
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 11 (2017 10) 1669-1686 ~ ~ ~

УДК 332.1:338.1(571)

Siberia and the Russian in the 21st Century: Scenarios of the Future

Valerii S. Efimov and Alla V. Laptevа* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, , 660041,

Received 07.09.2017, received in revised form 07.11.2017, accepted 14.11.2017 The article presents a study of variants of possible future for and up until 2050. The authors consider the global trends that are likely to determine the situation of Russia and the Siberian macro- in the long term. It is shown that the demand for natural resources of Siberia and Russian Far East will be determined by the economic development of Asian countries, the processes of urbanization and the growth of urban “middle class”. When determining possible scenarios, the authors use a method of conceptual scenario planning that was developed under the framework of foresight technology. Three groups of scenario factors became the basis for determining scenarios: external constant conditions, external variable factors, internal variable factors. Combinations of scenario factors set the field for the possible variants of the future of Siberia and Russian East. The article describes four key scenarios: “Broad international cooperation”, “Exclusive partnership”, “Optimization of the country”, “Retention of territory”. For each of them the authors provide “the image of the future” (including the main features of international cooperation, economic and social development), as well as the quantitative estimation of population and GDP dynamics: • “Broad international cooperation” – the population of Russia will increase by 15.7 % from 146.5 million in 2015 to 169.5 million in 2050; Russia’s GDP will grow by 3.4 times – from 3.8 trillion dollars (PPP) in 2015 to 12.8 trillion dollars in 2050. • “Exclusive partnership” – the population of Russia will increase by 8.1 % from 146.5 million in 2015 to 158.4 million in 2050; Russia’s GDP will grow by 2.7 times from 3.8 trillion dollars (PPP) in 2015 to 10.1 trillion dollars in 2050. • “Country optimization” – the population of Russia will decrease by 0.1 % from 146.5 million in 2015 to 146.4 million in 2050; Russia’s GDP will grow by 2.0 times from 3.8 trillion dollars (PPP) in 2015 to 7.4 trillion dollars in 2050. • “Territory retention” – the population of Russia will decrease by 11.9 % from 146.5 million in 2015 to 129.1 million; Russia’s GDP will grow by 1.6 times from 3.8 trillion dollars (PPP) in 2015 to 6.0 trillion dollars in 2050. Keywords: Siberia, Russian Far East, economic development, scenarios, global trends. The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Krasnoyarsk Territory Fund for the Support of Scientific and Technical Activities within the framework of the scientific project “Development of long- term scenarios and organizational and economic mechanisms for the development of the zone of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and assessment of their impact on the socio-economic state and dynamics of the Krasnoyarsk Territory” (project № 16-12-24007).

© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]; [email protected] – 1669 – Valerii S. Efimov, Alla V. Laptevа. Siberia and the Russian Far East in the 21st Century: Scenarios of the Future

DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0165. Research area: economics, sociology.

