Concurrent Resolutions-Apr- 14,1954 [ 68 St At
B20 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS-APR- 14,1954 [ 68 ST AT. April 14, 1954 [H. Con. Res. 22S] FEDERAL-AID HIGHWAY ACT OF 1954 Resolved hy the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring), H.Corr R. 812'?!'°e c( " ^" That in the enrollment of the bill (H. R. 8127) to amend and supple- Ante, p. 70. ment the Federal-Aid Road Act approved July 11,1916 (39 Stat. 355), as amended and supplemented, to authorize appropriations for con tinuing the construction of highways, and for other purposes, the Clerk of the House is authorized and directed to make the following correction: In section 13 of the bill strike out "The Commissioner of Public Roads" and insert in lieu thereof "The Secretary of Commerce". Passed April 14, 1954. April 22, 1954 [5. Con. Res. 60] DEPORTATION SUSPENSIONS Resolved hy the Senate {the House of Representatives concurring), That the Congress favors the suspension of deportation in the case of each alien hereinafter named, in which case the Attorney General has suspended deportation for more than six months: A-4934625, Abbey, Alfred. T-107480, Advocat, Judith (nee Levy). V-777692, Ahn, Chung Oak. V-777692, Ahn Moo Hei. A-6610497, Aniag, Federico Enriquez. A-2691316, Anninos, Spiros or Spiros Markantonatos. A-5062766, Athanasiades, Peter or Panagiotis Michael Malakas. T-142741, Aurora, Delantar. A-5834397, Ayala-Rodriguez, Demetrio. A-5919879, Back, Erik Nestor Ernfried. 0300-123824, Bahchavan, Marika Stelianou. A-9707485, Ban, Chan or Ban Chan or Chin Bin. V-905914, Barba, Teresa Felipe or Teresa Felipe Agcaoili Asuncion. V-529612, Bartoli, Nondina Massetti. V-1634429, Benjamin, Artzweek (nee Hartoun or Hartounian).
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