Lok Sabha Debates

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Lok Sabha Debates Wednesday, April 23, 1986 Eighth Series1R. 38 Vaisakha 3, 1908 (Saka) /2.6$%+$ '(%$7(6 Fifth Session Eighth/RN6DEKD /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 New Delhi Price- Rs 4.00 CONTENTS No. 38, Wedne,do)" April 23, i986/YoilokhD J, 1908 (S..4I'.4) COLUWS Oral An_erl to Questions : 1-30 .Starred QuestioD' NOI. 762 to 768 Written Answerl to Questions : 30-219 Starred Questions Nos. 769 to 781 30-40 U~Dltarred Questions Nos. 7330 to 7354, 73S6 to 7430 aDd 7432 40-210 to 7444 p ..... Laid on tbe Table 219-224 Bldmat. Committee- 224-225 Twenty-nintb Report and Minutes Joiat Committee on Offices of Profit- 225 Second R.eport Matters Under Rule 377 225-230 (i) Need to introduce a train between Delhi and Kanpur keepioa in view tbe difficulties faced by the passengers Sbri Jagdisb Awastbi 225 (ii) Need to allow MIs Sin8baJ Super Phosphate to set up a Unit in Kanpur Shah Salem pur villago of Faizabad district of U.P. Sbri R.P. Suman 226 (iii) Need to adopt protectivo measures to safeauard tbe iaterests of farm workers incapacitated in thresber accidents Sbri Radh. Kanta Dip1 227 (iv) NcecJ to develop piparbawa vilJaae as a t-.lurist centre Dr. Chander Sbakbar Tripatbi 227 (v) Need to live early clearance to the proposal for tbe scttifta up of a Cement plant at Jeypur in Orissa Sbri Anadi Chana Du 228 .'*'Tbe Sip t marked above the DUDe 01 a Member indicates thtit the qucsdoo WII _uaU7 uk'" OD tbc Boor of tile House by that Member. ( i) ( Ii ) (vi) Need to treat revenue village as 'defined area' instead of Tahiti Block for crop insurance and to include cotton, tobacco, sugarcane and chillies also in the crop insurance scheme Shri V. Sobhanadreeswara Rao ~229 (vii) Need to supply Alcohol (Rectified spirit) to West Benpl for manufacture of Momoeopatbic medicines Shri Somnath Chatterjee 229 (viii) Need to issue a commemorative stamp in memory of Sbrl Ram Prasad Bismil Sh ri KamodHal Jatav 230 Demands for Grants (General) 1986-87-Contd. 230-257 0) Ministry of Information and Broadcastlna-colltfl. Shri V.N. Gadgi1 231 Demeods for Grants (Genera]) 1986-87-ConIJ. 257-366 (ii) Ministry of Agriculture Sbri K. Ramachnndra Reddy 261 Shri Raj M angal Pande 26S Shri Raj Kumar Rai 267 Shri P.C. Sethi 284 Sbri Zainal A bedin 286 Shri Satyendra Narayan Stnba:. 291 Shri Ram Babadur Singb 295 Sbri S.G. Gbolap 299 Sbri M. Mahalingam 301 Shri yogeodra Makwaoa 304 Sbri K. Mohandas 309 Shri Sriballav Panigrahi 311 Sbri Amarsinh Rathawa l15 Sbri Shaminder Singh 317 Sbri K.H. Ranganath 319 Shri M.R. Saikia 322 Sbri K. Natwar Singh 325 Sbri Narayan Cbaubey 321 Sbri Jaadish Awasthi 330 ~bri ~am Na~lD~ Mistu't\ ~~) (III) Shri Abdul Rashid Kabuli 336 Shri M.L. Jhikram 338 Sbrimati D.K. Bhandari 340 Sbri Piyul Tiraky 343 Sbri R. Jeevarathiaam 345 Shri C. Janga Reddy 347 Shri B.N. Reddy 349 S. Buta Sinab 3S1 Outstandina Demands for Grants (General) 1986-87 366-373 Ministries of Communications, Environment and Poreata. FiDaDCC. etc., etc. Appropriation (No.3) Bill- 373-382 Bill Introduced Motion to consider Sbri G.M. BanatwaUa 374 Sbri Mool Chand Daga 377 Sbri Vishwanath Pratap Sinab 379 Clauses 2 to 4 and 1 Motion to pass Shri Vishw8natb Pcatap Sin&b 382 Half-an- Hour Discussion- 382-400 Guidelines to States on Family Planruna Dr. O.S. Rajbans 383 Sbri S. Krishna Kumar 387 Sbri Mool Cband Daaa 393 Shri V. Sobhanadreeswara R.ao 39S LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA The Ganga Project Directorate bas colla- borated in tbe campaign and has contributed Rs. 15 lakhs towards the cost. Wednesday, April 23, 1986/VaisakhG (b) The campaign has been launched 3, 1908 (Saka) only recently and as such, it is not possible to assess its impact yet. (c) The experience gathered from the campaign at Hardwar and Rishikesh will The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of