Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetus Eesti Diplomaatide Koolile struktuuriüksuse Eesti Idapartnerluse Keskus jooksvate kulude rahastamiseks 2015. aastal (riigieelarvelise eraldise kasutamise leping nr 6.2-7/99)

Aruanne ajavahemiku 01.01.-31.12.2015 kohta 2015 lõpparuanne

Tallinn 31.01.2016


ANDMED TAOTLEJA KOHTA Taotleja nimi: Eesti Diplomaatide Kooli SA

Registrikood (seltsingu puhul esindaja isikukood): 90000908

Taotleja esindaja nimi: Ekke Nõmm

Juriidiline aadress: Tõnismägi 2, 10122, Taotleja esindaja nimi Ekke Nõmm Amet Juhatuse esimees Kontakttelefon: 631 7950 E-posti aadress [email protected]; [email protected]

Tegevuste eesmärkide saavutamise, tulemuslikkuse ja elluviimise hinnang (kuni 1 lk)

LISA Finantsaruanne kavandatud kululiikide ja summadega taotluse järgi ning tegelikud kululiigid summadega kuludokumentide järgi maksete kaupa

KINNITUSE ESITAMINE Kinnitan kõigi esitatud andmete ja dokumentide õigsust.

Taotleja esindaja nimi ja allkiri:



Contents 1. EIPK struktuurina 01.01.-31.12.2015 ...... 6 2. Tegevusaruanne: EIPK lõpetatud tegevused 01.01.- 31.12.2015 ...... 6 2.1. Lühikoolitused ja nõustamised, mis kas täielikult või osaliselt rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi – EDK SA lepingu 6.2-7/99 järgi eraldatud summadest ...... 6 2.1.1. Moldova Põllumajanduse- ja toidutööstusministeeriumi visiit Eestis (18.- 19. 02. 2015) ...... 6 2.1.2. Ukraina Kultuurikoja esindajate visiit Eestisse (2.-6.02.2014) ...... 7 2.1.3. Ukraina Siseministeeriumi ja Verkhovna Rada esindajate visiit Eestisse (19 - 22.03.2015)...... 7 2.1.4. Chisinau EL-i kommunikatsioon/koordinatsioon ...... 7 2.1.5. Ukraina Põllumajandussektori esindajate visiit Tallinna (22-25.04.2015) ...... 7 2.1.6. 11. AHR EL-kommunikatsioonteemaline seminar Brüsselis (27.-28.04.2015) ...... 8 2.1.7. 12 AHR seminar „e-valitsemise plaeerimise ning elluviimise koordinatsioon“ (11- 14.05.2015)...... 8 2.1.8. Moldova rahvusvähemuste seminar Chisinaus ja Komratis (11-13.05.2015) ...... 8 2.1.9. AHR Konverents „Valitsussektori ja kodanikuühiskonna koostoime Assotsiatsiooni Lepingu elluviimise kontekstis“ Kiievis (14-15.05.2015) ...... 8 2.1.10. e-valitsemise nõustamine Gruusias (28-29.05.2015) ...... 9 2.1.11. Ukraina tsiviil ja kriminaalasjade kõrgema erikohtu asepresidendi visiit Eestisse (23- 27.05) ...... 9 2.1.12. Gruusia põllumajandussektori esindajate visiit Eestisse (1-4.06.2015) ...... 9 2.1.13. Gagauusia kohaliku administratsiooni visiit Eestisse (22.-26.06.2015) ...... 9 2.1.14. Gruusia valitsuskommunikatsiooni nõustamine ...... 9 2.1.15. Moldova regionaalsete ajakirjanike koolitus Eestis (25-27.08.2015) ...... 10 2.1.16. Ukraina ID-kaardi ja e-valitsemise ekspertide visiit Tallinna (9-12.09.2015) ...... 10 2.1.17. Moldova Kultuuriministeeriumi esindajate visiit Eestisse (22-24.09.2015) ...... 10 2.1.18. Gruusia küberjulgeoleku teemaline visiit Tallinnas (27-30.09.2015) ...... 10 2.1.19. Moldova regionaalsete ajakirjanike õppevisiit Eestisse (26.-28.10.2015) ...... 11 2.1.20. Gruusia riigiametnike strateegilise kommunikatsiooni seminar Tallinnas (27- 31.10.2015) ...... 11 2.1.21. Multilateraalne avaliku halduse reformi seminar Tallinnas (2-3.11.2015) ...... 11 2.1.22. Keskkonnapoliitika reformikogemuse seminar Gruusias (2-3.11.2015) ...... 11 2.1.23. SPS-alane koolitus Gruusia riigiametnikele Eestis (25-27.11.2015) ...... 11 2.1.24. Inguuri tammi arenduskava nõustamine Gruusias (25.-29.11.2015) ...... 12 2.1.25. e-ID seminar Minskis (16.- 17.11.2015) ...... 12 2.1.26. Moldova Terivshoiuministeeriumi delegatsiooni visiit Eestisse (30.11.-3.12.2015) ... 12 2.1.27. Aserbaidžaani riigiametnike visiit „Muutused Eesti ühiskondlikus, majanduslikus ja haridusmaastikul“ (7.-10.12.2015) ...... 12


2.1.28. Moldova regionaalsete teleajakirjanike õppevisiit Eestisse (9-11. 12.2015) ...... 13 2.1.29. Õppevisiit Eestisse Kohalike omavalitsuste ja vabakondade koostöö arendamiseks Ukrainas, Lutskis (6-10.12.2015) ...... 13 2.2. Teadusuuringud ...... 14 2.2.1. Laure Delcour: In Need of a New Paradigm? Rethinking the European Neighourhood Policy ...... 14 2.2.2. Thorvaldur Gylfason, Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, Per Magnus Wijkman: Filling the Instututional vacuum in Eastern Europe ...... 14 2.2.3. Anneli Kimber, Ehtel Halliste: EU-related communication in Eastern Partnership countries ...... 14 2.2.4. Klaudijus Maniokas, Gert Antsu, Alexei Sekarev, Keit Kaseamets: European Integration co-ordination arrangementsi n AA/DCFTA implementating countries: Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine...... 14 2.3. Konverentsid, ümarlauad, suhtlemine meediaga ...... 15 2.3.1. Ümarlaud Eesti vabakonna esindajate ja Gruusia eurointegratsiooni aseministri vahel 15 6.mail korraldas Idapartnerluskeskus ümarlaua, kus Eestis visiidil viibinud Gruusia eurointegratsiooni aseminister ...... 15 2.3.2. Ümarlaud: “Riia tippkohtumine: Idapartnerid ja naabrid – kuhu läheb EL naabruspoliitika?” ...... 15 2.3.3. Paneel Lennart Meri konverentsil „The Limits of Order“ (24-26.04.2014) ...... 15 2.3.4. EIPKi igaastane detsembrikuine konverents idapartnerluse teemal, “Highway or Stairway: The Path Ahead for the Eastern Partnership.” (3. 12. 2015) ...... 15 2.3.5. Suhtlus meediaga ...... 15 2.4. EIPK-d tutvustavad lähetused Eestis ja välismaal (lähetused osaliselt rahastatud Eesti Välisministeeriumi – EDK SA lepingu 6.2-7/99 järgi eraldatud summadest) ...... 16 2.6. EIPK 2015.a. kokkuvõte ...... 17 3. Finantsaruanne ...... 19 4. Lisad ...... 20 4.1. Lisa 1 Tegevuste programmid ja kokkuvõtted ...... 20 4.1.1. Moldova Põllumajanduse- ja toidutööstusministeeriumi visiit Eestis ...... 20 4.1.2. Ukraina Kultuurikoja esindajate visiit Eestisse ...... 24 4.1.3. Ukraina Siseministeeriumi ja Verkhovna Rada esindajate visiit Eestisse ...... 24 Programme ...... 24 4.1.4 Chisinau EL-I kommunikatsiooni-koordinatsiooni seminar ...... 27 4.1.5. Ukraina Põllumajandussektori esindajate visiit Tallinn ...... 30 4.1.6. 11.AHR EL-kommunikatsiooniteemaline seminar Brüsselis ...... 34 4.1.7. 12. AHR seminar “e-valitsemise planeerimise ning elluviimise koordinatsioon” ...... 41 4.1.8. Moldova rahvusvähemuste seminar Chisinaus ja Komratis ...... 47 4.1.9. AHR Konverents “Valitsussektori ja kodanikuühiskonna koosttoime Assotsiatsiooni Lepingu elluviimise kontekstis” Kiievis ...... 50


4.1.10. Ukraina tsiviil- ja kriminaalasjade kõrgema erikohtu asepresidendi visit Eestisse ..... 55 4.1.11. Gruusia põllumajandussektori esindajate visit Eestisse ...... 57 Programme ...... 57 4.1.12. Gagauusia kohaliku administratsiooni visiit Eestisse ...... 61 4.1.13. Moldova regionaalsete ajakirjanike koolitus Eestis ...... 63 Programme ...... 63 4.1.14. Ukraina ID-kaardi ja e-valitsemise ekspertide visiit Tallinna ...... 67 4.1.15. Moldova Kultuuriministeeriumi esindajate visiit Eestisse ...... 68 4.1.16. Gruusia küberjulgeoleku teemaline visiit Tallinnas ...... 72 4.1.17. Moldova regionaalsete ajakirjanike õppevisiit Eestisse ...... 77 4.1.18. Gruusia riigiametnike strateegilise kommunikatsiooni seminar Tallinnas ...... 81 4.1.19. Multilateraalne avaliku halduse reformi seminar Tallinnas ...... 86 4.1.20. Keskkonnapoliitika reformikogemuse seminar Gruusias ...... 93 4.1.21. SPS-alane koolitus Gruusia riigiametnikele Eestis ...... 96 4.1.22. Inguuri tammi arenduskava nõustamine Gruusias ...... 100 4.1.23. e-ID seminar Minskis ...... 100 4.1.24 Moldova Tervishoiuministeeriumi delegatsiooni visiit Eestisse ...... 104 4.1.25. Aserbaidžaani riigiametnike visiit “Muutused Eesti ühiskondlikus, majanduslikus sfääris ja haridusmaastikul” ...... 109 4.1.26. Moldova regionaalsete teleajakirjanike õppevisiit Eestisse ...... 112 4.1.27. Õppevisiit Eestisse Kohalike omavalitsuste aj vabakondade koostöö arendamiseks Ukrainas, Lutskis ...... 118 5. Kontaktandmed ja allkirjad ...... 123


1. EIPK struktuurina 01.01.-31.12.2015

2015. aastal toimis EIPK endiselt EDK struktuurüksusena ning tegevustoetusega eraldatud summad olid suunatud kasutusse endiselt EDK alt. Samas käivitus 2015. aasta II poolaastal EIPK iseseisvumise teema. 4. detsembril 2015 kanti uus SA EIPK Sihtasutuste registrisse.

Alates 1. septembrist 2015 naases EIPK projektijuhi kohalelapsehoolduspuhkuselt Monica Pikker ning teda asendanud Herol Marjak lõpetas lepingulise töösuhte EIPK-iga. EIPK juhataja nõunikuna rahvusvaheliste projektide alal alustas tööd Tiina Ilsen. 2015-2016 hooajal on EIPK praktikal kuus Eesti Diplomaatide Kooli tudengit - Olesea Vladica (MD), Nicolai Russu (MD), Mariam Turmanidze (GE), Tornike Tsiramua (GE), Ana Davitashvili (GE), Anastasia Terekh (UKR)

2. Tegevusaruanne: EIPK lõpetatud tegevused 01.01.- 31.12.2015

Tegevuste valimisel EIPK menetlusse lähtutakse järgmistest kriteeriumidest:

- Idapartnerluse partnerriikide endi poolt väljendatud vajadused ja soovid, - Eesti pakutav ekspertiis, Eesti huvid Idapartnerluse arendamise raames, - EL institutsioonide avaldatud vajadused ja seisukohad seoses Idapartnerluse arendamisega, - Eesti ja EIPK nähtavuse tõstmine.

Tegevuste elluviimisel on määravaks olemasolev eelarve ning ka ka keskuse enda absorbeerimisvõime. Selle raamides otsustavad EIPK juhatus ja EIPK nõukogu, milliseid tegevusi tuleb ja saab EIPK menetlusse võtta.

Kõigi 01.01.-31.12.2015 lõpetatud tegevuste programmid ja detailsed ülevaated on toodud käesoleva aruande Lisas 2.

2.1. Lühikoolitused ja nõustamised, mis kas täielikult või osaliselt rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi – EDK SA lepingu 6.2-7/99 järgi eraldatud summadest

2.1.1. Moldova Põllumajanduse- ja toidutööstusministeeriumi visiit Eestis (18.- 19. 02. 2015)

EIPK toetas Moldova Põllumajandusministeeriumi delegatsiooni visiiti, eesotsas Aseminister Vladimir Loghiniga, Tallinnase 18-20. veebruaril. Visiidi käigus toimus kahepoolne kohtumine Eesti Põllumajandusministri Ivari Padariga ning seminar, kus tutvustati Eesti ekspertiisi ja arengut põllumajandussektoris Euroopa Liidu standarditele üleminekus. Külastuse lõpetas Moldova veinipäevade avamine. Ministeeriumi delegatsiooniga koos viibis Tallinnas ka Moldova äridelegatsioon. Visiit toimus koostöös Eesti Põllumjandusministeeriumi ning Moldova Eesti saatkonnaga. Moldova Põllumajandusministeeriumi visiiti rahastati Tegevustoetusest. Vt Lisa 4.1.1.


2.1.2. Ukraina Kultuurikoja esindajate visiit Eestisse (2.-6.02.2014)

Keskus toetas Creativity Lab’i ja Kultuuriministeeriumit Ukraina Kultuurikoja esindajate õppevisiidi korraldamisel. 2-6. veebruar (mõningad delegatsiooni liikmed kuni 9. veebruar) viibis Tallinnas 12-liikmeline grupp nn Ukraina Kultuurikoja (Ukrainian Congress of Cultural Activists) esindajaid. Visiidi peakorraldaja Creativity Lab koostas külalistele huvitava ning mitmekülgse programmi, millesse kuulusid seminar Eesti kultuuripoliitika ja loomemajanduse teemal ning kohtumised KUMUs, Eesti Filmi Instituudis ja Tartu Ülikoolis. Lisaks kohtuti veel Eesti kultuuriministri Urve Tiidusega ning külastati ITK Demokeskust, Tallinna ja Tartu loomekeskuseid, Antoniuse Gildi Tartus ja Presidendi Kantseleid Kadriorus. Koolitust rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. Vt Lisa 4.1.2. 2.1.3. Ukraina Siseministeeriumi ja Verkhovna Rada esindajate visiit Eestisse (19 - 22.03.2015). EIPK oli kaaskorraldajaks Ukraina siseministri asetäitja ja kõneisiku Anton Gerashenko visiidile Eestisse 19-22. Märtsil. Lisaks kuulub Anton Gerashenko ka Ukraina Radasse ning on üks riigi populaarsemaid poliitilisi tegelasi ning Ukraina vabatahtlike võitlejate häälekamaid toetajaid. Tema missioon Eestis oli tutvuda meie vabatahtlike riigikaitse- ja julgeolekuorganisatsioonidega ning justnimelt Eesti Kaitseliidu ülesehitusega. Visiidi algatajaks ja kaaskorraldajaks oli Ukraina majandusministri toonase peanõunik Jaanika Merilo ning visiit oli ka osa EIPK koostöölepingust Meriloga (vt lisa 4.1.15.). Vt. Lisa 4.1.3. 2.1.4. Chisinau EL-i kommunikatsioon/koordinatsioon

30.03-01.04 leidis aset EIPK nõustamismissioon Chisinausse, kus olid ühendatud nii üldine EL koordinatsiooni teema kui ka EL suunaline kommunikatsioon. Missioonil osalesid ekspetidena vastavalt Gert Antsu ja Ehtel Halliste. Ekspertidega oli kaasas ka EIPK juhataja Marge Mardisalu-Kahar ning suures osas ka VM esindaja Raul Toomas, kes oli ka visiiti ette valmistanud. Kohtumised toimusid Moldova erinevates valitsusasutustes (VM, Riigikantselei, parlament, PõM, JustMin, EUDEL ning ajakirjanike ja vabakonna esindajatega). EL üldkoordinatsiooni osas oli algselt plaanis korraldada ka üks kahepoolne seminar/töötuba sel teemal Moldovas, kuid tulenevalt riiki tabanud turbulentsist see plaan kahjuks ei teostunud. Küll aga kajastus teema 2-3.novembril toimunud AHR seminaril Tallinnas (vt punkt 2.1.19.) ning samuti on faktituvastusmissioonil kogutud materjale kasutatud peagi avaldatavas uuringus (vt 2.2.4.). Kommunikatsiooniteemaliste tegevuste jätkuüritus toimus Moldovas 7.-8.november koostöös Moldova VM ja Konrad Adenaueri Fondi korraldusel (vt lisa 4.1.4.) Samuti viibis EIPK toel suuresti ka kommunikatsiooniteemat hõlmanud nõustamis- ja faktituvastusmissioonil oktoobris Toomas Sildam. Vt Lisa 4.1.4. 2.1.5. Ukraina Põllumajandussektori esindajate visiit Tallinna (22-25.04.2015)

Visiidi korraldasid EIPK ja Põllumajandusministeerium. Visiidi käigus külastasid Tallinna viis esindajat põllumajanduse- ja toidusektorist ning keskmiste- ja väikeettevõtete ühendusest, riigi investeerimise asutustest. Visiidi käigus toimusid kohtumised Põllumajandusministeeriumis, PRIA-s, külastati Väätsa piimafarmi, kohtuti Eesti Põllumajandus- ja Kaubanduskoja liikmetega ning külastati EAS-i. Vt. Lisa 4.1.5.


2.1.6. 11. AHR EL-kommunikatsioonteemaline seminar Brüsselis (27.-28.04.2015)

27.-28. aprillil toimus Brüsselis kõrgetasemeline seminar Euroopa Liiduga seotud teabe- ja suhtekorraldustööst idapartnerluse riikides. Seminari korraldas EIPK koostöös Euroopa välisteenistuse, Euroopa Komisjoni ja Eesti Alalise Esindusega ELi juures. Seminaril osalesid Armeenia, Aserbaidžaani, Gruusia, Moldova, Ukraina ja Valgevene valitsusasutuste kommunikatsioonitöötajad, ajakirjanikud ning vabakonna esindajad (kokku 4 igast IP riigist, va AZ’st 2). Euroopa Liidu poolt esinesid seminaril ettekannetega institutsioonide kommunikatsiooniüksuste juhid, juhtivad ajakirjanikud Economistist ja EUObserverist ning Suurbritannia välisministeeriumi kommunikatsioonidirektor. Avamisüritusel osales ka Gruusia Euroopa ja Euro-atlantilise integratsiooni minister Davit Bakradze. IP riikide esindajad tutvusid EL-institutsioonidega Brüsselis. Seminar oli jätkuks aprillis 2014 toimunud PAR seminarile Tbilisis ning osa EIPK kommunikatsioonialasest programmist ja seda rahastati Euroopa Komisjoni ja Tegevustoetuse summadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.6.

2.1.7. 12 AHR seminar „e-valitsemise plaeerimise ning elluviimise koordinatsioon“ (11- 14.05.2015). Tegemist oli järjekorras kaheteistkümnenda multilateraalse Idapartnerluse avaliku halduse reformi (AHR) seminariga. Seminar toimus Tallinnas koostöös e-Riigi Akadeemiaga ning seminari rahastas Euroopa Komisjon ning oli suunatud idapartnerlusriikidele. Igast riigist osales 6 inimest (sh valitsussektori kui vabakonna esindajad). Seminari avamisel osalesid Eesti välisminister Keit Pentus-Rosimannus ja Gruusia justiitsminister Thea Tsulukiani. Seminarist osavõtnud olid väga kõrgel tasemel, mh Valgevene info ja kommunikatsiooni aseminister Dmitry Shedko, Aserbaidžaani kõrgtehnoloogia ja kommunikatsiooni aseminister Elmir Velizadeh ning Moldova info ja kommunikatsiooni aseminister Vitalie Tarlev. Seminar on 12.-13. maini toimuva Tallinna e-valitsemise konverentsi eelüritus, kus samuti seminaril osalenud viibisid. Tegemist oli esmakatsega siduda AHR seminar mõne suurema üritusega. Seminari rahastati Euroopa Komisjoni ja Tegevustoetuse summadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.7.

2.1.8. Moldova rahvusvähemuste seminar Chisinaus ja Komratis (11-13.05.2015)

Eesti Idapartnerluse Keskus korraldas koostöös Eesti Kultuuriministeeriumi ja kohaliku partnerorganisatsiooni Assembly of Peoples of Moldova korraldasid 12-13. mail kaheosalise seminari, millest esimene leidis aset pealinnas Chisinaus ja teine Komratis, Gagauusia autonoomse territooriumi pealinnas. Seminaride eesmärk oli tutvustada Eesti lõimumise kogemust ning integratsioonipoliitikat laiemalt. Lisaks räägiti ka Eesti uue venekeelse kanali avamisest ja selle eesmärkidest. Veel kohtus delegatsioon kahepoolselt Moldova Kultuuriministeeriumi ja Haridusministeeriumi asekantsleritega ning rahvastikubüroo esinaisega. Delegatsiooni kuulusid Kultuuriministeeriumi asekantsler Anne-Ly Reimaa, kultuurilise mitmekesisuse osakonna peaspetsialist Artjom Tepljuk, Ida-Virumaa Integratsioonibüroo juhataja Aleksandr Dusman ja Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu juhatuse liige Ainar Ruussaar. Üritused olid jätkuks 2014 sügisel aset leidnud Moldova rahvusvähemuste visiidile. Seda rahastati SIDA ning VM Tegevustoetuse rahadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.8.

2.1.9. AHR Konverents „Valitsussektori ja kodanikuühiskonna koostoime Assotsiatsiooni Lepingu elluviimise kontekstis“ Kiievis (14-15.05.2015)

14-15. mai toimus Kiievis kõrgetasemeline seminar mitmepoolse koostöö Avaliku Halduse Reformi paneeli raames. Seminari korraldas Eesti Idapartnerluse Keskus koostöös Ukraina


Avaliku Teenistuse Euroopa Liidu Standarditega Kohaldamise Keskusega ning Euroopa Komisjoni toel. Olles suunatud avaliku teenistuse kommunikatsioonitöötajatele, ajakirjanikele ning vabakonna esindajatele, keskendus seminar kommunikatsiooni parandamisele avaliku teenistuse kommunikaatorite ja vabakonna esindajate vahel Euroopa Liidu suunalises teavitustöös Idapartnerluse riikides. Seminari rahastati Euroopa Komisjoni ja Tegevustoetuse summadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.9.

2.1.10. e-valitsemise nõustamine Gruusias (28-29.05.2015) EIPK toetas Arvo Ott’i (e-GA) ja Siim Sikkuti (Strateegia Büroo, Riigikantselei) ekspertmissiooni Gruusiasse. Missiooni eesmärk oli nõustada Eesti kogemusele toetudes kuidas arendada e-valitsemise koordinatsioonisüsteemi ja valitsuse IKT-strateegiat. Ekserdid kohtusid Gruusia riigisekretär, Maia Tskitishvili’ga, e-Valitsemise osakonna juhataja Giga Paitchadze ja teiste ametnikega. Visiiti vahendas Eesti saatkond Tbilisis. Nõustamismissiooni rahastati Tegevustoetuse eelarvest. Vt. Lisa 2.9.

