CEU eTD Collection Context and Morphology of Violent Incidents Between Context of Roma and Non-Roma and Morphology Violent Incidents Interethnic Conflictand Interethnic in : Violence Contemporary In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Internal Advisor: Professor András L. Pap Advisor: Professor Michael S. Stewart Nationalism StudiesProgram Central European University Central European , Hungary Budapest, Lídia H. Balogh Master of Arts Submitted to Submitted 2009 By CEU eTD Collection helpfulness – and to my son, Péter Tóth-Szenesi,for his understanding and kind reassurance. Eventually, Iam especially grateful to Ágnes Szenesi,for her endless and considerate manuscript:the her isthoughtfulness something I can always rely on. My very special thanks gotoAndreafor contribution Matolcsi, her in competent finalizing into their work. Balogh and(Foresee Kht.), Gabi Varga (MH Líceum Alapítvány)for providing me insight I woldlike to thank Judit Zádori (Börzsönyvidék Alapítvány),Gabriella Benedek andEszter and was always available when I needed her awareness . I wouldlike toexpress my toSzilviagratefulness who has Varró, provided mewith advices, regarding my field research. for sharing his meaningful aspects with me, and for the enthusiastic and effective help I am József Kárpáti thankful particularly to és Etnikai (Nemzeti Jogvéd Kisebbségi (Chance for Children Foundation). Budai and Zoltán Farkas of Lilla andinsightful advices consideration the I wanttoappreciate process. writing thesis of the Brubaker Szabolcsme Professor Pogonyi for and guiding long the through phase preparatory I wouldlike also to take this opportunity thankto Professor Mária Kovács, Professor Rogers for me. are invaluable András Pap, Professor internal advisor, The mentorship, the advices, the assistance and the encouragement, provided me by my crucial issue in this corner of the world. me, and for recommending me this topic – I could not imagine a more timely or a more First, Iwouldlike to thankmy Professoradvisor, Michael for trustingStewart, and supporting ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i Ę Iroda), CEU eTD Collection 1. Factors of tension between Roma and non Roma in Hungary...... 5 Introduction...... 1 ii Table ...... of contents i ...... Acknowledgements TABLE OFCONTENTS 1. 2. Maltreatment and abuse ...... 25 of Roma 1. The context of inter-ethnic tensions ...... 5 at the national level 1. 2. 6. Intimidation and violent attacks...... 32 1. 2. 5. Violations of ...... 31 reproductive rights 1. 2. 4. Ethnic profiling and maltreatment by the police...... 29 1. 2. 3. Educational disadvantages of Roma children...... 27 1. 2. 2. Social exclusion in ...... 26 the field of housing 1. 2. 1. Discrimination in the labour market...... 25 1. 4. Emergence of anti-Gypsy ...... 18 political forces 1. 3. Mainstream society’s attitudes towards the Roma...... 16 1. 2. Attempts by the state to address Roma issues in the last two decades...... 9 1. 1. The situation of Roma in Hungary...... 5 1. 4. 1. The Hungarian ...... 20 Guard 1. 2. 5. Policies...... 15 1. 2. 4. The hate ...... 13 speech debate 1. 2. 3. Ethnic ...... 12 data handling 1. 2. 2. Minority ...... 11 self-government system 1. 2. 1. The Minority Act and other relevant laws...... 9 1. 1. 2 Socio-economic situation of the Roma...... 7 1. 1 .1 Demographic situation of the Roma...... 6 ii CEU eTD Collection Bibliography...... 64 Conclusions...... 58 2. The cases of two villages in Pest County...... 36 2. Ver 2. 1. Nagybörzsöny...... 39 2. 3. The conflict ...... 54 of December 2008 2. 2. ”We Live Together” – a mediation program in Ver 2. 1. The village of ethnosymbolism...... 51 2. 1. 4. Internal conflict management versus the Hungarian ...... 47 Guard option 2. 1. 3. ”We Also Exist” – a mediation program in Nagybörzsöny...... 44 2. 1. 2. The emergence of local tensions...... 42 2. 1. 1. Historical clashes and demographical changes in a village...... 41 2. 2. 3. 2. Negotiations between Roma leaders and the mayor...... 56 2. 3. 1. The village ...... 55 assembly 2. 2. 1. Roma pupils and school conflicts...... 53 2. 1. 3. 2. The request of the Gypsy Minority Self-government...... 46 2. 1. 3. 1. Dismantling the ethnicized perception ...... 46 of youth affray Ę ce – an urbanizing village...... 50 iii Ę e...... 52 ce CEU eTD Collection might shed some light on it,individuals). Roma against directed presented inattacks violent reproductivehealth violations of rights, police Roma abuse, (e.g. the against Ernest Gellner’disadvantages (e.g. the labour market, housing, education) and the most salient forms of abuse outstandingfrom main suffer Roma fields the the enumerate where to hand, other the by attempting on book, climate; political the and aspects socio-psychological policies, targeted treatment), equal and protection minority both (concerning framework legal relevant the in Hungary, Roma the of situation socio-economic the to describing by hand one the on tensions, interethnic National and Ethnic Minority Rights, and were also the focus of academic surveys. for Commissioner Parliamentary the of reports annual by the motivated” as ”ethnically differentparts of Hungary incidents ofviolent– aseries became public whichwere confirmed worrisome development isa violence of emergence physical However, the in monitors. minority-protection international interethnic relations by by mid-nineties relationshipthe thewas observed majority between Romapopulation and in Hungary. In the last the two-threeof decades, andthe deterioration last two the been perceivable during hastension years – in differentattemptseliminating prone to berather aimed them. to at Hungarian society and the Roma minority, latter the facing various disadvantages appear that mainstream with accompaniedbyviolence, threatening increasing between tension, or not only to take a closer look at it, but to examine Introduction it from different aspects – that is, the The focus of this thesis is anewly emerged, yet crucial social phenomenon.I am intrigued As concerns the situation of the Roma in Hungarian society, an allegorical approach allegorical an society, Hungarian in Roma the of situation the concerns As The first my part of a thesis comprehensive overviewprovides contextof the of current inter-ethnic some levelof Roma, against violence cases of of recent As abackground 1 Nations and CEU eTD Collection 1 yethas place not another the alredy community), shown (and experienced up, with which has Guard Hungarian wherethe aplace comparing theaim of with –, of violence threat direct injury the resultingor inpersonal andconflicts, by interethnic tensions venues characterized aimed atsustainable interethnic cohabitation . apeacefulcompromise, find prevent andto furtherviolentincidents, to handle theconflict(s), the communityto-heal damage–,interms the opportunities toeaste of thetension,to of violent force maymodify the power balance inadangerous way –or at least,result inahard- situations. My thesis statement is that local affecting forces’ interethnic and occurence, directdemonstrating conflict tensions Hungarianthe Guard –established in lies2007 –,asmyinterest in the consequences of power formation, proto-fascist paramilitary, the to namely in Hungary, interethnic situation current yetfarfrom resolved. of as is Roma the of integration social the legislation, protection minority and discrimination various anti- despite Roma, the of improving situation the aimedat attempts despite situation Romathe of inHungary,is reason there considerto Gellner’s since observations, current the Knowing society. inthey lower of positions with occupancy the are associated asthesetraits lazy ignorant, asdirty, and aretreated ‘blues’ the merit, personal their whatever condition, ineradicable that becauseof trait: ‘social-entropy-resistant’ as a beconsidered might Blueness society. in that scale social the of near bottom the in places occupying persist pigmentationally blue,– for andsuppose that areason anothermost or – of them stubbornly are who individuals of number acertain with society a imagine to reader the invites author Nationalism Ernest Gellner, Ernest In order to test to In thisidentifiedtest order hypothesis, rural I in two settlements Hungary both – of factor the important toasupposedly is of related thesis the The researchquestion 1 . In the chapter on ”Social Entropy and Equality in Industrial Societies”, the Societies”, in Industrial Equality and Entropy ”Social on chapter the In . Nations and Nationalism even the passivean external, involvement possibly of (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1983). 2 CEU eTD Collection including mainly burglaries, but for example blackmailing as well, frequent (minor) violent (minor) frequent well, as blackmailing example for but burglaries, mainly including crime prevention program. the of the implementation during inMarch 2009, the village to anexcursion Guard organized festival ‘Island’ Island’ possibly relevant conditions: on the one hand, Ver Roma family by unidentified outsiders. Ver a agains athreat by followed was and case), enforcement law ongoing still a (and injuries personal December 2008 – a few months prior to the crime prevention program – resulting in serious non-Roma men involving weapon-like tools like baseball sticks) took place in Ver place took sticks) baseball like tools weapon-like involving men non-Roma life. settlement’s the charactherizing in features placefirst list on the ’ethnic of the worrisome or conflicts’ tensions’ ’ethnic indicated NGOs, and municipalities the by jointly submitted proposals, Both mediation. Enforcement, aimed by atdiminishingcriminality tensions tackling and methodof the using Law and Justice of Ministry Hungarian the of Committe Prevention Crime the by crime co-ordinated recentlyprogram, municipalities prevention ina state-funded participated both is that feature and acommon Budapest), city, capital farthe from not Hungary, region of 3 2 other. vary from placethe one to are proposed quality of discourse, the type of accounts of conflict, and the sorts of social compromisesinvolvement direct mainof My investigate HungarianGuard. the that whether aimwasto the Sziget. Magyar Sziget. Concerning the other venue, Nagybörzsöny, salient criminality rates werereported, rates criminality salient venue,Nagybörzsöny, other Concerning the As regards expilicitinterethnic conflicts, aviolentincident (fierce fighting between Roma and The chosen venues – Nagybörzsöny and Ver and Nagybörzsöny – venues chosen The 2 event (which is a rightist-nationalist alternative of the mainstream music and cultural and music mainstream the of alternative a rightist-nationalist is (which event 3 , which is held annually in Budapest), and on and Hungarian on other hand,the the in , whichisheldBudapest), annually Ę ce was chosen in part because it exhibited two main 3 Ę Ę ce is the venue of the annual ‘Hungarian ce – are in Pest County (in the central the (in County Pest in are – ce Ę ce in ce CEU eTD Collection experiences donotallowexperiences more tobederived than concluding notes. gained asthe statement, thesis the of of testing preliminary thepurpose servemight only communities), thereforemind thattheresults in keeping only limitedtwo (encompassing studies, all the while not losingcase sight the of of findings the the factof light thatin the statement scope thesis the of of my field pertinence the research as well as wasquestion, rather prevention projects – i.e. with insightful outsiders – turned out to be very profitable, as well. of crime the andresearchers co-coordinators the with Consultations some extent. to conflicts in certain involved were who individuals, local besides communities, the of leaders and key actors were there interviewees, Among the villages. in -mentioned above the conducted interviews duringstructured insome the field(and cases,byinformal research, conversations) oflocal semi- –basedmainly communities accounts on the through ascollected people, of the prospects andthe incidents, the interpretations of the local tensions, of the the context presenting abrief Nagybörzsöny description ethnographical about and Ver now. until yet, involved external forces asidefrom friends from and relatives neighboringbeen villages – hadnot other Guard–or Hungarian However, the face-to-face scenes. violent almost dangerous, Roma andnon-Roma withoutactual inhabitants, as outbursts yet,of butmanifested in between the tensions extreme and community, Roma the members of among the conflicts In the concluding part of the thesis, I will discuss the relevance of main research the of therelevance will discuss I thesis, of the part concluding In the In the detailed description of the two case studies of the second part of the thesis – after 4 Ę ce –Iwill draft CEU eTD Collection York: ColumbiaYork: University 2005). Press, Hungary, 5 MTA 7–26 (Budapest: Etnikai-Nemzeti Kisebbségkutató Intézet,2003). 4 published István Kemény and Béla Janky (”About the Gypsy Survey in 2003” was survey the of outcomes the about report research The identity. ethnic and groups) different population growth, birth rates, agedistribution),linguistic distribution (mother tongues of estimated total population), focusing demographic on tendencies (geographic aspects, the of (1% Hungary of population Roma the of sample arepresentative on based country, the March of 2003 in Hungary,mapping aimed at someaspects of situationthe of Romaliving in first of all tothe outcomes of a comprehensive social survey,which took place in February– 1. 1. 1. The situation of Roma in Hungary 1. The context of inter-ethnic tensions at the national level 1. Factors of tension between Roma andnon Roma inHungary the Gypsy Population in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21. Century), edited by Ern in in 2003), by them is dissaggregated into the three main linguistic groups.) income. (Thesesurveyscovered the entire Roma population of Hungary,and thedata provided aspects: regional distribution, mother tongue; housing,migration; education; employment, The study aimeddescribe to the situation of the Roma population regarding following the based on representative surveys carriedin out 1971, 1993, and 2003 (above-mentioned survey). study ”Roma Population of Hungary, 1971–2003 István Kemény and Béla Janky, ”RomaPopulation of Hungary, In 1971–2003,” István Kemény and Béla Janky, ”A 2003. évi cigány felmérésr Concerning basic on the data Roma livingin Hungary, Irefer tothe latest data available: edited by Kemény,István East 70–225. European Monographs, No.DCCII.(New A magyarországicigánynépességhelyzetea21. századelején 5 5 wasalso published by samethe authors, Ę l” (About the Gypsy Survey (The Situation of 4 ). A longitudinal ). Roma of Ę Kállai, CEU eTD Collection the Romanithe language andapproximately samethe is the size of Boiash-speakingthe Roma. sizeable linguistic minority in contemporary Hungary: about55,000 people speak some dialect of linguistic assimilation during secondhalf the of 20 the integrációs lehet in and Segregation),” Assimilation 9 MTA 7–26. (Budapest: 2003). Etnikai-Nemzeti Intézet, Kisebbségkutató 8 Foundation,2002): Budapest, 28–35. population. Roma the of 7.5% constitute Lovari) being version of mostRomanian speakersof Romani differentdialects of the widespreadthe language(the , and as amother tongue, Boiashthe whospeakalanguage(4,6%) is which basedan on ancientversion the Gypsy Population in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21. Century), edited by Ern in in 2003), The Gypsies andtheRoma in HungarianSociety, 7 6 terms linguistic from resulting Holocaust). ethnic concerning registration the fear legacy permeating aswell of social the environment, current andhostility the of prejudices the as a to inreaction part interpreted be can divergence (the Roma as themselves declared who citizens –lessthan Hungarian population – the 2% of 190,000 wereonly there of last country’stotal the tothe population population. according However, census (2001), rights’ NGOs, number the of Roma in isHungary 400–600,000,which is approximately 4-6% Romani inCentral-Easternpopulations According Europe). the estimations to minority of largest of one the (the Romagroup of are also largestHungary the Roma the these comprise 1. 1 .1 Demographic situation of the Roma István Kemény, ”Nyelv és oktatás. Asszimiláció ésszegregáció (Language and Education. István Kemény and Béla Janky, ”A 2003. évi cigány felmérésr István Kemény, ”Linguistic Groups and Usage Among the Hungarian Gypsies/Roma”,in For data on the minority populations in Hungary, see Table 1, in Appendices. There are three main groups (and twenty-seven subgroups) of Romain Hungary,in cultural and The Hungarian Minority Act lists 13ethnic and national minorities in Hungary A magyarországicigánynépességhelyzetea21. századelején 7 : Romungrosthe (86,9%), whoarelinguistically assimilated, andspeak Hungarian Ę ségei Magyarországon A romakérdés az integráció csapdájában. Aromák (The Roma-question in the Trap of Integration. The Integration. of Trap in the Roma-question (The 6 edited by Ern th century, the Roma make up the most Ę 8 Ę Kállai (Teleki László Despite strong tendencies Despite strong of l” (About the Gypsy Survey (The Situation of Ę 6 9 : among : Kállai, CEU eTD Collection importance for them. Even social transfer-based incomes are unable to promote economic the promote to areunable incomes transfer-based social for Even them. importance Roma, role the incomeeconomically disadvantaged of –or lackthe income of –isof primary dimensional of Romapoor families families large (especially livingsmall with are in children) multi-deep, poverty. people,Hungary, amongas Roma arewellover-represented poor and asignificantproportion Because of independently Indeed,a crucial age. of ethnicity plays inperpetuatingrole poverty the limitedpoverty: role the elderly (those withoutof relatives social or significant social connections), capital and the Roma, in 1. 