Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society

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Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society LXXXI 2007 Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society FOUNDED 20th NOVEMBER, 1862 THIRD SERIES VOLUME LXXXI Editors: JAMES WILLIAMS, F.S.A.Scot., R. McEWEN ISSN 0141-1292 2007 DUMFRIES Published by the Council of the Society Office-Bearers 2006-2007 and Fellows of the Society President Dr D Devereux Vice Presidents Mr I Cochrane-Dyet, Mr J Neilson, Mr J McKinnell and Dr A Terry Fellows of the Society Dr J Harper, MBE; Mr J Banks, BSc; Mr A E Truckell, MBE, MA, FMA; Mr A Anderson, BSc; Mr D Adamson, MA; Mr J Chinnock; Mr J H D Gair, MA, JP; Dr J B Wilson, MD; Mr K H Dobie and Mrs E Toolis – as Past Presidents. Mr J Williams and Mr L J Masters, MA – appointed under Rule 10. Hon. Secretary Mr R McEwen, 5 Arthur’s Place, Lockerbie DG11 2EB Tel. (01576) 202101 Hon. Membership Secretary Miss H Barrington, 30A Noblehill Avenue, Dumfries DG1 3HR Hon. Treasurer Mr L Murray, 24 Corberry Park, Dumfries DG2 7NG Hon. Librarian Mr R Coleman, 2 Loreburn Park, Dumfries DG1 1LS Tel. (01387) 247297 Assisted by Mr J Williams, 43 New Abbey Road, Dumfries DG2 7LZ Joint Hon. Editors Mr J Williams and Mr R McEwen Hon. Curators Mrs E Kennedy and Ms S Ratchford, both Dumfries Museum Ordinary Members Mrs J Brann, Mr J Copland, Mr R Copland, Dr J Foster, Mr A Gair, Mrs C Iglehart, Mr I McClumpha, Mr D Rose, Mr M Taylor, Mr J L Williams, Mrs M Williams, Mrs P G Williams. CONTENTS The Dragonflies and Damselflies breeding in Dumfries and Galloway 1975-2006 by Barbara Mearns .......................................................... 1 The Breeding Birds of the Solway Islands by Richard & Barbara Mearns ............ 7 Palaeoenvironmental Investigations of Rispain Mire, Whithorn by Susan Ramsay, Jennifer Miller and Rupert Housley .................................... 35 The Annanfoot Roman Camp, Newbie by Thomas Rees and Douglas Gordon ..... 57 Brittonic Place-Names from South-West Scotland Part 7: Pennygant by Andrew Breeze .............................................................................................. 61 Building Stone Sources for Whithorn Priory, Dundrennan Abbey and other Historic Buildings in Galloway by Ray Chadburn ............................ 63 Bridgend Bridge, Dundrennan – A Monastic Structure? by Alex Anderson and James Williams .............................................................. 71 Notices in Scottish Newspapers relating to Dumfries & Galloway 1699-1722 by Innes Macleod ............................................................................................... 77 The Ordeal of Patrick McMaster: A Galloway Merchant in the American Revolution by Colin Nicolson ......................................................... 99 The Development of Kirkcudbright in the Early 19th Century by the Emergence of Voluntarism by David Marsden .................................................. 109 E A Hornel and Kirkcudbright by David F Devereux ............................................. 115 Addenda Antiquaria Additional Information on the Churches at Lochend and Beeswing by Rev William Holland .................................................................................... 124 Reviews Prehistoric Settlement in the Wigtownshire Moors by Jane Murray (Jane Brann) ............................................................................. 125 The 1745 Rebellion and the Southern Scottish Lowlands by A E MacRobert (Marion Stewart) ................................................................. 125 From Durisdeer and Castleton to Strachur: Robert Anderson a Farm Diary 1847-1852 by Innes MacLeod (James Williams) ........................ 126 Obituaries Andrew Archibald .............................................................................................. 128 John Neilson ....................................................................................................... 128 Alfred Truckell ................................................................................................... 129 Proceedings .............................................................................................................. 