2.1.11. Ukraina tsiviil ja kriminaalasjade kõrgema erikohtu asepresidendi visiit Eestisse (23- 27.05) EIPK toetas ja oli kaasorganiseerijaks Eesti Riigikohtu poolt organiseeritud Ukraina tsiviil ja kriminaalasjade kõrgema erikohtu asepresidendi Maryna Chervynska õppevisiidil Eestisse 23.-27. mai. Visiidi käigus tutvus külaline Tartus meie Riigikohtu, Maakonna kohtu ja Ringkonna kohtu tööga, kohtus ka Justiitsministeeriumi asekantsler Kai Härmandi ning Ukraina saadikuga. Vt. Lisa 4.1.10. 2.1.12. Gruusia põllumajandussektori esindajate visiit Eestisse (1-4.06.2015) Kolmeteistliikmeline Gruusia delegatsioon (mee-, kala-, piima- ja lihatööstusest; Põllumajandusministeeriumist, Põllumajanduskooperatiivide arenguagentuurist, NATO ja EL-i Informatsioonikeskusest ning Rustavi 2 telekanalist viibis Eestis neli päeva ning külastas Riigikogu, kohtudes parlamendiliikmetega, samuti kohtuti Väiketootjate Assotsiatsiooniga ja Piimaliidu juhiga, PRIA esinajatega ning külastati Kala-, Mesindus- ja Metsanurga talu. Visiidi korraldamine toimus koostöös Eesti Põllumajandusministeeriumiga. Koolitust rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.11. 2.1.13. Gagauusia kohaliku administratsiooni visiit Eestisse (22.-26.06.2015) EIPK toetas Moldova Gagauusia kohaliku administratsiooni esindajate visiiti Eestisse 22.-26. juunil. Visiidi põhikorraldajateks olid Ida-Virumaa Integratsiooni Büroo ja Ida-Viru Maavalitsus. Visiit seostus sisulises plaanis EIPK poolt korraldatud Moldova rahvuvähemuste teemaliste ürituste sarjaga. Visiidi käigus toimusid kohtumised Ida-Virumaal ja Eesti Kultuuriministeeriumi esindajatega. Visiidi kaasrahastus pärines VM Tegevustoetuse summadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.12.

2.1.14. Gruusia valitsuskommunikatsiooni nõustamine 2015. aastal toimus Gruusia valitsuskommunikatsiooni nõustamine mitmes osas, kus peamine rõhk on EL-suunalises kommunikatsioonis võtmerolli omaval Gruusia Euroatlantilisel ministeeriumil. Selles vallas toimusid järgmised tegevused: - 16.-18.02 leidis aset faktituvastusmissioon Tbilisisse, lisaks EIPK kommunikatsioonieksperdile viibis kaasas ka Marge Mardisalu-Kahar. Toimusid kohtumised Euroatlantilises ministeeriumis (sh minister Bakradzega), Majandusministeeriumis, Riigikantseleis, Põllumajandusministeeriumis, UK saatkonna ja EUEL esindajatega, samuti ajakirjanikega. Visiidi toimumisele aitas kaasa Eesti saatkond Tbilisis. 9

- 06.-09.07 leidis aset EIPK II nõustamismissioon Tbilisisse Gruusia valitsussektori kommunikatsioonivõimekuse parandamiseks. Missioonil osales eksperdina Ehtel Halliste. Kohtumised toimusid Moldova erinevates valitsusasutustes (Euroatlantilise integratsiooni ministeerium, VM, Riigikantselei, parlament, EUDEL) ning ajakirjanike ja vabakonna esindajatega). Nõustamismissiooni käigus toimus ka töötuba Gruusia valitsussektori esindajatele, kellele tutvustati EIPK viimast kommunikatsiooniteemalist uuringut. Visiidi käigus valmistati samuti ette oktoobri lõpus toimunud strateegilise kommunikatsiooni alast visiiti Gruusia ametnikele (vt 2.1.20.) - EIPK (eksperdid Anneli Kimber, Eduard Abrahamyan) töötas välja prototüübi Gruusia Euroatlantilise integratsiooni ministeeriumi jaoks riikliku EL’i teemalise internetikalendri ning vastava kodulehe liidese. communications/calendar 2.1.15. Moldova regionaalsete ajakirjanike koolitus Eestis (25-27.08.2015)

Tegemist on kolmeosalise Moldova regionaalsete ajakirjanike koolituse projektiga, mis on rahastatud eraldi Välisministeeriumi projektist ning millele lisandus veel EIPK enda poolt korraldatud sarnane visiit 2015 detsembris. Esimese õppereisi käigus toimusid kohtumised Hannes Rummiga Euroopa Komisjoni esindusest, Maaeluministeeriumi esindajatega, külastati PRIAt Tartus ning erinevaid väiketalusid, Olustvere teeninduskooli, Maaelu Edendamise SA-d. Kolmas grupp antud projekti raames tuleb Eestisse märts 2016. Koolitust rahastasti suuremas mahus EVM avatud taotlusvooru kaudu heaks kiidetud projekti rahadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.13.

2.1.16. Ukraina ID-kaardi ja e-valitsemise ekspertide visiit Tallinna (9-12.09.2015)

Seminar toimus koostöös Jaanika Meriloga. Seminaril osalesid erinevate ministeeriumite ametnikud, parlamendiliikmed, pangasektori esindajad jne. Visiidi käigus kohtuti Riigikogu liikmetega, e-Riigi Akadeemia ekspertidega, külastati Sertifitseerimiskeskust, Riigi Infosüsteemide Agentuuri, Demokeskust. Kohtuti siseminister Hanno Pevkuri, Allar Jõksi ning Politsei- ja Piirivalveameti esindajatega. EIPK kaasrahastas visiiti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.14. 2.1.17. Moldova Kultuuriministeeriumi esindajate visiit Eestisse (22-24.09.2015)

Eestit külastas 3-liikmeline grupp Moldova Kultuuriministeeriumi esindajaid, kes tutvusid Eesti integratsioonikogemuse ja loomemajandusega.. EV Kultuuriministeeriumiga koostöös tehtud visiidi käigus toimusid Moldova esindajatel kohtumised kultuuri-ja haridusministeeriumis, Integratsiooni ja Migratsiooni SA-s „Meie Inimesed“, Loomeinkubaatoris, samuti külastati Ukraina kultuurikeskust ning Eesti Rahvuskultuurikeskust ja Loov Eestit. Koolitus oli jätkuprojektiks juba varasematele rahvusvähemusteemalistele koolitustele ning seda rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse ja SIDA summadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.15.

2.1.18. Gruusia küberjulgeoleku teemaline visiit Tallinnas (27-30.09.2015)

Neljaliikmelise delegatsioon oli pärit Gruusia Kaitseministeeriumist ja Keskkriminaalpolitseist. Visiidi käigus külastati e-Showroomi, e-Riigi Akadeemiat, Siseministeeriumi ja Riigi Infosüsteemide Agentuuri, Andmekaitseinspektsiooni,


Keskkriminaalpolitseid, Kaitseministeeriumi ning Kaitseliitu ja kohtuti Riigikantselei küberjulgeoleku eest vastutavate inimestega. Koolitust rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.16.

2.1.19. Moldova regionaalsete ajakirjanike õppevisiit Eestisse (26.-28.10.2015)

Tegemist 2.1.11. jätkuüritusega. Moldova delegatsiooni kuulus kuus ajakirjanikku erinevatest regionaalsetest telekanalitest. Visiidi käigus kohtuti Kaitsepolitsei asedirektori Erik Heldnaga, Euroopa Komisjoni Eesti esinduse juhi Hannes Rummiga, Mati Ombleriga PPA korruptsioonivastasevõitluse büroost, samuti ERRi nõukoguliikme Ainar Ruussaarega, Integratsiooni ja Migratsiooni SA „Meie Inimesed“ direktoriga ning Tarmu Tammerkiga Korruptsioonivaba Eestist. Ühel visiidipäeval toimus väljasõit Ida-Virumaale, kus külastati Jõhvi gümnaasiumi, Narva Kolledžit ning kohtuti Narva linnanõukogu esimehega. Koolitust rahastasti suuremas mahus EVM avatud taotlusvooru kaudu heaks kiidetud projekti rahadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.18. 2.1.20. Gruusia riigiametnike strateegilise kommunikatsiooni seminar Tallinnas (27- 31.10.2015)

Koolitusel osales kuus Gruusia riigiametniku erinevatest ministeeriumitest. Seminari käigus kohtuti Ainar Ruussaarega ERRist, MKMi esindajatega, Toomas Mattsoniga Riigikontrolli kommunikatsioonijuhiga, ERRi ajakirjanduseetika ombudsmani Tarmu Tammerkiga, EL-i sekretariaadi, Euroopa Komisjoni, Välisministeeriumi, Justiitsministeeriumi ja Riigikantselei kommunikatsiooniinimestega. Koolitus oli jätkuks EIPK poolt teostatud valitsuskommunikatsiooni parandvatele tegevustele (vt 2.1.14.) ning seda rahasti SIDA ja Välisministeerium tegevustoetuse summadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.18.

2.1.21. Multilateraalne avaliku halduse reformi seminar Tallinnas (2-3.11.2015) Järjekorras 13. AHR seminar „Effective co-ordination of European integration issues to ensure implementation of AA and DCFTA“. Seminaril osalesid assotsieerinud riikidest viis ning ülejäänud kolmest kaks ametnikku ning ekspertiden Klaudijus Maniokas, Alexei Sekarev, Gert Antsu, Kristi Raik, Keit Kasemest ja Ehtel Halliste. Ürituse avas Välisminister Marina Kaljurand koos Gruusia Euroopa ja Euro-Atlandi integratsiooni ministri Bakradzega ning Ukraina aseministri Hnydiukiga. Seminari rahastati Euroopa Komisjoni poolt ning Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.19.

2.1.22. Keskkonnapoliitika reformikogemuse seminar Gruusias (2-3.11.2015) Eesti Idapartnerluse Keskus ja Eesti Keskkonnaministeeriumi korraldatud koolitusseminar Gruusia Keskkonnministeeriumi juhtivametnikele keskonna poliitika reformimisest ning selle vastavusse viimisest Euroopa Liidu nõuetega. Seminaril jagasid Eesti Keskkonnaministeeriumi spetsialistid Eesti kogemust, kuidas tõhustada ja arendada tegevust õhusaastatuse, kliima muudatuste, metsamajandamise, puhta vee/veekogude saastatuse ja jäätme majandamise küsimustes ning milline on olnud Eesti kogemus keskkonna-alaste tegevuste osas Euroopa Liiduga ühinemisel. Koolitus oli jätkuks 2014.oktoobris toimunud Gruusia Keskkonnaministeeriumi õppevisiidile Eestisse ja seda rahastati SIDA toetusest ning Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.20.

2.1.23. SPS-alane koolitus Gruusia riigiametnikele Eestis (25-27.11.2015)


Neljaliikmeline Gruusia delegatsioon Gruusia Põllumajandusministeeriumist, Maksuametist ja Toiduagentuurist viibis Eestis 2-päevasel koolitusel, mille käigus külastati Maaeluministeeriumi, Eesti Põllumajandusametit, Põllumajandusuuringute Keskust, Esko piima- ja juustufarmi, Veterinaar- ja Toiduametit, Veterinaar- ja Toiduameti laboratooriumi ning külastati Muuga sadama Veterinaar- ja Toiduameti kaubanduse osakonda. Koolitust rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.21. 2.1.24. Inguuri tammi arenduskava nõustamine Gruusias (25.-29.11.2015)

Kaks Eesti eksperti – Ott Sarapuu (EAS) ja Andrus Kõresaar (KOKO Arhitektid) – külastasid Gruusias kavandatavat Inguuri tamme ja nõustasid Gruusia ametivõime selle võimalike edasiste arengukavade osas. Koolitust rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.22.

2.1.25. e-ID seminar Minskis (16.- 17.11.2015)

Kahepäevane seminar „Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services as a Basis for Secure Cross-Border Electronic Transactions and Digital Market“ toimus koostöös e- Riigiakadeemia ja Eesti saatkonnaga Valgevenes. Seminarist võttis osa ca 20 Valgevene riigiametnikku, ärisektori ja kodanikuühiskonna esindajat. Seminaril osalesid kolm Eesti eksperti ja Euroopa Komisjoni ekspert. Teemadest käsitleti interneti hääletamist, digitaalset ID-d nii Eesti kui Valgevene näitel, eIDASt ja EL-i poliitikat elektroonilise ID suhtes. Koolitust rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. Vt. Lisa 4.1.23.

2.1.26. Moldova Terivshoiuministeeriumi delegatsiooni visiit Eestisse (30.11.-3.12.2015)

Kümneliikmeline delegatsioon eesotsas minister Ruxanda Glavaniga viibis Eestis kolmepäevasel visiidil, mille käigus külastati Sotsiaalministeeriumi ja kohtuti Töö- ja tervishoiuministri Jevgeni Ossinovskiga; Eesti Haigekassat ning Ida-Tallinna Keskhaiglat. Visiidi teisel päeval toimus väljasõit Tartusse, kus külastati Tartu Ülikooli Peremeditsiini kliinikut, kohtuti Tartu Ülikooli Haigla juhatuse esimehega ning külastati Ravimiametit, Lääne-Tallinna Keskhaiglat ja Järveotsa Perearstikeskust. Visiiti rahastati SIDA toetusest ja Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. Visiit toimus koostöös Maailma Tervisehoiuorganistasiooni ja Sotsiaalministeeriumiga. Vt. Lisa 4.1.24.

2.1.27. Aserbaidžaani riigiametnike visiit „Muutused Eesti ühiskondlikus, majanduslikus ja haridusmaastikul“ (7.-10.12.2015)

Seitsmeliikmelise Aserbaidžaani grupi õppereis erinevatest riigiasutustest pärit ametnikele toimus koostöös Aserbaidžaani Diplomaatilise Akadeemiaga. Koolituse käigus kohtuti Euroopa Komisjoni esinduse juhi Hannes Rummiga, külastati e-Showroomi, Eesti Panka, Riigikogu, kus kohtuti Eesti-Aserbaidžaani sõprusrühma esimehega, Tallinna Ülikooli ning e- Riigi Akadeemiat, kus saadi ülevaade Eesti küberjulgeoleku arengutest. Ühel koolituse päeval toimus väljasõit Tartusse, kus kohtuti Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumi Euroopa Liidu ja Rahvusvahelise koostöö osakonna juhiga, samuti külastati TÜ Euroopa Kolledžit, AHHAA Keskust ja Tartu Ülikooli peahoone muuseumi. Koolitust rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. Vt Lisa 4.1.25.


2.1.28. Moldova regionaalsete teleajakirjanike õppevisiit Eestisse (9-11. 12.2015) Tegemist oli analoogse õppereisiga, nagu seda EIPK teostab VM regionaalsete ajakirjanike projekti raames (vt. 2.1.15.. ja 2.1.19.). Moldova delegatsiooni kuulusid ajakirjanikud erinevatest regionaalsetest telekanalitest. Visiidi käigus toimus väljasõit regiooni – kohtuti Kohila linnapeaga, külastati Harju ettevõtlus- ja arenduskeskust, samuti külastati Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi, vabaühenduste liitu EMSL-it, Teeme Ära, Õiguskantsleri bürood, KredExit ja Tallinna Tehnopoli. Koolitust rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest.Vt Lisa 4.1.26.

2.1.29. Õppevisiit Eestisse Kohalike omavalitsuste ja vabakondade koostöö arendamiseks Ukrainas, Lutskis (6-10.12.2015)

Eesti Idapartnerluse Keskus koostöös Rootsi Instituudiga alustas laiaulatuslikku koolitusprogrammi kohalike omavalitsuste ja vabakondade koostöö arendamiseks erinevates Ukraina regioonides. Programmi pilootprojektiks oli 6-10. detsembril 2015 toimunud koolitus Lutski linnavalitsuse tippametikele ja vabakondade esindajatele. Praktilise koolituse abil õpiti meetodeid ja konkreetseid lahendusi, kuidas korraldada koostööd erinevate sektorite vahel kohalikul tasandil ning tutvuti Eesti kogemusega vabakondade kaasamisel linna juhtimisel. Samuti külastati Rakvere linna ja saadi konkreetsete näidete abil põhjalik ülevaade sealsest praktikast selles valdkonnas. Koolitust rahastati Rootsi Instituudi toetusest. Vt Lisa 4.1.27.


2.2. Teadusuuringud

2.2.1. Laure Delcour: In Need of a New Paradigm? Rethinking the European Neighourhood Policy Laure Delcourilt ilmus Eastern Partnership Review sarjas uus uurimus naabruspoliitika ja idapartnerluse tulevikust. Uurimust rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. Uuring publitseeriti EIPK koduleheküljel online väljaannete sarja Eastern Partnership Review 20 raportina. Uurimus on kättesaadav lingi Laure Delcour: In Need of a New Paradigm? Rethinking the European Neighbourhood Policy

2.2.2. Thorvaldur Gylfason, Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, Per Magnus Wijkman: Filling the Instututional vacuum in Eastern Europe Thorvaldur Gylfasonilt, Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzosolt ja Per Magnus Wijkmanilt ilmus uurimus „Filling the institutional vacuum in Eastern Europe.“ Uurimust rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. Uuring publitseeriti EIPK koduleheküljel online väljaannete sarja Eastern Partnership Review 21 raportina. Uurimus on kättesaadav lingi Thorvaldur Gylfason, Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso and Per Magnus Wijkman: Filling the institutional vacuum in Eastern Europe

2.2.3. Anneli Kimber, Ehtel Halliste: EU-related communication in Eastern Partnership countries Anneli Kimberilt ja Ehtel Hallistelt ilmus uurimus ELi teemalisest kommunikatsioonist idapartnerluse riikides. Uurimust rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse ning SIDA summadest. Uuring publitseeriti EIPK koduleheküljel online väljaannete sarja Eastern Partnership Review 22 raportina. Uurimus on kättesaadav lingi Anneli Kimber and Ehtel Halliste: EU-related communication in Eastern Partnership countries

2.2.4. Klaudijus Maniokas, Gert Antsu, Alexei Sekarev, Keit Kaseamets: European Integration co-ordination arrangementsi n AA/DCFTA implementating countries: Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine. Klaudijus Maniokas, Gert Antsu, Alexei Sekarev avaldasid uurimuse „European Integration co-orination arrangements in AA/DCFTA implementating countries: Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine.“ Uurimuse toimetaja oli Keit Kasemets ning uurimust rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. Uuring publitseeritakse EIPK koduleheküljel online väljaannete sarja Eastern Partnership Review 23 raportina veebruaris 2016.


2.3. Konverentsid, ümarlauad, suhtlemine meediaga

2.3.1. Ümarlaud Eesti vabakonna esindajate ja Gruusia eurointegratsiooni aseministri vahel

6.mail korraldas Idapartnerluskeskus ümarlaua, kus Eestis visiidil viibinud Gruusia eurointegratsiooni aseminister Mariam Rakviashvili kohtus Eesti vabakonna esindajatega. Arutati edasisi koostöövõimalusi Eesti ja Gruusia vabakonna vahel. Üritus korraldati koostöös AKÜ’ga. 2.3.2. Ümarlaud: “Riia tippkohtumine: Idapartnerid ja naabrid – kuhu läheb EL naabruspoliitika?” 7. mail korraldas Idapartnerluse Keskus ümarlaua teemal “Riia tippkohtumine: Idapartnerid ja naabrid – kuhu läheb EL naabruspoliitika?” Mai lõpus Riias toimuva Idapartnerluse tippkohtumise eel koguneti Nordic Hotel Forumisse lahkama järgmisi küsimusi: Milliseks on kujunemas Euroopa Liidu suhted kuue nii erineva ambitsioonidega riigiga nagu seda on Idapartnerid, arvestades ka Venemaa jõulist survet neile? Kuidas sidustub selle kõigega laiem EL naabruspoliitika, mille ülevaatamisprotsessi EL on algatanud? Arutelul esinesid Erika Ellamaa-Ots, Idapartnerite, Venemaa ning Kesk-Aasiaga tegeleva Euroopa Liidu Välisteenistuse töögrupi asejuht, ja Martin Roger, Välisministeeriumi Ida-Euroopa ja Kesk- Aasia büroo direktor. Üritust rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. 2.3.3. Paneel Lennart Meri konverentsil „The Limits of Order“ (24-26.04.2014)

3-päevasel konverentsil korraldas EIPK paneeli „European Policies Revised: Neighbours left out in the cold.“ Paneelis astusid üles Tinatin Khidasheli, Gruusia parlamendi Euroopa Integratsiooni komisjoni esinaine; Orysia Lutsevych, Teadur, Chatham House; Matti Maasikas, Estonian Ambassador to the EU; Edgars Rinkēvičs, Läti välisminister. Paneeli modereeris Leila Alieva, St. Antony's College, University of Oxford. Paneeli rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest. 2.3.4. EIPKi igaastane detsembrikuine konverents idapartnerluse teemal, “Highway or Stairway: The Path Ahead for the Eastern Partnership.” (3. 12. 2015)

3. detsembril 2015 korraldas EIPK koostöös Eesti Välispoliitika Instituudi, Rahvusvahelise Kaitseuuringute Keskuse ja Euroopa Komisjoni esindusega järjekorras juba kolmanda iga- aastase konverentsi, mis seekord kandis pealkirja “Highway or Stairway: The Path Ahead for the Eastern Partnership.” Konverentsi avas peaminister Taavi Rõivas ning see koosnes kolmest paneelist – üleüldine EL-i Naabruspoliitika ning assotsieerunud riikide reformiprotsessi hinnang; energiajulgeolek ja julgeolekualane koostöö. Konverentsi rahastati Eesti Välisministeeriumi tegevustoetuse summadest ning Eesti Välispoliitika Instituudi ning Euroopa Komisjoni esinduse poolt Eestis. Konverentsi kava vt Lisa 2.24

2.3.5. Suhtlus meediaga

Endiselt oli eelmisel aastal prioriteetseks ka suhtlus meediaga. IP temaatikat kajastavaid artikleid ilmus EIPK nime all erinevates meediaväljaannetes (Diplomaatia, Postimees). Samuti leidis EIPK ja tema tegemised ühel või teisel viisil kajastamist nii ETV, ERR’s, Raadio Kukus ja Raadio 4’s. Lisaks oli EIPK esindatud panelistidena erinevatel ümarlaudadel, nagu 5.märtsil Tallinna Tehnika Ülikoolis toimunud ümarlaual "Association via Partnership: a proactive regional


policy or a dystopian geopolitical fiction?" või Riia Tippkohtumise järel aset leidnud ümarlaud Euroopa Komisjoni esinduse ruumides IP saadikute osavõtul 25.mail

2.4. EIPK-d tutvustavad lähetused Eestis ja välismaal (lähetused osaliselt rahastatud Eesti Välisministeeriumi – EDK SA lepingu 6.2-7/99 järgi eraldatud summadest)