2Socio-economic situationof the Romathe case of socio- estimates, in 2002, the share of Roma among all newborns in Hungary was 15 %. Hungary were of Roma origin, this proportion increased to 10% in the 90s, and according to reliable in babies newborn 6% of mid-60s, in the while higher: is significantly children Roma of proportion population in Hungary. Roma Population in Hungary), 10 EÖKIP,Józsa (Budapest: 2000):105. Opportunities of the Roma in Hungary to Integration), edited by Jen economic aswell status), fertility as of Roma rates years lower than mainstreamthe average, due to health problems closely related tolow socio- lowerlifepopulation,life to average expectancy is due a expectancy (the Roma approximately of 10 12 http://portal.ksh.hu/pls/ksh/docs/hun/xstadat/xstadat_eves/tabl1_01ia.html Statistical Central Hungarian Source: 11 Columbia University Press, 2005.) Hungary, István Kemény, ”Amagyarországi cigány népesség demográfiája” (The Demography of the Kemény, and BélaJanky. István ”RomaPopulation of Hungary, In 1971–2003.” Currently, the Total Fertility Rate (TRF) of Hungarian women is approximately 1,3. In present-day already faceliveIn or groups in– riskof the present-day – Hungary, primarily two The Roma population is significantly youngerin comparison to the overall Hungarian edited by István Kemény, East European Monographs, No. DCCII.(NewYork: edited by Monographs, No. Kemény, European István East 11 Compared to the current 4-6% current Comparedthe ratio to of Romapopulation ingeneral,the the Demográfia, Office (KSH), no. 3–4(2004):343. 7 10 being higher than those of beingof those general than higherthe Ę Böszörményi and Márta 12 Roma of CEU eTD Collection 15 University,of DepartmentHuman Resources, 2004). Papers No1. (Budapest: Hungarian Academy Sciences,of Institute of –CorvinusEconomics 14 Vol. 1.A Case StudyofHungary. Delphoi Delphoi Consulting, 2004). ( Budapest: medical services) accesstowelfareand status, health situation, socio-economic egészségügyi szolgáltatásokhoz való hozzáférés Cigányok Magyarországon –szociális-gazdaságihelyzet, egészségiállapot,szociális, és (New York:Columbia University Press, 2005);Ferenc Babusik, of Hungary, 13 Roma of quality main liesinhousing. differences illustrate Theavailable data inferiorthe quality of housing the of one lives, entire their scarcity in lived necessarily not have who people, elderly poor to opportunities). job from deprived also are society majority the of members of poorthe Roma lives in economically depressed, underdeveloped rural regions of Hungary, where education system laboras well), market discrimination, and their regional underdevelopment(most (which are related to socio-economic disadvantages and to discrimination Roma of schooling of levels low against the of role Romathe in consider the should we phenomenon, this Regarding of Roma families have income noother welfare various besides andchildcare assistances. non-Roma”. than poorer significantly remain Roma benefits, the roleof greater the ”despite families: Roma of situation Roma and non-Roma households in the same localities are relatively small – compared to – small compared arerelatively in samelocalities households the Roma non-Roma and neighboring between differences show, study international an of outcomes the as However, total to the highersupply isslightly comparedtoilet total the 90%; water than 50%, to 90%). population, whereitis bathroom 90%; 60%insupply is approx. Roma households, compared (for example, tap water supply is 72%in Roma homes, compared to the total Hungarian SeeIstván Kemény and Béla Janky, ”Roma Population of Hungary, In 1971–2003,” Kertesi, Gábor Zsuzsa Ferge, Katalin Tausz and Ágnes Darvas. andÁgnes Zsuzsa Katalin Ferge, Tausz Roma in Hungary are suffering extensively from unemployment, from extensively suffering are in Hungary Roma When comparing the situation of livingmainly Whenof situation in groups Roma the other the to comparing poverty, edited by Kemény,EastIstván European 70–225. Monographs, No.DCCII. 15 The EmploymentofRoma– Evidence Hungary, from , both in terms of density (expressed per capita square meters) and amenities Budapest: International Labour Office, 2002:32–33. 13 8 (Trapped by poverty. Gypsies in Hungary – Combating Poverty andSocialExclusion. A szegénység csapdájában. 14 and asignificantproportion Budapest Working Roma CEU eTD Collection meg amely mindezek bizonyságot, tesz összetartozás-tudatról olyan meg, egyben különböztetik és magyara lakosság többi tagjai állampolgárok részét egy évszázada honos népcsoport, amely az állam lakossága körében legalább számszer területén aMagyarKöztársaság minden olyan, kisebbség) (atovábbiakban: kisebbség 17 16 that the Hungarian approach to ethnic and national minority rights has always been defined by a citizens,has beto submitted to the Speaker of the Parliament. least1.000 Hungarian by at signed initiative, apopular group, minority toregister anew order in that is condition quantitative another immigrants), as such minorities, new regards as principle In addition to the 100-year-rule (which might be community.” considered historical as an the exclusionary of interests and the discriminatory protecting and articulating and characteristics distinct traditions, and proveshave to a sense togetherness,of aimed atsafeguarding the above-mentioned and culture language, adistinct has citizens, Hungarian are members its size numerical of interms minority a constitutes years, 100 least at for in Hungary living been has which: minority based on the following criteria: 1993 Hungarian legal framework is the Law on the Rights of Ethnic and National Minorities, passed in 1. 2. 1.The Minority Actand other relevant laws 1. 1. 2. Attempts by the state to address Roma issues in the last two decades withcorrelate housing to tend spatial disparities. inequalities regarding that –,whichsuggests countries Central-Eastern-European other See Article 1(2) 1 of the Hungarian Minority Act : ”E törvény értelmében nemzeti és etnikai 1993. évi LXXVII. törvény a nemzeti és etnikai kisebbségek jogairól. Ę Concerning the Roma as a minority group, one of the most relevant elements of the 16 rzésére, történelmileg kialakult közösségeik érdekeinek kifejezésére és védelmére irányul.” . The law provides an enumeration of thirteen ethnic and national minorities in Hungary, minorities ethnicandnational of thirteen enumeration an . Thelaw provides As regards backgroundthe –and adequacy – of the Minority Act, itis important tonote ”Every group of people is to be considered an ethnic or national or anethnic be considered is to people of group ”Every 9 Ę l hagyományai nyelve saját éskultúrája, Ħ kisebbségben van, 17 CEU eTD Collection edited by Mária Neményi and JúliaSzalai Új (Budapest: Mandátum 422. Könyvkiadó, 2005), jogai in State-policies), and 19 HokkaidoUniversity Research– Slavic 2006). Center, Citizenship? in and of Loss Orientation”, 18 states), and legal the and political consequences of this aredebated. stance neighboring the (in Diaspora-rights Hungarians’ ethnic to reference subliminal less or more manner. in same the institutions minority national and ethnic and regulates , rights same the minorities in asthe itself, LawHungarian on Ethnic Minorities National and ethnic gives and national minority). However, the use of this distinctive terminology does nothave any practical impact background,– iswhich lacks too kin-state togetherwith mentioned asanethnic Roma the cultural-linguisticheritage being qualify as minority ethnic.Hereby,sometimes Ruthen the – for terminology, the a kin-statesupposedly minorities and/or an without established, common available explanation clear no is there (As minority. ’ethnic’ be an to considered is minority Hungary. of minorities national over-assimilated) (mostly the and toprovide goodpractice on the international level – by guarding cultural the heritages of benevolence – show to intended state, Hungarian the of initiatives are the rather but Hungary, of in reality featuresthese are not the result ofpersistent demands ethnic of andnational minorities protection, minority of framework institutional the of establishment the and legislation minority uninformed outsider would assumefierce that internal ethnic tensions shaped processthe of systems of minority self governments and policies. and governments self minority of systems by legal kind institutional the cultural identity, encouraged environment, of Hungarian the as some maintain may they though even society, mainstream the to assimilated overwhelmingly Balázs Majtényi and György Majtényi, és ”Romakérdés állami (Roma-questionpolitikák” Claims. Interdependence Collision, andDiaspora Rights László SeeAndrás Pap, ”Minority Among the (currently) thirteen minority groups of Hungary, usually only the Roma (Minority of Minorities. Human Rights and Political Rights of the Roma in Hungary), 19 It should be noted that the twelve national minorities of Hungary are Hungary of minorities national twelve the that noted be should It Slavic Eurasian Studies No. 9, edited by Osamu Ieda at al., 243–254. (Sapporo: edited byOsamuIeda atal., 9, Studies No. Eurasian Slavic Kisebbségek kisebbsége. A magyarországicigányokemberiéspolitikai kisebbsége. Kisebbségek Beyond Sovereignty: From Status Law FromBeyond Sovereignty: StatusLaw to Transnational 10 18 Whilean CEU eTD Collection (Budapest: MTA Etnikai-Nemzeti (Budapest: MTAEtnikai-Nemzeti 2003): Intézet, Kisebbségkutató 31 the Gypsy Population in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21. Century), edited by Ern in Report), gyorsjelentés” (Gypsy Minority Self-Governments in Hungary – Preliminary Research 23 self-governments. minority 22 21 20 and self-governments minority between division labor and relationship the regards problems main self-government system is undoubtedly significant, the content of this role is doubted: one of the provided for its maintenance are questionable. Additionally, while the role of the Roma minority governments 1. 2. Minority self-government system ethnicnational or minority – among other grounds of discrimination. prohibits the unequal individualsof treatment basis onthe of affiliationtheir origin or an to in case the Gypsyof the minority, adequacy the of this framework level institutions; while national as councils function a quasi-minority parliaments). However, municipalities; recently-established the levelbeing means–for regional thetime –county- with co-exist self-governments minority level, local the (At levels. national and regional local, Ombudsman (aposition iswhich currently held –since 2007–by a personof Roma origin). Minority a.k.a. Rights, Minority Ethnic and National for Commissioner Parliamentary Nationallegal Minorities, in1993,provides background ofthe ofthe position the Ern Article 4 1(21)of Hungarianthe ActcommandsMinority aboutthe establishment of 2003.évi törvény CXXV. az egyenl 1993.évi LIX. törvény az állampolgári jogok országgy The Act Ombudsman The Law on Ethnic and National Minorities prescribes the establishment of minority self minority of establishment the prescribes Minorities National and Ethnic on Law The In 2003, Lawthe onEqual andTreatment Anti-Discrimination forcecame into Ę Kállai, ”Cigány –kutatásikisebbségi önkormányzatok Magyarországon A magyarországi cigánynépesség helyzete a 21.század elején 22 –a relatively potent and autonomous institutional framework – on three levels: on the on levels: three on – framework institutional autonomous and potent relatively –a 20 , which was passed in the same year as the Law on Ethnic and Ę bánásmódról bánásmódról és az esélyegyenl 11 Ħ lési biztosáról. 23 and volume the of sources the Ę ség el (The Situation of Ę mozdításáról. Ę 21 Kállai , which CEU eTD Collection törvény elrendeli; c) egyéb esetekben azt törvény azttörvény elrendeli.”) c) egyéb esetekben törvény elrendeli; érvényesítése, továbbá a nemzetbiztonság, ab anemzetbiztonság, továbbá érvényesítése, esetében, az nemzetközi egyezményen alapul, vagy Alkotmányban biztosított alapvet biztosított esetében, aznemzetközi Alkotmányban vagy egyezményen alapul, b)a2.§ foglalt adatok vagy a) pontjában hozzájárul, írásban az érintett adatkezeléshez 28 adat”). …vonatkozó tartozásra és etnikai kisebbséghez 27 26 Opportunities), by edited L’Harmattan,Balázs Majtényi 2009). (Budapest, Can Do, Aimed at Improving Equal Opportunities of the Roma?),in Antidiszkrimináció és esélyegyenl Antidiszkrimináció esélyegyenl 25 L’Harmattan, 2009). Balázs (Budapest, Majtényi és esélyegyenl for national security or law enforcement purposes, or c) ordered by law in other cases.” treaty, or if ordered by law in connection with the enforcement of some constitutional right or inby b) his has prescribed subject writing, consent if explicitgiven processed data a) the to be considered be to on national or ethnic origin, since – according to the data of processing and collection the limit strictly laws protection data in Hungary, minorities ethnicity-related issues. While Minority the the definesAct and identifies ethnic andnational Treatment and Anti-Discrimination (besides operating asa body aimedsafeguarding at cultural heritage) Gypsy mandated asactors self-governments toimprove socio-economicthe equality Romaof the Local Municiplaties and the Minority Self Governments), in Governments), Self Minority the and Municiplaties Local Attitude? kapcsolata” (A the The Relationship Between Discriminative önkormányzatok 24 1. 2. 3. Ethnic data handling municipalities local the See Article 3(2) of the Data Protection Act (”Különleges adat akkor kezelhet adat Act(”Különleges Protection 3(2)of Data the SeeArticle a nemzeti a)afaji adat: eredetre, (”különleges Act Protection Data the of SeeArticles 2(2) a és közérdek védelmérõl adatok a személyes törvény LXIII. 1992.évi Ern Marianna Zsebéné Dobó, ”Diszkriminatív viszonyulás? A települési és a kisebbségi Despite the existence of the Law on Ethnic and National Minorities and the and Minorities National and Ethnic on Law the of existence the Despite Ę Kállai, ”Tehet-e valamit egy cigány kisebbségi aromák önkormányat kisebbségi egy cigány valamit Kállai, ”Tehet-e Ę sége érdekében?” (Is There Something That a That Gypsy (IsThere Something Minority Government sége érdekében?” Self Ę ség sensitive (Slippery (Slippery Anti-discriminationSlope. and Equal Opportunities), by edited 24 , and related to this basic problem, the ambiguous interpretation of the role the of interpretation ambiguous the problem, basic this to related and , 27 . The Data Protection Act , the Hungarian, the legal framework makes itdifficult to approach Ę ség (Slippery Slope. Anti-discrimination (Slippery Slope. and Equal Ħ 12 nmegel Data Protection Act Protection Data providesmay that“[Sensitive] data be Ę zés vagy a b Lejt 25 Ę s pálya. Antidiszkrimináció . Ħ Ħ adatok nyilvánosságáról. adatok Lejt nüldözés érdekében nüldözés 26 – these kind of data are Ę s pálya. Ę , haa)az Law on Law Equal Ę jog 28 CEU eTD Collection 34 33 32 31 Review 30 29 groups” religious and minorities racial or ethnic national, of members against “violence criminal justice. order to penalise ‘hate speech’ (which, in the Hungarian context, usually affects first andforemost first usuallyaffects context, in the Hungarian speech’ (which, penalise‘hate to order 1. hatespeechdebate 2.4.The 1. measures for private gain in amanner contrary to the legislators’ intentions.” remedial of abuse the is, that ’ethno-corruption‘, or ’ethno-business‘ as known commonly is what to rise ”gives which affiliation, minority individuals’ regarding guarantees legal Hungary. in crimes motivated ethnically/racially of incidence the monitor or prosecute investigate, to bodies special no are there that note to important is It affiliation). minority origin, isin relevant which these on racialcases (andnotdata origin, national and ethnic to Datathe Protection itprohibit Act, even not does determination the perceivedthough of racial referring crimes, behind motivation racial recognice to motivation) racial of identification the for instructions binding and clear of absence the (given willing not are courts and prosecutors enforcementagents often rejecteven recordingthe of ethnic racial or violence victims,while “incitementagainst community” András László Pap, ”Human Rights and Ethnic Data Collection in Hungary, Article 157of (”apartheid”). Code Criminal the (”népirtás”). ArticleCode Criminal 155 of the Article 269of (”közösség Code Criminal the elleni izgatás”). Article 174/bof Criminalthe (”nemzeti,Code faji etnikai, vagy vallási tagjacsoport elleni er 1978.évi IV. törvény a Büntet In Hungary, there is a still ongoing debate about the initiative to amend the Criminal Code in This regulation handling This regulation on data leads toirrational illegal in and practice areaof the Another controversial element of Hungarianthe framework relates to the lack of adequate . 9, no. 1 (March . 9, 2008): 112. T he Criminal Code he Criminal 31 Ę Törvénykönyvr .(as well as ”genocide” 29 acknowledges ethnically motivated crimes, such as 13 Ę l. 32 and ”apartheid” 34 33 ). However, law However, ). Human Rights Ę szak”). 