Tartu, 8 - 10 August 2017

Programme handbook 1


Programme ...... 2 Abstracts ...... 6 Invited speakers ...... 6 Participants ...... 17 Practical information ...... 38 Directions ...... 44 Contacts of local organizers ...... 46 Maps of ...... 47


Monday, August 7th 16:00 – 20:00 Registration of participants , Riia 23b 20:00 – 22:00 Welcome reception & BBQ Vilde Ja Vine restaurant, Vallikraavi 4

Tuesday, August 8th 08:45 – 09:35 Registration of participants Estonian Biocentre, Riia 23b 9:35 Welcome speech

Session 1. Formation of protoplanetary disks and planetary systems Chair: Riho Mõtlep 9:45 Invited talk: Formation of planets in protoplanetary discs Dr.Bertram Bitsch, Lund University, Sweden 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Subaru/HiCIAO High-contrast Polarimetry Observation towards Protoplanetary Disk in Binary System Mr. Yi Yang, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan 11:30 On magnetic fields and what we can learn from polarimetry in protoplanetary disks Dr. Gesa H.-M. Bertrang,University of Chile, Chile 12:00 Open discussion 12:20 – 13:45 Lunch

Session 2&3. Early history of Earth and other planets; Impacts and their role in the evolution of planets Chair: Philippe Nauny 13:45 Invited talk: Habitability vs. preservation on Noachian–Hesperian Mars and Precambrian Earth Dr. Sean McMahon, Yale University, USA 14:30 Warming early Mars with CH4 and SO2 Mr. Michael L. Wong, CALTEC, USA 15:00 The irradiation of pure methanol (CH3OH) ices at 30 K using 1 KeV electrons Ms. Mayvis Musariri. Copperbelt University, Zambia 15:30 Coffee break 15:45 Invited talk: Impacts and their role in the evolution of Earth and planets Dr. Anna Łosiak, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland 16:30 Close Encounters with the Solar System MSc. Santiago Torres. Leiden University, Netherlands 17:00 Open discussion 19:00 Poster session, Riia 23b with buffet dinner

Wednesday, August 9th Session 4&5. Formation and evolution of planet and satellite atmospheres. Co-evolution of Earth's geosphere and biosphere and the evolution of life. Chair: Philippe Nauny 9:00 Invited talk: Ion chemistry in Titan's upper atmosphere Dr. Erik Vigren, Uppsala University, Sweden 9:45 MAVEN results on atmospheric evolution at Mars: Application to evolution of climate and habitability of exoplanets Prof. Bruce Jakosky, University of Colorado, USA 10:15 Cosmic ray processing of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: importance in protoplanetary disks Dr. Elisabetta Micelotta, University of Helsinki, Finland 10:45 Coffee break

11:15 Invited talk: Biological ice nucleation in clouds - a future atmospheric biosignature on exoplanets? Dr. Tina Šantl-Temkiv, Aarhus University, Denmark 12:00 Possible gas-phase formation routes of complex organic molecules in ISM : formamide and cyanomethanimine isomers Mrs. Fanny Vazart,Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy 12:30 Open discussion 12:45 – 14:15 Lunch Session 6. Habitability and factors influencing it Chair: Mickael Baqué 14:15 Invited talk: An Introduction to Planetary Habitability and its Connection to the Search for Life Beyond Earth Dr. Edward Schwieterman, University of California Riverside, USA 15:00 The effect of varying atmospheric pressure upon habitability and biosignatures of Earth-like planets MSc. Engin Keles. Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam, Germany 15:30 General discussion

15:50 Guided walk in Tartu

20:00 Dinner at Püssirohukelder, Lossi 28

Thursday, August 10th Session 7. Life in extreme Environments and its possible role in the Evolution of Life on Earth Chair: Ruth-Sophie Taubner 9:00 Invited talk: Hot, salty, and bitter - is the recipe for life extreme? Dr. Adrienne Kish, Museum of Natural History, Paris, France 9:45 Preservation of Raman biosignatures in cyanobacteria and green algae after space exposure Dr. Mickael Baqué, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany 10:45 Coffee break

Session 8. The Quest for habitable extrasolar planets: Detection and characterisation Chair: Ruth-Sophie Taubner 11:00 Invited talk: Modelling and observing the first extrasolar planets with atmospheric signs of life. Dr. Uffe Gråe Jørgensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 11:45 High-precision Space Astrometry to Search for Nearby Terrestrial Exoplanets Dr. Anthony Ding Chen. State Key Lab. Chinese Academy of Space Technology 12:15 Open discussion 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Session 9.New aspects of planetary evolution Chair: Gianni Cataldi 14:00 Invited talk: Early Earth evolution and habitability Prof. Hervé Martin, Blaise Pascal University, France 14:45 TRAPPIST-1 and the future of exoplanet searches Mr. Aswin Manohar, University of Bonn, Germany 15:15 The role of communication in science and astrobiology Ms. Arianna Ricchiuti. Planetario di Bari Sky-Skan, Italy 15:45 Open discussion 15:55 Concluding Remarks 16:00 Coffee break 20:00 – 22:00 Conference dinner Restaurant Dorpat, Soola 6



Invited speakers

Name: Bertram Bitsch, PhD. Email: [email protected] Country: Sweden Presentation: ORAL

Formation of planets in protoplanetary discs Bitsch, Bertram, Gunnesbovägen 219, Lund University, Sweden. [email protected].

Young stars are surrounded by so called protoplanetary discs. Recent observations of protoplanetary discs with ALMA have revealed amazing details in these discs. Inside these discs, planetesimals and planets can form due to the accumulation of solids. These formed planets interact and migrate through the protoplanetary discs to finally form planetary systems. In this review talk, I will discuss recent observations of protoplanetary discs and how these observations support the formation of planets by the fast pebble accretion process. I will then discuss how the interplay between pebble accretion, planet migration and disc evolution results in the formation of planetary systems around our star and other stars."


Name: Sean McMahon, Dr. Email: [email protected] Country: USA Presentation: ORAL

Habitability vs. preservation on Noachian–Hesperian Mars and Precambrian Earth McMahon, S. Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, 210 Whitney Ave., New Haven, CT, USA. [email protected]

There is now strong evidence that the surface of early (Noachian and Hesperian) Mars was at least locally habitable, with abundant palaeolakes, vast fluvial networks, and possibly even “oceans” under a thick, radiation-attenuating atmosphere. At Gale Crater, for example, the Curiosity rover has found evidence for a habitable Late Noachian/Early Hesperian lake basin that persisted for thousands-to-millions of years, with mild salinity, moderate pH, and redox variability favourable for life. Additionally, liquid water in the martian subsurface could have sustained life even into much more recent time as surface conditions deteriorated.

However, habitability is not the whole story. In the search for evidence of life on early Mars (or the early Earth), we must also consider which organisms, environments and geological materials are most favourable to preservation. On Earth, most organisms leave nothing behind: their remains are physically destroyed, chemically oxidised, digested and recycled. Only in special circumstances does fossilization or organic preservation occur, converting organisms into lasting traces in the rock record. Even then, such traces can be destroyed by weathering at the surface, chemically reactive fluids in the subsurface, or simply the heat and pressure of burial. Almost all rocks on Earth of equivalent age to Noachian terrains on Mars have been recycled by tectonic and other processes.

In this talk, I will discuss habitability and biosignature preservation on early Mars and early Earth, emphasizing differences and similarities between the two worlds. I will stress that to optimize the search for “fossils” on Mars, a trade-off may be necessary between targets (landing sites, sample return candidates, etc.) that represent the best prospects for paleo- habitability and those that represent the best prospects for biosignature preservation.


Name: Anna Losiak, Dr. Email: [email protected] Country: Poland Presentation: ORAL

Impacts and their role in the evolution of Earth and planets A. Losiak a, C. Belcher b, M. Bronikowska c, A. Jõeleht d, K. Kirsimäe d, J. Plado d, P. Steier e, M. Szyszka c, E.M. Wild e. a Planetary Geology Lab, Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland. ([email protected]). b wildFIRE Lab, Hatherly Laboratories, University of Exeter, UK ([email protected]). c Institute of Geology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. ([email protected], [email protected]). d Department of Geology, , Estonia ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected]). e VERA Laboratory, Faculty of Physics—Isotope Research, University of Vienna, Austria. ([email protected], [email protected]).