Lähetus/: Kuupäev: Koht: Lühikirjeldus: Lisainfo: Marge Mardisalu-Kahar 05.02 Riia Kohtumised LV VM’s Marge Mardisalu-Kahar 17.-19.02 Brüssel Kohtumised EEAS,COM’s. Aprillikuise AHR seminari ettevalmistamine Marge Mardisalu-Kahar 15.-18.02 Tbilisi Kohtumised GE Koos EIPK valitsusametnikega kommun ekspert Ehtel Hallistega Marge Mardisalu-Kahar 19.-20.02 Vilnius Eesti esindamine Balti Osa lendudest + Parlamentaarsel Assambleel majutus korraldaja Marge Mardisalu-Kahar 29.03- Chisinau Kohtumised Moldova Koos ekspertide 01.04 valitsusametkondadega Gert Antsu ja Ehtel Hallistega Marge Mardisalu-Kahar 22.-23.04 Brüssel Osalemine ettekandega Tasutud CORLEAP istungil korraldajate poolt Marge Mardisalu- 26.04- Brüssel Seoses EIPK AHR Herol Marjak Kahar, Herol Marjak 29.04 seminariga Brüsselis tagasi 28.04 Marge Mardisalu- 12.-15.05 Kiiev AHR seminar Kiievis Kahar, Tiina Ilsen Herol Marjak 10.-14.05 Moldova Seminarid Chisinaus ja Komratis Marge Mardisalu-Kahar 19.-21.05 Riia Idapartnerluse tippkohtumine Marge Mardisalu- 03.-05.06 Stockholm AHR paneel + kohtumised Kahar, Tiina Ilsen Rootsis Marge Mardisalu-Kahar 29.06- Kiiev PADOS (FI) projekti raames Kõik PADOS 01.07 projekti rahadest Herol Marjak 07.-10.07 Baku Osalemine AHR konverentsil Sõit + majutus korraldajad Marge Mardisalu-Kahar 03.09 Helsinki PADOS juhtkomitee PADOS rahadest Monica Pikker 13.-14.10 Leedu Osalemine Twinning Vilniuses koolitusel. Monica Pikker 20.-29.10 Ukraina Osalemine Ukraina Suuremas osas Ukrainas valimisvaatlustel OSCE välja makstud VM vaatlejana poolt Marge Mardisalu-Kahar 22.10 Vilnius AHR paneel Tiina Ilsen 01.-05.11 Gruusia Keskkonnateemalise seminari SIDA läbiviimine lähetusrahadest Tiina Ilsen Kiiev Osalemine AHR-teemalisel SIDA ? konverentsil + kohtumised Marge Mardisalu-Kahar 16.-17.11 Valgevene eID seminar Minskis SIDA ja Monica Pikker lähetusrahades


Minskis Marge Mardisalu-Kahar 19.-20.11 Kopenhag Osalemine NB8+DE Korraldajad maksid en ümarlaual Marge Mardisalu-Kahar 24.-25.11 Brüssel Osalemine I Platvormi kohtumisel

Samuti toimusid jooksvalt mitmed kohtumised Moldova, Gruusia ja Ukraina stk esindajatega Tallinnas, vähemal määral ka Valgevene ning Azerbaidžaani esindajatega. Samuti dipkorpusega laiemalt. Regulaarne suhtlus leidis aset Eesti erinevate haruministeeriumide ning ametkondade esindajatega, samuti omavalitsuste esindajatega. Pidev suhtlus toimus EVM ja meie saatkondade esindajatega, samuti EEAS’iga. Väga tihe ning vajaduspõhine koostöö toimus Euroopa Komisjoni esindusega Eestis, e-Riigi Akadeemia, Välispoliitikainstituudiga ning RKKga, aga ka väljaspool Eestit asuvate mõttekodade esindajatega. Olulised tööalased kontaktid ja kohtumised toimusid meie oluliste partneritega sihtriikides, seda nii ametnike (ennekõike avaliku halduse reformi ja EL integratsiooniga seonduvad asutused) kui ka kodanikuühiskonna esindajatega. Üsna mitmeid päringuid ning kohtumiste soove tuli ka erinevatelt tööotsijatelt ja praktikandiks soovijatelt.

2.6. EIPK 2015.a. kokkuvõte

2015 oli Eesti Idapartnerluse Keskuse viies tegevusaasta. Käesolevas alajaotuses keskendutakse mõnedele EIPK tegevuse seisukohalt kesksetele teemadele.

2015.a. osales EIPK korraldatud lühikoolitustel kokku ligi 400 ametnikku IP riikidest.

2.1 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. .1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 ARM 4 6 3 2 AZB 2 6 3 1 GEO 4 6 3 5 13 15 4 6 5 MOL 7 50 4 6 60 3 3 6 3 6 5 UKR 13 1 5 4 6 15 1 20 5 VVE 4 6 3 2 KOK KU 7 13 1 50 5 22 36 60 30 5 1 13 3 15 6 20 3 4 6 6 20

2.1.29. KOKKU 2.1.22. 2.1.23. 2.1.24. 2.1.25. 2.1.26. 2.1.27. 2.1.28. ARM 15 AZB 19 7 GEO 80 10 4 5 MOL 176 10 6 UKR 8 78 VVE 35 20 KOKKU 8 10 4 5 20 10 7 6 403


2015.aastal osales EIPK korraldatud lühikoolitustel kokku 403 inimest IP riikidest. 2015.aastal viis EIPK läbi 20 koolitust, neist 4 multilateraalset seminari ja 25 bilateraalne koolitus. Kõige enam olid esindatud Moldova ja Gruusia.

2015.a. suurenes tunduvalt mitmepoolsete seminaride arv ja seega ka COM kaasrahastus. EIPK korraldas neli multilateraalset seminari, millel osalesid kõigi kuue IP partnerriigi ametnikud-eksperdid, lisaks esinejad Eestist ja teistest EL liikmesriikidest. Koolitustel tutvustati erinevate IP partnerriikide olukordi ja kogemusi.

EIPK lähetas 2015.a. IP riikidest Moldovasse, Gruusiasse ja Ukrainasse eksperdid Gert Antsu, Hannes Rumm, Arvo Ott, Siim Sikkut, Mari Pedak, Tarvi Martnes, Tiit Roosik, Toomas Sildam, Anneli Kimber ja Ehtel Halliste, Erkki Holmberg.

Jätkuvalt sõltume väga oma koolituste läbiviimisel Eesti haruametkondade koostöötahtest ja – võimekusest. Üldpilt on siin kindlasti pigem positiivne ja EIPK on alati oma tegevused korraldatud saanud. Samas on selge, et erinevate Eesti ametkondade võimekus Idapartnerite suunal panustada on väga erinev. Sellel on erinevaid põhjuseid, alates riiklike huvide vähesusest mõnes sektoris, ametnike ülekoormatusest kuni isikliku huvi olemasoluni või selle puudumiseni. Traditsiooniliselt iseäranis töised kontaktid on olnud Riigikantselei, Maaeluministeeriumi, Kultuuriministeeriumiga. Läbivalt kindlasti on teemaks koolituste tulemuslikkuse hindamine. EIPK on toetunud siin peaasjalikult tagasisidevormidele. Üheks oluliseks indikaatoriks on ka juba käsitletud teemadega sügavuti jätkamine, mida püüame järjest enam teha.

Asendamatu tugi oli tihe ning töine koostöö Välisministeeriumiga ning ennekõike meie idapartnerlusriike katvate saatkondadega ja AAEL’ga Brüsselis.


3. Finantsaruanne

4. Lisad

4.1. Lisa 1 Tegevuste programmid ja kokkuvõtted

4.1.1. Moldova Põllumajanduse- ja toidutööstusministeeriumi visiit Eestis

AGENDA for the visit of representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova, to February 18-20, 2015

Moldovan official delegation:

1. Mr Vladimir Loghin, Deputy Minister; 2. Mr Sergiu Tirigan, Head of Marketing and Foreign Relations Department (MAFI); 3. Mr Iurie Varlan, communication adviser (MAFI); 4. Mr Dumitru Munteanu, Director of the National Office for Vine and Wine (NOVW); 5. Mr Andrian Digolean, Export manager, NOVW; 6. Ms Aurelia Leorda-Panis, the National Public Broadcaster “Teleradio-Moldova”; 7. Mr Vadim Druta, cameraman.

Wednesday, February 18th 14.50 Arrival of the delegation at Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport Flight: Riga-Tallinn Air Baltic

VIP lounge

Meet by: Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of Estonia Mr Olavi Petron, Deputy Secretary General for Fisheries Policy and Foreign Affairs Mrs Galina Jevgrafova

Representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova to Estonia Mr Victor Guzun, Ambassador

Ministry’s minibus + CMD car Depart to Meriton Grand Conference & Spa Hotel

15.30 Accommodation at Meriton Grand Conference & Spa Hotel, free time Paldiski mnt 4

18.15 Depart to the restaurant “Farm” Viru 11 18.30 Welcoming dinner hosted by Mr Ivari Padar, Minister of Agriculture of Estonia Venue: restaurant “Farm”

Estonian delegation: 1. Mr Ivari Padar, Minister of Agriculture, 2. Mr Olavi Petron, Deputy Secretary General for Fisheries Policy and Foreign Affairs, 3. Ms Meeli Lindsaar, Head of the Trade Policy and Alcohol Market Regulation Bureau, 4. Ms Galina Jevgrafova, Chief Specialist of the Foreign Affairs Department

Moldovan participants: 1. Mr Vladimir Loghin, Deputy Minister 2. Mr Victor Guzun, Ambassador 3. Mr Sergiu Tirigan 4. Mr Iurie Varlan 5. Mr Dumitru Munteanu 6. Mr Andrian Digolean 7. Mrs Tatiana Gindea 8. Ms Aurelia Leorda-Panis 9. Mr Vadim Druta

Thursday, February 19th 7.30-8.30 Breakfast at Meriton Grand Conference & Spa Hotel

8.45 Depart to the Ministry of Agriculture of Estonia Lai str. 41, Tallinn

1. Mr Vladimir Loghin, Deputy Minister; 2. Mr Sergiu Tirigan; 3. Mr Iurie Varlan; 4. Mr Dumitru Munteanu; 5. Ms Aurelia Leorda-Panis; 6. Mr Vadim Druta

Ministry’s minibus + CMD car

9.00-10.00 Bilateral meeting of the Ministers Venue: Ministry of Agriculture of Estonia, Lai str. 41, Minister’s Cabinet

Estonian participants: 1. Minister Ivari Padar 2. Mr Olavi Petron, Deputy Secretary General for Fisheries Policy and Foreign Affairs 3. Mr Illar Lemetti, Deputy Secretary General for Agricultural and Rural Life Policies 4. Mr Ruve Schank, Head of the Foreign Relations Department 5. Ms Galina Jevgrafova

Moldovan participants: 1. Mr Vladimir Loghin, Deputy Minister 2. Ambassador Victor Guzun

3. Mr Sergiu Tirigan 4. Mr Iurie Varlan 5. Mr Dumitru Munteanu

6. Ms Aurelia Leorda-Panis 7. Mr Vadim Druta

Valeria Celan, Intern of the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova to Estonia Andrei Ursu, Intern of the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova to Estonia

10.00-11.00 Seminar on the Integration of the Agricultural sector with the EU: Estonia experience Venue: Ministry of Agriculture of Estonia, Small Hall

1. Presentation by Mr Vladimir Loghin, Deputy Minister, “Main Needs of the Agricultural Sector of Moldova” 2. Presentation by Mr Illar Lemetti, Deputy Secretary General for Agricultural and Rural Life Policies, “The Impact of the CAP on the Agricultural Sector of Estonia” 3. Presentation by Mr Marko Gorban, Head of the Rural Development Department, “Alternative Economic Activities in the Rural Aries”.

11.10-11.25 Departure to Meriton Grand Conference & Spa Hotel Paldiski mnt 4

11.45-12.45 Lunch at Meriton Hotel for the official delegation Restaurant: Pööbel, Toompuiestee 16

Estonian participants: 1. Mr Olavi Petron, Deputy Secretary General for Fisheries Policy and Foreign Affairs 2. Ms Galina Jevgrafova 3. Mr Herol Marjak, Project Manager at the Estonian Centre for Eastern Partnership

Moldovan participants: 1. Mr Vladimir Loghin, Deputy Minister 2. Mr Sergiu Tirigan 3. Mr Iurie Varlan

11.45-12.00 Registration for private wine tasting event (for sommeliers and journalists – estimated number – 30-40 guests) Venue: Lobby, 2nd floor

12.00-12.55 Private wine tasting event for sommeliers and journalists Venue: room V.Panso - B.Alver, 2nd floor

- Introduction by Ambassador Victor Guzun - Short introduction by Mr Dumitru Munteanu - Presentation of the selected Moldovan wines by Mr. Kristjan Markii,

Estonian sommelier

Participants: Sommeliers, journalists, Moldovan wineries representatives

12.30-13.00 Registration of the guests (representatives of Estonian companies, importers, market networks, hotels, restaurants, etc. – estimated number – 120 guests) Venue: Lobby, 2nd floor

13.00-13.55 Official opening Venue: room K.J.Peterson II, 2nd floor

Introduction by Mr Victor Guzun, Ambassador; Opening remarks by: - Mr Vladimir Loghin, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova; - Mr. Ivari Padar, Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Estonia

Presentation of the Moldovan wine sector, offered by Mr Dumitru Munteanu, Director of the National Office for Vine and Wine of the Republic of Moldova

Participants: Representatives of Estonian companies, importers, business associations, market networks, hotels, restaurants and wine bars, sommeliers, journalists – estimated number – 80-100 guests.

14.00-16.00 Presentation & Walk around tasting, offered by the best 17 Moldovan wineries Venue: room K.J.Peterson (I+III+IV), 2nd floor

B2B meetings of the businessmen.

Participants: All invited guests – estimated number – 120 guests.

16.00-17.30 Guided City sightseeing by foot

17.30-18.30 Depart to Meriton Grand Conference & Spa Hotel Free time

18.30 Dinner hosted by Mr Olavi Petron, Deputy Secretary General for Fisheries Policy and Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture of Estonia Venue: restaurant Kuldne Notsu, Dunkri 8

Estonian participants: 1. Mr Olavi Petron 2. Ms Galina Jevgrafova 3. Mr Herol Marjak 4. Mrs Sirje Potisepp, Head of the Estonian Food Industry Association 5. Mrs Marika Merilai, Head of the Estonian Traders Association

Moldovan participants: 1. Mr Vladimir Loghin, Deputy Minister 2. Ambassador Victor Guzun

3. Mr Sergiu Tirigan 4. Mr Iurie Varlan 5. Mr Dumitru Munteanu 6. Mr Andrian Digolean 7. Tatiana Gindea 8. Ms Aurelia Leorda-Panis 9. Mr Vadim Druta

Friday, February 20th 4.45 Depart to the Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport

Ministry’s Minibus + CMD car

6.10 Depart to Riga Flight: Tallinn-Riga Air Baltic

4.1.2. Ukraina Kultuurikoja esindajate visiit Eestisse


4.1.3. Ukraina Siseministeeriumi ja Verkhovna Rada esindajate visiit Eestisse

Visit for the representatives of Ministry of Interior of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada

Tallinn, 19 – 22 March, 2015

Organised by the Estonian Centre of Eastern Partnership


Tallinn 2015 Contacts and practical information

Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport: Lennujaama 2, Tallinn; telephone +372 605 8888; At the arrival to Tallinn and departure the participants are provided with the bus transfer to and from the hotel. Contact persons:

 Mr Herol Marjak – Project Manager of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 5154084, e-mail [email protected]

Accommodation: Viru väljak 3, 10111 Tallinn, Nordic Hotels Forum

Meals: Breakfast is provided by the hotel. Fixed lunches and dinners are served according to the programme.

Travel initiary:

19. March 15:50 - 17:40 Kiev Boryspil - Tallinn Estonian Air OV 312

23. March 13:25 - 15:10 Tallinn – Kiev Boryspil Estonian Air OV 311


Thursday, 19th March

17.40 Arrival of the visit participants in Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport, bus transfer to the hotel (Nordic Hotels Forum; Address: Viru väljak 3)

18.30 Gathering in the hotel lobby Bus transfer: Tallinn - Kõue

19.30 Dinner at Kõue Manor with Mr Eerik-Niiles Kross, MP and Lt. Gen. (Ret) Johannes Kert, MP and Mrs Jaanika Merilo, Advisor to the Ukrainian Minister of Economic Development

Friday, 20st March Please bring your passport!

8.30 Gathering in the hotel lobby

9.00-10.45 Visit to the Government Office of the Republic of Estonia (Rahukohtu 3) Meeting with Mr Kristjan Prikk, Deputy Director for National and Defence Coordination and Mr Ilmar Raag, Adviser for the Communication Department

11.00 – 14.00 Visit to the Estonian Defense League Headquarters ( 8) Meeting with BrigGen Meelis , Commander of EDL, Col. Ilmar Tamm, Col. (Ret) Hannes Toomsalu, LTC Artur Lillenurm and LTC Eero Rebo, Deputy Chief of General Staff of Estonian Armed Forces

Lunch at the Headquarters

14.15 – 16.00 Visit to the Estonian Ministry of Interior (Pikk 61) Meeting with Mr Veiko Kommusaar, Head of Public Order and Criminl Policy Department, Mr Erkki Koort, Deputy Secretary General for Internal Security Policy, Mr Marko Põld, Adviser of Rescue and Crisis Management Policy Department, Mrs Karin Kase and Mr Toomas Viks, Press Advisers of the Ministry

16.30 – 17.30 Visit to the Embassy of Ukraine in Estonia (Lahe 6) Meeting with Ambassador Mr Viktor Kryzhanivskyi

19:00 Dinner at the Restaurant La Bottega with Mrs Jaaniko Merilo

Saturday, 21st March Please bring your passport!

8.30 Gathering in the hotel lobby

9.00 – 12.30 Visit to the Estonian Defence League Tallinn District Command (Plangu 5) Meeting with LTC Lauri Abel, Chief of Staff and Capt. Lt. Kuno Peek, Estonian Reserve Officers’ Association

13.00 – 14.30 Lunch at Brasserie Restaurant Teletorn (Kloostrimetsa tee 58a) Discussion with Mr Volodymyr Palamar, Head of Association of Ukrainian Organizations in Estonia

15.00 – 18.00 Visit to Threod Systems (Kaare tee 3, Viimsi)

15.00-17.00 Meeting with Mr Sten Reimann, Chief Executive Officer 17.00-18.00 Meeting with Mr Jaan Priisalu, Estonian Cyber Defense League

19.00 Gathering in the hotel lobby Bus transfer to Viking Village

19.30 Dinner and discussion of the study visit at Viking Village (Saule küla, Kose vald, Harjumaa)

Sunday, 22 March Please bring your passport!

11.45 Gathering in the hotel lobby

12.00 – 13.30 Visit to Riigikogu (Estonian Parliament) (Lossi plats 1) Meeting with Mr Marko Mihkelson, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Commitee

4.1.4 Chisinau EL-I kommunikatsiooni-koordinatsiooni seminar

Chisinau külastuse programm

Esmaspäev (30. märts)

10:00 Kohtumine välis- ja eurointegratsiooni EL integratsiooni direktoraadi juhataja Daniela Morari´ga. Kohtumisel on juures ka asejuhataja Tatiana Molcean. MD välis- ja eurointegratsiooniministeerium, Strada 31 August 1989 80, Chișinău 2012

11:30 Kohtumine parlamendi välispoliitika ja EL-i integratsiooni komitee esimees Igor Corman´iga. Kohtumisel on juures ka komitee liikmed. Bulevardul Ștefan cel Mare și Sfînt 162, Chișinău 2004

14:00 Kohtumine ase-majandusminister Octavian Calmac´iga. Kohtumisel juures ka kommunikatsiooni inimesed. Valitsuse hoone, Piața Marii Adunări Naționale, nr. 1, 2 korrus, linna keskväljaku küljel.

15:00 Kohtumine riigikantselei poliitikakoordinatsiooni ja strateegilise planeerimise direktoraadi juhi Ion Gumene´ga. Valitsuse hoone, Piața Marii Adunări Naționale, nr. 1, 5. Korrus, linna keskväljaku küljel.

Teisipäev (31. märts)

10:00 Kohtumine ELD operatsioonide ja projektide juht Aneil Singh´iga. ELD peakorter, Kogalniceanu Street nr 12, MD 2001 Chisinau,

11:30 Kohtumine põllumajandusministeeriumi rahvusvahelise koostöö ja marketingi direktoraadi juhataja Sergiu Tirigan´iga. Kohtumisel on juures ka Waldemar Sochaczewski (EL-i kõrgetasemeline nõustaja). Bulevardul Ștefan cel Mare și Sfînt 162, Chișinău 2004, office 715.

14:00 Kohtumine ase-justiitsminister Sabina Cerbu´ga. Juures on ka ministri kabineti esindaja. Ministeeriumi hoone, str. 31 August 1989 82 or.Chisinau MD 2012

15:30 Kohtumine siseministeeriumi rahvusvahelise koostöö ja EL küsimuste direktoraadi asejuhataja Petru Turcan´iga. Kommunikatsiooniga tegelev inimene juures. MD 2012, mun.Chişinău, bd.Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfint, nr. 75, sissepääe Armeneska tänavalt.

18:00 Kokkusaamine UK saatkonna projektide koordinaator Julia Conzaenca`ga. Restoran Propaganda, Strada Alexei Şciusev 70.

Kolmapäeva (01.04.)

13:30 Kohtumine ELD juht Pirkka Tapiolaga. ELD ruumid, Kogalniceanu Street nr 12, MD 2001


Date: 6 – 8 November 2015 Venue: IT Relax, Vadul Lui Vodă

Friday, 6 November

17:30 Departure from the MFA EI

19.00 – 20.00 Opening session TBC

20.00 – 21.00 Dinner

Saturday, 7 November

08.00 – 09.00 Breakfast

09.00 – 10.30 The battle for citizens’ minds: importance of strategic communication Trainer: Mykolas Katkus, Expert in communications, new media and strategic communications issues, Chairman of the board at VRP Hill+Knowlton Strategies

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 – 12.30 EU related communication in Easter Partnership countries - the way forward Trainer: Ehtel Halliste, Senior expert on communication and public diplomacy, Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 15.00 xxx Mykolas Katkus, Expert in communications, new media and strategic communications issues, Chairman of the board at VRP Hill+Knowlton Strategies

15.00 – 15.30 The role of strategic communication in furthering EU policy objectives in the Eastern neighborhood Trainer: Anneli Kimber, Strategic Communication Expert, EEAS East Stratcom Task Force

15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break

16.00 – 18.00 Using strategic communication in practice / followed by discussion Practical exercise led jointly by the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership and EEAS East Stratcom Task Force

19.00 – 20.00 Dinner

Sunday, 8 November

08.00 – 09.00 Breakfast

09.00 – 10.30 IT tools in support of planning, monitoring and reporting on European integration: headache or solution? Example of Lithuanian IMS Linesis and applicability (or not) to Moldova Trainer: Giedrė Vinikienė, expert in legal approximation and IT tools for planning and monitoring of it, adviser at the International and European Affairs Unit of the Government Office of Lithuania

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 – 12.30 Analysis and reporting about the European integration for various audiences Trainer: Darius Žeruolis, Expert in European integration, director of ESTEP Vilnius, former Deputy Government Secretary of Lithuania with responsibility for EU affairs

12.30 – 13.00 Concluding session

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

15.00 Departure

4.1.5. Ukraina Põllumajandussektori esindajate visiit Tallinn

Reforming the Agricultural Sector in the Framework of EU Integration

Study visit for the representatives of Agro-Culture and Food Employers Federation of Ukraine and the Agricultural Sector

Tallinn, 22 – 25 April, 2015

Organised by the Estonian Centre of Eastern Partnership and Estonian Ministry of Agriculture


Tallinn 2015

Programme outline

Target group Civil servants of the Ukrainian agricultural sector.

