And Solidarity
Contingency,rencYrlfooY, andsolidarity RICHARD RORTY U niaersityProfessor of Hamanities, Uniaersityof Virginia ry,,,*-_qCaUBRTDGE WP uNrvERsrrY PREss Published by the PressSyndicarc of dre University of Cambridge The Pitt Building Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 IRP 40 Vest 20th Suect, New York, NY 10011-4211,USA l0 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia @ Cambridgc University Press1989 First published 1989 Reprinted 1989 (thrice), 1990, l99l (cwice), 1992, 1993, 1994, r995 Printed in the United Sratesof America Library of Congess Catdoging-in-Publication Daa is available British Library Cataloging in Publication applied for ISBN0-521 -3538r -5 hardback ISBN0-52 I -1678l -6 paperback In memory of six liberals: my parentsand grandparents The agdlasrer lRabelais's word for those who do not laughJ, the non- thought of received ideas, and kitsch are one and the same, the three- headed enemy of the art born as the echo of God's laughter, the art that created the fascinating imaginative realm where no one owns the truth and everyone has the right to be understood. That imaginative realm of tolerance was born with modern Europe, it is the very image of Europe- of at least our dream of Europe, a dream many times betrayed but nonetheless strong enough to unite us all in the fraternity that stretches far beyond the little European continent. But we know that the wodd where the individual is respected (the imaginative world of the novel, and the real one of Europe) is fragile and perishable. if European culture seems under threat today, if the threat from within and without hangs over what is most precious about it - its respect for the individual, for his original thought, and for his right to an inviolable private life - then, I believe, that precious essenceof the European spirit is being held safe as in a treasure chest inside the history of the novel, the wisdom of the novel.
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