The impact cratering process is one of the most important geologic processes in the Solar System (French 1998). It played a crucial role in the formation of planetary bodies (e.g., Cohen et al. 2000, Gomes et al. 2005), and is still changing properties of the planetary surfaces: on Mars (Malin et al. 2006), on Moon (e.g., Bouley et al. 2012), on Earth (e.g., Kenkmann et al. 2009), and many other bodies in the Solar System. The formation of impact craters modified the biological history of the Earth (e.g., Smit and Hertogen 1980), and quite probably formed extensive, long-lived habitats by sustaining hydrothermal systems (Barnhart et al. 2010). Because of that, only through understanding the impact cratering process, it is possible to comprehend the evolution and current state of Earth and all other planetary bodies within our solar system and outside of it. One of the specific ways in which the formation of impact craters is thought to influence life on Earth is by causing extensive wildfires. However, except for the ~200-km Chicxulub (Mexico) case (Melosh et al. 1990), the evidence for wildfires caused by impacts of extraterrestrial bodies is inconclusive. And even for Chicxulub (facetiously nicknamed a “Dinosaur-Killing-Crater”), it was not determined yet if the wildfires had only regional (Belcher et al. 2015), or global (Robertson et al. 2013) range. The evidence for wildfires caused by impacts smaller than Chicxulub is inconclusive. On one hand, no signs of fires are associated with the formation of 24 km in diameter Ries crater (Jones and Lim 2000). On the other hand, it is clear that the Tunguska site experienced thermal damage after the impact (Florenskiy 1963, Lvov and Vasilyev 1976), but its mechanism and relation to impact was not determined. It might have been caused by an intensive thermal radiation from the exploding bolide combined with an air blast (Svetsov 2008). This process could have been responsible for the damage of a cambium on the sides of trees facing the explosions, but no direct burns associated with a 1908 year tree ring were observed (Florenskiy 1963). It is clear that taiga at the Tunguska site was severely burned before (1880’s and 1896) as well as after the impact, 9 but was not concluded how quickly after the impact the fire has occurred (Jones 2002). Available descriptions and field images (Krinov 1971) of the Sikhote Alin strewn field (Russia) – which was smaller than Tunguska event – do not provide support for the extensive forest fire in the location of the impact site (Fantucci et al. 2012). Observed fall of the Chelyabinsk meteor (Popowa et al. 2013) – likewise much smaller than Tunguska event – also did not produce a fire. Kaali impact craters (Estonia) has been presented as an example of a small impact crater (the main crater is 100 m in diameter), whose formation has induced a significant regional damage and caused a fire (Veski et al. 2001). However, a recent study has showed that the Kaali crater is ~1000 years older (Losiak et al. 2016) than what was proposed by Veski et al. (2001). The environmental disturbance detected in the 2001 study was most probably caused by the increased human activity in this area between 800 and 400 BCE, and not by the impact- induced destruction and fire (prof. S. Veski personal communication). In conclusion: there is no prove that formation of the small impact craters such as Kaali is associated with an extensive forest fires."


Name: Erik Vigren, PhD. Email: [email protected] Country: Sweden Presentation: ORAL

Ion chemistry in Titan's upper atmosphere Vigren, Erik. Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Sweden.

Saturn’s largest moon Titan is the only moon in the solar system with a dense and permanent atmosphere. The atmosphere is dominated by nitrogen and contains also a few percent methane. The ionization and dissociation of these principal constituents by solar EUV- and particle irradiation initiates a network of chemical reactions through which a complex chemistry emerges. Ion chemistry is known to yield a series of nitrile- and hydrocarbon molecules and to contribute to the formation of Titan’s organic aerosols which gives the moon its brown/orange appearance. In the talk I will discuss the exploration of Titan’s ionosphere by the Cassini mission. I will also present some model studies and how the results from these compare with observations.


Name: Tina Santl-Temkiv, Dr. Email: [email protected] Country: Denmark Presentation: ORAL

Biological ice nucleation in clouds - a future atmospheric biosignature on exoplanets? Šantl-Temkiv T. a, Ling M. a, Holm S. a, Alsved M. b, Grawe S. c, Jacobson J. b, Hartmann S. c, Wex H. c, Löndahl J. b, Kjeldsen H. a, Boesen T. a, Finster K. a a Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark. b Lund University, Lund, Sweden. c Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany.

Recent cataloguing of planets orbiting other stars than our sun (exoplanets) established the ubiquitous presence of planets in our galaxy [1]. With the discovery of these planets arises the question of how life emerges and evolves throughout the universe. The exoplanetary atmospheres provide some of the most accessible evidence for the presence of biological activity on these planets. Metabolic gases have been commonly proposed as atmospheric biosignatures [2]. However, airborne microbes are also involved in cloud- and precipitation formation on Earth. Thus, meteorological phenomena may serve as alternative atmospheric biosignatures, for which appropriate observational techniques have yet to be developed.

The atmospheric part of the Earth’s water cycle heavily relies on the presence of nucleating particles, which promote the condensation and freezing of atmospheric water, both potentially leading to precipitation. While cloud condensation nuclei are diverse and relatively common, ice nuclei are poorly understood and comparably rare airborne particles. According to current knowledge, most ice nucleation below –15°C is driven by the presence of inorganic dust particles, which are considered inactive at higher temperatures. Biogenic IN are the only reported particles that promote ice formation above –10°C. Some bacteria, e.g. Pseudomonas syringae, produce Ice Nucleation Active (INA) proteins that are most efficient ice nuclei currently known. These INA bacteria are common in the atmosphere, and may thus be involved in precipitation processes of mixed phase clouds [3]. We are investigating the relevance of bacterial INA proteins for atmospheric processes using laboratory studies of model bacterial species and isolated INA proteins.

We investigated stress-response genes of a model INA strain P. syringae R10.79, in order to understand its survival in the atmosphere. The response to simulated atmospheric conditions was investigated in the laboratory. These experiments revealed a high resistance of R10.79 to UVB radiation, freeze-thaw stress and aerosolization from liquid surfaces. In order to study isolated INA proteins, we sequenced the INA gene of R10.79. The INA gene was expressed in both its native form and in a modified form. Both proteins were purified and their physical and molecular properties were studied. We show that interaction between INA proteins and the size of their central domain are relevant for their ice nucleation activity. Our results are a significant step towards understanding the role of biological ice nucleation in large scale meteorological patters, which may in future serve as novel biosignatures on exoplanets.


[1] A. W. Howard, Science 340 (2013) [2] S. Seager, M. Schrenk, and W. Bains, Astrobiology 12(1) (2012) [3] O. Möhler, P. J. DeMott, G. Vali, and Z. Levin, Biogeosciences 4 (2007)


Name: Edward Schwieterman, Dr. Email: [email protected] Country: USA Presentation: ORAL

An Introduction to Planetary Habitability and its Connection to the Search for Life Beyond Earth Schwieterman, Edward a,b,c a Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, Riverside, USA. [email protected]. b NASA Postdoctoral Program, Universities Space Research Association, Columbia, Maryland, USA. c Blue Marble Space Institute of Science, Seattle, WA, USA.

The characterization of habitable planetary environments in the first step in the journey of discovering life beyond our solar system. But what makes our planet habitable? How can we apply our understanding of Earth and its biogeosphere to the quest for habitable extrasolar planets? What signatures should we search for? This talk will introduce key foundational concepts in the study of habitable planets in the context of current discoveries: the necessity of liquid water, the greenhouse effect, the carbonate-silicate weathering feedback system, the circumstellar “habitable zone”, and possible astrophysical limits on habitability. I will introduce the concept of “habitability markers”, such as glint from a liquid water ocean, and how they may be identified in the reflected or transmitted light spectrum of an exoplanet in future observations. Demonstration studies of Earth as an exoplanet can validate these techniques. Finally, I will briefly link the search for habitability with the identification of astronomical biosignatures – active evidence for life on an exoplanet.