30 or CEU eTD Collection 36/1994, Decision no. 21/1996.) Criminal code unconstitutional for a several times (i. e. Decision no. 30/1992, Decision no. 36 35 law Hungarian preliminary sent the the for Republic Constitutional tothe Court review misgivings thefreedom constitutional thePresidenta supposed‘curtailing (i.e.of of speech’), the ‘offendinggroups or human members groups.)Dueto the ofthedignity’ of those prison term could behanded downfor usinginflammatory specific expressions about ethnic but the Government did not support the amendment. (According to this new law, a two-year Internet. the on Content Providersfor Association National the on called Ombudsman Minority the reaction, a As extremists. valuesand intolerable. which norms would accepted makesuch actions of developmentpublicly the is rather speech hate combat way to the latter, the to According speech. of freedom suchas the basic rights it limit that would warn and legal provisions, of relevant modification framework legal the that argue Some occurred. have far nochanges butso Roma), Jewsand groups: two has to be revised in order to prevent such extremist actions, others oppose the their dignity protected, whilegroups cannot. or their communities dignity protected, have may persons natural only that and expression, of freedom restrict unduly amendments both that held Court The offence). criminal a as speech hate qualifying amendment casesbelonging, religious‘inflammatory speech’ against of aperson’s another orethnic and unconstitutionalto theCivil bein (an amendment Code allowingcivil brought suits to the law the to amendments two ruled Court Constitutional the decision, debated widely Previously, the Constitutional Court has already ruled hate-speech amendments to the Egyesülete. Tartalomszolgáltatók Magyarországi In the same year, the Parliament passed a hate-speech amendment to the Criminal Code, Criminal the to amendment a hate-speech passed Parliament year,the same In the anti-Roma anti-Semitic, racist, to drawn was attention public and media significant 2008, In 35 toset upaCode of Ethics aimed at reducing propagation the of hate speech 14 36 . In a CEU eTD Collection minority rights activists, scholars and Minoritythe Ombudsman – suggesting that ethnically of hostility against them, while there wasenough evidence, provided by differentactors: Secretary in Charge for Roma issues and established the Roma Coordination Council 2002. long-term strategy on Romaissues in 1999, established issuesthe Anti-Discrimination Network of Legal Aid for Roma andin proposed a 2001, createdthe Inter-Ministerial a Committeeposition on Gypsy Issues and proposed a medium-term for strategy on a Roma Primefor Gypsy Issuesin 1995,adopted acomprehensive Roma action programmeMinisters in 1997, established Office State applicant countries regarding their minority issues, with an emphasis on the Roma in the region. Roma (social exclusion, discrimination), since the European Union set strict conditions for the with a significant Roma population), special attention was paid to the situation and the problems of 1. 2. 5. Policies hate speech.to of related investigation complaints the same speech hate public mediaitsextendthe to at and regarding application andto demonstrations, time, thecalled Equal Treatment Act. The Minority used instead of drafting newlegislation, and hatespeech should be toconsidered as falling under Ombudsmanbe extend should framework legal existing proposedalready the document, the of argument the theto According amendment ofthe the Act to Minority Ombudsman’s mandate to include the accessed: May 3, 2009.) 37 http://www.kisebbsegiombudsman.hu/hir-356-egyuttmukodesi-megallapodas-es.html (Last http://www.kisebbsegiombudsman.hu/hir-356-egyuttmukodesi-megallapodas-es.html However, the situation of the Roma has not changed much over the years, especially in terms especially in years, the changed much over hasnot Roma the of situation the However, Council Coordination the established government Hungarian the process, accession the During During the years of the EU-accession process in Hungary (as well as in the other CEE countries At this current point in time, the hate speech debate has not yet been settled in Hungary. settled been yet not has debate speech hate the in time, point current this At In 2009, Minority the Ombudsman publisheda proposal 15 concerning hate speech concerning 37 . CEU eTD Collection (2001), the average estimation of the proportion of Roma in the total population was 22% year same in the survey a publicopinion to according minority: Roma the of thesize overestimate the situation can be even be depicted by numbers, as the members of the majority tend to notably discrimination; factorsthe of social success of the Roma. According thisto study, the tenseness of andpoverty; Roma between links the of perception group; Romaoffensive asan of perception a focus on Roma. on a focus attitudes, and stereotypes about different (minority and deviant) groups in Hungarian society, with be expected. areto antagonisms inter-ethnic tense (The (The Perception of Romain Today’s Hungarian Society), 40 accessed:(Last May 3, 2009.) http://www.orszagjelentes.hu/sajto/orszagjelentes_sajtoanyag_polrisk_080429.doc Political Risk Index2007)(April 24. 28, 2008): 39 38 society” Hungarian in the thinking of element easy-to-activate and living is a Roma the against ”prejudice Country Report of the Political Capital Policy Research and Consulting Institute states that the 2007 theGypsies”, he/she is”averseto professed that of respondents the almost 40percent 1. 3. society’s attitudestowardstheRoma Mainstream Gypsyist climate of and public opinionanti- todevelop. an and forces, political extremist right-wing for space more leaving visibly, fade to the European Union, the governmental efforts aimed atimproving the situation of Roma started motivated violencemay become aserious problem in Hungary. Hungary’s After accession to Mária Székelyi, Antal Örkeny and György Csepeli, ”Romaképamai magyar társadalomban” Political Capital Institute. Data providedby GallupInstitute. the In 2001, a survey was conducted (with a representative sample) about the perceptions, the about sample) a representative (with wasconducted a survey In 2001, Prejudices against Roma are pervasive in Hungarian society. in Hungarian are pervasive Roma against Prejudices 39 , and since the proportion of the Roma in the Hungarian population is increasing, more isincreasing, in population theHungarian Roma of the proportion , and the since 40 The main issues covered in this survey were: social proximity measures; Thein social proximity issuescovered main survey this were: Országjelentés.Kockázat Politikai Index2007 16 Szociológiai Szemle Referring to asurvey , no., 3(2001): 19-49. (Country Report. 38 where CEU eTD Collection 42 Country), csecsem 41 Roma” the inblood of the is crime commit to tendency “The statement: following with the some degree survey in 2006, almost two thirds (62 %) of the adult population of Hungary agreed fully or to an ambitious project of Roma to outnumber ”Hungarians” in Hungary. as interpreted is fertility high as ”strategy”, of instead ”offensive” term the use to tends rhetoric Roma, as the fertility rates ofwell-off Roma are decreasingin Hungary), right wing political strategies of poor families, both Roma and non-Roma. If itcomes to Roma (specifically poor through child-specificwelfare benefits) in 1990’s, the examining economic the survival child” society as a“strategy”. In media,the Márta Gyenei firstuse termwas the to the of ”strategic towards Roma and the tendency of overestimating the size of the Roma population. perceived as an offensive group, since scholars found a significant correlation between prejudices (comperd with the actual 4-6%). An explanation for this phenomenon may be that the Roma are the locals connect the case to the members of the Roma community, which has influenced the influenced has which community, Roma of the members the caseto the connect locals the many butof identified, notbeen have still perpetrators The and killed. wasraped girl non-Roma a 14-year-old in Kiskunlacháza, 2008, In of minor November injuries). scene of with accident the the left child the car, his with road the through run to wanted who child a Roma hit man (The daughters. his young of Roma the eyes before local lynched by – city was from a nearby teacher man –a non-Roma a village Olaszliszka of in when the 2006, of inOctober happened incident further stoked up hatred against the Roma, not just at local levels. The first outstanding tragic See Márta Gyenei, ”A ‘stratégiai gyerek’, avagy miért növekszik nálunk a One widespread stereotype is the close linking of criminality Romato ethnicity.According to a The relatively high fertility rates of Romathe are usually interpreted by mainstream the 41 http://www.tarki.hu/kozvelemeny/kitekint/20060201.html 42 (whois presumed to beborn in order to contribute to theincome of his/her family Ę . During the past few years, several serious criminal acts, connected to Roma offenders, to connected acts, criminal serious several few years, past the . During halandóság” (The ‘Strategic Child’, or Why Does Infant Mortality Increase in Our Népszabadság 56, no. 14.Nov., 56, (1998): 24-25. 17 (Last accessed: May 3, 2009.) CEU eTD Collection Press, 2007):87. February February 12, 2009. offenders are Gypsies. Marian Cozma was killed by Gypsies, but not by ’the’ Gypsies.) by the news about the tragedy, and for me, it makes this more painful, that the ruthless de nem ’a’ cigányok.” (BeingaHungarian, being a Gypsy and being amother, Iwas shocked fájdalom,hogy a kegyetlen elkövet cigánykéntisés anyaként ”Magyarként, megrendüléssel a tragédiáról külön értesültem és 46 45 Press, 2007):86. press release [”Ajöv 43 regularly” more card’ ‘Roma the ”playing –from comrades him his – and prevent to seemed anti-Semitism obsessive Csurka’s István leader party rhetorics, political its into elements Gypsy alsoimplicated the ”common responsibility” of the Roma discourse in the voices some and Roma, the of criminality” ”inherent the of issue the again raised the details of the casewas the killing of Marianare Cozma, an athlete nationality) – asin theRomanian – a handball foreign of ofvictim a team of involved yetit Veszprém,as Hungary. internationallevel, far Whilethe at (even outcry from clarified, a public generated which case tragic recent most The aswell. level national at the theopinion public suspects are of Roma origin, which the support of voters and sympathetics started to decrease, it became obvious that anti-Semitism as However, representation. for parliamenary needed treshold isbelow the which won only 4.4%, they the 2002) (in later years four cycle, legislative that for parliament in the seats 14 them giving While MIÉP (founded in 1993) won 5.5% of the votes in the 1998 parliamentary elections, nation” the of outside but state the within main enemies ”the constitute Roma – population Roma 1. 4. Emergence of anti-Gypsy political forces 44 CasMudde. andParty). Justice Life Pártja (Hungarian –Magyar ésÉlet MIÉP Igazság Lívia Járóka, Hungarian MEP of Roma origin, commented the homicide in Veszprém in a CasMudde. In contemporary Hungary – like in other Central Eastern Europe countries with a significant 44 . Although the leading right-wing party in the 1990’s in Hungary, MIÉP Populist Radical Right PartiesPopulist RadicalRightinEurope Populist Radical Right PartiesPopulist RadicalRightinEurope http://jarokalivia.hu/hu/cikk/188/ Ę csakegyütt képzelhet Ę k cigányok voltak. Marian Cozmát cigányok ölték meg, Ę el”have plan together)]: future (We to our 18 (Last accessed (Last May 3, 2009)]: 43 . (Cambridge: Cambridge University Cambridge (Cambridge: (Cambridge: Cambridge University Cambridge (Cambridge: 45 , included anti- 46 . CEU eTD Collection (February (February 10.5, 2009): ’Party as the Third Power, Part 1 – They Gathered in a Pub), 49 48 47 buoyant party” more up-to-date, more younger, is aneed for ”there that party) failures MIÉP,of as the founders of the party claimed in 1999 (the date of the establishment of the nowadays is again acting as independentan political force. clashes, personal and basic of political as aconsequence and coalition, faded within the personally. Jews any meet hardly society mainstream especially in the rural parts of Hungary, given that there, due to the Holocaust, the members of the in itself proves not to be a binding political ideology after the democratic change in Hungary, example in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County example inBorsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County – astronghold of Jobbikthe party –, where a just in camp supporters, notstrategy, rural areas of Hungary Jobbikhasastrong of (for as Christianity. to references frequent also using rethorism, emotional on crime.However, without a clearly shaped political program, Jobbik still reamins on thelevel of in the neighbouring countries, and claim beto ready to use ”law and order” in order tocrack down platform, the representatives of the party stand up (verbally) for the rights of Hungarian minorities Asfor Jobbik’s state.) inademocratic as later unacceptable wasjudged practice butthis offices, andby prosecution the by and police the kept collected onethnicity data official were 1988, there 1971– thatbetween noted beis to (It discourse. into political the ”gypsy-criminality” term the andreconfirmed Jobbik reintroduced existence, its 10-year-long it agenda:during on the putting by power gain and issueis popularity to atimely that of anti-Gypsism found party the leaders undername the MIÉP-Jobbik ThirdWay Alliance of Parties Szilvia Varró, ”A Jobbik mint harmadik er MIÉP–JobbikA Harmadik ÚtPártszövetség. Hungary).for aBetter Párt(Party Magyarorszáért Jobbik As the current leading extreme right-wing party, Jobbik has built on the experiences about the about experiences hason builtthe Jobbik party, right-wing leading extreme currentAs the joinedIn 2005, MIÉP forces with Jobbikthe Party Till now, encouraging and utilizingbe anti-Gypsyism seems an to politicaleffective Ę 19 . I. – Egy söröz 47 , and a party formation was registered Magyar Narancs Ę 48 ben összejöttek”” (The ’Jobbik . Later, the influence of MIÉP influence of the . Later, 21, no. 6 49 . Opinion CEU eTD Collection 53 52 vonzza els belüli közösség ésapárton szókimondása nacionalizmusa, fiatalokata misztikus vallanak. párt politikai AJobbikhoz csatlakozó nézeteket érintetlensége, megmozgatja ”Politikai jártasságuk felülmúlja kortársaikét, különösenfelülmúlja érdekl ”Politikai kortársaikét, jártasságuk Third Power, Part 2 – The Clean Ones), 51 Third Power, Part 2 – The Clean Ones), 1. 4. 1.TheHungarian Guard well as thesense by of community party”. provided the politicalthe intactness, mythical the nationalism and the explicitrhetoric of Jobbik,the as by attracted joinare primarily party whothe views. youngpeople The – partly anti-Semitic Hungarianliving minoritiesneighbouringin the they anti-Gypsy countries, –and profess in toespecially tend interested history, be they can mobilized byissues related to the they in Hungary, people young of level average the than higher much is awareness political whoSzilviaconducted Varró, aseries ofinterviews among them, Jobbik-supporters’ the between 20and40,employed astudent. or aged male, is Jobbik-voter typical the while class; working and class middle lower class, reached only5%.Thegroup target of isJobbik’s supporters in found Hungarianmiddle- the giving of whileliberal(Ferencváros) result, Budapest, strongest them the third the party 50 Association and Cultural Protection Guard Hungarian the of organization of by-electionthe inJobbik January, of 2009, in gained8,5% total the votes 9 the significant proportion of the population is Roma), but alsoin the capital city: in the first round Magyar Gárda Hagyomány Magyar Gárda Magyar Gárda. Szilvia Varró, ”A Jobbik mint harmadik er Szilvia Varró, ”A Jobbik mint harmadik er Jobbik is to be as a considered isto Jobbik Ę ket a határon túli magyarok ügye, magyarok ket ahatáron antiszemita ésrészinttúli cigányellenes Ę rz Ę ésKulturális Egyesület. 52 53 – with legal full the name Guard Hungarian Tradition –,established in 2007. This extreme right-wing Magyar Narancs Magyar Narancs direct antecedent of the proto-fascist, paramilitary proto-fascist, the of antecedent direct Ę Ę 20 50 . II. – A tiszták” (The ’Jobbik ’ Party as the . II. – A tiszták” (The ’Jobbik ’ Party as the As described by investigativean journalist, 51 21, no. 7 21,no. (February 10: 12, 2009): 21, no. 7 21,no. (February 10.12, 2009): Ę dnek airánt, történelem Ę sorban.” th district CEU eTD Collection 58 57 56 55 54 whiletheWorldHungarians Federation of parties, litigating Hungary of Communities Jewish the of Alliance the them among organisations, Several rights. Roma violates and law of rule the with irreconcilable is it as formation, radical rightist paramilitary behindthe association todisband the Court the asked Service National Prosecution Hungarian Guard. alsoJews, LGBT peopleliberals and in general, aswell, sometimes in co-operation with the occasionally also involved in intimidating power demonstrations, targeting notjust Gypsies, but Motor Bikers” demonstratingmarches of Hungarianthe Guard, throughout country.the werefollowedby Roma power- to perpetrators) offences attributed crimes (i.e. or incidents intimidatingis inter-ethnic minority, in of Roma the an opponentof rural as 2008, aseries irredentistnationalist, political force –with an uniform-wearinggrowing, even membership– racial discrimination against the Roma minority, holding that the Hungarian Hungarian minority, the GuardTradition holding that Roma the racial against discrimination of in Guard Hungarian the instance, December, 2008–inafirstnon-binding –,for decision dismantling the of Budapest ordered Court Municipal the Eventually, process. setback inthe phone several fromanonymous calls down – thejudgestepped case,which a the caused of receiving trial building,the – after a certain point at near and court the were demonstrating guardists During trials, Guard. the the Hungarian defendant, the organizations) supported Magyarok Világszövetsége Magyarok OCÖ Cigány– Országos Önkormányzat. MAZSIHISZ –MagyarHitközségek Zsidó Szövetsége. Nemzeti Érzelm Gój Motorosok. Based on anti-Roma speeches delivered by Hungarian Guard leaders, in leaders,Based byHungarian onanti-RomaGuard speeches 2008 the delivered ”Gentile the (i.e. formations rightist-extremist other some Guard, Hungarian the Besides 56 , and the National Gypsy Minority Self-Government Minority Gypsy National the and , 54 and ”Nationally the Sensed Bikers” Ħ Motorosok. 