Feedback Each participant is asked to fill in a questionnaire aimed at evaluating the quality of the visit.

Contacts and practical information

Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport: Lennujaama 2, Tallinn; telephone +372 605 8888; At the arrival to Tallinn and departure the participants are provided with the bus transfer to and from the hotel. Contact persons:

 Mrs Kristiina Lillestik – Adviser of the Foreign Relations Department, Estonian Ministry of Agriculture, mobile phone +372 6256180, e-mail [email protected]  Mr Herol Marjak – Project Manager of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 5154084, e-mail [email protected]  Ms Marge Mardisalu-Kahar - Managing Director of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 55603583, e-mail marge.mardisalu- [email protected]

Venue: According to the programme.

Accommodation: A. Laikmaa 5, 10145 Tallinn, Tallink City Hotel

Meals: Breakfast is provided by the hotel. Fixed lunches and dinners are served according to the programme.

Travel initiary:

22. April 15:50 - 17:40 Kiev Boryspil - Tallinn Estonian Air OV 312

25. April 13:25 - 15:10 Tallinn – Kiev Boryspil Estonian Air OV 311

List of participants:

Name Institution 1. Viacheslav Roi Head of Federation of Trade Unions of Workers of Small and Medium Enterprise of Ukraine

2. Iryna Parfenyuk Ukrainian Center of Reconstruction and Development, Advisor of International Relations of the Agro-culture and Food Employers Federation of Ukraine 3. Alina Bodaieva Deputy Director of Government Investment Company 4. Pavlo Tsyrul Vice-President of the Agro-culture and Foor Employers Federation of Ukraine 5. Tetiana Tymoshenko Managing Director of the Agro-culture and Food Employers Federation of Ukraine


Wednesday, 22nd April

17.40 Arrival of the visit participants in Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport, bus transfer to the hotel (Tallink City Hotel; Address: A. Laikmaa 5)

18.30 Gathering in the hotel lobby, walk together to dinner

19.00 Dinner at Restaurant Cru with senior officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Member of Economic Affairs Committee of Estonian Parliament (Viru 8)

Thursday, 23rd April Please bring your passport!

8.30 Gathering in the hotel lobby

9.00 – 10.30 Meetings at the Estonian Ministry of Agriculture (Lai 39)

10.30 – 14.00 Bus transfer: Tallinn-Tartu

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch at Põhjaka (Mäeküla, Paide vald)

14.00 – 15.30 Visit to the Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board (Narva mnt 3, Tartu)

16.30 – 17.30 Field visit to Väätsa Agro - milk production unit (Pikk 3, Väätsa)

17.30 – 19.30 Bus transfer: Tartu-Tallinn

19.30 Dinner at Restaurant Leib Resto ja Aed with representatives of Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce and agricultural industry (Uus 31)

Friday, 24th April Please bring your passport!

8.30 Gathering in the hotel lobby

9.00 – 10.45 Visit to the Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce (J.Vilmsi 53G)

12.00 – 13.30 Visit to Enterprise Estonia (EAS) (Lõõtsa 2)

14.00 – 15.30 Lunch at Restaurant Fahle (Tartu mnt 84a)

16.00 - ... Free time

Saturday, 25 April

11.20 Gathering in the hotel lobby, check out

11.30 Bus pick up from the hotel, transfer to the airport. Flight departs at 13.25

4.1.6. 11.AHR EL-kommunikatsiooniteemaline seminar Brüsselis


The 11th high-level Public Administration Reform Seminar

“Communicating the European Union in Eastern Partnership Countries”

Seminar and study tour for EU communication stakeholders

from Eastern Partnership Countries


April 27-28, 2015

Organised by Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership in co-operation with the European Commission, the European External Action Service and the Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU

ECEAP 2015

Short background

Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries’ ambitions vary in great degree when it comes to their relations with the EU. There is, however, a general need in all six partner countries to communicate the EU-related agenda, the aims of the EU’s EaP policy, as well as increase targeted awareness-raising on EU’s programmes, projects, policies and values. Moreover, a new paradigm for communicating the EU has opened up to three partner countries with the signing of the association agreements. A very important prerequisite for them to be successful in the implementation process of these agreements is public support to the reforms.

The main responsibility for informing the public about the EU and building trust within the EaP countries lies on the shoulders of the partners themselves. Only their strong commitment and a clear coordination between key stakeholders can pave the way for effective EU-related communication that tackles the lack of credible and the spread of misleading information. However, on this path they cannot be successful without the support and active involvement of the EU and its Member States. With this in view, and with the EU now stepping up its strategic communication activities in the Eastern neighbourhood, the contribution of individual Member States has become vital.

Already a year ago, the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership (ECEAP) launched a comprehensive training programme for EaP countries to build the capacity of their public sector communicators, journalists and civil society organisations. By now the programme that is specifically aimed at improving EU-related communication has covered ten activities including a multilateral Public Administration Reform (PAR) seminar, bilateral training events and follow-up activities in Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Armenia and study tours to Estonia. For ECEAP, supporting the people who are at the forefront of delivering communication in partner countries is an integral part of the joint strategy for improving EU- related communication in the Eastern neighbourhood.

Aim of the seminar

The seminar brings together key stakeholders from EaP countries, Brussels and the EU Member States on the issue of EU-related communication vis-à-vis EaP countries, offering a platform for exchanging views on the current situation and developing further cooperation. It serves as the next stage of the center’s comprehensive training programme on EU communication in EaP countries. The seminar is organised within the Public Administration Reform Panel, which is as an excellent framework for supporting these activities.

Focus of the seminar

The focus of the seminar is on one hand on the partners’ perspectives of the present situation in their respective countries and on the other hand on the EU stakeholders’ approach to the challenges of communicating the EU in Eastern partner countries. The specific objectives of the seminar are the following: (1) To present the analysis and recommendations in the form of a policy paper on the current status of EU communication in EaP countries, (2) To provide an opportunity for the representatives of the EU institutions and the key communicators and journalists involved in EU issues from EaP countries to engage in discussions on the topic of developing EU’s strategic communication and (3) To provide an opportunity for the communicators and journalists from EaP countries to get acquainted with the EU institutions and establish necessary contacts.

The seminar is highly participative, most of the participants will deliver presentations and the whole group is involved in discussions.

Programme outline

The seminar on day one starts with a presentation of a policy paper on EU communications in EaP countries, which provides an overview of the study conducted in Eastern Partnership countries and its results. Seminar continues with presentations on the perspectives of the EU institutions, EU Member States and media followed by country presentations. Each country is asked to give an overview of its perspectives on EU-related communication within their state. One the second day, a study tour of EU institutions is in order. The purpose of the tour is to provide the visitors with an understanding of how the EU institutions work and give them an opportunity to establish useful contacts.


The participants will be invited from the central bodies of EaP countries. These are four people from each country (two public sector communicators, one journalist and one representative of civil society), who are directly responsible for EU communication on a national level.

The international experts involved in the seminar have vast experience of working within the EaP countries on EU-related communication.


The working languages of the seminar are English and Russian.

Study materials

Participants are provided with copies of the materials presented during the lectures and discussions (hand-outs, slides etc.).

Technical information

Brussels Airport: BE-1930 Zaventem, Brussels; telephone +3227537753;

At the arrival and departure the participants are provided with a bus transfer to and from the hotel.

Contact persons

In Brussels

 Mr Herol Marjak– Project Manager of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 5154084, e-mail [email protected]  Mrs Magda Bouhadi, IBF International Consulting, + 32 486 63 33 81, email [email protected] ,,  Mrs Marge Mardisalu-Kahar – Managing Director of Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 5560 3583, e-mail [email protected]


Each participant is asked to fill a questionnaire aimed at evaluating the quality of the seminar.

Hotel accommodation:

Silken Berlaymont Brussels (Address: 11 – 19 Boulevard Charlemagne, 1000 Brussels, Belgium), +32 (0)2 231 0909,

Meals: Breakfast is provided by the hotel, fixed lunches /dinners according to the programme.


Name Institution Position Country 1. Tsoline Ministry of Economy, Leading Specialist Armenia Aleksanyan Information and PR Division 2. Maria Asatryan Leading online news portal Reporter Armenia 3. Hovsep European Youth Parliament President and Co- Armenia Patvakanyan Armenia Founder 4. Marianna Ministry of Economy, EU Senior Specialist Armenia Poghosyan Affairs and WTO Department 5. Hamid Hamidov Journalist Azerbaijan

6. Kamal Makili- Center for Strategic Studies Leading Research Azerbaijan Aliyev under the President of the Fellow at Foreign Republic of Azerbaijan Policy Analysis Department 7. Yury Bebeshka Ministry of Information Deputy Head of Belarus Legal and HR Department 8. Vladimir Dounaev Belarusian Independent Chair Belarus Bologna Committee

9. Victor Novikov Ministry of Foreign Affairs Counselor of the Belarus EU and Regional Organization Desk of the European Cooperation Department 10. Larisa Publishing House “Zvjezda” Journalist Belarus Rakovskaja

11. Khatuna Gabievi Imedi TV Journalist Georgia

12. Elene Gotsadze The Office of the State Director of Georgia Minister on European and Information Center

Euro-Atlantic Integration on NATO and EU

13. Natia Kukuladze Government Administration of Head of Georgia Georgia Coordination Office of PR Department 14. Ketevan Eurasia Partnership President Georgia Vashakidze Foundation

15. Mariana Bzovaia Gazeta SP Info, from Balti Journalist Moldova region 16. Tatiana Cazacu Government of Rep. of Deputy Head of Moldova Moldova, PM Press Office Prime Minister’s Press Office 17. Olesea Fortuna Global Entrepreneurship President Moldova Network Moldova (GEN) Moldova

18. Ana Taban Ministry of Foreign Affairs Head of Moldova and European Integration Information and Media Outreach Office 19. Denys Chernikov Open Society Foundation Adviser Ukraine

20. Mykhailo Smutok First Ukraine TV Channel, General Producer Ukraine National Television Company 21. Nataliia Stativko Ministry of Interior Press Secretary to Ukraine the Minister 22. Gennadii Syrytsia Senior Specialist of the Ministry of Ukraine Communication Department Agriculture and Food


Sunday, 26 April (For sponsored EaP participants only)

Arrival of the seminar participants in Brussels

Check-in to Silken Berlaymont Brussels (Address: 11 – 19 Boulevard Charlemagne)

19.30 Meeting at the hotel lobby

20.00 Dinner with Oana Lungescu, the principal Spokesperson for NATO at Restaurant Eccetera (402, Chaussée de Wavre, Brussels)

Monday, 27 April – SEMINAR

Venue: Silken Berlaymont Brussels, 11 – 19 Boulevard Charlemagne, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

08.45 Registration


Welcoming words by the Managing Director of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership (ECEAP), Marge Mardisalu-Kahar; State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, David Bakradze; Permanent Representative of Estonia to the EU, H.E. Matti Maasikas; Director for Strategy and Turkey, DG NEAR, Simon Mordue; Head of Division for the EaP, Regional Cooperation, and OSCE, EEAS, Richard Tibbels


by Andrew Rettmann, Brussels-based reporter who writes about foreign relations for the EUobserver, the leading independent online newspaper reporting on the EU


Presentation of policy paper on EU communication in EaP countries - The findings and recommendations for future activities based on ECEAP’s training programme carried out in the past year in EaP countries, followed by a discussion moderated by the Director of ECEAP, Marge Mardisalu-Kahar

10.15 Coffee break


EU’s strategic communication vis-à-vis EaP countries – The perspectives of EU institutions, EU Member States (UK) and Brussels- based media, moderated by the Charlemagne columnist for the Economist, Tom Nuttall

Interventions by:

Reijo Kemppinen, Director-General, Directorate-General Communication and Document Management, Council of the European Union;

Hugh Elliot, Director of Communications, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office;

Claus Giering, Head of Inter-institutional Relations and Communication Unit, Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations;

May Ann Ramsay, Head of Sector, Directorate-General for Communication, European Commission;

Michael Mann, Head of Division, Strategic communication, European External Action Service.

13.00 Lunch


EU-related communication in the EaP countries – The perspectives of the Eastern partners. Country presentations from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, followed by a discussion moderated by Senior International Expert on Communication and Public Diplomacy, Ehtel Halliste

16.30 Coffee break


Wrap-up discussion

17.30 Bus to the Estonian Permanent Representation

18.00 Reception at the Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU (Address: Rue Guimard 11/13, Brussels)

Tuesday, 28 April – STUDY TOUR (For sponsored EaP participants only)

08.45 Meeting at the hotel lobby

09.30 Tour of the EU Council (Justus Lipsius Building)

11.30 Tour of the European Parliament (Altiero Spinelli Building)

13.00 Lunch with Henrik Hololei, Deputy Secretary General, Secretariat- General, European Commission, venue: TBC

14.15 Visiting the office of EurActiv and meeting with Senior Editor Georgi Gotev (Brussels Network Office)

15.00 Tour of the European Commission (Charlemagne Building)

17.00 Visiting the European External Action Service (EEAS Building), followed by the presentation of certificates

18.00 Programme ends

4.1.7. 12. AHR seminar “e-valitsemise planeerimise ning elluviimise koordinatsioon”

Integrated Study Visit in the framework of Eastern Partnership PAR Panel

12 Eap PAR seminar “Coordinating e-Governance planning and implementation” Tallinn e-Governance Conference 2015 Business Conference Latitude59

Tallinn 11-14 May, 2015

Organised by the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership in co-operation with the European Commission and Estonian e-Governance Academy

ECEAP 2015


Name Institution Country Armenak Ayvazyan System Administrator of the Staff of Armenia Government Hayk Chobanyan Deputy CEO at National ICT Association UITE Armenia Armen Sargsyan Head of IT Department of the Office of Armenia Prosecutor General Artur Tunyan Adviser to Minister – Chief of Staff Armenia Mourad Mouradyan Executive Director “Harmony Fund” Armenia Vahagn Mkhitaryan E-Government Projects Manager Armenia Aysel Khanmammadova Secretary General of Azerbiajan Women in ICT Azerbaijan Club FEMMES DIGITALES Sabina Mammadli CRA Group, Head of Government Regulatory Azerbaijan Department Mahammad Muradov Project Coordinator, Transparency International Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Ilham Namazov Director of Caybernet Azerbaijan Sabina Parvizi Marketing Manager, Microsoft Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Elmir Velizadeh Deputy Minister of Communications and High Azerbaijan Technologies Uladzimir Anishchanka Deputy Chairman of Council of Science and Belarus Technology Association INFOPARK Oleg Beliakov Operations and Analysis Center under the Belarus President of the Republic of Belarus Ihar Lednik Center of Protection of Property Rights Belarus Dmitry Shedko First Deputy Minister of Communication and Belarus Information Valeriy Virkovski Director of Infopark Association Belarus Segey Yenin President of Belarus Information Society NGO Belarus Nika Akhalbedashvili Adviser to Minister of Justice Georgia Lasha Khvedelidze Deputy Director of Internal Security and Public Georgia Order Eka Kubusidze Head of Division, Ministry of Economy and Georgia Sustainable Development Giga Paitchadze Head of Department of e-Governance and Georgia Development Administration of the Government of Georgia Paata Sirbiladze Data Exchange Agency Georgia Giorgi Tielidze Senior Adviser, Department of Internal Security Georgia and Public Order Andrei Andrei Head of Department Public Budget, Ministry of Moldova Finance Veaceslav Puscasu Security and MCloud Manager, e-Government Moldova Center Vitalie Tarlev Deputy Minister, Ministry of ICT Moldova Elena Tibirna Deputy Head, Internal Audit, National House of Moldova Social Insurance Iurie Turcanu Government Chief Technology Officer, Deputy Moldova Director, e-Government Center Constantin Untila Head of IT Department, Tax Offie Moldova

Anton Gnidenko Head of Single Digital Market Department, Ukraine Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Anastasiya Kozlovtseva Manager of International Relations Department, Ukraine Transparency International Ukraine Taras Oliinyk First Deputy of the State Agency for Electronic Ukraine Governance of Ukraine Oleksandr Potii Deputy Chief Designer, JSC Institute of Ukraine Information Technology Victor Valeyev Director-General, National Association IT- Ukraine Ukraine

PROGRAMME Sunday, 10 May Arrival of the course participants in Tallinn Check-in to Nordic Hotel Forum (Address: Viru väljak 3)

Monday, 11 May, 2015


Venue: Nordic Hotel Forum (Viru väljak 3, Tallinn)

09:30 Registration and morning coffee

10.00 Opening welcome by Ms. Marge Mardisalu-Kahar, Managing Director, Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership (ECEAP), Mrs Keit Pentus-Rosimannus, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Mrs Thea Tsulukiani, Minister of Justice of Georgia, Mr Dmitry Shedko, First Deputy Minister of Communication and Information of Belarus, Mr Elmir Velizadeh, Deputy Minister of Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan, Mr Vitalie Tarlev, Deputy Minister of Information and Communication Technology of Moldova

10.30 Basic blocs of e-governance - cornerstone for the Public Administration Reform. Estonian experience. Mr Ivar Tallo, Founder and Board Member, e-Governance Academy (eGA)

11.30 Coffee break

12:00 Lessons of Estonia on using ICT tools to reform public administration and improving transparency. Setting the scene for the Tallinn e- Governance Conference 2015. Presenter Mr Hannes Astok, Director of Development and Strategy, e-Governance Academy (eGA)

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Successes and challenges of EaP countries in reforming their Public Administration using e-government tools. 10 minute presentations from each EaP country.

Moderated by Liia Hänni (eGA)

15:30 Discussion on the challenges in EaP countries with reforming their public administration

Moderated by Liia Hänni (eGA)

16:30 Closing remarks by Liia Hänni

17.30 Meet at hotel lobby, walk to the restaurant

18:00 Reception for the participants of the Seminar at Restaurant Gloria (Müürivahe 2)


Tuesday, 12 May

Venue: Nordic Hotel Forum (Viru väljak 3, Tallinn)

08:00 – 09:30 Registration of participants; morning coffee

09:30 – 09:45 Opening remarks by Mrs Thea Tsulukiani, Minister of Justice, Georgia

09:45 – 10:30 Keynote address by the President of Estonia H.E. Mr Toomas Hendrik Ilves

10:30 – 12:00 Panel discussion: “Centralised vs de-centralised – which way for e- governance strategies?”

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch

13:30 – 15:00 Panel discussion “Cooperation, coordination and communication – can we orchestrate e-governance?”

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee

15:30 – 17:00 Seminars / workshops Workshop: Design of Future e-Governance Services Workshop: Digital Agenda Governance Models in the EaP Countries Workshop: Intelligent parking for all cities

19:30 – 22:00 Reception at the House of Blackheads (Pikk 26), by invitations only

Wednesday, 13 May

Venue: Nordic Hotel Forum (Viru väljak 3, Tallinn)

09:30 – 10:00 Morning coffee

10:00 – 11:30 Panel discussion: “Can cyber security make or brake a successful e- society?”

11:30 – 13:00 Workshops

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 15:00 Wrap-up and closing

19:00 – late ICT Week Gala (invitation only)

LATITUDE 59 – Business Conference

Thursday, 14 May (Course participants leave to the airport at individual times)

Venue: Tallinn Creative Hub (Põhja puiestee 27A)

8.30 – 9.00 Coffee and registration

9.00 – 9.15 Welcome and Introduction

9.15 – 10.00 KEYNOTE: „Ten Epiphanies“ by Mr David C. Traub, Executive Producer, Venture Catalyst (Silicon Valley)

10.00 – 10.45 Power Chat: Looking for Global Opportunities

10.45 – 11.00 SHOWCASING ESTONIA – Introducing Estonian Startups vol 1: 3DprinterOS

11.00 – 11.20 Break and Networking

11.20 – 11.50 Power Speech on e-ESTONIA by Mr Taavi Kotka, the CIO of Estonian Government

11.50 – 12.35 e-RESIDENCY by Mr Kaspar Korjus, e-Residency Program Director + 2 guest speakers (TBC)

12.35 – 13.00 SHOWCASING ESTONIA – Introducing Estonian Startups vol 2

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch and Networking

14.00 – 14.30 SHOWCASING ESTONIA – Introducing Estonian Startups vol 3

14.30 – 15.30 FINTECH: Innovation in Financial Services

BITCOIN: Future of payments?

15.30 – 15.50 Break and Networking

15.50 – 17.00 Global Startup Pitch Competition Powered by BlackBox VC and EstBAN

17.00 – 17.10 Wrap-up of Day 1

4.1.8. Moldova rahvusvähemuste seminar Chisinaus ja Komratis

SEMINAR “Integration of national minorities into the EU community – the Estonian experience”

Training for civil servants, journalists and members of the civil society of the Republic of Moldova

Chisinau and Comrat, 12-13 May 2015

Organised by the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership in co-operation with Estonian Ministry of Culture

The event is supported by the Assembly of Peoples of Moldova and Swedish Development Cooperation

ECEAP 2015


Representatives of central and regional authorities, civil society, NGOs and the media.

Study materials and language

Participants are provided with copies of the materials presented during the discussions and training sessions (hand-outs, slides etc.). The training will be conducted in Russian.


Tuesday, 12 May (Chisinau)

Venue: Hotel Regency Chisinau (str. Sfatul Tarii 17)

9.00-9.30 Registration and coffee

9.30-10.00 Welcoming words by Mr Herol Marjak, ECEAP and Mrs Olga Goncearova, President of Assembly of Peoples of Moldova

10.00-11.30 Panel I – “Integration strategy in Estonia after joining the EU” Mrs Anne-Ly Reimaa, Undersecretary of Cultural Diversity (Estonian Ministry of Culture)

11.30-12.00 Coffee break

12.00-13.30 Panel II – „Media landscape in Estonia“ Mr Ainar Ruussaar, Member of the Board of Estonian Public Broadcasting

13.30-14.30 Lunch

14.30-16.00 Panel III – “Local municipalities and basic financing” Mr Artjom Tepljuk, Chief Specialist of Cultural Diversity Department (Estonian Ministry of Culture) and Mr Aleksandr Dusman, Head of Ida-Viru Integration Center

16.00-16.30 Coffee break

16.30-17.00 Wrap-up and discussion

Wednesday, 13 May (Comrat)

Venue: Business center “Atlantida”

10.15-10.30 Registration and coffee 10.30-11.00 Welcoming words by Mr Herol Marjak, ECEAP, Mrs Olga Goncearova, President of Assembly of Peoples of Moldova and Mr Petr Pasali, Gagauz Government

11.00-12.30 Panel I – “Integration strategy in Estonia after joining the EU” Mrs Anne-Ly Reimaa, Undersecretary of Cultural Diversity (Estonian Ministry of Culture)

12.30-13.30 Lunch

13.30-15.00 Panel II – “Local municipalities and basic financing” Mr Artjom Tepljuk, Chief Specialist of Cultural Diversity Department (Estonian Ministry of Culture) and Mr Aleksandr Dusman, Head of Ida-Viru Integration Center

15.00-15.30 Coffee break

15.30-16.00 Wrap-up and discussion

Trainers and experts

Anne-Ly Reimaa works as an undersecretary of Cultural Diverity in the Ministry of Culture of Estonia. One of her main duties is to implement the state integration policy and integration strategy. She supports the cultural organisations of Estonians living abroad in their efforts to develop and preserve Estonian cultural life outside the national borders. Anne-Ly Reimaa develops cultural relations between Finno-Ugric kindered people. During 2005-2007 she represented the Estonian National Associations of Local Authorities in Brussels. Before that Anne-Ly Reimaa has dealt with foreign relations in Jõhvi Local Government (Estonia).