Name: Adrienne Kish, Dr. Email: [email protected] Country: France Presentation: ORAL

Hot, salty, and bitter - is the recipe for life extreme? KISH, Adrienne. MCAM, Sorbonne Universités, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, CNRS UMR 7425, Paris, France. [email protected].

This history of life on Earth begins (and continues today!) with microorganisms. The precise origins of microbial life on Earth, however, remain shrouded behind the complex shared evolutionary history of the biotic and abiotic elements of our planet. Most signs currently point to what humans consider "extreme" conditions for the origins of life: hot alkaline conditions, in salty waters. To test these hypotheses, we often turn to modern extremophilic microorganisms inhabiting some of these conditions. But what can modern extremophiles really tell us about the origins and evolution of life? Are the generalities that can be drawn concerning the complex interplay of planetary conditions and biological life? IS the recipe for life extreme?


Name: Uffe Gråe Jørgensen, Dr. Email: [email protected] Country: Denmark Presentation: ORAL

Modelling and observing the first extrasolar planets with atmospheric signs of life. Jørgensen, Uffe G. Centre for Star & Planet Formation, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 5, 1350 Copenhagen, Denmark. [email protected].

Indirect spectra of large exoplanets in small orbits have already been derived from several telescopes. Existing telescopes cannot directly separate the planets from their host star. However, spectra taken right before an occultation will contain the stellar light plus the light from the planetary day-side, while spectra during occultations will contain the stellar light only. Spectra taken during a transit will contain light from the planetary night-side. Appropriate subtraction of the different combined spectra can therefore in principle reveal the planetary spectrum at different phases, provided the S/N is high enough. During the transit one can also use the effect that some of the stellar light is seen through the exoplanetary atmosphere, to derive a crude spectrum of the planetary atmosphere. Some of the best data has been obtained from the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes, due to their high photometric accuracy and broad spectral range.

Quantification of the abundances and atmospheric structure from an observed spectrum requires an atmospheric model. The adopted techniques varies from extrapolations based on Earth’s climate models, models of the solar system planets, and knowledge of cool stellar atmospheres and brown dwarfs. Each poses different advantages and challenges, but for hot- jupiter atmospheres they reveal the existence of water and a few other small molecules and a few atoms. Higher quality spectra will come with the JWST, but direct spectra of more Earth- like exoplanets await the ELT telescopes in the mid-20ies. It was a design requirement of the E-ELT large mirror size that it should be able to resolve Earth-like exoplanets orbiting the nearest solar type stars. A major combined science drive for such spectra and models is to be able to see if biology has driven some exoplanetary atmospheres out of chemical equilibrium, and to identify trace biomarkers – this will be the first direct observation of potential extraterrestrial life.


Name: Hervé Martin, Prof. Email: [email protected] Country: France Presentation: ORAL

Early Earth evolution and habitability Hervé Martin. Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, CNRS, Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont Ferrand, France.

Schematically, the early history of the Earth can be subdivided into four main periods: 1) From -4.568 to -4.4 Ga, most of the Earth’s mantle was molten and its surface was covered by a magma ocean. Such an environment is not consistent with the presence of liquid water or continent. In addition, the end of planetary accretion resulted in a meteoritic bombardment. Clearly, this period was not favourable for life development and even for prebiotic chemistry. 2) From -4.4 to -4.0 Ga, the magma ocean was crystallized, at least in surface. Continents and water were available on Earth surface, which, in addition, was protected from the solar wind by its magnetic field. The meteoritic bombardment was reduced (cool early Earth). Therefore, although we have no evidence of any trace of Hadean life, the terrestrial environment was potentially favourable to the appearance and development of life. 3) From -4.0 Ga (Archaean) up to today, the environmental conditions were not only favourable to the appearance of life, but they also allowed and favoured its development and diversification: Earth was inhabited. 4) However, at the Hadean-Archaean boundary, a Late Heavy Bombardment took place, such that, assuming life would have already appeared, the question is whether or not it was intense enough to sterilize the entire surface of the Earth, and therefore to eradicate any trace of a potential Hadean life.



Name: Yi Yang, PhD. Email: [email protected] Country: Japan Presentation: ORAL

Subaru/HiCIAO High-contrast Polarimetry Observation towards Protoplanetary Disk in Binary System Yi Yang a, b, Jun Hashimotoc, Saeko Hayashi a, d, Motohide Tamura b, c, e, Satoshi Mayama a, b, Roman Rafikov f, HiCIAO/AO188/SEEDS Team a Department of Astronomical Science, SOKENDAI (The Graudate University for Advanced Studies), 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan; [email protected]. b National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS), 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan. c Astrobiology Center, NINS, 2-21-1, Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo, 181-8588, Japan. d Subaru Telescope, NAOJ, NINS, 650 North A’ohoku Place, Hilo, HI 96720, USA. e Department of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113- 0033, Japan. f Astrophysics Department, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA.

Currently about 200 planets have ever been discovered in binary or multiple systems. Undoubtedly, to understand their formation process, not only theoretical work but also direct observations towards the protoplanetary disks in young binary/multiple star systems is quite necessary. This time I will show the near infrared high-contrast polarimetry observation results towards the protoplanetary disks in binary systems using HiCIAO, a high-contrast observation instrument mounted on the 8.2-m Subaru Telescope. Our observations successfully resolved the complicated structures in the circumbinary disk around the young binary star GG Tau A. By investigating them, we can understand how the binary system will affect the disk evolution as well as planet formation. It could be quite beneficial for us to improve current theories of planet formation process in binary systems.


Name: Gesa H.-M. Bertrang, Dr. Email: [email protected] Country: Chile Presentation: ORAL

On magnetic fields and what we can learn from polarimetry in protoplanetary disks Gesa H.-M. Bertrang. Departamento de Astronomía, Camino el observatorio 1515, Universidad de Chile, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile.

Young stars are surrounded by disks of dust and gas. These circumstellar disks are the birthplaces of planets. Understanding the physical processes in these disk is vital for the understanding of planet formation. It has been predicted that magnetic fields are an important factor on a wide range of physical processes in protoplanetary disks, such as the migration of planet(esimals) and the mere evolution of disks. Yet, observational constraints are still pending. In the classical picture, (sub-)mm continuum polarisation is the tracer for magnetic fields in disks. Aspherical dust grains, whose thermal emission is intrinsically polarized, get aligned by the magnetic field due to radiative torques. In recent years, however, this picture has been challenged. New theoretical studies show that (sub-)mm continuum polarisation can also be created by scattering of the thermal dust emission or arise from aspherical grains which are aligned by the radiation field rather than the magnetic field. These three mechanisms trace fundamentally different physics in protoplanetary disks, yet, their polarisation predictions are not clearly distinguishable. In this talk, I will highlight the role of magnetic fields in protoplanetary disks, present first achievements on (indirect) observational constraints, and give an outlook on how to disentangle the sources of continuum polarimetry with ALMA.


Name: Michael L. Wong, Mr. Email: [email protected] Country: USA Presentation: ORAL

Warming early Mars with CH4 and SO2 Michael L. Wong a, A. Jim Friedson b, Karen Willacy b, Yuk L. Yung a,b, Run-Lie Shia a, Michael J. Russell b a California Institute of Technology, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, USA. b NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA.

We investigate the habitability of early Mars by simulating the climate of a more reducing and sulfur-rich martian atmosphere using a novel coupled photochemical and radiative transfer model.

While volcanic emissions on Earth have always been high in CO2 and low in reducing gases such as CH4, this may not be the case for smaller terrestrial planets. Mantles of Mars-sized terrestrial bodies may never reach the requisite pressure and temperature for the spinel-to- perovskite phase transition, which occurs at 24 GPa and 1900 K. The existence of this mineralogical transition oxidizes the mantle due to ferrous iron’s tendency to disproportionate to ferric and native iron in the presence of silicate perovskite, so its absence on Mars would lead to a more reducing mantle that outgases a larger fraction of CH4. Furthermore, there is evidence that typical mid-ocean ridge basalts, under the atmospheric pressures relevant to early Mars, would have degassed more SO2 than CO2.

