Further Information winds along the top of the escarpment enclosed parkland. Please take care 19 Go right past the gate onto a track for the waymark post as there are in the wood. Cross the next stile when walking through the farmyard to take a stile on the right and cut several false turnings here). Climb for Hills Discovery Centre and keep left away from the edge and keep to the waymarked route. diagonally across the fields to Sallow a short distance to turn left and follow School Road, SY7 9RS following the narrow path. Coppice. the footpath along the bottom of the +44 (0) 1588 676010 Cross the farmyard passing the 13 wood. [email protected] To your right the sheer limestone cliff resembles the farmhouse on your left to follow 20 Go over the stile into the wood bearing THREE WOODS www.shropshirehillsdiscoverycentre.co.uk Wenlock Edge that runs in an unbroken line from the lane down to the main road. right. Take the next right to follow a ‰ Ignore all turnings until you reach the Travel information Craven Arms to Much Wenlock. The rock has been Cross the road and the narrow path around the eastern side of the turning at the top of the track at WALK Mainline railway stations are at , Church quarried in many places to be ‘burned’ to make slake footbridge to the left of the main wood (keep right). Eventually you point 4. Stretton, Craven Arms and . For bus and train lime for ‘sweetening’ fields and making lime-wash and bridge. will come to a stile on the right. information call 0871 200 3333 ‰ Turn left here and retrace your steps mortar. Turn right off the bridge on to Sallow Coppice is an excellent example back to the Discovery Centre. Guidelines for walkers 14 The path winds away from the edge a track. Shortly bear left across of ancient semi-natural woodland. Most Short Cut (from point 17) • Always wear suitable clothes and footwear 9 eventually bearing left then turning the field to the railway tunnel. Go of the sallows (willows) from which it takes Pay attention to the weather and dress accordingly right to descend to Rotting Lane. through the tunnel taking care to its name have long gone, as has the practice of One of the best known medieval buildings in , • Please keep your dogs under close control at all times. 10 Follow the blue bridleway arrows down leave gates as you find them. coppicing. Instead you can see sycamore, sweet is well worth a visit and is open all We recommend they be kept on a lead on farmland Rotting Lane. chestnut, silver birch, oak, hazel, wild cherry and year round • Take care in fields with livestock, especially if dog 15 Climb up the hill from the bridge Rotting Lane joins a forestry track to a stile at the edge of the wood. lime that have regenerated naturally since it was ‰ Turn right and follow the track over walking. Take extra care when crossing fields with largely felled in the last war. In spring it is a riot of cows and calves that, still descending bears left then Go right across the field towards the railway crossing . Follow the lane bluebells, primroses, violets and wood anemones to reach Stokesay Castle and Church on • Leave gates as you find them curves right to reach a metal gate. Pass Stokesay Castle. 11 the gate and follow the track to the marking the banks and woodland rides. your right. • Always try to keep to waymarked paths, unless on 16 Cross the fields with the railway on designated access land bottom of the hill. your right to pass lime kilns on your 21 Cross to emerge into a field and ‰ Pass the church and follow the lane • Respect the countryside; protect wildlife, plants and The route turns sharply down a narrow left and following a rough track. follow the high hedge to your left to dropping towards the main road. trees. Take your litter home. Do not light fires or eventually reach a stile on your left. lane on the left. Take a path on the left that runs make unnecessary noise 17 To take the Stokesay Short Cut, turn ‰ To head back to the Discovery Centre right down the track. Turn to the end 22 Cross and follow the right hand hedge parallel to and then meets the main Other Secret Hills walks from here ignore this turning and refer to of this guide for the route. to the top of an old lane and stile in the road. Cross carefully into Onny Riverside Ramble – a relaxing amble along the bank on the right. Meadows bearing left on a grassy the Norton Camp Short Cut, at the end of The main route turns left up the track Wart Hill Wander – climb to fine views and ancient path, then surfaced track after a small this guide. to pass to the right of Stoke Wood Follow the lane back into Craven Arms hillforts. Explore the Onny along an old railway. 23 bridge. Follow the track back to the At the bottom of the lane turn left Cottage. Climb to a fork and take the under the railway to come out at the Hills & Dales Hike – you owe yourself this walk. Both its centre. along a surfaced track then right to right hand path. main road opposite the Discovery views and climbs take your breath away! follow the road as it climbs up the hill Centre. Please take care crossing the Secret Hills Cycle Rides – the best way to explore the Parts of the steep wooded escarpment of Stoke to reach a fork. road back to the centre. beauty of the is by bike. Six superb routes Wood remain as a good example of ancient semi- for all levels of ability. 12 Go right to follow the tarmac track to natural woodland being at least 400 years old. Norton Camp Short Cut Discover Shropshire - To explore more of Shropshire’s pass a brown stone house known as Follow the wide and often waterlogged, From the point 11, ignore the left hand beautiful landscape and to find out more about its people, 18 ‰ ‘Park Croft’. Pass the house to descend undulating path along the edge of turn and go right staying on the track. nature and history go to www.discovershropshire.org.uk along the track to Park Farm. Stoke Wood to eventually reach ‰ After 250 metres turn right before The name ‘Park Farm’ dates back to Clapping Wicket where the path the path goes down to the road (look FSC Logo to go here the 12th Century when the area was widens in front of a solitary house. Discover the woods and fields from the