Ainar Ruussaar is a leading Estonian media expert and a top journalist, who currently serves as the member of the board of the Estonian Public Broadcasting. He has been involved in broadcasting, both as a journalist and editor-in-chief, since 1991. Among other positions, Ruussaar has been the editor-in- chief of the Estonian leading news agency Baltic News Service, the programme director and later the chairman of the Estonian Television. As a journalist he has worked in Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Uzbekistan, Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia. Estonian President decorated Ainar Ruussaar with the 5th Class Order of the White Star in 2003.

Aleksandr Dusman is a leading human rights activist and implementer for projects dealing with national minorities and integration who currently holds the position of Director of Ida-Virumaa Integration Center. He has over 20 years of experience serving in the local administration of Ida- Virumaa, planning and implementing projects to raise the visibility of Russian-speaking and Jewish communities in Estonia. He has been counselling and cooperating with the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Culture on national minority issues almost 15 years. He has repeatedly participated in various scientific international conferences, as well as seminars, organized by non- governmental public organizations. Estonian President decorated Aleksandr Dusman with the 5th Class Order of the White Star in 2005.

Artjom Tepljuk posseses 5 years experience in public service. While working as an advisor of the minister for population and ethnic affairs (Estonian State Chancellary) he dealt with analysing statistics, proposed new approaches for implementing integration policy and developed work relations with various state and international institutions. Currently Artjom Tepljuk is working at the Estonian Ministry of Culture as a senior specialist. One of his duties is to communicate with national minority cultural organisations living in Estonia and helping them develop their cultural life and activities. Artjom Tepljuk is also responsible for the realization of the state integration programme.

Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service To the Standards of the European Union National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service

4.1.9. AHR Konverents “Valitsussektori ja kodanikuühiskonna koosttoime Assotsiatsiooni Lepingu elluviimise kontekstis” Kiievis



Professional Training for civil servants and members of the civil society in Ukraine

14-15 May 2015


National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership

With the participation and under support of: Government Office for European Integration


Aim – is to discuss and exchange experiences and best practices in establishing cooperation between public authorities and civil society in terms of European integration in the Eastern Partnership countries.

Main objective:  discuss strategic issues about the development of the communication system between government authorities and civil society, as well as preparation of information and communication strategy;  get acquainted with the experience of European countries regarding the establishment of active cooperation with the civil society during the accession process to the European Union;  Review mechanisms of spreading information about the EU agenda;  Explore the role of the European Union and the Member States in the process of dissemination information on the European Union issues to Ukraine, the possibilities of using information resource of EU

Participants – representatives of the EU Delegations in the EaP countries, representatives of government authorities in the EaP countries, Deputy Ministers for European integration in Ukraine, Ukrainian government authorities, foreign experts, media and civil society. Total number of participants is 40-60 people.

Venue: National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service, str. Prorizna 15, Kyiv, Ukraine, conference room, 6-th floor.


Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union, str. Prorizna 15, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601 tel. /fax: +380 44 2783644

Working languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian


14 May, 2015

«Current situation and the environment for cooperation between government authorities and the civil society in the framework of the Association Agreement implementation»

09:00-09:30 REGISTRATION

09:30-10:00 OPENING

Welcoming words: . Kostiantyn VASHCHENKO, Head of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service . Representative, Committee of European integration of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (tbc) . Representative, Government Office for European Integration, Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine . Representative, EU Delegation to Ukraine (tbc) . Representative of an umbrella organisation of UA civil society (tbc) . Representative, Estonian Centre of Eastern Partnership (tbc)


 Representative, Government Office for European Integration, Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (tbc)  Representative, EU Delegation to Ukraine (tbc)  Representative, Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine (tbc)  Representative, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (tbc)  Representative, National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service  Mykola MOVCHAN, deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine for European integration issues

10:40-10:50 Questions and answers

10:50-11:20 Coffee break


 Representative of the civil society (tbc)  Liubov AKULENKO, Project Director of EU program, Centre UA (tbc)  Mykhaylo SMUTOK, General Producer of the TV channel “First Ukraine”  Representatvie of Ukraine Crisis Media Center (tbc)

12:20-12:30 Questions and answers

12:30-13:30 Lunch


. Hannes RUMM, Head of European Commission Representation in Estonia . Maris JÕGEVA, Executive Director of Estonian Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organisations (NENO) . Representative of Poland

16:00-16:30 Coffee break

16:30-17:30  Representative of Armenia  Representative of Azerbaijan  Representative of Belarus  Representative of Georgia  Representative of Moldova


15 May 2015

«Possibilities and best practices for developing cooperation between government authorities and the civil society »


09:00-12:30 WORK IN SECTIONS


Establishing an effective cooperation between government authorities and experts, overcoming the groundless stereotypes and reducing unrealistic expectations

Moderator: Maris JÕGEVA, Hannes RUMM


Tools and methods for informing the public regarding the European integration issues, involvement of the civil society and the media Moderator: Ehtel HALLISTE, Tiina ILSEN

10:30-11:00 Coffee break



13:00-14:00 Lunch

4.1.10. Ukraina tsiviil- ja kriminaalasjade kõrgema erikohtu asepresidendi visit Eestisse

Visit to the Supreme Court of Estonia 23–28 May 2015 (Draft)

In case of questions, problems etc please contact the Adviser to the Chief Justice Ms. Liis Lindström (English), [email protected]; phone: +372 7 309 022; cell phone: +372 51 85 245.

23rd of May

14.45 – Arrival to Mrs. Chervynska will be met by Mrs. Merike Varusk (Judge at the Court, currently doing her internship at the Supreme Court) who is going to take Mrs. Chervynska to Tartu. Mrs. Chervynska will be staying at the London Hotel (

Cell phone number of Mrs. Varusk: +372 511 6668

Possibility to have an early dinner at the Põhjaka Manor:

24th of May

10.30–12.00 Guided tour of Tartu. Mrs. Chervynska will be accompanied by Mrs. Margit Vutt, Adviser to the Civil Chamber. Meeting at 10.30 at the lobby of the London Hotel.

Cell phone number of Mrs. Vutt:

19.00 Dinner with the members of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court. Participants: Mr. Ants Kull, Justice of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court; Mrs. Irene Kull, Adviser to the Civil Chamber and the professor of civil law at the University of Tartu; Mrs. Margit Vutt, Adviser to the Civil Chamber and Mr. Andres Vutt assistant professor at the University of Tartu, adviser at the Magnusson Law Firm. (The venue is to be confirmed)

25th of May

09.30 Welcome at the Supreme Court, meeting the Justices of the Civil Chamber, tour of the Supreme Court.

12.00 Lunch with the members of the Civil Chamber. Participants: Justices Mr. Henn Jõks and Mr. Peeter Jerofejev (The venue is to be confirmed)

Afternoon Participating in the work of the Civil Chamber (deliberation of cases)

26th of May

09.30 Visit to the Tartu County Court and Tartu Circuit Court (located in the same building). Meeting the members of the Civil Chamber of the Tartu Circuit Court (appellate court) and the judges of the Tartu County Court (first instance court). Meeting at 09.15 at the lobby of the London Hotel.

12.00 Lunch with the judges of the Tartu County Court and the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court. Participants: Justices of the Civil Chamber Mrs. Malle Seppik, Mr. Jaak Luik; judges of the Tartu County Court Mr. Donald Kiidjärv, Mr. Andrus Miilaste, Mr. Zakaria Nemsitsveridze. (The venue is to be confirmed)

Afternoon Participating in the work of the Civil Chamber

19.00 Dinner with the Justices of the Civil Chamber and the Chief Justice. Participants: the Chief Justice Mr. Priit Pikamäe, Justices of the Civil Chamber Mr. Villu Kõve, Mr. Tambet Tampuu, Mr. Ants Kull, Mr. Peeter Jerofejev. (The venue is to be confirmed)

27th of May

Morning Transfer to Tallinn (organised by the Supreme Court)

10:30 Meeting at the Estonian Ministry of Justice, Undersecretary, Mrs Kai Härmand

13:00 Visit to the Cultural Centre of Ukraine, tour of the old town of Tallinn

15:00 Visit to the Ukrainian Embassy to Estonia

Mrs. Chervynska will be staying at the Tallink City Hotel (

28th of May

13.25 Departure to Kiev from the Tallinn airport

4.1.11. Gruusia põllumajandussektori esindajate visit Eestisse

Study visit of the representatives of Agricultural Sector of Georgia

Tallinn, June 1-4, 2014

Organised by the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership in co-operation with the Ministry of Agriculture of Estonia


Tallinn 2015

Programme outline

Target group Agricultural producers and representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia.

Feedback Each participant is asked to fill in a questionnaire aimed at evaluating the quality of the visit.

Contacts and practical information

Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport: Lennujaama 2, Tallinn; telephone +372 605 8888; At the arrival to Tallinn and departure the participants are provided with the bus transfer to and from the hotel. Contact persons:

 Ms Herol Marjak – Project Manager of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 5154084, e-mail [email protected]  Ms Marge Mardisalu-Kahar - Managing Director of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 55603583, e-mail marge.mardisalu- [email protected]  Galina Jevgrafova – Head Specialist, Ministry of Agriculture, phone +372 625 6574, e-mail [email protected]

Venue: According to the programme.

Accommodation: A.Laikmaa 5, 10149 Tallinn, Tallink City Hotel

Meals: Breakfast is provided by the hotel. Fixed lunches and dinners are served according to the programme.

Travel initiary:

01. June 04:40 - 07:15 Tbilisi - Riga Air Baltic BT0725 01. June 09:30 - 10:20 Riga - Tallinn Air Baltic BT0311

04. June 16:55 - 17:45 Tallinn - Riga Air Baltic BT0318 04. June 23:25 - 03:55 Riga - Tbilisi Air Baltic BT0722

List of participants:

Name Institution 1. Ednar Kakhadze Milk Production

2. Romanoz Oqromelidze Honey Production

3. Mindia Kavtaradze Honey Production

4. Giorgi Gasviani Fish Production

5. Roin Phsuturi Meat Production

6. Merab Dzirkvadze Milk and Meat Production

7. Malkhazi Khuntsaria Meat Production

8. Anzor Suliauri Meat Production

9. Ana Sabakhtarishvili Deputy Chairman, Agricultural Cooperatives Development Agency 10. Mariam Gelashvili Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia

11. Tamara Medulashvili Information Center on NATO and EU

12. Nona Kvlividze TV Rustavi 2

13. Dimitri Kostava TV Rustavi 2


Monday, June 1

10.20 Arrival of the visit participants in Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport, bus transfer to the hotel (Tallink City Hotel; Address: A.Laikmaa 5)

12.40 Journalists gather in the hotel lobby

13.00-14.00 Visit to the e-Estonia Showroom for journalists only (Lõõtsa 2a)

15.00 Gathering in the hotel lobby

15.30-17.00 Visit to Riigikogu (Lossi plats 1) Presentation on the role of EU in the economic development of Estonia by Member of Parliament Mrs Maris Lauri, Parliamentary Committees of Economic and European Union Affairs

18.00 Reception on the occasion of the Independence Day of Georgia at the Ballroom of Hotel Swissotel (Tornimäe 3)

Tuesday, June 2

9.40 Gathering in the hotel lobby

10.00-11.30 Seminar at the Ministry of Agriculture of Estonia on alternative economic activities at the countryside and development of entrepreneurship (Lai 39)

12.00-13.30 Lunch at Restaurant Umami (Kadaka tee 141)

13.30-14.00 Trip to Saku region

14.00-16.30 Visit to Esko farm (milk farm and dairy products), Meeting with the Head of the Small Producers’ Association, Mr Kaul Nurm, and the CEO of the Dairy Association, Mrs Tiina Saron

16.30-17.00 Trip to Tallinn

18.00 Dinner with Mr Ivari Padar, Chariman of the Parliamentary Committee of Agriculture at Restaurant Dominic (Vene 10)

Wednesday, June 3

7.50 Gathering in the hotel lobby

8.00-10.30 Bus transfer: Tallinn-Tartu

10.30-12.00 Arriving to the Agricultural Registers and Information Board (PRIA) (Narva mnt 3) Introduction to PRIA, Mr Ahti Bleive, Deputy Director Seminar on Estonian experience using SAPARD, Mr Andrus Rahnu, Head of the Direct Payments and Rural Development Department

12.30-13.30 Lunch at Restaurant Atlantis

13.30-14.15 Departure to the small farms

14.15-15.30 Excursion at the Kalatalu (fish farm and industry; trout, carp, caviar, crawfish)

15.30-16.15 Departure to Mesindustalu (apiary) and Metsanurga talu (beef-cattle breeding and grain farm)

16.15-17.45 Division into two groups, excursions at the two farms simultaneously

18.30-20.00 Dinner at Põhjaka Manor (Mäeküla, Paide vald)

21.00 Arrive in Tallinn

Thursday, June 4

9.40 Gathering in the hotel lobby

Divide into 3 groups:

For MoA experts 10.00-11.30 Seminar on extension services at the Ministry of Agriculture

For journalists 10.30-11.00 Interview with Mrs Kyllike Sillaste-Elling, Undersecretary for Security Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

For rest of the group Free time

12.00 Wrap-up lunch and discussion at Restaurant Platz (Roseni 7)

14.00-14.30 Interview with Mr Illar Lemetti, Deputy Secretary General for Agricultural and Rural Life Policies, Ministry of Agriculture

15.00 Bus pick-up from the hotel, departure to the airport Flight departs at 16.55

4.1.12. Gagauusia kohaliku administratsiooni visiit Eestisse Проект


визита делегации Гагаузии

21 июня, воскресенье в 22:00 прилет делегации из Кишинева в Санкт-Петербург

Александр Дусман встречает делегацию в аэропорту Санкт-Петербурга.

Микроавтобус для встречи делегации в аэропорту Санкт-Петербурга и доставки ее в г. Нарва-Йыесуу, в отель «Ноорус» выделяет волостное управление Азери.

Прибытие в г. Нарва-Йыесуу и размещение в отеле "Ноорус" 22 июня в 02:00- 03:00 утра

22 июня, понедельник

09:20 - 10:00 Завтрак в Отеле

10:40-12:00 Деловые встречи и переговоры в г. Йыхви, в уездном управлении Ида-Вирумаа, встреча с Андресом Ноормяги, губернатором уезда 12:00-13:30 Визит в Йыхвинский профессионально-учебный центр 13:30-14:10 Обед в Йыхвинском профессионально - учебном центре 14:20-15:30 Променад и Концертный дом в Йыхви или детский сад и строящаяся гимназия в Йыхви ? 16:10-17:00 Завод «Аквафор» в Нарве 17:00-18:00 Нарвский колледж 18:00-18:40 Нарвский променад или Нарвская крепость ? 19:00- Возвращение в Отель

19:00 – 20:00 Короткий отдых в водном центре Отеля

20:00- 22:30 , зал для приемов Отеля «Ноорус»

Подписание Соглашения о сотрудничестве и прием старейшины Ида-Вирумаа делегации Гагаузии и участников от Ида-Вирумаа

23 июня, вторник

Выезд в волость Иллука, в Куремяе после завтрака в гостинице в 08:30

10:00-11:30 Визит в волость Иллука, в Куремяэский православный женский Монастырь 11:45- 12:30 Визит в Центр отдыха и спорта Алутагузе волости Иллука 12:30 - 13:15 Обед в Алутагузском Центре 15:00 - Прибытие в Кивиыли к началу уездного парада в честь Дня Победы 15:00-16:30 Осмотр делегацией Парада 16:30- 17:00 Осмотр спортивного центра на зольной горе в Кивиыли 17:30 – 19:00 Визит в волость Азери, деловые встречи и переговоры 19:30 – 20:30 Ужин в Пуртсе или в Jäägri Grill 20:30 Отъезд в Мяетагузе ? или в Авинурме ? на праздник Яановой Ночи Возвращение в гостиницу "Ноорус" (время возврата требует уточнения)

24 июня, среда

Выезд из гостиницы в волость Вайвара , в Синимяе после завтрака в 09:00 09:30 - 11:30 Визит в управление волости Вайвара в Синимяе, деловые встречи и переговоры 11:30-12:30 Визит в основную школу волости Вайвара в Синимяе 12:30-13:30 Обед в школе в Синимяе 14:00 - 15:30 Визит в г. Силламяе, в Порт Силламяе 15:30-16:00 Визит в Дом культуры г. Силламяе 16:30-18:00 Визит в г. Кохтла-Ярве, в центр детского творчества 18:40 - 19:40 Ужин в Отеле 20:00-22:00 Отдых в водном центре Отеля

25 июня, четверг

Выезд из гостиницы с вещами после завтрака в 08:00

09:00-10:30 Визит в г. Кохтла-Ярве, в больницу Пуру

10:30 – Выезд в Таллинн ( миниван для делегации плюс Александр Дусман) по маршруту Нарва-Йыесуу- Пуру-Таллинн-Азери выделяет волостное управление Вайвара)

Визиты в Таллинне:

13:00-14:00 Министерство Культуры Эстонии 14:00-15:00 Обед 15:00-16:30 Электронное правительство Эстонии 16:30-17:30 Встреча с Послом Молдавии в Эстонии Виктором Гузун и уездным старейшиной Ида-Вирумаа Андресом Ноормяги в офисе посла Молдавии. Подведение итогов визита. 17:30 -21:00 Экскурсия по Таллинну 21:00 Выезд из Таллинна в Азери 23:00 Выезд из Азери в г. Санкт-Петербург.

Микро автобус по маршруту Азери -Санкт-Петербург –Кохтла-Ярве-Азери выделяет волостное управление Азери.

26 июня в 9:10 , пятница

Вылет делегации из аэропорта Санкт- Петербурга в Кишинев

4.1.13. Moldova regionaalsete ajakirjanike koolitus Eestis

Visit of Moldovan regional TV journalists to Estonia

Tallinn, 25 -27 August 2015

Organised by the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership and financed by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Tallinn 2015

Programme outline

Target group Moldovan regional TV journalists

Feedback Each participant is asked to fill in a questionnaire aimed at evaluating the quality of the visit.

Contacts and practical information

Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport: Lennujaama 2, Tallinn; telephone +372 605 8888; At the arrival to Tallinn and departure the participants are provided with the bus transfer to and from the hotel. Contact persons:

 Ms Ehtel Halliste – Senior Expert of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 58094510, e-mail [email protected]  Ms Marge Mardisalu-Kahar - Managing Director of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 55603583, e-mail marge.mardisalu- [email protected]  Mr Herol Marjak – Project Manager of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 5154084, e-mail [email protected] o

Venue: According to the programme.

Accommodation: A.Laikmaa 5, 10149 Tallinn, Tallink City Hotel

Meals: Breakfast is provided by the hotel. Fixed lunches and dinners are served according to the programme.

Travel initiary:

24 August 2015 - 15:50 - 16:40 Chisinau - Viin Austrian Airlines OS 656 24 August 2015 - 20:35 - 00:25* Viin - Tallinn Air Baltic BT 208

28 August 2015 - 06:25 - 08:20 Tallinn - Viin Air Baltic BT 205 28 August 2015 - 12:35 - 15:10 Viin - Chisinau Austrian Airlines OS 655

List of participants:

Name Institution 1. Mrs Tatiana Chetrari Journalist, Moldova-1 2. Mrs Rodica Nimerenco Journalist/Cameraman, TV Prim, Glodeni 3. Mrs Tatiana Pantelei Journalist, Albasat TV, Nisporeni 4. Mrs Lidia Paslari Journalist, NTS Taraclia, 5. Mrs Natalia Vasilevscaia Cameraman, NTS Taraclia 6. Mr Victor Sofroni Journalist/Cameraman, Impuls TV, Soldanesti


Tuesday, 25 August

00:25 Arrival of the visit participants in Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport, bus transfer to the hotel (Tallink City Hotel; Address: A.Laikmaa 5)

09:15 Gathering at the hotel lobby

09:30 Meeting with the Head of the Representation of the European Commission to Estonia Mr Hannes Rumm (Address: Rävala 4)

11:00 – 12:00 Meeting with the acting Head of the Food Department of the The Veterinary and Food Board Ms Piret Rajasalu (Address: Väike-Paala 3)

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch at St. Patrick’s Pub (Address: Narva mnt 5)

16:00 – 17:00 Meeting with the Director the Estonian Food Industry Assocoation Ms Sirje Potisepp (Address: Saku 15)

18:00 Dinner at Restaurant Leib Resto ja Aed (Uus 31)

Wednesday, 26 August

9:40 Gathering at the hotel lobby

10:00 - 11:30 Meeting with the Deputy Secretary General for Food Safety, Research and Development of the Ministry of Agriculture Mr Toomas Kevvai, Deputy Secretary General for Food Safety, Research and Development Mr Olavi Petron and Adviser on EU Affairs Mr Peeter Seestrand (Address: Lai 39)

First Group Visit to Viljandi and Tartumaa

11:30 Departure to Viljandimaa

13:00 - 14:30 Tour and lunch at the Estonian Traditional Music Center guided by the Head of August Pulst School Ms Kairi Leivo (Address: Tasuja pst 6, Viljandi)

14.30 - 15.00 Walk to the office of the Rural Development Foundation 15:00 -16.30 Introduction to Rural Development Foundation and its activities by the Chairman of the Management Board Mr Raul Rosenberg

16:30 - 17.00 Trip to Olustvere

17:00 – 19:00 Tour of the Olustvere Agricultural Vocational School

19:00 – 19:30 Trip to Viljandi

19:30 – 21:00 Visit to local household with slight dinner or alternatively dinner at café Fellin

21:00 Arrival at Grand Hotel Viljandi (Address: Tartu 11/Lossi29, Viljandi)

Second Group

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch at Restaurant Umami (Address: Kadaka tee 141)


18.00-19.30 Visit to Esko farm (milk farm and dairy products)

19.30-20.00 Trip to Tallinn

20.00 - ... Free time

Thursday, 27 August

First Group

08:15 Gathering at the hotel lobby

08:30 – 09:00 Trip to Päri

09:0 0 - 10:30 Jerwer OÜ (milk farm with modern technology)

11:15 – 12:15 Visit to award winning farm - Veski farm (Vissuvere küla, Kolga-Jaani)

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch at Café Fellin (Kauba 11, Viljandi)

13:30 15:00 Trip to Tartu

15:00 – 16:00 Meeting at the Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board (Address: Narva mnt 3, Tartu) (TBC)

17:15 – 18:30 Dinner at Põhjaka Manor

Second Group Visit to the

08:45 Gathering at the hotel lobby

09:00 – 09:30 Trip to Kuusalu

09:30 – 10:45 Visit to Mikumärdi dairy farm (Maaelu teemapark)

11:00 – 11:30 Meeting with Mayor of Kiiu Parish, Mr Urmas Kirtsi at Kiiu manor (Kiiu alevik, Mõisa tee 17)

11:30 – 12:30 Visit to the kindergarten of Kiiu

12:45 – 13:45 Visit to OÜ Suurekivi mechanized dairy farm (Kuusalu vald, Valkla küla)

14:00 - 15.30 Lunch at Jõekääru Holiday Centre (Tourism Farm and Trout Fishing)

16:00 – 17:00 Visit to Pärispea Community House

17.00 – 19:00 Visit and dinner at Conference and Culture Centre in Viinistu

19:00 – 19:30 Trip to Tallinn

Friday, 28 August

04:30 Gathering at the hotel lobby. Bus transfer to Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport

06:25 Departure to Vienna

4.1.14. Ukraina ID-kaardi ja e-valitsemise ekspertide visiit Tallinna


Est_Program_final_9 -12September_Konstantin Kouklev.pdf

DIGITAL AGENDA LVIV.docx 4.1.15. Moldova Kultuuriministeeriumi esindajate visiit Eestisse

Changes in Estonian Cultural and Integrational Policy in the framework of EU integration

Estonia, 22 -24 September 2015

Study visit for the Ministry of Culture of Moldova

Organised by the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership and financed by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and SIDA


Tallinn 2015

Programme outline

Target group The officials of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova

Feedback Each participant is asked to fill in a questionnaire aimed at evaluating the quality of the visit.