Atmospheric models have demonstrated that a purely CO2 atmosphere, even one as massive as 7 bars, is incapable of heating Mars above an annual-mean surface temperature of 273 K. While we confirm that CH4 alone is insufficient to warm the planet above freezing, it would raise middle atmosphere temperatures and prolong the photochemical lifetime of SO2, another potent greenhouse gas. The combined effects of CH4 and SO2 might be able to warm early Mars beyond the freezing point of water, shedding new insight on a longstanding conundrum: could early Mars have ever been warm and wet?


Name: Mayvis Musariri, Ms. Email: [email protected] Country: Zambia Presentation: ORAL

The irradiation of pure methanol (CH3OH) ices at 30 K using 1 KeV electrons Musariri Mayvis a, Jheeta Sohan a, Simpemba Prospery a a Copperbelt University, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Physics, P.O. Box 21692, Kitwe, Zambia. [email protected], [email protected].

Introduction: The results of an experimental investigation of 1 keV electron irradiation of ice (at 30 K) of pure methanol, made under ultrahigh vacuum conditions (10-9 mbar), are reported here. Molecular products formed within the ice were detected and monitored using FTIR spectroscopy. The products made were methane (CH4), formaldehyde (H2CO), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) [1]. The consequences of these results for prebiotic chemistry in the interstellar medium and star forming regions are discussed.


Name: Santiago Torres, MSc. Email: [email protected] Country: The Netherlands Presentation: ORAL

Close Encounters with the Solar System S. Torres a, S. Portegies Zwart a and A. G. A. Brown a aLeiden Observatory, Leiden University, PO Box 9513 Leiden, NL.2300 RA, The Netherlands. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

Comets in the Oort cloud evolve under the influence of internal and external perturbations from giant planets to stellar passages, the Galactic tides, and the interstellar medium. Using the positions, parallaxes and proper motions from TGAS in Gaia DR1 and combining them with the radial velocities from the RAVE-DR5, Geneva-Copenhagen and Pulkovo catalogues, we calculated the closest encounters the Sun has had with other stars in the recent past and will have in the near future, and their impact in the formation and evolution of the Solar System.


Name: Bruce Jakosky, Prof. Email: [email protected] Country: USA Presentation: ORAL

MAVEN results on atmospheric evolution at Mars: Application to evolution of climate and habitability of exoplanets Jakosky, Bruce a; Brain, David a; Curry, Shannon b; Luhmann, Janet b; Chaffin, Michael a; Dong, Chuanfei c a University of Colorado, Boulder, CO USA. b University of California, Berkeley, CA USA. c Princeton University, Princeton, NJ USA.

The MAVEN spacecraft in orbit around Mars is determining the nature of interactions between the Sun and solar wind and the Mars atmosphere, how this leads to escape of gas to space at the present, and the integrated loss of gas to space through time. The data show that, because the solar wind and solar EUV were more intense early in history, they have been able to remove the bulk of the Mars atmosphere, changing its climate from a warmer, wetter environment to the cold, dry planet that we see today. The absence of a magnetic field is what allowed loss of the atmosphere; it was the turn-off of the magnetic field that allowed the turn-on of stripping of atmosphere by the solar wind, with most of the loss occurring very soon after loss of the magnetic field around 4 b.y.a. By examining the behavior of an unmagnetized planet with a thin atmosphere, we can obtain key constraints on evolution of planets around other stars. We apply the results to exoplanets, focusing in particular on planets around M-dwarf stars, which are the most-abundant star in the galaxy. In addition, many of these stars have more-active and variable “solar storms” that can strip a planet’s atmosphere more effectively than in our solar system. Mars may be a very effective guide to atmospheric evolution and habitability on exoplanets.


Name: Elisabetta Micelotta, PhD. Email: [email protected] Country: Finland Presentation: ORAL

Cosmic ray processing of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: importance in protoplanetary disks Micelotta Elisabetta. Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2, 00560 Helsinki, Finland. [email protected].

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are large organic molecules playing an important role in the ecology of the interstellar medium (ISM). PAH molecules lock a substantial fraction (around 20%) of the total carbon available in the ISM and they have been proposed as carriers of the Aromatic Infrared Bands (AIBs), a set of discrete features detected in the mid-infrared spectrum of almost any astronomical object. PAH features have been detected in particular in the upper layers of protoplanetary disks, where the environmental conditions allow them to be in the gas phase. In the inner layers of the disks, the temperatures are much lower and PAHs are likely frozen into the icy mantles coating the surface of refractory grains. UV photoionisation of PAHs with the subsequent ejection of energetic electrons has been recognized as the main mechanism responsible for the photo-evaporation of protoplanetary disks. This process determines the lifetime of the disks and therefore the timescale for the formation of giant planets.

Cosmic rays (CRs) bombardment is particularly relevant the PAHs residing in protoplanetary disks. These energetic particles can process not only the free-flying molecules populating the atmospheric layers of the disks, but also the molecules trapped into the icy mantles. CR irradiation results in the fragmentation of PAHs and therefore influences the PAH photoionisation rate. In addition, the release of various molecular species triggers a rich chemistry of potential interest for the prebiotic evolution which led to life. I will present our results about CR-induced fragmentation of PAHs, highlighting the physics underpinning this phenomenon and its implications on the observable characteristics of the PAH molecules. Finally, I will discuss the importance of such results in protoplanetary disks.


Name: Fanny Vazart, Mrs. Email: [email protected] Country: Italy Presentation: ORAL

Possible gas-phase formation routes of complex organic molecules in ISM: formamide and cyanomethanimine isomers Vazart Fanny a, Dimitrios Skouteris a, Cecilia Ceccarelli b a Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, 56126 Pisa, Italy. [email protected]; [email protected]. b Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, IPAG, 38000 Grenoble, France. cecilia.ceccarelli@univ- grenoble-alpes.fr.

The question of the formation of COMs in ISM is a main issue in the field of prebiotic chemistry. More particularly, cyanomethanimine and formamide are important species in this context. The first one because of its potential role as an intermediate towards the formation of adenine,[1] and the second thanks to it ability to connect metabolism (conversion of energy), which is ruled by proteins, and genetics (passage of information), ruled by RNA and DNA.

Moreover, their key roles in ISM appear to be also remarkable since E-cyanomethanimine has been recently detected in Sgr B2(N) in the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) PRIMOS survey by Zaleski et al. [2] and formamide in the galactic center sources Sgr A and Sgr B2,[3] in the Orion- KL region (an active site of high-mass star formation embedded in OMC-1) [4] and more recently in a solar-type protostar.[5]

In this contribution it is demonstrated, using a computational strategy integrating state-of- the-art electronic structure calculations and kinetic calculations, that the reaction between two widely diffuse species, that are the cyano radical and methanimine, can easily account for cyanomethanimine formation and that several reaction channels can lead to the formation of formamide, under the characteristic conditions of interstellar clouds.

[1] A. Eschenmoser 2007, Tetrahedron, 63, 12821 [2] D. Zaleski, N. Seifert, A. Steber, M. Muckle, R. A. Loomis, J. Corby, O. Martinez, Jr., K. N. Crabtree, P. R. Jewell, J. M. Hollis, F. J. Lovas, D. Vasquez, J. Nyiramahirwe, N. Sciortino, K. Johnson, M. C. McCarthy, A. J. Remijan, B. H. Pate 2013, ApJ, L10 [3] C. Gottlieb, P. Palmer, L. J. Rickard, B. Zuckerman, Astrophys. J., 182 699 (1973) [4] R. A. Motiyenko, B. Tercero, J. Cernicharo, L. Margulès, A&A, 548 A71 (2012) [5] C. Kahane, C. Ceccarelli, A. Faure, E. Caux, Astrophys. J., 763 L38 (2013)


Name: Engin Keles, MSc. Email: [email protected] Country: Germany Presentation: ORAL

The effect of varying atmospheric pressure upon habitability and biosignatures of Earthlike planets Egin Keles c, John Lee Grenfell b, Mareike Godolt a, Barbara Stracke b, Heike Rauer a, b a Zentrum für Astronomie und Astrophysik, Technische Universität Berlin, Hardenbergstraße 36, 10623 Berlin, Germany. b Institut für Planetenforschung, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt, Rutherfordstraße 2, 12489 Berlin, Germany Transvaalstrasse 20, 13351 Berlin, Germany +15739443523 [email protected]. c Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany.