Designed by Lime Green Design 07952 631319 07952 Design Green Lime by Designed Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre 1 START Walk into the Onny Meadows. along the edge of the wood to Go left at the first junction and follow eventually bear right up a sunken THREE WOODS the surfaced path past the community muddy track. garden. 5 Pass through the clearing taking the WALK Go straight ahead to pass a black and left hand path. Keep going straight on white house, keeping right to follow as the path narrows. the narrow lane to a white metal bridge Within 5 minutes walk from the Go straight on, then around the bend across the River Onny. 6 Discovery Centre you will find yourself to the right following a track that WOOD The Onny is one of the major rivers of the Shropshire becomes enclosed on both sides by E S E W in the heart of the countryside. R A hills. When crossing, you might catch a fleeting rhododendron bushes. Go straight on H L Explore the woods and fields and T K

glimpse of brown trout, a favourite food of otters. at the next junction. K T L H




discover their secrets. E You may also be lucky and see a kingfisher. S

W D O Soon the track becomes a lane with O A fairly challenging walk with some steep 2 Cross the river and head out across views out to the east of the Clee hills. the field, bearing to the right of the To your right is Norton Camp. climbing at the start. This walk mainly follows footpaths electricity post ahead. Please keep 1 Hidden by the bushes are the earthworks of an and is waymarked with YELLOW Allow 4 /2 hours to complete the your dog on a lead in this field. Just 1 ancient hillfort that has stood here for over 2500 arrows. Blue arrows show the right whole walk. Allow at least 2 /2 hours before the hedge turn right to cross years. The camp is renowned for the double rampart of way is open to walkers, riders and if you take the shorter route. the footbridge and bear left to go uphill and ditch of its Iron Age defences. Evidence from cyclists. Red arrows are for byways Complete route 8 miles/12.8km along the edge of a sunken lane. excavations elsewhere suggests that hillforts like this which are also open to motorised HOW 1 Norton Camp short cut 4 /2 miles/ vehicles. FAR? Cross the stile next to the gate and were really hilltop towns. 7.2km follow the lane and past Whettleton 1 Following the track around the outer rampart gives Stokesay short cut 5 /4 miles/8.3km Walk Route Farm to reach the road. you an idea of how big the hillfort is. The track Short Cut Rough terrain, expect lots of mud. Whettleton was once a thriving village. It has not eventually reaches a once fine house that is now always been as quiet. In 1645, during the Civil derelict. It was built in 1870 by John Derby-Allcrofts Caution: take care on busy roads War, the fields above the farm were the scene of a whose family made their fortune making gloves. Remember to take refreshments. bloody skirmish. Parliamentarian soldiers charged John also built , near , the Viewpoint down the hill to surprise a larger Royalist force. The romantic setting for the film ‘Atonement’ starring Castle Roundheads won the day, killing Sir William Croft, Keira Knightley and James McAvoy. Public House one of the Cavaliers’ commanders and taking several The lane follows the outer edge of the A-Roads hundred prisoners. 7 camp until you reach an old house. Go B-Roads 3 Turn right and continue for a short on between the old house and the red distance. Take the next left just past brick building along a broad permissive Other roads the entrance to a large house called path that follows the curves of the Railway Norton’s Oak. Climbing steeply up into ramparts. Keep going to reach a stile on Woodland Nortoncamp Wood. the left. Hedgerows 4 Bear left at the Y junction climbing 8 Pass the stile and follow the path as it Further Information winds along the top of the escarpment enclosed parkland. Please take care 19 Go right past the gate onto a track for the waymark post as there are in the wood. Cross the next stile when walking through the farmyard to take a stile on the right and cut several false turnings here). Climb for Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre and keep left away from the edge and keep to the waymarked route. diagonally across the fields to Sallow a short distance to turn left and follow School Road, Craven Arms SY7 9RS following the narrow path. Coppice. the footpath along the bottom of the +44 (0) 1588 676010 Cross the farmyard passing the 13 wood. [email protected] To your right the sheer limestone cliff resembles the farmhouse on your left to follow 20 Go over the stile into the wood bearing THREE WOODS www.shropshirehillsdiscoverycentre.co.uk Wenlock Edge that runs in an unbroken line from the lane down to the main road. right. Take the next right to follow a ‰ Ignore all turnings until you reach the Travel information Craven Arms to Much Wenlock. The rock has been Cross the road and the narrow path around the eastern side of the turning at the top of the track at WALK Mainline railway