Contacts and practical information

Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport: Lennujaama 2, Tallinn; telephone +372 605 8888; At the arrival to Tallinn and departure the participants are provided with the bus transfer to and from the hotel. Contact persons:

 Mr Herol Marjak, Project Manager of the Estonian Center, mobile phone 00372 515 4084, e-mail [email protected]   Ms Monica Pikker – Project Manager of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 56475964, e-mail [email protected]

 Ms Marge Mardisalu-Kahar - Managing Director of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 55603583, e-mail [email protected]

Venue: According to the programme.

Accommodation: A.Laikmaa 5, 10149 Tallinn, Tallink City Hotel

Meals: Breakfast is provided by the hotel. Fixed lunches and dinners are served according to the programme.

Travel initiary:

21. september 15:50 - 16:40 Chisinau - Viin Austrian Airlines OS 656 21. september 20:35 - 00:25* Viin - Tallinn Air Baltic BT 208

25. september 06:25 - 08:20 Tallinn - Viin Air Baltic BT 205 25. september 12:35 - 15:10 Viin - Chisinau Austrian Airlines OS 655

List of participants:

Name Institution 1. Ms. Vera Erhan Head of the Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation Department, Ministry of Culture 2. Ms. Aliona Strîmbeanu Head of the Arts and Cultural industries Department, Ministry of Culture 3. Mr. Orest Dabija Head of the International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Culture


Tuesday, 22 September

00:25 Arrival of the visit participants in Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport, bus transfer to the hotel (Tallink City Hotel; Address: Laikmaa 5)

09:30 Gathering at the hotel lobby, walk to the Ministry of Culture

10:00 Meetings at the Ministry of Culture Ms Anne-Ly Reimaa, Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Culture Mr Aleksandr Aidarov, Adviser, Ministry of Culture Mr Eduard Odinets, External Funding Specialist, Ministry of Culture Mrs Monika Larini, Managing Director of Estonian Association of Performing Arts Institution Mrs Piret Tibbo-Hudgins, Head of Production of the Estonian Film Institute (Address: Suur-Karja 23)

13:00 – 14:30 Lunch at Restaurant MEKK Walk to the Embassy of Moldova 15:00 – 16:15 Visit to the Embassy of Moldova, Charge d’affaires Tatiana Gindea (Tatari 20)

16.30 – 18.00 Guided tour at the Maritime Museum Lennusadam (Vesilennuki 6) Bus transfer to hotel Free time

Wednesday, 23 September

9:00 Gathering at the hotel lobby, bus transfer

9.30 Visit to the Integration and Migration Foundation ’Our People’, Mr Dmitri Burnashev 5287995 and Mr Ion Burga (Address: Lõõtsa 2A ) 10.40 Bus transfer to Creativity Incubator

11:00 – 12.30 Visit to the Creativity Incubator Ms Anu-Maaja Pallok, Mr Urmas Reikop (50 69 508) (Address: Veerenni 24)

12.30 Bus transfer to Ukrainian Culture Centre (Laboratooriumi 22)

12.45-13.45 Lunch at the Ukrainian Culture Centre Guided tour at the Centre and lunch

14.00 Bus transfer to the Estonian Folk Culture Centre

14.15 – 15.30 Visit to the Estonian Folk Culture Centre, (Address: J.Vilmsi 55, Tallinn, 10147) 5265565 Ms Urve Gromov

15.45 – 17.00 Visit to the Creative Estonia, Loov Eesti (Põhja pst 27a)

Bus transfer to hotel Free time

Thursday, 24 September

8:00 Gathering at the hotel lobby, transfer to Ida-Virumaa county

10.30 Arrival in Jõhvi 10.45 Meeting with Governer of Ida-Viru County Mr Andres Noormägi, Mr Ago Gaškov, PR Councellor Meeting with Mr Aleksandr Dusman, the Head of Ida-Viru Integration Centre at county administration (Keskväljak 1)

12.15 Transfer to Narva

13.15-14.00 Lunch at the Narva College restaurant MUNA with Ms Kristina Kallas, Director and Mr Jaanus Villiko, Administrative Manager 14.00-14.15 Tour at the Narva College (Raekoja plats 2)

14.15-15.00 Bus transfer to the port, walk on the promenade along the Narva River Bus transfer to the Castle 15.00-16.00 Walk at the Narva castle, visit to the museum 16.00 Bus transfer to Kreenholm Factory, quick tour

16.30 Transfer to Tallinn

18.30 Dinner at the Viitna Tavern

21.00 Arrival in Tallinn

Friday, 25 September

04:45 Gathering at the hotel lobby. Bus transfer to Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport

06:25 Departure to Chisinau via Vienna

4.1.16. Gruusia küberjulgeoleku teemaline visiit Tallinnas

Study Visit on Cyber Security Related Matters for Georgian officials from the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Defence.

27-30.09. 2015 Tallinn, Estonia

Organised by the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership and financed by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Tallinn 2015

Programme outline

Target group Georgian cybersecurity experts

Feedback Each participant is asked to fill in a questionnaire aimed at evaluating the quality of the visit.

Contacts and practical information

Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport: Lennujaama 2, Tallinn; telephone +372 605 8888; At the arrival to Tallinn and departure the participants are provided with the bus transfer to and from the hotel. Contact persons:

 Ms Tiina Ilsen - Chief adviser and expert on international cooperation, +372 56255055, [email protected]  Ms Monica Pikker – Project Manager of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 56475964, e-mail [email protected]  Ms Marge Mardisalu-Kahar - Managing Director of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 55603583, e-mail marge.mardisalu- [email protected]

Venue: According to the programme.

Accommodation: A.Laikmaa 5, 10149 Tallinn, Tallink City Hotel

Meals: Breakfast is provided by the hotel. Fixed lunches and dinners are served according to the programme.

Travel initiary:

27. september 04:55 - 06:35 Tbilisi - Varssavi LOT Polish Airlines LO 724 27. september 11:25 - 14:05 Varssavi - Tallinn LOT Polish Airlines LO 785

30. september 17:55 - 18:35 Tallinn - Varssavi LOT Polish Airlines LO 788 30. september 22:30 - 04:10* Varssavi - Tbilisi LOT Polish Airlines LO 723

List of participants:

Name Position 1. Mr.Ivane Katsitadze Division for fight against Cybercrime, Central Criminal Police Departme 2. Mr. Emil Ferani Division for fight against Cybercrime, Central Criminal Police Department 3. Mr. Giorgi Surguladze Operator of Computer Incident Response Communication Division of the Information and Communication Technology Department of the Cyber Security Bureau of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia 4. Ms. Marina Malvenishvili Chief Specialist of Legal Division of the Cyber Security Bureau of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia

Sunday 27.09.2015

14.05 Arrival (flight LO 785 Tbilisi - Warsaw - Tallinn LOT Polish Airlines) Pick up from the airport (met by Tiina Ilsen)

14.30 Check-in to Tallink City hotel Address: A. Laikmaa 5, Tel:+372 630 0800

14.30 - 17.30 Free time

17.30 Pick up from the hotel 18.00 Dinner at seaside restaurant NOA, Address: Ranna tee 3, Tel. (+372) 5080589 20.30 Transport back to the hotel

Monday 28.09.2015

07.40 Pick up from the hotel 08.00- 09. 30 Enterprise Estonia (EAS), Address: Lasnamäe 2 Introduction of Estonian Information Society, e-Estonia showroom - Ms. Mari Abel Tel (+372) 5240417, email: [email protected] 09.30 Pick up from EAS 10. 00 Estonian Centre of Eastern Partnership/ E-Governance Academy, Address: Tõnismägi 2 10.00 - 10. 30 Welcoming coffee and brief introductory meeting with Ms. Marge Mardisalu-Kahar, Director of Estonian Centre of Eastern Partnership Tel. (+372 55603583), email: [email protected] 10.30 – 11.45 Introduction into the Current Situation in the field of Cyber Policy in Estonia - Mr. Raul Rikk, e-Governance Academy Tel. (+372 56 477520), email: [email protected] 11.45 – 12.00 Break 12.00 – 13.15 Legislative Mechanisms to Tackle Cybercrime. Mr. Raul Rikk, e-Governance Academy

13.30 Lunch in restaurant Neikid, Address: Wismari 3 15.00 – 16.30 Government Office of Estonia, Address: Stenbock House, Rahukohtu 3 Estonian National Approach to Cybersecurity – Mr Kristjan Prikk, Deputy Director for National Security and Defence Coordination Tel. (+372) 693 5281, email: [email protected]

16.30 Onwards Free time

Tuesday 29.09 2015

09.00 Pick-up from the hotel 09.30 Ministry of Interior of Estonia, Address: Pikk 61 Welcoming and Introductory meeting - Ms. Ursula Kimmel, Criminal Policy Adviser Tel: 612 5008, email: [email protected] 10.15 Pick up from Ministry of Interior 10.30 Estonian Information System Authority (RIK), Address: Pärnu mnt. 139a, 7th floor. Coordination of the Development and Administration of the National Information System – Mr. Sven Kivvistik, Head of the Risk Management Department Tel. (+372) 663 0200, email: [email protected]

11.30 Pick up from RIK

12.00 -13.00 Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate (Andmekaitseinspektsioon AKI), Address: Väike- Ameerika 19 Cyberdefence form the Data Protection Perspective –

Mr. Urmo Parm, IT-adviser Tel. (+372) 6274139, email: [email protected] 13.15 Pick up from Väike-Ameerika 19

13.30 Lunch at Reval Cafe Müürivahe 14

14.30 Pick up from Reval Cafe (Müürivahe 14)

15.00 – 17.00 Estonian Central Criminal Police Department (ECCPD) Address: Tööstuse 52 Role of the Police, Practical Experience and Developments in Curbing Cybercrime - Mr. Dmitri Rudakov, Chief Co- ordinator of International Criminal Data Tel: (+372) 6123800, email: [email protected]

17.00 Pick-up from ECCPD to hotel

18. 45 Meeting at hotel lobby, walk to restaurant Leib, Resto ja Aed, Address: Uus 31, tel. (+372) 611 9026

19. 00 Dinner at restaurant Leib, Resto ja Aed

Wednesday 30.09. 2015

08.15 Meeting at the hotel, check-out, luggage storage

09.00 – 10. 00 Ministry of Defence of Estonia, Address: Sakala 1 -TBC Cyber defence from the perspective of Ministry of Defence – Mr. Mihkel Tikk/Tanel Sepp, Head of Cyber Policy Department Tel: +(372) 7170176 , email: [email protected]

10.30 – 11.30 Estonian Defence League’s Cyber Unit (Kaitseliidu Küberüksus), Address: Toompea 8 – TBC Cyber Defence analytics/OSINT), strategy for protection of critical Infrastructure from cyber defence perspective.

11.30 Pick up from Kaitseliit

12.00 -13.00 Estonian Forensic Science Institute (EKEI), Address: Tervise 30 Mobile Forensics (incl. restoring deleted data from mobile phones, unblocking coded cell phones, relevant software) – Mr. Ivar Prits, Deputy Director of EFSI and Mr. Pavel Laptev, Head of Forensic IT Department

Tel: (+372) 6636600, email: [email protected]

13.00 Pick-up from EKEI

13.30 Lunch at Restaurant Platz, Address: Roseni 7

14.30 – 16.00 Free time

16.00 Pick-up from the hotel to the airport

17:55 Departure flight LO 788 Tallinn-Warsaw- Tbilisi LOT Polish Airlines

4.1.17. Moldova regionaalsete ajakirjanike õppevisiit Eestisse

Визит журналистов молдавского регионального телевидения в Эстонию

Таллин, 26 -28 октября 2015

Организованный Эстонским Центром Восточного Партнерства и финансированный Министерством Иностранных Дел Эстонии


Таллин 2015

Проект Программы

Целевая группа Журналисты молдавского регионального телевидения.

Обратная связь Каждый участник должен заполнить анкету для оценки качества визита.

Контакты и практическая информация

Таллиннский Аэропорт Леннарт Мери: Lennujaama 2, Таллин; телефон +372 605 8888;

По прибытии в Таллинн и при выезде участникам предоставляется трансфер на автобусе в и из отеля.

Контактные лица:

 Г-жа Ехтел Халлисте – Старший эксперт в Эстонском Центре Восточного Партнерства, мобильный +372 58094510, e-mail [email protected]  Г-жа Марге Мардисалу-Кахар - Управляющий директор в Эстонском Центре Восточного Партнерства, мобильный +372 55603583, e-mail marge.mardisalu- [email protected]

Место: В соответствие с программой.

Размещение: A.Laikmaa 5, 10149 Tallinn, Tallink City Hotel

Питание: Завтрак предоставляется в отеле. Назначенные обеды и ужины подаются в соответствие с программой.


25 октября - 07:10 - 08:20 Кишинев – Киев Борисполь, Международные Авиалинии Украины - PS 898 25 октября - 15:50 - 17:40 Киев Борисполь – Таллин, Эстонские Авиалинии - OV 312

29 октября - 13:25 - 15:10 Таллин - Киев Борисполь Эстонские Авиалинии - OV 311 29 октября - 19:35 - 20:50 Киев Борисполь – Кишинев, Международные Авиалинии Украины - PS 897

Список участников:

Имя Организация 1. Г-жа Людмила Барба Координатор, TV Moldova-1 2. Г-жа Людмила Топал Журналист, Bas-TV 3. Г-н Олег Топал Оператор, Bas TV 4. Г-жа Екатерина Жекова Журналист,, Gagauzia 5. Г-н Олег Жеков Оператор,, Gagauzia 6. Г-жа Ирина Слаева Журналист, Lik TV, Рыбница (Приднестровье)

Программа визита

Воскресенье, 25 октября

17:40 Прибытие участников в Таллин (Таллиннский Аэропорт Леннарт Мери), трансфер в отель (Tallink City Hotel; адрес: A.Laikmaa 5)

Понедельник, 26 октября

09:30 Встреча в холле гостиницы

10:00 – 11:00 Встреча с заместителем Директора Эстонской службы внутренней безопасности г-ном Эриком Хэлдна (Эстонский Центр Восточного Партнерства, адрес: Tõnismägi 2)

11:30 – 12:30 Встреча с Главой Представительства Европейской Комиссии в Эстонии г-ном Ханнесом Руммом (адрес: Rävala 4)

12:30 Трансфер в Украинский культурный центр (адрес: Laboratooriumi 2)

12:45 – 14:00 Обед в Украинском культурном центре. Экскурсия в Центре

14:30 – 15:45 Встреча с Главой Бюро преступлений коррупционного характера г-ном Мати Омблером (адрес: Pärnu mnt. 139 )

16:00 – 17:00 Встреча с вице-канцлером Министерства культуры Эстонии по вопросам культурного многообразия г-жой Анне-Ли Реймаа (адрес: Suur-Karja 23)

Вечер: свободное время

Вторник, 27 октября

8:30 Встреча в холле гостиницы

8:30 – 11:00 Переезд в Йыхви

11:30 13:30 Посещение Йыхвиской гимназии (адрес: Hariduse 5b, Йыхви)

13:30 – 14:30 Переезд в Нарву

14:30 – 15:30 Встреча с Главой городского совета Нарвы г-ном Тармо Таммисте (адрес: Peetri plats 1)

16:00 – 17:30 Экскурсия по Нарве

17:45 – 18:30 Посещение Нарвского колледжа Тартуского университета, встреча с Административным директором г-ном Яанусом Виллико (адрес: Raekoja plats 2)

19:00 – 20:30 Ужин с г-ном Яанусом Виллико

20:30 Трансфер в Таллин

Среда, 28 октября

9:30 Встреча в холле гостиницы

10:00 – 11:30 Visit to the studio of the new public TV channel ETV+ and meeting with the Member of the Board of Estonian Public Broadcaster Mr Ainar Ruussaar (Address: Gonsiori 27 )

12:00 – 13:30 Встреча с Директором Фонд интеграции и миграции «Наши люди» (MISA) г-ном Дмитрием Бурнашевым, тел.: 5287995 (адрес: Lõõtsa 2a)

13:30 - 15:00 Обед в ресторане Fahle (адрес: Tartu mnt 84 a)

15:30 – 17:00 Встреча с Советником по журналистской этике Эстонского национального телерадиовещания, членом правления общественной организации "Эстония без коррупции" г-ном Тарму Таммерком (адрес: Gonsiori 21)

18:00 – 20:00 Ужин в ресторане Dominic (адрес: Vene 10) (подлежит уточнению)

Четверг, 29 октября

11:00 Трансфер с отеля Tallink City Hotel в аэропорт Вылет участников в Киев в 13:25

4.1.18. Gruusia riigiametnike strateegilise kommunikatsiooni seminar Tallinnas

Study visit of Georgian government officials

Startegic Communication

Tallinn, 27 - 31 October, 2015

Organised by the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, supported by Estonian Development Cooperation and SIDA


Tallinn 2015

Target group Communication specialists from Gerogian governmental institutions

Feedback Each participant is asked to fill in a questionnaire aimed at evaluating the quality of the visit.

Contacts and practical information

Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport: Lennujaama 2, Tallinn; telephone +372 605 8888; At the arrival to Tallinn and departure the participants are provided with the bus transfer to and from the hotel.

Contact persons:

 Ms Ehtel Halliste – Senior Expert, Communication and Public Diplomacy, +372 5809 4510 (Estonia), +995 555 353201 (Georgia), [email protected]  Mr Herol Marjak – Project Manager of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 5154084, e-mail [email protected]  Ms Marge Mardisalu-Kahar - Managing Director of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 55603583, e-mail [email protected]

Venue: According to the programme.

Accommodation: Tallink City Hotel, Laikmaa str 5, Tallinn

Meals: Breakfast is provided by the hotel. Fixed lunches and dinners are served according to the programme.

Travel itinerary:

27 October - 05:35 - 07:05 Tbilisi – Istanbul Turkish Airlines - TK 387 27 October - 11:45 - 14:00 Istanbul - Tallinn Turkish Airlines - TK1421

31 October - 14:55 - 19:20 Tallinn - Istanbul Turkish Airlines - TK1422 1 November - 01:20 - 04:35 Istanbul - Tbilisi Turkish Airlines - TK 386

List of participants:

Name Institution 1. Mr Tornike Nozadze Head of Strategic Communications Department, Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration 2. Ms Ana Maisuradze Chief Specialist, Strategic Communications Department Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration 3. MrLasha Tchigladze Deputy Head of Press and Communication Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia 4. Ms Thea Kunchulia Chief Specialist, Division for WTO Affairs and Trade Negotiations, Department for Foreign Trade and International Economic Relations, Ministry of Economy & Sustainable Development of Georgia 5. Ms Tamar Merkviladze LEPL Information Center on NATO and EU in Kutaisi 6. Mr Mamuka Kakhniashvili PR Specialist, Data Exchange Agency, Ministry of Justice of Georgia


Tuesday, 27 October

14.00 Arrival of the visit participants in Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport,

14.30 - 15:30 Visit to the e-Estonia Showroom – A peek into the future of “E” (Adress: Lõõtsa 2)

15:30 Bus transfer to the hotel (Tallink City Hotel; Address: Laikmaa street 5)

Wednesday, 28 October

9:30 Gathering at the hotel lobby

10:00 – 10:45 Meeting with Mr Ainar Ruussaar, Board Member of Estonian Public Broadcasting, (Addres: Gonsiori 21 )

11:00 – 12:00 Meeting with the Councllor of the PR Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Mr Mihkel Loide (Address: Harju 11)

12:15 – 13:30 Meeting with the Communication Manager of the National Audit Office of Estonia Mr Toomas Mattson (Adress: Narva mnt. 11)

13:45 - 15:15 Lunch at Restaurant St Patrick, (Address: Narva mnt 5)

15:30 – 17:00 Meeting with Estonian Public Broadcasting journalism ethics ombudsman, Board Member of Transparency International Estonia Mr Tarmu Tammerk (Address: Gonsiori 21)

Thursday, 29 October

9:30 Gathering at the hotel lobby

10:00 – 11:00 Meeting with the Deputy Director for EU Affairs of the European Union Secretariat Ms Kristi Värk (Address: Rahukohtu 3)

11:30 – 12:30 Meeting with the Information and communication Manager of the Representation of the European Commission to Estonia Mr Andreas Sepp (Address: Rävala 4)

12:45 – 14:15 Lunch at restaurant Neikid (Address: Wismari 3)

14:15 – 15:00 Walk over Toompea to the MFA

15:00 – 17:00 Meeting with the Director-General of the Public Diplomacy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr Taavi Toom and Spokesperson, Acting Director-General of the Press Department Ms Mari-Liis Valter (Address: Islandi väljak 1)

18:00 – 20:00 Dinner at restaurant Balthasar (Address: Raekojaplats 11)

Friday, 30 October

9:30 Gathering at the hotel lobby

10:00 – 11:00 Meeting with the Head of the PR Department of the Ministry of Justice Ms Riina Solman (Address: Tõnismägi 5a) (TBC)

11:30 – 13:00 Meeting with the Public Relations Adviser to the President Mr Toomas Sildam. (Address: A. Weizenbergi 39)

13:15 – 14:15 Lunch at Taverna del Gallo Nero (Address: J.Poska 45)

14:30 – 17:00 Meetng with the Head of the Government Communication Unit Ms Helin Vaher and Strategic Communication Councellor Mr Ilmar Raag (Address: Rahukohtu 3)

Saturday, 31 October

13.00 Bus transfer from the Tallink City Hotel to the airport Departure of the course participants to Istanbul at 14.55

4.1.19. Multilateraalne avaliku halduse reformi seminar Tallinnas

13th Eastern Partnership Public Administration Reform seminar “Effective co-ordination of European integration issues to ensure implementation of Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement”

International seminar for Armenian, Azerbaijani, Byelorussian, Georgian, Moldovan, Ukrainian, and EU Member States’ diplomats and civil servants under the 1st Platform of the European Union’s Eastern Partnership.