Understanding the possible climatic conditions on rocky extrasolar planets, and thereby their potential habitability, is one of the major subjects of exoplanet research. Determining how the climate, as well as potential atmospheric biosignatures, change under different conditions is a key aspect when studying Earth-like exoplanets. One important property is the atmospheric mass hence pressure and its influence on the climatic conditions. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to understand the influence of atmospheric mass on climate, hence habitability, and the spectral appearance of planets with Earth-like, i.e. N2-O2 dominated, atmospheres orbiting the Sun at 1 Astronomical Unit. This work utilizes a 1D coupled, cloud- free, climate- photochemical atmospheric column model, varies atmospheric surface pressure from 0.5 bar - 30 bar an investigates temperature- and key species- profiles, as well as emission- and brightness- temperature spectra in a range between 1μm - 20μm. Increasing the surface pressure up to 4 bar leads to an increase in the surface temperature due to increased greenhouse warming. Above this point Rayleigh scattering dominates and the surface temperature decreases, reaching surface temperatures below 273K (approximately at ~34 bar surface pressure. For ozone, nitrous oxide, water, methane and carbon dioxide the spectral response either increases with surface temperature or pressure depending on the species. Masking effects occur e.g. for the bands of the biosignatures ozone and nitrous oxide by carbon dioxide, which could be visible in low carbon dioxide atmospheres.


Name: Mickael Baqué. Dr. Email: [email protected] Country: Germany Presentation: ORAL

Preservation of Raman biosignatures in cyanobacteria and green algae after space exposure Baqué Mickael a, Böttger Ute b, Leya Thomas c, de Vera Jean-Pierre a a German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Planetary Research, Management and Infrastructure, Research Group Astrobiological Laboratories (Berlin, Germany), [email protected]. b German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Optical Sensor Systems (Berlin, Germany.) c Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Potsdam-Golm Location (IZI-BB), Research Group Extremophile Research & Biobank CCCryo (Potsdam, Germany).

The BIOMEX (BIOlogy and Mars EXperiment) experiment aims at investigating the endurance of extremophiles and stability of biomolecules under space and Mars-like conditions in the presence of Martian mineral analogues (de Vera et al. 2012). To this end, extensive ground- based simulation studies and a space experiment were performed. Indeed, BIOMEX was part of the EXPOSE-R2 mission of the European Space Agency which allowed a 15-month exposure, on the outside of the International Space Station, of four astrobiology experiments between July 2014 and February 2016. The preservation and evolution of Raman biosignatures under real space conditions is of particular interest for guiding future search-for-life missions to Mars (and other planetary objects) carrying Raman spectrometers (such as the Raman Laser Spectrometer instrument on board the future ExoMars rover). Among the potential biosignatures investigated, the photoprotective carotenoid pigments (present either in photosynthetic organisms such as plants, algae, cyanobacteria and in some bacteria and archaea) have been classified as high priority targets for biomolecule detection on Mars and therefore used as biosignature models due to their stability and easy identification by Raman spectroscopy (Böttger et al. 2012). We report here on the first results from the analysis of two carotenoids containing organisms: the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. (strain CCCryo 231-06; = UTEX EE21 and CCMEE 391) isolated from Antarctica and the green alga cf. Sphaerocystis sp. (strain CCCryo 101-99) isolated from Spitsbergen. Desiccated cells of these organisms were exposed to space and simulated Mars-like conditions in space in the presence of two Martian mineral analogues (phyllosilicatic and sulfatic Mars regolith simulants) and a Lunar regolith analogue and analyzed with a 532nm Raman microscope at 1mW laser power. Carotenoids in both organisms were surprisingly still detectable at relatively high levels after being exposed for 15 months in Low Earth Orbit to UV, cosmic rays, vacuum (or Mars-like atmosphere) and temperatures stresses regardless of the mineral matrix used. Further analyses will help us to correlate these results with survival potential, cellular damages or stability and the different extremophiles tested in the BIOMEX experiment. 27

Name: Anthony Ding Chen, PhD. Email: [email protected] Country: China Presentation: ORAL

High-precision Space Astrometry to Search for Nearby Terrestrial Exoplanets Anthony Ding Chen. State Key Lab. Chinese Academy of Space Technology, China.

With the present state of exo-planet detection techniques, the rocky planets of the Extra- Solar System would be very difficult to be detected and indeed their presence is a very strong constraint frequently and is very successful to determine the masses and the orbits of binary stars. However it is necessary to go to on the scenarios of the formation of planetary systems. By measuring the reflex effect of planets on their central host stars, astrometry can lead us to the mass of planets and to their orbit determination. This technique is used space to reach the precision required to detect all planets down to the telluric regime. We proposed a new space astrometry mission (STEP/SAIL) with micro-arcsecond level in China. The objective is to use differential astrometry to complete the measurements obtained by other techniques in order to lower the threshold of detection and characterization down to the level of an Earth mass in the habitable zone of each system. We want to explore in a systematic manner all solar-type stars (FGK spectral type) and a little bit M red dwarfs within 15pc from the Sun.


Name: Aswin Manohar, Mr. Email: [email protected] Country: Germany Presentation: ORAL

TRAPPIST-1 and the future of exoplanet searches. Aswin Manohar. Univerity of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. [email protected]

The talk is about how TRAPPIST-1 was discovered and the future of exoplanet searches. The talk also has elements of how science should be communicated to people.


Name: Arianna Ricchiuti, BSc. Email: [email protected] Country: Italy Presentation: ORAL

The role of communication in science and astrobiology Ricchiuti Arianna a, Catizone Pierluigi a a Planetario di Bari Sky-Skan, Lungomare Starita 4, Bari, Italy.

Misinformation is the activity of spreading misleading and non-objective information in order to deceive someone’s opinion about a person, a situation or a fact. Misinformation can be particularly dangerous in science. A great effort has been done and it is still going on by Italian scientists and communicators in order to suffocate the movement who states that vaccines cause autism. A lack of scientific education and false but easy-to-believe stories lead many parents not to vaccinate their children and exposing them to terrible diseases. That it why it is necessary to give people correct and reliable information about every field of science. Science communication plays a key role in order to fight against misinformation, but it can have other important roles. First, to point out how useful scientific research can be even when it seems useless (like space exploration). Second, to make science something interesting, friendly and suitable for everyone; third, to make people understand scientists are firstly moved by passion, curiosity and the desire of knowledge. Not every single thing a scientist does is necessarily “useful” to someone or something. As astrobiologists, we want to study the origin and evolution of life in the universe and we want to find extraterrestrial life. That is just because we are passionate, because we feel a connection with the universe. The language used in science communication is essential and it must vary respect to the type of audience (children, general public, specialists) and event (birthday, conference, entertainment show). A communicator or a researcher should carefully choose the strategies to make his activity charming, so he can plan a power point presentation or take advantage of the full-dome technology of planetariums which allows people to feel involved and carried away by the images. A Planetarium can be particularly suitable to talk about astrobiology, for example to represent how the Earth was when the first form of life emerged or to picture molecules and chemical reactions. In order to stay in close contact with people, a science communicator can use simple and common objects to represent difficult issues: a stone can become a meteorite and a little ball can become a bacteria. This is very successful especially when we are dealing with kids. On the other side, some specific occasions require professional instruments like telescopes for astronomical observations. “A good communication is made of 20% of what you know and 80% of what you feel about what you know.”