stations are at Shrewsbury, Church quarried in many places to be ‘burned’ to make slake footbridge to the left of the main wood (keep right). Eventually you point 4. Stretton, Craven Arms and Ludlow. For bus and train lime for ‘sweetening’ fields and making lime-wash and bridge. will come to a stile on the right. information call 0871 200 3333 ‰ Turn left here and retrace your steps mortar. Turn right off the bridge on to Sallow Coppice is an excellent example back to the Discovery Centre. Guidelines for walkers 14 The path winds away from the edge a track. Shortly bear left across of ancient semi-natural woodland. Most Stokesay Short Cut (from point 17) • Always wear suitable clothes and footwear 9 eventually bearing left then turning the field to the railway tunnel. Go of the sallows (willows) from which it takes Pay attention to the weather and dress accordingly right to descend to Rotting Lane. through the tunnel taking care to its name have long gone, as has the practice of One of the best known medieval buildings in England, • Please keep your dogs under close control at all times. 10 Follow the blue bridleway arrows down leave gates as you find them. coppicing. Instead you can see sycamore, sweet Stokesay Castle is well worth a visit and is open all We recommend they be kept on a lead on farmland Rotting Lane. chestnut, silver birch, oak, hazel, wild cherry and year round • Take care in fields with livestock, especially if dog 15 Climb up the hill from the bridge Rotting Lane joins a forestry track to a stile at the edge of the wood. lime that have regenerated naturally since it was ‰ Turn right and follow the track over walking. Take extra care when crossing fields with largely felled in the last war. In spring it is a riot of cows and calves that, still descending bears left then Go right across the field towards the railway crossing . Follow the lane bluebells, primroses, violets and wood anemones to reach Stokesay Castle and Church on • Leave gates as you find them curves right to reach a metal gate. Pass Stokesay Castle. 11 the gate and follow the track to the marking the banks and woodland rides. your right. • Always try to keep to waymarked paths, unless on 16 Cross the fields with the railway on designated access land bottom of the hill. your right to pass lime kilns on your 21 Cross to emerge into a field and ‰ Pass the church and follow the lane • Respect the countryside; protect wildlife, plants and The route turns sharply down a narrow left and following a rough track. follow the high hedge to your left to dropping towards the main road. trees. Take your litter home. Do not light fires or eventually reach a stile on your left. lane on the left. Take a path on the left that runs make unnecessary noise 17 To take the Stokesay Short Cut, turn ‰ To head back to the Discovery Centre right down the track. Turn to the end 22 Cross and follow the right hand hedge parallel to and then meets the main Other Secret Hills walks from here ignore this turning and refer to of this guide for the route. to the top of an old lane and stile in the road. Cross carefully into Onny Riverside Ramble – a relaxing amble along the River Onny bank on the right. Meadows bearing left on a grassy the Norton Camp Short Cut, at the end of The main route turns left up the track Wart Hill Wander – climb to fine views and ancient path, then surfaced track after a small this guide. to pass to the right of Stoke Wood Follow the lane back into Craven Arms hillforts. Explore the Onny along an old railway. 23 bridge. Follow the track back to the At the bottom of the lane turn left Cottage. Climb to a fork and take the under the railway to come out at the Hills & Dales Hike – you owe yourself this walk. Both its centre. along a surfaced track then right to right hand path. main road opposite the Discovery views and climbs take your breath away! follow the road as it climbs up the hill Centre. Please take care crossing the Secret Hills Cycle Rides – the best way to explore the Parts of the steep wooded escarpment of Stoke to reach a fork. road back to the centre. beauty of the Shropshire Hills is by bike. Six superb routes Wood remain as a good example of ancient semi- for all levels of ability. 12 Go right to follow the tarmac track to natural woodland being at least 400 years old. Norton Camp Short Cut Discover Shropshire - To explore more of Shropshire’s pass a brown stone house known as Follow the wide and often waterlogged, From the point 11, ignore the left hand beautiful landscape and to find out more about its people, 18 ‰ ‘Park Croft’. Pass the house to descend undulating path along the edge of turn and go right staying on the track. nature and history go to www.discovershropshire.org.uk along the track to Park Farm. Stoke Wood to eventually reach ‰ After 250 metres turn right before The name ‘Park Farm’ dates back to Clapping Wicket where the path the path goes down to the road (look FSC Logo to go here the 12th Century when the area was widens in front of a solitary house. Discover the woods and fields from the