1. Introduction products and services (Peskov, 2015). However, At present, the future of Siberia and the Far these markets are captured and held by leading East remains significantly uncertain due to the foreign companies – “global players” (IT companies, high level of political and economic turbulence pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers of that is characteristic of both the world (Global electronics and equipment, aviation equipment, Trends 2030…, 2012) and Russia. etc.). It is likely that a number of Russian companies A range of options for the possible future of will be able to occupy and maintain certain niche Siberia and the Far East in the 21st century is very positions in such markets, but their activities are wide and covers essentially different trajectories complicated by low quality of institutions, business of social and economic dynamics of the environment and public administration in the macroregion. On one side there is “conservation” country. Since the evolution of institutions and of the macroregion as a deep periphery of the state does not happen quickly, it can be argued Russia, for the development of which there are that in the next 10-15 years the innovation sectors not enough financial and resources; on will not be able to become the main source of the the other side – high dynamics of development, economic growth in Russia. forced inclusion of the region in the international The prospects of the Siberian and Far Eastern economic relations, attracting investments, are associated with a high demand for raw technologies, labour resources. materials, which in the coming decades will be Development resources are inevitably maintained by “new industrial giants”, primarily limited, and regions within the country compete the developing countries in (Efimov et al., for them – for investments by the state, business 2017). The growth of the scale and efficiency of and human capital. Competitive advantages of the use of natural resources, the completion of the regions of the European part of Russia are building the “raw material” sector by processing the relatively large consumer markets, a higher enterprises, high-tech mechanic engineering and “density” of the economy, infrastructures and the services (geological , engineering, population. The European part of the country is equipment maintenance, R&D, etc.) can become home for most major cities – industrial, scientific a driver for the development of Siberia and the and educational centres. The competitive Far East (Efimov, 2014). The resulting financial advantages of the Siberian and Far Eastern resources (business and federal budget revenues) regions are the natural resources: fuel-energy, can be “converted” into development of the , water, , etc. innovation economy in different regions of the The prospects of the European part of the country in the medium and long term. country are related to the possibility of deploying Thus, “reliance on Siberia” can become a new sectors of the economy on the basis of the principle of the Russia’s overall development 5th and 6th waves of innovation (information strategy – the priority development of the high- and communication technologies, bio- and tech raw materials economy of Siberia, including nanotechnologies, new materials, etc.) with the sectors of extraction, processing and transportation possibility to enter emerging global markets of new of natural resources; the creation of a sector of – 1670 – Valerii S. Efimov, Alla V. Laptevа. Siberia and the Russian Far East in the 21st Century: Scenarios of the Future high-tech mechanic engineering and services to Manual, 2005), which allows us to identify the solve the problems of developing Siberia. Further, key semantic units of the future (concepts). To it is important not only to accumulate a natural identify different scenarios, we distinguish the resource rent in various “reserve funds”, but also key groups of scenario factors that determine the to build mechanisms for “converting” revenues dynamics of changes in the object under study. into technological development and diversification Such factors are as follows: of the country’s economy as a whole. • External constant conditions – global Features of natural potential, problems trends – large-scale and stable (with great inertia) and prospects for the development of Siberia global trends that persist in the studied period and the Far East in the situation of post-Soviet (growth of population of the , urbanization Russia have been analyzed in the works of of countries in Asia, , , etc.); M.K. Bandman and V.Iu. Malov (the results are changes caused by global trends will occur with summarized in the work (Bazarov et al., 2005), high probability. L.A. Bezrukov (Bezrukov, 2008), L.A. Bezrukov • External variable factors – global and Ts.B. Dashpilov (Bezrukov & Dashpilov, changes that can significantly vary during a 2010), V.M. Zubov and V.L. Inozemtsev (Zubov & given period (acceleration or deceleration of the Inozemtsev, 2013), V.S. Efimov and A.V. Efimov world economy, expansion or curtailment of (Efimov & Efimov, 2013, 2015), A.A. Kokoshin globalization processes, increase or decrease in et al. (Kokoshin et al., 2011), I.A. Makarov et al. demand for natural resources, etc.). (Makarov et al., 2016) and others. Some questions • Internal variable factors – country changes of the branch development of Siberia and the Far determined by key factors in the country (features East are presented in the works of V.A. Kriukov of the international and economic policy, increase or (Kriukov, 2016a; 2016b); V.A. Kriukov and decrease in business and population activity, etc.). A.N. Tokarev (Kriukov and Tokarev, 2003), Variable factors can take different, V.A. Kriukov et al. (Kriukov et al., 2012, 2014), sometimes opposite, values; they can accelerate A.N. Tokarev (Tokarev, 2014, 2015), L.V. Edera the processes of development of Siberia and the et al. (Edera et al., 2015), etc. A series of reports Far East or block them and launch degradation of the Valdai club discuss the prospects for the processes. development of Siberia and the Far East taking By a number of characteristics the into account the changing political and economic studied scenarios are alternative, by others – situation in the world and in Russia (Karaganov interpenetrating or additional (can form et al., 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016). “hybrid” scenarios). At the same time, we The purpose of this article is to explore the can see that certain scenarios (in the form possible future of Siberia and the Far East through of prerequisites and preparatory actions) are building a spectrum of long-term conceptual already being implemented; the beginning of the scenarios up until 2050. implementation of other scenarios may become possible in more remote periods – 2025-2035. 2. Methodology Each scenario of the future of Siberia and research methods and the Far East is described as follows. We The method of conceptual scenario planning give a generalized picture – the image of the is one of the main tools in the practice of foresight future; indicate “drivers” – those factors, under research (UNIDO Technology Foresight the influence of which the socio-economic – 1671 – Valerii S. Efimov, Alla V. Laptevа. Siberia and the Russian Far East in the 21st Century: Scenarios of the Future dynamics of the macroregion will rush “into will migrate from troubled countries and a course” of this scenario. Then we discuss the regions to more prosperous ones. In the latter, configuration of variable factors (development entire sectors of the economy (construction, factors and degradation factors) that determines communal services, , etc.) begin to this scenario. Strategically valuable courses be based on the labour of migrants. of development are outlined for the positive 3. “New citizens” – the middle class. scenarios. The quantitative characteristics of Industrialization and urbanization of the scenarios are presented through the values of countries of Asia, Latin America and Africa will the main indicators of social and economic to hundreds of millions of “new citizens” – development: changes in the population and the an increase in the number of citizens in volume of produced GRP. from 560 million in 2005 to 950 million in 2025; in Africa, an increase in the number of 3. Global trends – stable external factors urban residents by 24 million annually in the important for the future of Siberia period from 2015 to 2045 (Urban World…, and the Far East 2016); growth of the middle class in developing 1. Demographic growth. The population countries2. The growing industrial sectors, the of the Earth will increase to 9.7 billion people unprecedented construction of cities, the growing (by 32 %) by 2050 (World Population Prospects, urban population of these countries will create 2015); as a consequence, the volume of consumed a great demand for resources. The continuing resources of all types (mineral resources, energy, development of cities and urban agglomerations food, water) will increase. With the existing will lead to the formation of large urbanized technologies, this means that there is a need to regions (with population of 10-50 million develop new deposits, additional areas of people each) that will become global centres for and