137 EDITORIAL Contributions are invited on the Natural History, Geology, Antiquities and Archaeology including Industrial Archaeology, of South-West Scotland or the Solway Basin, and preference is always given to original work on local subjects. Intending contributors should, in the first instance, apply to the Editors for ‘Instructions to Contributors’, giving the nature and approximate size of their paper. Each contributor has seen a proof of his or her paper and neither the Editors nor the Society hold themselves responsible for the accuracy of scientific, historical or personal information in it. The Hon. Secretary, Mr R. McEwen, 5 Arthur’s Place, Lockerbie DG11 2EB, deals with all matters other than membership which are dealt with by the Hon. Membership Secretary, Miss H Barrington, 30A Noblehill Avenue, Dumfries DG1 3HR, Tel: 01387 256666. Exchanges should be sent to the Hon. Assistant Librarian, Mr J. Williams, St Albans, 43 New Abbey Road, Dumfries DG2 7LZ. Exchange volumes are deposited in the Library of Dumfries Museum at which location they may be freely consulted by members. However, as public opening hours may vary, it is recommended that prior contact be made with Museum staff (phone 01387 253374) before visiting. Enquiries regarding back numbers of Transactions - see rear cover - should be made to the Hon. Librarian, Mr R. Coleman, 2 Loreburn Park, Dumfries DG1 1LS. As many of the back numbers are out of stock, members can greatly assist the finances of the Society by arranging for any volumes which are not required, whether of their own or those of deceased members, to be handed in. It follows that volumes marked as out of print may nevertheless be available from time to time. All payments, other than subscriptions, should be made to the Hon. Treasurer, Mr L Murray, 24 Corberry Park, Dumfries DG2 7NG. Payment of subscriptions should be made to Miss H Barrington (see above), on behalf of the Hon. Treasurer. The latter will be pleased to arrange for subscriptions and/or donations to be treated as Gift Aid under the Finance Acts, which can materially increase the income of the Society without, generally, any additional cost to the member. Important Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax concessions are also conferred on individuals by these Acts, in as much as bequests, or transfers of shares or cash to the Society by way of Gift Aid are exempt from these taxes. Limited grants may be available for excavations or other research. Applications should be made prior to 28th February in each year to the Hon. Secretary. Researchers are also reminded of the Mouswald Trust founded by our late President Dr R.C. Reid, which provides grants for work on certain periods. Enquiries and applications for grants to that Trust should be made to Primrose and Gordon, Solicitors, 92 Irish Street, Dumfries DG1 2PF. The Society may also be able to assist with applications for funding from other sources. The Council is indebted the following bodies for substantial grants towards publication costs viz Historic Scotland for the paper on Rispain Mire; Rathmell Archaeology Ltd for the paper on Annanfoot Roman Camp; Kirkcudbright History Society for the paper on Dundrennan Stone Quarries and also Dumfries and Galloway Council for their annual contribution to the Society. The illustration on the front cover is of the Wamphray cross-slab from the article ‘The Early Church in Dumfriesshire’ by W.G. Collingwood, in volume XII, Series III (1926) of these Transactions. It is discussed afresh by Prof. Richard Bailey in Whithorn Lecture No. 4 (1996). 1 THE DRAGONFLIES AND DAMSELFLIES BREEDING IN DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY 1975-2006 by Barbara Mearns1 The Atlas of the dragonflies of Britain and Ireland (Merritt et al 1996) showed the distribu- tion of thirteen breeding species in Dumfries and Galloway (D&G) for the period 1975- 1990. I began recording in 1993 and during the summers of 1993-2002 I visited well over 70 lochs, ponds and bogs across the region (some of them repeatedly) without seeing any additional species. There were no additional species reported by other observers during this period except Vagrant Emperor Hemianax ephipigger but this, as its name indicates, was a vagrant, found at Caerlaverock WWT Reserve on 3 November 1996. This was the first (and still the only) record for the region and the first for mainland Scotland. The speci- men is in the Tullie House Museum, Carlisle. However, since 2003, five species of odonata have been added to the list for D&G: Banded Demoiselle, Southern Hawker, Migrant Hawker, Emperor Dragonfly and Broad- bodied Chaser. The first is an established breeder and the two hawkers are probably breeding at one or two sites. With such rapid change underway, the current status and distribution of the region’s odonata deserves careful monitoring. The following review is based on the Atlas, my own field observations and other records. Species known to be breeding: 1975-2002 Emerald Damselfly Lestes sponsa is common and widespread all across the region, from lowland pools to upland bogs. The highest site where I have found proof of breeding is the peaty Puldown Pool on Little Millyea (NX502802) where, at 400m, on 1 August 2001, three pre-flight tenerals and a large larva were found. Large Red Damselfly Pyrrosoma nymphula is usually the first species to be seen on the wing each
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