anuário antropológico v. 46 • n. 1 • janeiro-abril • 2021.1 Bacurau flies at dusk: film, viral cultural politics, Covid-19, hauntings, and futures O bacurau voa no crepúsculo: Filme, cultura política viral, Covid-19, assombrações e futuros DOI: Michael M. J. Fischer • Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Estados Unidos ORCID: 0000-0002-2871-5943 The Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities and Professor of Anthropology and Science and Techno- Contato:
[email protected] logy Studies, Science Technology and Society (STS) and History Anthropology and Science, Technology and Society (HASTS) Programs, MIT. Main publications are Anthropology in the Meantime (2018); Anthropological Futures (2009); Emergent Forms of Life (2003), Art and Emergent 21st Century Common Sense (forthcoming). 166 This essay is one of a series on the arts and forms of emergent com- Este ensaio faz parte de uma série sobre as artes e formas de senso mon sense in the globally interconnected, politically-semiotically-me- comum emergentes no globalmente interconectado, intensamente dia fraught, Anthropocenic twenty-first century. The arts restlessly play político-semiótico-midiático e antropocênico século XXI. As artes brin- hopscotch with temporalities and locations. Since the days of Third Ci- cam incessantemente de amarelinha com temporalidades e espacial- nema, auteur cinema, and national cinemas, films have attempted com- idades. Desde os dias do Terceiro Cinema, do cinema de autor e dos plex strategies, often mobilizing local and international genre film forms cinemas nacionais, os filmes têm experimentado estratégias com- subversively against themselves to create a cinema of laughter, self- plexas, muitas vezes mobilizando gêneros cinematográficos locais e -recognition, and critique.