained from localities cer• tified to have been free from foot-and-mouth disease for the period of three months immediately preced• ing the date on which such fodder and/or litter was/ were obtained;

(ii) A certificate signed by the Government Veterinary Officer in charge of the quarantine enclosures in the country of origin to the effect:— (I) that such cattle have been detained in such qua• rantine enclosures for fourteen days immediately preceding the date of their consignment by rail to the port of shipment or their embarkation, as the case may be, and that during such period they have not been in contact with any other animals, and

(II) that no case of foot-and-mouth disease has oc• curred among the whole consignment of such cattle during their detention in quarantine, and

(III) that such cattle have been examined by him within twenty four hours of the date of their con• signment by rail to the quarantine enclosures or the port of shipment, as the case may be, and have been found free from foot-and-mouth ,disease or any other contagious or infectious disease communicable to cattle, and (IV) that the fodder and/or litter used for the cattle while in quarantine and taken for use on board the vessel during the voyage to Palestine has/have been . obtained from localities certified to have been free from foot-and-mouth disease for the period of three months immediately preceding the date on which such fodder and/or litter was/were obtained, and, in addition, in the case of cattle detained in quaran• tine enclosures not situated in the port from which they are to be shipped to Palestine, — 1559 —

(AO that such cattle have been consigned by rail from the quarantine enclosures in the country of origin to the port of shipment in a vehicle or vehicles which has/have been cleansed and disinfected under his supervision and sealed with a seal the design of which is shown at the foot of the certificate ;

(iii) A certificate signed by the nearest British Consul authenticating the signatures of the Government Veter• inary Officers inserted on the certificates required under paragraphs (i) and (ii) hereof;

(iv) A certificate signed by His Britannic Majesty's Con• sul at the port of shipment, in the case of cattle arriving from quarantine enclosures not situated in the port, cer• tifying that:—

(I) the cattle arrived at the port of shipment by rail in a vehicle or vehicles the seals of which were in• tact, and

(II) the cattle were taken from the vehicle or vehicles directly to the ship destined for Palestine for em• barkation, and

(III) such cattle have not come in contact with any other stock at the port of shipment while awaiting embarkation for Palestine, and

(IV) such cattle were shipped within twenty four hours of their arrival by rail at the port of shipment.

(e) If an}- case of foot-and-mouth disease is detected among cattle ariving at the Port of Haifa at the time of their ex• amination by an Inspecting 'Officer on board the vessel or on the quay, all the cattle conveyed by such vessel shall be refused entry into Palestine.

(2) The provisions of the principal rules shall, save in so far as they are inconsistent with the provisions of these rules, apply to the importation of any cattle from the countries set out in the schedule to these rules and to any cattle imported from such countries. — 1560 —



By His Excellency's Command,

W. D. BATTERSHILL 29th November, 1938. Chief Secretary. (A/121/32)



IN VIEW of the enactment of the Animal Quarantine (Importa- Cap. 3. tion of Slaughter Cattle from Infected Countries) Emergency Rules, 1938, the High Commissioner, in exercise of the powers vested in him by section 19 of the Animal Diseases Ordinance, has made the following rules :— Citation. 1. These rules may be cited as the Prohibition of Importation of Cattle (Amendment) Rules (No. 7), 1938, and shall be read as one with the Prohibition of Importation of Cattle Rules, 1938, hereinafter referred to as the principal rules.

Amendment of 2. The undermentioned countries shall be deleted from the the Schedule to Schedule to the principal rules :— the principal rules. "DENMARK, HUNGARY, POLAND, YUGOSLAVIA, ROUMANIA, LITHUANIA, TURKEY."

By His Excellency's Command,

W. D. BATTERSHILL 29th November, 1938. Chief Secretary. (A/38/38)