21 55 and other motor bikers’ groups) are 58 and the Jobbik Party and Party the Jobbik other (and 57 participated in the trial as trial in the participated CEU eTD Collection 62 ad.” és segélykérést az életét, érzi élhetetlennek „Vannak(Last accessed:ahol települések, May3,2009.): a lakosságnagy olyan része Delivery). 61 2009.) 3, http://epa.oszk.hu/00800/00804/00543/68659.htmlMay accessed: (Last Delivery), 60 59 members –calling themselves the‘Keeper Wing’ inhabitants consider theirlives unlivable, and they send a out call for help” where the settlements are municipality, of as”there impotence a is indicator of the Guard an (According to marchesthe of ’delivered’ followinginhabitants. therequest local the are (non-Roma) the is country,throghout in from Guard,as Hungarian acall by received settlements which the marchesnumbers higher in2009.Powerdemonstration aresignificantly arestill organized isnumber was –it thatthese presumed activethe of approximately 5-6,000 supporters Hungarian Guard was1,300in July, 2008,while (accordinginternal to estimations) the children as well. The declarednumber of (uniform-wearing)full-membersthe of the and youngsters includingnew recruit members, to continues Guard The remained active). by be(and decision the unaffected to considered whichwasthereby formation, paramilitary the as same Hungarian Guard Movement the not is Association Cultural and Protection Tradition Guard Hungarian constitute abreach of the rights of other citizens’. inmarching membersits settlements Roma-populated leaders of its and – thespeeches of – the activities its while fear, of climate a create to ’aims Association, Cultural and Protection “ FerencSzlazsánszky, FerencSzlazsánszky, Mozgalom. Magyar Gárda ė The Hungarian isGuard already internalover an clash: inSeptember,agroup 2008, of However, the Association appealed the decision, and claimed at the same time that the rz Ę szárny”. Hetek Hetek Gábor Vona, the leader of the Jobbik Party, the occurrence oftheHungarian occurrence the Party, Jobbik leaderthe Gábor Vona, of the 12, no.30 (July 25, 2008) 12, no. 30 (July 25, 2008). http://epa.oszk.hu/00800/00804/00543/68659.html 2008). 25, (July 30 no. 12, ” ” A gárda hívásra házhozmegy” (Hungarian Guard for Home A megy”gárda hívásra házhoz for (Hungarian HomeGuard 59 – whichlegally is non-existent a entity actual –, the 22 62 and professing explicitanti-Semitic views 61 .) 60 CEU eTD Collection 63 ‘forbidden use of an authoritarian symbol’, which isillegal according Hungarian to law.) were counter-clockwise – by mistake,it is assumed –, the police did notconsider the case as a swastikaspainted inhabited onhouses by butsince thelegs Roma families, of swastikas the incase, which recent occurred inMay, whenunidentifiedNagykanizsa offenders 2009, way narrow in differentinvolving cases,motivation. (supposed)racist (A exampleistelling a some voices, even could currentlegalframework the beappliedin more and a much effective to is according since, needed, lawenforcement or law whetheramendment debate ongoing members of certain communities, or intimidate the among might‘causefear’ which assemblies forms peaceful otherwise of those conduct other people. It is to be noted regardingmembers violence againstthat of certain anddefinedcommunities, asdisorderly to there is an was Code Criminal passedby which broadened parliamentthe the scope of provisions the offence sanctionable with a fine.) Eventually,in December 2008, an amendment to the a petty to amount –would etc. worn, uniforms or acts speech impact –through intimidating laws.public safety gatherings (According bills, tothe group in an placeswith public Justice andLawEnforcement if sporadic, at all existent.) without reliable data, the volume of the accession of Roma individuals to the Guard might be Guard isaimet not at opposing Roma,but the tackling (Supposedly, crime anddisorder. Hungarian the rethoric, the to identity’According Hungarian ’of is she/he not or whether exclusionary against the of Hungary.) in parts active certain Roma: everyone– left the formation, led by a former captain of the Guard, István Dósa. (This formation is also can join, theoretically, whatever her/his origin, Igazságügyi és Rendészeti Minisztérium. és Rendészeti Igazságügyi Meanwhile, partly Hungarian the as areaction Ministry to Guard-phenomenon, the of Remarkably, the professed recrutatment policy of the Hungarian Guard is not is Guard policy Hungarian the of recrutatment professed Remarkably, the 63 proposed a series of amendments to several public order and publicorder toseveral amendments aseries of proposed 23 CEU eTD Collection 64 demonstrations re-arrangementthe against of Hungarianthe government. Hungarian an Guard initiated action againstorganized policeriot inApril, 2009,during force, violent“ the ”possibly afteronly as operating sequel is a passive-reactive, that, Reportedly, the number of small National Associations has reached 200 in May, 2009. besides political the Jobbik (the one itself), Party paramilitaryand the Hungarian (the one Guard). Associations”so-called ”National “Nemzeti “Nemzeti Egyletek”. Recently, in March, 2009, a new initiative was started establishingRecently,a newinitiativeby theJobbikin March, at aimedwas started Party, 2009, Regarding above-mentioned the of pillar paramilitary JobbikParty,the aworrysome 64 , representing the supporting ”civil force” – or the third pillar third the – or force” ”civil supporting the representing , 24 CEU eTD Collection Consulting, 2008). the labor market. The outcome of an empirical enterprise survey), (Budapest: Delphoi eredményei empirikus vállalatkutatás 67 76. 2009): L’Harmattan, (Budapest, Majtényi Balázs by edited Opportunities), in (Experiences of Authority Procedures in Cases of the Violation of the Principle of Equal Treatment), 66 2002). Society Instutute, Monitoring EUAccession the Minority Process: 2002 Protection. Report Open (Budapest: 2001 Report (Budapest: Open 2001)Society Institute, and –Open Society Institute, 65 had employees). Roma enterprises of group latter of the 25,6% Roma, employed companies ofthe“deeply discriminatory” 1,8% of the above-mentioned groups, nearly employment the toreject tended also another of and companies the while 10% women, albeit on a lower handicappedmarket people entrants, labor scale. astowards Roma, aswell against discriminatory (To illustrate with isneeded) wherelabor in highlyqualified weredeeply sectors of those (especially companies data: while only many aspects 1. 2. 1. Discrimination in the labour market 1. 2.Maltreatment and abuse of Roma Roma victims. Roma market regardingAuthority involvewith bytheHungarian dealt the labor Equal Treatment level and regional causes – tolabor market discrimination: most of the discrimination cases lower suchas educational factors –among other whichis related rates, high unemployment extremely to is of related Roma proportion significant the affect which conditions economic accessed: May 3, 2009). Ferenc Babusik, Judit Demeter, ”Az egyenl Protection. Minority Accession EU Process: Monitoring the Institute, SeeOpenSociety Lejt In Hungary, discrimination might affect the lives of the members of the Roma minority in minority Roma the of members the of lives the affect might discrimination Hungary, In A recently published representative survey, representative published A recently Ę s pálya. Antidiszkrimináció és esélyegyenl és Antidiszkrimináció s pálya. 65 66 , for instance, for in of opportunities.terms theiremployment Thevery poor A romák A foglalkoztatási diszkriminációja amunkaer http://www.delphoi.hu/download-pdf/roma_fogl_diszkr.pdf Ę bánásmód sérelme miatt indult hatósági eljárások tapasztalatai” (Discrimination of the Roma regarding employment, on Ę 25 ség 67 conductedin found 20% approx. 2006, that (Slippery Slope. Anti-discrimination andEqual Anti-discrimination Slope. (Slippery Ę -piacon. Egy (Last CEU eTD Collection Study Study (March RAXEN31, 2009), National Focal – Hungary,Point [manuscript]. 8. 68 commonly known to be an existing practice. is discrimination of housing the market, Roma theprivate the information concerning systematic no is there While well. as Roma the affect negatively might maladministration cases reported, of publichousing, and as squatters’)families’ accessto (e.g. determine low status characteristics somehousing, bymunicipalities, structural provided 55%) of Romathe livesin environments. Regarding population accesstosocial segregated According‘ghettoisation’, reliable urban half slumareas). to estimations,approximately (45– to subject micro-regions (colonies, segregation forms of different the are characteristics disadvantages. of socio-economic transmission intergenerational allowand the to this exclusion andperpetuate accelerate to alsobut Roma, threatens exclusion of social in the factor is notonly a strong regions), disadvantageous andin economically settlements smaller especially its territorial dimensions (namely the concentration of the Roma population in information it can be clearly thethat stated housing situation Romaof inHungary, given 1. 2. 2. Social exclusion in the field of housing with other. each contact of personal occasions lacking essentially are non-Roma and years,twenty Roma last had inoften Roma unemployment’), workers sharedsocial the non-Roma spaces, ‘indoor and political transition the before While non-Roma. and Roma the inbetween 1989, distance social ever-growing in an in the era of ‘full employment’ (or more precisely, in the era of LeaK The dramatic unemployment rates The amongrates unemployment indramatic but notonly alsopoverty, results the Roma Concerning Roma housing, themost worrisome –approach and difficult– to study comprehensive a recent of As theoutcomes Ę szeghy, Housing Conditions of Roma and Housing ConditionsofRoma Travellers inHungary. 26 68 indicate, on the basis of available of basis the on indicate, RAXEN Thematic RAXEN CEU eTD Collection 71 (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1977). Treatment, Preferential Foundation court’s decision and ruled in favorthe of strategicthe litigator NGOChance for Children took place in whenNovember 2008, Hungarianthe Supremepartially Court theappellatereversed membersdiscriminated society. of in the Regarding equality ahistorical education, development acknowledgingdesegregation that (in life)every fieldsocial of interests servesthe of the thatRoma issues should be treatedsimilarly the racialto equality issues in the U.S. Romadominate issues. should aspect rights minority the or rights human/political the whether uncertainty in the originates handicapped. mentally slightly the for classes ’special’ into children Alap 70 Publcations of Communities, European the 2007): Discrimination through theRaceEquality Directives 69 levelseducation of behindin thismaylie thelimited quality access and in thesegregation to education, lower level lower of – evenilliteracy education of members elderly among minority. causes the The 1. 2. 3. Educational disadvantages of Roma children enrolling them in separate classes and school buildings. school and classes inseparate them enrolling and local two primary schools discriminated against about 500 Roma children by unlawfully CFCF – Chance for Children Foundation (Esélyt a Hátrányos Helyzet Owen Fiss, ”School Desegregation: The Uncertain Path of the Law”, in LillaFarkas, In the firstIn the case, theapplication approachimplicates human/politicalof rights the conviction the main Hungarian In the the concerning context, education-relateddilemma issues Roma the of Concerning cultural disadvantages of the Roma, the symptom is the still significantly still isthe symptom the Roma, the of disadvantages cultural Concerning ítvány.) 71 , which, court asked the to rule that education the authority of city the of Hajdúhadház Segregation of Roma SegregationChildren ofRoma inEducation. Addressing Structural 69 , not to mention the harmful practice of putting mentally healthy Roma healthy mentally putting of practice harmful the mention to not , edited by Marshall Cohen,Thomas Nagel and Thomas Scanlon 27 (Luxembourg: Office for Official for Office (Luxembourg: Ħ Gyerekeknek Equality and 70 ; CEU eTD Collection communication, for children and parents as well. inter-ethnic of possibility remaining only the as serve would institutions educational common not have any contact with mainstream society, as given the unemployment rates of Roma adults, do Roma inwhere situations etc.–might result segregation in-class education, minority through school headmasters to sign the „Minority Education Requiryby Forms”. convinced are they when ) field this on missing are mechanisms evaluating effective since , an inferior infrastructural environment, but also an under-trained teaching staff and poor curricula just not mean in practice may still (which program education minority of Roma the content actual reasonable to suspect that Roma parents are not always fully informed about the aim and the for segregating socio-economically (already) disadvantaged Roma children. In certain cases itis minoritiescanbeusedasa tool identity cultural the of aimedatpromoting framework educational –, the by Ombudsman Minority the investigated by some – shown Asitis cases in practice. systems are difficult to overview and characterized by a level of overlap in some aspects. or into the scope of equal treatment system (e.g. the Equal Rights), Treatment Minority National Authority), and Ethnic for Commissioner noting Parliamentary the thatin all theseof first (manifested issues of thewhilehaving, course, equal of instatus society. According tothis dichotomy, education-related Roma – Roma the of distinctiveness the sustaining at aimed mightbeing and rights cultural by claiming group, fall into the scope of authority of the minority protection system On the other hand,On theother European-style the minority’approach’national Roma focuses the on asa The divergent, often hidden practices of educational segregation – i.e. disguised segregation i.e.– disguised segregation of educational practices hidden often The divergent, The aims of Roma minority education are not well articulated, which leaves room formisuse 28 CEU eTD Collection Minority Minority Issues), by edited Klára Csányi OSI–COLPI, 1997): (Budapest: 221. rend Between the Police and the Gypsies in Hungary), in 74 Involving Minorities”), by edited Klára Budapest: Csányi,OSI-COLPI, 1997. 130–173. tanulmányozásához methods), in methods), 73 Oktatáskutató Intézet(Budapest: – Új Mandátum, 2002). Liskó, (European Roma Rights Center, Summer 1998); or Gábor Havas, István Kemény and Ilona 72 system. educational students of Hungarianthe Police Academy found69%and that of studentsthe profess that the criminality” for an excuse just is participating policemen opined that the Roma do not respect the law, and 60% agreedproportion that of ”povertythe inhabitants is Roma). most (the prejudiced whoservedin policemenwerethose small settlements,whereasignificantrural criminality in role no plays ethnicity that stated 11% only and identity, Roma of element a comprehensive 54% in of study police 1997, officers thought criminalthat the lifestyle isakey officersbe canbeconsidered deeply to prejudiced against Roma. the According the outcomes to of 1. 2. 4. Ethnic profiling and maltreatment by the police school. andconflicts at discrimination, failures concerning experiences childhood negative own parents’ bythe discouraged or teachers, of the part the on prejudices opportunities for quality higherof children the education –might beby impeded the promotion the –aimedchildren’s advancementtheirof and school at parents and Roma See János Bólyai, ”A Bólyai, SeeJános rend György Antal Csepeli, Örkeny and Mária Székelyi,“Szertelen modszerek” (Insubstantial etal., SeeClaudeCahn Segregated not,Segregated Romaor sufferhumiliation pupilsoften inand racial discrimination the According to the outcomes of varoius surveys, a significant proportion of Hungarian police Ę rségi kezelésénektanulmányozásához Cigány gyerekek azáltalánosiskolában Szöveggy (Collection for the Examination of How the Police Handle Cases Handle Police of the How Examination forthe (Collection 72 .Furthermore, any potential well functioning co-operation between the Ħ jtemeny a kisebbségi ügyekrend jtemeny Roma intheEducational CentralSystems andEastern of Europe Ę rség és a cigányság viszonya Magyarországon” (The Relations (The viszonya Magyarországon” rség ésacigányság 74 . A few years earlier, in 2005, a survey was conducted among 73 As a recent study revealed, in 2008 almost 80% of the (Reader for the Study of Police Handling of 29 (Gypsy Children in the Elementary Schools), Szöveggy Ę rsegi kezelésének Ħ jtemény akisebbségi ügyek CEU eTD Collection http://www.kisebbsegiombudsman.hu/data/files/126395090.pdf (Last accessed May accessed May 3, 2009.) (Last http://www.kisebbsegiombudsman.hu/data/files/126395090.pdf Minorities by the Police), edited by Judit Tóth. Budapest: OBH, 2008. hiányosságairól 77 Hungarian Helsinki Committee, 2008). the Strategies PoliceStopandSearchProjectReport on for (STEPSS) Effective Roma, abuse maltreatmentissuesincluding of to or related Roma explicit by police. the police concerning officers theRoma, in and which Hungarian the theway police deals with police the by minorities of treatment equal Rights of Hungary 2008) –which(from focuses on guaranteesthe and shortcomings of the concerninggroups). (21–22%ofstops, measures both substantial frequency subsequent of in is as the nodifference there be gratuitous to seems biased practice the although Hungary), stopped were Roma (compared non-Roma:undergo and 22%of police stop likelysearch times more tofour those three than to to the approx. 