Thermo-Technical Retrofitting of State-Owned Schools and Kindergartens in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
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Thermo-Technical Retrofitting of State-owned Schools and Kindergartens In Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Preliminary study Main Report Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 2014 Contents Introduction 6 1. Rationale 6 2. Background, objectives and the methods of the study 9 2.1. Background 9 2.3 Method and approach of the study 11 2.3.1 Scope of the study 12 2.3.2 Study tools 12 3. Issues related to the education sector of Mongolia and conditions of school and kindergarten buildings in Ulaanbaatar 12 3.1. Current situation and objectives of education development 12 3.2 School and kindergarten buildings, learning environment and challenges facing 15 3.3 School and kindergarten buildings in Ulaanbaatar 17 3.4 Need for thermo-technical retrofitting of buildings, legal frame work (Building norms and regulations (BNR), other legislation) 17 3.5 Tariff system 19 3.6 Experience and results of the demonstration project GIZ/USAID 19 4. The study results and analysis 22 4.1. The study results on kindergartens in Ulaanbaatar 22 4.1.1 General information 22 4.1.2 The current physical and operational conditions of buildings 26 4.1.3 Operational conditions of buildings 27 4.1.4. Kindergarten budget, expenses for heating, maintenance and overhaul work 43 4.2. The survey results and analysis of schools 45 4.2.1 General Information 45 4.2.2. The current physical and operational conditions of buildings 48 4.2.4 Engineering infrastructure provision 53 4.2.5 School budget, expenses for heating, maintenance and overhaul work 63 5. Recommendations for selection of buildings for TTR 66 6. TTR investment calculation and savings 69 6.1. Kindergarten buildings 69 6.2. School buildings 69 6.3. Total investment 70 6.4. Heat energy saving and results 74 1 List of Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank BMZ Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung) CDM Clean Development Mechanism EUR Еuro GASI General Authority for Specialized Inspection GIZ German International Cooperation ICLEI SEA International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives South East Asia JICA Japanese International Cooperation Agency KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau KOICA Korean International Cooperation Agency CDIA “Cities Development Initiative for Asia” MES Ministry of Education and Science MEGD Ministry of Environment and Green Development MNT Mongolian National Tugrik MCUD Ministry of Construction and Urban Development MED Ministry of Economic Development UN ESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific TTR Thermo-Technical Retrofitting (meaning insulation of the building envelope such as external walls, roof, floor, replacement of windows and entrance doors, renovation of the heating system) Exchange rate: 1 USD = 1750 MNT1 List of Appendices Appendix 1- General data of schools and kindergarten Appendix 2- Energy savings and calculation of Investment Appendix 3- Basic information of schools and kindergartens Appendix 4- Photo documentation of schools and kindergartens Appendix 5- Plan of schools and kindergartens 1 Official exchange rates of bank of Mongolia, April, 2014 2 List of Tables TABLE 1: LOCATION OF SCHOOLS AND KINDERGARTENS STUDIED, BY DISTRICTS ...................................... 12 TABLE 2: PLAN FOR KINDERGARTEN BUILDINGS AS OF MASTER PLAN ....................................................... 14 TABLE 3: PLAN FOR SCHOOL BUILDINGS ...................................................................................................... 15 TABLE 4: THE NUMBER OF KINDERGARTEN FACILITIES ............................................................................... 23 TABLE 5: NUMBER OF THE SCHOOLING BUILDINGS .................................................................................... 46 TABLE 6: TYPE 1 KINDERGARTEN BUILDING................................................................................................. 71 TABLE 7: TYPE 2 KINDERGARTEN BUILDING................................................................................................. 71 TABLE 8: TYPE 1 SCHOOL BUILDING ............................................................................................................. 72 TABLE 9: TYPE 2 SCHOOL BUILDING ............................................................................................................. 72 TABLE 10: TYPE 3 SCHOOL BUILDING ........................................................................................................... 73 TABLE 11: TYPE 4 SCHOOL BUILDING ........................................................................................................... 