Tallinn, November 2-3 2015.

Organised by the Estonian Eastern Partnership Centre in co-operation with the European Commission and the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Concept note

Relevance of the topic

EaP countries have different ambitions in the European integration process. Three countries have signed the Association Agreements (AA) and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) with the EU. Remaining three countries have not prioritised further integration. However, all the partner countries have operational European integration structures.

The co-ordination systems are different, varying in structure and leading central coordination body, level of actual coordination between stakeholders and as well ambition. Strengths and weaknesses of the systems vary as well country by country. Nevertheless, previous international studies compiled by numerous EU projects and experience of Western Balkan countries shows that all countries struggle with similar challenges, such as setting administrative priorities for the whole government, linking EI commitments with domestic policy agenda and building up strong central competence and coordination centre for European integration.

Length and speed of the pathway of closer integration depends fully on necessary capacities of the partner countries as specific achievements and readiness of each and every country determines the level of integration. Post AA and DCFTA period brings new requirements to the capacities of the Government and administration of the countries. In order to implement commitments derived from the AA and DCFTA and fully benefit from new EU instruments and DCFTA opportunities, countries need to deliver. Effective coordination of the effort of the whole government, including priority setting and proper joint delivery effort, is one of the most relevant keys towards the success.

The concept of multi-lateral platforms creates excellent opportunities for exchanging experiences between Eastern Partnership countries as well as providing reform experiences of EU member states. However, in order to make the discussions really effective the scope pf overall European integration co-ordination challenges would be too wide. It is therefore suggested to focus the discussion to the challenges in the EI co-ordination system deriving from the need to implement the AA and the DCFTA. In suggested set-up three countries (Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia) will have more active role, other countries can still benefit from the discussions by incorporating useful elements from more advanced co-ordination systems into its own co-ordination mechanisms.

Aim of the seminar

The aim of the seminar is to analyse comparatively strengths and weaknesses of the Eastern Partnership countries EU affairs co-ordination systems, with the focus to the AA and the DCFTA implementation challenges; and elaborate the main characteristics of successful and effective coordination. Analysis of the systems to meet new challenges is complemented by discussion and concrete proposals how new challenges can be fronted.

Training will be complemented by the brief policy paper on “Main characteristics and challenges of post DCFTA European integration co-ordination systems of Eastern Partnership countries”. The paper concentrates to the comparative analysis of co-ordination systems of three EaP countries (Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia) to implement the DCFTA. Draft paper is compiled before the seminar and serves as a basis for the discussions. Recommendations and conclusions of the policy paper will build on the seminar discussions taking on board seminar outcomes.

In covering all the issues comparative practices of EaP countries as well as international best practices are used. Work-shop is highly participative, most of the participants shall deliver case study presentations, the whole group is involved in group discussions and round tables.

There will be also opportunity for the countries not heading towards DCFTA to introduce its EI co-ordination structures and main challenges.

Seminars include lectures, discussion round tables and group work exercises.


Seminar participants will be invited from the central coordination bodies of the Eastern Partnership countries General Secretariat’s of the Government and Ministry’s of Foreign Affairs. Five persons will be invited from DCFTA countries and two persons from other EaP countries.


Pool of speakers will comprise diplomats, civil servants and experts from EU Member States and EaP Partner Countries as well as officials of the EU institutions and other international organisations. Exact list of speakers will depend on budgetary limits and commitment of the EU Member States to contribute to the seminar.

Venue: Nordic Hotel Forum (Viru väljak 3, Tallinn), Conference hall Vega.

List of participants

Name Position Country 1. Karine KHOUDAVERDIAN Counsellor on the EU issues, European Armenia Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2. Hovhannes AZIZYAN Chief Adviser to the Minister of the Armenia International Economic Integration and Reforms 3. Aybaniz BAYRAMOVA Counsellor, Azerbaijan Embassy of Azerbaijan to Estonia 4. Oleg SHLOMA Head EU and Regional Organizations Belarus Unit, European Cooperation Department, MFA 5. Olga KAZAKEVICH 1st Secretary, WTO unit at Department of Belarus Foreign Economic Activity, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 6. Tornike NOZADZE Head of Strategic Communications Georgia Department, Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, 7. Georgi SHAKIASHVILI Chief Specialist, Division for WTO Affairs Georgia and Trade Negotiation, Department of Foreign Trade and International Economic Relations, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development 8. Ana GVENETADZE Head of Government Planning & Georgia Innovations 9. David SOLOMONIA Director, Department of European Georgia Integration, MFA 10. Tamta TSOTSKHALASHVILI Head of Sectoral Cooperation Unit, Georgia European Integration Coordination Department, Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration 11. Camelia GRAUR Head of the Unit for Political Dialogue Republic with EU, General Directorate for of European Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Moldova 12. Igor RABII First Secretary, Political Dialogue with EU, Republic General Directorate for European of Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Moldova 13. Ina NIŢA, Consultant of the Unit for coordination of Republic European economic policies and DCFTA, of General Directorate for International Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Moldova Economy 14. Daniela MOVILA Senior Consultant of the Unit for Republic coordination of European economic of policies and DCFTA, General Directorate for International Economic Cooperation, Moldova Ministry of Economy 15. Natalia CRISTIAN Senior Consultant of the Unit for Policy Republic Coordination and Strategic Planning, of General Directorate for Policy and External Assistance Coordination and Moldova

Public Administration Reform, State Chancellery 16. Nataliia HNYDIUK Deputy Minister of the Cabinet of Ukraine Ministers of Ukraine – Director of the Government Office for European Integration 17. Mykola KUZIO First Deputy Director of the Government Ukraine Office for European Integration 18. Arsen POPEL Deputy Director of Government Office, Ukraine Head of the Analytical Department 19. Anna KOZIARSKA Ms. First secretary of the EU Directorate Ukraine of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 20. Oleksandra Deputy Head of Department for Ukraine NECHYPORENKO Cooperation with the EU, Head of Sectorial Cooperation Unit of the of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade


21. Klaudijus Maniokas Director of ESTEP, Lithuania 22. Alexei Sekarev Director of Research Projects, ECEAP 23. Gert Antsu Estonian Ambassador in Belgium, former EU Director of Estonian Government Office, Estonia 24. Kristi Raik Senior Research Fellow, FIIA, 25. Keit Kasemets Deputy Head of OECD/SIGMA 26. Ehtel Halliste Senior expert, Communication and public diplomacy, ECEAP 27. Marge Mardisalu-Kahar Director, ECEAP 28. Monica Pikker Project Manager, ECEAP 29. Siim Krispin Political officer, MFA Estonia

Program outline

DAY 1, 2nd November

9.15 Registration

9.30 – 10.00 Opening statements

Marina Kaljurand, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Estonia David Bakradze, State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Nataliia Hnydiuk, Deputy Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine – Director of the Government Office for European Integration Marge Mardisalu-Kahar, Director of the Estonian Eastern Partnership Centre

10.00 – 10.45 “Latest Developments within the EU’s Eastern Partnership Policy” Kristi Raik, Finnish Institute of International Affairs

10.45 – 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 – 12.00 Characteristics of functioning European integration co-ordination system

“Key requirements for European integration co-ordination system set for EU accession countries in the Principles of Public Administration” Keit Kasemets, Deputy Head of OECD/SIGMA

“Main features of efficient and inclusive European integration co-ordination system. Estonian example” Gert Antsu, Estonian Ambassador in Belgium, former EU Director of Estonian Government Office

“Main characteristics and challenges of Eastern Partnership countries European co-ordination systems” Presentation of the study conducted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania by Klaudijus Maniokas Discussion

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch

13.00 – 15.00 Panel discussion on EI co-ordination systems of AA/DCFTA countries 15 min presentation by AA/DCFTA countries followed by reflections from EaP countries, experts and general discussion

Representative of the Government of Ukraina Representative of the Government of Moldova Representative of the Government of Georgia Reflections by Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus

Reflections by Klaudijus Maniokas, Gert Anstu and Alexei Sekarev Moderator: Keit Kasemets

15.00 – 15.15 Coffee break

15.15 – 17.15 Arrangements for the AA/DCFTA implementation

“Approaches to EI planning – how to balance acquis transposition and development reforms” Klaudijus Maniokas, Director of ESTEP, Former Deputy Chief Negotiator for EU Accession of the Republic of Lithuania

“Challenges in planning and co-ordinating for DCFTA implementation” Alexei Sekarev, Director of Research Projects, ECEAP

Challenges in planning for DCFTA, presentation by Mr Mykola Kuzio, First Deputy Director of the Government Office for European Integration “IT solutions for efficiency and transparency of AA / DCFTA coordination process” Presentation by Ms Camelia Graur, Head of the Unit for Political Dialogue with EU, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration

Reflections from all EaP countries

18.45 Walk to the reception

19.00 Welcome Reception at the restaurant Balthasar (Address: Raekoja plats 11, Old Town)

DAY 2, 3rd November

9:20 – 9.45 Linking governmental priorities with donor assistance, Estonian example. Presentation by Mailis Pukonen, Head of Unit, EULISA 9.45 – 10.30 Role of EU communication in European integration process Presentation by Ehtel Halliste, Senior expert, Communication and public diplomacy, ECEAP Presentation by Mr Tornike Nozadze, Head of Strategic Communications Department, Office of the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro- Atlantic Integration administration

10.45. Transfer to the Stenbock House

11.00-12.30 Centre of Estonian European Integration co-ordination, session at the Stenbock House

Meeting with Klen Jäärats, Director for EU Affairs of the Government Office of Estonia, Presentation on Estonian e-government and Stenbock House

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch at the Parliament’s Cafeteria

14.00 – 15.30 Role of the Parliament in the EI process, session at Riigikogu Meeting with Kalle Palling, the Chair of EU Affair Committee (and other MPs) Riigikogu during EI process, presentation by Olev Aarma, Head of the Secretariat, EU Affairs Committee 15.30 – 16.00 Wrap-up session.

End of the programme

4.1.20. Keskkonnapoliitika reformikogemuse seminar Gruusias

Seminar “Reforming Georgian Environmental Sector”

Georgia, 2-3 November , 2015

Organised by the Estonian Ministry of Environment in co-operation with the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, supported by SIDA



Programme outline

Target group: Officials from Georgian Ministry of Environment

Feedback Each participant is asked to fill in a questionnaire aimed at evaluating the quality of the seminar.

Contacts and practical information

Contact persons: - Natalja Jegorova, Estonian Ministry of the Environment ([email protected] ; +372 6262 844; +372 5568 8858) - Tiina Ilsen, Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership ([email protected] ; +372 56255055)

Venue: Lopota Lake Resort & Spa

Accommodation: Lopota Lake Resort & Spa (, Kakheti, Georgia

Meals: Breakfast is provided by the hotel. Fixed lunches and dinners are served according to the programme. List of participants:

Name Institution 1. Kristine Vardanashvili Chief Specialist – Waste and Chemicals Management Service 2. Nino Obolashvili Senior Specialist – Air Protection Service

3. Giorgi Mamukadze Senior Specialist – Water Resources Management Service 4. Ekaterine Mikadze Senior Specialist – Climate Change Service 5. Akaki Chalatashvili Chief Specialist - Forest Policy Service 6. Elina Bakradze National Environmental Agency 7. Ioseb Qinqladze National Environmental Agency 8. Natia Gobejishvili Chief Specialist – Department of Environmental Policy and International Relations, Sustainable Development and EU Integration policy division 9. Nato Ormotsadze Chief Specialist – Department of Environmental Policy and International Relations, International Relations Divison 10. Nino Gokhelashvili Head – International Relations Divison, Department of Environmental Policy and International Relations 11. Marina Kiisler Senior Officer, Ambient Air Department, Estonian

Ministry of the Environment 12. Mart Raamat Adviser, Estonian Ministry of the Environment 13. Kristel Järve Senior Officer, Forestry Department, Estonian Ministry of the Environment 14. Kadi Kõiv Senior Officer, Forestry Department, Estonian Ministry of the Environment 15. Timo Uustal Estonian Environmental Research Centre 16. Peeter Eek Head of Waste Department, Estonian Ministry of the Environment 17. Rene Reisner Head of Marine Environment Department, Estonian Ministry of the Environment 18. Natalja Jegorova Senior Officer, EU and International Cooperation Department, Estonian Ministry of the Environment 19. Tiina Ilsen Chief adviser and expert on international cooperation, ECEAP


Monday, November 2nd

08.00 Georgian delegation’s transfer to the venue

10.00–11.50 Air Quality Protection topics

- Air quality standards and assessment - Air protection legislation - Eco-classes for vehicles and import and production restrictions

11.50–12.10 Coffee break

12.10–14.00 Forestry topics

- Climate change mitigation and adaption measures for forests - Firewood consumption - Various forest property schemes - Defining the economic potential of forest

14.00–15.00 Lunch

15.00–16.00 Climate Action topics - Energy Action Plans for the cities party to Covenant of Mayors (CoM) - National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) on low carbon buildings (energy savings measures) - National Adaptation Plan (NAP) - Drafting successful project proposals to receive funding through climate change funds (Green Climate Fund, Adaptation Fund, Clean Technology Fund etc.)

16.00–16.20 Coffee break

16.20–17.30 Climate Action topics – continued

18.30– Welcome dinner

Tuesday, November 3rd

09.00–10.50 Waste Management topics - Company waste management plans discussion and approval - Guidelines for closure of existing landfills - Action Plans on individual hazardous waste types - Waste stream (e.g. batteries, packaging, WEEE)

10.50–11.10 Coffee break

11.10–14.00 Water Quality topics - Environmental chapters of the Marine Code - Guidelines for River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) and criteria on prioritization of development of future RBMPs - River basin management plans - Monitoring water quality (including nitrates) - Water pollution from agricultural sources (nitrates) - Flood risks management, preliminary flood assessments, flood forecasting models/early warning systems, flood risk maps - Shaping bilateral agreements with neighbouring countries on international rivers, lakes and coastal waters

14.00–15.00 Lunch

15.00 Transfer to Tbilisi

4.1.21. SPS-alane koolitus Gruusia riigiametnikele Eestis

Study visit of Georgian government officials

Sanitary, Phytosanitary and Veterinary control

Tallinn, 25 - 27 November, 2015

Organised by the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, supported by Estonian Development Cooperation

Programme Tallinn 2015

Target group Specialists from Gerogian governmental institutions, Ministry of Agriculture and Georgia Revenue Service

Feedback Each participant is asked to fill in a questionnaire aimed at evaluating the quality of the visit.

Contacts and practical information

Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport: Lennujaama 2, Tallinn; telephone +372 605 8888; At the arrival to Tallinn and departure the participants are provided with the bus transfer to and from the hotel.

Contact persons:

 Ms Monica Pikker – Project Manager of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 56475964, e-mail [email protected]  Ms Marge Mardisalu-Kahar - Managing Director of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 55603583, e-mail [email protected]

Venue: According to the programme.

Accommodation: Tallink City Hotel, Laikmaa str 5, Tallinn

Meals: Breakfast is provided by the hotel. Fixed lunches and dinners are served according to the programme.

Travel itinerary:

24. november 05:50 - 06:35 Tbilisi - Varssavi LOT Polish Airlines LO 724 24. november 14:30 - 17:10 Varssavi - Tallinn LOT Polish Airlines LO 787

27. november 13:25 - 15:10 Tallinn - Kiiev Boryspil Adria Airways JP7311 27. november 19:25 - 00:10* Kiiev Boryspil - Tbilisi Ukraine International Airlines PS 517

List of participants:

Name Institution 7. Mr Giorgi Aladashvili LEPL National Food Agency, Division of Harmonization with the EU, Senior Specialist 8. Mr Giorgi Getsadze Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia, EU Integration Department, Chief Specialist 9. Mrs. Tamar Bukhrashvili Adviser at the Department for International Relations. Georgia Revenue Service (Tax and Customs Administration-SPS Border Control Agency) 10. Mrs. Nino Chikashua Deputy Head of Sanitary, Phytosanitary and Veterinary Control Division. Georgia Revenue Service (Tax and Customs Administration-SPS Border Control Agency)


Tuesday, 24 November

17.10 Arrival of the visit participants in Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport,

Bus transfer to the hotel (Tallink City Hotel; Address: Laikmaa street 5)

Wednesday, 25 November

10:00 Gathering at the hotel lobby, bus transfer to the Ministry of Rural Affairs

10:30 – 11:30 Meeting with Mr Ruve Schank, Head of Foreign Relation Department, Ministry of Rural Affairs of Estonia, (Addres: Lai 39)

12:15 Lunch at Umami (Address: Kadaka tee 141)

Transfer to Saku

13:30 – 14:00 Meeting at Estonian Agricultural Board, Mrs Maris Raudsepp, Head of Plant Protection Department (Address: Teaduse 2, Saku) Contact Number: 671 2612 (Ms Maris Raudsepp)

14:15 – 15:45 Visiting the laboratories of the Agricultural Research Centre (Address: Teaduse 4/6, Saku) Contact number: Ms Merike Toome 6729 125

16.30 Visit to Esko farm (milk farm and dairy products) Contact Number: 564 75644

18:00 Transfer back to Tallinn

Thursday, 26 November

8:00 Gathering at the hotel lobby

8:30 – 11:30 Visit to the Veterinary and Food Board. Meetings with Mr. Olev Kalda, Deputy Director General, Mrs Tiina Hiis, Head of Office for Food of Animal Origin of the Food Department, Mrs Kaili Kallit, Head of Feedingstuffs Office of the Animal Health, Welfare and Feedingstuffs Department (Address: Väike-Paala 3) Contact number Mr Allan Mets 53077011, Ms Tiina Hiis 5044882

11:30 Transfer to Port Muuga, (Address: Hoidla 6)

12:00 – 13:30 Introduction to the procedures at Port Muuga by Mrs Regina Pihel, Head of Trade, Import and Export Department of the The Veterinary and Food Board

14:00 Lunch at Restaurant Viktoria (Address: Keevise 6)

15:00 Visit to Estonian Veterinary and Food Laboratory (Väike-Paala 3, entrance from the courtyard) Meeting with Mr Allan Mets, Head of Laboratory, Contact Number 53077011.

18:00 Dinner at Restaurant Dominique (Address: TBC)

Friday, 27 November

11:30 Bus transfer from the Tallink City Hotel to the airport Departure of the course participants to Kiyv at 13:25

4.1.22. Inguuri tammi arenduskava nõustamine Gruusias

Fail liiga mahukas. Saadame vajadusel järgi.

4.1.23. e-ID seminar Minskis

Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services as a Basis for Secure Cross-Border Electronic Transactions and Digital Market

Minsk November 16-17, 2015

Organised by the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership in co-operation with Estonian e-Governance Academy, supported by Estonian Embassy in Belarus

ECEAP 2015

Short background Cross-border co-operation in the field of e-services is nowadays one of the biggest challenges for all countries. Electronic identification (eID) and electronic Trust Services (eTS) are key enablers for secure cross-border electronic transactions and central building blocks of the Digital Market. In the European Union the Regulation N°910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS Regulation) adopted by the co-legislators on 23 July 2014 is a milestone provides a predictable regulatory environment to enable secure and seamless electronic interactions between businesses, citizens and public authorities. New regulation replaced Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 1999 on a Community framework for electronic signatures. This regulation was taken as a basis in developing their digital signatures not only European Union Member States, but also many other countries of the world - especially countries which are developing cooperation with European countries. Most likely, these countries will also take eIDAS Regulation as the basis for their further development activities. eIDAS implementation has already been discussed at conferences and seminars in both Europe and America. Also the Eastern Partnership countries as the European Union partners should be informed about the requirements and implementation of eIDAS, even if they do not take it directly as a basis in their activities.

The eIDAS Regulation enables the use of electronic identification means and trust services (i.e. electronic signatures, electronic seals, time stamping, registered electronic delivery and website authentication) by citizens, businesses and public administrations to access on-line services or manage electronic transactions. It gives transparency and accountability: well-defined minimal obligations for Trust Service Providers (TSP) and liability; guarantee of trustworthiness of the services together with security requirements for TSPs; technological neutrality: avoiding requirements which could only be met by a specific technology; market rules and standardisation certainty. In this regard, the eIDAS Regulation: - ensures that people and businesses can use their own national electronic identification schemes (eIDs) to access public services in other EU countries where eIDs are available. - creates a European internal market for eTS by ensuring that they will work across borders and have the same legal status as traditional paper based processes. Only by providing certainty on the legal validity of all these services, businesses and citizens will use the digital interactions as their natural way of interaction.

Notified by Member States eID schemes shall specify the assurance level of the eID means. Assurance level low recognition is voluntary; assurance level substantial recognition is mandatory and assurance level high recognition is mandatory. Implementing acts to be adopted by the Commission to set out minimum technical specifications, standards, and procedures for assurance levels low, substantial and high by 12 months after the entry into force of the Regulation. The mandatory mutual recognition of eIDs will apply from mid-2018. The rules for trust services will apply from mid-2016, but by summer 2015 substantial part of legal acts related to eIDAS have been approved.

Aim of the seminar The purpose of the seminar is to bring together policy planners and top level experts from all sectors of Belarus as well as from Estonia, in order to share experiences, discuss the future of digital identity management and trust services development, also to build the foundation for joint initiatives.

Focus of the seminar The seminar will give an overview of eIDAS and its’ implementation in European Union and its’ effect on cross-border co-operation with Eastern Partnership countries. Experts will give an overview of the development of fields related to eIDAS both in Estonia and Belarus. The discussion will focus among others on co-operation possibilities in developing eIDAS related fields within Eastern Partnership. The seminar will focus on three topics: - Content of the eIDAS Regulation: the aim is to interpret eIDAS Regulation and to bring out challenges for each country. - Best practices: the aim is to share best practices in the digital identity management and trust services in Belarus and Estonia, as well as in other EU memberstates - Future joint initiatives: the third subject focuses on possible future joint initiatives.


Monday, 16 November

Venue: Renaissance Minsk Hotel, 1E Dzerzhinsky Avenue, 220036 Minsk, Belarus

09.45 Registration and morning coffee

10.00 Opening Welcome by: Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to Belarus, H.E. Mr Mait Martinson, Director of department of informatization of The Ministry of Communications and Information Mr. Mikhail Chaschin, Managing Director, Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership (ECEAP), Ms. Marge Mardisalu-Kahar.

10.30 EU policy on electronic identification and trust services. Presentation by Ms. Elena Alampi, European Commission, Policy Officer An overview is given about “Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC (eIDAS)” and the possibility of implementation of the regulation by EU partner countries is considered.

11.30 Coffee break

12.00 Electronic identity and its recognition in the eIDAS context. Presentation by Mrs. Mari Pedak, eID Expert of e-Governance Academy An overview is given about electronic identity as a competence of a Member State and how mutual recognition of electronic identities between countries will take place in accordance with eIDAS.

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Digital Identity Management. Estonian experience. Presentation by Mrs. Mari Pedak and Mr.Tiit Roosik, eID Experts of e-Governance Academy An overview is given how the electronic identity management takes place in Estonia and how it was reached. An overview is given what changes are planned due to implementation of eIDAS.

