Zainab HAJHASAN, Thesis
T.C. ISTANBUL MEDENIYET UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL OTTOMAN STUDIES JERUSALEM, CHRISTIANS AND THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE IN A PERIOD OF TRANSFORMATION (1700-1703) Master Thesis ZAINAB HAJHASAN Supervisor Asst. Prof. Serhan Afacan January 2020 T.C. İSTANBUL MEDENİYET ÜNİVERSİTESİ SOSYAL BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ TARİH ANABİLİM DALI ULUSLARARASI OSMANLI ÇALIŞMALARI BİLİM DALI DÖNÜŞÜM DÖNEMİNDE KUDÜS, HIRİSTİYANLAR VE KAMAME KİLİSESİ (1700-1703) Yüksek Lisans Tezi ZAİNAB HAJHASAN Danışman Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Serhan Afacan Ocak 2020 JERUSALEM, CHRISTIANS AND THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE IN A PERIOD OF TRANSFORMATION (1700-1703) HajHasan, Zainab Master Thesis, Department of History, International Ottoman Studies Advisor: Asst. Prof. Serhan Afacan January 2020. 186 pages Keywords: Ottoman Jerusalem, Christian Population, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Social Life, Economic Transactions, Ordinary People ABSTRACT The 18th century Jerusalemite society, and rather precisely the Christian population, is a fundamental historical factor that is worth the scholars’ attention. As Ottoman studies focus on certain historical elements more than others, details of the day-to-day practices, social and economic transactions, and the general conditions of the Christian population continue to be unperformed. In addition, the influence of the Christian holy sites remains obscure. A situation that puts the researchers before a tacit feature of the Ottoman social history, that, if examined within the sphere of the archival sources and chronicles, would help to widen our perspective of the transformation process of the Christian communities and their holy sites, all within a period that once was believed to be a period of decline and decay.
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