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Sweet Anne Page EET E PA E SW ANN G . T I E L I MO R M R C O L N S . VO L I . L O N D O N 1 H E 3 E E . , G R A T MA R LB O R O U G S T R T 1 8 68 . The fi ght of Tr‘mlatwn as r eser ved ms V J W E E T A S N N E P A G E . dimmin Chr onic le Tfiur sda 5th A u ust 1 8 g , y, g , U I CI DE r A BAR NET —Y es a mor nin r e at S o O . terd y g g exc itement was c au se d in fashio nable c irc les by the u mo u ir W e en a h ad c o mm S t u s B . r r that Ar h r ill d , rt , it t ed su c Th e e o w a n o nl to o u . i ide . r p rt s fo u d to be y tr e Th e sad event mu st have o c c urre d many ho urs b efore ec ase en eman w as sc o e H e w as o u the d e d g tl di v red . f nd - es e a mo n n in his aw n o o m N o . Je r y t rd y r i g dr i g r , at m n - s e v n r un hims o u w o o m y tr et, ha i g elf thr gh ith a f il, fr w c h ad a e u o s o n o was hi h he t k n the b tt n. A h rt te o u n in his an w t n s n e a u ac t f d h d ri i g, tati g that the dr df l h ad esul e o m e n iffi His al e ave r t d fr p c u iary d c ulty. v t g vi n t a n e de c e h t the dec ease d g e tleman had o rdered a. po stc haise- and - fo ur t o be ready for him at a late ho ur o n Tu es e enin so is su o s h ad at day v g , that it pp ed he o n e time tho ughts o f evading his n umero us c reditors by ” o in o We . &c g g abr ad , !I t is o bservable that the p enny- a- lin er o f th e peri o d ery in feri o r in sublimity of style to his su c c essor of th e present date ! VOL . I . 2 WEE NNE E S T A PAG . Globe an d Tr aveller Wedn esda 4th A u ust 1 , y, g , 8 “ I UL R D M R ED S NG A I SAP P EAR ANC E o r A A R I L AD Y . A gentleman who se n ame it wo uld be u n fai r to men on c o se R H o o ur e r ti , being h n by the ight n able S c reta y o f S tate for the Fo reign D epar tment to c ondu c t a diffi c u t n o o n in E as was o u t o s r at l eg tiati the t, ab t ta t an o u s mor n w n was su n early h r thi ing , he he dde ly de m st r o us sa n c o f his w e layed by the y e i di ppeara e if , a c u a c ar mn o un a to w o m n o t pe li rly h i g y g l dy, h he had n A o u a o s us an h as long been u ite d . lth gh the g ni ed h b d c au sed every c o nc eivable mean s to b e taken to disc o ver h as ec o me o f h er w e s n c to sa at what b , i erely regret y th u p to the present mo ment this remarkable o c c ur renc e ” m e is v l in th e st s . W &c ei ed deepe y tery , S un Fr ida 6ib A u ust 18 , y, g , We are info rmed that the myster io us disappear anc e o f mar e a u to in o ur c o um s a ri d l dy, already all ded l n , gave rise this morning to a duel between the learn ed en m w o msh e h as so u x c s t g tle an h ne pe tedly de er ed, and h l - k Mr R B n s m er c o us w o w . c o in, the e l n n aphael ra be, wh o was s c c us o f e n o uc io ra hly a ed b i g privy t her abd t n. ’ Mr M r fill a s u n i . o s ec e wo u h s , the l dy h ba d, r ived a nd in s o u e an d mm x ss his h ld r, i ediately e pre ed regret that he s o u v ma so u o a I t is h ld ha e de nf unded a c h rge . very disc reditable to the New P o lic e that a lady of positi o n ” c an & c , c . & CHAPTER I . THE N N TANNERs. LA GTO S, ” TEPHEN I exclaimw a shrill- voiced you ng “ o f i - fi v e ou in lady th rty , what are y do g “ ” n o w 3 ’ i u i Th s was Stephen Langton s a nt, Harr et , his i his u u . b tterest foe, perpet al persec tor She wi i i ui was a lanky personage, th redd sh ha r, bl sh o f u eyes , no eyelashes to speak , and a fig re i i u whose wa st m ght be anywhere . Her tterance i i in i was always a wh n ng scold . Every c dent of i o u o f i l fe was t her a s bject compla nt . She was o f i the terror the whole fam ly, except her father ; o ld and, as Stephen Langton, the tanner, had i never been known to fear anyth ng, he was not i t o i i his o w u l kely beg n w th n da ghter . She ui u in his his was q et eno gh presence, awed by B 2 E 4 SWEET ANNE PAG . stormy voice and ready hand . Ten years before , i his i for some slight opposit on to w ll , he had boxed her ears in the presence o f a gathering i u o f his ne ghbo rs , among whom was the only you ng man who had seemed to take a fancy to her ; and sh e was well aware that he was j u st as impetu ou s as ever . i i - i u - L ttle Stephen, a br ght ha red bl e eyed boy f w as i in i - o f o eleven, co led a w ndow seat the in his o ld wainscoted room . A book was hand, ’ “ B unyan s Holy War ; he was reading for the i i o f i Man s o n l i twent eth t me the s ege of , that c ty whose besiegers never relax their efforts ; b u t ever and anon he looked across the street to i u i u u i the w ndows of a large q et ho se j st oppos te . The hou se in which the Langtons lived h ad i o f i u nstead a front door a w de archway, thro gh which waggons laden with o ak- bark and raw hi i des entered, and waggons laden w th leather o ut . i as o u u hi came To the r ght, y passed nder t s in - u archway, was the dwell g ho se ; to the left , a i i u Shop front ng the street, and spac o s ware u i a u - ho ses ; beh nd, co rt yard, stables, gardens , o f i orchards , and farthest all the tanyard, wh ch THE LAN N ANNE . 5 GTO S , T RS ou at o f i m was b nded the foot the h ll by a strea , l i it r eatl defil e d. u o d wh ch ‘ g y The ho se was and i i um large, w th lofty rooms and closets nn erable the front parlou r was the principal livin g room o f il i : i the fam y .
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