Name: Eero Vaher, BSc. Email: [email protected] Country: The Netherlands Presentation: POSTER

Evolution of viscous protoplanetary disks in young star clusters Vaher Eero a; Concha Ramirez Francisca a; Portegies Zwart Simon a a Leiden Observatory Niels Bohrweg 2 NL-2333 CA Leiden The Netherlands, [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected].

We have studied the effect of close stellar encounters on viscously evolving protoplanetary disks in young star clusters using N-body computations that include intracluster gas as a time- dependent background potential. Including semi-analytic viscous disk evolution in our model allows us to compare with observations not only the disk radius and mass distributions, but also the accretion rates, which would not be possible with a static disk model.

Our simple model is able to replicate the disk parameters of all but the most massive stars reasonably well. We find that if the clusters are modelled as Plummer spheres then disk parameters are mostly determined by their viscous evolution, while disk truncation in encounters is not important. This is because early on the viscously evolving disks have not yet had time to grow to large sizes, meaning that disks are only truncated in very close encounters. Later on, when viscous evolution has caused the disks to grow in size and become more vulnerable to stellar encounters, mass loss due to intracluster gas expulsion has caused the cluster to expand enough to prevent close encounters from happening. The importance of stellar encounters does depend on the stellar density, so stellar encounters might play an important role in more realistic clusters, where the local stellar densities can be much higher than in the idealized Plummer spheres we used in our simulations. This work therefore demonstrates that, in order to study how protoplanetary disks around young stars are affected by the high stellar density environment of embedded clusters where they are born, simulations must include not only the viscous evolution of the protoplanetary disks but also the realistic distribution and dynamics of both stars and intracluster gas.


Name: Alexander Lavrukhin, Mr. Email: [email protected] Country: Russia Presentation: POSTER

Stormer theory applied for radiation hazards calculation during geomagnetic field reversal Lavrukhin Alexander a,b, Alexeev Igor b a Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, Leninskie Gory, 1-2, Moscow 119991, Russia. [email protected]. b Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics Lomonosov Moscow State University (SINP MSU), 1(2), Leninskie gory, GSP-1, Moscow 119991, Russia. [email protected].

The radiation hazard during geomagnetic field reversal is investigated in the current work by means of Störmer’s theory. Störmer’s theory of charged particle motion allows to obtain the particles’ cut-off rigidity depending on the latitude for a symmetric magnetic field configuration. We expanded Störmer's theory by adding the quadrupole component of the earth's magnetic field, and also by taking into account the influence of the interplanetary magnetic field. In this work galactic cosmic rays with energies from 10 MeV to 100 GeV was investigated. The minimum value of the dipole term during geomagnetic reversal is 10% of the current value and is almost equal to the current quadrupole term value. As a result, it was found that during reversal the average dose rate will increase approximately in three times, and, as a result of a change in the configuration of the magnetic field, the region of increased radiation on the Earth's surface will be redistributed. This method allows for approximate quantitative estimates without large-scale modelling of charged particle motion.


Name: Tomasz Wisniowski, PhD. Email: [email protected] Country: Poland Presentation: POSTER

Delivery of water to terrestrial planets during the Late Heavy Bombardment Wisniowski Tomasz a, Rickman Hans a,b, Gabryszewski Ryszard a, Wajer Pawel a, Wójcikowski Kamil a, Valsecchi Giovanni c, Morbidelli Alessandro d a Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Bartycka 18A, Warszawa, Poland. [email protected]. b Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Sweden. [email protected]. c IAPS-INAF, Via Fosso del Cavaliere, Roma, Italy. [email protected]. d Departement Lagrange, University of Nice, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, 96 Boulevard de l'Observatoire, Nice, France. [email protected].

The commonly known Nice Model predicts that the trans-planetary planetesimal disk made a large or even dominant contribution to the collisions and cratering in the inner Solar System during the LHB (Late Heavy Bombardment), caused by preceding dynamical instability of giant planets. There is not resolved issue concerning the comets from the planetesimals disk, especially how much water could they deliver to the terrestrial planets. The poster shows our work we performed as a Monte Carlo study of cratering and impact rates during the LHB. We integrated the dynamical evolutions and model physical evolutions of LHB comets. Then we assume the amount of comets coming from the primordial trans-planetary disk and derive the amount of water delivered to the planets.


Name: Philippe Nauny, Mr. Email: [email protected] Country: United Kingdom Presentation: POSTER

Dry riverbed in the Atacama Desert: a depth profile analysis for biosignatures Philippe Nauny a, Karolis Simutis b, Juozas Nainys b, Linas Mažutis b, Martin R. Lee a, Jaime L. Toney a, Vernon R. Phoenix a, c a School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK. b Institute of Biotechnology, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania. c School of Engineering, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK.

The Atacama Desert is one of the best planetary analogue sites, its extreme dryness makes it an excellent environment to test the limits of microbial life. Yet, some parts of this desert may still experience rain, thus draining surface molecules down and providing water to potential underground microcosms. What could be the nature of these molecules and microorganisms, and in the subsurface would they be found?

To answer these questions, soil samples were collected at 2 cm intervals, down to 21 cm below the surface in the bed of a former river, and the temperature and relative humidity were monitored underground for approximately 48 hours. DNA and lipids were extracted from the samples. Their mineralogy and sedimentology were also analysed.

The soil samples were sands, mainly composed of feldspars. Lipids were found mainly at the surface and above a clay layer located approximately 15 cm deep. Most of the lipids found are likely to have a plant origin. DNA material is almost absent, and mostly fragmented at the surface levels. However, it was possible to amplify bacterial 16S rDNA in the surface samples, and both above and below the clay layer.

Samples are now being prepared for sequencing. A virtually unbiased single-DNA molecule amplification was performed by combining multiple displacement amplification and droplet microfluidics. Early metagenomic results will be presented along with geology and geoorganic chemistry data.


Name: Ruth-Sophie Taubner, MSc. Email: [email protected] Country: Austria Presentation: POSTER

Habitability Beyond the Snow Line: The Potential of Icy Moons to Serve as a Habitat for Life-as-We-Know-It Taubner Ruth-Sophie a,b, Rittmann Simon K.-M. R. a, Firneis Maria G. b, Schleper Christa a a Archaea Biology and Ecogenomics Division, Department of Ecogenomics and Systems Biology, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria. b Institute of Astrophysics, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria.

Although, about 2000 Exoplanets were detected and confirmed in the last decades, we are still not able to find a second Earth, i.e. an Earth-size planet in the habitable zone around a Sun-like star, not to mention the chance to detect life in such possible habitats. Therefore, we should start our search for extraterrestrial life right on our doorstep, within the Solar System. Although it is just the Earth which is located in the habitable zone around the Sun, there might be some other habitats in the Solar System. Such habitats might be the subsurface oceans of the outer planet’s icy moons. The moons Europa, Ganymede, Titan, Enceladus, and Triton are the most promising candidates for such a scenario because subsurface oceans of these bodies were confirmed during the last years or, at least, there is strong evidence for them. The primary ingredients for life-as-we-know-it in subsurface oceans are six essential elemental ingredients (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur), chemical energy, and water. All of them seem to be available in subsurface oceans: The energy source that keeps the oceans liquid (e.g., radiogenic or tidal heating) should also serve as an energy source for potential life (in addition, radiolysis and possible redox gradients may deliver energy for life) and the presence of organic compounds might be provided by cometary and meteoritic impacts or by hydrothermal vents (e.g., Fischer-Tropsch reactions or catalytic cycles). Microorganisms may live at the ocean’s floor, may float freely in the subsurface water reservoir, or may be clustered around possible hydrothermal vents. One of the potential microbes under consideration for these environments are methanogens. Methanogens are obligate anaerobic chemolithoautotrophs or chemolithoheterotrophs belonging to the phylum Archaea, which primarily form C1-, C2-, and methylated compound by reduction with H2. In our ongoing study, we perform experiments in the laboratory, where we test the habitability of icy moons – focusing on Enceladus – concerning methanogens. Here, we test different strains of methanogens (Methanosarcina soligelidi DSM 26065, Methanothermococcus okinawensis DSM 14208, Methanocaldococcus villosus DSM 22612, and Methanothermobacter marburgensis DSM 2133) in various temperature ranges and gas compositions for their feasibility to propagate in Enceladus-like conditions. Here we will present the first results of our survey, including a report about successful cultivation of M. okinawensis and M. villosus tolerating ethen (C2H4), which so far was known to be a potential inhibitor for methanogenesis of several methanogenic strains. Furthermore, M. marburgensis is tolerating high concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO). Both, C2H4 and CO were found in the plumes of Enceladus. 35

