Zainab HAJHASAN, Thesis
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T.C. ISTANBUL MEDENIYET UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL OTTOMAN STUDIES JERUSALEM, CHRISTIANS AND THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE IN A PERIOD OF TRANSFORMATION (1700-1703) Master Thesis ZAINAB HAJHASAN Supervisor Asst. Prof. Serhan Afacan January 2020 T.C. İSTANBUL MEDENİYET ÜNİVERSİTESİ SOSYAL BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ TARİH ANABİLİM DALI ULUSLARARASI OSMANLI ÇALIŞMALARI BİLİM DALI DÖNÜŞÜM DÖNEMİNDE KUDÜS, HIRİSTİYANLAR VE KAMAME KİLİSESİ (1700-1703) Yüksek Lisans Tezi ZAİNAB HAJHASAN Danışman Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Serhan Afacan Ocak 2020 JERUSALEM, CHRISTIANS AND THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE IN A PERIOD OF TRANSFORMATION (1700-1703) HajHasan, Zainab Master Thesis, Department of History, International Ottoman Studies Advisor: Asst. Prof. Serhan Afacan January 2020. 186 pages Keywords: Ottoman Jerusalem, Christian Population, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Social Life, Economic Transactions, Ordinary People ABSTRACT The 18th century Jerusalemite society, and rather precisely the Christian population, is a fundamental historical factor that is worth the scholars’ attention. As Ottoman studies focus on certain historical elements more than others, details of the day-to-day practices, social and economic transactions, and the general conditions of the Christian population continue to be unperformed. In addition, the influence of the Christian holy sites remains obscure. A situation that puts the researchers before a tacit feature of the Ottoman social history, that, if examined within the sphere of the archival sources and chronicles, would help to widen our perspective of the transformation process of the Christian communities and their holy sites, all within a period that once was believed to be a period of decline and decay. Hereafter, examining the primary sources, it is significant to survey for detailed information about these communities, then search for the possibility of viewing them in a revisionist consciousness of the early 18th century, while focusing on a critical period that encompassed its first years of the century, prior the eruption of the revolt of the Naqibu Al-ashrāf. And further investigating the potential role of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre as a significant religious site that might have attained influence in the social and economic transformation of the Christian communities. Along which, questioning the applicability of the classical paradigms of “autonomy”, segregation, and ”Millet System” in the case of the 18th century Jerusalem. Proposals and arguments that this study attempts to tackle and dwell on, hoping to serve a new perspective in the social study stance of the socio-economic history of Ottoman Jerusalem. i ÖZET 18. Yüzyıl Kudüs toplumu araştırmacıların dikkatine değer, temel tarihi bir olgudur. Osmanlı çalışmaları belirli başlı hususlara odaklandığından, Hıristiyan topluluklarının günlük rutinlerinin, sosyal ve ekonomik hareketlerinin ve genel durumlarının detayları belirsizliğini sürdürmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra Hıristiyanların kutsal alanlarının söz konusu hususlar üzerindeki etkisi de belirsizdir. Bu durum ise araştırmacıyı Osmanlı sosyal tarihinin üstü kapalı bir yüzüyle karşı karşıya bırakmaktadır. Bu konunun arşiv kaynakları ve kronikler ekseninde incelenmesi, tümü bir zamanlar gerileme ve çöküş dönemi olduğuna inanılan süreçte gerçekleşmiş olan Hıristiyan toplulukların dönüşüm süreçlerine ilişkin bakış açımızı genişletmeye yardımcı olacaktır. Gelecekte, temel kaynakları incelerken bu hususları ortaya koyabilmenin olasılıklarını 18. Yüzyılın başlangıç döneminin revizyonist bilinciyle araştırarak, söz konusu toplumluklar hakkında detaylı bilgiler aramamız gerekmektedir. Bu süreçte Nakîbü’l-Eşrâf isyanının yıkıcı etkisinin öncesini ifade eden yüzyılın ilk yıllarını kapsayan kritik sürece odaklanmak gerekmektedir. Tüm bunlar Kudüs merkezli klasik otonomi, ayrımcılık ve millet sistemi paradigmalarını, önemli bir kutsal alan olmasının yanı sıra muhtemel bir şekilde Hıristiyan topluluklarının sosyal ve ekonomik dönüşümünde etkili olan Kamame (Kıyamah) Kilisesi’nin potansiyel rolü ışığında anlayabilmek için elzemdir. Bu tez de ele alınan ve üzerinde durulan öneri ve tartışmaların, Osmanlı sosyal tarih çalışmalarına yeni bir bakış açısı kazandırması umut edilmektedir. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The process of achieving the goals of this study was very arduous. Understanding the Jerusalemite society, the Christian communities and inspecting the influence of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, from an unprecedented perspective, was an albatross, without the help of my professors, friends, and my parents could not be done. I would like to thank Asst. Prof. M. Talha Çicek, and Asst. Prof. Serhan Afacan, for accepting to supervise my research and help me to visualize my study. To Istanbul Medeniyet, and its esteemed professors who trained me and guided me through my studies. To ISAM organization and its kind and generous staff, who never got bored of seeing me every-day asking for the help and guidance with the archival sources, the books I needed, and the constant request of photocopies. And to the BOA institute for facilitating the approach to the archival materials and for giving me this great opportunity to bring back stagnant and forgotten documents to life. Not forgetting to thank Reham Amro, for having the patience, advice and support through my study. I would also like to acknowledge the experts who were involved in the validation survey for this research project, Prof. Dr. Bilgin Aydın, Assoc. Prof. İsmail Hakkı Kadı, and Prof. Dr. Adnan Bakhit from university of Jordan. Without their passionate participation and input, the validation survey could not have been successfully conducted. Finally, I must express my very profound gratitude to Prof. Dr. Cengiz Tomar, and my best friends Shaima HajHasan and Hüseyin Karaçam for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout the course of my studies and through the process of researching and writing this thesis. This accomplishment would not have been possible without them. Thank you. Zainab HajHasan iii TABLE OF CONTENT ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................................. i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................................ iii TABLES LIST ............................................................................................................................................. v ILLUSTRATIONS LIST ............................................................................................................................. v ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... vi TRANSLITERATION ................................................................................................................................ vi INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1 CHAPTER 1 THE TRANSFORMATION OF JERUSALEM AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE CHRISTIAN POPULATION AND THE CHURCH ....................................................................... 13 1. 1 Society, community, And re’āyā ......................................................................................................... 28 1. 2 PhysicAl AppeArance and topographgical attire ................................................................................... 37 1. 3 SociAl structure And the culturAl context ............................................................................................. 47 1. 4 Economy And the finAncial conditions ................................................................................................ 55 CHAPTER 2 THE CHRISTIAN POPULATION: UNTOLD HISTORY WITHIN THE FOLDS OF THEORIES ...................................................................................................................................... 69 2. 1 In the OttomAn documents And beyond: laws And practices ............................................................... 84 2. 2 Court’s lAnguAge: in light of the theory of segregAtion ..................................................................... 94 2. 3 LeArning About the life of the Jerusalemite Christians ..................................................................... 100 2. 3. 1 Houses, buildings And properties .................................................................................. 101 2. 3. 2 Economic stAtus And occupAtions ................................................................................. 109 2. 3. 3 Ewqāf And DonAtions ................................................................................................... 118 2. 3. 4 MarriAges, Terikes, and ComplAints ............................................................................. 124 2. 4 CommunAl And sociAl interAction .................................................................................................... 127 CHAPTER 3 THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE: A HISTORY UNDER EXAMINATION ................................................................................................................................................ 135 3. 1 The tirinity: the Church, the pAtriArch, And the AdministrAtion ....................................................... 141 3. 2 The Church