arable lands for the economic use. The areas economic, technological and social development. and natural resources of poorly developed regions 4. Technological revolution. Its components of the planet, including Siberia and the Russian are industrial and digital revolutions. For Siberia, Far East, will be in demand. it is important that the new technological 2. Migration Challenges and solutions will be found in such sectors as Opportunities. The population growth will geological exploration, extraction, transportation, occur against the background of contrasts processing of natural resources, manufacturing between countries and regions: at one side there of high technology and high margin products. are countries with a relatively high standard Technological possibilities of economically of living, the population of which is “aging”; expedient development of remote, hard-to-reach on the other side there are poor countries with regions of the planet, including Siberia and the young population that are with manpower- Arctic Region, will expand. surplus, unsuccessful in different ways. The 5. “Green vector” – a component of result will be an increase in migration flows the technological revolution: the transition to (labour and settlement migration) – in 2015, technologies that reduce the energy and material the total number of international migrants1 in intensity of production, as well as the labour the world amounted to 244 million people (in costs. In the medium term, the transition to 2010, it was 222 million, in 2000 – 173 million) “clean” sources of energy will cause reduction (United Nations…, 2016, 2017). Most migrants in the consumption of and oil, while the – 1672 – Valerii S. Efimov, Alla V. Laptevа. Siberia and the Russian Far East in the 21st Century: Scenarios of the Future consumption of and hydropower will and labour markets; “freezing” of the processes be increased. In the long term, we can expect a of development of new territories. decrease in demand for , energy, but this Dynamics of international relations will happen primarily in developed countries. • rationality of international relations, The “new industrial giants” of Asia will maintain dissemination of pragmatic orientations and a high level of demand for natural resources in approaches to building interactions between global markets for decades (Efimov et al., 2017). countries, between states and transnational 6. Anthropological shift – a significant companies (TNCs); expansion of the practice of increase in the quality of life, mass in mutually beneficial cooperation at different levels developing countries, the transition to mass higher (governments, companies); education in developed countries, the growth of • decrease in rationality of international human mobility (territorial, professional, social, relations, ousting of pragmatic approaches, growth cultural). A person will not just be a “work force”, of confrontation both in certain regions and at the but his education and qualification, entrepreneurial global level; crisis of institutions of global regulation and innovative activity, readiness and ability and interaction. Weakening of the potential of to actively build his own live, to transform the international partnership of states and corporations; surrounding society will be of key value. Countries reduction of investments in joint projects. and regions will compete for the most developed The scale and quality of growth of the human capital. In these conditions, Siberia’s Russian economy (Rossiia XXI veka…, 2010) macro-region can both rapidly lose human • deep structural and technological resources and quickly attract and accumulate modernization of the Russian economy, formation them depending on the availability or absence of a of a more complex and diversified economic strategy for attracting human capital. structure (including extractive industries, deep processing, sectors of high-tech manufacturing, 4. Variable external factors important knowledge economy centres); inclusion in the for the future of Siberia world innovation process, active establishment of and the Far East production facilities of the fifth and sixth waves In order to describe external variable factors, of innovation; liquidation of infrastructure and a method of alternatives is used, where the institutional deficits; high growth rates; extreme alternatives for each factor are indicated. • “seizure” of the Russian economy in the Dynamics of the global economy situation of the “raw material donor” for other development (Global Trends 2030…, 2012) countries; low growth rates (or the alternation • continued growth of the global economy; of periods of growth and decline in GDP) when continuation of the processes of globalization – “freezing” the sectoral structure; transformation expansion of globally distributed production of infrastructure, institutional and budget deficits systems, markets for goods and services, into chronic ones; degradation of the production, capital and labour markets; involvement of new transport and social infrastructure, especially in territories in the world processes of production the regions of Siberia and the Far East. and consumption; The quality of federalism and the system • stagnation of the world economy; of state and public institutions in Russia economic and political regionalization and • development of federalism in the model of fragmentation; protection of the country’s capital developed countries, expansion of the sphere of – 1673 – Valerii S. Efimov, Alla V. Laptevа. Siberia and the Russian Far East in the 21st Century: Scenarios of the Future competence and authority of the subjects of the technologies. Critical delay in inclusion in the Russian Federation; transition to a new model fourth industrial revolution. of inter-budgetary relations and redistribution The presence of a mobilizing image of of financial resources in favour of regional and the future/the absence of such an image of the municipal budgets; increasing transparency and future accountability of the authorities at all levels, • formation and of a positive reducing corruption expenses; formation of mobilizing image of the future – expansion civil society institutions, implementation of the of entrepreneurial and social activity of the subsidiarity policy and participation of citizens in population; growth of business investment the development processes; in long-term projects; people’s large-scale • “curtailment” of federalism – transition “investment” of their own time and activity in from a federal state to a virtually unitary one: the development of the economy and the creation reducing scope of competence and authority of of public goods, in the formation of their own the constituent entities, strengthening powers of capital of education, health, social ties; growth the federal authorities; concentration of the powers and improvement of the quality of the country’s and resources in the federal centre, “manual human and social capital; management” of the regions; strengthening the state • absence or uncertainty of the image of control and directivity at all levels of government. the future – reduction of business investments Integration of Russia into the world in technological renewal and new production economic space/economic, technological facilities; curtailment of people’s activity, autarky of Russia “internal emigration” – concentration of activity • the end of the “war of sanctions” and the in personal life, in virtual worlds (the Internet, confrontation of Russia with the developed countries; social networks, computer games); drift of an integration of Russia into the world economic space, increasing part of the population to the “gray continuation of economic cooperation with the zone” (informal, unstable employment); decrease countries – leaders of technological development in the level of personal investment in the creation and with separate leading companies; placement of of public goods; decrease in quality and general production and service sites of foreign companies degradation of the country’s human and social in the Russian regions with further localization capital. of production; transfer of technology, production standards, management standards; formation of 5. The field of possible scenarios high-tech clusters, enclaves of the fourth industrial of the future of Siberia revolution; and the Far East • Continuation of Russia’s confrontation Based on the results of the analysis, the with developed countries, expansion of the authors singled out scenarios that, on the one “war of sanctions”, focus on the economic and hand, outline a broad horizon of the future – technological autarky of the country. Focus of determine the ultimate variants of the possible the industrial policy on the import substitution future; on the other hand, these are the realistic and technological development on the basis of the scenarios that have precedents-analogues in the domestic reserves. Slowdown of technological development of other countries reflecting the modernization of production units as a result ideas and models of development discussed in the of narrowing access to modern equipment and scientific and expert environment. – 1674 – Valerii S. Efimov, Alla V. Laptevа. Siberia and the Russian Far East in the 21st Century: Scenarios of the Future

