WNIB Program Schedule June 1971

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WNIB Program Schedule June 1971 PROGRAM SCHEDULE I 97.1 fm June , 1971 0 1971 SEASON* Sept. 24- Dec.18 * OPERA HOUSE YOU 'VE ADMIRED THE WORLD'S GREAT OPERA STARS - through their recordings. NOW- ENJOY THEM IN PERSON! Have your own regular seat - 12 subscription series from which to choose! REPERTOIRE: tt AMONG THE LEADING ARTISTS: JOAN SUTHERLAND* MARILYN HORNE * CARLO BERGON ZI SHERRILL MILNES* ANJA SILJA * FIORENZA COS SOTTO NICOLAI GHIAUROV * ALFREDO KRAUS* GWYNETH JONES TITO GOBBI * PIERO CAPPUCCILLI * JANIS MARTIN Write or phone for an illustrated brochure, containing all information and offica/ order form. LYRIC OPERA, 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago 60606 Telephone: 346- 6111 MON1USZKO Aria, "As tho Lark at Dawning" from "Ha!ka" - AH:na Bolechowska, s (DGG 12024}; & SM.ln'ANA "Already the Sun PROGRAM H E Burns" from "Libuse" - Otakar Kraus, bt (RCA 6153) BRAHMS Scherzo from "FAE" Sona­ NIB ta - Yehudi Menuhin, vn; Hephzibah Menuhin, p 97.1 fm 1 (Ang 36234) LISZT Grand Galop Chromatiquc - Boston Pops/Arthur Fiedler (HCA 2677) 7 PM IBGHLIGHTS FROM OPERA THOMSON "Four Saints in Three Acts" (Abridged) - Beatrice Robinson-Wayne, WNIB Program Schedule is published by Radio Station WNIB, 25 East Chestnut, s (St. Teresa I); Ruby Greene, c (St. Teresa Chicago, Illinois 60611. Phone: 337-5252. Subscription rates: one year $5. 00; II); Inez Matthews, s (st. Settlement); Edward two years $9. 00; three years $12. 00. Matthews, bt (St. Ignatius); Charles Holland, t (St. Chavez); David Bethea, t {St. Stephen); Ran­ dolph Robinson, bt (St. Plan); Altoneil Hines, ms {Commere); & Ahner Dorsey,hs (Compere); COVER: "Archway" by Lyoncl Feirtlngcr (1871-1956), an etching dating from Orch & Che/Virgil Thomson (RCA 2756) around 1909. "Archway" is part cf the exhibit, "Prints in the 20th Century - Part I: 1900-1910", at the Art Institute of Chicago through July 14. This ex­ 8 PM THE KOUSSEVITZKY RECORDINGS hibit is the first in a projected series of six exhlhitions which will survey print­ (Produced for WNIB by Don Tait. To­ making in this centncy, using examples from the Art Institute' s collection of 20th night's program concludes this series which we century prints by American and European artists. Courtesy A rt Institute of Chi­ have been broadcasting for the past 14 months.) cago. HAYDN Sym J/102 in Bb-BostonSym/ Serge Koussevitzky (Vic M-529) (rec. 1938) STRAVLNSKY "Appolon et Terpsi­ chore" from "Appolon Musagetc" -BostonSyrn/ Serge Koussevitzky (Vic M-49) (rec. Carnegie Hall, 192!l) STRAVINSKY Capriccio - Jesus Ma­ 47 Itzhak Perlman, vn; Boston Sym/Erich da Sanroma,p; Boston Sym/Serge Koussevitzky 1 Leinsdorf (RCA 2962) {Vie M-685) (rec. 3/18/40) NIELSEN bym #3, Op. 27 {"Sinfonia lUMSKY KORSAKOV Duhinushka 9 AM PLEYEL Fifth Concertante Sym for Espansiva") - Ruth Guldbaek, s; Niels Moller, t; Boston Sym/Serge Koussevitzky (Vic M-941) Flute, Oboe, Horn, Bassoon & Orch - Jean­ Royal Danish Oreb/Leonard Bernstein (Col MS Pierre Rampal, fl; Pierre Pierlot, ob; Gilbert (rec. 11/7 /39) 6769) Coursier,hn; Paul Hongne,bsn; Paris Instru­ mental Ens/Louis de Froment (L'Oiseau Lyre 9 PM REZNICEK ''Donna Diana" Overture - OL 500!4) 3: IO JON GEN Symphonic Coneertante - Slovak Phil/Ladislav