14.45 Digital Identity Management. Belorussian experience. Presentation by Mr. Stanislav Kutuzov, Head of the department of Operational and Analytical Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus

15.30 Coffee break

16:00 Internet voting. Estonian experience. Presentation by Mr. Tarvi Martens, Chairman of the Electronic Voting Commission. An overview is given about e-service based on the strong digital identity- - internet voting, which Estonia has implemented since 2005. The concept of internet voting, also its technical solution and security are presented.

17.00 Summary of the Day

18.30 Welcome Reception

Tuesday, 17 November

09.00 Gathering and morning coffee

9.15 Trust services and their recognition in the context of eIDAS. Estonian experience. Presentation by Mr. Tarvi Martens, Chairman of the Electronic Voting Commission and Mr. Tiit Roosik, eID Expert of e-Governance Academy An overview is given about the scope of eIDAS in the area of trust services and how the recognition of trust services and their providers will be performed. Also, Estonia's experience in providing trust services (e-signature, timestamp, etc.) is discussed.

10.15 Provision of trust services. Belarussian experience. Presentation by Mr. Mikulic Nikolay, Head of the department of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “National Center for e-services”

11.00 Coffee break

11.30 Organisation of electronic census. Presentation by Mr. Tiit Roosik, eID Expert of e-Governance Academy

12.00 Discussion Conclusion Closing of the seminar

13.00 Lunch

4.1.24 Moldova Tervishoiuministeeriumi delegatsiooni visiit Eestisse

Schedule for the visit of the Delegation of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova to Estonia

30 November – 3 December 2015

Tallinn 2015


1. Ms. Ruxanda Glavan, Minister of Health 2. Ms. Valentina Rotaru, Deputy Minister of Health 3. Mr. Nicolae Jelamschi, State Secretary, Ministry of Health 4. Ms. Maria Lapteanu, Head, Department of Medicines and Medical Devices, Ministry of Health 5. Ms. Rodica Scutelnic, Head Department of Hospital Care, Ministry of Health 6. Mr. Dragos Galbur, Head, Department of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Ministry of Health 7. Mr. Andrei Cazacu, Deputy Head, Department of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Ministry of Health 8. Mr. Denis Valac, Head, Department of Budget, Finance and Insurance, Ministry of Health 9. Mr. Mihail Ciocanu, Director, Institute of Emergency Medicine 10. Mr. Ion Bahnarel, Deputy Director, National Center of Public Health.

Travel initiary: 30. November 07:10 - 08:20 Chisinau - Kiiev Boryspil Ukraine International Airlines PS 898 30. November 09:50 - 11:45 Kiiev Boryspil - Riia Air Baltic BT 401 30. November 14:00 - 14:50 Riia - Tallinn Air Baltic BT 313

03. December 14:55 - 18:20 Tallinn - Istanbul Turkish Airlines TK1422 03. December 19:25 - 20:55 Istanbul - Chisinau Turkish Airlines TK 271

Contacts and practical information

Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport: Lennujaama 2, Tallinn; telephone +372 605 8888; At the arrival to Tallinn and departure the participants are provided with the bus transfer to and from the hotel. Contact persons:  Mr Agris Koppel – WHO consultant, [email protected] +372 511 8017  Ms Monica Pikker – Project Manager of the ECEAP, mobile phone +372 564 759 64, [email protected]  Ms Tiina Ilsen - Chief adviser and expert on international cooperation, +372 5625 5055, [email protected]

Venue: According to the programme. Accommodation: Nordic Hotel Forum (Viru väljak 3, Tallinn) Meals: Breakfast is provided by the hotel. Fixed lunches and dinners are served according to the programme.

Objectives The aim of the visit is to exchange the Estonian knowledge and experience on reforming of primary health care and hospital sector; organization and management of health system financing and health insurance; regulation of pharmaceuticals and medical devices; and prevention and control of the communicable and non- communicable diseases.


November 30, Monday

14.50 Arrival to the Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport. Bus transfer to the Nordic Hotel Forum.

16.00 – Briefing on visit Schedule and covered topics, Nordic Hotel Forum lobby

Mr. Agris Koppel, WHO consultant

December 1st, Tuesday

8.45 Gathering in the hotel lobby, bus transfer to the Ministry of Social Affairs (Gonsiori 29)

9.00 – 12. 00 Discussions about Estonian health system organization, reforms, health policy, medicines’ policy. The delegation will get an overview of Estonian health reform processes, health system organization and discuss about relevant experiences to manage the changes of health system in Moldova.

Mr. Jevgeni Ossinovski, Minister of Health and Labor Mrs. Ivi Normet, Deputy Secretary General on Health Mrs. Triin Habicht, Head of Health System Development Department Ms. Vivian Murd, Counsellor of Medicine Department

12.00 Bus transfer to the restaurant Senso (Liivalaia 33)

12.10-12.50 Lunch at the restaurant Senso

12.50 Bus transfer to Estonian Health Insurance Fund (Lembitu 10)

13.00 – 15.00 Discussions about Estonian health insurance development, resource allocation, electronic data exchange. The organization of the health insurance system and the role of EHIF in health system development in Estonia will be discussed. The pooling methods of health insurance fund resources together with service planning principles will be presented. Main principles of contract management and monitoring of the costs of health services will be discussed.

Mr. Tanel Ross, Chairman of Management Board of Estonian Health Insurance Fund

15.15 Bus transfer to East-Tallinn Central Hospital (Ravi 18)

15.30 – 17. 00 Discussions about development of municipal hospital and next 5 years. Hospital leaders give overview of main changes during hospital reform and municipal hospital mergers, effective management of health services and plans of new municipal hospital structure and building will be presented.

Dr. Ralf Allikvee, Chairman of Management Board of East-Tallinn Central Hospital

17.00 Bus transfer to the hotel

18.50 Bus transfer to the restaurant Bordoo (Pikk 71/Tolli 2)

December 2nd, Wednesday

7.30 Gathering in the hotel lobby, bus transfer to Tartu (Puusepa 1A, Tartu)

10.00 – 12.00 Discussion about the family medicine development, training of family doctors and practice arrangements in Estonia. GP role in management of the family medicine team and managing the patient within the health system. Discussion about the changes in FD training after joining the EU will be discussed.

Dr. Ruth Kalda, Head of the Chair of Family Medicine, University of Tartu

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch at the restaurant

13.00 – 15.00 Discussions about development of regional hospital in Tartu. Hospital leaders give overview of main changes during hospital reform and creation of University hospital in Tartu. They will present how they have achieved the effective management of health services and creating a new hospital structure together with planning and building new hospital facilities.

Urmas Siigur, Chairman of Management Board of Tartu University Hospital

15.20 Bus transfer to Agency of Medicine (Nooruse 1)

15.30 – 17.00 Discussions about medicines’ policy implementation in Estonia, role and duties of Agency of Medicine regarding to quality and registration of medicines. AM will focus on main changes and strategies relevant to implementing the EMA procedures and requirements in member states.

Dr. Kristin Raudsepp, Director General of Agency of Medicines

17.00 Bus transfer to Tartu 18.30 Dinner at Põhjaka Manor on the way back to Tallinn 22.00 Arrival to the hotel

December 3rd, Thursday

Check out from the hotel!

9.10 Bus transfer to the health centers in Tallinn.

9.30 – 10.30 Visiting primary health care center. The owner and head of the PHC center will present the organization and practical work of excellent Estonian PHC group practice.

Dr. Diana Ingerainen, Director of Järveotsa PHC

10.30 – 12.00 Visiting long-term nursing care center. The manager of the nursing care center will present the organizational changes towards nurse-led long-term care under the central hospital.

Dr. Mark Levin, Director of the Nursing Care Home of the West-Tallinn Central Hospital

13.00 Bus transfer from the hotel to the airport 14.55 Flight to Chisinau via Istanbul

The visit is supported by:

Estonian Center Of Eastern Partnership

World Health Organization Country Office in Moldova

And the Swedish Institute for Development Co-operation

4.1.25. Aserbaidžaani riigiametnike visiit “Muutused Eesti ühiskondlikus, majanduslikus sfääris ja haridusmaastikul”

Changes in the Estonian societal, economical and educational landscape. Study visit for civil servants of the Republic of Azerbaijan

7 – 10 December 2015

Organised by the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership


Tallinn 2015

Programme outline

Target group Civil servants from the republic of Azerbaijan.

Feedback Each participant is asked to fill in a questionnaire aimed at evaluating the quality of the visit.

Contacts and practical information

Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport: Lennujaama 2, Tallinn; telephone +372 605 8888; At the arrival to Tallinn and departure the participants are provided with the bus transfer to and from the hotel. Contact persons:

 Ms Monica Pikker – Project Manager of the ECEAP, mobile phone +372 564 759 64, [email protected]  Ms Marge Mardisalu-Kahar - Managing Director of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, mobile phone +372 55603583, e-mail marge.mardisalu- [email protected]

Venue: According to the programme.

Accommodation: A. Laikmaa 5, 10145 Tallinn, Tallink City Hotel

Meals: Breakfast is provided by the hotel. Fixed lunches and dinners are served according to the programme. List of participants:

Name Organization Position 1 Jafar Guluzade State Customs Committee Senior Inspector 2 Jeyhun Isgandarov Ministry of Emergency Senior Advisor Situations 3 Leyla Mammadova Central Bank Specialist 4 Nargiz Ismayilova ADA University Director 5 Narmin Zeynalova Civil Service Commission Head of Unit 6 Vusal Alakbarov Civil Service Commission Specialist 7 Dilara Alaskarova Centre of excellence Trainer

Travel initiary:

07 December 07:55 - 09:10 Bakuu Heydar Aliyev - Istanbul Turkish Airlines TK 337 07. December 10:45 - 14:00 Istanbul - Tallinn Turkish Airlines TK1421

10. December 14:55 - 18:20 Tallinn - Istanbul Turkish Airlines TK1422 11. December 00:50 - 05:40 Istanbul - Bakuu Heydar Aliyev Turkish Airlines TK 338


Monday, 7 December

14.00 Pick up from the Lennart Meri Tallinn airport Transfer to the hotel Tallink City Hotel (Laikmaa street 5)

15.00 Gathering in the hotel lobby, briefing, introduction to the programme

Free time

Tuesday, 8 December

9.45 Gathering in the hotel lobby, walk to the Estonian Commission representation

10.00-11.30 A general overview of Estonian experience being EU member since 2004 Meeting with the Head of European Commission representation in Estonia, Mr Hannes Rumm

11.30 Bus transfer to the e-Showroom (Lõõtsa 2A)

11.45-12.45 General overview of the Estonia’s e-Solutions, visit to the e-Showroom

13.00-14.00 Lunch at Viktoria Restaurant (Address: Keevise 6)

14.00 Bus transfer to the Estonian National Bank

14.15 -15.15 Overview of the changes in Estonia’s macroeconomics during the last 25 years. Meeting with Mr Peeter Luikmel, Estonian National Bank (Address: Estonia pst. 13)

15.30 Meeting with the Estonian-Azerbaijani parliament group Mr Mihhail Korb, MP, Head of the parliamentary group

Visit to the Riigikogu, Parliament of Estonia, Guided tour at the Riigikogu

Wednesday, 9 December Day trip to Tartu

7.25 Bus transfer from the hotel to Tartu

10.00 -10.45 Arrival in Tartu, Ministry of Education and Science (Address: (Munga 18) “Changes in Estonian educational landscape” Meeting with Mr Kalmar Kurs, Head of the European Union and International Cooperation Department

10.50 Bus transfer to University of Tartu, European College (Lossi 36 – 122)

11.00 -13.00 Familiarizing with the EU studies in Tartu, visit to the European College of the University of Tartu Meeting with Ms Olga Bodganova, Vice Director of Academic Affairs and Ms Kristiina Tõnisson, European College Director

Bus transfer to the restaurant

13.00-14.00 Lunch at Restaurant Spargel (Kalevi 13)

14.30-15.30 Guided tour at the main building of the University of Tartu (Ülikooli 18)

15.45-16.45 Visit to the AHAA Science Centre (Sadama 1)

17.00 Bus transfer to Tallinn

18.15 Dinner at the Põhjaka Manor

20.30 Arrival to Tallinn

Thursday, 10 December Check out from the hotel!

9.40 Check out from the hotel, bus transfer to ECEAP/e-Governance Academy (Tõnismägi 2, National Library)

10.00-11.00 Overview of Estonia’s cyber security developments Meeting with Mr Raul Rikk, Cyber Expert, e-Governance Academy

11.10 Bus transfer to (Narva mnt 29, Astra),

11.30-12.30 Changes in the Estonian society during the last 25 years. Meeting with Mr Mati Heidmets, Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Tallinn, Contact no 5112530

13.00 Bus transfer to the airport

14.55 Flight to Istanbul

4.1.26. Moldova regionaalsete teleajakirjanike õppevisiit Eestisse

Визит журналистов молдавского регионального телевидения в Эстонию

Таллин, 9 -11 December 2015

Организованный Эстонским Центром Восточного Партнерства и финансированный Министерством Иностранных Дел Эстонии


Таллин 2015

Проект Программы

Целевая группа Журналисты молдавского регионального телевидения.

Обратная связь Каждый участник должен заполнить анкету для оценки качества визита.

Контакты и практическая информация

Таллиннский Аэропорт Леннарт Мери: Lennujaama 2, Таллин; телефон +372 605 8888;

По прибытии в Таллинн и при выезде участникам предоставляется трансфер на автобусе в и из отеля.

Контактные лица:

 Г-жа Ехтел Халлисте – Старший эксперт в Эстонском Центре Восточного Партнерства, мобильный +372 58094510, e-mail [email protected]  Г-жа Марге Мардисалу-Кахар - Управляющий директор в Эстонском Центре Восточного Партнерства, мобильный +372 55603583, e-mail marge.mardisalu- [email protected]

Место: В соответствие с программой.

Размещение: Toompuiestee 27, 10149 Tallinn, Meriton Grand Conference & SPA Hotel

Питание: Завтрак предоставляется в отеле. Назначенные обеды и ужины подаются в соответствие с программой.


08. detsember 15:55 - 16:45 Chisinau - Viin Austrian Airlines OS 656 08. detsember 17:10 - 18:45 Viin - Frankfurt Austrian Airlines OS 125 08. detsember 20:50 - 00:10* Frankfurt - Tallinn Lufthansa LH 884

12. detsember 05:30 - 07:05 Tallinn - Frankfurt Lufthansa LH 885 12. detsember 10:50 - 12:10 Frankfurt - Viin Lufthansa LH1236 12. detsember 12:40 - 15:15 Viin - Chisinau Austrian Airlines OS 655

Список участников:

Имя Организация 1. Г-жа Lia Chetrari producer, Canal Regional TV, Chisinau 1 2. Г-жа Elizaveta Rotar jurnalist ATV, Comrat, (Gagauzia) 3. Г-н Vitalie Grăjdeanu operator, Bas-TV, Basarabeasca 4. Г-н Ghenadie Afanasiev operator, TV Moldova-1

5. Г-н . Ilia Ianac operator, ATV, Comrat, (Gagauzia) 6. Г-жа Cristina Danuta EuroTV

Программа визита

Tuesday, 8 December

00:10 Прибытие участников в Таллин (Таллиннский Аэропорт Леннарт Мери), трансфер в отель (Meriton Hotel, адрес: Toompuiestee 27/ Paldiski 4)

Wednesday, 9 December

Please have the passport with you!

08:30 Встреча в холле гостиницы, Introduction to the Programme, Marge Mardisalu-Kahar (ECEAP)

08:45 Transfer to Kohila

09.30 Meeting with Kohila parish officials, visiting Kohila Industrial Park

11.20 Visit to the a blacksmith's workshop Puraviku Tuuleveski, Valtu küla

12:00 Lunch at the Restaurant „Eastern Outback, addres:

13:30 Transfer to Tallinn

13:00-14:30 Visit to the Harju County Entrepreneurship and Development Consultancy, Meeting with Mr Ervin Truu, Business Consultant Address: Sirge 2, Tallinn

15:00 Meeting with the Expert of Economic Development Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication Mr Kaupo Sempelson and Analyst of the same Department Ms Kristina Ojamäe (Address: Harju 11)

17:00 Встреча с гражданским активистом, ныне — депутатом парламента Артуром Тальвиком (адрес: Lossi plats 1a, здание парламента)

18:30 Dinner at the Restaurant Kaera-Jaan, Raekoja plats 17

Thursday, 10 December

9:30 Встреча в холле гостиницы

10:00-11:15 Встреча г-жой Катерина Данилова, руководитель программы, Союз некоммерческих организаций и фондов Эстонии: Как привлечь местные сообщества и местные инициативы в работе местных самоуправлений. Практический опыт Эстонии. ( адрес: Tõnismägi 2)

11:30 – 12:45 General overview of the Estonia’s e-Solutions, visit to the e- Showroom, Address: Lõõtsa 2A

13:00 – 15:00 Meeting with the Project Manager Mr Eero Raun and Project Manager Aleksandra Sõsun of Enterprise Estonia (Address: Lasnamäe 2, Meeting room , 6th floor).; +372 627 9333 Aleksandra Sõsun, 5306 2529

Free time

Friday, 11 December

10:45 Встреча в холле гостиницы

11:00 – 12:30 Meeting with Ms Tatjana Lavrova from the Let’s Do It team (Address: Telliskivi 60a, A3, III floor)

13:00 – 14:00 Meeting with the Head of Enterprise Division Mr Jarmo Liiver of KredEx and Communication Specialist Mr Tarmo Seliste (Address: Hobujaama 4)

14:30 – 15:30 Lunch at the Restaurant Umami, address: Kadaka tee 141

16:00 – 17:00 Meeting with the Manager of Startup Incubator Mr Martin Goroško of Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol (Address: Teaduspargi road 6/1)

Saturday, 12 December

04:00 Трансфер с отеля Meriton Hotel в аэропорт Вылет участников в Frankfurt в 05:30

4.1.27. Õppevisiit Eestisse Kohalike omavalitsuste aj vabakondade koostöö arendamiseks Ukrainas, Lutskis

Pilot Programme on Strengthening Democratic Governance in Eastern Partnership Countries:

Training Workshops for Lutsk region in Ukraine on Building Cooperation between Civil Society Organizations and Local Government Institutions: Best Practices of Estonia and Sweden

06-10.12. 2015 Estonia

Organised by the Estonian Centre of Eastern Partnership, supported and financed by the Swedish Institute

List of participants:

1. Kudriavtseva Vira – Head of Programme and Co-operation Department of Lutsk city council

2. Kalish Bogdan – Head of the Development Department of Lutsk City Government

3. Makarova Olena – Head of the Department of Relations with Community Organizations of Lutsk City Council

4. Pjatigorets Denis – Adviser to Lutsk City government

5. Baliuk Zoia- Head of Information and Public Communication Department of Lutsk City Council

6. Romaniuk Nazar – NGO National Patrol (Volynsk oblast)

7. Natalya Malenitckaya – NGO Patriots of Volynsk (Volynsk oblast)

8. Bulkovska Olga - NGO Independent Media Union (Volynsk oblast)

Programme of the Study Visit

Sunday 06.12.2015

17.40 Arrival at Tallinn Airport (flight Kiev-Tallinn), pick up by Bus driver

18.00 Check-in to hotel Tallink City (A. Laikmaa 5)

19.00 Pick up from the hotel, walk in Old Town 19. 30 Briefing and informal dinner in Gentle Wolf (Pikk 39)

Monday 07.12.2015

08.40 Bus pick up from the hotel

09.00- 09.45 Estonian Centre of Eastern Partnership/ E-Governance Academy, Address: Tõnismägi 2 - Welcoming coffee and brief introductory meeting with Ms. Marge Mardisalu-Kahar, Director of Estonian Centre of Eastern Partnership (ECEAP). Overview of ECEAP activities. -Welcome and brief overview of E-Governance Academy activities in Ukraine Ms. Jelizaveta Krenjova, Project Manager, e-Governance Academy

09.45 – 11.45 Local Government in Estonia Organization, legal and fiscal frameworks Mr. Väino Tõemets Head of Regional Administration Department, Ministry of Finance 12.30 – 13. 30 Lunch in Reval Café (Müürivahe 14)

14.00 – 15.00 Better Governance Models in Estonian cities Mr. Hannes Astok, Deputy Director e-Governance Academy

15.00 – 16.00 Open Government Partnership on the local level

Ms. Liia Hänni, Senior Expert, e-Governance Academy

16.00 onwards Free time

18. 30 Pick up from hotel, walk in Old Town

19.00 Dinner in Rataskaevu 16 (Rataskaevu 16)

Tuesday 08.12 2015

08.00 Bus Pick-up from the hotel, drive to Rakvere 10.00-14.00 Workshop in Rakvere by local municipality and their civil society partners. (Smart House, Lai 20) - Meeting with Head of City Council Mr. Toomas Varek - How to build of cross-sector cooperation within municipality Ms. Kairit Pihlak, Deputy Meer of Rakvere -Role of Entrepreneurs in city’s development Mr. Rainer Miltop, Deputy Meer of Rakvere -How to organize joint events within communities Mr. Tauno Toompuu, Head of Cultural Committee of Rakvere City council Ms. Jane Rätsep, expert on culture and youth programmes of Rakvere City council Mr. Alexander Holst, Head of sports committee in Rakvere city council

-Outsourcing services from other organizations in the communities

Ms. Vilja Messer, Senior expert on educational matters of Rakvere City Council -Questions and Answers, Discussion 11.30 – 12.00 Break

13.30 Bus pick up from Rakvere Municipality (Lai 20)

14.30 Lunch in historic Viitna tavern (Viitna küla, Kadrina vald, Lääne- Virumaa)

16.00 Bus drive back to Tallinn

17.30 Meeting with MP Eerik-Niiles Kross, Security expert, member of Estonian-Ukrainian Parliamentary Committee

18.30 onwards Free time

Wednesday 09.12. 2015

08.40 Bus pick up

09.00 – 13. 00 Workshop by Estonian Union of Civil Society Organizations: (Telliskivi 60A) -How to involve local communities and local initiatives in the work of local authorities. Practical lessons from Estonian Experience. Ms. Maris Jõgeva, Director Ms. Katerina Danilova, Programme manager

10.30 – 11.00 Break

13.00 – 13.45 Lunch in Reval Café (Telliskivi 60A)

13. 45 Bus pick up from Telliskivi 60A

14.00 – 15.00 Meeting with Ambassador of Sweden H. E. Mr. Anders Ljunggren (Embassy of Sweden, Pikk 28)

15. 00 Bus pick up from Pikk 28

15. 30 – 16. 30 Wrap up round table discussion (Telliskivi 60A) Ms. Tiina Ilsen, Chief Adviser, Expert on International Cooperation ECEAP

17.00 Meeting with Members of Tallinn City Council

19.00 Dinner in Olde Hansa (Vana turg 1) or Frank (Sauna 2)

Thursday 10.12.2015

Free time, check out from hotel

11.30 Bus pick up from hotel, drive to airport

13. 25 Flight Tallinn-Kiev

5. Kontaktandmed ja allkirjad

Eesti Idapartnerluse Keskuse kontakt:

Tõnismägi 2 10122 Tallinn Eesti Tel. 6317950 E-mail: [email protected]


………………...... ………………………………… Ekke Nõmm Marge Mardisalu-Kahar EDK SA juhataja EIPK juhataja EIPK Nõukogu juhataja

Tallinnas, 31.01.2014.