Below are the basic statements setting the “closed state”, autarky, the construction of a closed contours of the “inevitable future”: economy and society; b) a “smart state” with 1. The key competitive advantages of Siberia respect to management practices, with high quality and the Far East are: the presence of weakly institutions, low level of corruption, a strategic developed territories; the availability of a wide planning system, etc., or a “simple state” prone to range of natural resources (hydrocarbons, ores simple decisions, manual management, application and minerals, water resources, bio-resources, of historically outdated management and social etc.) that are currently insufficiently explored; organization models and etc. the possibility of creating transit corridors Table 1 shows which combinations of scenario connecting the leading economic zones of the factors determine the implementation of the main world – the EU countries and the APR countries. scenarios of the future of Siberia and the Far East. 2. The full-scale development of significant Figure 1 schematically shows the scenario natural resources and the use of the transit field, stable (definite) and variable (indefinite) potential of Siberia and the Far East will require factors, as well as the four possible future scenarios. significant investments (financial investments, Within the framework of the developed technology, manpower, etc.) that can be scenarios, the main directions of the social and obtained as a result of international cooperation, economic development of Siberia and the Far partnership between government and business. East are as follows3: 3. The speed, scale and effects of the • development of the fuel and energy sector development of Siberia and the Far East will be that includes the operation of the existing oil, gas determined by the activity of the Russian state – and coal fields and the development of the new the main regulator of political, economic and ones; processing and obtaining highly profitable social processes in the country. products of oil, gas and coal chemistry; Below are the factors that determine the • development of the mineral resources possibility of implementing one of the alternative sector, including geological exploration, variants of the future. development of deposits of , minerals • Very high or low demand for natural demanded on world markets; resources in the world and regional markets, in • formation of the territory’s transport particular, the demand for natural resources of frame ensuring its coherence and use of the Siberia and the Far East. transit potential of Russia, including: deep • Rationalization or reduction of the modernization of the Trans-Siberian Railway rationality of international relations – increase (construction of a high-speed elevated railroad); or decrease in the potential of international expansion for transpolar flights and the Northern partnership of states and corporations. Such Route; creation of a system of seaports on the partnership is important for attracting foreign coast of the Far East; construction of a network investments, modern technologies, labour of high-speed railways and highways that provide resources necessary for the development of “compaction of the economic space” and creation Siberia and the Far East. of conditions for economic development, etc.; • The external and internal position of the • formation of the South Siberian urbanized Russian state: a) the state that is open to international region (, , , cooperation (integration of the country’s economy , , , Krasnoyarsk, into the world economy in strong positions) or a etc.) and the Far Eastern urbanized region – 1675 – Valerii S. Efimov, Alla V. Laptevа. Siberia and the Russian Far East in the 21st Century: Scenarios of the Future