Name: Gianni Cataldi, PhD. Email: [email protected] Country: USA Presentation: POSTER

Searching for Biosignatures in Exoplanetary Impact Ejecta Gianni Cataldi a,b; Alexis Brandeker a,b; Philippe Thébault c; Kelsi Singer d; Engy Ahmed b,e,f; Bernard L. de Vries a,b,g; Anna Neubeck b,f; Göran Olofsson a,b a AlbaNova University Centre, Stockholm University, Department of Astronomy, Stockholm, Sweden. b Stockholm University Astrobiology Centre, Stockholm, Sweden. c LESIA-Observatoire de Paris, UPMC Univ. Paris 06, Univ. Paris-Diderot, Paris, France. d Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, Colorado, USA. e Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Science for Life Laboratory, Solna, Sweden. f Stockholm University, Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden. g Scientific Support Office, Directorate of Science, European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESA/ESTEC), Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

With the number of confirmed rocky exoplanets increasing steadily, their characterization and the search for exoplanetary biospheres are becoming increasingly urgent issues in astrobiology. To date, most efforts have concentrated on the study of exoplanetary atmospheres. Instead, we aim to investigate the possibility of characterizing an exoplanet (in terms of habitability, geology, presence of life, etc.) by studying material ejected from the surface during an impact event. We first estimate the amount of escaping mass for different impact parameters (size and density of the impactor, size of the exoplanet, etc.). We then assess the collisional evolution of the resulting circumstellar debris belt with a simplified analytical model, giving information on its overall lifetime and fractional luminosity (the ratio of the dust luminosity to the stellar luminosity). Finally, we assess the detectability of the dust thermal emission and scattered light as well as spectral features of e.g. minerals such as calcite with present and future instruments.


Name: Renata Minkevičiūtė, PhD. Email: [email protected] Country: Lithuania Presentation: POSTER

Spectroscopic and Photometric Survey of Northern Sky Renata Minkevičiūtė. Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Vilnius University, Saulėtekio Al. 3, 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania. [email protected]

The ESA-PLATO 2.0 mission will perform an in-depth analysis of stars over large part of the sky searching for extraterrestrial telluric-like planets and it needs a comprehensive input catalogue characterizing its targets as much as possible. The main source of the input catalogue will be the ESA-Gaia mission. Besides, supplementary material will be collected from other catalogues and new observations using ground-based instruments. Together with our partners, we started the scientific project „Spectroscopic and Photometric Survey of Northern Sky for the ESA-PLATO space mission“.

We aim to contribute in developing the PLATO input catalogue by delivering the long-duration stellar variability information and a full spectroscopic characterization of brightest targets in the PLATO fields in the northern sky. In this poster, I will present objectives and tasks of our project as well as the work plan and methods.


Name: Iaroslav Iakubivskyi, Mr. Email: [email protected] Country: Estonia Presentation: POSTER

Possible astrobiological experiments using microsatellite platform

Iaroslav Iakubivskyi. , Estonia. [email protected]


Practical information

Access Please see the Venue &Travel and Accommodation page on our website https://sisu.ut.ee/eac for details.

Accommodation Please see the Travel and Accommodation page on our website https://sisu.ut.ee/eac for details.

Allergies In August much of the blooming season is over, however, if you suffer from allergies, please talk to a specialist and inform the course organisers. Also, inform us about any food allergies on the registration sheet.

Climate Maritime, wet, moderate winters, cool summers. Weather in Estonia is very seasonal. The average summer temperature is fairly mild, varying between 16 and 20 degrees Celsius, but can reach up to 30 degrees Celsius. However, summer nights can get fairly chilly, especially in August. Rain is not so infrequent in summer but it does not usually come as a surprise, so before you start your journey a short term weather forecast will give you an idea what to expect. Nevertheless, grab something warm with you.

Clothing and equipment There is no dress code at the summer course. Casual clothing, no technical wear is needed.

Criminality Tartu is a safe place. Pickpocketing is not common, however, reasonable care over your belongings should still be exercised. Night-time street brawls among drunk people can be concern. Those who travel through Tallinn and wish to visit tourist places, should take caution against pick-pockets and cheating taxi drivers.

Customs Estonia is part of the EU. Different rules apply if you travel from inside the EU or from outside it. (http://www.emta.ee/eng/customs-regulations-travellers-arriving-estonia-non-community- countries)


Dangers and annoyances We do not plan any extreme activities, so people should be safe if they take care. Participants will take part in all activities of the course at their own risk and the organisers do not have any liability for accidents or illnesses affecting any attendee(s) due to course activities.

Driving in Estonia

 Driving in Estonia is done on the right-hand side of the road.  Seat belts in front and rear are mandatory, as are infant and child seats.  No drink and drive, zero-tolerance!  18y and older are allowed to drive. EU and EEA driving licences are ok, all others see https://www.eesti.ee/en/traffic.  Dipped headlights or day lights must be used at all time  Speed limits in urban areas 50 km/h, highways 90 km/h, dual carriageways 110 km/h.  Most petrol stations are self-service and are open 24/7. Petrol service stations in Estonia are generally open from 8 am to 8 pm, larger service stations in major cities and on the motorways are open 24 hours.


112 is the general emergency line throughout the European Union (similar to 911 in the U.S.) The number can be dialled from any phone, and the call is free.

Food and Drink have not paid much attention to their diet, mostly because of lack of choice and probably also ingenuity in our history. Therefore do not expect a local culinary heaven. However, many people in many restaurants give their best to satisfy more demanding tastes and good food has become purpose of its own. The quality of average food is good and comes with reasonable price.

Local beer is the choice of many, with wine and vodka trailing close behind. The two largest breweries are Saku and A. Le Coq, which both offer a variety of different beers and other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Recent years have seen a surge in local micro-breweries, the products of which have become increasingly available. A traditional sweet herb liquor is Vana Tallinn.


Internet It can be said that Estonians are a bit of IT freaks. The Soviet Institute for Cybernetics was located in Tallinn and Skype was invented in Estonia. Internet and free Wi-Fi is widely available in major towns, in hotels, cafes and public buildings. Cellular internet (LTE, 4G) through roaming comes with reasonable price for mobile device owners using EU service providers.

Language Estonians speak , which is distinct from other European languages and resembles only to Finnish. Younger generation speaks fairly good English and older generation rather speaks Russian and less German or English.

Meals The breakfast is served according to your chosen accommodation. Coffee breaks will take place at the venue close to the lecture hall. Other meals are served in the dining room at Vilde Ja Vine restaurant, if not specified otherwise in the schedule. Participants are kindly asked to communicate any dietary requirements to the conference organizers.

Medical Services EU residents who are covered by a social security scheme in their country of residence are entitled to a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The card simplifies the procedure when receiving unforeseen medical assistance during their visit to a member state. It should be carried when travelling within the European Economic Area, (i.e. the European Union, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and Switzerland. The EHIC entitles the holder to the same treatment at the same cost as a national of that country. Presentation of the EHIC guarantees reimbursement of the medical costs on the spot, or soon after returning home. The card is only valid for state provided services and not private hospitals or treatments. In case you have to pay, keep a receipt for refund.

Attendees from non-EU countries who are not EU residents are advised to get an adequate travel insurance.

Money and banks Estonia uses Euro since 2011. Notes of the old Estonian "kroon" currency are no longer accepted as payment. ATMs are available across the city. Credit cards are widely accepted, but outside urban areas cash is preferred. All of the biggest banks (pank) in Estonia have their branches in Tartu. Opening hours are usually from 9:00 to 17:00 or 18:00 (M-F) and 10:00-16:00 (Sat).


