HASMONEAN HIGH SCHOOL INSPECTION REPORT ________________________________________________________________________ Local Authority Barnet Inspected under the auspices of Pikuach Inspection dates 1-2 November 2017 Lead Inspector Dr Leon Bernstein This inspection of the school was carried out under section 48 of the Education Act 2005 Type of school Secondary School category Voluntary aided Age range of children 11-18 Gender of children Boys and Girls (split campuses) Number on roll 1142 (258 in sixth form) Appropriate authority The governing body Chair of Governors Marc Meyer Headteacher Andrew McClusky Address Holders Hill Road, Hendon, London, NW4 1NA Telephone number 020 8203 4294 Email address
[email protected] School website http://www.hasmonean.co.uk/ 1 Torriano Mews +44 20 7543 5400 www.bod.org.uk London NW5 2RZ
[email protected] Registered Charity No. 1058107 Inspection team Lead Inspector Dr Leon Bernstein Team Inspectors Esther Colman, Janine Kasmir, Justin Kett This inspection was carried out by four inspectors who inspected the boys’ and girls’ campuses. They visited 42 lessons where the focus was on observing Jewish Studies. They held meetings with governors, staff and groups of students. They observed the school’s work, and looked at a range of documentation including students’ written work, the Jewish Studies Curriculum, the school’s self-evaluation document for Jewish Studies and development plan. The senior leadership team played an active part in this inspection, including attending meetings with inspectors and observing lessons. School leaders agreed with the inspectors’ judgements during joint lesson observations. The school’s last Pikuach inspection took place on 21-22 November 2012.