Table 1. Scenarios and scenario factors of the future of Siberia and the Far East

SCENARIO FACTORS Rationalization of international Demand for natural SCENARIOS relations – expansion of Position of the resources in the world international partnership of Russian state and regional markets states and corporations + + Broad international + high demand for natural developed, multilateral cooperation “open”, “smart state” resources partnership + + – + – Exclusive partnership high demand for natural limited partnership “simple state” resources + – – “limited state” in Country optimization low demand for natural weak activity in building terms of its strategic resources partnerships capabilities + – – – Territory retention high or low demand for weak activity in building “closed state” natural resources partnerships

FIELD OF SCENARIOS AND MAIN FACTORS Variable factors – growth conditions

New Grow of the Rationalization of Diversification and Presence of a federalism, Integration of Russia world international development of mobilizing vision strengthening into economic space economy relations, high Russian economy of future potential of of regions partnership

Population growth of the Earth – growing demand for resources; large-scale “BROAD INTERNATIONAL migrations COOPERATION” Scenario

Urbanization and industrialization of Asia, growing number of “new citizens” – growing demand for resources “EXLUSIVE PARTNERSHIP” Scenario Technological revolution: -new technologies of geological exploration, extraction, transportation of resources “COUNTRY OPTIMIZATION” Scenario “Green vector”: reduction of energy, material and labor intensity of products;

key constants transition to “clean” energy sources – “TERRITORY RETENTION” Scenario Anthropological shift; competition for human capital, cross-flows of human capital between regions and countries

Structural Reduction of freezing and Transition to

Global factors stagnation of Stagnation of the rationality of Economic, Absence of the Russian unitary state technological mobilizing vision world economy international relations economy autarky of Russia of future

Variable factors – degradation conditions

Fig. 1. Field of scenarios of the future of Siberia and the Far East until 2050

– 1676 – Valerii S. Efimov, Alla V. Laptevа. Siberia and the Russian Far East in the 21st Century: Scenarios of the Future

(, , Komsomolsk-on- “Forecast of the development of the world’s and , etc.) that will concentrate the human Russia’s energy in 2016” prepared by the Institute capital, industrial clusters, various sectors of Energy Studies of the Russian Academy of of the innovative economy, a scientific and Sciences and the Analytical Centre under the educational sector, form a transport frame (high- Government of the Russian Federation (Prognoz speed railroad and highway transport), create a razvitiia…, 2016). developed service sector, ensure high quality of The estimates show that in different scenarios life etc.; development of large cities and urban the GDP growth rates in Russia in 2015-2040 agglomerations (, Chita, Ulan-Ude, etc.); will be as follows: in the “critical scenario” – • creation of highly productive agro- 1.5 %; in the “probable scenario” – 2.1 %; in industrial clusters in the territory of South Siberia the “favourable scenario” – 3.0 %. At the same and the Far East that provide the population of the time, the economic growth rates in Russia will Russian Federation with agricultural products and lag behind the world average in all the considered foodstuffs and export to the Asia-Pacific countries; scenarios. In 2040, Russia’s purchasing power • development of the Arctic Region and parity GDP in various scenarios will be $ 5.3 Northern territories, including development of trillion, $ 6.2 trillion, $ 7.6 trillion, respectively. shelf and continental fields of hydrocarbon and Table 2 presents forecast estimates of the other natural resources, creation of a group of population and GDP values of Russia in 2030 and aqua-territorial complexes that ensure effective 2050 in accordance with the scenarios considered development of natural resources and organization in the article4,5. of Russia’s presence on the northern borders. In order to carry out quantitative estimates 6. “Broad international cooperation” of the population and the country’s GDP growth scenario rates for different scenarios, the authors used Vision of the future. Siberia and the Far the projected values of Rosstat (Rossiiskii East are dynamically developing on the basis statisticheskii ezhegodnik, 2014) and the report of a wide range of projects in the field of raw

Table 2. The main indicators of scenario variants of the future for the Russian Federation

Population, million people Annual growth rates, % Scenarios Growth 2015 2030 2050 2050/2015 2015–2030 2030–2050 Broad international cooperation6 156.4 169.5 1.157 0.434 0.538 Exclusive partnership 151.8 158.4 1.018 0.101 0.121 146.5 Country optimization 147.8 146.4 0.999 0.025 –0.078 Territory retention 142.6 129.1 0.881 –0.028 –0.283 GDP, trillion dollars (PPP) Annual growth rates, % Scenarios Growth 2015 2030 2050 2015–2050 2050/2015 Broad international cooperation 7 6.3 12.8 3.5 3.7 Exclusive partnership 5.7 10.1 2.8 3.0 3.7 Country optimization 4.9 7.4 2.0 2.1 Territory retention 4.5 6.0 1.7 1.5