6% share of the Roma in the total population of rend 76 Practices inBulgaria, Hungary and Spain Hungary. theresearch Resultsfor from project.Comparative A StudyofStop and Search in atsuch from collected 2007–2008, venues. Datastudy, stopped another being among whom only 22 percentreported non-Roma respondents, to compared venues), atentertainment (typically aspedestrians 57%werestopped Roma respondents the among by in2005, police the stopped was adultpopulation total the of Hungarian Roma: while 23% morenon- significantly than often stops to pedestrian aresubject thatRoma proves evidence context of stopsin the against discriminated Romathe are inHungary, that, showed 2005and2006 between and searches by the police, especially in the case of pedestrians. Statistical 75 more than 70% declared that ”theRoma should beforced tobe obedient.” majorityRoma latter are”adangertothe society”, be shouldfrom ”protected andthe Roma”; the Parliamentary Commissioner for National and Ethnic Minority Rights of Hungary, András Kádár, Júlia Körner, Zsófia Moldova and Balázs Zsófia andBalázs Tóth, Moldova Körner, Júlia András Kádár, See András László Pap, Bori Simonovits, Anna Balogi and Lili Vargha, The latest report of the Parliamentary Commissioner for National and Ethnic Minority Ethnic and National for Commissioner Parliamentary the of report latest The A comparative empirical study empirical A comparative Ę rség kisebbségekkel kapcsolatos egyenl kapcsolatos rség kisebbségekkel (Report on the Guarantees and Shortcomings of the Equal Treatment of 75 conducted on behalf of the Open Society Initiative Justice OpenSociety on behalf conducted the of (Budapest:2006). TÁRKI, 77 Ę – gives a broad overview of the prejudices of the bánásmódjának biztosítékrendszerér bánásmódjának 30 Control(led) Group.Final 76 show that Roma are Research Report Research (Budapest: Ę l és annak l és Jelentés a Jelentés CEU eTD Collection affect not just their dignity but also their reproductive rights and health. There were There health. and rights reproductive their also but dignity their just not affect topregnancy care system services medical which childbirth, using related and can when 1. 2. 5. Violations of reproductive rights of them wearing uniform the of Magyarthe Garda. many participants, 1500 of number estimated an with city the of main square the on held wash example from city’sthe mayor). A – peaceful – demonstration in support of policethe chief Enforcement, but a couple of days later he was reinstated as a result of strong local backing (for statements, the policeincluded chief was in removed information regardingthe their ethnicity voluntarily,and while data on origin is notofficially policefrom his post files,that by the Ministeralthough it may aboutof the basis for his statementsbeJustice regarding the ethnicity still of criminals,there the chief police answered and Lawused are in noa criminalpolice recordsprocedure. on raceFollowing or ethnicity, these the suspects may provide Roma), 79 és Irodalom (Area Gypsy? You kezelésekor” Attitudes Concerning Handling), Ethnic Data Diverging 78 cohabitation”. ”normal of Roma of inability the about prejudices of burglaries in lastthe two months involved aperpetrator of Roma origin, andprofessed a series use buzzwordthe ”Roma crime”,a atpress conference he claimed that every single one the aspect of handlingthe the data of from worrisome but controversial, politically or morally just not considered be to are which inhabitants) Roma of proportion significant a with country, the of part Eastern Péter Niedermüller, ”Gondolatok a roma integrációról” (Thoughts on the Integration of the theIntegration on (Thoughts aromaintegrációról” ”Gondolatok Niedermüller, Péter Balázs Majtényi Andrásand Pap László, ”Cigány-evagy? Eltér Romani women often face discrimination and mistreatment in the Hungarian health Hungarian in the mistreatment and discrimination face often women Romani In January 2009, the police chief of Miskolc (the third largest city of Hungary, in the North- in the city Hungary, of largest third (the Miskolc of police the chief January 2009, In Élet ésIrodalom 53,no.7 (2009). 53, no. 18 (2009). 78 concerning the criminality of the Roma. Although he avoided to 31 Ę attit 79 When hethe was asked Ħ dök dök az etnikai adatok made statements Élet CEU eTD Collection the the context of tension between Roma andnon-Roma in Hungary concerning aseries of criminal between Roma and non-Roma men, or cases of thievery with Roma suspects. jealousy of incidents minor more including incidents, and conflicts inter-ethnic rural of intimidating2007, marchesof uniform the wearing ’Guardists’tofollow started various kinds Romafamilies broken beingby stones. After theestablishment of HungarianGuardthe in several of windows the and firearms, at with shot being building Roma-owned another Roma, inOlaszliszka (seeabove), included2006, which burning the house inhabited down by of a in villageof afterby thekillingof carriedthe non-Roma perpetrators Roma teacher acts a out landmarks and ”retorsive” firstwerethe the offences againstRoma acts of violent threatening abuse Romaof alreadyaroundthe the beginningofthe 2000’s.Inmorehistory, recentof one 1. 2.6. Intimidation and violent attacks of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.) Elimination the on Convention the of violation in be to government Hungarian the found http://www.errc.org/db/03/7A/m0000037A.pdf of Discrimination against Women at its 39th Session. (July 23-August 10, 2007 Concerning Hungary For Consideration by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination 80 hospitals Hungarian in used be illegal is widely– however,thisinformed patientto of the suspected practice consent several reported cases of forced sterilization of Romani women – performed without the (Budapest: Új (Budapest: Mandátum Könyvkiadó, 2005). Political Rights of the Roma in Hungary), edited by Mária Neményi and Júlia Szalai, 316–352 magyarországi cigányok emberi éspolitikaijogai Mercy of Each Other. Interethnic Conflicts and the Media),in 81 European Roma Rights Centre, Roma Rights European Vera Messing, ”Egymásnak kiszolgáltatva. Interetnikus konfliktusok és a média” (At the During especially lastyear the (2008), obvious signs and actual cases of violence emerged in by media coveredthe (widely conflicts casesof been ethnic have There 80 . (In one of these cases, in 2006 the UN CEDAW Committe Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre 32 (Last accessed: May 3, 2009.) (Minority of Minorities. Human Rights and Kisebbségek kisebbsége. A Kisebbségek kisebbsége. 81 ) ) resulting in the in resulting ) CEU eTD Collection the spot, and injuried their 3-year-old and a 5-year-old children.. Besides children.. these cases, a5-year-old and 3-year-old their injuried and spot, the on couple Roma a of death in the resulted wich 2008, in November – Pécs injuries; personal Lastly, there were no 2 caseswith 2008, of hand grenade in September attacks: – Siófok to chop wood in his yard, he suffered life-threatening injuries (his partner was alsoinjured). in – Alsózsolca perpetrators shot several times into a house inhabited by Roma, there were no injuries; Roma houses, no one was injured; Nyíradony/Tamásipuszta –in September 2008 unknown three at fired were shots 10-15 2008, July shootings:several –in also were Galgagyörk There building. the outside exploded bomp the as injured was nobut one house, in the children 8 and adults 4 were there while family, Roma large a of home the on cocktail a Molotov threw perpetrators unknown 2008 –in November, Pusztadobos injured; was noone people, house of Roma at a wasthrown coctail aMolotov 2008, in –November Debrecen village; in the houses two against attacks firebomb fleeing while dead shot were woman Roma a40-year-old man and Roma a43-year-old 2008 – inNovember, Nagycsécs family; Roma 2008 unknown perpetrators threw a Molotov-coctail onto the roof of a house, inhabited by a coctails were thrown at 4 houses of Roma, there were no injuries; K injuries; no were there Roma, of 4 houses at thrown were coctails Molotov 2008 in September, – Tarnabod house; of the ranout she legwhen into the shot was awoman houses, Roma at two thrown were coctails Molotov 2008 in August, – Piricse day; same the on cocktails Molotov with burnt were by Roma, inhabited 3houses, 2008, –inJune loss; Pátka material significant andcaused 2008 inApril, happened cases both attacks coctails, with Molotov Molotov with fire on coctails: set were houses in Fadd –two there were numerous cases of attacks againstRoma people, in 2008.This includes 14cases of leastat not excludable. According tothe statistics given by theChief of the Hungarian Police, cases during 2008– almostall of them still – open in which ethnicmotivation was apparent, or December, 2008 a young Romani man was shot at two times when he went when at twotimes shot man was Romani ayoung 2008 December, 33 Ę szárhegy – in October, – szárhegy CEU eTD Collection February February and on 23, 2009, Workthe Authorities of State Involved), May (Budapest, 7, 2009). munkájáról 82 reveals NGOs of relevant report joint a as case, Tatárszentgyörgy tragic in the (especially an activists and NGOs rights Roma by criticized isfrequently and this poor, very tobe proved authorities investigative parasites). welfare-dependant work-avoiding, as ingeneral Roma of the stereotype the to a counterexample life (as adult entire inhis employed was workerwho proper a been have to was reported victim as the society, Hungarian mainstream the within Roma with solidarity increasing of effect the have also case this commented, NGOs rights Roma Roma man was shot dead while he was about children. directly targeted attackers – wasthat society the in Romabroader with the the to leave solidarity of homelevel the increase activists, Roma of forhopes the to according might, work. which which As activists one and this case– of element shocking especially The coctails. from Molotov with fire on set had with while ofbullets, dozens from they escaping hometheir were burning attackers which the of man) the the six-year-olddaughter son(andinjuried Romahis four-year-old and father a young yetkilled offenders unidentified whereasof Hungarian Guard), marching the of the experienced has already which tensions fierce ethnic of site (the Tatárszentgyörgy in happened first The internationally. as well as public, Hungarian the of majority inhuman tothe lossshocking livestragic the cases–resulting three –wereespecially of to property of Roma. numerous physical offences were reported against persons of Roma origin as well as vandalism Tatárszentgyörgyön történtkett (TASZ), aSzabadságjogokért and Társaság (NEKI) European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC), Nemzeti és Etnikai Kisebbségi Jogvéd Duringmonth the first 2009, amongof attacks numerous againstproperty Roma,of two As regards the attacks against Roma, the effectiveness of the police and the and police the of effectiveness the Roma, against attacks the As regards a middle-aged when in inTiszalök, 2009, April, happened incident tragic The next (Report in of Circumstances the (Report on Doublethe Murder Tatárszentgyörgy, Ę s gyilkosság körülményeir 82 ). During the last 1.5 years, only in a few cases were the were onlyinafewcases years, 1.5 last the ). During 34 Jelentés a 2009. február 23-án, Ę l ésaz eljáró hatóságok Ę Iroda CEU eTD Collection her 16year-old-daughter. in Szigetvár (January),five in2008: youngcase men abused a middle-aged Roma woman and policevolunteer guard(‘polgár bombs weremembersMolotov ofRoma inJune 3houses in families the Pátka, on of 2008, Aside”skinheads”).from this police case,the that knows the three perpetrators who threw 6 injured a12-year-old girl police(the capturedthe perpetrators, whodeclared themselves youngwhere agroup of boys ata stones threw house of a Romafamily andfatally thereby fewthe identified caseswith perpetratorshappened inAugust,2008 Székesfehérvár, perpetrators identified, or at least the range of possible perpetrators narrowed down. One of Concerning the ethnic motivation of the crimes, it was found by the court in only inone only court the by it found was crimes, of the motivation ethnic the Concerning Ę rség’) of the village, but the persons have not been personsrség’) butthe identified. have of not village, the 35 CEU eTD Collection 86 85 84 Ver of case (in the projects, the the presentationsin about theshort leadingconcern issues number-one inter-ethnic as the listed Justice and Law Enforcement (coordinated by the National Crime Prevention CrimeCommitte Prevention by National (coordinated the Justice and LawEnforcement inin recently, HungarianMinistry Prevention the of theCrime 2008–2009, Social of Program 83 Mediation” ”Settlement of category inthe projects implementing Ver and Nagybörzsöny County: Ichosevillages in like theHungarian forcestwo ’outer’ absent of Pest Guard, Roma andnon-Roma in rural withcommunities, aspecial focus on involvementthe or the 2. The cases of two villages in Pest County citizens and communities of citizens, churches, etc.) life, actors economic of the actors, for-profitand non-profit different NGOs, municipalities, orgaizations, governmental central and (local actors social different of operation of professionals and thecivilinvolving society, based support, governmental on co- the movement joint ”a is which Program, Prevention Crime National the of framework the within concerningof responsibilities” andbyraising awareness active parties, the involvement settlements, by exploring andstrenghtening local sources, by managing conflicts with the find these is for non-violent solutions occuring to theconflicts projects insmall rural Committe, ”comprehensive the statement provided Crime aim bytheNational of Prevention See:http://www.bunmegelozes.hu/index.html?pid=446 See:http://www.bunmegelozes.hu/index.html?pid=1402 See:http://www.bunmegelozes.hu/index.html?pid=1555 (Lastaccessed: May 3, 2009.) OBMB – Országos B OBMB – Országos In terms of the comparability of the two settlements, both Nagybörzsöny and Ver The definitive reason behind municipalities theseThe definitive both wasthat reason participated choices For the examination of inter-ethnic the context and morphology between of tensions andmorphology the context inter-ethnic of examination For the Ę Ħ ce. nmegel Ę zési zési Bizottság. Ę ce, the reference was to ’ethnic tensions’, and in the case in the and ’ethnic tensions’, to was reference ce, the 36 ”86 . (Last (Last accessed: May 3, 2009.) accessed: May 3, 2009.) 84 . According to the brief 83 ), by Ę 85 ce , CEU eTD Collection local youngsters local a keyfigure of localthe youth – non-Roma of indicated with a modicum of disapproval – the ininis thevillage As oweekendhouses lower. interest– thecommunity’s perceivably politics infrastructure,transport with newcomersthe from Budapest nowadays usually buyingonly aim intimidating of Roma the support andtodemonstrate for thenon-Roma side. during the time of violenta conflict between a Roma and non-Roma group in Ver Roma according conflicts, to gang leaders,aregional bikersinvited of rightist was extreme surrounding hills)in March As2009. for the involvement of forcesexternal local into hand,other visithikingin the village HungarianGuard (and the a the to organized multicultural/mainstream ’Island’ festival,held eachyear since1993in and Budapest), on the the to alternative rightist-nationalist a (which Island’ ’Hungarian of event annual he of center (decorated with ancient Hungarian ornaments, statues etc.) Ver etc.) statues Hungarian with ornaments, ancient (decorated center village of developed newly messages the for ethno-symbolic example the given explicit, villagenoticeably decade the families andnumber the moved during last–is of wealthy to a first sight, for example regarding the public climate’s level of permeation by politics. German minority self governments). self minority German lessof more or existing incultural German traditions places both (including functioning one in one Ver population is minority (there a Gypsy inself government be usedNagybörzsöny, and there to with external help (mediation), tofind attempts the solution andto tensions perceived the ethnic –inaddition similarities to both villagesof Nagybörzsöny ’conflictsto concerning cohabition of Roma and non-Roma’).are As for further in Pest County, with a similar sizedRoma Concerning Nagybörzsöny, which is rather a remote place given the insuffcient public place is given insuffcient the aremote Concerningrather Nagybörzsöny, which The rightist political atmosphere of Ver However, some differences between Ver between differences some However, Ę ce as well, until it ceased its operation a couple of years ago), and there are signs and are there ago), years acouple of its it operation ce aswell,ceased until ’do notknow anything, donotcareabout politicsor the elections, andthey Ę ce – which is easy accessto from the capital city, 37 Ę ce and Nagybörzsöny are significant, evenat significant, are Nagybörzsöny ce and Ę ce serves asthevenue Ę ce with the CEU eTD Collection the Gypsythe andself-government, with local youngsters. with mayorthe of village,the with chiefof the civil the guard,with police of a representative the leader and coordinators of the project (non-locals), with local volunteers of the project, incident (fighting between Roma and non-Roma). As for the Nagybörzsöny case, I spoke with a violent of participants non-Roma the of one of a relative and county, Pest from leaders political Roma two leader, Roma local a school, elementary local the of principal vice the municipality, the officerof an village, the themayor of local coordinators, three Budapest), Ver of case In the of research. the thepurpose better served conversations informal cases, certain beneficial for my work. also insightful provedto beby but just their preliminary aspects the them, provided overview not projects: prevention crime of the coordinators leaders and the with consulted I research, forplanned of As apreparation the empirical communities. the their prospects viewson the grasp the local context of the tensions, the interpretations of the incidents by local people, and lacked direct political content, and apparently was not connected to far-reaching ideologies. far-reaching to connected not andapparently was content, political lacked direct aimed at power demonstartionlocals, invitation the of external non-Roma support –friends – from neighboring villages, at the time of motora bikerecent gangs (like the Gentile Motor Bikers). Moreover,peak according to the testimoniespoint of of young wasnoteven highly educated adult, of existencethe of aware an extremist organized, the interethnic tension, whomhave noideafor tovote’; Ę The actual empirical research was based mainly on semi-structured interviews, but in but interviews, semi-structured on mainly was based research empirical The actual Through the field research I conducted in fieldresearch the Ver Through I conducted ce, I contacted the following actors: the leader of the crime prevention project (living in (living project prevention crime of the leader the actors: following contacted the ce, I for example, of one key the figurespublic inthevillage, a 38 Ę ce and to intrigued Iwas Nagybörzsöny, CEU eTD Collection 19, 2009). 