be taken into account, in formulating a the Clock. pubHc awareness campaign at Varanasi or elsewhere. [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] SHRI K. PRADHANI : The Minister ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS has replied in his statement that the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural [English] Heritage has launched a public awareness campaign in Hardwar during the recent Environmental Drive at Hardwar Kumbh Mela. May I know from the hOD. Minister wbat are tbe measures adopted *762. SHRI K. PRADHANI : Will by tbis INTACH to educate tbe people, the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to to make theD know about the pollution state : of Ganga waters~ and to take necessary (a) ~'hether a Rs. 30 fakh campaign action about this ? conceived by the Indian Nationa\ Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) SHRI Z.R. ANSARI : This was a to perruade the Kumbh Mela Pilgrims not programme to create pu}"\Jic awareness with to pollute the Ganga river or its environ- r::-gard to keeping Ganga waters free of ment was launched at Hardwar during the polution; and the measures \\hich they have last month; taken are : (I) they have produced two special television films on the problems (b) if so, the results achieved therehy; of pollution and ao integrated approach and to river management; (2) insertion of adver- tisements in magazines; (3) multi-lingual (c) whether Government propose to posters containing messages not to pollute launch a similar media drive at Varanasi the river: (4) radio spots containing similar also where several thousand pilgrims visit messages: (5) Bhajan cassettes; (6) panels daily? and hoarding~; (7) exhibitions on Ganfa and (8) calendars and posters to be giV.!D to THE MINISTER OF STATE I"l THE the participants in the Ganga Seva sibir •. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND and related activities. FORESTS (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI) : (a) Yes Sir. The Indian National Trust for Art SHRI K. PRADHANI: I would and Cultural Heritage (lNT ACH). a non- like to ask another question: Washing Government organisation has prepared of clothes, tbrowing of dead bodies~ ferti- aDd launched a publjc awareness campaign lizl!rs and i'lsecticides csed in paddy fields durinl the Kumbb at Hardwar and pollute river Ganga. May I know from Rilbikesb. It is learnt that the estimated the hone Minister whether there is aD), "9" 0( tb, ~mpaisn is Rs. 32.26 Jakbs. provision with the Central GanllS Authnritv 3 Oral A,,&w~r' AP&IL 23.1986 Oral An.t1V~r. 4 or any other Department to take care of in Delhi duriDg January 3-8~ 1986, had this, and make Ganga free from pollu- a focal theme on "Science and Technology tion 1 in Environmental Management". which was also attended by staff members of tbe SHRI Z.R. ANSARI The Central Department; and Ganga Authority bas been set up for tbis purpose~ ; ,e. to take care of pollution. and (b) if so, the recommendations made there are certain schemes in which three at the Congress, and the (onow-up actioD States are involved, viz. U.P., Bihar and taken thereon 1 West Benga1. These States have been asked to send their schemes to the Central THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Ganga Authority which clears those schemes; MINISTRY OF SCIENCB AND and the work is under process. TECHNOLOGY AND IN THE DEPART- MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT. SHRI D.N, REDDY : Sir, we were ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND told that about 25 lakbs of pilgrims were SPACE (SHRI SHIVRAJ v. PATIL) expected to visit on the main Kumbh Mela (a) and (b). A statement is given below. Day, i.e. April 14. In view of the recent tragedy in Hardwar during this Kumbh Statement Meta and other worse tragedies some years back9 will the Government