– 1677 – Valerii S. Efimov, Alla V. Laptevа. Siberia and the Russian Far East in the 21st Century: Scenarios of the Future materials (hydrocarbons, metals, wood) and development for the organization of production their processing, energy, agro-industrial sector, and management of complex types of machinery construction of infrastructure facilities. Large- and equipment. scale investments and new technologies are Expansion of production in the basic needed; they are available through attracting sectors (raw materials extraction, processing, partners from a large number of foreign countries transportation, mechanical engineering) creates (“broad international cooperation”). an influx of money into the urban economy Many deposits that will be involved in a new (trade, services, construction, etc.). The incomes wave of development are in difficult geological of the population are growing not only in the and climatic conditions and removed from the basic sectors, but also in the region as a whole. currently available (waterways, railways New jobs with a competitive level of wages and roads). Financial and technological resources attract labour migrants from other regions of of the Russian state and Russian companies Russia and other countries – the population of the are not sufficient for development of deposits region is growing. and construction of infrastructures in such Target indicators of the “Broad international conditions. This necessitates a broad international cooperation” scenario (2050): cooperation in the development of new fields by • The population of Russia will increase Russian and foreign companies. Its formats must by 15.7 % from 146.5 million people in 2015 to meet a number of conditions: 1) profitability of 169.5 million people in 2050, provided that 11.1 projects for investors (Russian and foreign); 2) a million people will be additionally attracted large volume of revenues from the extraction of migrants from other countries; resources into the federal budget; 3) winnings for • Russia’s GDP will grow by 3.4 times – the Siberian and Far Eastern regions – revenue from 3.8 trillion dollars (PPP) in 2015 to 12.8 receipts to regional budgets, job creation, trillion dollars (PPP) in 2050. increased transport connectivity of territories, emergence of significant infrastructure facilities 7. “Exclusive partnership” scenario as a basis for the further development of regions. Vision of the future. In this scenario, in Since the extraction and processing of raw developing Siberia and the Far East, Russia materials demand equipment on a large scale, a stakes on cooperation with a narrow range of number of mechanical engineering sectors are partner countries or even with the “exclusive developing in the cities of Siberia and the Far partner” – China. It is the Chinese companies and East: production of drilling, mining, construction the state that will be the sources of investments, and transport machines and special equipment, technologies, labour resources; it is China that machinery and equipment for forestry and will become the main consumer of the extracted agro-industrial sectors. It is possible due to the resources and products of their processing. attraction of companies – the world leaders in China’s interests will also be realized in terms the production of the respective equipment that of food production on the lands of the Russian locate their production and service facilities in Far East, the use of the transport highways of the region. the Far East to link north-eastern China with its As an add-on, “smart businesses” are other regions. It is possible that China will use deployed in the field of exploration and modelling the Siberian and Far Eastern regions to realize of deposits, engineering, digital design, software its intention to rid its territory of the dirtiest – 1678 – Valerii S. Efimov, Alla V. Laptevа. Siberia and the Russian Far East in the 21st Century: Scenarios of the Future industries – to move them to other countries. If a high level of outflow of the educated, active this scenario is implemented, China will become population (primarily young people) and its Russia’s exclusive partner, and other Asian replacement by relatively poorly educated and countries (, South , India, etc.) will low-skilled migrants from , China participate in the “new wave” of development of and the poorest Southeast Asian countries. It is the Siberian macroregion to a much lesser degree. possible to maintain and even increase the total As in the previous scenario, a wide range of population of Siberia and the Far East, but it will projects in the field of extraction and processing of be accompanied by a change in the identity and raw materials, energy, agro-industrial sector and socio-cultural orientations of the population and construction of infrastructure facilities are likely the decline in the quality of human capital. to be implemented. At the same time, Chinese Targets for the “Exclusive partnership” investors will rather initiate the deployment of scenario (2050): the most energy- and water-intensive industries, • the population of Russia will increase by as well as ecologically hazardous ones in the 8.1 % from 146.5 million people in 2015 to 158.4 Siberian regions. Their interest in the deployment million people in 2050; of machinery and equipment production needed • Russia’s GDP will grow by 2.7 times – for the extractive, forestry and agricultural sectors from 3.8 trillion dollars (PPP) in 2015 to 10.1 will be minimal (these production facilities will trillion dollars in 2050. be located on the territory of China itself). Still, the growth of production in the sectors 8. “Country optimization” of raw material extraction, its primary processing Vision of the future. There will be and transportation will “revive” the economy of “optimization” of the distribution of economic the Siberian and Far Eastern regions and will activity, investment and population in Russia. The become the basis for the growth of the urban federal policy will encourage the concentration economy (trade, services, construction, social of economic activity and investments in the sector). There will be new jobs, incomes of the regions of the European part of the country with population will grow and the migration inflow high density of the economy and the developed from other countries will increase. industrial and social infrastructure, where the This scenario assumes the development benefit from investments and human capital is of the Siberian macroregion due to the inflow greatest in the short and medium term. of external resources, but it will create a very Gradually, the differences between the narrow “corridor” of opportunities for further centre and the periphery, the developing regions development in the long term. With a high degree and the depressive ones across the country in of certainty, as a partner-monopolist, China will general and in the Siberian macroregion in seek the most favourable terms for investment and particular will increase; the economic space will trade. In the long term, the scenario will lead to shrink. degradation of the Siberian macroregion, which The optimization policy will also be applied will be manifested: 1) in the form of assigning to the regions of Siberia and the Far East – to the status of the “raw material donor” to the the territorial distribution of the economy and territory and the deteriorating environmental the population. A small number of large projects situation; 2) in the formation of the situation of for the development of deposits, processing of a “migratory pipe”, which is characterized by raw materials, construction or reconstruction – 1679 – Valerii S. Efimov, Alla V. Laptevа. Siberia and the Russian Far East in the 21st Century: Scenarios of the Future of transport routes, power stations, seaports, diffusion” of the economies of these countries etc. will receive federal support. Investments and the economies of the Siberian and Far Eastern in production and infrastructure projects will regions. Demographic expansion, first of all from be selective. We can expect some revival of China, can also significantly increase. the economy in the cities and towns closest to To retain the eastern territories, the point the location of these projects. In the rest of the and, as a rule, “borderline” projects will be macroregion space, there will be the decline implemented – industrial, infrastructure projects, in economic activity, the curtailment of social including a military border infrastructure along infrastructure and the cross-flow of human the Siberian macroregion, on the Arctic and Far capital into more promising regions and cities in Eastern coasts. This will require considerable the European part of the country. financial resources and, in fact, will make the The opportunities for Russia’s socio- eastern territories economically unprofitable. economic development in the wake of the demand The vision of the future Siberian macroregion for natural resources from the new industrial will remain uncertain if there are no investment economies of Asia will be used in a partial resources and a political will necessary for the and unilateral way – in the form of investing development of its internal space, a willingness funds received from the sale of Siberian natural to change the rules of the economic game in the resources in the most developed regions of the country so that the activities in the territory of European part of the country. At the same time, Siberia and the Far East become attractive and localization of economic activity in separate sites beneficial for many Russian and foreign subjects. (districts) will take place in the Trans-Uralian Not only “strengthening the perimeter of the space, and all other territories will become a deep state”, but also the existing deficit of strategizing economic periphery. and activity aimed at diversification of the The final indicators for the “Optimization of Siberian and Far Eastern regions of the country country” scenario (2050): will remain. Large companies (mining, energy, • the population of Russia will decrease metallurgical, transport) will remain significant by 0.1 % from 146.5 million people in 2015 to players that are interested in continuing the 146.4 million people in 2050; exploitation of resources of the macroregion while • Russia’s GDP will grow by 2.0 times – minimizing costs, paying taxes, with minimal from 3.8 trillion dollars (PPP) in 2015 to 7.4 investments in technological modernization or trillion dollars (PPP) in 2050. reducing infrastructure deficits. In the course of a decade or decades, 9. “Territory retention” scenario the existing trends will persist: 1) backlog Vision of the future. The activity of the of the Siberian and Far Eastern regions in Russian state will be aimed at “retaining” a the economic, technological and innovative huge Trans-Uralian territory in the military- development from the regions of the European political, socio-economic and cultural terms. In part of Russia and the region, shifting the the long term, the difference in the economic and “centre of gravity” of investments to the western demographic potential of the border territories regions of the country; 2) depletion of exploited of Siberia and the Russian Far East and the deposits, decrease in the volume of explored economic leaders of Asia (China, Japan, South reserves of minerals, low level of activity of Korea) will strengthen. This can lead to “mutual companies aimed at prospecting and exploring – 1680 – Valerii S. Efimov, Alla V. Laptevа. Siberia and the Russian Far East in the 21st Century: Scenarios of the Future new deposits; development of particularly large perspective cannot retain even the current level and relatively accessible deposits; in the long of functioning for a long time; in the long run, term – decreasing the absolute GRP of the there is a risk of transition to the trajectory of Siberian macroregion as a result of reduction accelerated degradation. in the volume of economic activity, even in A situation of several of the largest urban the extractive industry; 3) lowering the level agglomerations in the south of Siberia and of investments in the sectors of extraction and the cities of the Pacific coast will be relatively processing of raw materials, in the infrastructure successful. Their economy is quite diversified sectors (energy, transport, social infrastructure); (includes industry, transport and communications, 4) reducing the volumes of regional budgets and construction, trade, services, social sector, etc.), their spending level; 5) decline in the quality of has a margin of stability, and population loss is human capital due to the migration outflow of compensated by the influx of migrants from the the population, especially the most educated and villages and small towns of the region. The cities skilled part, its partial replacement by relatively of the Pacific coast will develop mainly due to low-skilled migrants, mainly from the countries the “inflows” from the federal centre that will of Central Asia. treat them as the “Pacific outpost” of the country. The remaining population will be For many other territories, this scenario means redistributed across the territory: the population a gradual decay of the economic activity and of villages, settlements and small towns will be depopulation to the extent of the formation of pulled into the largest urban centres. The acute large-scale “anthropo-deserts”. shortage of labour resources will cause the The final indicators for the “Retention of curtailment of the agrarian and timber industry territory” scenario (2050): sectors. The population will perceive the region • the population of Russia will decrease as a springboard left by Russia – retention of the by 11.9 % from 146.5 million people in 2015 to territory does not mean keeping the population. 129.1 million people; The “outflow” of activity will create a positive • Russia’s GDP will grow by 1.6 times – feedback: the region that, from the point of from 3.8 trillion dollars (PPP) in 2015 to 6.0 view of residents and entrepreneurs, has no trillion dollars (PPP).