87 untydiness in the village, caused by the Roma. and is unrulyness the of this obstacle main the see), see can non-Roma (the as farthey rural tourism the improve will andeconomic situation opportunitiesin job thevillage, butand Ipolydamasd and theprison of L Márianosztra. Non-Roma locals hope an that upsurge of fordisabledin the area center care inthearea employers Themainpublic job opportunities. are perceived as Roma, too”. lifestyle, their regarding Roma from the disassociateable not are who and – Roma, with together live –or to married are who non-Roma ”those and common, quite are marrieges – mixed village higher than the average in Hungary (ca. 6%). Itis to benoted, that – according to the mayor of the is significantly which 20%, isalmost Roma of proportion the isthat on perception’) ’common (or 800 gauge is forrailway. tourists a narrow The main pathways. attraction The villagebyhiking liessurreounded Budapest). the beside Duna-Ipoly park, National almost 40 minutes to (it Szob takes getonly through transportation by Vác,ispublic accessible The local centre, to Szob by bus, and it. with connections logistical nodirect are there currently border, of Hungarian-Slovakian anthe hour fromcurves the of because However, Szob . villages nearby other and toNagybörzsöny for reach centre regional the capital city,kilometers from the Slovak border. The nearest city is Esztergom, which used to serve as the 2. 1.Nagybörzsöny According to figures the provided by mayor the of village,the population the was 795(May 87 As for the socio-economic situation of the village, the main factor is the scarcity of local isof thescarcity main factor the village, the of situation socio-economic the As for According to the mayor of the village, the number of inhabitants of the village is almost is Nagybörzsöny a ’dead-end village’inthenorthern County,part of Pest only a few . The second piece of information beto told regarding poulation is that, based on estimations 39 CEU eTD Collection 91 90 89 88 themselves’whites’ ’peasants’ as non-Roma local version of local German as well. traditional The age of 14-15 – is not unusual among Roma (as well as among mixed Roma-non-Roma couples). many adults youngerof generations have never had ajob. Early childbearing –starting at the members of two or three families. The others live on welfare and childcare assistance, while racial connotation, but also as a refrence to non-Hungarian traditions of the village. intonation). of Romani reminescent intonation (i.e. concerning as ’unpleasant’, and vocabulary) and grammar both (concerning ’reduced’ Roma as language by isbynon- version ofHungarian RomaHowever, families the spoken perceived growing proportion of pupils,the currently almost 50%). an even (who constitute including in Roma aswell the children participate this program, capita fundingfor school. the All pupilsthe 36pupils (alltogether in 8classes,the in2009) per higher a , guarantees which education program, cultural) and minority national (linguistic German the implemented local school elementary the in village, the by younger generations ininterest history the and traditional culture of settlement). Altough the German isused not MA in history and archeology, wholearntthis languageas motivatedan by adult, his personal by except some elderly above60(andpeople by the youngmayor of holding village, the and ‘Fehérek’. ‘Parasztok’. ‘Cigányok’. ‘Börzsönyies’. The overwhelming majority of the Roma are unemployed, with the exception of of the exception the with unemployed, are Roma the of majority overwhelming The Besides the Gypsy minority self-government, there is a German minority self-government minority German is a there self-government, minority Gypsy the Besides The self-denomination of Roma in Nagybörzsöny is ’Gypsy’ is in Nagybörzsöny Roma of self-denomination The Hungarian. is Nagybörzsöny of Roma the of tongue mother the generations, Since 91 (instead of ’Hungarians’), a term its with a term be of (instead which interpreted could ’Hungarians’), 90 . The non-Roma inhabitants of the village tend to call 40 88 is not spoken anymore in Nagybörzsöny, anymore spoken not is 89 , while referring to the to referring while , CEU eTD Collection http://www.sulinet.hu/oroksegtar/data/100_falu/Nagyborzsony/index.htm (Library Hundred of NKÖEOK, Hungarian Villages). 2007. békés, arról legtöbbször nem 94 93 ameg nem és amássággalaz emberi szembeni türelmetlenséget. gyengeségeket, értést vallási türelmetlenség, kitelepítések formájában, s ezek mindig felszínre hozták, feler felettük helyi hatalmaskodó sokszor beleszólt vezetés az életükbe tehetségtelen, háborúk, nemzetiség ancestorsthe of others camefrom territorythe Slovakiaof they (and belonged Romanto the while religion), Lutheran (professing immigrants Saxonian from originated village the of part a the Second World War)was German speaking,however, they sharenotdid acommon ancestor: religions, did notwantsitnext to each to other) different to belonging pupils, the in1948, institution educational state-run one into merged were schools church-run two the when that, phenomenon by the (indicated Lutherans and Catholics itisbe considered to as not toosignificant, anditself manifests mostly in mocking. altough ’natives’, and newcomers between those are clashes mentioned frequently the of one members of population the of „thanNagybörzsöny, is for an usual average village”. a’newcomer’ to According ’ http://www.sulinet.hu/oroksegtar/data/100_falu/Nagyborzsony/index.htm (Library Hundred of NKÖEOK, Hungarian Villages). 2007. 92 summarizes, As aninsightful observer 2. 1. 1. Historical clashes and demographical changes in a village ... See M. Ferenc, SeeM. Horváth, ‘Gyüttment’. M.Ferenc,Horváth, kiváló példája annak, miként éltek Magyarország területén évezredek óta a mikéntkiváló éltekkülönféle Magyarország területén annak,évezredek óta példája The enumeration of the existing clashes continues with the historical antagonism between antagonism historical the with continues clashes existing of the enumeration The and strenghtened the human weeknesses, misunderstandings and intolerance towards otherness. towards intolerance and misunderstandings weeknesses, human the strenghtened and surface, the to brought these and evictions, and intolerance religious wars, of way by lives their in interfered often leaders local tripping power untalented, and politics greater conquerors, foreign fault: their not usually was it peaceful, always not was together life their While languages. different speak and nationalities Nagybörzsöny is an excellent example for the centuries-long cohabition of people who belong to different Ħ és nyelvet beszél és nyelvet Nagybörzsöny Nagybörzsöny 93 Ę Ę , there are increasingly more and sharper clashes among the among clashes more andsharper increasingly , there are k tehettek: k idegentehettek: népek, hódító anagypolitika és a népek egymás mellett. Sha népekegymáséletük mellett. közös nem ismindig volt (Nagybörzsöny), Száz magyar falu magyar könyvesháza Száz (Nagybörzsöny), (Nagybörzsöny), Száz magyar(Nagybörzsöny),falu Száz könyvesháza 41 94 . The original majority of the village (before village the of majority original The . 92 Ę Actually, sítették CEU eTD Collection alternatív utakon – Modellprogram Nagybörzsönyben” (Crime prevention and– Modellprogram alternatív utakon (Crime prevention Nagybörzsönyben” conflict 95 average level regional the higherfourthan times a in some areasof reached crime ,which rates village increaseincrime – the adramatic enduringexperienced unemployment 2. 1. 2. The emergence of local tensions isexogamy notrare, the antagonism is by manifested fights andfrequent threats. theirclashes own for between very families, largelong especially and time, two although had havealso Gypsies the However, in village. the poulation Roma –is clash increasing the somewhat stigmatizing in this context) by the other inhabitants. as’Romanians’ reffered butstill are actually who (whichis to Hungarians, ethnic often came from newimmigrants last decades, the During ’weekenders’. andthe citizens local between the chasm, yet another which created weekendhouses, as weresold houses opportunitiesliving and poor the conditions. Some oldthe of houses dwelling and press job local of thescarcity move away, given to chose people manyyoung since decrease, famies coming from the territory of ; then,later some of the exiled ones could return. village, andreplacedwith 70 familes exiledfrom the guiltwere of – about principle collective theSecond WorldWar asafter families, tothe –according and’replaced’ ’removed’ between 1970’s. in the even youngsters Catholich and Lutheran between fadingbe ithas away, but been reported local that disapprovedparents mixed romances Catholic However, church). astheimportance of religion isdecreasing, this angatonismseemsto Foresee Kutatócsoport Nonprofit Kutatócsoport ”B Közhasznú Kft, Foresee During the last decade – along with decade Duringalong with anddemographical changes the phenomenon of the last– the most significant – which relatesto demographicFinally, mostthe change sensible be2000 –started In the1960’s, population about– which settlementthe to to of used –lies among elderly inthe village people –still historical accounted Another clash 42 Ħ nmegel Ę zés és zés konfliktuskezelés 95 . CEU eTD Collection perceived as perceived which is described to have been a direct result of a quarrel in a havea quarrel a Romaof apubbetween result and beena which isdescribed to direct arrivingneighboring villages, in invitedcars) was of also bynon-Roma participants a clash, (pals from support case external in last eyewitnesses, the According to prevention program. thecrime preceding in directly period the times, of acouple scenes face-to-face violent, personal injury or property loss). However, tensions have already manifested in almost- interethnicdirect violent cases (involving and Roma non-Roma individualsand resulting in main square of the village, before the eyes of the the on other) each with mostly (fighting individuals Roma noisy and drunken of phenomenon http://www.jogiforum.hu/hirek/20280 May (Lastaccessed 3, 2009.) managementnew on ways – program Pilot in Nagybörzsöny), Jogi Fórum 1). (2009.04. the is – tourism by generated income in the somehow interested them of many – Nagybörzsöny in non-Roma the of concern main the clamor, nocturnal Besides cases.) helpful peace of inbreach the not police was the wasthat guard civil of police the themain behind of one reasons it establishment the was described, alcohol (As consumption. mostlyirritated by familyloud noisy involving musicRoma dozens of guests, reunions, and criminal lifestyle.”. a be „leading to perceived family are Roma large local membersof a certain especially offenders,for the (suspected) As cases the of Roma,except receiving. the are ascribed to crimes proportion of committed the A significant elderly). of property the elderly (and people blackmailing,weekend houses,followed by goods, local and receiving against various attacks Although the atmosphere concerning the relationship between is between Romathe andnon-Roma relationship the concerning Although atmosphere the As concerns the main types of criminal acts, burglarias are common, targeting especially targeting common, are burglarias acts, criminal of types main the concerns As Besides criminal offences – associated mainly with the Roma –, local non-Roma local with mainly Romaare non-Roma the –, –associated criminal offences Besides ‘very tense’ ‘very by many of the inhabitants, , the community has not yet experienced yet not has community , the inhabitants, the of many by 43 ‘other’ inhabitants and the tourists. ‘usual’ and ‘disturbing’ CEU eTD Collection PrimRose Kiadó, Tanácsadó és Kulturális Szolgáltató Kft. és Kulturális Szolgáltató Tanácsadó Kiadó, PrimRose Közösségfejleszt és Kisebbségi Alapítvány, Jogvéd Nemzeti tagintézménye,Etnikai Másság Iskola, Alapfokú M Iskola, Tegyünk Együtt Nagybörzsönyért Egyesület, Börzsönyvidéki Egyesület,Bölcs Börzsönyvidéki Nagybörzsönyért Tegyünk Együtt Nagybörzsönyi Német Kisebbségi Önkormányzat, Nagybörzsönyi Polgár 97 short film which presents the project. mefuávió Nagybörzsönyben”), the title ”We Also Exist” (”Vagyunk mi is”) was given to a 96 aimed atdiagnosing the situation and identifying the problems, clashes,demands andneeds– atthe localmethods a comprehensive level. survey phase, conducted, preparatory the In was conflict-management non-violent adoptable, and effective of model of implementation of the village, the local civil police guard association, and by NGOs. Minority Self-governmentand German Minority Self the Government, educational institutes consortium of numerous actors, including the Municipality of Nagybörzsöny, a by theimplemented localbe to Gypsyplanned was Committee) Prevention Crime National the of prospects of the local school and the success of rural tourism). demographic sustainability and economic of settlementthe (keeping inmind,for example, the the risk phenomena these as rates, criminality high the and inhabitants, non-Roma and Roma the of ‘cohabitation-conflicts’ are the of village Nagybörzsöny inthe addressed Exist” Also 3. ”We 1. 2. remained levelmoreincident atthe orless of mutual)(reportedly, threatening. the ultimately but displayed, were tools weapon-like other and sticks Axes, man. non-Roma Nagybörzsöny Község Önkormányzata, Nagybörzsönyi Cigány Kisebbségi Önkormányzat, The original title of the project is “Settlement Mediation in Nagybörzsöny” (”Települési The aim of the project – which was actually a pilot program – was the elaboration and program prevention of crime the theframework within (organized project The mediation be indicates, As the program primary to the proposal problems prevention crime the of Ę k Egyesülete – Közösségi Kezdeményezéseket Támogató Szakmai hálózat, Támogató k Kezdeményezéseket Egyesülete –Közösségi Ħ vészetoktatási és Egységes Gyógypedagógiai és Módszertani Intézmény Módszertani és és EgységesGyógypedagógiai vészetoktatási 96 – a mediation program in Nagybörzsöny 44 97 Ę de, Óvoda, Általános de, Óvoda, Ę r Egyesület, Ę Iroda, CEU eTD Collection Roma children (and appreciatedby aswell).their parents, variousthe exceptin activities, events, which playgroup the became very popular among by Romathe community. In general, only fewvery Roma individualsbecame involved into activities programthe of – together with mainly non-Roma people –wouldnotbe supported but somereasons,hints, made some of that theirthem inthe participation andother training for unexplained the program, towards self-governement) usually werealsounresponsive to sacrifice even10minutesto sacrifice of his life dealing for with theGypsies’ their problems,help to them, orto improve his relationship with them – ’them’ 98 be a to himself claims he wife, his to According project. the into him involving at aimed attempt to participate. One of themRoma and non-Roma kids, ora clubis for young mothers). However,a not everybodyrepresentative was willing ofjoinedinhabitants who (for example, for asvolunteers tasksof the for orgainzing playgroups the local municipality,activities) who rejected everywas the mayor of the village, intolerance andracism. prejudices, the chief of civil policeand Ethnic Minorities guard ll, and a number National Bureaufor Legal Defense in the Hungary, NGOs protection minority of leading the of example, aTolerance asapartof project, the in Daywas heldby village –organized the one For programs. raising awareness various and activities building community initiatives, management conflict processes), of mediation facilitators (prospective volunteers for and and actors possible aswell.itself the The program ofa institutions consisted key training NEKI –Nemzeti Kisebbségi és Etnikai Jogvéd The key Roma actors of the village (for example, the representatives of the local local of Gypsy the therepresentatives example, of (for village the The key actors Roma Among the key actors of the program (active participants of the training and othe ’Nazi’ for all the sins and crimes they have committed, and he does not want to bother with , he hates the 98 – with awareness raising activities related to the issues of stereotypes, issues of the to related activities raising awareness –with ’Browns’ (i.e. Gypsies), and he can not, and does not want to, forgive 45 Ę Iroda. . ’he justdoesnotwant CEU eTD Collection maybefailure the biggest of the planned wasthat program, the between mediation the 2. 