Slovak (Vic VICS 1442) Virgil Fox, org-,m; Paris Opera Oren/Georges BEETHOVEN Piano Concerto il3 inc, SCHUMANN Humoreske in Bb,Op. Op. 37 Artur Rubinstcin,p; Boston Sym/:Erich Pretre (Cap 8573) 20 Claudio Arrau,p (Phi PIIS 900-181) Lcinsdorf {RCA 6417) PUCCINI "0 mio habbino oaro" from BEETHOVEN Sym ill in C, Op. 21 - nGianni Schicchin; 0 Un bel din from 11 Madame NBC Sym/ Arturo Toscanini (Vic VIC 8000) Butterfly"; "MichiamanoMimi.", "Quando rne'n 10 AM DONIZETTI Highlights from "Don von & 1tAddio senza rancor0 from nLa Hohemeti ~ 10 PM MOZART Violin Conce~to In in D, K. Pasquale" - Graziella Sciutti, s (Norina); Juan Bidu Sayao, s (Col ML 5231) 271a - Henryk Szeryng, vn; New Philh/Alexan­ Oncina, t (Ernesto); Tom Krause, ht (Dr. Mala­ dcr Gibson (Phi PHS 900-162) testa); Fernando Corona, bs (Don Pasquale); Vi­ 4:10 RESPIGHI Church Windows Phila- WEBER Grand Quintet in Bb, Op. 34 enna Opera Orch & Cho/Istvan Kertesz (Lon OS - Gervase de Peyer, cl; Members of the Melos 26013) delphia Orch/Eugene Omrnndy (Col MS 7242) VILLA LOBOS Guitar Concerto - Ens (L'Oiseau Lyre OL 50190) Laurindo Almeida, g; Concert Arts Oreb/Stan­ 11:05 BERWALD Sinfonie eapricieuse - Stockholm Phil/Antal Dorati (Vic VICS l:ll9) ley Wilson (Cap SP 86a8) DELIUS Marello Caprice - Royal MENDELSSOHN Sextet in D, Op. 110 - Phil/Sir Thomas Beecham (Cap G 7H6) Vienna Octet Members (Lon CS 6636) WEDNESDAY 2 12 PM LALO "Namouna" Suite ill - Suisse 5 PM GLINKA {horn on this date in 1804) 9AM IPPOLI'.l'OFF IVANOFF Caucasian RomandeOrch/Ernest Anserrnet (Lon CS 65a9) String Quartet in F - Westwood String Quartet Sketches, Op. IO - Moscow Phil/Gennady Rozh­ FAURE Fantaisie, Op. 111 - Grant {Society for Forgotten Music SFM 1001) destvensky (Mel/Ang SR 40ll9) Johannesen,µ; London Sym/Si:r Eugene Goos­ GLINKA ''Russian & Ludmilla" Over­ TCHAIKOVSKY string Quartet ill in sens (Cap G na2) ture - New York Phil/Leonard Bernstein {Col D, Op. 11 - Drole Quartet (DGG 139 425) SAINT SAENS Violin Concerto ill in D3S 818) A, Op. 20 - Ruggiero Ricci, vn; Cincinnati Sym/ GLINKA Arias: Rati:mir's Romance 10 AM VERDI Ballet from "11 Trovatore" - Max Rudolf (Dec DL 10106} from "Russlan & Ludmilla" - Valentina Lovko, Philh Promenade Orch/Char!es Mackerras BIZET Carnaval from "Roma" Suite ms (Mel/Ang SR 40050); & Ivan Sussanin's (Ang 35751) - Royal Phil/Sir Thomas Beecham (Odeon 1656) Aria from "A Life for the Tsar" - Boris Shto­ VERDI "Miserere" from "11 Trova­ kolov, bs (Mel/Ang SR 40038) tore11; 11 Pace, pace, rnio Dion from nLa Forza 1PM THE WNID LIBRARY #1502 GUNKA/BALAKIREV/LUBOSCHUTZ del Destino"; & "D'amor sull'ali rosee" from DEBUSSY Piano Pieces: Reflets clans "The Lark" {transcription for piano) - Pierre "11 Trovatore" - Zinka Milanov, s {red 1945 & i'eau; L'ile joyeuse; Danseuses de Delphes; La Luboschutz & Genia Ncmenoff,p (Van 2128) 1946) (Vic VIC 6044} serenade interrompue; La cathcdralo engloutie; GLINKA Vaise Fantaisie - USSRSym/ SCHUMANN Fantasiestuocke, Op. l.2 La danse de Puck; Minstrels; 2 Arabesques; La Yevgcny Svetlanov (Mel/Ang SR 40081) - Artur Rubinstein, p (RCA 2669) plus que lento; La Puerta del Vino; Gone.ml La­ 6 PM GRIEG Piano Sonata in e, Op. 7 - vine; Feux d'Arlifice; & Clair de lune - Philippe Alicia de Larrocha,p {Lon CS 6676) Entrcrnont,p (Col ML 5614) 11 AM ELGAR (born on thls date in 1857) BEHWALD "Estrella