Designed by Lime Green Design 07952 631319 07952 Design Green Lime by Designed Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre 1 START Walk into the Onny Meadows. along the edge of the wood to Go left at the first junction and follow eventually bear right up a sunken THREE WOODS the surfaced path past the community muddy track. garden. 5 Pass through the clearing taking the WALK Go straight ahead to pass a black and left hand path. Keep going straight on white house, keeping right to follow as the path narrows. the narrow lane to a white metal bridge Within 5 minutes walk from the Go straight on, then around the bend across the River Onny. 6 Discovery Centre you will find yourself to the right following a track that WOOD The Onny is one of the major rivers of the Shropshire becomes enclosed on both sides by E S E W in the heart of the countryside. R A hills. When crossing, you might catch a fleeting rhododendron bushes. Go straight on H L Explore the woods and fields and T K

glimpse of brown trout, a favourite food of otters. at the next junction. K T L H




discover their secrets. E You may also be lucky and see a kingfisher. S

W D O Soon the track becomes a lane with O A fairly challenging walk with some steep 2 Cross the river and head out across views out to the east of the Clee hills. the field, bearing to the right of the To your right is Norton Camp. climbing at the start. This walk mainly follows footpaths electricity post ahead. Please keep 1 Hidden by the bushes are the earthworks of an and is waymarked with YELLOW Allow 4 /2 hours to complete the your dog on a lead in this field. Just 1 ancient hillfort that has stood here for over 2500 arrows. Blue arrows show the right whole walk. Allow at least 2 /2 hours before the hedge turn right to cross years. The camp is renowned for the double rampart of way is open to walkers, riders and if you take the shorter route. the footbridge and bear left to go uphill and ditch of its Iron Age defences. Evidence from cyclists. Red arrows are for byways Complete route 8 miles/12.8km along the edge of a sunken lane. excavations elsewhere suggests that hillforts like this which are also open to motorised HOW 1 Norton Camp short cut 4 /2 miles/ vehicles. FAR? Cross the stile next to the gate and were really hilltop towns. 7.2km follow the lane and past Whettleton 1 Following the track around the outer rampart gives Stokesay short cut 5 /4 miles/8.3km Walk Route Farm to reach the road. you an idea of how big the hillfort is. The track Short Cut Rough terrain, expect lots of mud. Whettleton was once a thriving village. It has not eventually reaches a once fine house that is now always been as quiet. In 1645, during the Civil derelict. It was built in 1870 by John Derby-Allcrofts Caution: take care on busy roads War, the fields above the farm were the scene of a whose family made their fortune making gloves. Remember to take refreshments. bloody skirmish. Parliamentarian soldiers charged John also built Stokesay Court, near Onibury, the Viewpoint down the hill to surprise a larger Royalist force. The romantic setting for the film ‘Atonement’ starring Castle Roundheads won the day, killing Sir William Croft, Keira Knightley and James McAvoy. Public House one of the Cavaliers’ commanders and taking several The lane follows the outer edge of the A-Roads hundred prisoners. 7 camp until you reach an old house. Go B-Roads 3 Turn right and continue for a short on between the old house and the red distance. Take the next left just past brick building along a broad permissive Other roads the entrance to a large house called path that follows the curves of the Railway Norton’s Oak. Climbing steeply up into ramparts. Keep going to reach a stile on Woodland Nortoncamp Wood. the left. Hedgerows 4 Bear left at the Y junction climbing 8 Pass the stile and follow the path as it