Pharmacies Pharmacies (apteek) can be found in most supermarkets and in several places in city centre. Opening hours Mon - Fri 09:00 – 20(21):00, many pharmacies have same opening hours during the weekend. There is a pharmacy open 24 h in the city centre.

Post office Post offices (postkontor or Omniva) have become scarce nowadays. One can be found in the city centre “Kvartal” shopping district. It opens Mon-Fri from 09:00 to 19:00 and Sat 9:00- 15:00.

Public transport Public transport between major cities is good, but to more remote locations services are scarce, mostly once or twice a day. Information about timetables and price of tickets is found at the https://www.tpilet.ee/en (bus) and http://elron.ee/en (train) website. You can buy tickets online or from the driver or onboard (on train). Please note that bus tickets and 1st class train tickets to and from Tallinn sell out well before the departure time on Fridays and Sundays.

Public holidays There are no public holidays during the conference period.

Registration Registration will be at the Estonian Biocentre, Riia 23b on 7th of August, 2017 (16:00- 20:00) and from 08:45 to 09:35 on 8th of August, 2017 at the Estonian Biocentre. Later arriving participants can get their material in the lecture room during coffee breaks.

Sightseeing Tartu is a very nice town with lots of interesting sights. Highlight include  The Raekoja town hall square and its surroundings.  The town hill with the Old Astronomical Observatory and the Musuem of History (situated in an medieval church ruins)  The many museums including new  The wooden house quarter  The Botanical Garden Information about these sights can be found at the Tartu Tourist Office website. It is located in the town Hall (Raekoja plats). Phone: + 372 744 2111, Address: Raekoda, Tartu 50089 e- mail: [email protected]. It opens Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00, Sat-Sun 10:00-17:00


Shopping Like any city, a place to shop is not something that is hard to find. There are several shopping malls in city centre. Opening hours can vary but generally shops open Mon - Sat 09:00 - 20(21):00, Sunday 10:00 – 19:00. There is a souvenir shop right next to a Town Hall square. Most popular souvenirs are:  Dark, bittersweet Estonian chocolate and other local sweets produced by the Kalev confectionery.  Hand-painted marzipan.  Estonian liquor (Vana Tallinn, Viru Valge).  Pickled food, honey, mead candles and bee wax products.  Handicraft items such as hand-knitted woolen sweaters with traditional Estonian folk patterns, carved wooden beer mugs, juniper coasters and carved limestone product.  Original art such as graphic prints, handmade jewellery, colourful glassware or fine ceramics.  CDs of Estonian composers of international acclaim (Tormis, Pärt, Tubin).

Supermarkets have longer opening times, usually until 22:00. In shops alcohol can be purchased from 10:00 am to 22:00 pm only. Bars and pubs, of course, serve well into night or until early morning hours.

Taxis Taxis are safe and cheating is still not very common in Tartu (has become a bit of a nuisance in Tallinn though). Taxis are plenty and several companies service Tartu. All taxis are metered and display price list on a window of a right side rear door. Taxi costs 0.55-0.70 euro per km plus basic fee, which is about 3 euros. An average taxi drive within the city should cost no more than 5 euros. Minibuses and night-time rides are more expensive (around 20% surcharge). You can download taxify app to order a taxi. Elektritakso (electric taxi, phone: 1918) drives Nissan Leaf electric cars and is environmentally conscious choice.

Telephone The country code for Estonia is +372 There should be no worries using your local phone in Estonia. Within EU, roaming costs have been brought down centrally by European Commission and calling and data usage won’t make you bankrupt anymore.

Time Eastern European daylight saving time (GMT + 3) will be in force during the meeting. Estonia locates in Eastern Standard Time (EST). There in one hour time shift between Germany, France and Estonia and a 2 hour time shift between London and Estonia. If it is 1 o'clock in London and 2 o'clock in Frankfurt it is 3 o'clock in Tartu.


Tipping Tipping is not must do in Estonia. However, since salaries are low in that employment sector then tipping for a good service is appreciated.

Toilets The gentlemen's room is usually marked with triangle pointed down “▼ “ (represents strong shoulders) and sometimes marked with "M" - Meeste, or "H" - Härrad. Ladies room is usually marked with triangle pointed up “▲ “(represents a skirt or hips) and is sometimes marked with "D“ - Daamid, or "N" - Naiste. In many places toilets are unisex.

Voltage The electricity supply in Estonia is 220 volts AC, 50 Hz. European-style 2-pin plugs are in use.

Weights and measures Estonia uses the metric system.

! DISCLAIMER ! All the information given above is to the best of our knowledge. However, we cannot accept any liability for inadvertently false or incomplete information.



From the coach station to Hotel Dorpat The hotel is situated directly on the square of the bus station (towards the river in the direction the buses came in) (Soola 6). From the coach station to Academus Hostel Walk away from the river on the road where the bus came in, passing the Circle K petrol station to your left. At the intersection turn right, at the next one left onto "Riia". After 600m you turn right onto "Pepleri". The hostel will be reached after 100m to your right (Pepleri 14). From the coach station to Hektor Design Hostel Walk away from the river on the road where the bus came in, passing the Circle K petrol station to your left. At the intersection turn right, at the next one left onto "Riia". After 1.1 km the hostel will be to your left (Riia 26) From Hotel Dorpat to Biocentre Exit the hotel, walk across the bus station straight on the road where the buses come in and leave, passing the Circle K petrol station to your left. At the intersection turn right (after 200m) onto “Turu”, at the next (after 150m) one left onto "Riia". Walk on for about 1000 m until you reach the Estonian Biocentre Riia 23b (on the right). Walk into the courtyard, Biocentre building (Omicum) is the last on the line, about 70m from the sidewalk. Walking time 20 minutes. From Academus Hostel to Biocentre Exit the hostel, and turn right. At the next intersection turn left onto "Vanemuise". Walk 150 m and turn right, onto a inner lane between one pink and ohter light yellow building (pink building has photograps painted on its wall, and stright ahead you see light coloured Estonian Biocentre building. Walk to that, turn right, go around the corner and step in. Takes approx. 2 minutes walking time. From Hektor Design Hostel to Biocentre Exit the hostel and turn right, cross the Riia street and walk 350 m until you reach the Biocentre (Riia 23b) on your left. Walk into the courtyard, Biocentre building (Omicum) is the last on the line, about 70m from the sidewalk. Walking time 4 minutes. From Biocentre to Vilde Ja Vine See the description of how to go from Academus to Biocentre and do it reverse. On „Vanemuise“ street proceed towards City centre, after 600 m turn left into “Ülikooli”. After 150 m turn up left onto “Vallikraavi”. Vilde Ja Vine is just at the left then. Walking time 10 minutes.


From Vilde AJ Vine to Hotel Dorpat Exit the café, and turn right onto “Vallikraavi”. Head straight on for 300 m bypassing a small park until you reach an alley. Cross it and walk diagonally right, bypassing the meat market hall (with a bronze sculpture of a pig) unil you reach the river. Walk along the river to the right and pass under a bridge. The hostel is just at the right then. Walking time 10 minutes.

From Vilde Ja Vine to Academus Hostel Exit the café, and turn right onto “Vallikraavi”. At the next intersection immediately turn right onto "Ülikooli". Walk on for about 150 m. At the next intersection turn left to “Vanemuise”. After 600m (3nd intersection) turn left onto “Pepleri”. The hostel is just at the left then. Walking time 10 minutes. From Vilde Ja Vine to Hektor Design Hostel Exit the café, and turn right onto “Vallikraavi”. At the next intersection immediately turn right onto "Ülikooli". Walk on for about 150 m. At the next intersection turn left onto “Vanemuise”. After 500m (3nd intersection) turn left onto “Pepleri”, walk 200m and turn right onto „Riia“, walk 450 m and the hostel will be to your left. Walking time 15 minutes.


Contacts of local organizers

Riho Mõtlep +372 56 565 401 Kairi Põldsaar +372 58 330 832 Marian Külaviir +372 52 46 208


Maps of Tartu