
The Two : An Historical Tragedy eBook VLU4AKE7VK

The Two Foscari: An Historical Tragedy

By Lord

Createspace, United States, 2015. Paperback. Book Condition: New. 229 x 152 mm. Language: English . Brand New Book ***** Print on Demand *****.The Two Foscari: An Historical Tragedy (1821) is a verse play in five acts by . The plot, set in Venice in the mid 15th century, is loosely based on the true story of the downfall of doge and his son Jacopo. Byron s play formed the basis of Verdi s opera . Jacopo Foscari, son of the Doge of Venice, has twice been exiled, once for corruption and once for complicity in the murder of Donato, a member of the Council of Ten. He has been recalled from his second exile to answer the capital charge of treason, and as the play opens he is between sessions of interrogation on the rack. The Council decide to sentence him to a third exile, this time perpetual, rather than to death. His father Doge Francesco Foscari signs the sentence of exile, though his spirit is broken by this new disgrace. Jacopo s patriotic spirit cannot brook such a sentence, he longs to die, and he duly does die of a broken heart. The Council...



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