1 I.e. people living outside the country they were born in. 2 The total number of representatives of the middle class in the world will exceed 5 billion people in 2030 (currently the number of the middle class is 2 billion). See: Global Strategic Trends (2014), 9. 3 These aspects of scenarios are discussed in more details in the report “Siberia and the Far East in the 21st Century” (Efimov et al., 2017). 4 When calculating the population projection, the Rosstat data were used according to three variants of population projec- tions in the Russian Federation until 2050 (Rossiiskii statisticheskii ezhegodnik, 2014). 5 When calculating the GDP projection, the data was used for various scenarios presented in the report of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation (Prognoz razvitiia energetiki…, 2016). The calculations in the report were carried out at the rate of PPP in 2014. 6 The forecast for this scenario is based on a “high” version of the forecast for the Russian Federation (Prognoz razvitiia energetiki…, 2016) extrapolated to the situation of subjects of the federation that will enter the urbanized regions, taking into account the growing share of the urban population. If this scenario is implemented, an additional migration inflow of population to Russia from other countries may reach 5.6 million people by 2030, 11.1 million people by 2050. 7 The GDP calculation for this forecast was made for an annual growth rate of 3.7 %, which is 0.3 percentage points higher than the world average growth rate in this period. Valerii S. Efimov, Alla V. Laptevа. Siberia and the Russian Far East in the 21st Century: Scenarios of the Future