1. 3. 2. The request of the Gypsy Minority Self-government the community centre to use it for leisure purposes. agreement themuniciplaity, with and needs were aroom some given – which renovation – in signed youngsters As the an behavior.) a of succesful dialogue, deconstructive the result youngsters of today lack these kind of facilities on the participateyouth opportunity inorganizedin leisureto activities and the partiesclub, the spot, which might increase the risk of of elderly village inhabitants the forthe decades–whilewere given or middle-aged operated not has village the of centre community the in club youth (the available not are facilities leisure where especially everywhere, problem social common a is affray youth that realize impulsesaware andhorizons world’sjust aswell–are of not problems, outer the anddonot kindsof from butcertain traffic, just by thepassing-by not village, untouched dead-end family). from a sociallyintegrated who is coming a half-Roma, boy,for one (except werenon-Roma youngsters the that itclear became dialogue process), offendedthe identifiedthe gangthe deemsduring all them undertook were (almost of suspected vandalizers of commonthe property village.the of Actually, membersthe when of inhabitants’the flowers, Gypsyes’, destroying toalthough mainsquare)wasascribed benchesonthe the of the villageprogram. Before the mediation (or rather, the dialogue), the vandalism in the village (breaking were moreand the municiplaityor less isaware considered of to bethe one ofcomposition the success2. 1.3. 1.Dismantling theethnicized perception ofyouthaffray stories of theof crimethe prevention gang, the As the coordinators of the mediation project concluded, their major disappointment, and major disappointment, their concluded, of project mediation the As thecoordinators isa village –which ofthe theinhabitants project, of the coordinator the According to local youth between a gang conflict managing afierce at aimed dialogue The effective 46 CEU eTD Collection program, at the beginning of May, 2009 –, was the occurance of the idea of invitingthe ideaof the occurance of the May, 2009–,was of beginning the program, at option Guard Hungarian the versus management conflict Internal 4. 1. 2. programme). youth aRoma of purpose the for advance, in self-government minority Gypsy the for payments some allowed already has mayor the example, (for self-governement minority Gypsy the positive way, towards a relationship based on mutual trust between the municipality of the village and project did notmention a real failure: as she perceives it, the situation has already changed a lot, in a feel safe, therefore they wantto not they did feel safe,therefore other side, some members of the local Roma comunity mentionedcommunication skills and abilities’ cautiosly that they did not into adialogueaspartners’ the non-Roma, the to According significantly,. diverge parties non-Roma and Roma of the inerpretations by - parties the was reached agreement will they that municipality local by the suspected were minority self-government of Gypsy the representatives the for when children, Roma program a of pre-finance the regarding a dialoguedicordance was children youth and programs. (Thedirectconflict behindthe managingplanned conflict planned on focus special a with self-government, minority the of activities and maintenance the of funding the to related decisions into involvement their claimed representatives issues,astheRoma financial an concerning elaborate agreement mediation the was to municipality and the Gypsy self-governement did not work effectively. The planned aim of Surprisingly, one of the Roma reprentatives who spoke about her experiences regarding the regarding experiences her about spoke who reprentatives Roma the of one Surprisingly, A recent, almost ironic development– just around the end of ironicalmostjustA development– aroundtheendcrime of the prevention recent, Regarding the failure – i. e. that the dialogue broke down at the very beginningbrokeno i. dialogueRegarding down and very e. that the failure– at the the ’give the moneytothemselves,neverforthechildren’. ’give the , as the needed for participation in a mediation process. On the ’Roma arenon-cooperative’ ’Roma ’complain 47 ’, becaues ’it might cause trouble later’. ’Roma arenotreadytogetinvolved ’Roma and ’do not have the those ’do nothavethe CEU eTD Collection issue); issue); a mostarticulatedwas providedby argumentation chief civil policethe guard, the of Guard Hungarian the on consensus no was there (i.e. community non-Roma local the of dissension the on hints disapproving also but example); for training, mediation the at (learnt methods managementinternal peacuful, the conflict Roma); regarding preferences professed cohabition of Roma consequences of includingvisit,their about arguments possiblethe and harmful effects on the non-Roma (especially the threatimproved regarding thecohabtionofRomaand non-Roma’. of retorsion from wehere,with liveinpeace eachnothingwentwrong,here other, nothingneeds to be the side of the her plan, emphasized byrepeating opinion and again and again,that the of aware been have would she that rejected self-government Gypsy the of representative he/she he/she ’heardthatsomethingconcerning all, wasplanned’ Hungarian the after Guard, and feels thatwas willing to volunteer information about it. Most of the local non-Roma reported that it everyone in plan detail –or the not wasaware of Apparently, interviewees of the Guard visit. was a goodthree-day-long weekend ofMay,including anational holiday), for chosen Hungarian the decisonfirst, (regarding the dates different remember interviewees indicate: different might accounts not to inviteof the local community. them,phenomenon ofHungarian into meaningfulinsight dynamics in gavesome the general Guard anyway. both invitingreagarding ideathe village, of Hungarian Guardtothe the and on the However, of interviewees, the andconsiderations opinions the However, village thatweekend. come tothe not Guarddid Hungarian the Ultimately, held. were also mediation projecst the theto related events when a weekend and attraction, atourist basically is which Nagybörzsöny, annualgastronomicthe festival of villageweekend of Hungarian onthe Guardtothe In addition to the fragmented accounts concerning the Hungarian Guard, and the possible the and Guard, Hungarian the concerning accounts fragmented the to In addition fully Supposedly,ideanot thought-through, as wasdivergencethe or the of elaborated the 48 ’there is nothing wrong CEU eTD Collection future future of villagethe –intends todevelop apeaceful and attractive image of Nagybörzsöny. the save would tourism rural of flourishment the that hoping – community the as feature, attention, is which accompaniedusually with Hungarian the isGuard peresence, an undesired media the that a crucial aspect: factors) above-mentioned the (besides who explained 49 CEU eTD Collection 15% –regarding proportion the of Romathe country-wide.) constituting (remarkably, about1%’ person this agrees with a relatively high estimation – be more‘there couldnot convinced than that inthevillage,a few,smaller families Roma is intellectual, who a newcomer of asthe estimations the is which about there), living of Romathe in wholethe population beto only (referringapproximately1-2% to 40 Gypsies politician County, and(living inPest beingfamiliar too, in Ver whoworker is living neartoa place inhabited by Roma. Surprisingly, aleading Roma in Ver Gypsies 200 about into translate would which and level, national the on average the about is which – inhabitants the significantly.According the mayor’s approximately to estimations, Roma constitute 6-7% of However, concerning the actual proportion of the Roma in RomaVer the of proportion actual the concerning However, since settlement), proportion increasingof is Roma the isnot again (which unusual aHungarian for rural as itis ’urbanized’. rather newcomer a – Ver from in village–comingBudapest the to According city. capital the from there moving families wealthy them, among usual in cases of rural settlements in Hungary), due to the contiunous inflow of newcomers – various socio-economis aspects. capital city: the train trp takes only 35 minutes from from Ver 35minutes takesonly trp train the city: capital the from accessible easily very still but beaties, natural by surreounded Danube, the (beside 99 2. Ver According to dataprovidedthe by mayorthe of villagethe onMay 10, 2009. According to the mayor’s of village,the tendencies description the According tothe of demographical the The current number of inhabitants is 3,260 Ver Ę ce is considered to be in an advantageous situation, concerning not justits location not concerning situation, bein ce is to an considered advantageous Ę ce –anurbanizing village ‘during thelastdecade there weren’tanyGypsies among the newcomers’. . Ę ce, as he notes. A similar estimate is given by a local social local a by is given estimate A similar notes. he as ce, Ę 50 99 ce isa nottypical village anymore, Hungarian , and population is isnot the (which growing Ę ce to Budapest), butalsoregarding Budapest), ce to Ę ce) estimates proportion the Ę ce, the estimates diverge estimates ce, the CEU eTD Collection is also permeated with a similar spirit: for instance, Ver and a picture of Pet of Sándor and apicture vicewith folkschool, the puritan rather isdecorated office music principal’s Hungrian posters Seclers” of the ”Anthem the lyrics of of hugethe copy a example, (for irredentism nostalgical with associate easy to Hungarian national feeling: the displayed items on the walls of the office of the mayor are January January 24, 2006. funding ’glorious’Hungarian Themainpast. square of village,the which re-builtwas with EU- writer, reverentsof the for the destination has apilgrimage become in village,which the erected and AlbertWass of statue a 2005, aswell.athmosphere In thereprosperity of the settlement, but asort of Hungarian nationalist – or ethnocentricare – spiritin the a series of other new monuments, related somehow to the 2. 2. 1. The village of ethnosymbolism village 1. The 2. 2. Gypsy minority sinceself-goverment, thelast municipal elections, held in 2006. no is there village, in the events) cultural in organizing (active self-government minority 101 100 103 102 László Rab, ”Ver Wass AlbertHungarian (1908–1998), novellist, born in Transylvania. Sándor Pet Sándor ”Székely Himnusz”. Besides the display of Besides display the symbols,of ethno-nationalistand cultural publiclife the of village the Not just the public, but some semi-public spaces in the village in chargedwith are also semi-publicthe public,butsome Not just spaces the A strong firstA strong impression thevillage Ver about of As for the public life of minorities in Ver in minorities of life public the for As 101 , is decorated with a statue, representing ancient Hungarian fertility symbols. Ę fi Hungarian (1823–1849), poet. http://www.nol.hu/archivum/archiv-391722 Ę ce, a szobrok faluja”(Ver 102 Ę fi or a historical map of ’Greater Hungary’). In elementary the In Hungary’). ’Greater mapof ahistorical or 103 , the poet of revolution. 1848Hungarian the Ę 51 Ę ce, while there is an operating German national German operating is an there while ce, ce, the village of statues), 100 (Hungarian nationalist novelist) was novelist) nationalist (Hungarian Ę ce includesnot just visible the Ę (Last accessed (Last May 3, 2009). ce is the venue of the annual Népszabadság, CEU eTD Collection no Roma individual was involved into the activities. Answering the question about the about question the Answering activities. the into involved was individual Roma no the implementation of the project – as it turned out –, no ethnic issue was affected at all, and methods. conflict-management useof consensus-seeking the facilitate and to was toteach project the main of aim while the tomodernizationrelated culture,and toclashes generations,among and oppositions”, political generations-long between antagonisms families, integration of newcomers,the tensions in Ver and the local municipality andVer local of municipality the School” Hancock ”Green organizations: MHLíceumrunsthe foundation (which school in calleda secondary Budapest, 106 105 104 Together” Live 2. ”We 2. 2. Ver inhabitanst of the village. Ultimately, these cases remained unconfirmed.) abuses Romafestival committed community byvisitorsof reported the Romaagainst multicultural/mainstream annualfestival’Island’ in Budapest. (Inmembers2006, of local the the to alternative a Hungarian/nationalist is which festival, summer Island’ ’Hungarian Ver ”ZöldKakas Tanoda”. ”Együtt élünk”. Ę Altough the proposal referred to the presence of ’ethnic tensions’ in the first place, ’ethnic during first in thepresence the tensions’ of Altough to referred proposal the In a brief description contained in the project proposal, the main sources of social tension social of sources main the proposal, project the in contained description brief a In The crime prevention program The in prevention Ver crime program Recently Recently members(March, 2009), Hungarian of the Guard organized anexcursion to ce, including a visit to the staue of Albert Wass. ofAlbert staue to the visitce, including a Ę Ę ce Község Polgármesteri Hivatala. Polgármesteri ce Község ce were identified as follows: ”ethnic tension, tension related to unemployment, to related tension tension, follows: ”ethnic as ce wereidentified 105 , especially for drop-out, deviantdisadvantaged, especiallyfor youngsters) or drop-out, Ę 104 ce. – a mediation program inVer program –amediation 106 52 Ę ce wasimplementedbyparticipatingtwo Ę ce CEU eTD Collection of a local community). The vice-prinicipal – as he himself reports – was accused acoupleof he himself – as reports of vice-prinicipal community). The a local force –fighting,for example – beused to beneficial in solving conflict amongmembers adult in useof physical methodproblemspedagogical tosolve kinds the of school, the and certain now’ managementareforbidden ways ofconflict effective the traditionaland to,and rights torefer tensions originate from hypocracy’ tensions originatefrom the ethniccard toplay Roma since the difficult became pupils Roma of unreverent handling the he explains, as However, well). as pupils non-Roma with occurs phenomenon this that (noting pupils the problems between Roma families As in apartof heexplains, the Vác). school’ butthey village,the a’special are attending and the schools is average 1-2 relatedRoma pupils in each class (he alsomentions that there are more Roma children in to the absence without– based on perception less of – than pupils10% percentthe areRoma, which means an leave of his of inschool. estimations issuethe Accordingto on the conflicts environment of the ethnic views his share to willing was – himself project the of content the of aware was nor himself, well). as families their (and pupils Roma certain and school the between conflicts some cover games) ethnic theissue didnot though ethnicity reportedly of tolerance, or were there building self-esteem (e.g. activities implemented of the content Eventually, the teachers). the by prevention one the of pupils, classesof the program school thethe parentsand (involving 2. 1.Roma pupilsand school conflicts here” it absencewas mentioned that of Roma, the for the reasons The vice headmaster of the school – who neither was involved into the project activities project the into was involved neither school – who of the headmaster The vice The local elementary school – run by the Reformed church – was represented in the crime and that, (i.e. physical discipline of the pupils, according to him, was a highly effective highly a was him, to according pupils, the of discipline physical (i.e. ”supposedly, theyliveina closed community”. , in cases of simple discipline issues. According to his view, his to According issues. discipline simple of in cases , , as everybody is everybody as , 53 ’having allthoseliberty andhuman ”there arethem notmanyof living ’today’s ’have CEU eTD Collection whose person is associated by the villagers with a series of crimes and disturbances, family, Roma affected the andof person key men,the non-Roma who injuried the of one of a relative lossproperty during action, the reportedly). significant andcausing guns, in for the (searching conflict membersinvolved whose were raided family the home of Roma –commandos the incident the after managementprocess in conflict the involved became who of politician a Roma account the to according – night However, very on same the expected. was not intervention police immediate therefore still-unclarified circumstances, the incident resulted in serious personal injuries. personal in serious resulted incident the circumstances, still-unclarified from neighboringthe villages by amongyoungsters the non-Roma party of conflict.the Under the account of a Roma – arightistmotor bike gang appeared on the scene, as they were called singingfighting along lyrics.anti-Gypy the explicit The escalated, and soon –according to music,play ’skinhead’ to ofthepubstarted some guests beganwhen The river).conflict the to (close village of the in the’lower’ part located a pub which is went to tracks) railway (beyond the of ’upper’ village the the part living in as dtafted of Roma men,such: ,acouple be might events the of timeline the accounts, available the on Based resolved). been not has isis still reportedly issue, which incident became a lawenforcement (the tools, weapon-like other and sticks baseball involving men, non-Roma and Roma between violence physical 2. 