73 TABLE 12: TYPE 5 SCHOOL BUILDING ........................................................................................................... 74 List of Figures FIGURE 1: NUMBER OF SCHOOLS AND KINDERGARTENS IN ULAANBAATAR ................................................ 9 FIGURE 2: NUMBER OF SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN CHILDREN IN UB .................................................... 10 FIGURE 3: BUILDING NO.8, CHINGELTEI DISTRICT, 5 TH KHOROO ............................................................... 19 FIGURE 4: SCHOOL NO.63 IN KHAN-UUL DISTRICT, YARMAG ...................................................................... 20 FIGURE 5: SOLAR COLLECTORS FOR WARM WATER ON ROOF OF SCHOOL NO.63 ..................................... 21 FIGURE 6: PROPORTION OF 431 STATE OWNED AND NOT STATE OWNED KINDERGARTEN IN UB ............ 22 FIGURE 7: NUMBER OF SCHOOLS AND KINDERGARTENS BY DISTRICT ........................................................ 23 FIGURE 8: DAY CARE CENTER NO.10 FOR CEREBRAL PARALYZED CHILDREN, BAYANZURKH DISTRICT, ...... 24 FIGURE 9: CAPACITY OF KINDERGARTENS, (BY NUMBER OF CHILDREN)..................................................... 24 FIGURE 10: OVERLOADING OF KINDERGARTENS IN UB ............................................................................... 25 FIGURE 11: TEACHER G.MEGZER OF KINDERGARTEN NO. 157, BAYANGOL DISTRICT ................................ 25 FIGURE 12: KINDERGARTENS BY YEAR OF CONSTRUCTION ......................................................................... 26 FIGURE 13: KINDERGARTEN BUILDINGS IN NEED OF ROOF RENOVATION .................................................. 27 FIGURE 14: ROOF OF KINDERGARTEN NO.106, SONGINOKHAIRKHAN DISTRICT (PARTIALLY RENOVATED) 27 FIGURE 15: THE FAÇADE DAMAGE DUE TO RAIN WATER, KINDERGARTEN NO. 121, KHAN-UUL DISTRICT 28 FIGURE 16: THE CRACKED WALL, KINDERGARTEN NO.4, CHINGELTEI DISTRICT ......................................... 28 FIGURE 17: NUMBER OF KINDERGARTEN BUILDINGS IN NEED OF WALL REPAIR, ...................................... 29 FIGURE 18: BROCKEN AND DILAPIDATED FLOOR, KINDERGARTEN NO.145, KHAN-UUL DISTRICT ............. 29 FIGURE 19: NUMBER OF KINDERGARTENS IN NEED OF FLOOR REPAIR, BY CONSTRUCTION YEARS .......... 30 FIGURE 20: NUMBER OF KINDERGARTENS REQUIRING WINDOW REPLACEMENT, .................................... 30 3 FIGURE 21: VACUUM WINDOW AND MOLD APPEARANCE, KINDERGARTEN NO.71, KHAN-UUL DISTRICT 31 FIGURE 22: OTHER REPAIRS REQUIRED, DIVIDED BY YEARS OF CONSTRUCTION ........................................ 31 FIGURE 23: OUTSIDE AREA, KINDERGARTEN NO.52, BAYANZURKH DISTRICT ............................................. 32 FIGURE 24: KINDERGARTENS WITHOUT OVERHAUL, BY YEARS OF CONSTRUCTION .................................. 32 FIGURE 25: HEATING SYSTEM OF KINDERGARTENS .................................................................................... 33 FIGURE 26: HEATING BOILER, KINDERGARTEN NO.62, BAYANZURKH DISTRICT ......................................... 34 FIGURE 27: ELECTRICAL HEATING BOILER, KINDERGARTEN NO.188, SONGINOKHAIRKHAN DISTRICT ....... 34 FIGURE 28: THE HEATING QUALITY OF KINDERGARTENS ............................................................................ 35 FIGURE 29: CONDENSATION AND MOLD GROWTH IN CLASSROOM, KG. NO.100, BAYANGOL DISTRICT ... 35 FIGURE 30: HEATING QUALITY SHOWN BY CONSTRUCTION YEARS ............................................................ 36 FIGURE 31: LOWEST TEMPERATURE IN KINDERGARTENS ........................................................................... 36 FIGURE 32: CONDENSATION AND MOLD IN CLASSROOMS, KINDERGARTEN NO.71, KHAN-UUL DISTRICT 37 FIGURE 33: AVERAGE ROOM TEMPERATURE BY DISTRICTS ........................................................................ 37 FIGURE 34: CONNECTION TO WATER GRIDS ............................................................................................... 38 FIGURE 35: KINDERGARTEN DEEP WELL KIOSK, KINDERGARTEN NO.166, SUKHBAATAR DISTRICT ............ 38 FIGURE 36: SEWAGE TANK, KINDERGARTEN NO. 62, BAYANZURKH DISTRICT ............................................ 39 FIGURE 37: KINDERGARTENS IN NEED FOR SANITATION RENOVATION, BY YEAR OF CONSTRUCTION ...... 39 FIGURE 38: STATUS OF SANITATION PIPES, KINDERGARTEN NO.3. ............................................................. 40 FIGURE 39: SANITATION FACILITIES, KINDERGARTEN NO.3 ........................................................................ 40 FIGURE 40: WASHING MACHINES, KINDERGARTEN NO.101, SONGINOKHAIKHAN DISTRICT ..................... 41 FIGURE 41: NUMBER OF KINDERGARTENS REQUIRING THE RENOVATION OF ELT. INSTALLATIONS, ......... 41 FIGURE 42: OUT-DATED ELECTRICAL WIRING, KINDERGARTEN NO.27, KHAN-UUL DISTRICT ..................... 42 FIGURE 43: NUMBER OF KINDERGARTENS IN NEED OF VENTILATION SYSTEM RENOVATION, .................. 42 FIGURE 44: KITCHEN VENTILATION DUCT, KINDERGARTEN