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Сибирь и Дальний Восток в XXI в.: сценарные варианты будущего

В.С. Ефимов, А.В. Лаптева Сибирский федеральный университет Россия, 660041, Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 79

В статье представлено исследование возможных вариантов будущего Сибири и Дальнего Вос- тока в горизонте до 2050 г. Приведены глобальные тренды, которые с большой вероятностью будут определять ситуацию России и макрорегиона Сибирь в долгосрочной перспективе. По- казано, что спрос на природные ресурсы Сибири и Дальнего Востока будет определяться эко- номическим ростом стран Азии, процессами урбанизации и формированием «среднего класса» городских жителей. При определении возможных сценариев используется метод концептуального сценирования, разработанный в рамках технологии форсайта. Основой определения сценариев послужили три группы сценарных факторов: внешние константные условия, внешние вариативные фак- торы, внутренние вариативные факторы. Различные сочетания сценарных факторов задают пространство возможных вариантов будущего Сибири и Дальнего Востока. Приведено описа- ние четырех ключевых сценариев: «Широкое международное сотрудничество», «Эксклюзив- ное партнерство», «Оптимизация страны», «Удержание территории». Для каждого из них представлены: «образ будущего», (включая основные особенности международного сотруд- ничества, экономического и социального развития); количественные расчеты численности на- селения и динамики ВВП: • «Широкое международное сотрудничество» – население России увеличится на 15,7 % с 146,5 млн чел. в 2015 г. до 169,5 млн чел. в 2050 г.; ВВП России вырастет в 3,4 раза – с 3,8 трлн долл. (ППС) в 2015 г. до 12,8 трлн долл. (ППС) в 2050 г. • «Эксклюзивное партнерство» – население России увеличится на 8,1 % с 146,5 млн чел. в 2015 г. до 158,4 млн чел. в 2050 г.; ВВП России вырастет в 2,7 раза – с 3,8 трлн долл. (ППС) в 2015 г. до 10,1 трлн долл. в 2050 г. • «Оптимизация страны» – население России сократится на 0,1 % с 146,5 млн чел. в 2015 г. до 146,4 млн чел. в 2050 г.; ВВП России вырастет в 2,0 раза – с 3,8 трлн долл. (ППС) в 2015 г. до 7,4 трлн долл. (ППС) в 2050 г. • «Удержание территории» – население России сократится на 11,9 % с 146,5 млн чел. в 2015 г. до 129,1 млн чел.; ВВП России вырастет в 1,6 раза – с 3,8 трлн долл. (ППС) в 2015 г. до 6,0 трлн долл. (ППС). Ключевые слова: Сибирь, Дальний Восток, экономическое развитие, сценарии, глобальные тренды. Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных ис- следований, Правительства Красноярского края, Красноярского краевого фонда поддержки научной и научно-технической деятельности в рамках научного проекта «Разработка долго-

– 1685 – Valerii S. Efimov, Alla V. Laptevа. Siberia and the Russian Far East in the 21st Century: Scenarios of the Future

срочных сценариев и организационно-экономических механизмов развития Арктической зоны Красноярского края и оценка их влияния на социально-экономическое состояние и динамику Красноярского края» (проект № 16-12-24007). Научная специальность: 08.00.00 – экономические науки, 22.00.00 – социологические науки.