consider banning (a) Yes. Sir. of such Melas in future ? (b) The recommendations made at (]nterruptlons) the 73rd Session of the Science Congress bave been finalised by tbe Indian Science SHRI P. KOLANDAIVELU Banning Congress Association in April 1986. The Melas is an anti-people activity t salient recommendations are: , SHRI D.N. REDDY : Arrangements (i) Setting up Advisory Body cannot be made for 25 lakhs of pilgrims. on Environment; Is it worthwhile to spend such large amounts (ii) Development of a National of money just to satisfy ... (Interruption,) I am also told that Sadhus were carrying Conservation Strategy; 'weapons, which was dangerous. I think (iii) Establishment of Environ- the Minister should give a satisfactory mental Management Institu- reply. tions; and THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI RAJIV (iv) Integration of tbe Environ- GANDHI) : Mr. Speaker Sir. perhaps ment with Sectoral Policies. the hon. member does not know how deep certain feelings go into the Indian psyche These recommendations have been and the Government has no intention of received by the Government recently banning such Melas. Wbere there is a and are under examination by an inter- qU~stioo of what bas become the heritage Ministerial task forc~ b~aded by Secretary, of a very large number of our people, we DST. must see that we make the best arrangements and see that such tragedies are avoided. DR. T. KALPANA DEV} : In view of Banning is no 80lution tbat tbis Govern- the threat of pollution to the country's ment will ever consider. economy and health, I would like to know from the hOD. Minister whether tbe Union Science and Technology in Environ.. Government are bringiD8 the subject of mental Management pollution into the Concurrent or the Union List.· I would also like to know whether *763. DR. T. KALPANA DEVI : Will tbey win set up Environment Autbority of the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state: India wherein pOJJutiOD data bank, monitoring.
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    Passenger Information CONTENTS Page No. Telephone Numbers of High Officials 270 Integrated Train Enquiry System (139) 273 Advance Reservation 274 List of Computerised Reservation Centres 279 List of Jan Sadharan Ticket Booking Sewaks (JTBS) 284 Rules Regarding Penalties imposed for various irregularities 290 Rail Travel Concessions 291 Distance Restrictions by various trains on South Central Railway 297 Refund Rules 299 Booking of Luggage 303 Compensation and Claims 305 Retiring Rooms / Dormitories at Stations 312 List of Trains with Pantry Car / Mini Pantry Car Facility 316 Fares 317 Rajdhani Fares 326 Shatabdi Fares 328 Jan Shatabdi Fares 328 Garibrath Fares 331 AC Duronto Fares 332 Mixed AC Duronto Fares 335 Vigilance Organisation 338 Public Grievance & Redressal Machinery 338 Public Information Officers under ‘Right to Information Act’ 339 Divisional Headquarters & Jurisdiction 342 List of Zonal Railways & Important Railway Websites 343 Details of Rail Travel Service Agents (RTSAs)/Rail Travel Agents (RTAs) 344 Disclaimer : The Passenger Information contained in these pages do not substitute the compendium of the various rules on the subject. These are a digest to serve more as guidance and help to the passengers. The Railway Administration disclaims liability for any inconvenience / expense for damage resulting from errors. 269 Telephone Numbers of High Officials South Central Railway Headquarters Office, Secunderabad Name & Designation Shri. D.P. Pande 040 27822874 General Manager Shri. K.L. Pandey 040 27824216 Additional General Manager Shri. S. K. Agarwal 040 27834267 Chief Operations Manager Shri. A. Bharat Bhushan 040 27834275 Chief Commercial Manager Shri. P. Ganeswara Rao 040 27830736 Chief Commercial Manager (Catering & Passenger Services) Shri.
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