
Name ______Date _____ Class _____

Reading Skills Activity

Comparing and Contrasting Learning the Skill Have you ever read a story that • Look for signal words in the text to see reminded you of another story you had if the author is presenting information read? What were some things the two to compare or contrast. stories had in common? In what ways - Some comparison signal words are were they different? When you ask your­ same, at the same time, like, and still. self these kinds of questions as you read, - Words signaling contrasts may you are comparing and contrasting include some, others, different, information. however, rather, yet, but, and or. When you compare two or more sub­ • Determine common categories, or areas, jects, you explain how they are similar. to use for comparing and contrasting. When you contrast them, you explain how they are different. • Look for similarities and differences within the common categories. Use the following guidelines to help you compare and contrast while you read: • Organize your comparisons and con­ trasts in a chart. • Ask yourself what things-people, places, events-are being compared or contrasted in the text.

'+fI Practicing the Skill Directions: Read the passage below, and then complete the activity II that follows. contains a variety of landforms. East of the is Asian Russia, Rugged mountains and plateaus lie in the which includes . Northern Siberia has south and east. In the and , vast one of the coldest in the . It is lowland reach the horizon. a vast treeless that remains frozen much Most of lies on the North­ of the year. The few people who reside here ern . This fertile has earn a living by fishing, seals and Russia's mildest , and about 75 percent , or herding . of live here. Much of Russia's agri­ To the south of the northern plains area is culture and industry are found on the North­ a of dense where people earn ern European Plain. a living by lumbering or hunting. Plains, To the far south of European Russia are plateaus, and ranges cover the the rugged Mountains. Located southern part of Siberia. near a line, the Caucasus area is prone Mountains also rise on the far eastern to destructiye . Peninsula. These mountains cause many volcanoes.

25 Name ______Date _____ Class _____

Reading Skills Activity continued

Comparing and Contrasting The chart below is called a comparison frame. Use information from the previous page to fill in the empty cells. Note that the subjects being compared and contrasted are written across the top as headings. side of the chart lists the categories being compared and contrasted. Underline the similarities you find between the two .

Category European Russia Asian Russia Landforms Vast treeless plain in the north; southern Siberia has mountains, plateaus, and plains. Climate milder climate

Population Few people live in this area.

Type of work available and industry

(J Applying the Skill Directions: Read the passage below. Then, on a separate sheet of paper, complete the activity that follows. Railroads were the primary means of trans­ is increasing. In times, few families had portation during the Soviet Era and are still cars. Now about 50 percent of Russian families important today. The heavily populated area own a car. west of the Urals is covered by an extensive Russia's communication systems also need railroad network. This system is linked to the improvement. For years, telephones were less famed Trans-Siberian Railroad that runs from common in Russia than in most European in the west to in the east. . Since the early , however, Russia still lacks an effective sys­ improvements have occurred. New tem. No multilane highways link major , phone lines allow for the rapid transfer of and the that do exist are in poor condi­ information, making it easier to use the Inter­ tion. The government is currently building a net in Russia. Rural areas, however, still have 6,600-mile highway across the . poor phone .. One reason that highway improvements are needed is because Russian car ownership

Comparing and Contrasting Compare and contrast the transportation and communication systems of the Soviet Era to the present. Create a Venn diagram to show the similarities and differences.