de Soria" Over­ Serenade in e, Op. 20 ~ Royal Phil/George ture - Swedish Radio Orch/Sixtcn Eh:riing Weldon (Vic VICS 2 PM SIBELIUS Violin Concerto in d, Op. (Nono H 71218) ELGAR Concerto in b, Op. 61 3 - ,Iascha Heifetz, vn; London bym/Sir Malcolm 7PM EARLY RECORDINGS OF STRAVINSKY Op. 40 - James stagliano, hn; Arthur Grumiaux, Sargent (RCA 2919) (Produced for WNIB by Bob Wolf.) vn; Gregory Tucker,p (Boston B 209) STRAVINSKY Russian Maiden's Song 12 PM ELGAR Overture "Froissart", Op. - Joseph Szigeti, vn; Igor Stravinsky, p (rec 1948); 2 PM MAHLER Sym ill in D {"Titan") - rn - New Philh/Sir John Barbirolli (Ang36403) & Pastoral.e for Violin & Winds - Joseph Szige­ London Sym/Jascha Horenstein (Nono H 71240) ELGAR Concert Allegro, Op. 46 - ti, vn; Wind Quartet/Igor Stravinsky {rec 1947) ,John Ogdon,p (Ang 36686) (Col 72495 D) 3 PM DVORAK Piano Concerto in g, Op. ELGAR Wand of Youth Suite #1, Op. STRAVlNSKY Mass - Double Wind 33 Rudolf :nrknsny,p; Cleveland Orch/George la - London Phil/Sir Adrian Boult {Odeon 2356) Quartet & Cho of Men & Boys/Igor stravinsky Szell (Col ML 4967) ELGAR "Salut d'arnour" - Jussi (RCA M 1349) (rec 1949) DVORAK Violin Concerto in a, Op. Bjoerling, t (Ser 60168); & "La Capricieuse", STRA VlNSKY 2 Russian Church Cho­ 53 - Isaac Stern, vn; Philadelphia Orch/Eugene Op, 17 - Michael Rabin, vn; Leon Pommers, p ruses (Pater Noster&AveMaria)-Cho of Men Ormandy (Col MS 6876) (Cap P 8506) & Boys/Igor Stravinsky (RCA M 1349) (rec 1949) DVORAK 'Cello Concerto in b, Op. STRAVINSKY Symphony of Psalms 104 - Gregor Piatigorsky, 'c; Boston Sym/ t PM THE WNlB LIBRARY /H503 - Alexis Vlassof Russian Choir; Straram Oreb/ Charles Munch (RCA 2490) STRAUSS Parergon to the Sinfonia Igor Stravinsky (Col M 162) (rec 1931) Domestica, Op. 73 - Paul Wittgenstein,µ; Bos­ 5 PM MOSZKOWSKI 5 Spanish Dances, Op. ton Records Orch/Eric Simon; LESCHETIZKY 8 PM FAURE Violin Sonata 112 in e, Op. 12 - London Sym/Ataulfo Argenta (Lon CS 6006) Andante Finale fram "Lucia di Larnmerrnoor" 108 - Zino Francescatti, vn; Robert Casadesus, VIVES "Mi dulce sucno" from "La for Piano Left Hand, Op. 13; SCHUBJ<:RT/ p ( Col ML 5049) Generala" - Montserrat Caballe, s; Bernabe LISZT "Du bist die Ruh" (arr for left hand by DUPARC Songs; "Chanson trlste"; Marti, t (RCA 30:39); & Intermezzo from "Bo­ Wittgenstein); BACH Slcilienne in g from Sona­ HExtasen; HL 1:invitation au voyagett; 11 Phldyien; hemios" - Spanish Nat'l Oreb/Rafael Fruhbnck ta#:! in Eb for Flute & Clavier (arr Wittgen­ & "Le manoir de Rosemonde" - Cesare Valleti, de Burgos (Lon CS 6424) stein); MOZART Adagio from Serenade in Eb, t; Leo Taubman,p (RCA 2787) GRANADOS Valses Poeticos - Aliela K. 375 (arr Wittgenstein); & WAGNER/LISZT HAHN Le Bal de Beatrice d'Este - de Larrocha,p {Epic BC 1310) Isolde's Love Death from "Tristan und Isolde" Oreb de Paris/Jean Pierre Jacquillat {Ang TCHAIKOVSKY Valse Sentimentale (arr Wittgenstein) - Paul Wittgenstein, p (Bos­ S 36796) - Gregor Piatigorsky, 'c; Ralph Berkowitz, p ton B 412) (RCA 2361); DVORAK 2 Waltzes, Op. 54 - 9 PM ROSSINI "ll Signor Bruschino" Over- Dvorak Quartet (Cr 22-16-0089) WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON OPERA ture - Philh/Carlo Maria Giulini (Ser 60138) BOIBLDIEU "La Dame Blanche" - MOZART Piano Sonata in a, K.
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