2. 3. The conflict of December 2008 testimony. they lacked since accusation, sufficient the withdrew parents eventually, the but of a Romastudent, maltreatment for the years ago An interesting piece of information is that, according to an inhabitant of the village who is It should be noted that during night-time, there is no police watch or patrol in Ver In December,2008in Ver Ę ce, a quarrel ce, aquarrel infierce into fighting and a pub escalated 54 Ę ce, CEU eTD Collection 12. 03.19:04. place!”, you don’tlikethemusic,music played thenyouhavetoturnaway, inthepub.If andleavethe categories: perceivingtendenciesnot of anymore, Gypsiesand’Whites’ relevant asthereare only two sung inthepub” any kindofatrocity” who phrased that he wants by moderated mayor, the useful ledand least,– was at or aseffective, commonly considered – The meeting Roma). affected the of including lawyers the non-Roma, and Roma meeting, the than attended meeting.more 200 hundredpeople atthe (Reportedly, were represented incident parties of the –both of police the and chief the of municipality the represenatatives 107 attend). not did they eventually (however, meeting the at participate to intended Minorities National and Ethnic for Commissioner Parliamentary the and initiation of this meeting, what is more, both the president of the National Gypsy Government As a Roma leader from the mayorthe of Ver county remembers, Roma politicians were also involved2. 3. 1.Thevillage assembly in the afemale Roma memberof marriedthe to family. himself (a’Hungarian’), isnon-Roma a in conflict, the Roma of on the side the participated Source: Jegyz Source: According to the minutes of the village assembly village of minutes the the to According Righton followingthe incident, the violent avillage dayafter assembly was organized by and added that ” that and added ”righteous peopleandnon-righteouspeople”. Ę Ę könyv könyv Ver . In his concluding sentences, the mayor claimed that he wants to see ce, aimed at listening to both both ce, aimed parties atlistening of inhabitants to before the village. the – that heprofessed then Of course,Of lyrics not like’every tobe allowed Gypsymustdie’are ”some guarantee, concerning the future, that no one will thatno one concerning thefuture, ”some guarantee,getinto Ę ce Község Képvisel 55 ”it is not an excuse, ifyoudon’tnot like the Ę -Testülete által tartott Falugy által tartott -Testülete 107 – in addition to the mayor, the mayor, the to addition –in Ħ lésr Ę l, 2008. CEU eTD Collection relationship between a populous Roma family and the municipality – at least tothe according Roma municipality family– at and the apopulous between relationship a more trustful be of concerning theemergence element akey unidentified proved to source since that day since that was higly mayor, danger.According by tothe external his visit appreciated and family, the inthevillage’) everyone elsedoes immediately suchcases report them to while asking and personally, family the visited mayor the – themselves individuals affected the by not – neighborhood from the mayor bysomeone to the wasreported When case the conflict. the with windows tinted – and verballythreatened theRomafamily had involvedwhich been in by village the – cars to arrived strangers village assembly, afterthe acouple of incident: days authorities with the prospect of a Roma power demonstration march.) demonstration power of a Roma theprospect with authorities from be side the Roma needed local of community for by broader the example, – threatening might support external some defenseless, and small relatively is community Roma the where attitude towards the Roma. (As the regional Roma leader professed, in like Ver cases leaderprofessed, theRoma.Roma (Astheregional towards attitude show aprotective raidcaseto – whounaware of –promised commando was reportedly the eventually he did notattend), which concluded with a reassuring agreement, that is, the mayor invited, but with conducted chiefofthe mayor police wasalso (the participation the the of support thelocal of Roma arrivedVer to Romaleader, who the to According interests. validate their to support external family called affected the members of the bymeeting,therefore affected not the police)by was Roma of the raid the maltreatment the day of the village assembly, as the issue of the fierce commando2. 3. 2.Negotiations between Roma leaders themayor and raid (and the reported In the Ver In the The mayor of The mayor of Ver However, as a Roma political leader of Pest County reports, the story has not ended on has not story the reports, County leaderPest of political as a Roma However, ’everything is fine – ’everything isfine nothing hashappened’ Ę ce case, apparently the external threat, coming from comingfrom (allegedly) an threat, ce case,apparently external the Ę ce related yet another development, supposedly supposedly yet to ce related development, violent another the related , he promised for protection Roma the from any of kind 56 (’they mycellphonenumber,as have . Ę ce, a closed meetingce, aclosed was Ę ce, CEU eTD Collection inhabitants of the settlement, including the Roma as well. as Roma the including settlement, the of inhabitants security the all of responsible hefeelstowards Romafamily that personally threatened the to of protection offering demonstrate by thegesture tried to who mayor, the account of 57 CEU eTD Collection marriagesis uncertain,also status but the of spouses in mixed couples, especially case in the of to his conceptualisation, notjust status the – in terms of ethnicity - of offsprings ofmixed alsoreferred to ’uncertainties’ concerning number the of inhabitants of Roma origin.According Roma, therefore thepupil isreally’ ’not consideredbe aRoma.to The mayor Nagybörzsöny of classification is not rigid, as in the case of some pupils, one of the parents position isof having areliable perception not of ethnicity. As vice-principal the perceived added, the as a with the help of the cleaning lady,calculated was it that who revealing data, knows aggregated the with he returned all minutes, of a couple After the pupils in the school and is therefore in a was asked about the estimated number of Roma pupils, asked for patience and lefthis office. (where, ultimately, less than 10% of the pupils were considered to be Roma), who, when he ethnicity is illustratedwell by caseof the vice-principalthe of an elementary school in Ver crucial aspect regardinginterethnic relations). The natureof data collection perceivedon or ableprovide to anestimation atall – arebased perceptionon (which isstill nonetheless a willing are parties if the – estimations The well. as unavailable is usually data ethnic aggregated but non-existent, are registers ethnic just not therefore problematic, is considered handling data when discussing the legal frameworkabove, concerning ethnic issues in mentioned Hungary, As any kind of ethnic ’non-Roma’. and ’Roma’ labeled categories into persons of classification difficulty atoccurs very the conceptualization of term the ’Roma’, orpractically,the at be out fluid to in proved this and to bequestionable basicimplication practice. turned concepts as these be challanged, are to in of thesis), title the also (included statemenet this of – violence and conflict tension, between connection self-evident the namely – implication –,andabasic ’interethnic’ ’non-Roma’, –’Roma’, basicconcepts statement, CONCLUSIONS Before considering the relevance of the research question, or the pertinence of thesis the of thepertinence or question, research the of relevance the considering Before First of Firstall, of when raising question about aissue, any Roma the basicdefinitive –and – 58 Ę ce CEU eTD Collection rather than as a form of conflict, or indeed as a form of social or political action in its own –if –asconflict adegreeof been only tacitly conceptualized ”violencehasgenerally which BrubakerLaitin,inaccordingprofessed to Rogers andDavid impressive article thought,of of a very illustrations in villages cases two arerather violent the the Inactuality, violence. and between conflict tension, correlation even, – connection – or self-evident seemingly provoke Romathe in guests establishment. the toplaystarted music skinhead and lyrics,the sing with anti-Gypsy apparent aloud to aim 108 Ver of incident the about narratives the preceived’who arenot problematic because they are Gypsies, but because they are noisy”. artificial neighbors, Gypsy his noisy about Nagybörzsöny of inhabitant non-Roma by a given example nature the an was conflict ethnic necessarliy is ethnicity different of ofindividuals involves which ’real’ – politicizedinstance, an indicator of people’sFor politically etc. untouched consciuosness that not every conflictincidents conflicts, relationships, community on accounts their by clear became – ethnic conflictsHowever, the interviewees seemed to be aware, in a natural way, of this conceptual problem, as was tangiblepersons identified asbelonging todifferent ethnic groups itself becomes apolitical act.” in become suchapervasive the concern that interpretation the of virtually violenceany act of between relationship or a conflict. As Paul. R. Brassregarding their lifestyle, are perceived as Roma, too’. phrases the problem,are married to(or live together with) Roma,and who are not tobe disassociated from theRoma ”interethnicnon-Roma spouses of Romarelations individuals. According tohis classification, have 1997): 4. Violence, Paul R. Brass, The third question concerns an implication, hidden in the thesis statement, about a about statement, thesis the in hidden implication, an concerns question third The The second challangeable isterm adjective the ’interethnic’ when used tocharactherize a Princeton Studies in Culture, Power, History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, Theft of an Theft Idol. Textand Context in theRepresentationCollective of Ę ce, which burst out in a pub when non-Roma people non-Roma when pub in a out burst which ce, 59 ’those non-Roma who In contrast, 108 CEU eTD Collection external forces proved to be difficult to answer, a lot of information and aspects arose aspects and information lot of a answer, to be difficult to proved forces external kinf Hungarian of Guard presence.) some involved events campaign Jobbik of lot a therefore voters, prospective it of members built on the popularity apparently campaign was astheJobbik Party’s process, catalysed this significantly elections EP- forthcoming (The terms. in virtual least at or forms, – intimidating less or more in or country, at least, attractivenessmanagedreach practically whole the to of Guard assemblies Hungarian the Jobbik); the public for example gatherings, to orother connected events butalso byorganizingrecruiting – of the Hungarian form marches, alwaysthe the country demonstrating in of power (not appearances throughout Guard amongbecannot underestimated, butalso because of quickthe spread of Hungarian Guard the Guard of Hungarian activities the the media about impactof coverage the the because just not irrelevant, partially be to proves form original its in Guard) Hungarian the of involvement interviews and informal talks, is that the main research question (about the local impact of the ofsemi-structured series the gained experiences through the accordingfindings, main to said,bebe Thatobservation of the noted. one derived or only areto to remarks concluding of the two case studies might not constitute outcomes field research,the limited scopeof the the acccording to that shouldbe emphasized a base for comprehensive conclusions . Instead , Romabetween andnon-Roma. among themembers of the Gypsy community,and never (yet) along theline fierceof tension, community –, while in Nagybörzsöny, theactual,almost-everyday violent incidents happened political actanythingthan might if elsebe in –even there rural personal clashes the (1998): 413. 109 right“ Rogers Brubaker and David Laitin, “Ethnic and Nationalist Violence,“ Nationalist and “Ethnic Laitin, David and Brubaker Rogers However, while the questions regarding the direct consequences the involvementof of regardingHowever, questions the direct whilethe it statement, thesis the of pertinence the or question, research the of relevance the for As 109 . According to the available information, the Ver the information, available the to . According 60 Ę ce incident is apparently a rather is apparently incident ce Annual Review Sociologyof 24 CEU eTD Collection the Nagybörzsöny case. In fact, an organized, yet peaceful counter-action has already already has taken peaceful counter-action yet fact, anorganized, In case. Nagybörzsöny the of argumentas could Hungarian against theinvolvementanother the bein Guard, discerned be might threat, or action local a of level the on least at responses, Roma – violent potentially and undesirable. settlement, therefore image the of to harmful the bepotentially agreedto was andproblems local tensions be akey to considered mediaof economicthe villageof – the element of survival coverage is from tourism income the –like reasons where in for particular Nagybörzsöny, priority know about inconvenienttheirsituation. Especially in cases where agood reputation is a high lettingworld external i.e. the of inhabitants a villagedesire, is the necesseraly what that not and mediabe attractions, spectacular designed to Guardare the of appearances demonstrating Power Guard. Hungarian of the the concomitant be arepulsive might media attention perevention program. inwhich municipality’s wasconsidered bythe community, the after thecrime participation mediation the program, training the invitation and Hungarian of Guard wasstill an option seemnotdoes be guarantee,to asfar an from absolute inhabitants participatedall of in the the still it Eventually, indicates. Nagybörzsöny of case asthe Guard, Hungarian like the forces, political external of involvement the comes it when factor preventive of kind a as perceived away from forces a community. extremist andother Guard Hungarian keeping the identifyto arguments someor play factors thatmight a role –atleast, temporarily in – it As seems, still one of communities. themost ambitious attempts,local in terms of thewithin issue of interethnic tensions, is argumentations the and considerations the about namely invitations, Guard Hungarian orrejected) of certain (successful theconcerning antecedents The fear of the non-Roma inhabitants of the furor of the humiliated Roma, and from – from and Roma, humiliated the of furor the of inhabitants non-Roma the of fear The of a rural community,as canbe overwhelming perspective from the However, expected, be might management conflict internal peaceful into investment local A community’s 61 CEU eTD Collection vegyenMutassuk meg, részt. hogy er és fogjon és egyössze a hazai mozgalom megszervezésében érdekeiért, cigányság önvédelmi investments intothese attempts. individual of return the risk seriously and levels, local at non-Roma and Roma of habition general political climate, but would pose a setback for grassroots attempts aimed at peaceful co- political tensions. Itisfeared that aconstantemergence of extremism would notonly affect the yearone until nextgeneralthe elections in 2010, countrythe mightwitness asharpening of power map of Hungary, given increasedan voting activity;furthermore, during the remaining the two leading Gypsy parties) qualified to put forth candidate lists –might modify the political (which constitutes politicalthe background of Hungarianthe Guard)and theMCF Party (one of védeni magunkat!” 111 110 we areabletodefendourselves ifthesituation is such!’ a movement.Let’s weself-devence establishment of demonstrate that andthat arepowerful, and jointogether the for intereststhe of Roma inHungary, and contribute tothe forces: join should violent Hungary, Romathe newsattacks against Roma the context about of throughout that in leader which OrbánKolompár the 2008, August MCF outcry, claimed, caused widespread element on the (rethorical)is a recurrent Guard, Hungarian the a response to as Guard’ a’Roma option establishing of agenda i.e.the Roma backlash, An of sideof Roma. as wellfrom articulated approach the militant the MCF Roma Unity amore of voices are there However, Guard. Hungarian the against demonstration peaceful Party placein in July Szikszó 2008, when approximately for gatheredtogehter 1,000 Roma a „Arra szólítom fel a roma társadalmat, hogy tegye félre a pártpolitikai és egyéb köt egyéb és félre apártpolitikai hogy tegye fel szólítom „Arra a roma társadalmat, Párt. MCF Összefogás Roma However, forthcoming the EP-elections –givenboth that extreme-rightist the Jobbik Party ’I call on Roma society’I callonRoma toforgetaboutparty politics andother affiliations, Ę sek vagyunk, ésha úgy megadódik, akkor tudjuk 62 111 110 . In a press release in release a press . In Ę dését, CEU eTD Collection Hivatal), http://www.valasztas.hu Hivatal), webpageof Választási Hungarian *** Source: the National (Országos Office Election Minorities Data onNationalandEthnic Affiliation. Ethnic Census 2001. 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